Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior.

If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state, nation, or planet that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

Janet in Training CH04 Part 3 "Slave Girl on Loan"

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Archiving permitted, reposting is permitted; but only if you Include this statement of limitation of use and notify the author by e-mail. The author forbids you to make, distribute, or sell multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format. However, individual readers may make single copies of the Story for their own, non-commercial use.

Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

Chapter Four Part Two: The Third Weekend

Janet waited anxiously outside her building for the limo to come. She was so impatient! She wished that she could somehow sprout wings and fly away to Mistress Stephanie's house on her own, without having to be driven there.

Last Saturday night, Stephanie had chained Camille in her bedroom, and invited Janet to share her bed. Or so she had thought. First, she had been made to kneel at her bedside while Stephanie attended to herself. Then, she had finally been asked to tongue Stephanie's pussy.

Janet was certain that she had been doing a good job in getting Stephanie aroused (she certainly was) when the Mistress had suddenly called a halt. Janet then found her hands locked behind her back and a red rubber ball gag tied around her neck. She was then chained to the foot of the bed by her collar, and told that if she made a sound she would be made to wear the gag all night.

Janet felt angry at her rejection by the Mistress! She knew that she had been doing a good job, and instead her reward was to lie chained at her bed all night!

This weekend she was going to be the most submissive slave that she could be! She was going to find some way to pierce that coldness that Stephanie displayed, and get into her bed. No matter how jealous that made Camille.

Finally, the limo pulled up and she was on her way. All week she had planned what she was going to do to gain Stephanie's attention. There had to be some way that she was going to be noticed, and Janet was going to find it!

On the bridge there was a sudden traffic jam. Instead of breezing though (it was after rush hour) they sat on the bridge for over an hour as an overturned truck was cleared. Finally they got upstate, and Janet looked in horror at the time on her watch.

When they finally pulled up in front of Stephanie's house she was fully two hours late! For failing to arrive on time, Janet knew that she would be subject to some horrible punishment and all her plans were useless.

Still, she bravely walked up to the door. Even though Stephanie knew that she was here, Janet had to ring the bell. She saw the red lights of the departing limo, as it left on the driveway.

The door was opened by Camille, who was wearing a red latex Maid's uniform. Her waist seemed smaller than before, and Janet wondered if she was wearing a corset underneath the rubber.

"You're late," commented Camille.

"There was an accident on the bridge," said Janet as she entered the house.

"Let me take your coat, and the rest of your clothes," directed Camille.

In the hallway, Janet was divested of her clothes. On a table were all of the instruments of her confinement. The collar, bracelets, leash, and ball gag all seemed so innocent until a naked slave girl wore them. On the floor were her high heels, which Camille locked upon her feet.

It took a few moments for Janet to once again wear her leather devices of slavery. She stood still as Camille locked her wrists behind her back, then buckled the gag into her mouth. Once the leash was attached, Janet was totally helpless.

"Into the library," said Camille.

Taking small steps behind Camille, whose latex outfit rustled whenever she moved Janet followed her companion. Camille knocked before she entered the library.

"Come in," said Stephanie's voice through the wooden door.

Janet obediently followed behind, only to be embarrassed because Stephanie was not alone! With her was another woman and they were both seated in front of the computer.

"Ah, yes. About time that you arrived, Janet," said Stephanie.

"Who's this?" asked the stranger.

"Not one of mine. I'm minding her while her Mistress is away. But she should have been here two hours ago. Camille, bring her here, please!" demanded Stephanie.

Camille quickly complied, and handed Janet's leash to Stephanie.

"Now run along," ordered Stephanie. "Blanca and I will amuse ourselves with Janet for a while."

All that Janet could do was stand in mute embarrassment in the presence of the two women. Camille left quickly, her heels clicking on the wooden floor.

"May I?" asked Blanca.

"Go ahead," replied Stephanie.

Blanca was an attractive woman, in her thirties. She had dark skin and an attractive figure. She was wearing a black leather dress that hugged the curves of her body, stockings, and moderate black leather heels. She pulled her chair back from the computer, and walked over to Janet.

"Now then, what do we have here?" asked Blanca as she tugged gently on Janet's leash.

Janet had no alternative but to step towards Blanca as her leash was pulled.

"Turn around," ordered Blanca.

Janet turned around, with the only sounds in the library being the taps of her heels and the rustle of her leash.

