Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior.

If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state, nation, or planet that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

Janet in Training "Two Days Till Doom" CH12 Part Two

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Archiving permitted, reposting is permitted; but only if you include this statement of limitation of use and notify the author by e-mail. The author forbids you to make, distribute, or sell multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format.

However, individual readers may make single copies of the story for their own, non-commercial use.

Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

Part Two

Three hours later, Stephanie arrived with Tina. Janet had finished with Tiffany, and had locked her in the cell downstairs. Tiffany had taken her punishment well, and her behind was a deep shade of red and the flesh was very warm to the touch. Halfway through, Janet had removed her ballgag and given her the opportunity to plead for mercy. Instead, Tiffany had stoically taken her first session with Janet as her new Mistress quite well. It was evident that she would have trouble accepting her new position as Janet's slave, and Janet would have to deal with that problem later.

It was a joyful reunion, unlike their parting just two days earlier. Stephanie folded her arms around Janet, and they danced together, planting kisses on each other. Tina had knelt in front of Janet, tears in her eyes.

"I'm so happy for you Mistress," cried Tina, "I said that I'd be back."

"Thank you. Both of you," tearfully answered Janet.

Janet dragged them inside, and they split a bottle of wine that had been in the refrigerator. A year's worth of tension was slowly being released. It didn't matter that Tina was a slave, and Janet poured a glass for her and directed her to sit in a chair, not kneel on the floor. Janet remembered waking up from the fever, and the first person she had seen was Tina, tears in her eyes.

"Just to bring you two back to reality, just remember that Tina is my slave," stated Stephanie, "but I'm sure that we can come to some kind of arrangement."

"I think that will be the first order of business in my proper position as Mistress of this House," answered Janet.

Janet related the story of how they had gone to New York City, and Janet had won. Then she told of their trip to Lauren's, and Janet was pleased in describing the look of defeat on Lauren's face. Finally, she told of her punishment of Tiffany, who was now locked downstairs in the cell.

"A good day," observed Stephanie.

"No, Mistress Stephanie. An excellent day!" said Tina, a smile across her face.

"Thank you. Both of you," Janet answered, tears of joy in her eyes.

After Stephanie had departed, and Tina had been restored to Janet, they went downstairs to the cell. Tiffany was resting, and she quickly rose to her feet when she saw her Mistress outside the cell door.

"Kneel slave," ordered Janet as she unlocked the cell door.

Tiffany knelt, and Janet and Tina entered the cell. Tiffany waited and placed her hands on her opened knees.

"Tina, this slave is for your use in maintaining the house. You may train and use her as you see fit, but never abuse her or allow your use of her to interfere with your chores. Do you understand?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," Tina answered.

"Good. Tiffany, do you understand also your position here, or do I have to beat that into you?" demanded Janet.

"No, Mistress," tearfully answered Tiffany, "I'll obey Tina's orders as I do yours."

"Good. Then maybe you've finally learned something," said Janet.

Janet lay alone in bed that night, still amazed at the day's events. It still seemed like a miracle that she had won, that she was Mistress and Tiffany her slave. In spite of knowing about the plot between Lauren and Tiffany, Janet had held her tongue. Even though she had confronted Lauren, or when she had Tiffany at her mercy, Janet had remained silent.

Nor had she told Stephanie or Tina, holding herself quiet, instead letting the joy of the moment overtake the deadly knowledge of what she knew.

'I'm going to have to keep Tiffany constantly chained, or in the cell,' thought Janet, 'until I can exchange her for Myra.'

Returning from a trip to the bathroom Janet found Tina kneeling naked at her bedside on the wooden floor.

"May I join you, Mistress?" asked Tina, her hands behind her head, her body on display.

"Yes, Tina. And thank you," answered Janet.

Later that evening, Janet got out of her bed to get some water. The two of them had made love for hours, and now Tina was fast asleep, with soft snores indicating her exhaustion.

Naked, Janet padded to the bathroom, and drank two glasses. When she returned to the bedroom, she found Tina awake and looking at her.

"Mistress?" asked Tina, "can I get you something?"

"No thank you, Tina. Just wanted some water. Do you want a glass?"

"No, Mistress."

"Please call me Janet, at least for tonight."

"Yes.........Janet," Tina replied, unease evident in her voice.

