Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS Only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior. If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state that prohibits such Behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

"Janet in Training" Chapter Four: Slave Girl on Loan Part One

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

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Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send an e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

"Janet in Training" by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Chapter Four: Slave Girl on Loan

Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen.

When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on her time off. Normally, they would all go out for happy hour on Friday. Janet would refuse, since she had to get ready.

Her choice of sexual outlet would have surprised them. She did not mention it to anybody. Janet kept her dark secret well, and nobody suspected just what she was really doing with her life.

While reading an alternative publication, she found an ad for a fetish shop. On a weekday after work, she ventured there to find the same sort of equipment that had been used on her by Mistress Erica. To compliment the high heels that she wore at home, Janet purchased a set of collar and bracelets so that she could wear them at home and fantasize about Mistress Erica. She saw that the shop also had a dildo harness, and she passed on buying it. But she remembered how long she had worn it and what effect it produced on her.

One weekday evening while she was at home the phone rang. She was naked, and wearing her collar and bracelets. She was startled, since she had not been expecting anyone to call.

"Hello?" asked Janet.

"Janet? Hello, it's Erica. Glad I caught you at home. I have to give you some bad news."

"Mistress, what's wrong?" asked Janet, concern in her voice.

"Nothing bad, except that I have to go out of the country on business for a few weeks. Andrea and I will be leaving for Europe tomorrow. I have some business to take care of there."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Janet answered.

"I know how disappointed you must feel. So I've arranged for you too see a good friend of mine. She'll take care of you while I'm gone. Is that all right?" asked Erica.

"Yes, Mistress. How will I meet her?" Janet asked.

"Don't worry. She'll contact you."

"What's her name?" asked Janet.

"Mistress Stephanie. You must remember to obey her implicitly, since she will report your conduct when I return."

"Yes, Mistress. I'll be a good slave girl," offered Janet.

"I know you will, Janet. Bye."

"Goodbye, Mistress Erica, and I love you," said Janet.

"I know you do."

Janet was disappointed when she finally hung up the phone. She had been expecting to see Erica as usual this weekend, and instead she had been handed over to another Mistress. Still, Tiffany had said that she had already been with Stephanie, but did not want to talk about her. Damn! Why didn't they just exchange phone numbers, instead of being anonymous to each other! She really wanted to have Tiffany as a friend and confidant, not just fellow slave!

Her next few days were spent in an aura of anticipation. She jumped on every phone call, tore open every letter. As yet, there had been nothing.

By Thursday night, she was sure that Stephanie was not going to call. Surely this mysterious person would have already called to speak to her new charge.

Just when Janet had stepped out of the shower naked and dripping wet, the phone rang. She raced over to pick it up.

"Hello, is this Janet?" asked a woman's voice.

"Yes," said Janet breathlessly.

"My name is Stephanie Richards. We've never met, but we have a friend in common, Erica. She asked me if I would take care of you while she's away. Is that acceptable to you?"

"Yes," Janet was so excited that she could barely answer.

"Good. She told me of your limits, and I have agreed. We shall follow the same procedures every weekend, as you do with Erica."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Good. I'll send a limo tomorrow night. And don't be late, I don't like lateness. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Just be ready," cautioned Stephanie.

Before Janet could say anything else, she heard the received hang up on the other end. Janet toweled herself off, and found that her sex was wet with anticipation from talking with Stephanie.

Friday, she waited outside her door. Finally, a limo pulled up and she got inside. The driver aimed the car towards the parkway. She watched as the car went again to Connecticut, to a town not far from Greenwich. Erica and Stephanie were almost neighbors! After a long drive, when it had gotten dark, they pulled up in front of a large walled estate. The car entered though a locked gate, and pulled up in front of a lit doorway.

Janet took her coat and purse, and exited the car. She walked over to the door, and rang the bell.

The door was opened not be maid dressed in rubber, but by a beautiful woman in her late 30s.

"Are you Stephanie?" asked Janet.

"Mistress Stephanie, thank you. Please come in, Janet."

