Janet in Training

By SF Master

Published on Apr 11, 2017


WARNING! This story is only for adults over the age of 18 and contains Strong Sexual Content. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only, and the author does not in any way condone similar behavior.

If you are under the age or 18 or reside in a state, nation, or planet that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!!

Janet in Training "Role Reversal" CH06 PT2

By mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Archiving permitted, reposting is permitted; but only if you include this statement of limitation of use and notify the author by e-mail. The author forbids you to make, distribute, or sell multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format.

However, individual readers may make single copies of the story for their own, non-commercial use.

Copyright (c) 1997 by mailto:sfmaster@att.net

Attn: Readers please feel free to send e-mail to the author. I do want to hear from you!

Part Two: Saturday

The next morning, Janet was released. Her leash was unlocked first, followed by her collar and bracelets. Andrea had unlocked her shoes before they had gone to bed the previous evening, so they lay scattered on the bedroom floor.

"Why did you honor Erica's instructions?" asked Janet after her bracelets had been removed.

"Because I would pay a terrible price if I disobeyed," answered Andrea.

"What now?"

"I'm your slave today," said Andrea.

"So let's start with a bath," ordered Janet.

"Yes, Mistress."

Janet was then bathed and massaged, and her hurt skin tended to. Lying naked on a massage table (did Erica have everything in the house) she enjoyed having Andrea pamper her. Afterwards, she had dressed in a terry robe and slippers while Andrea had cleaned herself and dressed herself in latex uniform.

Going through Andrea's room, she discovered a chastity belt and ordered her to wear it under her uniform. She made certain that Andrea locked her shoes upon her feet, and closed the padlocks herself.

Then she was treated to a large breakfast, which Erica had probably planned for her all along. Janet felt like she was Mistress of the house. Finally, after her third cup of black coffee and finishing the Times, she wondered just what else to do.

"Andrea?" called Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," replied Andrea.

"What do I do about getting dressed? I only have the clothes I wore yesterday. I can't stay in a robe all day. I never did that at home all day either."

"Please come with me," said Andrea.

Janet was directed into one of the bedrooms. Inside the closet was a collection of clothes of varying sizes, enough for several girls. Janet selected silk underwear, stockings and a black garter belt. She finished off her outfit with a silk blouse and a red leather skirt. Finally, she chose a pair of red leather pumps that were only normal height, which did not get locked onto her feet.

Andrea prepared her hair, setting it with combing and a blast of hairspray. When she was done, Janet admired herself in the bedroom mirror.

She smoothed her skirt down with her hands when she stood up, and was happy for her appearance.

"I wish that I had known you when I was dating," said Janet, "I've never looked this good before."

"Thank you, Mistress. If I may be excused, I have the chores to do," said Andrea.

"Yes, of course, you are dismissed," ordered Janet.

Having done the chores in both Erica's and Stephanie's house, she knew the penalty her Maid would face if they were neglected. So she decided to let Andrea do her work in peace. Besides, she would have the full use of her this evening, so there was no rush.

It seemed strange, walking through the mansion wearing clothes and sensible heels, and imagining that she was the Mistress of the house. She found the house well appointed but not excessive. There was none of the gaudy extravagance Erica had told Janet that she despised in her house, and the Mistress had indeed lived up to her words.

True, there were the antiques and paintings. But they were displayed in an unassuming fashion, with no clue as to their true worth.

Except that in this house, all of the rooms had ringbolts set in the walls at numerous locations. Janet wondered just what she had told the contracts why she needed them, and what she told her "normal" guests what they were for.

Janet speculated on what some guests might have thought of the rings, and if they knew that they were used to keep slave girls chained beside this Mistress's bed and available for use.

To pass the time, Janet found that Erica had a large and wonderful library. She discovered that Erica also had a large collection of Adult materials, and passed the time watching a couple of Bondage tapes. As an experiment, she also tried to watch a straight sex video, but found it boring by comparison.

"Once you've been in the Dungeon," she said aloud. "Everything else seems dull by comparison."

There were also plenty of catalogs for bondage gear and fetish equipment, and Janet wasted no time in copying down some phone numbers and addresses. Since she had already admitted to her Mistress that she dressed up at home, Janet was eager to add to her collection.