"She's been well used," observed Blanca.

"What Erica didn't punish, I attended to," dryly commented Stephanie.

"How does she take the whip?"

"Some resistance, but after a few strokes, she's quite willing," Stephanie answered.

Blanca then reached out and grabbed Janet's right breast, squeezing it firmly in her hand. She tightened her grip so strongly that Janet squealed from behind her gag. Then Blanca flicked Janet's nipple with one of her fingernails making Janet flinch, even though Blanca has still holding firmly onto her breast.

"She needs additional control," said Blanca.

"Perhaps with some additional training," observed Stephanie.

Blanca then inspected Janet's sex.

"Open your legs, slave," ordered Blanca.

Janet complied, wondering just what her new tormentor would do next.

"She needs to be shaved. Whenever I train someone new, shaving a cunt makes her feel even more naked," said Blanca.

"I'll tell Erica," said Stephanie.

Blanca had released Janet's breast and was now probing her sex by inserting two fingers into her sheath and penetrating deeply.

"She wets easily," observed Blanca.

"Because she desires a Mistress," said Stephanie, "any Mistress."

Janet shifted when she felt the walls of her sex being scraped by Blanca's fingernail.

"Quiet," ordered Blanca.

Janet submitted to the examination of her sex, staying quiet and in one position. She knew that if she didn't, it would mean a punishment later. She then felt the probing fingers withdraw, and relaxed.

Blanca then turned Janet around, and she felt her back being examined. Then her ass cheeks were pulled apart, and Blanca ordered her to bend over. Janet felt demeaned by the examination that she was being given by the stranger, like she was merchandise on display!

"A tight little hole. Bet she hasn't been used there," said Blanca.

"No, Erica said to leave her little behind alone. Besides, there's enough to do without going up her ass," said Stephanie.

"I wouldn't want to go against Erica's orders. Still, not having her pussy shaved and not using her behind makes her one privileged little slave," said Blanca.

"I would imagine that Erica will get around to those items sooner or later. She usually does," observed Stephanie.

"Shall we use her?" asked Blanca.

"Sure. You're my guest."

"Here, or in the Dungeon?" questioned Blanca.

"Here will do fine. Camille didn't clean the Dungeon from last night, which she will be soundly punished for. I'm sure that we can make Janet feel quite uncomfortable here in the library," said Stephanie as she turned off the computer and rose from her seat.

Stephanie unlocked a desk drawer, and proceeded to remove several items from within including chains, a riding crop, clamps, and a dildo and harness. She pressed a switch on the desk, and part of the library wall turned around to reveal ringbolts to which someone might be secured.

"Nice touch," said Blanca.

"Useful when I don't want to confine someone in the Dungeon all the time. This way I can work here, and attend to a slave also," said Stephanie.

Janet's wrists were released, then locked again to the ringbolts above her head. Then her legs were separated and locked also, making her vulnerable to what the two Dominants desired of her. Janet's behind was against the polished wooden paneling of the wall, and she smelled the furniture polish.

Blanca then removed the leash from Janet's collar, pausing only to pinch Janet's erect nipple.

"She's quite ready," said Blanca.

Stephanie handed her guest a riding crop that had a flat piece of heavy black leather at the tip, cut into a square.

"Why don't you try this?" suggested Stephanie.

Blanca bent the crop in her hands to test its stiffness, and flicked the leather at the end.

"Yes, this will do quite nicely," said Blanca.

Blanca then began by running her hands over Janet's spread-eagled form, pausing only to trace the outline of her breasts and sex. Then Janet felt her thighs being examined, and Blanca feeling her muscles like she was a racehorse!

Then Blanca started by lightly tapping the crop against her own leg, before first using on Janet's exposed form.

The crop landed on Janet's left breast and stung, even though the leather distributed the force of the stroke over a large area. Janet stiffened within her bondage, glad that the bracelets kept her firmly against the wall.

Blanca did not stop after the first, but instead kept striking Janet's figure with the riding crop. Each time the leather impacted on Janet, the sound was heard in the library. Janet could only moan from behind the ball gag, which had taken away her power of speech.

"She takes the crop well," said Blanca.

"Yes, I've noticed that too. Erica must have a very good eye for choosing girls. Just like that other one Sally, a natural for the whip."

Janet's attention suddenly shifted from Blanca to Stephanie. She said Sally! Did that mean her friend Sally Belmar, who had introduced her to Erica, or perhaps another girl?

