Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior. If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

"Janet in Training" Chapter Eleven PT1: Janet Ascending

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

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Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

"Janet in Training" by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Chapter Eleven PT1: Janet Ascending

Part One

Spring was giving way to summer, and the heat had begun to increase as the days got longer. Winter coats were shed for lighter spring ones, then finally for jackets and even going without. The heavy clothing of winter was gradually being replaced as the seasons changed, and Janet watched as the trendy women of Greenwich wore the newest fashions that season.

But not Janet, who would wear either a full blouse or dress, in order to conceal the scars on her back. Unlike the scarlet letter of colonial times, Janet wore hers on her back, and it was marked into her skin. Janet could only wonder about the reaction that she would cause if she were to wear a tank top or something else that exposed her back into a public place.

Going to the broker that day in Greenwich had been good. The market was up, and all of her new picks had increased in value. She looked over the latest copies of the printed report in his office, and marked some for sale that weren't doing well, and new ones to buy. There was a calendar hung on his wall, from some resort in the Caribbean. Janet stared at the picture of a couple in bathing suits on a sailboat.

"Why don't you go on a trip there," suggested the broker, "you look like you could use a vacation."

"No thanks," Janet answered, "too busy."

If the prospect of wearing a top that exposed her back in Greenwich was an impossibility, she could only imagine what the reaction might be if she wore a bikini to a beach. Or a regular suit. Even though the marks on her thighs and bottom had faded, Janet was clearly marked, both internally and externally.

"All work and no play," said the broker, "makes one pretty stale."

"Have to work at this," confided Janet, "I have a reason."

"Whatever it is, it must be important," he said as Janet passed him her latest decisions.

"You don't know how important," said Janet, "or the stakes involved."

"Well, good luck. Whatever the hell you're involved in," he said.

"Thanks," said Janet as she rose from her chair, folded the reports into her briefcase, and pulled on her jacket.

"Why are you still wearing something so heavy?" he asked.

"Thin blood," said Janet on the way out.

It was a hot day, and Janet could feel that her blouse was already plastered on her back by sweat. How she longed to rid herself of the jacket, and wear something light and sexy. Instead, she felt like a Victorian walking around, her body fully clothed and invisible.

After she had stowed away the reports in her safe deposit box, Janet decided that it would be nice to walk around. She looked in the rich stores on the main street in Greenwich, and the outside temperature increased as the day wore on. It was going to be a hot early summer, and the fashions this year were going to show a lot of skin.


Janet turned around when she heard the unfamiliar voice at her back. There was a girl standing there, a pretty brunette. Janet looked her over, and undressed her with her eyes, wondering if she was someone's slave.

"Do I know you?" asked Janet.

"You took Lauren's continued punishment in my place in her house months ago," she said softly so that nobody else could hear, "my name is Myra."

"Oh," answered Janet, recognition dawning in her mind.

"I'm Rene's slave, but Lauren is free to use me whenever she desires. Which is quite often," stated Myra.

"Let's walk," suggested Janet.

"Okay," answered Myra.

Janet continued her journey through Greenwich, with Myra at her side, about half a pace behind her.

"How are you doing?" asked Janet.

"Rene and Lauren are harsh with their slaves. You already know that. I get beaten horribly on a regular basis."

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing that I can do," said Janet, "I've already felt Lauren's whip."

"I asked if I could be your slave. Do you remember?" asked Myra.

"Yes. I was lucky to make it home, and I was feverish and delirious for days. I nearly died," grimly stated Janet.

"You infuriated Lauren by taking her punishment and surviving. She hates you, and your former owner, Erica."

"I know," answered Janet.

"Please buy me and make me your slave, before she goes too far with me also," plead Myra, tears in her eyes.

Janet thought carefully before she answered.

"I can't, not yet. I'm sorry, Myra. I'm involved in something that Erica has devised. Right now, I'm as much of a slave as you are," said Janet.

"Is that why Tiffany is always reading the financial papers, calling a broker and buying stocks like mad?" asked Myra.

"Yes," cautiously answered Janet.

"She was boasting to Lauren yesterday that her total was over a million. Does that mean anything to you?" asked Myra.

"Yes," answered Janet, "yes it does. Thank you."

"Mistress Janet, please! Buy me," begged Myra.

"It's not yet time, Myra. Please!" responded Janet.

"Yes, Mistress Janet. Whatever happens, good luck," said Myra, disappointment clearly evident in her voice.

It took all of Janet's control to avoid breaking down as she walked back to her car and away from Myra. The slave had taken an awful chance in talking to her, and if her information was correct, then Janet was in real trouble. They had both started out with a million dollars in stock. In the months since, with the market up and down, Janet had finally reached back to her starting figure.

