Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Nov 11, 2001


Greetings everyone,

My notes at the end of the chapter, please do read them. :)

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

You Are Mine At Last

"At last

My love has come along

My lonely days are over

And life is like a song

At last

The skies above are blue

My heart was wrapped up in clover

The night I looked at you

I found a dream

That I could speak to

A dream that I can call my own

I found a thrill

To press my cheek to

A thrill that I'd never known

Oh ya, you smiled

Oh and then the spell was cast

And here we are in heaven

For you are mine

At last"

  • Gordon/Warren: 1961

Jamie stared at himself in the impromptu mirror and snorted in disgust. "Can someone help me with this?" he asked finally, exasperated.

"Here, let me," Lance offered and re-tied his tie with a few careful tugs and twists.

Phil was laughing at Jamie from across the room. "You're such a spaz!"

"Shut up, dork!" Jamie was nervous and a little on edge. It had been a busy and slightly stressful week getting ready for the wedding. Except for a part of the day before, he hadn't seen Justin now for eight days, let alone spend any private time. The families and NSync were holding fast to some traditions and when the party broke up the couple were separated and not to see each other until they walked down the aisle.

Jamie missed having Justin hold him and he sorely needed it this last night. He groaned in frustration. On top of everything he was also considerably horny. Wade let himself into the room and handed Jamie a piece of paper.

"Ooo, love notes," Dan kidded.

Jamie smiled when he read it and showed everyone the message. It simply said: 'I love you.'

"You have an answer for that before I leave?"

Jamie nodded while Wade went to Phil and hugged him. "Hey, sweet thing. How are you doing?"

"Having fun watching my neurotic brother," Phil giggled.

"Can we talk after the reception?" Wade asked. "It's kinda important."

Phil gave him an uncertain smile. "Ya, sure. What's up?"

"Don't worry, it's all good." Phil nodded as Wade went and took the paper back from Jamie.

Wade looked at Jamie's answer and smiled before showing Dan. When Wade had gone, Jamie turned to Phil. "So are you two ever going to become serious or just keep fooling around?"

"I have no idea. We haven't been able to spend a whole lot of time together in the last five months. When we do get together we kinda get sidetracked and don't spend alot of time talking, if you know what I mean. Every time I think he's going to ask me for something more permanent he doesn't. Maybe today will be the day."

"I hope so, squirt. You two are good for each other."

Jamie turned back to fussing with his hair. There was nothing really wrong with it, except it kept him occupied while his brothers and Lance looked on in amusement.

Justin smiled when he read Jamie's addition to the paper. He had simply added the word 'more.'

"Nervous, Jup?" Chris asked.

"Not really, more like anxious. I've dreamt about this day since I was a kid and it's finally here. It's kinda hard to believe."

Joey sat next to Justin and patted his shoulder. "Who would've thought that the baby of the group would be the first to get married?"

Justin smiled brightly at Joey. "I should be mad at you guys for last night."

"Hey, it's bad luck," Chris defended.

"I know, but Jamie needed me. I could feel it and you practically sat on me." He mockingly glared at Joey.

"Just holding up centuries of tradition." Joey smiled his fake 'look I'm cute' smile that made Justin laugh.

JC sat on the other side of Justin on the bench and looked deeply into his eyes. "You up for some heaviness?"

Justin nodded.

JC nodded solemnly. "I've known you now for what, almost ten years? You mean the world to me, just as much as my family or even Lance. You've stuck by me and put up with my shit and have never given up on me. You are my best friend and my brother," tears sprang to JC's eyes, "and I've never been so proud of you as I am right now."

Justin's tears started falling too as he pulled JC into a hug. "I love you, Josh."

"Love ya, too, Curly."

"I think we agree with that," Chris remarked as he sat on Justin's lap and the four men held each other closely.

"You guys are making us girls look bad," Britney remarked from the door. Lynn, patting her eyes with a Kleenex, looked on from beside her.

The guys stood and straightened themselves up while wiping their eyes. Justin approached Britney and his mother and hugged them both. "It's time," Lynn said simply.

The sound of the organ snapped Jamie out of his thoughts. "This is it," he smiled uncertainly at his brothers and Lance. They each gave him a supportive hug. Jamie noticed that Lance had tears in his eyes.

