Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior. If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

"Janet in Training" Chapter Three PT1: Janet's Double Life

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Archiving permitted, reposting is permitted; but only if you Include this statement of limitation of use and notify the author by e-mail. The author forbids you to make, distribute, or sell multiple copies Of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format. However, individual readers may make single copies of the Story for their own, non-commercial use.

Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

"Janet in Training" by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Chapter Three: Janet's Double Life

For the next few months, Janet's life took on a strange double existence. After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire circumference. Janet had slipped the ring on her index finger, where Erica had ordered.

From Monday through Friday she worked at her regular job in NY as a secretary. On Friday night, however, when most people were looking forward to a normal weekend Janet would be preparing for something quite different. She would shower and clean up, shave her legs and eliminate as much body hair as she could. No bikini lines for a slave girl!

She had asked a neighbor to keep an eye out for her apartment when she was gone for the weekend. Her neighbors thought that the limo that picked her up every Friday might be taking her away to meet a rich date. How surprised they would be to know instead that it was instead taking her away for a night in Erica's Dungeon!

Once, while exploring NY on her lunch hour after a power failure had cleared her building she heard of a strange shoe store near her job that stocked unusual shoes. She almost ran there, and nearly passed the place. It was small but neat. Displayed inside were the same kind of shoes that Mistress Erica had forced her to wear as a slave. She bought a pair that could be locked on her ankles (a visit to a hardware store for the little locks was next); a pair of calf high boots; and finally the clerk showed her a pair of thigh high boots as well. Janet was overjoyed and bought all three. Finally she would be able to get used to wearing such high heels at home instead of just for a weekend. It was a good thing that she had never put down carpeting on her apartment. This way she didn't have to worry about tripping on the carpet while perched on those shoes!

When the limo finally pulled up on Friday, Janet was glad that it had arrived. She had wondered just what might happen if she were to refuse to come to Mistress Erica's Mansion. But instead, every weekend, she dutifully entered the limo and entered her double life of slavery.

When it finally arrived at Erica's, Janet knew that she was late. She exited the car and walked briskly up the stairs to the door. Andrea knew when she had arrived since the gate had to be opened, and she was waiting at the front door.

"You're late," observed Andrea.

"There was an accident on the Bridge."

"You don't want to keep Mistress waiting," said Andrea.

Janet followed Andrea back to what she called the "outfit room." This was where she and Tiffany would exchange their clothes for collars, bracelets, and heels. For two days Janet knew that she would be naked while in the Mansion and Dungeon. The only people who would be wearing anything would be Erica and Andrea.

Once there, she saw that Tiffany had preceded her. Tiffany was already naked and prepared, kneeling with her wrists and ankles locked behind her. She was chained to the ringbolt set in the wall, and inside her mouth was a red rubber ball gag.

"It's all your fault," Andrea said.

Janet said nothing as she removed her clothes and let Andrea examine her. She kept quiet as Andrea probed her underarms and breasts. Then she was made to bend over and Andrea roughly examined her sex.

"Wet already," commented Andrea, "you're some little Bondage Slut."

In no time at all, she was wearing her collar, bracelets, and heels. Made to kneel on the floor with her wrists joined behind her back, she wasn't surprised when Andrea produced a ball gag that was soon buckled in the back. Andrea than chained her to the same ringbolt as Tiffany, then left the two girls alone.

There was no way that Janet could communicate with Tiffany. Both girls were bound and gagged, and all they could do was to stare at one another and think in their imposed solitude.

After what seemed like an eternity, Andrea reappeared. She quickly placed blindfolds on both girls, then unchained them. She made them stand up, and chained their collars together. Then she led them down to the dungeon by pulling on a leash. Since she felt an occasional tug on her collar in both directions, Janet guessed that she was in the lead this weekend.

Once they entered the dungeon, both were separated. They were secured to the stone wall, and Janet could hear Tiffany's heels as she stamped her feet in frustration about what was going to happen next.

