Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior.

If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state, nation, or planet that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

Janet in Training CH11 PT3: Janet Ascending

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Archiving permitted, reposting is permitted; but only if you include this statement of limitation of use and notify the author by e-mail. The author forbids you to make, distribute, or sell multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format.

However, individual readers may make single copies of the story for their own, non-commercial use.

Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

Part Two

Janet led Jessica to her bedroom, since it was now time for the slave to satisfy her Mistress. Since Jessica had been a slave, Janet had edged her ever closer to the idea that one day she would have to service her Mistress.

Janet angrily remembered that she had served Stephanie and not Erica first, when she had been loaned to the other Mistress during her training period. She had longed to satisfy her Mistress, but that had been denied her, perhaps by design. In her own training of new slaves, Janet had decided that they would serve her first!

Leading Jessica up from the Dungeon by a leash, with Jessica's hands locked behind her, Janet was angry to find that Tina was not standing outside the door waiting for her. Could she have been that mad? Janet resisted the temptation to go and find her, since Tina was probably in her servant's room. She had to continue with Jessica, since this would further bond her slave to her.

Next week, when they would be in the house without Jessica present, Janet would punish Tina for her insolent behavior. Janet would make certain that Tina would not misbehave again. Even if she was not allowed to know what was really going on.

"Come along, Jessica," said Janet as she pulled the girl along by her leash.

When they arrived upstairs, Janet immediately unlocked the leash from Jessica's collar. She then unlocked Jessica's wrists from behind her back, freeing her hands.

"Use the bathroom and clean yourself," directed Janet to an empty bedroom, "make yourself ready for your Mistress."

While Jessica cleaned herself in the bedroom next to Janet's, Janet entered her own. She had expected that Tina would have cleaned Jessica up and prepared her. Instead, Jessica had to do so herself. This was no way for a slave to see another behave!

After Jessica had indicated that she was ready, Janet led her into her bedroom and indicated that she should kneel on the floor. Janet then locked her collar to a chain connected to the ringbolt set in the wall.

Janet then placed her foot on a chair and first removed one of her high-heeled shoes, then the other. The she unzipped the leather bodysuit, and gently pulled the leather off, since it had conformed to the contours of her body. Now standing only in her sheer pantyhose, she stripped them off slowly.

Janet went into the bathroom, and freshened herself. She still had a faint aroma of the leather that she had worn for so long, and it clung to her like a perfume.

Emerging naked, she removed a riding crop from the dresser drawer, and sat down on the side where she had chained Jessica. Janet opened her legs, and held the crop in her two hands.

"Service me, Jessica," ordered Janet, "or the crop awaits."

Jessica promptly buried her face between Janet's legs, and Janet responded by opening her legs even more to accommodate the slave's ministrations. Janet was surprised how eagerly Jessica meant to please her, as her labia and clit were sucked and tongued by Jessica.

Janet tried to contain herself, but she was happy about everything, except for Tina's sulk, that had happened tonight. She had enlisted her slave as an ally, and had whipped her into a sexual frenzy. Now she was enjoying the fruits of her labors as her devoted slave was satisfying her in return!

Janet moaned with pleasure as she first orgasm hit her, wondering just how Jessica had learned to satisfy another woman like that. She had not asked her about her sexual experiences, which was something that she was supposed to do before it got this far with a slave.

It was evident that Jessica was already experienced in this matter, and needed no additional training in how to satisfy her Mistress! Janet cried with pleasure as she dragged her slave into her bed, and attacked her all night. The next day, the sheets were a mess!

The weather was warm outside the Stone Bank as Janet drove up in her Toyota. She had worn a blouse with long sleeves and a denim skirt, plus a pair of normal high heels. She looked at her watch and fretted. Would Jessica really show up? Janet wished she had a cigarette, but she had quit years ago.

Jessica Danvers shortly drove up in a new blue Lincoln. She was dressed in a smart business suit, and carried a purse and a briefcase.

"Good morning," greeted Janet.

"Good morning, Mistress," greeted Jessica.

"Thank you for coming," said Janet.