On a whim, she decided to explore Erica's bedroom. Since she was Mistress of the house for a day, she thought that would give her the right to look in Erica's closet. She wanted to see just what clothes Erica possessed!

With Andrea doing the laundry, she went into Erica's room. It was unlocked, and Janet didn't know if she was being taped or not. Still, all she did was to open Erica's walk in closet (she had lived in apartments smaller than that closet).

She gasped when she saw the contents. Not did it contain the usual career clothing that a working woman would have (suits, dresses, and evening gowns) plus jeans and tops, heels and old sweatshirts and sneakers. Taking up a good portion of the closet was a section that contained clothing that would have raised eyebrows in the working world.

Outfits of leather, rubber, and PVC. Catsuits, bodysuits, and dresses. Latex stockings, and footwear of many varieties. She picked up some of the high heels and boots, and wondered fantasized how many girls had been made to lick them.

"Mistress," said Andrea.

"Andrea, you startled me," said Janet, as she nearly dropped the boot that she had been handling.

"Sorry, I was here to put something away."


"Thank you, Andrea. I won't be punished for looking in here, will I?" asked Janet.

"Unless you steal or damage something, no. But there's plenty of fetish clothing you can use later tonight, so you won't have to use something of Erica's. She might get a little disturbed about that, Mistress."

Janet knew that Andrea was speaking the truth. She put the boot down, and retreated to the library. Then she got her coat, and took a walk outside. The entire estate was enclosed and walled off, and she noted that there were no trees that were allowed to over the wall. The top of the wall was covered in something, but Janet couldn't see it properly. Janet guessed that there were electronic alarms all over the place. Erica would certainly not be getting any unannounced visitors!

For lunch, Janet was again treated to a meal that was simply wonderful. After she finished her chicken marsala, she felt like taking a nap. Instead, she curled up with a novel in the library.

Like a magnet, the Dungeon exerted a strange pull on her. At odd moments, she imagined herself downstairs again. She daydreamed that she was bound and chained at Erica's mercy.

She napped and dreamed, and was not certain what was the dream. Was she still in the Dungeon, or was she upstairs being Mistress for a day?

Getting up afterwards, she passed Andrea in the hall.

"Mistress?" asked Andrea.

"Yes, Andrea."

"Could you let me out of the belt? I have to go to the bathroom, Mistress."

"Of course," answered Janet.

When she had selected the belt in the morning, Janet had made sure that she had kept the key in her blouse pocket. She was amazed that Andrea had managed to hold herself for that long, as Janet would have been asking for relief hours before.

Janet unlocked Andrea and let her go. When she was finished, Janet wanted to see just what it meant to have someone available to her.

Before she locked Andrea into the belt again, she made her remove her uniform. Andrea's breasts hung naked and free, since she did not wear a bra under the tight latex.

Janet pinched and fondled them, with Andrea handcuffed to a bedpost. She had asked Andrea where she might find a few things, and she had done so without question.

Andrea's nipples soon grew hard and her breathing short. Janet stimulated her, and found that her sex was wet in response to her actions.

"Have you ever had your cunt shaved?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress. Many times."

Just as a test, she fingered Andrea's sex, and found her already wet with desire.

"It seems that I'm not the only slut around here," said Janet.

"No, Mistress. I'm Erica's bondage slut."

Janet had selected a riding crop and delivered several sharp strokes to Andrea's behind. She watched with approval as it left red stripes on her buttocks and made Andrea moan with pain or pleasure.

Then Janet released her, locked the chastity belt around her waist, and ordered her to get dressed. Janet left the bedroom, and was pleased at her modest actions. She wondered how a Maid's agency would react if a job description for this house would pass through their office!

Dinner was a grand affair, complete with Candles, a rich beef stew, and red wine. For the occasion, Janet had changed out of her day clothes and chose a black evening dress made entirely of black latex. Andrea had helped her into it, and zipped her up in the back.

Janet remembered how she'd been used as a naked serving girl, and it was rather different to be served on the other side of the table. After finishing her dessert, which had been a big piece of German chocolate cake, she adjourned to the library for a brandy.

Walking through the library, Janet enjoyed the tight feel of the latex, and the sensual way it clung to her figure. She loved it squishiness and it's sound, and wondered why she had never wanted to have anything like it before. She carried a brandy snifter, and the carafe sat on the library desk.

