Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior.

If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state, nation, or planet that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

Janet in Training CH11 PT2: Janet Ascending

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

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Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

Janet CH11 PT2 Continued:

"Ready, slave?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," meekly replied Jessica.

Janet had a leather paddle in her hand, onto which she had sprinkled a few drops of water. This had softened the leather, and would produce a nice sound when it impacted on Jessica's bottom.

"Have you forgotten?" angrily demanded Janet.

"Thank you, Mistress, for what I am about to receive," quickly answered Jessica.

Jessica's reward was the first stroke with the paddle. Janet had delivered a strong stinging blow that landed with a satisfying thwack on Jessica's behind. Janet noted with approval how her buttocks shook with the impact, making them bounce up and down.

"One," cried Jessica.

Janet delivered another stroke, this time to another part of Jessica's behind. It landed with less force than the first, but still reddened the slave's skin.


The third was placed right on the area between her ass cheeks leading up to her anus. Janet knew that every time that Jessica would be sitting down for the next few days, she would be forced to think of her Mistress.



Janet only wanted to deliver enough strokes to make Jessica's behind red and sore, so that Jessica would have a reminder of the punishment that she had undergone. Since this was the first time that Jessica had been bound over the horse, Janet had finally satisfied Jessica's curiosity about what the horse was used for.

"Ten!" cried Jessica, the beginning of tears in her eyes.

Janet felt Jessica's reddened behind. The skin was warmed to the touch, and Janet knew that she had accomplished her goal without punishing Jessica too much. Ten strokes with the paddle and a red behind were enough to introduce Jessica to the horse for today.

"Thank you, Mistress," sobbed Jessica when no further strokes with the paddle were forthcoming.

Next time, Janet would use her hand instead of the paddle. This little change, from using an instrument to her own flesh, would show Jessica a certain intimacy with her Mistress that the impersonal leather did not possess.

Janet did not have to explore Jessica's sex to know that she was already wet and excited. She knew that even before they had started for the night. No, Janet now had to make Jessica become ever more stimulated before she would be allowed to cum.

"Tina, release her please," ordered Janet.

When Jessica had been released from the horse, she stood in silence directly in front of Janet. Janet had not ordered her to be placed into another form of bondage, but merely was waiting to direct her slave with a new and confusing order.

"Jessica!" said Janet sharply.

"Yes, Mistress," she quickly answered.

"Since you have already been my slave for a fairly long period of time, in my opinion you are now ready to select your own punishment," said Janet.

"Mistress?" asked a puzzled Jessica.

"You may go to the cabinet and select the instrument that I will use on you next. Just don't take all evening."

Confused and baffled from Janet's latest order, Jessica walked uncertainly over to the open cabinet where the instruments of the Dungeon were located. Inside were all of the things that were meant to be used on a slave girl, at the choice of her Mistress.

It was therefore quite strange that Janet would give her slave the choice of what would be used on her next. It was quite a painful decision for a slave girl to have to make.

Jessica would pick up and handle the whip, riding crop, flogger, and other instruments. All of which Janet had used on her in the preceding weeks, as Jessica descended deeper and deeper into slavery.

She finally chose a long sinuous black leather whip, one that had been used on her many times before. Janet had told Tina earlier to make certain that all of the instruments were to be cleaned and oiled for tonight, else Tina would have to endure a special ordeal. Tina had obeyed, and all of the leather things within had been polished and shined under the lights.

Jessica then removed the whip, walked slowly over to Janet, and knelt before her, presenting Janet with the thing that she had chosen.

"Thank you, Jessica. I'm that that I can make your choice of the whip worthwhile," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Jessica as Janet removed the coiled whip from her hands.

"Tina, chain Jessica up from the ceiling by her wrists and lock her ankles with a spreader bar," ordered Janet, "I want her completely vulnerable to me."

"Yes, Mistress."

Janet sat down in her chair, and waited for Tina to complete her directed task. She felt the whips surface on her fingers, enjoying the sensual experience of the oiled leather. Tina had done an excellent job with the whip, and it was truly in excellent condition. Perhaps Tina would be its next target soon!