"I'm your devoted slave," said Jessica, "now can we begin?"

"Yes, of course."

They entered the bank and the safe deposit area. Janet withdrew her box, and they repaired to the little locked alcove to examine its contents.

"Here's the current holdings," said Janet as she passed the list to Jessica.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Jessica softly.

Jessica looked at the list, reading over the individual stocks and the amounts that Janet possessed and their monetary value at the date of the latest statement.

"This must be increased by a certain date. Is that correct?" asked Jessica, "Mistress?"

"Yes. But I can't tell you why."

"How long do you have left, Mistress?"

"Less than three months," said Janet.

"Then we'll just have to find better stocks for you to buy, that's all, Mistress," said Jessica, "I noticed an investment counter outside. Mind if I get us some help?"

"Go ahead," ordered Janet.

Jessica opened the folding door, and motioned for the clerk. She asked for the person at the counter to join them immediately. The clerk made a call, and the person from the investment counter virtually ran to see them.

"I need a complete price history on this portfolio of every stock for the last ten years, plus P/E ratios and any corporate news, good or bad, in the last year," ordered Jessica.

"When would you like this?" asked the woman.

"Yesterday," stated Jessica.

The woman almost ran away from them to get back to her counter, the list firmly clutched in her hand.

"You didn't tell her your name," said Janet.

"I don't have to. In Greenwich, everyone already knows me, Mistress."

Janet realized that she may have held the power of the whip in her House, but here Jessica held the power of the purse.

In minutes, the woman returned with a stack of laser printouts that were still warm to the touch. Jessica grabbed them, and opened a cellular phone from her purse.

"Time to get to work, Mistress," said Jessica as she punched in some numbers.

In all, they spent almost an hour in the bank together. Nobody bothered them in the cubicle, and twice Jessica asked to use the bank's phone. Janet was amazed that they let her make two long distance calls without protest.

When they finally left, Janet had a list of stocks to buy and sell, and a great feeling of confidence for the first time since this nightmare had begun.

"I'm impressed at the way they treated you there. Nobody asked your name, and you had the run of the bank's services. Your name must really carry a lot of weight in Greenwich," said Janet.

"More than that, Mistress," began Jessica, "did I mention that I was the largest stockholder in Stone bank?"

Janet had to calm herself down before she drove to her broker with the new list. Jessica was a type A driven personality, a ruthless businesswoman who controlled vast wealth. Yet she found sexual fulfillment by submitting herself to a Mistress that kept her naked and in chains, doing the work of a domestic!

Tiffany and Janet sat together in the library, with Tiffany poring over Erica's book of slaves. She leafed through the pages, seeing each girl's file and other information.

"It's just a pity that we didn't find it sooner," said Tiffany.

"Erica was rather clever about the way she hid it. You would think that she deliberately wanted us to wait nearly a year before we discovered it," ventured Janet.

"There you go again. Anyway, now that we've finally got the book, I'm going to see if I can find if any of these will serve me," said Tiffany.

"You mean us, don't you," added Janet.

"Not for long."

"Whatever happened to that girl you were using, Denise?" asked Janet.

"She couldn't stand up the rigors of being a slave," answered Tiffany.

"Perhaps you were treating her too harshly at first," criticized Janet.


"Thanks, Tiffany. That's the nicest thing that anyone's said to me lately. I'm going for a walk outside. Please tell me if Lauren is coming over so I can hide the silverware. Bye."

Janet walked outside the library, closing the outside door before Tiffany, already angry, could throw something. There was something different about her now, and the earlier confidence and arrogance had vanished. Instead, she acted impatiently and often impulsively. Just to annoy her, Janet had taken to watching the nightly financial news after the market closed.

The garden was about the only restful place on the estate. With an angry Tiffany and a jealous Tina, Janet felt pressured from all sides. At least there was no pressure from Jessica and Stephanie. Jessica had proven to be both a joy as a slave and an efficient financial advisor. Her portfolio had grown, and everything was doing well.

But at the same time, Tina had steadily grown jealous of the attention that Janet had been showing towards Jessica. From that day when she had been asked to leave the Dungeon so that Janet could discuss her needs in private with Jessica, Tina had become progressively harder to handle.

