Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior. If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

"Janet in Training" Chapter Three PT2: Janet's Double Life

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

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Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

Janet CH 03 PT2 Continued:

"Had a good night?" asked Erica. "It's morning, Janet."

Janet stirred in her prison. She rolled over in her jail, and pulled herself over to the bars. Grasping one bar in each hand, she looked eagerly at her Mistress.

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you for putting me in solitary."

"Perhaps Andrea did not tell you about this punishment. You're to be locked in here all day. Don't worry, Andrea will be down with a tray for you a little later. Of course, you won't be let out, so you'll be given a bedpan to use. That's punishment for bad slave girls who don't know how to behave."

Erica walked out of the lit room. She closed the massive door with a bang, and it echoed in the small space that held Janet. All that Janet could do was to flail at the bars uselessly.

Janet wondered what had happened last night to Tiffany. Had she received more punishment? Had she been placed somewhere in a special confinement? All sorts of ideas flooded into Janet's mind. She had come to realize anything was now possible when one was a slave girl.

No matter what she tried to do, avoiding punishment had proved to be impossible. First she was harshly whipped, then offered the chance to see Tiffany. She had taken it, at the price of additional strokes with the riding crop. Her agony from riding the horse was something that she would not forget for some time. Then she had been whipped later anyway.

She knew that any attempt at eluding a thrashing was useless. No matter what she could say, there was nothing except for the reality of the whip. Besides, Mistress Erica could always silence her cries through the use of a gag.

For Janet, her day in solitary was long and boring. Andrea who passed the tray through a slot in the bars fed her. A bedpan took care of her toilet needs. The room was kept lit, and there was little to do except try and sleep. She supposed that she could play with her own sex, but there might be a punishment for doing that without permission.

There was nothing so frustrating as the lack of a clock. Janet had wished for one when she had been on the horse. She had wanted to know her endurance on the hideous device.

Janet decided not to ask Erica. She guessed that her question just might land her on the horse again, on a whim of Erica's.

She longed for a visit from Tiffany, except that she was either in confinement or under orders no to. Tiffany said that she had been punished many times, and that Janet should get used to it.

From what she had already seen, there were many ways of bringing a slave girl to agony. The devices that Erica possessed were meant to be used in the training of slave girls, and Erica had the desire to use them. Janet's usual feminine wiles were useless here, when confronted by a strong determined Mistress.

Janet grasped at the bars again, straining her hurt muscles against them. It was a futile gesture, and it did little to help her escape solitary. Her plastic and steel prison was rather bearable. She was not forced to maintain a painful position, nor was she surround by cold steel. She remembered seeing Tiffany locked in the metal cage, and wondered when it would be her turn!

Andrea appeared outside the bars. She carried a small cup of coffee, which Janet eagerly drank when offered.

"I'll bet that you're lonely just now," observed Andrea.

"There really isn't much that a naked girl can do in a cage," Janet answered.

"You'll get used to it. I spent many hours in there, alone and crying. You'll find that a slave girl can get used to anything."

"What time is it?" Janet asked.

"The one item that I was told would get me a whipping would be if I told you what time it was. So don't ask again. You're not waiting for a train. It's not as if you're going anywhere," Andrea observed.

Andrea vanished as quickly as she had appeared. Janet wished for her return, as at least she was some company. Andrea outranked Janet and Tiffany, since she outfitted them for their bondage rituals. Though she had never seen Andrea wielding a whip, it was very possible that she was allowed to do so. Janet had learned not to find out by provoking her. Having already been both whipped and cropped (she wondered what other methods of pain awaited her) she had learned not to risk any additional punishment!

She hoped that the entire day had elapsed when Andrea appeared again, this time to unlock her vinyl prison.

"Out," ordered Andrea.

Janet eagerly jumped out of solitary, and Andrea closed the door behind her.

"Wait," said Andrea.

Janet was soon confined again, with her wrists behind her back and led by Andrea's leash. The one thing that a slave girl was not allowed to feel was free.

She was led out of the Dungeons, the only sound being that of her heels clicking on the stone floor. At least Janet wasn't gagged yet, but that minor detail could change quickly.

Even though the Dungeon was deserted, Janet somehow knew that it was again her turn to be disciplined.