Janet remembered when she and Camille had served the two Mistresses, and how friendly they seemed. She fantasized that one-day she would be a Mistress, and enjoy the company of others of similar rank. And to enjoy the attention of slaves to her every whim!

However, it was lonely passing the time. Television watching seemed dull, and watching a tape only whet her appetite for when she would have the chance to dominate Andrea.

Janet longed for another Mistress in the house, and wished that Erica had provided a surrogate for herself. It was agonizing watching the clock turn so slowly!

Later in the evening, Andrea undressed her. Janet chose something simple: a black bodysuit, thigh high boots, and opera length gloves. She chose to wear PVC, because it seemed different and she had never worn anything with the fabric before.

Since there were just the two of them, Janet had Andrea remove all her clothes. Janet removed her chastity belt also, since she wanted to outfit Andrea the way that she was usually prepared.

Janet locked the collar and bracelets on Andrea, then locked her hands together. She attached a leash to her collar, and secured that to the bedpost. Finally, she placed a blindfold over her eyes, cutting off Andrea's vision. Going though the large collection of toys that Erica possessed, Janet found something different than the usual ballgag.

This was a gag that had a molded phallus of thick rubber. It had a breathing hole running though it, and closed by means of a roller buckle in the back.

"Open wide," ordered Janet.

Andrea did so, and Janet inserted the penis gag. Andrea's lips and teeth surrounded the object, and Janet pulled it tight. She buckled it at the back of Andrea's neck.

Just as a test, Janet started to pinch Andrea's exposed nipples. She twisted the left harshly, as she wanted Andrea to make a response to her actions.

"Mmmmmph!" cried Andrea.

"Good girl," said Janet.

Janet admired her handiwork, and looked at the two of them in the bedroom mirror. Could she really be a Mistress? She knew what she was already excited, and the night had not yet begun.

Janet left Andrea locked and helpless in the bedroom. She wanted to do a little more exploring, and she didn't want Andrea to spoil her fun. There was nothing that she could while bound and helpless.

Janet then proceeded to search through the house, even if she didn't know just what she had been looking for. With Andrea safely chained in a bedroom, she knew that this would be her only chance to search undisturbed. But she still believed that she was somehow being monitored. Probably even by Erica, since this entire weekend was too good to be true.

Then she had it. Everyone acquires detritus in life. Papers, old stuff that they get attached to and don't want to throw out. Either Erica had it stored somewhere, or she lived a really clean life.

Suddenly that summer she spent cleaning out houses for estate sales and the weird things that she had discovered didn't seem like such a waste after all.

She hurried back the bedroom; half expecting to see an empty leash attached to the bedpost. Instead, Andrea was still seated naked on the bed just where Janet had left her.

"Well, now," said Janet, "it seems that we have a date together, don't we?"


"My exact words, too," said Janet.

Janet unlocked Andrea and pulled her to her feet. They went in the elevator down to the Dungeon, and she knew that she was going to have some fun today after all.

Andrea came along willingly, not that any girl in her position could offer any real resistance. Moving along when her leash was pulled, she had been in this position many times before. Now that she belonged to Janet for tonight, it was going to be interesting to see just what would happen.

Janet looked over all the interesting things in the Dungeon. Earlier, she had settled on what she would do to Andrea. Now the only question was, would she be able to go through with it?

Against the Dungeon wall was something that Erica had not placed her on. It was a big X frame with plenty of straps to hold some girl in place. It could also turn completely around, leaving a girl upside down.

Janet pulled Andrea along to the X frame. She unlocked her leash and wrist cuffs, then backed her onto the device. Janet had to make her step up and backwards at the same time, since the thing was already about a foot off the Dungeon floor.

When Andrea resisted, Janet proceeded to pinch her right nipple until Andrea squealed. Then her defiance ceased, and Janet had no trouble placing her in the thing.

There were rings to attach to her bracelets, and a series of straps to hold her in place. In a short time, Andrea was quite helpless. Janet then removed her blindfold and ballgag.

"Better now?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Andrea.

"Now then," said Janet, "I think that the riding crop will do for a start."

"Yes, Mistress," said Andrea.

