Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS Only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior. If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state that prohibits such Behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

"Janet in Training" Chapter Four: Slave Girl on Loan Part TWO

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

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"Janet in Training" by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Janet CH04 PT2 Continued:

"Wake up, Janet."

Janet heard Camille's voice through the fog of sleep. She had been sleeping so deeply she had not felt the bright sunshine streaming through the window, warming her skin.


"You're in Mistress Stephanie's house. Don't you remember?"

"Oh, Mistress Stephanie," groggily answered Janet.

"Come on now. Got to get you ready for today. First we have to serve breakfast, then clean house. Get going, or else you can expect a thrashing. And I don't like getting whipped in the morning!" said Camille.

Serving in Stephanie's house proved little different from Erica's. Both girls cooked and served their Mistress breakfast, with Camille wearing a red rubber Maid's outfit, stockings, and high heels. Since she was just a slave, all that Janet wore were her high heels and bracelets.

After serving Stephanie, both girls ate quickly in the kitchen.

"Stephanie has her own subtle ways of making sure that we earn our punishment. She's assigned us both tasks that we possibly can't finish today, all in order to have an excuse to punish us both later."

"The rack?" asked Janet.

"Probably. She can't stripe us too much. But she will find an excuse to use the rack, or that X frame to make life uncomfortable for us," said Camille.

"You said last night that you weren't a slave originally. Why did you stay then, after you had discovered just what your employer was up to?"

"It's a long story. Let's just say that my relationships have always proved to be a disaster. There's something different in being Stephanie's slave. A sense of belonging that I never felt before. Even if it means getting a few stripes and a dildo up my pussy sometimes."

"I got the impression last night that you rather enjoyed your predicament."

"No more than you enjoyed being whipped last night. Something that I'm rather well acquainted with myself," said Camille.

Just as both girls had finished the breakfast dishes, they were both called before Stephanie.

"In order to help your work today, I've decided that a little extra stimulation is in order. Stand straight, and open your legs," ordered Stephanie.

In quick succession, both girls found themselves wearing the familiar dildo harness. First Janet, who winced when the belt was tightened around her waist, and then the strap was locked between her legs with the rubber phallus within. Except that this one also had a clitoral stimulator that brushed her every time she moved!

Under her Maid's outfit, Camille was relieved of the lacey panties that she wore. The belt was locked around her waist, and she gasped when she saw that not only was there a rubber phallus, but also a butt plug. Stephanie fingered lubricant into her asshole, and drew the strap tightly inside Camille. She gasped when the dildo first went inside her sex, then stood stiffly as the butt plug slid inside her as well. Finally the strap was locked with a small padlock.

"There now," said Stephanie. "I'm sure that will help both you girls keep your mind on your work. Now both of you, be off!"

"Thank you, Mistress," they both said unison.

Every few steps, indeed every motion, kept Janet in a constant state of erotic excitement. It was impossible to stop the orgasms from coming one after another. It was her job to clean silverware, dust, and wash floors. Camille had the more difficult task of doing laundry and cleaning windows.

Still, they both managed to get their tasks done. Janet struggled to keep her concentration, even when she fantasized herself ripping the belt from around her waist. She wondered if there were any knives sharp enough in the kitchen to cut the tough leather of the belt. But she would never do that, since the belt and the phallus were both extensions of the collar and bracelets that she wore.

Lunch was a quick affair. Camille served Stephanie, then they ate together. They were both allowed use of the bathroom, then again locked in their harnesses.

Getting into then the second time was easier than the first, and both went back to their jobs.

Crash! After cleaning a bowl that Janet had left on the kitchen countertop, she had by accident knocked into it and it fell to the floor. Janet realized that she had done something, after being so careful all day, which would merit her a punishment of some kind.

Damn! Thought Janet. I'm going to get it now!

The sound brought both Stephanie and Camille to the kitchen.

"What happened?" asked Stephanie.

"I broke a bowl, Mistress," said Janet.

"Yes. I can see that. Please clean it up. There will be a special punishment for you this evening," said Stephanie.

Camille remained behind to help Janet clean up.

"Well, I guess that it would have been one of us," said Camille.

"I'm the new girl," said Janet, "so I'm supposed to be punished."

"Camille!" called Stephanie, "get back to your work! You know what will happen if you don't!"

"Gotta go," said Camille.

"Yes," said Janet.

Janet was dejected and lonely while she cleaned up the ness that she had made. Somehow, she had managed to avoid crying. Even perched on the high heels and with the dildo inside her, she cleaned up all traces of the glass bowl from the kitchen floor.

Dinner that Saturday night was strained. Mistress first, slaves second. Stephanie had not removed their harnesses, so the faces of both girls were flushed and excited during dinner and cleanup.

After dinner, Stephanie had removed Janet's harness. Her sex was dripping with her fluids after having worn the dildo all day. Inexplicably, Camille was still wearing hers.

