Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior. If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

"Janet in Training" Chapter Five

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Archiving permitted, reposting is permitted; but only if you include this statement of limitation of use and notify the author by e-mail. The author forbids you to make, distribute, or sell multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format. However, individual readers may make single copies of the story for their own, non-commercial use.

Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

"Janet in Training" by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Chapter Five: Return to Erica

Part One: Friday

The following weekend, Janet had her usual date with Mistress Erica. After her time with Stephanie, she wondered how she would feel about seeing her original Mistress again. There was no doubt that she had an exciting time with Stephanie. What could she say about a three-week period in which she had been treated as a slave girl, then given the opportunity to dominate another slave girl? In all of her time so far, she had never had such an interesting and painful time.

She rubbed her new marks for days afterwards, amazed that the angry red welts could fade. She remembered the pain that she had undergone when they were inflicted.

Even though Stephanie had made no secret of the fact that she was a harsh Mistress, Janet had enjoyed her stay with her. Stephanie had taken Janet even further into the concept of slavery. Janet had to admit to herself that she found the idea exciting.

Janet wondered to herself just what further torments that Stephanie would be inflicting on Camille in the days to come. Stephanie had said that Camille was to be punished for something, and that her discipline was not yet complete. It had been part of Stephanie's design to shame Jessica by having Janet discipline her.

She had arrived at the house at the usual time, being driven up by limo. Even before she could ring the bell, the front door opened to admit her.

"Janet, how nice to see you again," welcomed Erica.

Janet entered the house, and handed her coat to Andrea, who was standing in the foyer. She looked at the Mistress and her Maid, and suddenly realized that nothing had changed between herself and Erica. It was a sharp observation when she thought that even though she had been with another Mistress, it was still Erica that she belonged to.

"Mistress, I......."

"I know just how you feel, Janet. Come and sit down in the library, I know that you probably have a lot to tell me."

The two sat down in the library, with Janet looking for a leather covered footstool. Andrea had wheeled in a tray with tea, and stood waiting. Erica motioned for her to serve, and she poured two cups, one for Erica and then one for Janet. Then she stood again, silent. Janet thought that Andrea would be standing in attendance as she discussed her time with Stephanie.

"Andrea, please leave us. You may prepare for the evening, and attend to our guest downstairs," ordered Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Andrea, who bowed and left.

They were alone. Janet had thought carefully all week just what she would say to Erica. Now that they were together again, all that she wanted to say had been quickly forgotten.

"Mistress, I.....want to talk to you," began Janet.

"Yes, Janet," answered Erica.

"Mistress, when I was with Mistress Stephanie, I was unfaithful to you. I said that I loved her and her whip, and I liked the way that she was tormenting me," Janet replied, her words broken by sobs.

"Janet, it is not uncommon for a new slave girl to be quickly attached to a new and different kind of Mistress. What you have to realize is that what you love are the chains that you wear. And you will like being punished, no matter how harsh."

"Mistress, I was given the opportunity to discipline another slave girl," offered Janet.


Janet was not surprised by Erica's answer. Since the two dominants were friends, there were probably no secrets between them.

Janet merely nodded her head in assent.

"I know about Camille. I have even dominated her myself when Stephanie was out of town. You should feel honored. Few slave girls get the chance so early to punish another slave. Now you know how it feels to dominate another. Since you are still a new slave, I shall have to punish you harshly to beat out any ideas you may have that you are now different or special."

"Yes, Mistress," answered Janet.

"However, I am far more concerned about what Stephanie told me about your little confession. I want to hear everything that you are doing at home. Now!"

"Mistress, after becoming your slave girl, I found that just being here on the weekends wasn't enough. I work in New York City, so I began to explore. I found a shop that sold high heels like those you lock upon me, along with collar and bracelets. So I bought them, and wear them naked around the apartment," Janet confessed.

"Is there anything else you've bought?" Erica demanded.

"No, Mistress," Janet answered.

"You did this without my orders. For that, you will be severely punished," admonished Erica.

"Yes, Mistress."

"And was there anything else you were planning on buying?"