Andrea than pulled her along to the usual bars. In no time at all, she was locked again, spread-eagled to receive some form of punishment. She took short shallow breaths in anticipation.

Erica appeared, this time alone. She was wearing another leather outfit, one that exposed her breasts and hugged her every curve.

"Well now. Had a good night?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Enjoyed your time in solitary?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Someday in the future, you'll enjoy another stay in there all by yourself. Maybe for a whole week?" Erica suggested.

"Yes, Mistress," meekly answered Janet. To stay in solitary for a night had been restful. But being confined there for a whole week seemed just too much to take!

"Now then, what shall I do with you today?" asked Erica.

"Whatever my Mistress desires," answered Janet.

"Do you like being punished?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. I'm sure that I can oblige you then. The only question is how. I can cause great pain in a girl, if I so choose. I can also provide great pleasure, also."

Janet kept silent. Any answer might just produce an unwanted result.

"I think I know," said Erica.

Much to her surprise, Janet found herself being lowered to the floor again. She did not know what was in store for her, but it might be something new.

After Janet was released, her hands were cuffed behind her back again, with the leash attached to her collar.

"Come over here," ordered Erica.

Janet was pulled over to the wall, and stood there while Erica looked for something in the wall cabinet.

"There it is," said Erica.

It was an exact duplicate of the chastity belt that she had worn before, except that attached to the center strap was a phallic object simulating an erect male member. Janet gasped at the sight of it. Surely Erica was not thinking of using that on her!

"Ever seen one of these? It's a dildo, designed to keep you occupied for a while."

"Is that for me, Mistress?" asked Janet.

"I thought that it might make a nice change from the whip. I was planning on using the dildo next week, but you're such a willing slave."

"Yes, Mistress. Please use it on me?" asked Janet.

"Good. Now just stand still and open wide."

Janet watched with mounting anticipation as Erica first buckled the belt around her waist. She pulled the belt tight, and Janet had to exhale in order to accommodate it.

"Here it comes," said Erica, "open wide."

Janet bent down slightly, opening her legs. She felt as the dildo entered her sex, and she gasped and moaned as Erica gently pushed the thing in. She was astonished as it penetrated deeper into her sex, moaning the deeper in it went.

Erica finished her unusual task by buckling the strap in at Janet's back. Janet could now appreciate why the belt around her waist had to be so tight. This way there was no chance of her removing it, and it kept the phallus in position.

"Now walk," said Erica, as she released Janet's hands.

Janet began by taking a few hesitant careful steps, under Erica's watchful gaze. She was by now used to hobbling around in the high heels. But having the dildo inside her sex kept her in a constant state of sexual excitement.

"Like it?" asked Erica.

Janet paraded in front of Erica, her cheeks flushed and her breaths short and fast. She knew that if she stopped, she might be chastised for it. Far better to do as Erica ordered, rather than being whipped again.

The dildo produced one climax after another and it rubbed against her at every step. Janet knew that she was already wet from the dildo, and she had only had it inside her for a few minutes.

"Yes, Mistress. It's like nothing I've ever had before."

"All the girls say that. Since you like it so much, I'll leave it locked inside you for a while. Would you like to come upstairs?"

"Yes, Mistress, please?" Janet asked.

After being in the Dungeon, she wanted to see something besides stone and steel.

"It's really late afternoon," said Erica.

"Thank you, Mistress."

Janet was blindfolded again, and after a few minutes, they were upstairs. Erica had not cuffed her wrists, since it was hard for Janet to maintain her balance with the addition of the dildo inside her.

Erica then released Janet's leash, and Janet found herself free inside the house.

"Andrea is cooking dinner, and Tiffany should be around someplace. If you need something, just find either of us," advised Erica.

"Yes, Mistress."

For Janet, every step produced a climax. She had once gone into a sex shop and seen the dildos lined up, and fantasized what it might be like to use them. Now that she had one inside her, it was quite a new experience!

Janet stood in the library, wondering if she had the courage to try a walk outside with the dildo inside her. She heard the click of heels, and saw Tiffany.

"Hello there," greeted Tiffany. "Enjoy your stay in solitary?"

"At least I wasn't whipped," Janet replied.

"That will come," said Tiffany.

Her companion was naked like before, wearing only her bracelets and heels.

"Got something inside you?" asked Tiffany.

"How can you tell?" said Janet.