"Tina, why did you stay with me?" asked Janet, "after you had been almost hurt by Tiffany, you could have left. Found another Mistress to serve, since I had broken my contract and let harm come to you. Why?"

Tina remained silent.

"Tina, please answer. I want to know."

"Because I fell in love with you, Janet. I felt that you needed someone to rely on, because you were so alone."

"Thank you, Tina."

Janet got back into bed, and hugged Tina. She kissed her maid passionately on the lips, while her hand cupped Tina's sex under the covers. Tina moaned in response and opened her legs to accommodate Janet's attentions.

"Hold me, Tina?" asked Janet, "please?"

"Yes, Janet."

They fell asleep in each other's arms holding together as one.

Tina led Jessica into the library, with the blindfold still covering her eyes. Once she had seated her charge on a seat in front of the desk, she removed the leather object.

"Thank you, Tina. Could we be alone?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," Tina replied, smiling to her Mistress.

"Mistress?" Jessica asked.

"Are you going to ask why Tina isn't undressing you now in the bedroom?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Jessica.

"Drink?" asked Janet, "Sherry?"

"I don't understand, Mistress Janet," Jessica replied.

Janet rose from her desk, and poured two glasses of sherry from a bottle on a liquor cabinet. She passed one to Jessica before seating herself once again. Jessica was quite surprised, since the last time she had been in the house Janet had spanked her when she had served something wrong during dinner.


"Take a drink, Jessica. Drink to the fact that I came out ahead in the stock market. Else there would be another woman in this chair, and I would be down in the Dungeon, facing a grim fate."

Recognition came to Jessica quickly, and she smiled as she sipped her Sherry.

"You won, then, Mistress," surmised Jessica.

"Yes, Jessica. Thank you for all your help. Dominants aren't gods, and when we forget that, horrible things can happen. A wonderful Dom, Mistress Erica, who I shall never forget, trained me in this house. I shall continue to be just like her, and follow everything that she taught me."

"Why are you telling me this, Mistress Janet?" asked Jessica.

"Because you must learn never to let absolute power corrupt you, Jessica. One day, you may progress to being a Dominant. Then you will use the lessons that you have learned when you were being striped with a crop."

"Does Mistress Janet want to use her slave Jessica this evening?"

"Yes. Tina!" called Janet.

Tina entered the library after she had been called, a grin on her face.

"Tina, you may prepare our guest for this evening. And wipe that grin off your face before I place you over my knee and swat your behind!" declared Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," replied Tina, "but I still want you to spank me."

"Later, Tina, later."

'How can I maintain discipline as a Mistress when everyone around me is acting so damn happy?' Janet asked herself when she was alone.

Weeks later, Janet was attending to some paperwork when Stephanie had been invited over. When her friend entered the library, Janet rose and kissed her.

"Good afternoon," said Janet.

"Thank you," Stephanie answered.

"You said over the phone that you had something for me?" asked Janet.

"Yes, a letter from a Mistress Monique in California."

"Who's she?" asked Janet.

"I've met her once," said Stephanie, "very mysterious woman. She is on the East Coast, and will see you tomorrow. Sent me this letter to give to you."

Janet was passed the envelope, which was a very expensive piece of stationery. Her name was on the front, and a large M was the monogram on the envelope flap. In addition, there was a wax seal with her initial also.

"Quite mysterious," agreed Janet, who placed the envelope on her desk.

"How is it running the house?" asked Stephanie.

"Fine. I just still can't believe it," Janet answered.

"Drinks, Mistress?" asked Tina as she pushed a tray into the library.

"Yes, Tina, thank you," answered Janet, "can we be alone?"

"Yes, Mistress," said Tina before she closed the library doors.

"Sometimes I can't get rid of her," stated Janet, "and if I punish her, she only comes back for more."

"Such problems," agreed Stephanie.

Even though Janet had won the estate, she had still given Tina to Stephanie. So Tina was still Stephanie's property. So Janet had "leased" her back, until her term of contract with Stephanie was over in six months. Tina was required once every two weeks to spend a day with Stephanie, and Janet noted that she came back with a few new stripes every time. After six months, Tina would again wholly belong to Janet.

"There's a favor that I have to ask you. Could you train Tiffany for a while?"

"Sure, but why?" asked Stephanie.

"Because she already dislikes you, and I would like to get her out of the house for a while. It would be a great favor to me. I want you to take her this afternoon, please?" asked Janet.