But if Tiffany were ahead, the tyranny of the calendar would be ticking away the days until the end of her freedom. Her threat to place Janet in the Dungeon was not an idle one.

Janet shed tears in her car, worrying about the future and what it might bring.

"Lunch, Mistress?" asked Tina when she returned home.

"Something light, Tina. I really don't feel like eating."

"Yes, Mistress Janet."

"Is Tiffany home, has she eaten?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress, to both questions," answered Tina.

"Thank you, Tina."

Tina set a tray before her containing a salad, a cold soda, and a piece of cake. Janet doubted that she could get any of it down, but she resolved to try. Janet had never suffered from any of the problems of eating that beset other women, but her stomach was now tied in knots at the information that she had obtained.

Janet ate alone in the library, reading a book from the vast collection that Erica had created. How had her owner managed to get such a library when she had been so busy in the Dungeon?

"Hi there," said Tiffany, as she seated herself on the leather couch.

"Greetings," politely answered Janet.

"I'm having a good day. Want to go out?" offered Tiffany.

"No thanks," refused Janet, "we've already done that."

"Are you afraid that I'd take you to Lauren's again?" asked Tiffany.

"The thought had crossed my mind," politely answered Janet.

"Just out for a drive, that's all," answered Tiffany.

"I'd like to rest for a while. My slave Jessica is coming over tonight, so I'd like to use the Dungeon this evening. Okay?" asked Janet.

"Sure, I'm going out tonight anyway, after I go shopping. I'm picking up a diamond necklace today in town, costing plenty," boasted Tiffany.

"Really, how lucky of you," said Janet.

"Let's just say that I made some money lately, and now I want to spend it on myself. Want to see a picture?" offered Tiffany.


Tiffany unfolded a picture that she had been carrying around in her shirt pocket from the Times. It was a diamond necklace, all right, with a price in five figures.

"Just make sure you keep it safe," said Janet, "you wouldn't want someone to steal it from you."

"Yeah," said Tiffany when she departed the library.

Tiffany could not have hurt Janet more than if she had stabbed Janet with a knife. First, the news from Myra and now Tiffany was spending a lot of money on a necklace. What had seemed like such a good day in the morning was becoming a disaster in the afternoon.

Leaving the tray in the library, she walked up to her bedroom, shed her shoes, and looked forward to a few hours of blissful sleep. Before her session with Jessica, who was her devoted slave and submissive.

Janet lay down on the bed and loosened her blouse and skirt. At least the bedroom was a pleasant temperature. Not too hot or too cold, she thought.

When the alarm clock finally went off at 5 PM, it was a relief to awaken. Janet swung her legs off the bed, and realized that she was covered in sweat. Her clothes were soaked, as if she had been outside on an August day.

"Damn!" cried Janet, "shower time."

Janet stripped off her clothes, after having told Tina to keep her dinner waiting for a while. She turned the shower up to hot, and jumped under the steaming water, letting the stinging water wash away her sweat and the sour odor of her perspiration. Soaping herself, she allowed herself the luxury of stimulating herself orgasm in the shower. Which was something that she had ordered Jessica not to do.

Her fingers massaged her sex, and her pussy hair, which had regrown since Andrea was no longer shaving it. Tiffany had removed Erica's medallion, but not the labia ring that it had been attached to.

She considered if she should order that Jessica should be shaved also as a measure of her submission to Janet. When suddenly something clicked, and Janet froze, dropping the soap bar onto the bathtub's floor.

"Idiot!" cried Janet, "Idiot!"

Just because the rules said that they couldn't seek advice from the brokers that they had to deal with, didn't mean that they couldn't get it elsewhere. Lauren was probably advising Tiffany, since Myra had told her what she had seen in Lauren's house.

Janet had been working by herself, alone and terrified while investing in the market. When someone else could have helped her. Like another broker, or Jessica.

Jessica! Here she had one of the wealthiest women in the country as one of her slaves, and she hadn't made the proper use of her. Sure, Jessica had shown that she would lick her boots and pussy, and perform housework and endure the whip. But would she serve as her advisor?

Janet had learned at Erica's feet that the purpose of a slave was to serve her Mistress, no matter what the demand or circumstance. Erica and later Stephanie had used her in many ways, but never intellectually. Perhaps it was time to start.

Stephanie had once taken Janet to a party where the guests were all Dominatrices and their slaves. She had met a wealthy woman who owned her own business, who had told her that her slave was also her girl Friday. Blanca may not have wanted to use a slave in her law office, but that didn't mean others would have the same prohibition.

Quickly Janet got out of the shower, glad for the hot water that had reinvigorated her. She toweled herself off, her skin still sweating from the sauna like conditions of the shower that she had just taken. After drying herself, Janet dressed in a blouse, jeans, and a pair of high heels.