"You stop that or you'll make me start."

Lance giggled then jumped when a knock came at the door. It opened immediately and Jamie's mother entered the room with Dani right behind her. "You guys ready?" she said softly.

"How's Justin, Ma?"

Pat smiled at her son and hugged him. "I just talked to Lynn. He's fine and asking the same thing."

"Can't I just see him for a minute?" Jamie whined.

"No way," Pat laughed. "It's bad luck, now stop asking and get moving."

Jamie smiled. "Ok, let's go."

They all left the room and lined up to the door to the sanctuary. Jamie hugged Dani. "Before all this madness starts I wanted to thank you again for all you've done. I know it's not easy for you being here."

"I'm so proud of you, Jamie," Dani replied with a kiss to his cheek. "How could I not be here for you?"

Jamie smiled as Dani started down the left side aisle scattering rose petals on the carpet, knowing that Britney was mirroring her on the right. Neither he nor Justin had wanted the traditional central aisle procession so the choice of the Unitarian Church in Bangor was perfect. It had no central aisle, but one on either side of the center.

After a quick hug, the next to go was Phil paired with Joey. Lance still had tears in his eyes as he hugged Jamie tightly and started his walk across from Chris. Finally Dan held Jamie and kissed his forehead. "I love you, little brother."

"You have been my big brother and my father and for that I can never repay you. I love you too." The tears Jamie was holding back threatened to fall again as Dan headed into the church opposite of JC.

Jamie and his mother waited until Dan and JC had taken their places. Pat grabbed Jamie's arm and squeezed in reassurance. "You can breath, you know."

Jamie exhaled and grinned at his mother. "Keep reminding me, I keep forgetting."

The organ stopped and the silence brought them through the door to the back of the church. Jamie looked over to Justin and Lynn. Justin's smile at him wiped away any fears and doubts in his mind. Jamie looked over to Zack standing near the organ console manned by Kevin. Zack winked at Jamie and started the Trumpet Voluntary. The congregation stood and they took the steps that meant changing their lives.

Jamie's thoughts were a blur and he really didn't see much except the church minister and Justin's grandfather at the end of the aisle. If he'd been a little more in control he would have seen a marvelous sight. His family sat mixed in with some of the biggest names in the music business.

Jamie was surprised when suddenly Justin was in facing him and their mothers put their hands together. Their fingers interlocked automatically and calm flowed over Jamie. Lynn and Pat hugged each other and faced Justin's grandfather.

"Who brings these youngsters before us today?" he asked. Justin had a broad smile on his face. He had always dreamed of having his grandfather marry him. His health lately had not been good, but nothing could keep him from being here for Justin's big day.

"We do," the two mothers answered together. Lynn went to Jamie and Pat to Justin and each gave their soon to be son-in-law a kiss on the cheek. They both dabbed at their eyes as they sat in the front pew.

The Reverend Timberlake continued. "We gather here today to unite two lives into one. Love can be felt here with us, a warm comforting blanket. That same blanket is much like the bond Jameson and Justin shall enter into today." He moved back and sat.

Sue, the local minister continued. "The uniting of two people is a sacred thing. It comes as a culmination of many small but cherished moments. These moments come to us all. They are found when listening to another play soft music, traveling together to help pass the time much more pleasantly, asking and receiving opinions on all things, important and trivial, knowing the answer is sincere."

"If one does not watch closely, these moments are more easily missed or taken for granted. We mistakenly assume they shall always be there. That is not however the way of love. You must recognize these little things as the cherished moments they are and hold them close to your heart."

"As a couple does this, they nurture a bond. They nourish it, helping it grow strong into a love that shall not be denied. A love that brings two hearts, as those here today in Jameson and Justin, to a bonding that shall embrace their spirits as one."

"Jameson would you care to share your feelings at this time with Justin?"

Jamie smiled at Sue. Turning to Justin he gave his vows in a firm but soft voice. "I can never fully express all that you mean to me. You have shown me what it is to be loved, truly loved. You have pulled me into your light and protected me. You are everything that I could ever need and more than I've ever hoped for. I want you to know that I am yours always."