Janet was in no hurry. In comparison to Tiffany, who rushed through her discipline with her slaves, Janet knew that the longer the expectation, the greater the climax that the slave would experience upon release. Which would please both slave and Mistress, and keep the slave coming back for more!

Jessica was restrained from the ceiling with her wrist bracelets locked together, and her legs kept apart by the spreader bar. She was totally exposed to whatever cruelties that her Mistress would desire to inflict upon her.

Mistress Janet rose slowly from her chair, her long beautiful legs encased in black hose. The skin from her waist to her feet was covered by the sheer weave, and showed every muscle of her lovely legs. Seeing herself in the mirror, Janet resolved that she wouldn't wear boots again so often. Janet decided that she would display her legs from now on!

The Mistress coiled the whip with her two hands and presented the handle of woven leather to Jessica's red lips. Jessica kissed the handle without having been ordered to, since she already knew what Janet expected of her.

"Thank you, Mistress, for the punishment that I am about to receive," said Jessica, as she restrained a sob.

"You're welcome, slave."

Janet uncoiled the whip, and delivered a mild stroke that curled around Jessica's exposed body. The tip landed with a moderate impact, and when it struck Jessica's breast, she shook her head from side to side, trying to deny the emotions and feelings that the whip generated within her.

"Thank you, Mistress!" cried Jessica.

When Janet had been whipped for the first time, she had protested that nice girls didn't get whipped. True, Erica had pointed out. Slave girls got whipped, and that was what Jessica had become by now. Horrified and attracted by the discipline that she was now receiving from her Mistress.

The whip struck again, with the tip landing between Jessica's breasts. Jessica's reaction was to moan and cry.

"Don't you want to count the strokes?" asked Janet.

"No, Mistress," cried Jessica.

"Would you rather be gagged?"

"Yes, Mistress," Jessica begged.

Deciding that it would be more personal if she gagged Jessica herself, Janet got the gag from Tina. She walked over to Jessica, and presented the object to her slave.

"Is this what you want?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Then you shall have it, slave," said Janet.

Jessica opened her mouth, and Janet pushed the red rubber ball inside, drawing the straps around to the back of the neck. Jessica bowed her head to assist Janet as the buckle was drawn tight and closed, with her bound hair nicely out of the way. The rubber ball was deep inside her mouth, and Jessica would never be able to displace it.

Janet had told Jessica the previous week that the pain and the pleasure of being whipped would be intensified if she wore the ballgag. Jessica had remembered what her Mistress had told her, and desired the experience.

Her discipline continued with a slow, steady series of strokes. Janet wanted to insure that Jessica's entire skin would slowly heat up under the repeated impacts of the whip. She was striking her charge with impacts barely hard enough to mark, but she knew that Jessica was experiencing both agony and ecstasy at the same time.

Janet kept the pace of her strokes, pausing after every series of ten had been properly delivered. She watched as Jessica's skin was slowly marked with a thin tracery of fine lines from the whip.

"Enjoying yourself?" asked Janet.

"Mmmmph!" answered Jessica.

Janet decided to stop, and check on what she had accomplished. Jessica's skin was warm to the touch, with an almost electric excitement pulsating through her body. Jessica's nipples were fully erect and her sex was completely wet from her discipline. The gag was having the effect of preventing her from begging for her punishment to stop.

"Jessica, since you can't plead for mercy with the gag in your mouth, I'm going to give you a coin. I want you to hold this in your fingers. If the pain gets too intense, or I hurt you too much, I want you to release the coin. Understand?"

Jessica nodded her understanding, and Janet placed a dollar-sized casino token between the thumb and fingers of Jessica's left hand. Jessica held the coin tightly, not wanting to release it by accident.

With the gag still between Jessica's teeth, Janet then proceeded with her discipline. As before, she began slowly. Jessica's skin had not really cooled down, and she was charged like an erotic battery that her Mistress was in control of. Janet would decide when she would discharge this particular battery!