"Certainly, but how severe do you want me to treat her?"

"Make her uncomfortable, and be sure that she is wearing that necklace at all times," specified Janet.

"Why, its worth a fortune," observed Stephanie.

"True. It's just another reminder to Tiffany about the price of her folly," said Janet.

What nobody else knew was that the necklace that Tiffany was wearing was a fake. The real one was in Janet's safe deposit box at the Stone bank in Greenwich. Janet had had one specially made up, and had substituted them one day. So the object around Tiffany's neck was a fraud, of little value!

Janet watched Stephanie drive away later, with Tiffany cuffed in the front passenger seat next to her. It was going to be nice to be alone with Tina for a while. The letter from Monique had been forgotten until well after dinner. She was just about to open it, when the phone rang.

"Hello?" asked Janet.

"This is Monique. Have you read my letter?"

"I'm just opening it now."

Dear Mistress Janet, Let me introduce myself. I am Monique, from California. I have been requested to deliver a special package to you tonight.


"I've just read it," said Janet.

"Good, I'll be over in ten minutes," said Monique.

When Monique arrived, she was in a large black limousine. The driver was female, and she helped her passenger to remove a bound woman from the back seat of the car.

The woman was harshly bound, and totally helpless. Her head was encased in a red discipline helmet that was laced up in the back, and her chest was bound into a corset, that pulled her waist tightly in. Her wrists and ankles were cuffed together with gleaming stainless steel cuffs.

"Greetings, I am Monique," said her guest.

"Please come inside," said Janet.

"Sorry, but I cannot stay. I shall return within three days, when I shall pick her up again. You may have the use of her during that time."

"This is all quite irregular," Janet observed, "far outside normal procedures. I normally don't conduct myself in this manner, and I don't like it."

"Are you refusing the use of this girl?" asked Monique.

"Stephanie told me that you were reliable, so I shall take her word in this matter and accept her. But next time, I want prior notice, interviews, and reports on her first."

"Understood, Mistress Janet," Monique answered.

"Thank you," said Janet, as she watched the limo quickly depart.

How mysterious! Janet walked the bound woman inside, and conducted her into the library. Monique had handed her an envelope, with some papers saying that the slave's name was Alana Peters.

Janet, after reading the papers, stood up and removed the discipline helmet, after unlacing it from the rear. She pulled the helmet off from the front, and a rubber phallus gag with an air hole was removed from the slave's mouth.

"Mistress Erica!" cried Janet, shock on her face when she recognized her former Mistress.

"Janet. How good to see you," said Erica.

"Erica, I knew you weren't dead," cried Janet as she sank to her knees.

"There now, Janet. I'm not really dressed for the way you're treating me, so stand up. You're the Mistress, now," said Erica.

Janet stood up and unlocked Erica's wrists, and removed the hobble chain. Still wearing the corset, Janet invited her to sit behind the desk, but Erica declined.

"That's your desk now, not mine. I'm just your guest here, your slave."

"Mistress Erica, why did you devise this test of Tiffany and myself?"

"All in good time, Janet. I'll be here for three days. Where is Tiffany?"

"Stephanie is training her," answered Janet, "I felt it would be better for her to be trained by someone else for a while, not me."

"Good, I only wanted to see you anyway. Tina doesn't know me, and it would be inconvenient to be seen by Tiffany."

"Isn't faking your death a crime?" asked Janet.

"It is provided fraud is committed. There was no large life insurance policy on me, there were clearly designated heirs, and taxes were paid."

"But you gave me your estate?" protested Janet.

"Did you really think that this was my entire estate?" laughed Erica, "no, Erica Riken was just one identity of mine. And Alana isn't my real name, either. Fact is, you'll never know just who I really am. That's why I kept such a low profile, even if I was rich. And you should too."

"What are you doing now?" asked Janet.

Erica held up her left hand, and on her third finger was a simple gold wedding band.

"Married? You're married? You left this life to get hitched?" questioned Janet.

"It was time to start something new. My husband knows of my former life, and he doesn't care. And that's all I'll say about it. Which brings me to the purpose of my visit. You may use me for three days, and then return me to Mistress Monique. In any way you wish, for I'll be your slave."

"I don't know what to say," answered Janet.

"Say yes, and use me, Janet. Every slave has a desire to use her Mistress. You now have that chance for three days. As you would any other slave. Just refer to me as Alana, not Erica."