Janet selected the same crop that Andrea had used on her the previous evening. It had a broad leather pad, one that would strike with a satisfying sound, yet distribute the force of the impact over a wide area. It was a good thing to start with.

Janet flexed the riding crop in her gloved hands. She knew full well that Andrea was responsible for it's upkeep, but she had to demonstrate that she knew how to handle it.

"Kiss the crop," ordered Janet.

When it was offered, Andrea did so without hesitation. Her cheeks still bore the imprint of the heavy penis gag that she had worn for quite some time.

"You may count the strokes, Andrea," ordered Janet.

"One!" cried Andrea.

Janet had started on the same nipple that she had just pinched, knowing full well that it was already sensitive. The crop left a large and satisfying red mark on Andrea's aureole.


Janet struck Andrea inside her underarm, since the skin there was sensitive since girls had to shave there.

"Five!" cried Andrea.

The fifth stroke landed on the flat of her stomach.


"Ten!" cried Andrea, panting from the crop.

"There now, I see that you're finally in the mood," said Janet, "what do you have to say?"

"Thank you, Mistress," replied Andrea.

"Good. Now we'll proceed."

With the crop's pad, Janet began to strike the inside of Andrea's thighs.


Before, Janet had struck many parts of Andrea's figure. Now she was limiting herself to Andrea's sex and her thighs. Andrea squirmed and tried to pull away, but she was held fast by the bracelets and straps.

"Eighteen!" cried Andrea, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The strokes weren't very hard, but they did produce an excellent sound. Rather by striking Andrea in the same places time after time, she was causing her slave girl real distress.

"Twenty! Mistress, please, no more between my legs," cried Andrea.

"Kiss the crop," ordered Janet.

Once Andrea did as she was ordered, Janet began again. This time by striking at Andrea's breasts her underarms, and stomach. Andrea counted each one, panting and on the verge of tears.


"That's enough for now," said Janet. "Let's see just how good a slave girl you really are."

Janet fingered Andrea's sex and found that she was wet. Since Janet had been between her legs last night, she knew that Andrea was insatiable.

Unlocking the X frame, she slowly turned the bound girl in a complete 360 degree turn. The bracelets held her fast to the frame, and the straps also held her in place.

After two turns, she again locked Andrea in the upright position. Andrea seemed no worse for wear after having been turned upside down twice, but Janet didn't want to take any chances. She decided that the X frame was a good thing for show, but not very practical to use.

"Thank you, Mistress," cried Andrea.

Janet then selected the same cat that Andrea had also used on her, but she suddenly decided that there had to be a better way of confining her charge.

She unlocked Andrea from the X frame, and decided that simplest was best. So Andrea was soon bound with her hands hanging together from the ceiling chain, and a spreader bar to keep her legs apart. Andrea was much more accessible that way.

"Do you enjoy being a slave, Andrea?" asked Janet.

"Yes, Mistress," answered Andrea.

"Good, then I shall try my absolute best to make you feel uncomfortable tonight. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Janet circled her bound captive, and chose Andrea's bottom. She lashed out, and the cat struck with deadly effect. Each leather tipped strand left a thin red welt when it sliced though Andrea's flesh.

"Owwww!" cried Andrea.

Janet had told Andrea that she was freed from counting each stroke, and her charge moaned and cried with every impact. While Andrea had been restrained in the use of punishment the previous night, Janet had decided that since she had been so nice today by not interfering with Andrea's work she was now free to place her in as much distress as possible.


Janet steadily increased the severity of each stroke until she matched that of Erica's. She could see that Andrea was steadily heating up, as droplets of her sweat began to trickle down her reddened flesh.

The cat was a vicious instrument of torment. No wonder the flogger, with softer strands was the preferred instrument. However, Janet wanted to make her impression on Andrea. It was highly likely that one day Janet would feel Andrea's lash again. But Janet knew that it would be a long time, if ever before she would get the chance to discipline Andrea again!

Once Janet was satisfied that Andrea was in real pain again, she offered the handle to her lips. Andrea, without having to be told, quickly began to kiss the handle.

"What do you have to say?" asked Janet.

"Thank you, Mistress," cried Andrea.

"You have a nice situation here. Living with Mistress Erica, preparing all of her girls for use, occasionally having the use of a girl. I think that it's right for a change for you to be on the business end of the whip. Don't you agree?"