Janet delivered the next series of strokes with a little more force than the previous ones. The marks on Jessica's body were more pronounced, and would last longer. Surely Jessica knew that if her body were to be whipped longer, her marks would remain for quite some time.

"Jessica," said Janet, "look at yourself in the mirror! Are you sure that you want me to continue marking you with the whip!" demanded Janet.

Jessica nodded her head yes in response to her Mistresses demand.

"I hope that you're not planning on going on a cruise or swimming then, because your whip marks will be a little hard to explain," stated Janet.

Jessica repeated nodding her head yes.

"Then we shall continue, slave," said Janet coldly.

Janet wondered just how Jessica must have been coping with her tribulation. Jessica was still fairly new, yet she was now proving to Janet that she was capable of great endurance in accepting the whip from her Mistress.

'Damn it,' thought Janet, 'drop the coin!'

Janet suddenly placed herself back in Lauren's house, helpless as she was whipped into unconsciousness. The room swayed and distorted, even though it was brightly lit. She saw Lauren's leering sadistic face, then Sabrina and Myra.

'Myra,' thought Janet, 'where are you now?'

'Buy me please?' begged Myra, 'please?'

Janet's nightmare was suddenly ended when she heard the sound of the coin dropping to the floor and giving off a sharp ring when it struck the stone floor.

"Very good," said Janet as she struggled to regain her composure.

Janet stopped her use of the whip, and realized that during the entire flashback to her ordeal with Lauren she had continued to whip Jessica like a robot. It had only been the sound of the coin falling that had stopped her from continuing to whip Jessica past her endurance.

Before the evening had started, Janet had decided that she would torment her slave three times tonight before letting her finally cum in a rush of orgasms. But since Jessica had already undergone so much discipline already, and she was quite clearly ready, now was the time to let her release.

"Tina, take her down and place our guest in the special chair. Don't remove her gag just yet," Janet ordered.

Jessica was placed on a special wooden chair, with a hole in the center. It was on a special platform that was elevated over a foot off the floor. Her wrists were locked behind her back, and her ankles were locked to the chair's legs. Under the hot lights, Janet saw that her slave had taken a large amount of strokes. Her skin was covered with the whip marks that she would carry for some time.

It was now time to release the battery that Janet had been charging all night!

Janet walked over to the cabinet and chose a modest sized white vibrator. While the sex shops were full of monster dildos, they were only for show. Using this on Jessica would make her slave eager to have one, once she had been wracked by orgasm after orgasm!

"Ever use one of these?" asked Janet as she displayed the vibrator to her bound captive.

Jessica shook her head from side to side, saying no.

"Good. Then I'm sure that you'll enjoy it, slave."

Janet flicked the switch on, and felt the gentle buzzing of the vibrator. She knew that since Jessica was now fully excited by her punishments, Jessica would experience a massive series of orgasms.

Reaching under the chair, she pushed the white vibrator up through the hole inside Jessica's sex. Janet had to bend down to get under the seat so that she would have the leverage to insert the vibrator deeper inside Jessica.

Once Janet had pushed it inside, Jessica instantly began to buck and moan. Janet did not even have to thrust the shaft in and out, as Jessica would raise and lower herself onto the vibrator. With Jessica already primed, the slave was quite ready and eager for release.

Janet had found the chair in a storeroom, and had guessed instantly what it could be used for. She had been disappointed that Erica had not used it on her!

"Now!" ordered Janet as Jessica impaled herself on the plastic shaft.

Jessica's body was wracked with pleasure as the waves of orgasms flooded over her, making her moan and cry from behind her gag. She bit onto the rubber, and it's presence in her mouth helped to make the climaxes even more intense, since the power of speech had been removed from her!

Janet thrust the vibrator again and again, each time making sure that her slave experienced one orgasm after another, until they began to come fewer and fewer. Janet wanted her to be exhausted and to spend herself completely before she was released from the chair.

Janet and the vibrator were unwinding all of the pent-up energy that Jessica had been keeping. Finally, Jessica slumped in fatigue after she had climaxed again and again. It was finally time, since Jessica had experienced the release that she had come to a Mistress for.