"Yes, Mistress. I wanted a dildo harness for myself, and a latex Maid's uniform," Janet admitted.

"You haven't earned the privilege of wearing clothes yet. Nor do I want you stimulated except when you are here with me. Do you understand?"

Erica's voice had suddenly turned cold and menacing. Janet feared that she had angered her Mistress, and she knew that she was going to pay a terrible price for it!

"Yes, Mistress. I will follow all your commands."

"Though I suppose some of this is my fault, since I haven't given you a set of instructions to follow at home. I never thought that you would be such a little slut to begin playing at slavery at home," said Erica.

"Yes, Mistress."

"That will be remedied later. For now, strip!" commanded Erica.

Janet had been listening carefully to Erica's lecture, and she was totally unprepared for the command at the very end. Suddenly they were no longer sinner and confidant, but Mistress and Slave.

"Strip!" ordered Erica again, displeasure clearly evident in her voice.

Janet quickly got to her feet. She knew that this would occur, and she had planned for it carefully. She had worn a blouse, skirt, stockings, and sensible heels. She unbuttoned her skirt, folding it carefully on the chair. Next came her blouse. She removed her shoes, and the garter belt and stockings came next. Finally, she removed her bra and panties, and stood silent and naked in front of her Mistress.

Erica rose slowly, and paced around Janet. She noted that Stephanie had indeed placed new and deeper marks on her slave's body. Placing a finger on one, she traced one mark how it followed Janet's curves.

The only reaction that Janet gave to her inspection was to stand stiffly. Even though her marks were still fresh, she did not flinch when Erica felt them.

Erica did not have to be told what her friend had used on Janet. She knew that Stephanie had obeyed her instructions, and only the whip and crop had been used.

"Did you go on the rack?" asked Erica.

"Yes, Mistress."

"And how was your time on the rack, dear?"

"I found the rack to be very unpleasant, Mistress," answered Janet.

"Good. Then perhaps at a future time, I will hand you back to Stephanie so that you may experience the rack again. Would you like that?" asked Erica.

"I'm sure that Stephanie would enjoy having me again, Mistress."

Erica looked her slave over. Just a few weeks ago, Janet had been new and unmarked. Now she had already felt what a different Mistress was like.

"Janet, on the table over there is a wooden box. I want you to go over there and open, and remove the contents and place them on the table."

Janet did as she was ordered. In the box she found her collar, bracelets, and a ball gag. They were the familiar instruments of her bondage to Erica.

"I want to collar and bracelet yourself," ordered Erica.

Erica had her measured weeks ago, before she had been lent to Stephanie. Janet picked up the collar, and closed it around her neck. It locked with a satisfying click. Janet then closed one bracelet first around one wrist, then another. Next, her ankles were adorned also.

"There's a pair of shoes under the desk. You know what to do."

Janet next locked the shoes on her feet, closing the little padlocks herself with a satisfying click. She stood silent, awaiting further instruction.

"Now gag yourself, and then I'll lock your wrists," instructed Erica.

Janet picked up the ball gag, and slowly opened her mouth. She had some trouble forcing it in, finally adopting a seesaw motion before she got in it properly. Drawing the strap through the roller buckle, she was able to close the two pieces of leather together. She was now gagged, and by her own hand!

Erica produced a single link from the desk, and a leash. Janet stood stiffly as her hands were again locked behind her back. For the week, Janet had been free. She had wondered if she would walk back into slavery. However when she had returned to Erica's house she realized just how strongly that she was attached to her Mistress. The sight of the instruments of her captivity had made her heart beat faster, exciting her as she not been since leaving Mistress Stephanie.

"Well, Janet. I see that you have made your decision. I'm sure that you will enjoy your stay here this weekend, no matter how much your flesh may protest."

Janet remained silent, her power of speech forbidden by the gag. She had succeeded in forcing the ball in far deeper than she had thought, and now it had silenced any replies that she could make. In addition, the strap hurt her cheeks and mouth.

She could do nothing except stand there and await the next move of her Mistress. Janet did not have to wait long for Erica to lock her hands behind her back, and attach the leash to her collar.

