Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior.

If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state, nation, or planet that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

Janet in Training "Two Days Till Doom" CH12 PT3

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Archiving permitted, reposting is permitted; but only if you include this statement of limitation of use and notify the author by e-mail. The author forbids you to make, distribute, or sell multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format.

However, individual readers may make single copies of the story for their own, non-commercial use.

Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

Janet CH12 PT3 Continued:

Janet remembered how she had been sexually excited the first time that Erica had ordered her to wear the harness. Every movement of her body made the dildo rub against her sex, the stimulator on her clit keeping her constantly aroused. How fast her heart beat, how close to climax she was for hours.

"So now the roles are reversed," Janet said aloud to herself, alone in the library.

Alana performed her duties with Tina during the day, without any comment or complaint. The constant stimulation of her sex kept her constantly aroused, and she kept trying to expel the invader within.

Janet had only one session that evening, and had ordered that Alana be chained against the Dungeon wall to witness the use of her slave, Nola. Alana had finally been released from the dildo harness, but a ballgag had been inserted in her mouth to insure her silence.

Nola was midway through her training, and Janet knew just what the slave was expecting. Janet striped her with the whip, then the crop. She pinched her erect nipples, making her moan with excitement and desire. Finally, she inserted her fingers into Nola's wet sex, driving her ever closer to climax.

"Do you desire to please your Mistress?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress Janet," plead Nola.

"I regret that I must cut our session short for tonight, Nola. But I promise you that you shall be rewarded amply next time."

"Mistress?" asked Nola.

Janet pushed her fingers deeper into Nola's sex, then removed them suddenly. Nola suddenly orgasmed, and jerked within her bonds, moaning with pleasure.

"Next time, slave," said Janet as she kissed Nola on the lips.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Nola.

"You're welcome. Tina, release Nola, and get her cleaned up," ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress."

"See you next week, Nola," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," Nola replied as Tina released her.

Nola then bent down and kissed Janet's high heels, before she was led away by Tina, to be bathed and dressed. Originally, Janet had planned to keep her for the night and use her further. But her new charge had changed her plans for the evening.

Janet walked over to the wall, and unlocked Alana's wrists, then she locked them behind her back. Next, she reached down, and began to pinch the wona's erect nipples, making her squeal. Continuing, she then inserted two of her fingers into Alana's sex, which was already wet.

"Excited, aren't you?" questioned Janet.

All that Alana could do was to nod her head in assent to Janet's question.

"Before our two days are through, Alana, you shall be screaming out your submission to me, and you shall be whipped into a frenzy. Is that what you want? I'm giving you one final chance to be released," offered Janet as she removed the gag from Alana's mouth.

"Yes, Mistress, please use me?" requested Alana.

Janet then walked her over to the ceiling chain and unlocked her wrists once again before she chained them over Alana's head. A spreader bar soon locked her ankles apart, and Janet finished by activating a switch that pulled the ceiling chain taut.

"Prepare to be used, slave," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress."

Janet removed a coiled whip from the wall, and offered the handle to Alana, who kissed it when offered. While holding the whip, Janet wondered if she had looked that way when Erica had offered it to her.

She began to use Alana in a slow, careful fashion. Janet did not know just how long it had been since she had been last used, so she did not want to shock her by harshly using the whip. Even though Alana had told her that she would take the most severe discipline, Janet still exercised control and responsibility in using her new submissive.

After Janet had delivered the first series of strokes, Janet paused. The exertions of two scenes were taking their toll on her, since she was wearing a latex outfit. Janet paused, as Tina re-entered the Dungeon.

"Mistress Janet, Nola has been bathed, dressed, and sent on her way," stated Tina.

"Thank you, Tina," Janet answered.

"Slave Alana, are you all right?" Janet asked.

"Yes, Mistress," Alana replied.

"I shall now take a pause."

"Yes, Mistress."

Deep in her heart, Janet had always wondered just what it would be like to use her Mistress. Erica, the woman who had introduced her to being a slave. Erica, who had striped her naked body, then used her sexually. Who had awakened fires in her that would never be quenched.

Now Erica was naked and bound and being used by her former slave, and she was reacting well under Janet's whip.


"Yes, Mistress?"

"You may use our new slave, if you want."