'Not an elegant way to dress for dinner,' Janet thought, 'but I'll dress in something more fitting before Jessica arrives.'

While she had barely been able to choke down lunch, she attacked the broiled scallops like she had not eaten for a week. She drank sparingly of the white wine, since she had to keep a clear head with Jessica. Tiffany had consumed too much bourbon, and had fallen asleep with Tina locked in the cell. Janet would do no such thing, and only drank the wine to enhance the meal, not to get drunk.

Tina watched her Mistress eat, and smiled when she saw how Janet ate with pleasure. Janet observed her, but kept silent about her idea for using Jessica.

Sitting at the table, Janet pondered what she was going to do with Jessica. In the several weeks that she had been training her as a slave, Jessica had been steadily brought along one step at a time. She had been divested of her clothes, and forced to work alongside a Maid. She had been punished with ever increasing severity with the whip and crop. Jessica had also been ordered to contain herself, only being allowed to release herself upon Janet's orders.

The result was that Jessica was slowly being turned into a slave. With Janet holding her strings as her puppeteer. Question was, had she been brought far enough along to serve in this new capacity?

Janet would find out tonight and order Tina out of the Dungeon at the crucial time. She didn't want Tina to find out about this, not yet. Not even Stephanie should know.

"Thank you, Tina, that was an excellent dinner," complimented Janet.

"Thank you, Mistress," Tina replied.

"Is Tiffany gone?"

"She left when you were in the shower, Mistress."

"Excellent. Jessica will be here at 9 PM, so I'll dress myself before then. The usual setup," ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tina as she collected the dishes.

Just like the first evening when Jessica had arrived for her introduction to bondage, Janet was nervous as hell. She had left Tina alone to dress in her latex uniform, so that she could be shown of to Jessica. Meanwhile, Janet had to dress herself in her leather outfit, and she was shaking like a leaf.

"Goddamn, Janet," she said aloud in front of her mirror, "a Mistress is supposed to be supremely confidant and a goddess. Instead, you're shaking like a leaf. So calm down!"

Janet had decided on something simple, given the sudden heat of spring. She wore a black leather bodysuit over a pair of pantyhose, plus simple pair of knee high boots. Admiring herself in the mirror, she loved the way the bodysuit hugged all her curves.

She had tried wearing her leather catsuit around the house recently, and discovered that it was already too warm to do so. When she finally took it off, it was time for it to be cleaned. Janet had not even bothered to wear her rubber catsuit, remembering the wrestling suit she had inherited from her brother.

She would get by the summer by wearing things that would let her skin breath, at least partially. Janet heard a car crunch on the gravel outside, and looked at the clock. It was already 9 PM, and her charge was arriving now!

Janet walked carefully from her bedroom and downstairs to the library. Janet passed Tina in the hall, as she was going outside to collect Jessica from the limo. It was a good thing that there was no carpeting anywhere in the mansion. Walking in stiletto heels was dangerous enough already, and the sharp heels would eventually destroy the carpet anyway.

She took one last look at herself in the library mirror, admiring her long legs. Then she seated herself in the large leather chair and waited for the night's activities to begin.

Tina brought in Jessica, and through the open window Janet could hear the gravel crunch as the car pulled away. Jessica was wearing a simple white blouse, skirt, and heels as Janet had ordered when she departed last Sunday. If she had followed Janet's orders to the letter, then she would be wearing nothing underneath.

"Remove her sunglasses, Tina," ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress."

When the glasses were removed, Jessica blinked her eyes in the sudden light. She remained silent until her Mistress deigned to speak to her.

"Good evening, Jessica. I trust that you are eager to see your Mistress this weekend," said Janet.

"Yes, Mistress Janet," answered Jessica.

"Then remove your clothes and let me see if you have obeyed your instructions that I gave you on Sunday," ordered Janet.

Jessica began by unbuttoning the sleeves on her blouse, then unzipping her skirt. Janet nodded in approval when she saw that Jessica had indeed followed her orders, and wore no underwear. Instead, her female figure was well striped by the accumulation of several weeks of Janet's discipline.

"Very nice, Jessica. In future, I may order you to wear something of mine on yourself permanently. To remind you that I am your Mistress," described Janet.

"May I ask Mistress a question?"

"Go ahead," answered Janet.

"What would you have me wear?" asked Jessica.

"A locked chain around your waist, to start. Something that you couldn't remove yourself. Then perhaps your labia might be pierced to contain a medallion proving your slavery to me. You could even be tattooed or branded as a final mark of ownership. Would you like to do something like that?" asked Janet.

"I don't know, Mistress. I'm still pretty scared," truthfully answered Jessica.

"Thank you for your honest answer, Jessica. Slaves aren't allowed to lie to their Mistress. Tina, outfit her in collar, bracelets, blindfold, and ballgag," ordered Janet.