"With my life ahead of me I can't think of going one step further without you at my side. You once made a promise to me that I'd never be alone and now I make that promise as well. I love you with all my heart."

"Justin would you care to share your feelings at this time with Jameson?"

Justin's eyes were bright with unshed tears "Aside from the achievements I have had in the world before I met you, my life was without a true purpose or drive. Always I felt there was something missing. I know now that it was you. Now that I have found you, I will never be the same. The day we met, it was like a whole new world was opened before me. I saw things like I was seeing them for the first time."

"I'm less of a person without you, my love. I'm not complete and that's why I'm here today, to be joined with you forever. Whatever distances may part us, we will always be together. I love you, now and always."

Sue smiled at the couple. "And now friends of the couple will give their thoughts."

Lance and JC stepped quietly to the front. JC started. "We are honored to stand beside both of you today. You are both our best friends and brothers and I add my prayers and blessings to the well wishes of all your family and friends.

Lance continued. "I was asked to say a few words and then there would be some music. I've enlisted some help to let the music speak for all of us."

Lance, Joey, JC and Chris walked over to the piano and were joined by two figures from the audience. With a pleasant smile, Jamie recognized Joe and Gloria Estefan. Kevin was ready and started to play. Joe stepped forward and began.

"I never believed in dreaming,

It never got me very far.

I never believed that love could find me,

Like an arrow through the heart.

I never believed in miracles,

Or building castles in the air.

Not until that day I found you,

Turned around and you were there.

From the day you came, you gave me,

A whole new point of view.

I've been touched by an angel,

It's impossible, but true."

The whole group joined him for the chorus.

"I believe in you.

I swear that forever from today,

No one will ever take your place.

I believe in you.

And I believe our love will last always."

Gloria stepped forward and sang Justin's part clutching Joe's hand. She sang directly to them with a large smile. Jamie leaned against Justin who put his hands on Jamie's shoulders.

"I never believed in fairy tales,

Though sometimes I wish I could,

I never believed that golden slippers

Could ever find the perfect foot.

I never believed in magic,

Or that wishes could come true,

But your very first kiss changed all this,

Something only you could do."

JC finished the verse like he usually did.

"You made me a believer,

You made me trust again,

You showed me there's a pot of gold,

At every rainbow's end.

I believe in you.

I swear that forever from today,

No one will ever take your place.

I believe in you.

And I believe our love will last always."

They let their voices ring in the church for the bridge and final chorus.

"Only love, sets you free,

And if you serve to fate, then you're my destiny.

Now I know, now I see.

Anything can happen, if you just believe.

"I believe in you.

I swear that forever from today,

No one will ever take your place.

I believe in you.

And I believe our love will last always."

Silence followed the last note from the piano. Many dabbed at their eyes with fingers or handkerchiefs. Jamie and Justin were both crying openly. Gloria came over and gave them both kisses on the cheek before taking her seat.

Sue waited until everybody was back in their places again before continuing. "Jameson and Justin, before today you walked the journey of life alone. Now you shall walk together letting your love light your way. On this path there shall be hardships, times when one of you may misstep. Now the other shall lend the needed hand to help. When one is hurting, the other shall give comfort. When one's spirit is beaten down, the other shall be a consoling shoulder."

"There will also be many happy times together. You will share in each other's joys. Be there to celebrate each other's victories and accomplishments. This is what marriage is about."

"May I have the ring intended for Justin?" Dan handed the ring to Sue with a nervous smile.

"Jameson, this ring is a symbol of your love and faith to Justin. It is a symbol to show everyone that you will comfort and hold Justin in hard times. Share laughter and gentle touches in good times. To protect and honor in all things. It is a never ending circle as is your love for Justin."

"Jameson will you be and do all of this for Justin?"

"I will."

Susan handed the ring to Jamie. "Please give Justin your symbol of love and faith."

Jamie smiled warmly through his tears as he slipped the ring onto Justin's finger.

"May I have the ring intended for Jameson?" JC was ready and handed the ring over.

"Justin, this ring is a symbol of your love and faith to Jameson. It is a symbol to show all that you will comfort and hold Jameson in hard times. Share laughter and gentle touches in good times. Protect and honor in all things. It is a never ending circle as is your love for Jameson."