"I'm sure that I can give you what you need, Janet. So come along," ordered Erica.

Erica led her slave through the house, to a hallway. Once there, Erica removed a device from her pocket, and pressed a single button. At once a secret door opened, revealing an elevator. Leading her captive inside, Janet could only marvel at the construction involved.

"Excited, Janet? Asked Erica.

Janet already felt her heart beating faster, and knew that her nipples must be stiff and erect. As for her sex!

Erica was pleased that Janet had returned to her. While she knew that Janet had been attracted to Stephanie, she felt that Janet was not really ready for her. Janet still had a lot of training in front of her before she could become a really good slave girl.

Erica led her into one of the Dungeons, which Janet noted was unoccupied. There was no sign of either Andrea, or the "guest" that Erica had mentioned. There was no doubt in Janet's mind that the unfortunate girl was probably in some sort of uncomfortable position right now.

Her collar chain was then attached to a ringbolt set in the wall. Janet tested the link that held her wrists together, and found it unyielding.

"I have to go and change. But I want you to know I do love you, and will be using you shortly. But before I go, I just want to leave you with a reminder of things to come."

With that thinly veiled threat, Erica began to fondle Janet's nipples. Being with Erica again already excited Janet. But now that she was naked and chained again, it didn't take much to excite her again. Erica then produced two clamps from her pockets, of the type that Stephanie had introduced her to. In quick succession both of her erect nipples received the clamp. Janet indicated her distress by shifting her position and moaning from within her gag.

"Now don't try and knock them off, Janet. I can guarantee that even worse punishment will be waiting for you. How would you like those clamps on your pussy lips instead?"

As she watched her Mistress leave, Janet knew that Erica had not just made an idle threat. Janet knew that Erica would not hesitate when it came to punishing her.

There was little that she could do. She examined the Dungeon for any change since she had last been here, but she could not find any. It was the same things that she had seen before!

Interrupting her reverie was Erica, who now strode confidently into the Dungeon. She was wearing a black latex bodysuit, pantyhose, and a pair of high heels that showed off her long magnificent legs. It all looked like it had been painted on her.

"Now then, said Erica, "I think that I'm dressed for the occasion, and so are you. I think that we can begin now."

Erica unbuckled Janet's gag. Janet would much rather have preferred to have the awful nipple clamps removed first, but she knew that there would be a price to pay.

"Thank you for removing my gag, Mistress," said Janet, panting.

"You're welcome, my dear. Did you miss my whip all that much?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Are you ready to feel it again?"

"Yes, Mistress. Please punish me harshly."

Erica removed a riding crop from the wall. The crop was long and thin, and from experience Janet knew that it would be very painful on her exposed flesh.

Erica toyed with the crop, until Janet saw her swing the crop, landing a blow on her leg. At once, a sharp pain shot through her leg. The stroke had been a mild one, and it had not really marked her. Janet knew that it was a foretaste of things to come.

"Janet, the position you're in is so difficult. I think that a change is in order, don't you?" inquired Erica.

"Yes, Mistress."

Unlocking her collar chain, Janet was pulled over to a single chain that was hanging from the ceiling. Her two wrists were unlocked from behind her back, then locked in front to the chain. Erica then went to a switch on the wall, and Janet felt her wrists rising as the chain rose. Janet soon found that her feet were just barely scraping the floor.

"Isn't that much better than before? Now I can whip that lovely back and behind of yours," said Erica.

Erica then removed a leather whip from the wall, which was long, black, and sinuous. Janet knew that the whip would hurt her deeply, yet she didn't mind. She had come here to be disciplined by her Mistress. Now that she had gotten her wish, she knew there was no turning back!

"I think that you could use a few strokes with this. I just know that this will soften you up for the evening."

With that last statement, Erica began to whip Janet. The whip would strike the bound girl, and wind its way around her naked body. Mistress Erica would determine just where the tip would land on Janet's exposed figure.

"Thank you, Mistress," cried Janet.