Walking in the garden made her realize that she had been neglecting Tina, when the girl actually wanted was both the attention and the lash of her Mistress. She had seen the look of envy on Tina's face towards Jessica when they were forced to work together in the house.

Janet did not have anything planned for tonight. An earlier engagement had collapsed, leaving her with an opening for this evening.

"Well, Tina, you wanted the attention of your Mistress," she said aloud to herself, "you've got it."

Janet remembered an old saying that her parents had taught her: be careful what you wish for, you might get it!

Dinner that night was a cold affair, at least in the beginning. Tiffany and Janet had dined together, and much to Janet's surprise, suddenly took an active interest in the running of the House. It was actually nice to talk to Tiffany, just like old times before Erica's legacy had actually divided them.

Janet wondered what reason if any to use when she would drag Tina down to the Dungeon. What Tina required was something more that just a few strokes with the riding crop. No, this demanded something a little more intense that would serve to remind Tina that she belonged to Janet and would have to obey her orders.

When Tina rolled in a trolley containing coffee and cake into the library Janet knew that it was now time to start the action with her maid.

Tiffany was seated in a chair, idly using the remote control to flip through the channels on the television.

"Come here, Tina," ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," replied Tina.

Tina stood in silence in front of Janet, awaiting her next command.

"Raise your uniform," coldly ordered Janet.

Tina pulled the hem of her uniform upwards, to expose her bare behind. Janet noticed that she did not have any recent marks on her. Had she really been neglecting Tina that much? No wonder Tina was feeling jealous!

"Over my knee," ordered Janet.

Tiffany had lost interest in the television, preferring to watch as Janet prepared to discipline Tina. She clicked the remote off, and decided to stay. Since Tina was off limits to her, that was all she could do.

Tina lay on Janet's knees, her upraised naked pink bottom ready for punishment. Janet loved the feeling of power and control that she had over Tina, and she was sorry that she had been neglecting her. Janet resolved that once this was all over, she would devote more time to Tina. Providing that she was the victor, of course.

"Would you like a paddle or crop?" asked Tiffany.

"No thank you, Tiffany. The flat of my hand will be quite sufficient," answered Janet.

Janet began to spank Tina with a steady series of blows that made her bottom bounce with every impact. She wanted this spanking to merely be a prelude for later events in the evening.

Tina's behind soon became red, and this immensely aroused Janet. Janet felt the heat of Tina's punished skin as she continued the spanking. Janet knew that the spanking had immensely aroused Tina, but she only wanted to take it so far.

"Thank you, Mistress," cried Tina when Janet ceased suddenly.

"You may get up now, and serve us coffee," ordered Janet.

Tina stood up from Janet's knees, and pulled down the hem of her rubber outfit. The she proceeded to serve both Janet and Tiffany as if nothing had happened.

Janet noted that Tina seemed a little more attentive, a little more eager to please than she had been in several weeks. She resolved to keep a crop nearby to give Tina the occasional stroke to remind her of her place in the House.

"Had some fun?" asked Tiffany.

"I believe that I've been neglecting her lately. That will change," said Janet.

"Good," agreed Tiffany.

When Tina had finished doing the dishes, she was startled to find Janet waiting silently behind her.

"Mistress!" cried Tina, "I didn't know you were there."

"Perhaps you should be more attentive next time," answered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress."

"I want to see you downstairs in the Dungeon tonight at 9 PM, naked and waiting for me on the carpet. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," replied Tina.

"You've been a bad girl lately, and don't think I haven't noticed. It's time that I started to correct your behavior," stated Janet.

"Thank you, Mistress," Tina answered.

"Good," said Janet as she departed.

Janet decided to wear the rubber dress that she had bought on her city trip, months ago. Janet pulled it on, and zipped herself up in the mirror. True, it would be hot and sweaty inside. But that would only make her more driven to put Tina in her place.

"You look very nice," offered Tiffany.

"Thank you," replied Janet, "are you going out tonight?"

"No, I was planning on staying in. I see that you're already dressed for the evening."