"Some Doms have all the luck," said Blanca. "The last one I tried to train was willing, but unsatisfactory. All she really wanted to do was wear latex and look sexy."

"Well some girls are just fakes pretending that they're slave material," said Blanca.

"While others are the real thing," finished Stephanie.

"Yes, observed Blanca.

Idly, Janet noticed that Blanca's exertions while cropping her had produced a fine sheen of sweat on her tormentor's face. Blanca reached up with her free hand and wiped her brow, before delivering yet another series of punishing blows on Janet's naked skin.

"Still, she has yet to be fully trained," said Blanca.

"Once trained, she should wear someone's ring in her sex. But that is for later, and besides, it's Erica's decision."

"Mmmmph!" cried Janet from her gag.

Blanca reached forward and inserted her finger into Janet's sex, and found that she was quite wet. She removed her finger, and showed the proof to Janet herself.

"You're quite the bondage slut, you know. I think that you've already passed the point where you may never think of sex without bondage, hmmm? Asked Blanca.

In spite of her best efforts, it was hard not to be aroused by her punishment in the library. She only wished that Blanca would do something else, as the crop had struck her breasts many times.

"Enough," said Blanca, pausing.

"Not quite," said Stephanie, rising from her chair.

Stephanie was dressed in an old shirt, and worn blue jeans. She took the crop from Blanca, and proceeded to use it between Janet's legs!

The strokes were not hard, but each time that the leather pad struck Janet's thigh, it was like a small bolt of lightning coursed through her. Try as she might, Janet knew that she was driven to climax many times by the crop.


"That's much better," said Stephanie. "Now she's really in the mood."

"What's next?" Asked Blanca.

"She's yours, remember," answered Stephanie.

"How about the footstool?"

"Good choice. Girls just love the stool. Nothings more erotic than being tied down to the footstool, rubbing their breasts against it while I thrash their behinds," stated Stephanie.

In short order, Janet was released from the wall, and led, still gagged, over to the footstool. She recalled the first time that she had entered Stephanie's house, and seen Camille bound on the stool. Now it would be her turn!

Then she was quickly secured with ropes on her elbows and knees. Just to make certain that they were tight, Blanca cinched her bonds by adding an additional loop at 90 degrees to the strands that already her Janet to the stool's legs.

"There now, that should hold you," said Blanca.

Both dominants paused to admire Blanca's handiwork, and Stephanie patted Janet's behind gently.

"Do you have a paddle?" Asked Blanca.

"Sure," said Stephanie.

Stephanie produced not only a black leather paddle, but also the same dildo that Janet had seen used on Camille when she had been bound to the stool.

"Do you want to test her?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes. Though given how wet she is, I doubt that she'll be able to hold the dildo inside," said Blanca.

Blanca took the dildo, and knelt down behind Janet's upturned behind. The Janet winced as she felt two fingers open her sex, and the rigid dildo's tip was slowly inserted. She tried to pull away, and bucked as the invader slowly entered her sex. Even though she resisted, Blanca had no trouble inserting the phallus since Janet was already excited by what she had received so far.

Blanca pushed the dildo inside Janet, until Janet was squirming and fighting. It felt like the dildo was splitting her in two before Blanca stopped forcing it in.

"That's good," said Blanca, "now you keep that inside while I punish you, or else!"

Janet's cunt muscles were firmly clamped around the phallus, after having had the thing pushed inside her. With her behind sticking up in the air, she knew that it would be there that the paddle would be used.


Janet was unprepared for the first strike of the paddle. She had thought that Blanca would somehow ease into using the new instrument, but instead she had delivered a truly punishing bow with her first stroke. It was only with the greatest effort that she maintained control and managed to hold the phallus within.

Blanca then continued to punish first one buttock, then the other. Janet rubbed her bound nakedness against that black leather of the stool, and found herself only getting further aroused by her efforts.

"Why didn't you test her with the paddle first?" asked Stephanie.

"Because she's a slave, and should be used to punishment by now," answered Blanca.

Janet knew that her behind must be red by now, and she felt her punished skin slowly heat up with every impact of the leather paddle. She bit down on her gag, and stifled a cry.

Blanca paused and wiped her brow.

"Why don't you get out of that dress?" asked Stephanie.

"Not yet. The only time I will take this dress off will be for bed."