"Really, and I haven't even started yet. I can just imagine how you'll feel after when I get finished!"

Erica had not removed her nipple clamps, and she began to tug at them. Each time she did, Janet flinched.

"Mistress, please! Not my nipples! They hurt, please take the clamps off?"

"Are you telling me what to do?" demanded Erica.

"No, Mistress," Janet answered contritely.

Just to be cruel, Erica first removed both clamps from Janet's nipples. The clamps had made them red and sore. Erica sucked at them, continuing to pinch them and keep them erect.

"Just to teach you a lesson, Janet."

Erica then replaced them when Janet's attention was elsewhere. When she felt the bite of the first one, she kicked in reflex. For the first time since she had been a slave girl, her shod foot hit something. Her foot had glanced off Erica's leg! Acting as if nothing had happened, Erica proceeded to place the other clamp on Janet's other nipple as if nothing had happened.

"There will be a severe punishment for that, Janet," said Erica sternly.

"Mistress, please! I'm sorry. I really am, I'll do just anything to make up for that. Please, please, I'm so sorry!"

Holding Janet's breast in her right hand, she began to pull on it and the nipple clamp again. Janet did not protest or complain, as she realized that she was in enough trouble already. She wished that Erica had locked her ankles to a spreader bar attached to the floor, as this would have prevented her from striking Erica.

Erica bent down, and produced a key to the padlocks that imprisoned Janet's feet. She unlocked the small padlocks, and removed Janet's shoes. Each foot made an audible pop when it was removed from it's leather covering. Erica's hand explored Janet's feet, spreading apart her toes and feeling the bones and muscles. Janet wondered what the purpose of the examination was.

"Since it was your foot that struck me, I think that is what deserves to be punished. Before I move on to punish the other parts, of course."

Erica began to toy with Janet's feet. Her strong hands pulled at her toes, separating them. Janet felt that the attention given them was an omen indicating that something truly bad was coming.

"You know, Janet. Hanging around like that really isn't the best way to punish feet. I have something much better in mind."

Janet was glad when she was let down, but her concern for her flesh grew when she saw what was awaiting her. Janet was released from the ceiling chain, only to be led over to a bench where a set of stocks awaited. Her ankles were soon imprisoned between bars of think polished wood, and Janet's wrists were locked behind her back. Aware that the stocks had made her feet very easy to punish, she knew that the moment of truth would soon arrive.

Erica took several seconds to select the instrument of Janet's torment. Much to Janet's relief, it was a riding crop with a broad piece of leather at it's tip. Janet knew that the larger piece of leather would serve to blunt the impact of the crop. She had feared that Erica would select a long thin crop that would slice apart the tender and unpunished soles of her feet.

Erica offered the handle to Janet, who kissed the leather-covered handle. Her bright red lipstick left the imprint of her lips upon the crop. Erica noticed this and smiled.

"Do you love me or my crop?" asked Erica.

"Both, Mistress," replied Janet.

"I think that you should count the strokes, don't you?" questioned Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Janet.

When the blow was delivered, Janet had been fearful that it would be a flesh-shattering stroke. Instead, it was a mild slap, with the force evenly distributed by the broad piece of leather.




Janet remained in her wooden prison as her Mistress gently slapped the soles of Janet's feet with the riding crop. She squirmed and tried to twist her feet away from the crop, but she was held fast by the stocks. No wonder that they had been used from antiquity to the present day. It was a fearful engine of restraint for a naked slave girl!

"Ten," cried Janet.

"That's all," said Erica.

Erica again offered the crop's handle to Janet, who repeated her earlier act of passion for the crop. With her hands bound behind her back, and her legs restrained in the stocks, she had to bend forward to kiss the crop.

Erica again played with her feet again, and Janet was relieved to find that there was no lasting pain from her discipline.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet.

"I'll have Andrea come along and release you soon. I want you to get some penance in the stocks first before you're released. I have a much better one where you rest upright on your knees while your wrists, head, and ankles are all enclosed in wood. Do you want to try that one?" asked Erica.

"Not just yet, Mistress."

