Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior. If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

"Janet in Training" Chapter 10: The Recovery

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

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Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

"Janet in Training" by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Chapter Ten: The Recovery

Part One: New York

It had been months since Janet had traveled to New York. For someone who had grown up in NY and spent their entire life in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers, Janet missed the city greatly. But now, on board the Metro-North train, she wondered if coming into the city had been a good idea after all.

In her purse were the things that she had collected. That Erica owned stock in her former employer's company. The empty envelope that Janet had found from her employer to Erica. The letter that she had found in Erica's computer directing them to fire Janet upon her return to work. Most important of all was the document outlining the contest for Erica's legacy between Janet and Tiffany.

Janet had planned to confront Blanca with all of this, and question whether or not Mistress Erica and Andrea were indeed dead from the plane crash. But Janet realized that it didn't matter after all. Accusing Blanca wouldn't produce Erica, nor change anything.

Dramatic confrontations like that happened in the movies, not in reality. When the train pulled to a stop, she walked outside in the spring weather and hailed a cab. Once inside, she gave the directions to Blanca's office. Janet sat back against the seat, and thought how wonderful it was that the skin on her back no longer hurt.

It had been a nightmarish last three months, as she recovered from the severe beating that she had received at the hands of Mistress Lauren. Janet only remembered fragments of what had occurred, and they had been horrifying. Punishing a girl beyond her endurance. Then taking her place and being whipped until Janet's back was covered in blood. The ride home, and collapsing into fever and delirium. Finally, her long recovery assisted by Stephanie, Camille, and Tina.

Janet's back bore the scars from the terrible punishment that it had received. Stephanie had taken her to a plastic surgeon that said that they could be easily fixed, and did not question their origin.

"No, Stephanie. I'm not going to have my back operated on," Janet said in the car as they drove away from the doctor's office.

"But why?" asked Stephanie. "It's a terrible reminder of what happened."

"That's exactly why I want to keep those scars. To remind me of Lauren, and the monster that Tiffany has become by associating with her," answered Janet.

"You're crazy."

"Perhaps. Those scars are the stigmata of Lauren's evil and will always remind me of the responsibility that we have in our position as Dominants. That's why I want to keep them," said Janet.

When the cab pulled in front of Blanca's office, Janet realized that she was even more scared than the day Erica had died. She paid the driver, and went inside. God, it had been so long! Squeezing inside an elevator, she realized just how long it had been since she had last been inside one.

The receptionist was the same, and Janet was soon ushered into Blanca's office. She sat down, and waited a few minutes for her attorney to join her.

"Good morning," greeted Blanca, "sorry I'm a little late."

"That's fine," said Janet. "I'm a little dazed at being back in the city again."



After removing her coat, Blanca sat down and punched a button on her intercom.

"Georgie, please get us two black coffees," said Blanca.

Georgie appeared, and Janet noticed that she was an attractive secretary in her late twenties. She wore a conservative business suit, and placed the tray down on Blanca's desk.

"Thanks, Georgie. Please see that we're not disturbed," ordered Blanca.

Once Georgie had closed the doors, Janet had a burning question to ask.

"Is she one of yours?" asked Janet.

"No. It's a little too messy to have a slave at work. She's getting married, I think. But you didn't come all the way from Greenwich to ask me about that, now did you?" questioned Blanca.

"No. Ever since Erica's death, I've had the feeling that this entire scene has been arranged. And you're in on it."

"Really," said Blanca as she sat back in her leather chair.

"Here," said Janet, as she handed over the paper detailing the contest, the envelope, and the printed letter.

"Nice collection," said Blanca.

"Erica was a little careless with her computer. Just because you think you've deleted something doesn't mean it's really gone until it's written over. Why would Erica want me fired from my job unless she wanted me to concentrate on something else? Like her little contest?"

"Circumstantial evidence that wouldn't hold up in a court of law. Erica wanted you to enjoy your new life. Shouldn't you be down on Wall Street instead of here? That's where your future is going to be decided, not here with me. Besides, you've lost a lot of time, didn't you?"

"How did you hear about that?" demanded Janet.

"I have my sources. It isn't every day that a novice Mistress makes a fool of Lauren and takes whatever punishment she can mete out," answered Blanca.

"You forget that I could have passed out going home and killed myself. If it hadn't been for Stephanie."

"Yes, Stephanie. So you're here for the fourth quarter, like football. Like I said, you better get to Wall Street. That is, if you don't want to end up in Tiffany's Dungeon with Lauren holding the whip. Did you hear the news this morning?" asked Blanca.

"No, why?" asked Janet.