"I won't join you in the Dungeon. After all, two's company, and three's a crowd," said Tiffany.

"Thank you," answered Janet.

"Have a nice time," said Tiffany, "I'm going to have a bath."

"Enjoy yourself," replied Tiffany as she walked towards her own bedroom.

Janet could not contain her desire by the time that she entered the Dungeon. On the small circular carpet was Tina, naked and kneeling. Her hands rested on her opened knees, and Janet could see that Tina had been expecting her.

"Good evening, Tina," greeted Janet.

"Good evening, Mistress," said Tina in return.

"I've been very disappointed in you lately, Tina. Ever since Jessica has come into this house, you've been jealous of her. Though to your credit, you haven't abused your privilege with her by unnecessarily using the crop. That has to stop, and stop now!"

"Yes, Mistress Janet."

Because of that, I'm going to have to give you a little punishment that you'll never forget, so that you'll remember that you are one of my slaves also."

"Yes, Mistress, please?"

"Please what?" asked Janet.

"Punish me, Mistress."

"I want you to collar and bracelet yourself, since by the time we leave here, your skin is going to be covered in stripes."

Tina rose and opened the cabinet where she had stored the things that Janet had mentioned. In a few moments, she had locked then upon herself, as Janet had ordered, and was again kneeling on the carpet.

"Hold out your hands," Janet ordered.

Tina did so, and Janet locked the wrist cuffs together. Then she pulled Tina to her feet, over to the waiting horse. This was a different one than the padded one that she usually used. This one was quite sturdy, made of solid wood in the shape of an A. In the center, sticking up from the polished dark wood, was a rubber dildo.

"I want you to climb up onto the horse, and you know where to place the dildo," ordered Janet.

Tina did as she was instructed, throwing her leg over the wooden surface while she climbed up onto the horse. Her entire weight would be resting on her sex, which would be impaled by the dildo. Tina raised herself up, then slowly lowered herself upon the erect shaft. She moaned when it entered her sex, while she seated herself on the horse.

"That's good, Tina," said Janet.

Janet locked Tina's wrists together behind her back, then locked her ankles to chains on either side of the horse. Then she unlocked Tina's wrists in front, then locked them again behind her back to a ceiling chain that hung nearby. The chain was connected to a motor in the ceiling, so that when Janet activated it, Tina was slowly pitched forward. This increased the weight on her sex, pushing the dildo deeper within her.

"Ooooh!" Tina cried.

Janet then removed a crop from the cabinet, flexing it with her two hands.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Tina

"Thank me afterwards, when your skin is red and pained," cautioned Janet.

Janet began to strike Tina with the crop, the small tip at its end leaving a small red mark wherever it landed. Tina, held fast on the horse, could only moan whenever the crop struck her.

She next struck at the outside of Tina's legs at first. Then she gradually moved upwards, striking Tina's breasts. Each stoke left a red mark, and made her breasts bounce a little, and Janet found that very attractive.

Bound as she was, Janet did not want to strike Tina so hard that she might lose her balance. Rather Janet wanted Tina to remain on the horse, with her sex invaded by the dildo.

Janet did not have to check if Tina was wet. That was obvious by the way she moaned when the crop struck her flesh. Tina was now being properly punished for the first time in months, and Janet realized the mistakes that she had made!

"Enough," stated Janet, once she was satisfied that Tina was now ready for her next ordeal.

Janet placed the crop under her arm as she unlocked Tina from the horse. Perhaps she should have used the horse last, rather than as the first item of punishment. Regardless, when Tina dismounted the horse, her flesh was already marked nicely.

The dildo was wet, and reflected the Dungeon lights. Janet had prepared for this, and had brought a small basin of water and a wash cloth with her.

"Tina, clean yourself, but you are not allowed to cum!" ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress, ohhhh!" cried Tina when she placed her hand into the water.

As a further vexation, Janet had filled the basin with ice cubes and water, so that it was quite cold. Janet knew that this would put out the fires in Tina's loins quite fast!