"Thank you, Mistress," answered Tina.

Tina selected a riding crop, and displayed it to Alana. She bent it between her gloved hands.

"When were you last cropped, slave?" asked Tina.

"A long time ago, Mistress," Alana answered.

"Do you desire the crop?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Tina looked at Janet for permission, and Janet nodded her approval.

"Kiss the crop," directed Tina, who offered the handle to her captive.

"Yes, Mistress."

When it was offered to her, Alana kissed the crop with her lips. Alana was performing just like any other slave, just as if she had belonged to Janet all along.

"Ten strokes, Mistress?" asked Tina.

"That will be fine, Tina."

Tina delivered her strokes in a businesslike, methodical fashion. She struck at Alana's underarms, her breasts, her behind, and finally between her legs. Each stroke left a red mark behind, and was delivered with enough force to make Alana jump within her chains.

"Thank you, Mistress," sobbed Alana when the strokes were completed.

Janet had never thought that she would ever see her Mistress cry. But now her Mistress was gone, instead she was now under Janet's whip and control.

"Tina, you may release Alana, bathe her, and chain her in a bedroom. I won't be using her tonight. However, you may have her if you want," offered Janet.

"Mistress?" asked Tina.

"You can speak to me later. I'm going to bathe and change," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress."

Janet was wearing nothing but a kimono robe and slippers in her bedroom when Tina knocked on the door.

"Enter," ordered Janet.

"Mistress, may I speak to you?" asked Tina.

"Yes, Tina."

"You said that Alana is an experienced slave," stated Tina.

"Yes," Janet answered.

"If she is, she has not been used in quite some time," suggested Tina.

"Thank you for bringing that to my attention, Tina. However, she had worked adequately in the house today, and took her discipline quite well, so there is no cause for concern. Where is she?"

"Alana has been bathed and is chained in a bedroom, Mistress," answered Tina.

"Thank you, Tina. But I don't want to use her myself tonight. You may, however."

"But Mistress Janet, it's traditional that you as Mistress use her first," pointed out Tina.

"Yes, Tina. But not tonight, I'm giving her to you," Janet answered.

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Except that I don't want her to climax. Use the crop, stimulate her, get her near to orgasm as you can, but frustrate her. Don't let her cum. And when you're finished, chain her wrists to her collar and lock a spreader bar to her ankles," ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tina, "I shall obey your orders."

"Thank you, Tina."

"Thank you, Mistress Janet," said Tina as Janet turned back towards her bed.

"See you in the morning," said Janet to her departing maid and confidant.

During the night, Janet had awakened after turning in early. She walked by the bedroom, and she could her the sounds within as Tina used Alana. She could be heard, crying and moaning, and the occasional slap of leather against her skin. Janet knew that Tina would obey her orders to the letter, and not exceed them.

The next day was uneventful. Janet had appointments that kept her out of the house, and she had to drive up to Hartford for something she couldn't cancel. Fortunately, she didn't have any sessions planned that evening, so she could devote herself to using Alana.

Tina was given the use of Alana during the day to maintain the house after Janet had left. The trip to Hartford and her business there took shorter than expected, so she was back to the house early.

Janet had a late lunch, and used Alana briefly during the afternoon. She made Alana service her in the library, and her former owner brought her to climax. Once she had climaxed, Janet beat her with a crop, striping her several times.

"Do you like serving your Mistress?" Janet asked.

"Yes, Mistress Janet," tearfully answered Alana.

"Good, for you shall serve me in the Dungeon later. I shall make you scream with pain and pleasure."

"Yes, Mistress."

True to her word, Janet used Alana severely. She decided to use the long whip, which would wrap itself around Alana and sting fiercely. Alana was soon in tears from her use by Mistress Janet.

Once she had whipped Alana into a frenzy, she had Tina release her and bring her to Janet's bedroom.

"Now, slave," said Janet, "it is time."

In her bedroom, Janet relentlessly continued her punishment of Alana, using the riding crop on her back over and over. Like a demon that possessed her, Janet continued to crop Alana repeatedly, time after time. She beat Alana without pause, without rest. Her naked body was soon a mass of red stripes from the crop, and tears of pain fell from her cheeks.

"Mercy, Mistress Janet, mercy!" Alana screamed in pain.