"From the way you're standing, I'd say that there's something inside that belt of yours. Dildo?"


"Nothing to be ashamed of. Before I met Erica, I had my own vibrator to keep me company. Besides, there's no secrets between two naked slave girls, are there?"

"No, I guess not."

Tiffany picked up a glossy magazine from the table and sat down on the couch. Janet hobbled over and joined her, trying to sit comfortably with the phallus inside her.

"You'll have a time getting used to it," offered Tiffany.

Janet idly pulled at the leather straps and the little padlocks that kept it inside her. Her nails had no effect against the leather and steel of the belt.

"I feel so aroused," said Janet.

"I was once in a slave contest where were had those belts and we were made to run races and do other contests."

"What did the winner get?" asked Janet.

"She was awarded to another Mistress for a week."

"What did the losers get?"

"Punished, of course."

"Did you win?" asked Janet.

"I was the property of Mistress Stephanie for a week," answered Tiffany.

"How was she?" Janet asked.

"You're not supposed to ask about another Mistress," cautioned Tiffany, "there's a punishment for that."

Having the dildo inside Janet made her feel intensely aroused. Idly, she began to touch her breasts, finding that her nipples were erect from the state of excitement that she was in.

Janet found that droplets of sweat were running down her body. She felt hot and flushed in her condition.

"I want to walk outside," said Janet.

"It's a bit chilly. You'll catch a cold if you go outside."

"Maybe I can wear something," ventured Janet.

"Silly, slave girls don't wear clothes. What we've got on is all we're going to get," said Tiffany.

"Tiffany?" asked Janet, "suck my nipples, please?"

"No. There'll be a terrible penalty if we're caught. And I'd like to avoid any unnecessary stripes if I can."

"I think that we'll be punished anyway. Please?"

"No!" Tiffany replied, "look at me!"

Tiffany displayed her marks, tracing the path of them on her skin. It wasn't worth it giving Janet what she wanted, knowing that a penalty awaited her.

Tiffany wanted to be confined somewhere so that Janet couldn't get her into trouble.

"Bonding together, dears?" questioned Erica as she entered the library.

Both girls looked up from the couch at their Mistress.

"Keeping out of trouble, Tiffany?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Janet, what are you doing?" Erica demanded.

Janet did not realize that she was still fondling her right nipple.

"Did I say you could do that?" asked Erica.

"No, Mistress."

"There will be a punishment for that tonight, after dinner. Since you're becoming such a bondage slut."

"Yes, Mistress," answered Janet.

"Are you a bondage slut?" asked Erica.

"Yes, Mistress. I'm a bondage slut," answered Janet.

"Good. Just the response that I wanted to hear."

"Mistress?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Janet."

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

Janet had not asked for years if she could go to the bathroom. Erica accompanied her, and she unlocked the dildo portion of the harness, leaving the belt locked around her waist. Once Janet was finished and had cleaned herself up, she was soon locked into the harness again.

"Let me show you something," said Erica.

Janet followed her Mistress into the library. She opened wall panel to reveal a TV set. She popped a tape in the VCR, and Janet saw something that made her gasp with astonishment.

On screen were girls dressed in some kind of costume! They were wearing thigh high boots, a leather bodysuit with their hands locked behind their backs, and bridles!

The girls were made to act like horses, and were made to pull carts and have races!

"They're called pony girls," said Erica.

"It's fantastic, Mistress."

"I don't do that sort of thing, but Mistress Cheryl does. She has a pony girl camp during the summer. Perhaps I'll send you there for a while if you've been bad. Or good for that matter."

Dinner was an interesting affair. Andrea served Erica in the main dining room, with both naked girls in attendance. Janet was still wearing her harness, and it was agony to wear the dildo in her pussy for so long. Both girls assisted Andrea in serving their Mistress, who wore an evening gown, made entirely of rubber. They were taught how to serve, pour wine, display themselves, and remove the dishes.

"One day, I will be entertaining other Dominants," said Erica, "and you have to be ready to serve them. Naked, of course."

Janet was extra careful not to drop or spill anything. That was made more difficult by the heels and dildo that she wore. It was a victory that she managed to get through the meal with doing anything wrong.

When she was replacing Erica's coffee cup on the serving trolley, Erica got up behind her and started to massage her behind.