Stephanie took Janet's coat and placed it in the hall closet. Janet kept her silence, since she was in the presence of her new Mistress.

"Please come into the library. I was involved in something when you arrived."

"Yes, Mistress."

Janet followed Stephanie into the library. It was a big room, loaded with bookcases full of books and draped over a chair was a Maid's latex uniform, complete with stockings and shoes. Janet kept silent when she saw that a naked girl was bound to a leather footstool. Her knees and elbows were roped to the legs of the footstool, and she had a full ball gag trainer in her mouth.

"This is Camille, my Maid. She did not obey my command, so I was getting ready to punish her when you arrived."

Camille looked at Janet, her mouth silenced with the ball gag. She was bound to the leather footstool, and she was rubbing her naked body against the leather. It was quite erotic to see.

"Camille, stop that!" ordered Stephanie. "You're not bound there to get off sexually. Wait till I finish with Janet here, and then I'll attend to you."

Camille grunted in reply.

"Please be seated," directed Stephanie.

Janet seated herself in a nearby chair. She watched as Stephanie pulled a heavy armchair over, then placed her legs over Camille's bound form. Camille was being used as a piece of furniture!

"Erica tells me you are a slave girl. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"How long have you been in training?"

"Several months."

"Have you been whipped?"

"Yes, Mistress", Janet answered. How strange this conversation was!

"Good. Erica and I have been friends and associates for a long time. We have shared many things over the years, including girls. I agreed to continue your training while she is away, do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"You must realize that you must obey me as you would obey her. Failure will result in a truly painful punishment. Are you prepared to accept the orders of another Mistress?"

"Yes, Mistress. Else I would not be here tonight."

"Good. I see that you already know the correct forms of address. I hope that you are well trained, since I shall be expecting much from you. Here is something from Mistress Erica. I think that you'll know what to do."

Stephanie produced a sealed box, which she handed to Janet. Janet tore the tape off, and opened it to reveal her collar, bracelets, and shoes.

"Mistress Stephanie, permission to prepare?" asked Janet.

"Go ahead, Janet," answered Stephanie.

Janet was by now used to the idea of being naked before another woman. She stood up and began to remove her clothes. She undid her skirt, blouse, shoes, garter belt and stockings. Her bra and panties followed next, and she was naked in front of Stephanie.

"Stand still," ordered Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress."

Stephanie inspected her new charge. Janet was simply lovely, and her body was well striped.

"Turn around and hold your arms straight up."

Janet did as she was instructed.

Camille grunted when Stephanie removed her legs from her back.

"Janet, I want you to bend over," ordered Stephanie.

Janet bent over to touch her toes. She stood still as Stephanie began to feel her back, then inserted a hand between her legs. Stephanie fondled her sex quickly, then moved on to her breasts. Janet flinched when her nipples were pulled, but she remained silent.

Stephanie felt Janet's bottom, massaging the girl's ass cheeks. She then reached up with one hand for Janet's sex again, making her shiver with her touch. Janet moaned when she felt Stephanie's examination of the most private parts of her body.

"You may stand up now," she commanded.

Janet stood straight again, under the watchful eye of her new Mistress. She did not look Stephanie directly in the eye, since that would be a reason to punish her.

"You can put on your bracelets now," Stephanie ordered.

Usually, Andrea would lock Janet into her bondage. However, she was in Stephanie's house now, so she had to do that herself.

Hesitantly, she picked up the collar and locked it around her neck. Then she locked the bracelets around her wrists and ankles. Finally, she locked the high heels on her feet. She locked the small padlocks shut after she pulled the metal loop through the leather strap.

"Excellent," commented Stephanie.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet.

"Before we begin, I want to show you how I treat my slaves."

Stephanie walked over to a cabinet, and after opening a drawer she produced a large dildo and a riding crop. She flexed the crop in her hands to show its stiffness to Janet.

"Have you been cropped before?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. This will be for Camille."