Tina cleaned herself without protest, and Janet roughly inspected her to make certain that she had done a good job. Her cunt was clean of her juices, and the skin was cold to the touch. Tina moaned when the warm fingers of her Mistress probed her sex.

"Very good, slave," said Janet approvingly.

"Thank you, Mistress."

"And now the whip," stated Janet.

Tina stood unemotionally as Janet secured her wrists and ankles to spreader bars that would make her vulnerable to discipline. Her bare feet were standing on the stone floor, as Janet had not ordered her to wear shoes this evening.

"I do love you," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tina.

Then Janet struck with the whip, stroke after stroke landing on Tina's already punished skin. Janet did not even try to direct the whip, letting it fall wherever it would. Instead, she wanted it to leave stripe after stripe on Tina's figure.

The whip wrapped itself around Tina's curves, and Janet remembered that she had not whipped Tina so hard for quite some time. Just for effect, she cracked the whip against empty air, like some western movie. But she would always return to using the whip on Tina, making her moan and cry within her bonds.

"Thank you, Mistress," cried Tina when Janet temporarily stopped.

"You're welcome," said Janet.

Janet removed a small metal box from the cabinet. She walked over to Tina, and opened the box for her slave to see inside. Tina moaned when she saw the contents.

"Clamps," said Janet.

Janet first applied one to Tina's right nipple, making her moan. When the other was fixed onto her, Tina moaned again. Janet then applied two more, onto the outer lips of her sex. Tina reacted violently, shaking her chains in protest.

To further test her, Janet then inserted two of her fingers inside Tina's slit. The girl was wet again, just like she had been on the horse!

"You're a real bondage slut," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," agreed Tina, "I'm a bondage slut."

"What do sluts like you deserve?" asked Janet.

"To be whipped, Mistress," cried Tina in response.

"Very well," said Janet as she again picked up the whip.

The experience of being whipped while the clips upon her breasts and sex drove Tina to even greater heights of agony. Every time that the whip struck her flesh, Tina moaned with both agony and ecstasy at the same time.

Janet continued, carefully counting the strokes, never hitting hard enough to break the skin. Pausing to touch Tina's skin, she found that the whip warmed her slave's skin. Janet carefully counted each series of strokes, wondering when Tina would use up her capacity to absorb discipline.

Tina would long carry reminders of this night on her skin and hopefully in her soul, thought Janet.

Just before Janet was going to stop anyway, Tina suddenly cried out.

"Mercy, Mistress, please, mercy!" sobbed Tina.

Tears ran down Tina's cheeks, streaking her makeup. Her body was thoroughly covered by a fine tracery of welts that the whip had left behind.

"Very good, Tina. Now you may kiss the whip," ordered Janet.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Tina as she carried out Janet's orders. Her lips embraced the whip handle as even as tears continued to flow from the corners of her eyes.

"I don't want to have any further trouble with you, nor do I want you to be jealous of Jessica. Do you understand? Or I shall be forced to use more extreme measures," threatened Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," cried Tina.

Janet then took Tina upstairs, and let her clean herself properly. Then she took her into her bedroom, and used her violently for the rest of the night. There was a riding crop on the night table, and Janet did not hesitate to use it whenever she felt that Tina was not being wholly attentive to her.

Finally, she fell into a satisfied sleep, with her slave girl on the bed next to her, her collar chained to the wall as usual.

"The most recent choices have done well, Mistress," said Jessica.

From the small safe deposit cubicle, Janet and Jessica had moved to the banks meeting room. On the table was a pot of hot coffee and croissants, and the papers were organized into neat rows.

Janet rubbed her eyes, hoping that she was ahead of Tiffany. There wasn't much time left, just two weeks till the anniversary of Erica's death.

"Thank you, Jessica. This just has to run its course," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Jessica.

"Could I be left alone here for a while before we, before I," Janet corrected herself, "deliver the final orders to the broker."

"Yes, Mistress," answered Jessica as she left her seat and closed the door behind her.

Janet fled into the bathroom, and closed the door behind her, just in time for a torrent of tears.

"Why, Erica, why?" cried Janet to herself.

End Of Janet CH11 PT3

Next: Chapter 24

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