"NO!" said Janet, madness possessing her to continue cropping Alana.

In spite of Alana's plea for mercy, a strange madness possessed Janet to continue using the crop on the slave's back, delivering stroke after stroke. Finally, flecks of blood appeared on Alana's back as the skin was broken, and the crop's tip was colored red.

"Mercy," cried Alana, "mercy!"

"NO!" screamed Janet tears falling from her eyes.

"Show me your back, Mistress Janet! Or are you Mistress Lauren?" demanded Erica, her voice and persona changing.

"NO! I'm not Lauren!" screamed Janet.

"Then why are you behaving like Lauren?"

Janet fell to the floor, sobbing as she dropped the riding crop. She covered her eyes with her hands trying to contain the tears. Erica's mention of Lauren reopened the memory of her suffering months before.

"Before you strike my back again, show me yours!" ordered Erica.

"Oh god, what have I become?" cried Janet, as she fell to her knees on the floor. The madness and bloodlust that had gripped her for the last hour was suddenly made real to her, how she was acting in a sadistic manner. Janet had refused a call for mercy, something that she pledged that she would never do. How she was acting like Mistress Lauren.

Erica unzipped the PVC top that Janet was wearing, which had exposed her arms, but covered the rest of her upper body. She removed it from Janet's torso, and dropped it to the floor and stood up. Erica struggled to her feet on shaky legs, her body in pain from the beating that she had endured.

"You knew," cried Janet, "you knew all along."


"Why didn't you ask me in the library?" asked Janet.

"Because it had to come in it's own way. Because you had to beat me and refuse my call for mercy while you striped my back. Yes, I heard about what Lauren did to you. How you took the punishment of a slave who had been used beyond her breaking point, and paid a terrible price for it. I was very proud when I heard about a new Mistress who observed all the rules, acted wisely and coolly. I knew that you had learned everything that I had taught you," said Erica.

"Why does Lauren hate you so?" sobbed Janet.

"We were both slaves together, then became Dominants at the same time. There was always something vicious and evil about her, and when she advanced to Mistress, she forgot the responsibility that we hold," answered Erica.

"No! There's more, tell me all of it!" Janet demanded.

"Lauren discovered an excellent slave, one that wanted to be trained and serve a Mistress. But she abused her, and punished her severely. I rescued the girl, and made her my slave instead."

"Tiffany?" asked Janet.

"No, Stephanie."

"Stephanie?" Janet repeated, dumbfounded.

"Yes. That's why she hates you, Stephanie, and myself. She was always angry that I took Stephanie from her, and probably one day vowed revenge. Stephanie was a superb slave who learned quickly, and who had excellent qualities. She advanced from slave to Mistress in just a few years," Erica recalled.

"Why did Lauren want to kill me?" sobbed Janet.

"To Lauren, you represented me," continued Erica. "That was why when you surrendered to her, Lauren finally had her chance to punish me, with you as my surrogate. You never knew that when you took that slave's punishment in her place. What was her name?"


"Then you must do all you can to free her from Lauren's grasp," directed Erica.

"She also met me later in Greenwich. She told me that Lauren was advising Tiffany, and that Tiffany was ahead in the stock market," answered Janet.

"You have to free her, Janet."

"Yes," sobbed Janet, "I swear I will, Erica."

"You must, Janet," answered Erica.

"Why, Erica? Why did I have to go through such hell?" questioned Janet.

"As my newest and last slave," Erica began. "I felt that you had as much right to my legacy as one of my older ones. Tiffany has been one of my slaves for a long time. But I had no idea that she was probably serving Lauren, my enemy, as well."

"Erica, Tiffany and Lauren were conspiring together from the very beginning after your death. The night after you died, I went to Tiffany's apartment. I knocked over a game, Conquest, in her closet. I boasted how good I was. Six months later, at Lauren's, we played Conquest, and I won easily. I was set up, since Myra had already been used. When I met Lauren before, she knew that I disapproved of her methods, and I would be forced into taking Myra's place."

"Then you must trade or sell Tiffany to Lauren in exchange for Myra."

"I have to. I certainly can't keep Tiffany in my House," agreed Janet.

"I could not have imagined that you would have had to face Lauren," said Erica, "she must have made you suffer horribly on my account."