Taking the two objects, Stephanie approached the bound Camille. She inserted the dildo within Camille's sex, after first lubricating the phallus. Camille grunted when the dildo was placed within the lips of her sex, and arched her back to help Stephanie plunge it into her sheath.

Once Stephanie was satisfied that the dildo was placed firmly within Camille, she began to pinch the bound girl's breasts and ass. This made her squirm and moan from within her ball gag. Her friction against the leather of the footstool was also having an effect on the bound girl, as she rubbed against it.

"Keep that dildo in your pussy," ordered Stephanie, "Or you'll get something up your behind!"

Stephanie then began to slowly caress Camille with the riding crop. At the very end was a small leather loop, which she traced over Camille back, behind, calves, and feet.

"There now, Camille," said Stephanie. "Don't you regret breaking that dish?"

All that Camille could do was to moan.

Stephanie began to lightly crop Camille, with the crop leaving tiny red marks on her naked skin. The Mistress would first place a series of marks on one area, then move on to another. She then began to increase the intensity and strength of her strokes, making Camille rub against the footstool.

Janet stood entranced by the scene, watching Stephanie discipline her errant slave. She noticed that every now and then, Stephanie would make certain that the dildo was still within Camille's pussy. Janet marveled at the control that the girl had! By now, Janet knew that she would have lost all control and expelled the phallus from her sex.

After a series of moderate strokes, Stephanie stopped.

"Enough," said Stephanie. "We have to take care of our guest."

"Janet, untie Camille. I'm sure that you can deal with a few ropes. You can remove her dildo and gag. She will be helping you next."

Janet had never untied another girl before. The scene had been so erotic that she felt almost hypnotized by what she had been ordered to do. First she hobbled over to Camille, and inserted her hand between the bound girl's legs. She grabbed the dildo, and slowly withdrew it from Camille's sex, making the girl moan and fidget. Then she knelt and untied the ropes on one footstool leg, then the other. She then stood and walked two steps to Camille's front, then knelt again and released her elbows. She then helped Camille to her feet, and unbuckled the gag straps. Camille took several deep breaths, her breasts heaving in the process.

"Thank you, Mistress Stephanie," said Camille.

"This is Janet, Mistress Erica's slave. Get dressed and place her in the Dungeon pending my arrival. I'm going to get dressed."

"Yes, Mistress."

Stephanie confidently left the library, closing the door behind her. The lock clicked loudly in the room's utter silence.

Camille dressed quickly. First was a small silk panty, followed by her garter belt and stockings. Then a demi bra that lifted her breasts upwards, and exposed her aureole and nipples. Next, she put on the black uniform and zipped it up, without any help from Janet. Finally, she put on a set of heels like Janet, which she also locked upon her feet.

"We have to hurry," said Camille. "I don't want to risk another punishment."

"What do I have to do?" asked Janet.

"Nothing that you haven't done before," said Camille. "Now be quiet as I get you ready. Mistress Stephanie already instructed me how you were to be prepared."

Janet stood silently, as her wrists were locked together in back and a leash attached to her collar. Then Camille went to a cabinet and got out a small box. She opened it, and Janet glimpsed something metallic within.

"I don't know if you're used to these clamps. It'll hurt at first, but you'll learn to live with them."

Camille produced a metal clamp that looked menacing, which she moved to place on Janet's nipple. Camille had to pinch and tease the nipple to make it erect, then she slowly closed the jaws of the clamp upon it. Janet flinched when it was firmly on.

"You don't want these to fall off. We'll both get punished for that," stated Camille.

Janet's other nipple was soon adorned like the first. Then she backed away when Camille produced another clamp.

"I've got two for your sex also, then a gag and blindfold. Be glad that I showed these to you first, before I gagged you," said Camille.

"Thank you," answered Janet.

Janet stood helplessly as Camille gently attached the two clamps to her outer pussy lips, feeling their pressure as they were set firmly in her pussy. She moaned and shifted her legs.

"You're handling this quite well," said Camille. "My first time I panicked."

"Thanks," said Janet.