"Justin will you be and do all of this for Jameson?"

"I will."

Susan handed the ring to Justin. "Please give Jameson your symbol of love and faith."

Justin's smile couldn't have been broader when he put the ring on Jamie's finger. Once there he wouldn't let Jamie's hand go.

Justin's grandfather came forward and motioned to the front pew. Jonathan stood and carefully walked up to the center holding a strip of cloth that he handed to his grandfather with a smile. Both Justin and Jamie knelt and gave a double hug and kiss to the seven-year-old before sending him back to sit with Lisa and Randall.

"Please clasp hands," the elderly Timberlake requested. Justin and Jamie gladly complied as the cloth was wrapped around their hands and wrists. "They have pledged and exchanged symbols of their commitment to one another. I hereby unite you both as one. Let no one come between this covenant you make today." He unwrapped their hands and handed the cloth to Jamie. "This cloth has been in the Timberlake family since my great-grandfather's time. I give it to you now as a promise that it will continue to be handed down to each generation."

"I promise, sir."

"By the grace of God, I ask all joined here to share in the blessings of this newly married couple. May you all share in their happiness and support them in their lives together. You may kiss each other," he added with a smile and a wink.

Jamie leaned up as Justin leaned down and their lips met. "I present to you Justin and Jameson Timberlake."

The applause rose with a few cheers mixed in. Jamie and Justin separated and looked over the congregation with teary-eyed smiles.

"May God grant you peace and happiness, go now in love."

All Jamie knew was that he was happy. The details surrounding the next hour were a little blurry, but that was ok. He was Justin's and Justin was his and nothing could keep them apart. Every time he'd start feeling a little overwhelmed by it all, he'd glance at Justin by his side. Justin would meet his gaze, knowing through some instinct that Jamie needed him.

With a smile, Justin would place a soft, gentle kiss on Jamie's lips which made everyone around them coo in appreciation. That smile would bring tears to Jamie's eyes. The first few times, Justin would look at Jamie with concern. Once he realized that Jamie was weepy because he was happy, he relaxed and often had some moisture in his eyes as well.

Finally the greeting line was done, the formal pictures taken and they were entering the reception to the thunderous applause of their families and friends. They took their seats and immediately someone was clinking a wine glass. Others took up the call and Jamie blushed. Justin smiled and kissed Jamie deeply.

"I like this custom," Jamie said, slightly dreamy eyed.

"Me, too," Justin agreed. "Let's circulate a little before they serve the food."

Jamie agreed and they went from table to table to greet their guests. Justin was soon lost once again in the myriad of aunts and cousins and Jamie had trouble remembering some of Justin's relative's names as well. Their friends and industry people were easier to remember.

Every so often they'd be interrupted by clinking glasses and would stop and kiss. Jamie finally figured out that it started every time they left a table and headed to the next one. He suspected his brothers were mostly responsible, but wouldn't put it past Joey and Chris to be a part of some of it.

Jamie was still astonished at the guest list. He knew most of them had flown in just for the day, but the names looked like an MTV roster. With Gloria and Joe, he saw Joey McIntyre with an arm around Brian McFayden, Britney sitting with Mandy Moore and Christina Aguilera, the guys from BBMak having beers with Drew and Nick of 98 Degrees, the girls of Destiny's Child were chatting up Justin's family, and Phil and Wade were cornered by Pink and Sisqo telling dirty jokes.

They headed back to the head table and saw Zack and Paul enter the hall.

"Did she get off ok?" Justin asked.

Paul nodded and Zack couldn't wipe the smile off his face. "I can't believe I just took Janet Jackson to the airport!"

Jamie grinned. "She's nice, isn't she?"

Zack was almost swooning. "Nice doesn't come close. You know what she told me? She said she liked my playing and thought I was wonderful."

Paul grinned and slapped Zack's shoulder. "She also told him to audition for her band for her summer tour. Made it seem like he would be seriously considered."

Both Jamie and Justin grinned and gave Zack a big hug. "Couldn't happen to a nicer guy," Justin complimented.

Just as the salads were being distributed, they made it back to their seats. Dan was off talking with the Fatone's and Kelly, so Lance sat next to Jamie.