"You know why she removed yours," began Camille when they were alone, "because she'll probably want to use your behind tonight."

"I guess so. At least I'm free for the moment," said Janet.

"And you get to go home, don't you? There's no Mistress around to dominate you seven days a week."

"True. But I'll tell you a secret. I bought myself a collar, bracelets, and high heels just like I'm wearing now at home. I wear them at night during the week. Maybe next I'll buy a gag and a harness. Just to keep myself amused."

"You're really getting into this, aren't you?" asked Camille.

"I guess I am."

Janet was now used to the ritual of being gagged and blindfolded, her arms restrained behind her back, and finally leashed on her way to the dungeon. However, Stephanie introduced something new. Just before she was blindfolded, Stephanie produced a leather strap that she fastened over Janet's elbows. She pulled the strap tight, finally buckling it secure. Then Janet lost her sight.

When she heard a lock click shut, she knew that she was in the dungeon again. She took one cautious step after another, and found that her leash was now locked onto something.

Janet resigned herself to wait for whatever Mistress Stephanie would have in store for her next. In time, Janet's arms began to hurt. Having her arms drawn backward and strapped together was something new, and she was not sure that she liked the sensation.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she heard the approach of two pairs of heels. Without her sight, she had become adept at listening, and could distinguish when more than one person was walking. At least if they wore high heels on a Dungeon floor!

Janet blinked when the blindfold was suddenly removed. Her eyes took some time to adjust to the bright lights.

"Lonely, Janet?" asked Stephanie.

All that Janet could do was stand in mute silence as Stephanie taunted her. She shifted her position, and hoped that her elbow strap would be removed.

"I think that a little light punishment is called for first before we move onto more serious things, don't you agree?"

Janet nodded her head in assent.

"Good. Camille, get her ready and bent over the horse," ordered Stephanie.

Janet was soon free of her gag, the elbow strap, and leash. She thanked Stephanie, and was next bent over the horse, her arms and legs spread wide. It had been the last position that her own Mistress had bound her in.

"Ready, darling?" asked Stephanie.

Stephanie had worn a simple black rubber bra that lifted up her breasts, a matching skirt, and thigh high rubber boots. She flexed the riding crop again in her hands.

"Yes, Mistress. Please punish me."

Stephanie began by using the crop's tip to land selective blows on Janet's behind. First one ass cheek then another felt the impact of the crop. The Dungeon echoed with each slap of the leather on her flesh.

With her behind in the air, all Janet could do was pull without effect on her chains. The steel and leather bracelets were unyielding, and she sometimes grunted each time that she felt the crop strike her behind.

Still, the impacts seemed restrained and controlled. Almost as if Mistress Stephanie was holding back for some reason that Janet did not know. Still, it was bad enough to have her behind punished. She would have a hard time sitting down at work all week!

After twenty strokes, Stephanie halted.

"Had enough, Janet?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good," said Stephanie as she rubbed Janet's behind, "your bottom is nicely red and warm. I think that we'll just go on."

"Thank you, Mistress."

Janet stole a glance at Camille, and was surprised to see a look of jealously on her face! After first criticizing Janet for being a bondage slave, maybe Camille wished that she were the one bent over the horse just now!

Next, Stephanie produced a tube of lubricant and began to spread it around Janet's asshole. Janet remained silent, not wishing to provoke the Mistress.

"Since your pussy had the dildo inside all day, I think that we shouldn't let your other hole go unattended, hmmm?"

Janet flinched when she felt a dildo slowly inserted into her behind. She relaxed, remembering when her Mistress had calmed her as she used her finger to explore Janet's behind. While she was tight at first, she gradually relaxed and the dildo found it's way inside her!

"That's a good girl," said Stephanie.

"Thank you, Mistress."

If anyone had told her six months ago that she would be cropped and bound over a horse with a dildo up her ass, she would have told him or her they were crazy. Instead here she was, calm as day, with the dildo stuck in her behind.

Stephanie spread Janet's ass cheeks, and made sure that the dildo had penetrated far within. Once she was satisfied that it was without doing any damage, she left it there for a while.

She reached down and fondled Janet's nipples, which were already hard from all the excitement so far. She also reached in Janet's sex, and found that Janet's sex was wet.

After what seemed like an eternity, Janet felt the dildo removed. For some reason, Stephanie had donned a pair of rubber gloves, and then inspected her asshole like it was some medical examination!

"Good," said Stephanie.

"Mistress?" asked Janet.

"Nothing, dear. Now we shall proceed."

Janet was then released from the horse, and her wrists were again locked behind her back. She kept silent, since she did not want to incur Stephanie's anger.

"Ever been on a rack, Janet?" asked Stephanie.

"No, Mistress," Janet answered in a tiny voice.

Janet had an instant dread of the rack. She thought that tonight's special punishment for breaking the bowl was what she had just received on the horse. But now she was going to be stretched on the rack! Something that she had seen in numerous horror films! She was terrified of the idea that the thing could be used on her.