"Erica, I can't use you. I just can't. You were my Dom; you made me cry and taught me submission. I would touch my stripes at home, remembering how you administered them. I ached with desire when you wouldn't let me into your bed. I still revere you, Erica."

"I'm not a goddess, Janet. Just a woman who was a Dominant for a while, so use me as a slave," said Erica.

Janet sat behind the desk, never imagining that she would be in this position. Here was Erica, asking to be used as a slave!

"Don't make me beg, Mistress Janet. Use me. Please?"

Looking at Erica, Janet remembered when she had been standing in front of Erica. She had seen Tiffany used the previous night, and now Erica was demanding that she write why she wanted to be a slave and serve a Mistress. Now Janet was the one behind the desk, and Erica was on the other side. Janet finally made her decision, and she tried to look confident, but instead was quaking with fear inside. How does one go about using her Trainer?

"Yes, Mistress," finally answered Janet.

"You are the Mistress now, Janet. Always remember that, and never forget what I have taught you."

"Tina!" called Janet.

They waited until Tina entered through the library doors. Tina arrived, wearing a red rubber Maid's outfit that Janet had specially picked out for her.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Take this slave to the bedroom, remove her corset and outfit her in collar, bracelets, and a pair of heels. Her name is Alana, and she will be with us for three days," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress, has she been interviewed?" asked Tina.

Tina was more than just her maid now, she was her assistant in the training of her slaves. Tina would help interview and explore just why her clients would come to her to submit to a Mistress, in preparation for her own time as a Mistress in the future.

"Yes, Tina. She is quite submissive, and has been a slave for some time. Please report back here when she is ready," Janet ordered.

After a short time, Tina led Alana, now naked and prepared back to the library. Janet was reviewing some reports on another of her charges, and she waiting to address Tina and Alana until she finished reading.

Alana was now naked, and attired as Janet had ordered. Her hands were locked behind her back, and she was led by a leash that was attached to her collar. Janet looked over her skin, and knew that Alana, no Erica, had not been used in a long time.

"Thank you, Tina. We can be alone now," ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," said Tina.

Janet waited until they were alone after Tina had closed the library doors, and Janet heard Tina's heels click as she walked away, indicating that she was resuming her chores.

"Is this what you want, Erica?" Janet asked.

"Yes, Mistress Janet. This will be the last time in my life that I enter a Dungeon, or submit to another woman, ever. I now leave the life of Dominance and submission in the same way I entered into it years ago, naked and as a slave. It is only fitting that I submit to you, my last slave, who has inherited my title and estate," Erica answered.

From behind her desk, Janet tried to read Erica's face and body language. Was there something else that Erica was trying to hide? Janet had served Erica for months, all the same time that her Mistress had been plotting her competition between Janet and Tiffany.

Now Erica was leaving the world that she had introduced Janet to. Was there some truth that Erica was not telling, some additional secret? Janet had never been able to read Erica Riken. Not in the Dungeon, and not in the bedroom either.

"Then I shall recall Tina here, to witness your submission," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress Janet."


As they waited, Janet wondered if any Mistress had ever been in this position before, of using their Trainer. She remembered how Stephanie had offered herself to Janet to be used. Now it was her Mistress that stood before her. Why? Janet asked herself, was this some penance on Erica's part? Or was there something else?

Finally, Tina arrived and it was time for Janet to act her part.

"Do you, Alana Peters, submit to my discipline of your own free will?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Without force or coercion?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"That for your stay here, you shall not have the freedom of your body, which shall belong totally to me, or whomever I command to have the use of you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Then rise, Alana," the woman rose after Janet's command, "Tina, what are the chores today?"

"Washing the windows, Mistress."

"Strenuous work, yes?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," Tina answered.

"Outfit her with a belt around her waist and a large dildo in her sex, complete with a clit stimulator. If she objects, use the crop. If she does a poor job on the windows, use her severely, you have my permission."

"Yes, Mistress," Tina answered.

"Thank you, Tina, that will be all," said Janet.

Tina led her charge away, who remained silent, who did not protest her bondage. Janet sat back in her chair, wondering if she was doing the right thing with Erica. She had just ordered that her trainer wear a dildo harness around her waist. Every step and motion for her would be a form of erotic agony, with her sex and clit constantly aroused by the dildo inside her.

End of Janet CH12 PT2

Next: Chapter 26

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