"This is gonna be some party," he commented.

Jamie smiled at him. "Let's hope it doesn't get too out of control.

"Can I have your attention, please?" Dan called out over the microphone near the head table. "Before we start dinner Josh and I would like to make the traditional toast to the happy couple." Everyone returned to their seats and grabbed their champagne glasses.

"To Justin and Jamie, my brothers and friends," JC began, "here's to much happiness for many years."

"To my little brother and my new little brother," Dan continued, "we all wish you the best and give you all our love and support."

The chant of 'here here' was heard throughout the room, then the incessant tapping of glasses. Justin put his champagne down and pulled Jamie to him. They kissed and started to separate, but the clinking continued on. Jamie pressed their lips back together and gave their audience the little show that they were requesting.

Justin sat back with a happy sigh then stood. He hugged JC and Dan and took the microphone. "I know this doesn't follow 'tradition' but I want to say something. To the guys, our families and all our friends I want to thank you for being here to celebrate with us."

He turned to look at Jamie. "Jamie, what can I say. I'm so proud of you. The way you've coped with everything that's been thrown at you in the last year and a half... well, I don't think I could have done it, to be honest. You are truly an amazing person. You have no idea how special you are."

His voice shook a little and he cleared it. "I know it's cliche, but when they made you they broke the mold. You bring out all the things in me I thought were beyond me, and I can never repay you for that. I still remember the day we met, it still seems like yesterday. When I look in your face, I will always see that."

The entire room sighed and clapped at Justin's words as he went and took Jamie in his arms. Jamie had tears streaking down his face. "I love you, Justin Timberlake."

"And I love you, Jamie Timberlake."

"Ok everyone. Get you cameras out and let the music begin," Chris called. "The couple's first dance is about to begin."

"We also have a special announcement about the song that the couple will dance to. This song is one that we're going to be releasing on our next album," Joey continued.

"So y'all are the first to hear it." Lance cleared his throat a little. "Justin wrote this with our good friend Robin Wiley."

"Let the music begin. Jamie... Justin wanted to let you know how he felt and this is just another way to show his love for you," JC finished.

Jamie looked up into Justin's eyes and smiled. They kissed briefly as the music started.

"Some many times

I thought I held it in my hands

Just like grains of sand

Love slipped through my fingers

So many nights

I asked the Lord above

Please make me lucky enough

To find a love that lingers

Something keeps telling me

You could be my answered prayer

You must be heaven sent I swear

Something happens when you look at me I forget to speak

Something happens when you kiss my mouth my knees get so weak

Could It be true this is what God has meant for me

I can't believe

Something like you could happen to me."

Jamie gazed at Justin with wondering eyes. "It's so beautiful. You wrote this?"

Justin nodded, suddenly bashful. "Me and Robin, ya." Jamie clutched Justin harder as they danced.

"Girl in your eyes

I feel your fire burn

Oh your secrets I will learn

Even if it takes forever

With you by my side

I can do anything

I don't care what tomorrow brings

As long as we're together

My heart is telling me

That you could be my meant to be

I know it more each time we touch

Something happens when you look at me I forget to speak

Something happens when you kiss my mouth my knees get so weak

Could it be true this is what God has meant for me

Cause baby I can't believe

Something like you could happen to me."

Tears were rolling down Jamie's cheeks as the song went on. Justin had captured not only his own feelings but Jamie's as well. Justin smiled at him and kissed his cheeks, his own tears making their way down his face as the bridge came. The music continued as Justin led Jamie slowly around the floor. The glass clinking started again but a moment too late as they were already locked in a kiss.

"Something magical

Something spiritual

Something stronger than the two of us alone

Something physical

Something I can never feel on my own

Nothing like anything like I've ever known

Something happens when you look at me I forget to speak

Something happens when you kiss my mouth my knees get so weak

Could it be true this is what God has meant for me

Cause baby I can't believe

Something like you could happen to me."

Chris once again got on the mic as the song ended to applause. "Will Mrs. Harliss and Mrs. Campbell please come to the floor?" The music started again as Jamie hugged Lynn and Justin did the same to Pat. "Now the happy couple with their new mothers."