"You've been a good girl, Janet."

"Yes, Mistress."

"You didn't do anything wrong."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"I've got something special in mind for you, then," said Erica.

"Thank you, Mistress. I'm sure it will be interesting."

Later that evening, after Andrea and the two slave girls had eaten and rested, it was again time to go to the Dungeon.

Janet stood leashed with her hands cuffed behind her back and a ball gag in her mouth, in the Dungeon. Her only companion was Erica.

"I think that the paddle on your behind would be suitable?" said Erica. "Don't you?"

Janet's eyes widened in surprise when she saw that Erica was holding a leather paddle in her hands.

She pulled Janet over to a vinyl covered saw horse and first secured her ankles, after having first drawn them apart. Unlocking her wrists, Janet was bent over the horse. Her wrists were secured.

Her behind was sticking up in the air. She squealed when she felt Erica's hands probing her sex.

"You must be pretty sore and horny after had that dildo in your pussy all day," said Erica, "once I sentenced one of my other girls to wear it all day at her regular job. I'm told that she was quite efficient that day."

Janet felt her behind pushed and probed her ass cheeks separated, and her flesh kneaded. She moaned from behind her gag. Then she felt lubricant spread into her asshole, and became afraid.

Erica had put on a pair of rubber surgical gloves, and gently inserted her finger with lubricant into Janet's asshole. Janet was really not ready for this, so Erica probed gently and did not force her finger inside.

"Calm, dear. Calm. Don't get excited, I'm not going to hurt you there. Since your behind is in such an excellent position, I just thought that I'd take this chance to explore. They'll be other times when I'll use your asshole."

Janet whimpered from behind the gag. If it had not silenced her, she would have been screaming by now. Still, it was more from fright than actual pain. Erica slowly inserted her finger, lubricating Janet's asshole, only moving her gloved finger inside when she felt that Janet was open and ready for her.

Even though Janet's asshole had almost clamped shut at first, Erica was a talented Mistress. She calmed and soothed Janet, putting her at ease and relaxing her so that she could probe her behind.

"You did very well, Janet," complimented Erica when she had completed her examination.

"Mmmmmmmph," Janet answered from behind her gag.

Bent over the horse, Janet had gradually relaxed while her behind was being probed. Erica had been gentle and soothing, and Janet had soon cooperated with having her asshole fingered. She had been afraid that she might be torn open, but instead she had merely been frightened of nothing.

"Now for the paddle," said Erica.

She displayed the leather paddle to Janet. It was a thick heavy paddle that bent. Erica showed it to her captive.

"Ready dear?" asked Erica.

Janet shook her head no as the first blow struck. It was a light blow, not the devastating one that she had feared. It stung, and the broad leather had left a large footprint where it had struck her behind.

Erica continued slowly, delivering each blow with the precision that she used with the whip. Janet felt the skin of her naked behind heat up slowly with each blow, feeling ever more erotic as the paddle impacted on her flesh.

"Your skin is turning a lovely shade of red, Janet," Erica observed.

Janet bit down on the gag. Somehow, the gag gave her the dignity to accept her punishment, since she might plead and embarrass herself if she was free of it.

First one cheek, then the other felt the sting of the paddle. Erica used slightly stronger strokes, which made Janet moan and squirm. She pulled at her bracelets without effect, marveling at the sheer practical nature of their keeping a girl utterly helpless.

Bent over, she felt so embarrassed. Helpless, with her behind in the air, she was at Erica's complete mercy.

Having had her asshole already probed made her concerned for what might happen next. When Erica said that she was totally owned by her Mistress, Janet realized that it was true.

"I'm finished," said Erica as she replaced the paddle on its hook. She bent down and released Janet's ballgag.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet.

"That's good, dear," answered Erica.

"May I ask a question, Mistress?" asked Janet.


"Where's Tiffany?"

"Tied up somewhere, I should imagine. Andrea is entertaining her just now."

"Thank you, Mistress."

Monday morning found Janet getting ready for work. Getting up early to shower, she admired the marks from the whip and the crop. She fingered her pussy and felt herself wet from the memory of having the dildo inside her. Her behind was a little tender, but sitting was possible.

How am I going to keep my mind on my work today? Janet asked herself, when I'm so sexually charged?

End Janet CH03 PT2

Next: Chapter 5

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