Jessica stood silently as Tina placed the instruments of bondage upon her, standing stiffly and offering her limbs as the leather and steel enclosed them. Janet watched quietly as her Maid took control of the situation, expertly confining Jessica into slavery. Janet decided that next week Jessica would not even see her Mistress upon entering the house. Much as Erica had done with Janet by handing her over to Andrea upon entering her house.

When Tina was done, she locked Jessica's wrists behind her back. Then she made her kneel onto the small carpet, and a leash was attached to her collar. Tina then got a blindfold and ballgag from the desk, and in a few seconds Jessica was rendered without sight or speech.

Janet noted that Jessica had eagerly opened her mouth when the gag was presented to her. She had opened her mouth without hesitation and her lips enclosed the red rubber ball. Jessica had gone from being reluctant about the gag to eager in just a few weeks. She wondered just how much more eager she would become in the future.

Tina had been ordered to take Jessica immediately to the Dungeon, then to be locked by her collar chain to the wall. Then she was supposed to wait for Janet to arrive after a period of time, so that Jessica would be mad with anticipation to see her Mistress.

Once Jessica had been led away, Janet relaxed. Tiffany was away, and Janet hoped that she wouldn't be interfering any time soon. The only problem was that if she knew the identity of Janet's newest slave, which might cause problems later.

The sudden electronic ring of the phone interrupted her thoughts.

"Hello?" asked Janet.

"Janet, hi, its Tiffany."

"What's up?"

"I'm calling to say that I'll be back on Monday. I'm going away with Lauren for a trip," stated Tiffany.

"Thanks for calling," said Janet.

"Bye," said Tiffany, and the connection were severed.

Janet clutched the phone, convinced that finally the fates were on her side. Her new slave, the market up and now Tiffany absent from the house.

"My luck has to turn sometime," said Janet to herself.

Janet let a full half-hour elapse, sure that this would be enough time to drive Jessica mad with desire for her Mistress. She loved hearing the sounds that her heels made as they clicked on the wooden floor as she made her way to the Dungeon. The sounds echoed through the huge house, like the sounds of a metronome.

Jessica was kneeling on a piece of carpet, her collar chained to the wall. She remained bound in the same way as she had been in the library. Janet walked to a chair that looked like a throne, and sat down. She motioned for Tina to unlock Jessica and bring her over to Janet.

Tina complied, all without saying a word. Soon, Jessica was naked, bound, and kneeling before her Mistress. Since she was blindfolded, she didn't know who was in front of her.

Janet stood up, and placed her thumb and forefinger under Jessica's chin. She made Jessica gradually raise her head, since it had been downcast towards the floor. Then Janet began to play with Jessica's erect nipples, sometimes pinching them between her fingers.

This had the effect of making Jessica moan from behind her gag. Just to make her slave feel more helpless, Janet continued to pull and fondle her slave's breasts. In time, Jessica became fully aroused.

Since she had already been a slave for several weeks, she knew to keep her legs opened and her sex available. Once, she had forgotten, and Janet had quickly and severely punished her with several stokes of the riding crop on her thighs. This had left several red welts that had lasted a long time, and proved a good reminder in her training.

Janet reached between Jessica's legs to her wet pussy, and began to fondle her sex. Jessica moaned even more, and Janet pinched her clit just once. This provoked a reaction whereby her entire body shook with desire.

Janet knew that her training of this slave had been entirely successful. Jessica Danvers may have been a wealthy society woman, but inside she was a slave to her desires, one of which was to be subject to a Mistress.

Janet removed her blindfold, but not her ballgag. Jessica blinked in the sudden light, as Janet's Dungeon was kept well lit. Dark Dungeons were for gothic novels in her opinion.

"Good evening, slave. I take it that you have been eagerly awaiting the pleasure of your Mistress," said Janet.

Jessica nodded her head yes in reply, the rubber ball silencing her replies.

"Perfect. I can see by your body's reaction that you are ready to serve me."

Jessica nodded again.


"Thank you, Mistress," gasped Jessica when her ballgag was removed.

"You're welcome, Jessica. Now we can begin. Something with the paddle, first. Just to soften you up and get you in the proper frame of mind," suggested Janet.

Jessica was then locked over a leather-padded sawhorse. Her ankles were secured by the D rings on her bracelets and locked to the legs on one side. Then her torso was bent over the apex of the horse, and her wrist cuffs were similarly locked on the other side.

The girl was quite vulnerable and exposed to what her Mistress would desire for her use and discipline. Her hair had been gathered into a ponytail at Janet's direction so that it would not interfere in any way. Janet did not want Jessica's view to be blocked, nor did she want Jessica to inhale her loose hair. So she has told Tina to bind it up before Jessica had been placed on the horse.

End of Janet CH11 PT1

Next: Chapter 22

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