Janet shivered in her nakedness. All week long she had debated what to do next. Should she return to being trained, or send the ring back to Erica? She had decided to go back since she had been bored with her formally normal existence.

Abruptly, Janet's blindfold was removed. She saw her Mistress standing before her, dressed this time in a black leather corset, stockings, and thigh high leather boots. The corset had pulled her waist in and stuck her chest out for a beautiful effect on her figure.

Janet saw that Tiffany was chained as she was to the other wall. She wondered who would be first tonight to feel the whip of their Mistress.

"Ready for tonight, dear?" asked Erica.

With the ball still in her mouth, Janet did not reply except to nod her assent.

"Pity I can't issue ballgags in the many companies I own. It just might keep the phone bills down," observed Erica.

Erica then reached around Janet's neck and unbuckled the ball gag. Even though Janet had not worn it long, she was glad when the hateful object was finally removed.

"Since you're still in training, you know that I'm going to hurt you deeply."

"Yes, Mistress. Please punish me harshly."

Erica then traced the outline of Janet's breasts. It was quite apparent that she was leading up to something!

"A slave girl can either be punished for something she has done, or for nothing at all. In addition, you can be punished for my pleasure alone. Now, what do you want to be punished with? The whip or the riding crop?"

Janet did not expect the question. It was an interesting dilemma that she had never been asked before. How could she choose the instrument of her discipline?

"Whatever my Mistress desires shall be my method of punishment. Please use whatever will hurt me more and make me scream."

"Good. I think that we shall use the riding crop today. It can really hurt a naked girl."

Erica then produced a key from the belt around her waist and unlocked Janet's collar chain from the wall. She then led Janet over to another section of the Dungeon. Janet did nothing as her wrists were secured to a bar hanging from the ceiling, and then her ankles. Janet realized that she was bound in the manner that she had first seen Tiffany.

The spreader bars that held her wrists and ankles were about three feet in length. That meant that every part of anatomy was exposed and vulnerable to whatever the Mistress chose to do. She shivered with anticipation.

Andrea had unchained Tiffany and had led her away to the other Dungeon. Janet wondered what form of torment her companion would undergo tonight.

Erica stood silently for a few moments, admiring the position of her latest slave girl. She watched the skin crawl on her exposed body, wondering what would occur next.

Erica had the riding crop already on her belt. She brandished it in front of her helpless captive. Had Erica been in the horsey set, the crop would have been used on one of them. Instead, it was far better used on naked girls.

"Are you ready?" asked Erica.

"Yes, Mistress."

This time Erica began by striking Janet just once with the riding crop. The crop was a simple piece of equipment. A long slender piece of bamboo was encased in leather with a woven leather handle at one end, a loop to hold while riding and at the end of the rod a small loop of leather. It would be either the rod or the loop at the end that would make contact with the slave.

Janet screamed. All week she had been wondering if being whipped again would somehow hurt less than any week since she had been in the Dungeon. Instead, when she again felt the pain when the crop struck on the outside of her thigh did she realize that it didn't hurt any less then before.

Mistress Erica worked methodically, placing new stripes on Janet's back, behind, legs and breasts. Janet heaved and cried out with each impact, straining against her bonds. In no time, she had begun to sweat from her exertions. Erica noticed the droplets running down Janet's body.

"Are you having a good time?" asked Erica.

"Yes Mistress. Please continue," Janet cried.

"But first, I have to see something, darling."

Erica then placed her right hand over Janet's sex, kneading the sex of her captive. Janet knew that she had become excited by her ordeal. She could feel herself submitting to her own body.

"Well now. You're quite wet already, aren't you, Janet?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Do you want me to continue?"

"Yes, Mistress, please. I've been looking forward to feeling your riding crop all week."