Then Janet was gagged and blindfolded as usual. She accepted the gag reluctantly, since it was usually Andrea who performed that task.

Here she was in an unfamiliar house, at the mercy of another Mistress. She was again bound and helpless, and being led away to a new Dungeon. Then why was she so excited by everything that she had so far seen tonight?

She followed Camille in silence, the only sound being the clicking of their heels as they walked. Camille guided her charge through several corridors, none of which had carpeting. Janet was glad for that simple accommodation to slave girls.

Finally, she heard the hinges to a heavy door open. Walking inside onto the stone floor, she felt the roughness as her stiletto heels caught the slight variations in its surface.

Janet felt her hands unlocked then locked again to a bar suspended from the ceiling. Something was then activated, and she was soon stretched as the slack in the chain was taken up. Janet then heard Camille's heels click as the Maid left the Dungeon, closing the door behind her.

Janet hung there, alone. Even though it was it was futile, Janet tested her chains. She found that the steel was implacable as ever. She tried to pull at the bar that suspended her from the ceiling, to no effect. But what were worse were the clamps on her nipples and sex. Mistress Erica had never used those and on her first night with Mistress Stephanie she was being subjected to something new and quite painful. She wished that Stephanie would soon arrive.

Janet heard the door open again and there was the sound of two people walking. She heard the door hinges squeak their protest upon opening, and she felt a draft at her naked back. Then the door was closed again, and she felt the blindfold being removed.

She blinked her eyes in the sudden light. As she was able to focus again, she saw that Stephanie was now wearing a vinyl bra and matching skirt, thigh high boots, and shoulder length gloves all in black. Camille was dressed as before, except that she was now dressed in a latex outfit.

Stephanie then undid her gag, and Janet was free of the ball between her lips.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet.

"Do you enjoy being chained again?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress," quickly answered Janet.

"Do you like the accommodations?"

Janet looked over the Dungeon and found that there were many more things than she had been before. Stocks, a large device in the shape of an X, a rack, and numerous places to chain a slave girl were all that she could see at first glance.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. I'm sure that over time we'll get a chance to use these wonderful things together."

Janet stood silent in her chains.

"Do you like the clamps?"

"They have never been used on me before," answered Janet.

"You didn't answer my question slave. I asked you if you liked them, not if they've been used before."

"I'm sorry Mistress. I like them a lot," answered Janet.

"Do they hurt?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Perhaps I'll leave them on when I use the riding crop for good effect," said Stephanie. "You do like the riding crop, now don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Camille, hand me the crop."

At the command of her Mistress, Camille handed Mistress Stephanie the riding crop that she had been holding all this time. Stephanie flexed the crop in her gloved hands, then offered it to Janet. Janet kissed it, caressing the instrument with her lips as if it was a lover.

Janet wondered when the moment of truth would come. Unlike Erica, Stephanie did not circle Janet. She did not make her punishment seem a game, but instead took it very seriously. Her new Mistress stood in front of her, flexing the crop in her hands.

Next, Stephanie stuck with the crop. It blazed a path of clear agony across Janet's loins, making her struggle against her bonds. Still, she did not cry out in pain.

Stephanie began again by laying down a regular pattern of stripes on Janet's bottom. She struck harshly with the crop, marking her behind each time. Janet's skin striped nicely, leaving a welt each time the crop impacted on her female flesh.

Janet struggled against her chains, pulling then in a futile attempt to get away from the harsh riding crop that Stephanie used on her naked flesh. It was quite obvious that Stephanie was a determined Mistress, as her naked body was pained by the effect of the riding crop. Each time that it struck her body, she felt like screaming. Still, she did not want to embarrass herself or her Mistress, and she now wished for the dignity of the ball gag. She was hurting more deeply than she ever had before, or had ever dreamed possible. She could now well believe the idea that women were crueler to each other than a man could possibly be towards a woman.

Stephanie clearly knew how to hurt a girl, selecting each time a different part of her anatomy for the crop. Still, she managed to avoid the clamps that pained her nipples and sex. Janet clenched her fingers, digging her nails into her palms.