"I wanted to die," bluntly stated Janet.

"But you survived, Janet. There are many responsibilities that you will have as Mistress, both good and bad. You will be holding a person's very life in your hands, and you will be responsible for it."

"That was what I told Tiffany the night before the codicil was read," Janet answered.

"Then you have learned what your role as a Mistress is really about, not just providing yourself with sexual satisfaction."

"But why the competition, Erica?"

"I had to find some way of testing the two of you, something that you could not control. Something that would test you to your very limits of endurance and strength. But I never thought that you would be tested almost to the brink of death. I'm sorry Janet, but the life of a Mistress isn't always going to be a happy one. You learned harder and faster, than any slave or Mistress ever had to. You will make a fine Mistress, Janet. You have learned everything that I taught you, and deserve to inherit my legacy."

Janet buried her face in her hands and sobbed, tears flowing from her eyes, droplets running down her hands and cheeks.

"Thank you, Erica. I'll always remember you," sobbed Janet.

"I know you will, Janet. I know you will," comforted Erica.

Before Erica left the next day, she hugged and kissed Janet. She would not leave the estate bound, but instead wore a red dress and modest heels.

"Janet, good-bye. Be a good Mistress, a good owner to Tina, and a good friend to Stephanie. For me?" asked Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," Janet replied.

"I shall not pass this way again, Janet," said Erica as she choked back tears, "I just have to go. I'm sorry."

'I'll do everything you asked, Erica,' Janet thought to herself as she watched Erica climb into the limo with Mistress Monique, 'good-bye, Mistress Erica.'

Janet entered her house and closed the door behind her. Tina was waiting in the foyer, and Janet had a hard time restraining herself from crying.

"Is everything all right, Mistress?" Tina asked.

"Yes, Tina."

"Then why are you crying for a slave you only had for a few days, Mistress Janet?"

"Tina, please, there are some questions that you are better off not asking. And you must never physically describe Alana to anyone, do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"I would like to be alone," said Janet as she saw the limo pull away from the landing.

'You're hiding something Erica,' Janet thought to herself, 'What it is I don't know, but you're hiding something as usual.'

Janet watched the limo pull away, then ran to the library to cry. Janet noticed that Erica did not look back at the estate from the rear window of the car. It took her an hour to regain her composure, and then she drove to Stephanie's house.

"You don't want Tiffany back yet, do you?" asked Stephanie as they entered the library together.

Stephanie poured two small glasses of sherry, and she handed one to Janet. They both sat down together, Stephanie behind her desk, Janet in the leather seat in front of her. Janet wore a green blouse and a modest skirt that showed off her legs.

"No, that's not why I came here."

"Go ahead," said Stephanie.

"I want to buy Myra from Rene and Lauren. I owe her that much for telling me about Lauren and Tiffany, and trade her for Tiffany."

"Risky. If Lauren finds out that's it you that wants Myra, she won't sell and Myra will be horribly punished. We'll have to find a Mistress who will help us and disguise her real reasons for buying Myra. What else?"

"I also want to go back to that plastic surgeon you brought me to and get my back fixed. It's time now, and I no longer have to wear the stigmata of my beating by Lauren," asserted Janet.

"All right," replied Stephanie, "are you feeling okay, Janet? You seem disturbed by something."

"I'm fine, thank you," Janet lied.

"What about that slave Monique brought over?"

"Just a girl that needed some additional training, that's all," Janet answered, and in a strange way, it was true!

"Janet, I have a confession to make. I was Erica's slave before I became a Dom. I should have told you long ago, I'm sorry," apologized Stephanie.

"That's all right, Stephanie. Will I ever know all of Erica's secrets?" asked Janet.

"No, I don't think so," Stephanie replied.

"I don't think so either."

Janet sat back in her leather chair, enjoying the feel of it on her bare legs. Finally, after her year of trial, her test and ordeal was over. It was time to properly begin her life as a Mistress, just as she had been trained.


Janet relaxed behind her desk in the library, warming her fingers on the steaming mug of coffee that she was holding. She watched, as the snow outside the windows became progressively heavier. Having just returned from two weeks in the Bahamas, Janet had managed to arrive home the day before a blizzard struck.