Lynn laughed when the music started and kissed Jamie on the cheek. "Thank you, honey. Justin told you it was one of my favorites?"

"Yes, Lynn." They danced around the floor as the Tennessee Waltz filled the room. The song ended and the mothers and their new sons-in-law shared a quiet hug and kiss.

"Now it's time to party!" Joey yelled from the side.

"Justin cuts the cake, Justin cuts the cake..." the audience sang. Justin cut into the cake and lifted the piece out with an evil smirk on his face.

Jamie narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "Don't you even think about it!" he laughed.

"Who? Me?" Justin said with an innocent grin. With an easy grace he held the cake up for Jamie to take a bite while the crowd egged them on.

"Mmmm... delicious," Jamie said with a smile. He reached down and cut another piece from the large cake and held it up to Justin. Taking one finger from his free hand he swiped some frosting and painted Justin's nose with it making everyone laugh and cheer.

Justin smiled as he took a bite from the cake then kissed Jamie, rubbing the icing on his cheek and lips. "Yup, very delicious," Justin agreed as he cleaned the frosting from Jamie's lips with his tongue.

"There they go again," Joey sighed to his brother, Steve.

"Aw, leave 'em alone. You can't blame them for being emotional."

The looked across the dance floor at Justin and Jamie to see them weeping again as they danced slowly in each other's arms. Joey was beginning to think that it was timed or something. But something would set one or both of them off. The more he thought about it, the more cute it was.

"You getting all that on tape, right?"

"You know it," Steve replied. "Blackmail for years."

Joey laughed and clapped his hand on Steve's shoulder. "That's my bro."

"Jamie! Jamie!"

Jamie smiled at his younger brother. "What is it, Philly." He leaned his head against Justin's shoulder as they slow danced.

"You won't guess what Wade just asked me!"

"He wants to have your baby?" Justin asked with a smirk.

"No, you big, tall goober," Phil grinned. "Well, ya, that too!" he laughed. "He asked me to live with him in New York while I'm in school." Phil had been more than excited to finally get the acceptance letter from NYU.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Jamie asked a little skeptically.

Phil exhaled and gave Jamie a look of extreme patience. "Of course it is. He said he'd like to have someone there when he's gone. He'll charge me less than what the dorms would and I'll be with him when he's in town."

Phil was clearly excited and Jamie was actually happy for him. "I think that's great, squirt. What did Ma say?"

"Officially, she's thinking about it," Phil looked around then leaned in. "But she has 'the' look in her eye."

Justin laughed out loud and Phil slapped his shoulder.

"That's great, Philly. I'm sure you'll be happy." Phil ran off to tell someone else.

"So what's this about a look?" Justin asked.

Jamie chuckled. "It's something that Phil noticed when he was really young. When Ma's thinking about something and knows she's gonna say yes eventually, she gets this look in her eyes. It's fairly reliable."

Justin laughed. "With my mom it's just the opposite. She gets this red tinge to her ears when she's gonna say no."

They smiled at each other and leaned in and started kissing. They were interrupted by a loud voice.

"Hey, not fair, nobody clinked their glasses." Both Jamie and Justin looked up and smiled at JC and Lance.

"I didn't think we needed the crowd's permission," Justin scoffed.

Lance shrugged. "You don't, I guess."

"We only came over to show you something."

"Can't it wait, Josh?"

"Nope and it will only take a second."

Justin grabbed Jamie's hand and they followed their best friends. They stopped just on the other side of the dance floor and sighed happily.

"I don't believe my eyes," Jamie said softly. Justin stood silently, a tear tracking down his cheek.

They moved away again, keeping Chris and Dani in their sight. The two were barely rocking on the dance floor and locked in a fiery kiss. Lance turned and wiped at his eyes.

Jamie smiled at him and wiped up the wetness on Justin's cheek. "I guess what they say about weddings is true, that they work magic." He looked at JC and Lance and found them locked in their own kiss.

Justin grabbed him and they joined in the rapidly growing trend on the dance floor.

"I'm just beat. Where are we going?" Jamie whined slightly as he leaned against Justin in the limousine. They had stayed at the reception for a long while, enjoying having a good time. Eventually they changed and left to a shower of rice and confetti. Zack, Paul and Lonnie escorted them to one of the jets and all five headed to New York, the first stop in Justin's honeymoon surprise.