Janet didn't know what had come into her. The crop had hurt worse than the whip, leaving red welts wherever it had struck. She did not know how many strokes she had taken, and she wondered how any girl could possibly take so many. Tiffany had taken twenty-five.


"Yeeoh," Janet cried.

Erica continued where she had been before, leaving further marks on Janet's skin. She was taking her discipline well, and it was only Friday night.

"Janet, I will offer you a choice. I have placed Tiffany in a rather painful position. If you take five more with the riding crop, I will let you see her. If you take five more, for a total of ten, I will free her and you can take her place."

"Is it very painful, Mistress?" Janet asked.


Janet considered her next move carefully, weighing the alternatives. She had to make a novel bargain: ten strokes and Tiffany's bondage. Still, she had caused her friend to endure pain on her behalf before, and now she wanted to make up for it.

"Mistress, I accept."

"Good. Do you know what part of a girl is the most sensitive to punishment?"

"Her sex, Mistress," Janet answered.

"Correct, on the inside of her thighs. And that's where I'm going to crop you."

Erica then struck once, harshly. The stroke sent a jolt of through Janet's body and she screamed terribly.

"Was I right?" asked Erica.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good, then I'll continue."

Erica then struck again, this time on the other leg. She watched as the crop left a thin red welt where it had struck.

Tearfully, Janet realized that she had made a mistake. How could she bear such agony? It was one thing to be brave about taking another girl's punishment. Quite another to be tormented first with the promise of more to come. She had only taken two between her legs, and she wondered if she could take any more.

"Janet, I want you to count each stoke."


"That's a good girl."


Tears streamed down Janet's face as she counted the most painful form of discipline that she had so far endured. She never knew that such erotic agony could exist.



Janet struggled in her confinement, every movement making her breasts shake.


Finally, the magic number had been reached. Janet's thighs hurt terribly from the crop. She was glad that the agony of the crop was over, and fearful that another was about to begin.

"Well now. You've been such a good little girl," Erica observed.

"Yes, Mistress."

When it was offered to her, Janet kissed the crop promptly and thanked Erica for being her slave and being punished. The last thing that she wanted to be punished for was neglecting the rules.

"Well now, I always honor my promises," said Erica.

Janet was released from the hated bars, and she was again standing with her hands locked behind her back. Erica grabbed one of the D rings on her collar, and gently pulled her charge along.

Janet found herself walking to the other Dungeon, where Tiffany was now confined. Janet's thighs hurt where the crop had struck, and she couldn't imagine how anyone could bear such agony. She wondered what other torments awaited her in her new role as slave.

When she saw Tiffany, she gasped at the sight of her friend. Janet was sitting on two black slabs that had been joined at the top like the letter A. Tiffany sat at the apex, with her entire weight resting upon her sex. Her ankle bracelets were locked to chains from the thing, and her joined wrists in back were locked to a ceiling chain. She chain was pulled forward, forcing Tiffany forward into a truly agonizing posture.

"Enjoying yourself?" asked Erica.

"Please Mistress, release me," cried Tiffany.

"It's been some time since you last went riding the horse. Surely you've forgotten that you preferred it to the rack?"

"No, Mistress," Tiffany tearfully answered, "please don't place me on the rack. It's just too painful to bear."

"As you can see, I've brought Janet here to show her just what a slave girl must endure."

Erica pulled Janet by her collar directly in front of Tiffany. Janet was aghast at how her friend was bound. She began to wonder if seeing her friend was worth the additional strokes. And if taking even more to take her place was a good idea.

"Would you do anything to get off the horse?"

"Yes, Mistress," Tiffany cried.

With her sex resting on the apex of the A and her shoulders wracked by being pulled taut, she would do almost anything to relieve her predicament.

"Well now, I've already taken care of that. I was cropping Janet, and I offered her a deal: take a few extra strokes to come see you. Take a few more and take your place."

"No Mistress, please don't put Janet on the horse. She has no idea just how painful this can be to a girl, resting on her sex."