Stephanie led Janet over to the rack. Her wrists were released, and she was made to sit up on the device. She then lay down, and spread her arms and legs until she was in the shape of an X. Her cuffs were soon attached to bars, leaving her spread-eagled and helpless on the device.

Lying flat on the rack, Janet knew that her torment was soon to come. She had not resisted because she was darkly curious about the engine. She wanted to know just what it would be like to be stretched and immobile on the thing, even if it would be painful.

Janet realized that she had become like those bored, thrill starved people that did dangerous things for kicks. Except that for her, it was B&D that excited her.

"Ready, Janet?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Stephanie ran her left hand over the figure of the bound girl, only pausing to pinch her erect nipples and knead her wet sex. The girl took easily to her slavery, and was willing to accept punishment eagerly.

She walked in her high heels over to the head of the rack, and gradually pulled the big wheel. Each time the wheel moved, the metal ratchet clicked once. This tightened the chain ever so slightly, reducing the slack and pulling Janet forward.

Janet gradually felt the rack tighten it's grip upon her, as her hands were slowly pulled forward. She could do nothing except to dig her nails into her palms, as the tension on her gradually increased.

Each click brought new pressure on Janet, as she tried in vain to resist the rack. It was truly implacable in nature, and she was helpless in its grip.

"Well now. Enjoying yourself, Janet?"

Janet did not know what to reply. She had not been stretched so far that it was painful just yet. But she imagined what the thing could do!

"Do you know, some of my other girls really love the rack? Why, they don't even regard it as a complete visit with me unless they've been stretched as you are now."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Would you like to know why I have such a thing in my house?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress."

"One of my slaves, a very rich woman, always dreamed that she would be stretched on a rack. She had it built, and made a present of it to me. She was the first person that it was used upon," described Stephanie.

Janet sighed as she tried to adjust herself to the rack. It was implacable in the way it held her, and all she could do was rub her bare behind on the polished wood surface.

"You really are liking this, aren't you?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress."

Stephanie paused to caress Janet again. The rack had flattened her female figure somewhat, but Janet still responded to the touch of the Mistress's fingers. She traced the outlines of Janet's breasts and belly, then proceed again down to her sex. Janet moaned with both pain and pleasure at the same time.

"You know," began Stephanie, "throughout history, people have come to love their tormentors."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Do you love me?" asked Stephanie.

"No, Mistress Stephanie. I love Mistress Erica, who owns me."

"Very good, Janet. I would hate to think after just a couple of days with me, you would be ready to leave your true Mistress," said Stephanie.

Stephanie then slowly resumed tightening the rack, and with each click the tension on Janet grew ever tighter. Her entire body felt as if was being stretched.

Looking down at herself, she was horrified to see that her chest had become flattened. However, her nipples was hard and erect, and pointed up defiantly at the ceiling.

Just when it seemed that her agony of the rack would go on forever, and Stephanie would never stop tightening the rack, the Mistress stopped.

"Had enough?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Would you like to be removed from the rack?"

"Yes, please. If my Mistress desires it," Janet answered.

Janet was relieved when Stephanie clicked something in the rack and the tension on her limbs began to ease. What had been agony for Janet a few seconds before had finally ended.

"Thank you, Mistress!" cried Janet.

"You're welcome, dear."

Janet then watched as Stephanie unlocked her wrists and ankles from the chains that had held her to the rack. She was free of the thing!

"You may get up now, Janet. Camille, help Janet to her room. I think that she's had enough for tonight. Then you may come to my bedroom."

"Yes, Mistress," answered Camille.

Stephanie left the Dungeon without saying another word. Janet slowly pulled herself upwards, and sat on the wooden instrument.

"How do you feel?" asked Camille.

"About seven feet tall," Janet answered.

"You'll be all right after a hot soak. You really weren't in any danger, you know."

"Why?" asked Janet, suddenly curious.

"You should have read those plaques you were dusting today. Stephanie is a full MD, who practiced for several years before retiring early."

"That's why she was so careful with my asshole," concluded Janet.

"Right, now lets get you bathed and ready for bed."

Again Janet was bathed and massaged by Camille, who massaged the sore muscles on her back. It felt just so good!

"Just don't play tennis for a while," advised Camille.

Camille locked Janet's collar to the chain hanging from the wall. Janet was again captive.

"What happens with you and Stephanie?" asked Janet.

"It depends. Perhaps she'll crop me a little, or I'll service her. I may get invited into bed, or spend the evening chained on the floor at the foot of her bed. It's something different each night."

Janet became instantly jealous. She had not yet been invited to share her Mistress's bed. She longed for Erica's caress, and wanted to show her Mistress what she was now capable of.

"Bye," said Camille.

Janet silently cried herself to sleep that night.

End Chapter Four Part Two

Next: Chapter 7

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