"Because the market sank over four hundred points at the opening, or don't you follow the financial news?" asked Blanca.

"Oh, god," answered Janet.

Janet left Blanca's office in a daze, after stuffing her evidence back into her purse. Inside the lobby of her building was an electronic board, courtesy of a financial firm. Janet stood in front, watching the financial bad news scroll across the computer screen. Some of the stocks mentioned were the exact ones that she had holdings in.

It had taken her three precious months of recovery to get the strength to come into NY and see Blanca. Blanca had taken only seconds to destroy her. Janet walked, stunned, out of the building into the spring weather. Since it had rained heavily the night before, the city smelled clean.

Janet had originally decided that she would use the day for some fun. After seeing Blanca, she had planned to go into the fetish shops downtown. Now she felt like going home. But why? To sulk and get more depressed? Janet hailed a cab, and directed the driver to the Village.

Walking around the Village was always a treat, and Janet wished that she could have lived here. Instead, she had always played tourist. She walked the steps down to a fetish shop, and pressed the buzzer. The door opened, and she went inside.

The wonderful smell of the new leather and rubber excited her, and reminded Janet of her closet. Erica's closet. She looked at all the new garments, and decided to try on a new black rubber dress. She went into the changing room and soon wore the new dress, which clung to her every curve. Even though Erica had a similar dress in the closet, Janet resolved to buy it anyway. She stepped outside to see herself in the full-length mirror.

When the clerk went to compliment her on her choice, the girl gasped when she saw the scars on her back. Janet saw her reflection in the mirror.

"It's all right," said Janet, as she faced the girl.

"They're horrible. They must have hurt terribly," she said.

"They did. My back was opened up by a vicious Mistress who doesn't believe in safewords," said Janet.

"Do you belong to her?"

"No. I'm a Mistress in my own house."

"But why?"

"To prevent her from further punishing a girl that had called for mercy, that's why."

The girl looked shocked and surprised. Janet wondered if she would always have to explain and relive her horrible experience. She bought the dress, and was preparing to leave when the clerk buzzed another customer inside.


Janet turned around, looking at the source of the voice.


Janet dropped her bag, and embraced her friend. They kissed, and hugged. It had been months since they had seen one another.

"How are you doing?" asked Sally.


"How would you like to go to lunch? I'm meeting a friend for sushi, and I'm sure you'd like her."

"Okay," said Janet.

They walked outside, enjoying the sounds of Manhattan. Even though it was a workday, the city was still full of attractive women, all nicely dressed.

"How do you like replacing Erica?" suddenly asked Sally.

"Fine. I'm still learning my way around. How come you haven't called me?"

"I thought that you'd be too busy," answered Sally.

"You're the one who introduced me to this lifestyle, remember? I never thought that I'd be first slave, then Mistress, so soon," confided Janet.

"That's true. And I'm just a lowly slave," said Sally, softly.

The restaurant was entered through a long passageway, and Sally found that her friend Melissa was already there. She was seated in the bar waiting, having sake. She embraced Sally, and they all sat down together.

"I'd like to introduce my friend Janet," said Sally.

"Janet, the one that I've heard so much about?" asked Melissa.

"Yes, unless Sally has another friend with my name," answered Janet.

"Pleased to meet you," she said, holding her hand out. Janet took it, and shook her hand in return.

"Did Sally introduce me?" asked Melissa.

"No, not before now," answered Janet, before she took another sip of sake.

"I'm her Mistress," said Melissa.

"Oh," politely answered Janet, the truth dawning on her.

They had lunch of sake, sushi, and fried tempura. The restaurant was mostly empty, so they had the place mostly to themselves. Seated in a corner, they were able to have some privacy, which allowed them to discuss some rather personal matters.

"I understand that you've inherited Erica Riken's estate?" asked Melissa.


"She was one of the best Doms, ever."

"I know, I trained under her," answered Janet.

"Really, Dom or Sub?"

"Sub. I was her slave for a year. But I'm Mistress now."

"Great. And you just met Sally here, shopping?"

"Yes. Thought I'd come into the city for a little shopping, and I found this rubber dress," said Janet.

"Nice. I had told Sally here to meet me for lunch, and then we'd go shopping for a few toys also. But perhaps you'd be interested in something else," offered Sally.

"Go ahead," said Janet, eating the last of her tempura.

"My friend Tyler has a loft not far from here, with her complete collection of toys. We could do a little scene together, and we've already got Sally here. Isn't that right?" asked Melissa of Sally.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Sally.

"When was the last time we did a scene?" asked Melissa.

"Last week, Mistress."