"Tina, release her. Jessica, I want you on the carpet, knees apart," ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," said Tina.

Still gagged, Jessica kneeled on the carpet in front of the throne like chair. Not certain about her hands, she placed them on her knees, awaiting further instructions from Janet.

"Tina, could you leave us, please?" asked Janet.

"Mistress?" asked Tina, surprise on her face.

Every time that Tina had assisted Janet, she had been there the entire time, from beginning to end. Now she was being asked to leave, and she couldn't understand why.

"Tina! Don't make me have to repeat an order again!" angrily said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tina, who turned on her heels and left the Dungeon.

'Tina I'm sorry I had to do that,' thought Janet, 'but I'll explain after this is all over.'

Janet stood up from her chair and walked over to Jessica, who knelt awaiting the next move of her Mistress. Janet unbuckled the ballgag, and held it in her hands, wrapping the leather strap around her fingers. The ball was wet with Jessica's drool, and glistened in the Dungeon's bright lights.

"Thank you, Mistress," panted Jessica.

"You're welcome, slave. Did you enjoy your discipline tonight?"

"Yes Mistress."

"You know, you won't be able to go swimming in a public place with your skin like that," stated Janet.

"I own a small island in the Caribbean where I vacation privately, usually without clothing anyway. Perhaps you would care to join me?" asked Jessica.

"Thank you. Your offer is most kind," Janet replied.

"I could even have a small Dungeon built to satisfy your needs," offered Jessica.

"I can dominate you without a Dungeon, just as I did with a girl recently in Manhattan. One doesn't always need a Dungeon in the basement, you know. Just a skilled Mistress."

"Yes, Mistress Janet," answered Jessica.

"In two of your last responses, you failed to address me with my proper title of Mistress. Was that a deliberate omission, or just an accident?" asked Janet.

"An accident, Mistress Janet, please! Don't punish me again," plead Jessica.

Janet knew that Jessica's skin and loins were on fire, and she was now ready for the request that she would make of her.

"Slave Jessica," Janet began, "I know that you are one of the most prominent people in Greenwich. You are in the society columns, and are from one of the oldest families in the nation."

"You forgot to say that I am also one of the richest people in the area, Mistress. Do you want something financial from me?" asked Jessica.

"Beyond the gift that you agreed upon with Mistress Stephanie, no. I have a quite different problem that I require help with."

"I don't understand, Mistress?" answered Jessica, puzzlement in her voice.

"I posses a certain financial account containing stocks the value of which must increased by a certain date, otherwise consequences of which would be disastrous to me personally. Since you are an expert in the field of finance, I require the assistance of my slave to help me. Will you do so?" asked Janet.

Jessica was silent for a few moments before responding.

"Why can't you merely add money to the account, Mistress?" asked Jessica.

"For reasons that I cannot discuss, I can only withdraw, not add, money. I have withdrawn nothing so far," said Janet.

Suddenly the photograph of the diamond necklace that Tiffany had purchased came into her mind. Tiffany must have been quite certain of her victory to cash in some of her gains to buy something like that. She certainly could not afford it on the allowance that they were granted each month by Blanca and the will!

"I think I understand, Mistress."

"Will you help me?" asked Janet, who resisted the temptation to get down on her knees and prostrate herself in front of her slave.

"Yes, Mistress. I will serve as your advisor in whatever capacity you will need me," Jessica answered.

"Thank you. Can we meet at the Stone Bank in Greenwich at 10 AM Monday to begin? I have my records stored there," said Janet.

"Not at home, Mistress?" asked Jessica.

"For reasons I cannot discuss, I can't keep my records at home," stated Janet, "and you must not tell anyone about this! Not your family or friends, or even Tina. It must be a secret between us," implored Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Jessica, "I shall serve you in any way that I can. You said that you owned me totally, and you do. Forever."

'I hope so,' thought Janet, 'I hope you're right.'

The End of Chapter 11 PT2

Next: Chapter 23

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