"Why don't you two girls talk for a while. I'll be in the next room. When I come back, I'm sure that you two will have come to a decision."

True to her word, Erica walked away. She did not even secure Janet to something, so she was somewhat free. Even if her wrists were bound behind her back, Janet could still walk.

"Janet, you mustn't do this. I'm already used to it, and you're not. But you're not ready yet."

"How do I get ready? I've just been cropped, and I'll be on the thing sooner or later, so why not now?"

"But it hurts terribly."

"So did the riding crop. I took additional strokes just to take your place."

"You don't know the agony you'll be letting yourself in for."

"Look, I have to do this. I made a bargain with Erica. There's no telling what may happen if I back out now."

"You stupid girl," said Tiffany.

At that moment, Erica returned as if on cue.

"Well, have you reached a decision?"

"Yes, Mistress," answered Janet, "please allow me to take Tiffany's place upon the horse."

"Tiffany, is that your wish also?" asked Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," Tiffany answered.

"Good. I'll fasten Janet for a bit, then you can help me place her on the horse."

Janet's collar was locked to the wall, and she watched as Tiffany was slowly released. First her arms were lowered and the bracelets unlocked. Tiffany straightened up, and massaged her hurt wrists. Then her ankle bracelets were released, and she could lower her legs to the floor. Erica helped Tiffany to get off the horse.

"Thank you Mistress," said Tiffany.

"Now Tiffany, I want you to unlock Janet. Then I want you to help me put her on the horse."

Erica handed a key to Tiffany, who unlocked her collar chain. Tiffany led Janet over to the horse, and unlocked her wrist bracelets. Janet slowly climbed up on the horse, lowering her sex where the two slabs met. She took a deep breath when her sex took her weight.

Erica then secured one leg and then the other. Walking behind Janet, she joined her wrists together again. Finally, she attached the ceiling chain. Next she activated something that began to draw Janet's arm upwards.

Janet was cruelly thrust forward as her arms were drawn upwards. As her legs were chained, there was nothing for her to do except place her weight upon her sex. Janet gasped in pain.

"Janet, is your curiosity satisfied?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Do you think that you can ride the horse for a while?"

"Yes, Mistress. Please let me stay on the horse."

Erica turned towards Tiffany who was free of any sort of confinement.

"Tiffany, hands behind your back," ordered Erica.

"Yes, Mistress."

When Tiffany did as she was ordered, Erica locked her cuffs together and attached a leash to her collar.

"Janet, why don't you just stay here for a while since I want to entertain Tiffany."

"Yes, Mistress."

"I won't even gag you since this is your first time on the horse."

"Thank you, Mistress," gasped Janet.

Janet watched in pain as Erica led Tiffany away. She didn't say any kind of farewell, as it would have seemed trite and silly. She had asked to ride the horse, and here she was.

It did not take long for Janet's shoulders to begin to hurt, but she was not ready when her sex began to throb also. By design, Erica had whipped her thighs to excite them. Now they ached, as her pussy had to take her entire weight! Her sex throbbed with a regular painful rhythm, making Janet moan on the horse.

Janet rested upon the horse, sometimes raising her head to survey her surroundings. There was little to see in the Dungeon.

There was nothing so frightening for Janet as being alone. She twisted in her bonds in the hope that they would somehow fall away and she would be free of the horse. However, it was all to no avail.

Bound in that position, she could only draw short breaths. She cried softly in her pained solitude.

Never again would she ask to take another's punishment. She had learned her lesson that there was nothing either noble or altruistic in being disciplined.

For the horse made it seem as if Janet was being split in two, with the focal point being upon her sex. She never knew that a girl's sex could take something like this. Tears streaked her cheeks as she began to cry. There was nobody here to dry her tears and comfort her and that made it seem only worse. She shifted her position again, hurting from the slightest movement. All that she could do was clench her fingers, since that was the only movement that didn't seem to cause her any pain.