Tina had awakened her, and they had shared a nice breakfast together. Then Tina had to attend to her chores, and Janet to assume her role as Mistress of the House. Afterwards, Janet had adjourned to the library to work on the mail and other paperwork required in running the estate.

Janet had taken her coffee mug and a thermos pitcher of black coffee with her. Running her estate was lengthy work, and would require plenty of coffee to keep her going.

The radio was droning quietly about the forecast that at least thirty inches of snow were coming, and Connecticut was going to be snowed in. It was a good thing that Janet always took a couple of days to rest after a trip before resuming her normal schedule. There was nothing on her calendar except for dinner with Stephanie, which would have to be canceled.

Glancing outside, she saw that the snow was already drifting onto the library windows. It was inches deep by now, and the storm was just getting started. So Janet knew that she was going to be house bound for a few days.

"Damn!" said Janet aloud to herself.

She had marked the date in red ink, and Janet suddenly realized why. It was the third anniversary of the day she had been nearly fatally beaten by Mistress Lauren, in her revenge against Erica. She had wanted the anniversary each year to be marked by a private dinner with Stephanie, to thank her for saving Janet's life.

Even though it had been two years, Janet had never told Stephanie about Erica's secret or how Lauren and Tiffany had plotted to kill her. There were some things that were better kept quiet, which was something else that she had learned from Erica. Though they often shared a bed together, and Janet longed to confess to someone about what she knew, Janet still stayed silent.

Janet wondered what would have happened to her life if it had snowed on that night and she and Tiffany had not gone to Lauren's party. Would events have turned out differently? Would Tiffany now be sitting in the chair, and Janet in the Dungeon? Or was the agony that Janet suffered necessary for her to win Erica's competition between them?

Her back had been fixed, and the physical scars removed. It had been a painful process, but nothing like the agony she had suffered when inflicted by Lauren. She remembered how she had wanted to scream and plead for mercy, but Lauren had buckled a ballgag in her mouth. Then Janet had been beaten severely, far beyond just drawing blood. Janet knew that she would have begged Lauren for her life, but that had been denied her by the gag.

Janet was now a successful Mistress, with plenty of eager and willing slaves to please her. She had learned from both Erica and Stephanie, and was regarded as a superb Dominatrix and her advice sought by others.

It had taken Janet and Stephanie six months to create a scheme to trade Tiffany for Myra, which had succeeded. Now, Myra was one of Janet's most devoted slaves, and would do anything for her. Meanwhile, Janet wondered just what sort of miserable life that Tiffany must be leading as Lauren's slave. Would she someday meet Tiffany somewhere, begging for Janet to buy her?

Finally, Janet started on the mail. She sorted through the bills, ads, and organized it into neat piles. However, there was a standard business envelope with no return address on it. It had been printed on an ink-jet printer, with her name and address.

Janet opened the envelope, and unfolded a single sheet of paper, which also contained a newspaper article about a fatal car accident. Janet didn't recognize the name of the victim.

But tears did come when she read the letter:

Dear Janet,

I trust that you are well, and things are working well for you in your life as a Mistress.

I'm writing to inform you of Erica's death in a traffic accident, which happened a few days ago. Enclosed you will find an article about her death. After Erica and I "died" in the plane crash, I started a new life also, as a Mistress in my own right. Erica did not want me to contact you, feeling that you had to establish your own life. I am happy to hear that you have done a good job of it.

Erica always loved you, deeply.


Below her name, Andrea had written a phone number, as an afterthought. Janet decided that she would call later in the day.

During her brief three-day visit two years earlier, Erica had been alone in the library. In a book of Japanese poetry, she had outlined a poem in red, then placed a bookmark on the page. Janet had stumbled across it months later, on the first anniversary of her beating by Lauren.

Janet read:

You only live twice:

Once when you are born,

And once when you look death in the face.1

Janet had seen death in Lauren's face, and she would always remember it. But why did Erica have to die, and not Lauren? Fate was unfair, just as Erica had said it would be.

Watching the snow pile itself into silent drifts, it seemed a peaceful and fitting day to learn that Erica was really gone. Janet reflected on the events that led her to this point quietly, before she resumed her duties as Mistress of her Estate.

THE END of Chapter Twelve Part Three and "Janet in Training"

1 Bassho Japanese Poet 1643-94

Mistress Janet will return in:

The Challenge

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