In due time, her underarms, breasts, thighs, and legs all came under the crop. Unlike Erica, Stephanie did not pause in her punishment of Janet. She was totally devoted to her work.

Soon tears escaped Janet's eyes, streaking down her face.

The crop was a fearsome method of discipline, with each assault upon her body producing terrible pain and suffering. Janet knew that every time it struck, it left a painful mark that would take days to heal.

"Had enough?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress," Janet cried.

"Good girl, you took the crop very well."

Stephanie handed the crop back to Camille.

"Now about those clamps. Do you want them removed?"

"Yes, Mistress. Please," plead Janet.

Stephanie reached out with her gloved hands and gently began to remove one nipple clamp. When it was finally removed, Janet was surprised how much it hurt.

"Owwww," cried Janet.

Once the three other clamps were removed, Janet was a miasma of pain. Her breasts and sex hurt from the clamps and the rest of her hurt from the punishment that she had received.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet.

Stephanie began to pinch Janet's inflamed nipples, then moved down to her pussy lips. She cupped Janet's sex, then inserted her finger into Janet's cunt.

"Ooooooh!" Janet cried.

"Silence, slave," Stephanie commanded.

"You're quite a little bondage slut," said Stephanie, "and rather wet between your legs."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Did you enjoy the riding crop?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Then I'm sure that we'll just get along fabulously, my dear. Now what shall we do next?"

Janet resigned herself to what promised to be a long night of torment. If there were any other girls here that Stephanie would be attending to, she made no mention of them. Janet was the sole girl in the Dungeon, and it would be her flesh that would bear all of the marks tonight!

"What ever my Mistress desires," answered Janet.

Just to increase her discomfort, Stephanie reached out again and pinched and twisted Janet's left nipple hard. Janet shrieked in her bonds, amazed that her nipple could now be so tender.

"There now," said Stephanie, "I guess that you're in the right mood now."

"Yes, Mistress," cried Janet.

"I guess we have to be equal, don't we," said Mistress Stephanie.

She reached out and pinched and twisted Janet's right nipple. Janet reacted the same way that she had before.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet.

"Good girl, I was afraid that you had forgotten your manners. Now then, what shall I do next?"

Janet said nothing, since she was the one who was going to be punished. With her breasts and sex still tender from the clamps she did not want to give Mistress Stephanie any more ideas than she already had about what to do with her.

"Camille, give me the whip, please," said Stephanie.

"Yes, Mistress," Camille answered as she quickly produced the whip.

The whip was a long, thin sinuous, piece of leather that Janet had learned to dread as a slave girl. It would wrap itself around her, marking her skin.

Stephanie flexed the whip in front of Janet, enjoying the distress that it caused on the face of the bound girl. She did not offer the handle for Janet to kiss. Rather, she merely flourished it several times before she struck Janet with it. The thin leather wrapped itself around Janet's naked figure.

Janet flinched under the impact of the whip, trying to escape as it wound its way around her. It was to no avail, as Stephanie wanted Janet to know just how she could yield the whip.

The whip was less exact than the crop had been, and it sometimes struck those areas that hurt from the clamps. When it struck her nipple, or buried itself between her legs, Janet cried out from the impact.

"Now then. I see that I've reached your very core," said Stephanie.

Janet chose not to reply, as Stephanie directed a stroke that landed on her sex at that moment. Janet finally screamed conscious of the fact that Stephanie might enjoy her cries of distress.

Droplets of sweat ran down Janet's naked bound body, running down between her breasts and down her legs. Ever since she had been in the Dungeon, she realized that the lights were hot and bright, not subdued. The room was hot, and it was no wonder that she was sweating. Even though her legs had not been bound, Janet had managed to keep them open and her sex available so far. By accident, she closed them.

"Bad girl," said Stephanie.

"Mistress?" asked Janet.

"Since you can't keep your legs open, I'll have Camille keep them open for you. Camille, get the spreader bar."