"Yes, Mistress," cried Andrea.

Satisfying as the cat had been, it was now time for something else. In a cabinet, she found the same clamps that Stephanie had introduced her to. She displayed them to Andrea.

"Perhaps we should make this more interesting," said Janet.

"No!" cried Andrea, "not on my nipples!"

"Where else?" asked Janet.

It took no time for the hated clips to adorn Andrea's nipples and pussy lips. Janet wondered just why Andrea, who was Erica's maid, didn't wear a medallion like Tiffany? After all, since she was her Maid and presumably her number one slave, it would have seemed only natural. Instead there was no mark or medallion, and Janet placed the clips on her pussy lips. Andrea thrashed and moaned, and Janet pulled at a few of her pussy hairs.

Under the PVC outfit that she wore, and under her panties, she remembered that her sex was totally bare. Just before she would leave the next morning, Janet would again be shaved to prevent her pubic hair from growing back. She hoped that when Andrea shaved her, she would not try to exact revenge for her current ordeal.

Once the clips were, Janet decided that it was time to caress and fondle Andrea. She pulled at her breasts and behind, and felt her ribs through her stretched skin. The respite from being whipped seemed to fortify Andrea, as her body ceased quivering from the punishment that Janet had delivered.

Janet removed a coiled leather whip. She had always wanted to see the whip wrap itself around Andrea's figure.

"No, Mistress," cried Andrea, "not the whip, too!"

"You're here to please your Mistress, aren't you? Well, you can please me by taking the whip."

Hanging by her chains, Andrea dejectedly waited the whip to fall. When it began to strike her naked and exposed body, she shrieked at Janet's continued punishment.

"Mistress, please," cried Andrea, "no more. I'm yours, please!"

"Good, good. Just a little more now," soothed Janet.

After a few more strokes, Andrea began to sob. Janet reached between her legs and found that Andrea was sopping wet and ready to climax.

"Mercy, Mistress!" cried Andrea. "Mercy!"

Janet stopped and offered the whip's handle to Andrea. She kissed it like a passionate lover, not like an instrument of torment.

"Enough, Andrea?" asked.

"Thank you, Mistress," said Andrea, "Thank you for punishing me."

"You're welcome, Andrea. Now let's see just what else we can do together," said Janet.

Janet let Andrea down, but did not remove her clips. She wanted Andrea to wear them until they were together in the bedroom shortly. She locked Andrea's wrists together and attached the leash to her collar. Janet did not bother to either blindfold or gag her, since it was her house that she served it.

Instead, she led Andrea by her collar chain upstairs to the same bedroom where she had been used the previous night. Once there, she brandished a crop that had placed there before and flexed it again and again.

"You're not going to give me any trouble, are you?" asked Janet.

"No, Mistress."

Janet took off all of her PVC garments and neatly folded them on a chair. She loved their feel, and wondered if they were easier to care for than either leather or rubber. That was another question that would have to be answered in the future.

"Come here," ordered Janet.

Andrea had been standing in the bedroom, waiting for Janet's order. Now she walked over to Janet and the naked dominant and slave stood facing one another.

Janet removed her clips, and Andrea moaned when each one was taken off her. Andrea looked visibly relieved that her ordeal was over.

"Well now. I guess that it's time to see if you can please your Mistress in other ways," said Janet. "Now get between my legs. I want to see what you can do!"

With her wrists locked behind her back, Andrea knelt on the floor and placed her mouth between Janet's legs. Having been a slave for many years, she knew how to please her Mistress. In no time, she had Janet moaning with pleasure.

Janet spurred her on with light taps from the riding crop on her shoulders, and Andrea ignored them to concentrate on her sex instead. Once Janet had climaxed, Janet locked her collar chain to the ringbolt set in the wall and turned out the lights.

Janet used her all night until they both were worn out, and she was satisfied when she finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Janet sat rock still as her sex was again shaven. She was worried that Andrea might nick or cut her, but nothing happened. Janet knew that if Andrea somehow damaged her, it would be Erica who Andrea would have to face. And Janet knew that Andrea did not want to incur Erica's wrath.

End Janet CH06 PT2

Next: Chapter 13

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