"Then I'd say that we're overdue, hmm?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Interested, Janet?"

While doing a scene was the last thing that Janet had wanted to do. The visit to the fetish shops and lunch had brightened her spirits. Erica's mansion may have been a Dungeon for her girls, but it was also a prison for her Mistress as well.

"Why not?" said Janet.

The three of them piled into a cab after lunch, for the short ride to Melissa's friend's place. After paying for the cab, they walked outside an old factory building until they found the door. Melissa hit the buzzer, and they were admitted. The elevator was new, indeed the whole building was no longer a factory but an attractive place to live.

Tyler opened the door, an attractive girl with black hair, and a slim figure. She had been working out on exercise equipment, and was wearing a sports bra, and exercise shorts, plus sneakers.

"Pleased to meet you," greeted Tyler, extending her hand.

"Mutual," said Janet.

Janet followed her host to the living room. The place had been laid out like a regular apartment, not like the open spaces in lofts when artists fist got them in the 60s. Space was at a premium in Manhattan.

"Can I offer you a soda, or iced tea?"

"Tea," said Melissa, as she sat down at the couch.

"Be right back," said Tyler.

Janet walked around the living room, looking at the paintings and artwork. She had never once asked what the things in Erica's place were worth. It had simply never occurred to her to ask Blanca. After having been destroyed by Blanca in just a few minutes, she wasn't eager to see her again. Except that in three months would be the anniversary of Erica's death and the conclusion of her contest that would decide who was Mistress.

Tyler reappeared with a tray, which she placed on the table. There was a pitcher full of iced tea, and four glasses filled with ice. She poured and filled each one.

Janet seated herself amongst her three female companions, and sipped her drink. She looked at all three, and realized that they weren't part of her world in Connecticut. No, this was Manhattan, and a different scene than the one she had inherited.

"Melissa says that you're a Dom," said Tyler.

"Yes. I've been lucky, I inherited Erica Riken's estate."

"She came into the city a few times. Quite impressive," commented Melissa.

"I introduced her," said Sally.

"Pity you didn't introduce her to me," said Melissa.

"I didn't know you then."

"Then what?"

"Then, Mistress," answered Sally.

"Better, Sally. Perhaps a few more strokes with the whip, and you'll finally get it right. Correct, Janet?"

"Yes," answered Janet.

"Now then, what shall we do?" asked Melissa.

"Whatever Mistress desires," answered Tyler.

"Since Janet is our guest here, perhaps you should show her your marks," ordered Melissa.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tyler.

Tyler stood up from her seat, and unlaced her sneakers. Then she removed her socks, and peeled off her sports bra, and shorts. They lay in a pile on the floor. She stood naked, her eyes bowed before her Mistress.

Her body was tight and muscular. Janet saw the hard muscles ripple beneath her skin, and knew that she was one tough girl. However, her skin also bore the marks of a slave, and Janet could see the marks of the whip and crop. Also, both of her nipples were pierced with small golden rings.

"May I?" asked Janet.

"Of course," answered Melissa.

Janet felt Tyler's shoulders, breasts, and belly. She ordered the girl to raise her arms, and felt below her armpits. Then she ordered her to bend over a table, and spread her ass to look at her anus. Finally, she fondled and penetrated her sex, making her moan with excitement.

"Silence, slave," ordered Janet.

Tyler remained silent for the rest of her examination. Janet felt energized by the sudden turn of events. Just a couple of hours before, she had been down in the dumps. Now here she was, in control of someone else's slave. It felt good again, and her heart beat strongly.

"Would you like to use her?" asked Melissa.

"Yes, thank you?" answered Janet.

"I'm sure that you can manage without a Dungeon, can't you?" questioned Melissa.

"I think I can manage."

"Good. There are two bedrooms here. You can be alone with Tyler, and I'll use Sally here. She's such an insolent little slut lately."

"Thank you," said Janet.

"Ask Tyler where I keep my little collection. I'm sure that the two of you have a lot to discuss," said Melissa as she led Sally to one of the bedrooms, and closed the door.

Janet was suddenly alone with Tyler, who was still bent over a table. Tyler remained silent, as her temporary Mistress had not asked her a question.

"Tyler, where are Mistress Melissa's toys?" asked Janet.

"In the bottom of the china cabinet, Mistress," answered Tyler.

Janet walked over to the trendy looking china cabinet, and when she opened the bottom drawer, she found a nice little collection. There were handcuffs, bracelets, two riding crops, some gags, and a small whip and flogger. Not a bad little collection!

Janet grabbed a few objects, and led Tyler to the other bedroom. She could hear slaps and cries from behind the other door, and guessed that her friend Sally was being spanked.