Janet had not been aware that someone else had entered the dungeon, since she did not hear the click of any heels on the stone. She knew she was not alone when she felt one of her breasts being fondled.

"Who's there?" she cried.

"Just me," said Andrea.

For the first time she noticed that Andrea was without the shoes that were usually locked on her feet. Janet still had hers locked on.

"Andrea, what are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd come down for a visit. See how you liked riding the horse."

"Why it's terrible. I feel like I'm being split in two. What next can I look forward to?"

"Why, you could be whipped where you are. Sometimes Erica attaches a dildo to the horse, and when you sit there it goes all the way into your sex."

"Has she ever done that to you?"

"Of course. I've been her slave for a long time. After being trained, then you'll know what it means to be a slave girl."

"Could you release me?"

"If she knew that I even had the keys to my shoes, I'd be punished. If I would let you down Erica would probably put me on the horse for a month, then whip me every day for good measure."

"Do you like being whipped?"

"Well, you get used to it," replied Andrea, "I have to leave now. I can't risk being discovered here. Bye."

Andrea fled. Perhaps she had heard Erica returning, and it may have been forbidden for Janet to have visitors. Never before had Janet ever felt so alone and dejected in her entire life.

The next sound that Janet heard was the click of heels on the stone floor. Erica walked into view, and Janet could see that her bare flesh was covered by a sheen of sweat.

"Well now, having a good time?"

"Mistress, I hurt terribly. Please let me down?" plead Janet.

"Only if you tell me if the pain was worth it to see Tiffany."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Would you like to sit on the horse a little while longer, or get a few more strokes with the crop?"

"Mistress, please take me down from the horse. I'll take a few more strokes. It's just unbearable for a girl to have her sex split in two."

"Good. I'll take you down off the horse now, and I'll give you the strokes immediately in front of Tiffany."

Erica began to release Janet from the agonies of the horse. Janet moaned with pain when she was finally standing again in her heels on the stone floor. She would do anything to get off the horse. Even if it meant the riding crop again!

Erica did not leave her charge free for long. Janet's wrists were soon locked behind her back, and her collar again leashed her.

When they entered the first Dungeon, it was apparent that the two slaves had traded places. Tiffany was now receiving the crop that Janet had bargained for the horse.

There was a similar setup awaiting Janet as Erica quickly chained her in the same position as she was before. The bars and chains already stretched Tiffany, and fresh marks adorned her skin. The riding crop was hanging from a D ring on her collar, and a red rubber ball gag prevented her from making a sound.

Erica walked over to Tiffany. She casually took the riding crop from her collar, and began to fondle the bound girl's breasts. Tiffany squealed through her gag.

"Well now. Two girls chained in the Dungeon. Tiffany here has taken the crop like a good girl. And since Janet has offered to take the crop again instead of the horse, I'm only too happy to oblige," said Erica.

Erica walked over to Janet and offered her the crop. Janet kissed the crop without being ordered to. By now, she was getting used to the routine of being a slave girl.

Janet moaned when the crop struck her again. She strained against her bonds but to no avail.

There was nothing to compare to the pain that the riding crop produced. Janet yelled and screamed, plead and moaned as the hated object struck her flesh again and again."

"Please Mistress," she cried, "mercy!"

"You're still new at this, Janet. When you've been a slave like Tiffany, then you can ask for mercy. For now, I have to test your limits."

Tiffany could do nothing but watch, as Janet had to take the riding crop for the second time that night. She felt sorry for her companion in slavery. She knew that while Janet was in agony from her torment, she was perhaps secretly enjoying it. She had seen many slave girls in all her years of being one. Tiffany had learned to recognize the signs of when a girl complained about her ordeal, yet really liked being punished.

"Please stop!" cried Janet.

"Well now! Rebellion amongst my slaves?" laughed Erica. "I have a perfectly good way to deal with that!"