"Soon, though," said Erica as she left the Dungeon.

Janet was left alone in the Dungeon. She had seen stocks in television and movies, and the only place she had ever seen one in real life had been in a museum in New England. She had never imagined that they were still used for anything, except maybe movies. Janet sat on the hard wood, since the bench wasn't padded, and tried to relieve the pressure on her behind. She felt like the skin on her bottom was glued to the wood.

Any girl restrained like this for a long time would be quite willing to do anything to get out of the stocks, thought Janet. She hoped that Andrea would be along soon to release her.

There wasn't anything for her to do but wait patiently for the arrival of the Maid. Doing penance in the stocks was certainly the correct term for she was held almost motionless by the wooden embrace.

Unable to count the passage of time, she sat for what seemed like an eternity before she saw Andrea appear before her.

"Hello there," greeted Andrea.

"You'll forgive me if I don't stand up or shake hands," said Janet, "But I'm a little restrained right now."

"How very droll," said Andrea.

"Thank you."

"I'm sure that Mistress Erica would be amused by your comments, but I'm not. Besides, I'm to take you to see someone."

"Who?" asked Janet.

"That would take the mystery out of life. C'mon now, out of the stocks!"

Janet was glad when Andrea opened the lock and pulled the wooden bar upwards. She swung her legs away from their wooden prison, and onto the Dungeon floor.

"Don't stand just yet," cautioned Andrea.

Testing her bare feet, Janet was relieved to discover that there wasn't even any pain left from Erica's mild discipline.

"Mistress Erica cares for her slaves," said Janet.

"Yes," replied Andrea.

"May I stand?" asked Janet.

"Carefully," cautioned Andrea.

Gingerly Janet applied pressure to her feet, and put her weight upon them. She gradually stood up, and with Andrea at her side, began to walk small steps.

"I'm fine," said Janet.

"Just don't go running any marathons," replied Andrea.

"I wasn't planning to. Not from the Dungeon, anyway," answered Janet.

"Enough small talk," said Andrea, "time to go visit the mystery guest."

With her hands already locked behind her back, Andrea attached the leash again to her collar. Janet stood silently as she was again forced to open her mouth for the ball gag, and a blindfold soon followed.

Janet was glad that she was allowed to remain barefoot, and was not forced again to wear her high heels. She felt a gentle pull on her leash, and Janet followed carefully behind. She measured each step as if she was still wearing her high heels.

Andrea did not force her to walk faster than Janet wanted to, since Andrea had also experienced the same punishment.

Following the gentle pull on her chain, Janet walked behind Andrea. She had no idea where they were going, but Janet was wondering just who Erica had been talking about.

When they entered the other Dungeon, Janet was stripped of her blindfold and ball gag. She saw that she was again in the presence of her Mistress.

"Hello, Janet. Feel better?" asked Erica.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Andrea, please leave us," ordered Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," said Andrea as she departed.

Janet saw that they were not alone, as there was a naked girl hanging from a ceiling chain with them. Her arms and legs were kept apart by spreader bars, and her feet were locked into high heels. Janet did not know her identity, as the girl's head was encased in a red leather helmet that was laced up in the back.

Janet was sure that she was a natural blonde by seeing her pussy hair.

"Do you know who she is?" asked Erica.

"No, Mistress," replied Janet.

"Look her over, I'm sure that you'll find a way to identify her," instructed Erica as she unlocked Janet's wrists.

Doing as she was told, Janet walked over to the bound girl. She had already been whipped tonight, and her skin bore many whip marks. Janet heard nothing from the girl, and knew that she was gagged.

It was then that she noticed something shiny hanging from one of the girl's pussy lips. Bending down, Janet discovered a small token that was suspended from a small chain that was embedded in on of the outer lips.

Taking the token in her hands, Janet saw on one side the engraving of a coiled whip and two crossed riding crops. On the other were the words, "Tiffany, property of Erica."

Janet gasped. It was Tiffany, her best friend in chains that Erica had been "entertaining." From the many whip marks, Janet knew that she had been intensely punished this evening. Janet also knew that she was very jealous of her friend, because Tiffany had the token and she did not.