The second bedroom was sparsely furnished. A four post bed, chest of drawers, some chairs, and some plants.

Janet sat on the bed, and motioned for Tyler to kneel on the floor.

"Legs apart," ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tyler.

"Since we're not in my Dungeon, we have to be a little creative. So I want you to lay yourself on the dresser, face down."

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tyler.

Tyler did as she was instructed, pushing the things on the dresser's top into a drawer. Back in the same position that she had been before, Janet had an excellent view of her behind.

Janet undid her skirt and blouse, folding them on a chair. She was wearing a pair of black silk bra and panties, and she liked they way she looked in the mirror.

"Ready, slave?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tyler.

Janet rewarded Tyler's reply with a swift stroke of the thin riding crop across her ass cheeks. Tyler jerked, and moaned when the thin instrument left a thin red line on her behind.

"Enjoy that?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress."

Janet struck again, with the same force that she had used before. Since she did not know when the girl had been last used, or how much discipline that she was used to, Janet punished her quite mildly. Plus, she belonged to another Mistress, and did not want to damage her property.

When Tyler had cried out, Janet moderated her strokes, making sure that she was heating up her bottom with a steady series of blows. Tyler was making sounds indicating that she was ready to cum, not those of a girl in pain. Janet guessed that she was quite familiar with the riding crop.

"Enough for now," said Janet, pleased that her first efforts with Tyler had gone quite well.

Janet looked at herself in the bedroom mirror, holding the riding crop. Then she turned slightly, and saw her back in profile. Time suddenly reversed itself, and she was back in Lauren's Dungeon, a ballgag in her mouth, the whip constantly striking her back like a thunderclap.

"Mistress Janet, is there anything wrong?" asked Tyler.

"Why?" questioned Janet.

"You froze for a minute, oh!"

When she had turned, Tyler had seen the marks on her back. The uneven skin where it had not healed properly.

"How horrible," said Tyler.

"Yes, Tyler, kneel on the floor, legs apart," ordered Janet.

In the months since her recovery, the only girl that Janet had used was Tina. Janet hadn't used anyone else, since she didn't want to expose herself to another woman. Tina had never said anything, but had remained silent about her marks.

Janet wondered if there had ever been a situation before where a slave had felt sympathy for a Mistress.

"For speaking out of turn, I'm going to crop those lovely breasts of yours. Then a few strokes to your back."

"Yes, Mistress."

Janet did as she had said, first delivered a series of delicate strokes that left tiny marks on Tyler's breasts, making them shake with each impact. Then she concluded by leaving a few marks on Tyler's back.

"There now," said Janet, "had a good time?"

"Yes, Mistress," answered Tyler.

Janet stripped off her remaining clothing and sat down on the bed, bare. Still holding the riding crop, she opened her legs.

"Satisfy me, slave. Or I'll use the crop again," ordered Janet.

Tyler complied immediately, her eager tongue and lips soon making Janet respond with pleasure. Janet forgot all her troubles as the expert slave at her feet brought her waves and waves of sensation, making her cum time after time.

Janet became red and flushed with excitement as she felt the waves of orgasm flood through her body. She watched herself in the mirror as she bucked with every climax and orgasm.

Just to continue the pleasure, she began to lightly tap Tyler on the back. This made the girl try ever harder to bring her to orgasm again. Tyler was certainly an expert mouth girl!

"In bed, slave!"

Janet drew Tyler up into her arms, and they got between the covers. Even though the sun was streaming through the windows and Janet could hear the sounds of traffic below, all she cared about was using this how little slave girl!

She grabbed and lusted after her hungrily, taking possession of her body again and again. Janet forgot then pain that she continued to endure, and used Tyler completely.

Tyler responded, matching her lustful thrusts. They ground their hips together, and Janet moaned when she felt her nipples sucked and teased. Janet did the same to Tyler, and her tongue darted through Tyler's golden nipple rings.

After what seemed like hours, Janet lay satisfied on her back. All the cares in the world were gone. At least for a little while.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Tyler, "for using me so well."

"You're welcome Tyler. And thank you, too."

"May I ask Mistress a question?"

"Go ahead," said Janet.

"Your back, how did you get those marks?"

Twice in one day now, another woman had seen her marks, and was reacting to it. It seemed as if the scars Janet bore were both internal and external.

"Has a Mistress ever punished you past your safeword?" asked Janet.

"No, Mistress, never," answered Tyler.

"Make certain that you are never a slave to one who does," cautioned Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," replied Tyler.

The End of Chapter 10 Part One

Next: Chapter 20

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