Camille did as she was instructed to and produced a spreader bar. Stephanie bent down and locked it to Janet ankle bracelets.

"There now, that should keep your legs open," said Mistress Stephanie.

"Sorry, Mistress."

"Such a little transgression, soon it will all be forgotten."

Janet regretted the momentary loss of control. One of the first things that she had learned at Mistress Erica's hand was that a slave girl must always be available to her Mistress. One her first night with another Mistress, she had let her attention wander for a moment.

Stephanie struck out again with the whip, a little harder this time than before. The insidious thing wrapped itself around Janet's bust, with the tip coming to rest on her pained nipple.

"Owwww!" cried Janet.

For the next few minutes, it seemed as if Stephanie was deliberately finding those places most tender from one punishment or another. Janet knew that any pleading from her would be totally without effect.

Suddenly, just when it seemed that her torment would continue forever, Stephanie suddenly stopped. She coiled the whip and offered the handle to Janet, who began to kiss it passionately.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet.

"Enough for one night. Camille, could you see to Janet? I'll be in the library."

Stephanie handed the coiled whip to Camille, and she made her exit though the Dungeon door.

"Are you all right?" asked Camille.

"I'll survive," answered Janet.

"Let me take you down," said Camille.

In a few moments, Janet was on her feet again, rubbing her hands together and feeling down her legs where the crop and whip had left marks.

"Stephanie likes to make out that she is a tough Mistress. But she knows when to stop and never gets carried away before she does any real damage," said Camille.

"What about those clamps?" asked Janet.

"They didn't really hurt you, did they?"

"Well, no. Except that my Mistress doesn't use them."

"You mean hasn't used them. Every Mistress has the same toys and sooner or later gets around to using them on her girls. It just takes time to use everything."

"You sound like you're experienced," observed Janet.

"I've been with Stephanie for four years."

"As a slave?"

"No, I was hired as a regular Maid. But funny things happened. Like even though I had a room, she would send me away. Even pay for a hotel room. I got days off when I should have been working. Finally, one night I came back by accident cause I left some clothes here, and I found Stephanie in the Dungeon doing a scene. I was so shocked when she explained, and she tried to pack me off with a huge bribe. But I stayed, and I asked to be trained after a while. It just seems so normal now."

Janet was stunned by the explanation that Camille had given her. Somehow she had always thought that her way had been the only way. But to discover that your employer was really a Mistress and then come join her!

"Come on now, I've got to get you ready for bed. Time for a bath, you're a mass of sweat," said Camille.

Janet, minus her high heels was then treated to a super hot bath that filled the bathroom with steam. The hot water made her welts sting, but she knew that was merely temporary and would really help them heal faster.

Camille bathed her luxuriously, filling the tub with hot soapy water. She forced Janet's hands away when she tried to wash herself.

"I'll handle everything, you just sit back and relax," said Camille.

In contrast to the severity of the discipline that she had received in the Dungeon, Janet now felt like she was being pampered in some salon. She was given a hot bath, and her skin was tended to. Her hair was washed, combed and set. Her nails were even given a trim. She was then given a massage, before Camille said that it was now time for bed.

"This house doesn't have a cell downstairs for you to sleep in, so I'll be locking you in one of the bedrooms," said Camille.

"I feel like I'm at a hotel," answered Janet.

"Perhaps, but I never heard of a hotel with a Dungeon."

"Not a bad idea, especially for someone who doesn't pay their bill," laughed Janet.

Janet was taken to a bedroom. Her collar was locked to a ring set in the wall, and she was told to buzz if she needed anything. There was a clock on the dresser, and Janet was surprised to find that it was 2 in the morning. Had she really been in the Dungeon all that time?

"Good night," said Camille as she turned out the light.

"Good night," answered Janet.

Naked under the covers, Janet tested the chain to her collar. Her hands flew to her breasts and sex, and she found that she was still sexually charged as she fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

End of Janet CH04 PT1

Next: Chapter 6

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