"You may take her helmet and gag off, Janet. I wanted to see Tiffany, since she has been so submissive since she returned with that medallion. Would you like one also, Janet?"

"Yes, Mistress," answered Janet.

Circling Tiffany, Janet found that laces at the back secured the helmet. Tiffany's blonde hair fell down her back, which had not escaped the marks of the whip. Janet loosened the laces, and she pulled the helmet off of Tiffany's head. Next she undid the ball gag, and held both in her hands. She then walked in front of Tiffany, who was still blinking in the sudden light.

"Thank you, Mistress," declared Tiffany when she saw Erica standing in front of her.

When she saw Janet, her eyes widened, but she did not otherwise acknowledge the presence of her friend.

"Just thought that you might like some company, Tiffany. Janet is here tonight, and I know that you two are really very friendly towards each other. So friendly that I have a really smashing idea for just the two of you. Janet, I want you to release her. You two are really going to have some fun together."

Erica handed her a key that unlocked Tiffany from the bars that held her arms and legs. Tiffany stood shakily on her high heels, naked in the presence of Erica and Janet.

"Now then," began Erica, "What I propose is this. In my hand, I have a deck of cards. You will each draw one card, and the winner that has high card will get to dominate the loser for the evening."

"But, Mistress, what if I don't want to dominate Tiffany?" asked Janet.

"What a question to ask. Why I thought that you liked to dominate another slave girl?"

"That was different, she was........."

"A stranger? Someone that you barely knew? Surely by now you have learned that the girl beneath the whip doesn't have a say in who dominates her. Either Tiffany will dominate Janet, or vice versa. Else you can both be sure that you will both be punished in a manner that both of you will never forget."

Janet could see that her protest had no effect on Erica. She realized that nothing that she would say would make any difference.

"Each of you, take a card!" ordered Erica.

The two naked girls did as they were told. Each walked over to Erica, and removed a card from the deck that was opened before them. There was total silence in the Dungeon, and the only sounds that could be heard was the hushed breathing of the three occupants of the well light chamber.

"Turn them over," Erica ordered.

When Janet turned hers over, she saw a ten. However, she saw that Tiffany had drawn an ace, which she was now displaying to Erica.

"Well now. I see that we have a winner. Looks like this is your lucky night, Tiffany. Not only are you wearing my medallion, but you also get to chastise Janet also."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Tiffany, you have the use of Janet for tonight."

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tiffany.

Janet stood in the dungeon speechless. Surely Tiffany would not agree to punish her? They had expressed both friendship and love towards one another. Now she was to be punished by her friend?

Tiffany wasted no time in securing Janet's wrists behind her back. Erica had left the link on Janet's cuff, which made it easy to render Janet helpless. She then found a leather strap, which she secured above Janet's elbows, pulling them together. This had the effect of pushing Janet's breasts outward, leaving the exposed to whatever cruelties might await them.

Janet stood in silence as Tiffany confined her arms. She was more surprised when Erica, who then motioned for Janet to open her mouth, handed Tiffany a ball gag.

"Open wide," ordered Tiffany.

Janet realized that she had to put up some resistance to Tiffany. Else Erica would say that it was too easy and use it as an excuse to discipline both girls again. So she stood there with her mouth closed, shaking her head from side to side in defiance of Tiffany's attempt to gag her.

Tiffany then surprised her by pinching Janet's right nipple, first gently, then progressively harder. It was a foregone conclusion what when Janet finally cried out, Tiffany forced the rubber ball into her mouth. The buckle was firmly secured at the back of her neck.

"Now hold still," commanded Tiffany.

"Mmmmph," cried Janet.

Janet's eyes opened in fright as she watched Tiffany open the helmet and began to place it over Janet's head. Janet tried to run, but had only been pulled back into place by Tiffany. Now she waited as the red leather was pulled and laced over her head. There were small breathing holes by her nose, and her hearing and vision were cut off. She next felt herself pulled along by Tiffany, until she felt herself her collar chain being attached to a chain. Finding herself released from Tiffany's grip, she took a step and bumped into the wall.