Blanca reached down between Janet's legs, and made sure that the dildo was still firmly inserted in Janet's sex. When she gently shifted the shaft slightly, Janet was unable to contain a moan, which was the only sound in the library.

"She certainly has control for one so untrained," commented Blanca.

"Perhaps you should test her further," advised Stephanie.

Both Dominants were suddenly startled by a knock on the door.

"Come in," ordered Stephanie.

Camille appeared, still in her Maid's outfit.

"The Dungeon has been cleaned, Mistress," said Camille.

"Good, I'll be down to inspect it later. Blanca will not need you tonight, but perhaps I will, after I have inspected your work. Now go!"

"Yes, Mistress," Camille answered before departing.

Blanca then continued to punish her behind again, heating up the flesh to such a degree that Janet knew that she would have a hard time sitting down at work all week. She was sure that her ass was bright red, and that the flesh was blistering from the many impacts that she had endured.

"Mmmmmph!" cried Janet.

Still the paddle struck her flesh, and she began to cry. Would there be no end to this singular form of discipline?

Blanca inspected her work by rubbing her hands again Janet's skin. Janet flinched when she felt how cold in comparison Blanca's hands were against her heated behind.

Still, the dildo remained inside! Janet was sure that she would suddenly lose control and it would slip out in the excitement.

"There now girl," soothed Blanca, "almost done."

Janet wondered if her behind was again going to be paddled, but instead felt Blanca's hands reach upwards to her breasts. Then her nipples were fondled and pinched, and Janet again squirmed against the leather.


"Not yet," said Blanca.

Janet felt herself explode in a series of orgasms that came one after another. She rubbed against the leather like a cat in heat, and tried to draw in all the air she could through her nose. She felt like she would have passed out.

Finally, it was over! She relaxed against the leather, and after collecting her wits, realized that the dildo was still inside her!

Blanca then reached between Janet's legs and pulled the dildo out, which was glistening with Janet's juices. Janet watched, quite curious, what would happen to her next!

"You have excellent control," pronounced Blanca.


"Would you like me to remove her gag?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes, I think that she's earned it," said Blanca.

Janet felt Stephanie's fingers pull the leather strap from roller buckle and their tension was suddenly released. The ball was removed, and Janet breathed deeply.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet between gasps.

"It's quite late," said Blanca.

"What do you want next?" asked Stephanie.

"I'd like to have her for night, if that's all right with you," said Blanca.


Janet found herself quickly released from her footstool, with the rope straps uncoiled on the floor. She was made to coil them up neatly on the desk, placed next to the paddle, ball gag, and riding crop.

Then her hands were locked behind her back, and she was pulled along by Blanca inserting a finger through a D ring on her collar.

"Don't forget the key for her shoes," cautioned Stephanie, "I don't want my sheets torn."

"Sorry," answered Blanca.

Stephanie handed Blanca a set of keys, as if she were giving away a set of car keys.

"Enjoy yourself," said Stephanie.

Janet was pulled along to a bedroom, and was not surprised to see her locked to the foot of a four poster bed. She watched in silence as Blanca zipped herself out of the leather dress and placed it on a hanger she removed from the closet. Her tormentor was wearing a set of lacy black feminine underwear, and stockings with a garter belt. Soon, she was nude.

"That's better," said Blanca.

"You're quite beautiful, Mistress," commented Janet.

"Thank you. You're quite a good little girl for having kept the dildo inside you. Therefore, I've decided to use you for the night."

"Thank you, Mistress."

Janet expected that they would both bathe first, and Blanca would make Janet serve as her bath girl in the process. Instead, she was quickly unlocked including her shoes, and both got between the sheets. Her collar to the bedpost locked Janet, which was her only method of confinement.

While Janet had only made love before to Tiffany, Blanca quickly devoured her. The Dominant consumed her hurt flesh, bringing Janet again and again to orgasms, making her body buck and shake with each climax.

Then Janet had to service Blanca's cunt, which she did to the best of her ability. Blanca didn't complain, only pulling at Janet's hair to force her deeper in her willing sex.

Finally, both were worn out and Janet glanced at the clock, which read 3 AM. She glanced at Blanca, and saw that the Dominant was asleep with soft snores coming from her body.

The sheets were damp with their sweat and juices, and Janet felt dirty yet fulfilled. She had finally satisfied a Mistress!

End Of Janet CH04 PT3

Next: Chapter 8

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