Erica produced a ball gag from somewhere, and proceeded for force it into Janet's mouth. Before, Janet had accepted the gag willingly.

"I don't want to gagged!"

"Silly girl, it doesn't matter what you want," replied Erica.

Erica tried to force the ball into Janet's mouth, and Janet resisted by keeping her jaws closed. Erica then pinched Janet's right nipple, making her yelp with surprise. When her mouth was open, the gag was forced in and pulled back. Erica quickly buckled the straps in back.

Janet could do little but moan through the gag. In the weeks since she had been a slave, she had not yet grown used to the gag as yet.

She thought that there was never such a perfect device. Unlike what she had seen on TV or in films, this gag was really designed to keep a girl quiet. The ball was round, and fit a girl's mouth perfectly. The straps pulled the ball back into her mouth, and all Janet could do was to moan. There was no way that she could ever get the thing out of her mouth.

"There now, enjoy the gag?" asked Erica.

Erica continued to deliver repeated strokes with the riding crop.

"Now I'm almost done, so hold still while I give you a few more strokes to remember," commented Erica.

The dominant was not exaggerating when she struck Janet especially hard. This caused Janet to heave and strain against her bonds, and tears again fell down her cheeks. Janet's flesh burned under the repeated impacts of the crop.

Finally, it was over. Erica unlocked the gag, then offered the crop to Janet.

"Kiss it, you silly slave girl. Or would you prefer a few more?" asked Erica.

"No Mistress."

Janet placed her lips around the crop's handle, and proceeded to slowly kiss the hated object. Just a few seconds before, her mouth had been felled with the gag. Now she was embracing the instrument of her torment.

"Now then, for being such a bad girl, I might just give you over to Andrea for the rest of the night. She has some quite definite ideas on what to do with unruly slave girls. However, I have a better idea."

Erica then called Andrea over. They both unlocked their respective slaves, Erica leashing Tiffany and Andrea taking Janet. As both were gagged, neither could communicate with the other except for stolen glances.

Janet suddenly realized the value of silent films, which she had previously despised. All she could do was to look at her companion in slavery and despair that they could not talk to one another.

Erica then whispered something in Andrea's ear. The maid nodded her head at the instructions that she had been given. She pulled Janet along, and she had no alternative but to comply with the pull of the chain.

The two arrived before a steel door set in the wall. Andrea removed a key from her uniform, and she unlocked the mysterious door. Janet was led inside.

It was a smaller room, which had against the far wall a small door with bars. The space inside was small, like a closet laid on its end.

"Now hold still," instructed Andrea as she removed Janet's gag.

"Thank you," said Janet as she took several deep breaths.

"You've got to hurry up and use the bathroom before I put you in solitary," explained Andrea.

"That what this room is?" asked Janet.

Andrea hurriedly unlocked Janet's wrists. She pointed to a toilet set in the wall.

"Please use it. If I don't report back within a certain amount of time, it'll be my turn on the horse. And wash your face, you look terrible."

Janet did as she was ordered. She was grateful for the chance to pee, as she was ready to burst from all the excitement she has undergone while being cropped. She looked at herself in the mirror. Was the naked striped girl that looked back at her really Janet Davis, the same one who had felt embarrassed and shy about her body?

Andrea opened the cage, and Janet climbed in. It was lined with stuffed vinyl on five sides, except for the door of steel prison bars.

"Your arms and legs can remain free, but you'll have to wear those shoes all night," said Andrea as she locked the door behind Janet.

Janet grabbed the bars and shook them without effect.

"What did I do to get here?" Janet cried.

"Resisted Erica," answered Andrea, "and for wanting to be a slave girl."

It was the last thing that she heard before Andrea turned down the lights and left Janet alone in solitary. The cell was long enough so that Janet could stretch out lengthwise. It was annoying to have to wear the heels all night.

End Janet CH03 PT1

Next: Chapter 4

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