Through the helmet she could hear steps and the click of heels, but no conversation. She knew that there were others in the room with her, but gave no sign about what would happen to her next.

Finally, she felt herself released from the wall, and she was pulled along. In a short time, her ankles were locked apart to a bar. Then them felt a woman's hand cup and massage her open sex, making her moan behind her gag. Then her wrists and elbows were freed for a short time, only to be pulled forward and then suspended over her head and locked to a chain. Then she felt the chain tighten, and she was lifted off the floor.

Janet knew that she was about to be punished, and she shuddered when she felt Tiffany run the strands of a coiled whip over her breasts, which were still tender from the clamps that had been used before. Next, she felt her sex fondled and roughly used.

Then the whip struck, making Janet flinch in her chains. Janet bit down hard on the rubber ball, glad that she could not see the face of her tormentor. The whip struck again and again, wrapping it's coils around Janet's naked figure.

For whatever reason, after only ten strokes, the helmet was suddenly removed. Blinking in the light, Janet did not know what to expect. When her vision cleared, she saw that Tiffany stood in front of her, still holding the whip. Seated nearby in a large white wicker chair was Erica. Janet knew that her punishment had not ended but merely begun.

Tiffany was no longer naked, but instead was wearing a vinyl outfit bodysuit like Erica's, and thigh high matching boots. A belt around her waist accentuated her figure. In her right hand was the whip, which Janet knew was intended for her.

"Well, Janet. You once took a punishment that was intended for me. I guess that you really must love the whip, no matter who is yielding it," said Tiffany.

All that Janet could do was to rattle her chains in response. Tiffany took no notice of Janet, and proceeded to strike her with the whip. Each time the whip curled itself around Janet's exposed female shape, it seemed to strike some vital area. All that Janet could do was to turn slightly as she bore the whip again and again.

Finally, the gag was removed after what seemed like a lifetime of the whip.

"Thank you, Mistress," cried Janet.

For her statement, Janet received another stroke from Tiffany.

"Fool," said Tiffany, "Don't thank me so fast for your discipline. The night is still young, and we have a lot of ground to cover."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Tell me, which do you desire more, the whip or the crop, Janet?"

"I prefer the whip, Mistress," answered Janet.

"Good. Then you shall have the crop instead. What did Mistress Erica use on you earlier?"

"The crop, Mistress."

"Good," said Tiffany as she exchanged one device for another.

Tiffany began to deliver a series of strokes that barely marked, but increased slowly in severity. Janet moaned each time that she was struck, but more out of fear than for actual pain.

Tiffany then reached out and inserted her finger into Janet's sex. Janet moaned as the finger probed deep into her wet slit.

"Little bondage slut, aren't you," said Tiffany.

"Yes, Mistress."

Tiffany then proceeded to poke the tip of the rigid crop against Janet's flesh, making it bend. Janet flinched whenever it put pressure on her punished form.

"Why Janet, you really have collected a nice series of marks tonight."

"Yes, Mistress."

"I believe that I can add a few more."

Before Janet could respond, she found herself being cropped again. No amount of preparation or bravery could prepare her for the pain and anguish that the crop produced on her naked body.

"Mistress, please," plead Janet tearfully, "Please stop cropping me?"

Her pleas and cries produced no effect on Tiffany, who continued her determined chastisement of her captive. The crop continued to fall on Janet's skin, making her fight her chains but to no effect. It all seemed like some horrible dream that she could not escape from.

"Mercy, Mistress," cried Janet.

"Mercy," repeated Janet.

Her plea for mercy had resulted in a temporary cessation of her cropping. Tiffany continued holding the crop in her hand. Tiffany looked over at Erica, who signaled something that Janet couldn't see in her haze of tears.

"That's enough for now," said Tiffany.

Afterwards she had been cleaned up and locked in a bedroom by her collar chain. Tiffany then visited and used her cruelly during the night. When she awakened the next morning, she found that she was alone.

The End of Chapter Five Part One

Next: Chapter 10

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