"We're almost there," Justin said softly as he stroked Jamie's hair.

Jamie sat contentedly with Justin's arm around his shoulder. He toyed with his wedding band, the exact match to the one that Justin wore. Smiling he slipped it off and looked at the inscription inside: My heart and my love are yours, forever and always JRT 4/21/01. Justin's was identical except for Jamie's initials inside.

Justin watched as Jamie slipped the ring back on and hugged him closer, kissing his temple.

"That was such a great party," Zack said quietly. Paul nodded beside him.

"I saw Lonnie cry," Jamie said suddenly with mischief in his voice.

"I had something in my eye," Lonnie defended with a large smile.

"Sure," Justin said, not really convinced. They all smiled, looking around as the limo pulled to the curb.

"Where the heck are we?" Jamie asked. "This isn't the hotel."

"As always, you're right, sweet pea. This is surprise number one."

"What time is it anyway? I'm all confused and turned around."

"Almost 10."

Lonnie got out and held the door for Justin and Jamie. Paul followed and went to the trunk and got their bags. Jamie stood on the sidewalk and looked around at the buildings just a block from Central Park. Justin took his elbow and walked to the nearest one and the short flight of stairs leading to the front door.

Reaching into his pocket Justin pulled out a key chain and dangled it at Jamie. "Surprise."

"What? You're renting this?"

Justin shook his head 'no' and smiled.

"You didn't?" The smile remained but the head shifted and nodded up and down. Jamie hugged Justin tightly. "You did say we needed our own place here in the city, but I thought you weren't all that serious."

"I was never more serious about needing it and cwanting you closer to school. This is my wedding present to you. I love you, baby."

Tears were rolling down Jamie's cheeks as he took the key and climbed the stairs. With a shaking hand he unlocked the heavy door to the town house then turned. Zack, Paul and Lonnie were still on the sidewalk smiling at him. Justin was halfway up the stairs. "You guys want to see it?"

"We took a brief tour the other day, Jamie, before heading up to Bangor. We can do it again tomorrow before we leave for the airport," Zack answered.

Jamie nodded then bounced down the stairs and hugged Zack tightly. "Thank you... for everything."

Zack hugged his friend back. "Anytime." Jamie went to Paul and Lonnie and gave them each a hug before rejoining Justin on the stairs. In the meantime, the chauffeur had placed the bags just inside the door.

"Remember we're picking you up for dinner at 5:30 so don't be late," Lonnie reminded them. The couple nodded with smiles as they reached the top step.

Justin bent a little and lifted Jamie from behind his knees, holding onto his back with his other arm. Jamie's arms went instinctively around his neck. "Carrying me over the threshold, Mr. Timberlake?"

"Of course, it's tradition, Mr. Timberlake." They kissed and Justin brought them into the house. With one last wave to their friends, Jamie shut the door.

"You can put me down now."

"What if I don't wanna?"

Jamie giggled and started licking Justin's neck. "Ok, but eventually you'll get tired."


They giggled as Justin set Jamie on his feet. "Ok, show me around."

"Getting demanding already?" Justin laughed. Jamie nodded and looked around the small front hall. There were three doors and stairs leading up. "Ok, that's the closet for coats and stuff," Justin pointed to the nearest door. He crossed the floor and opened the second door and led Jamie inside.

"This is the downstairs apartment. I guess it was originally for servants. We'll keep it and it will be a good place for Lonnie to stay when he's with us."

Jamie nodded as they looked around the small one bedroom apartment. It was cozy, the kitchen/dining room/living room taking up the entire front while the bedroom and bathroom was in the back. Justin led him back to the front entry and opened the third door to reveal a hall leading back, an old elevator and a narrow stair leading down to the basement.

"Oh wow!" Jamie exclaimed as he pushed the button. The door opened and he went in looked around and came back out. It was very small, barely big enough for two or three. Justin grabbed their bags, put them in the corner then pulled Jamie in with him.

"Ever want to have sex in an elevator?" he smirked at his husband.

"I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities," Jamie replied with a leer. Justin pushed a button and the car lurched down.

Taking Jamie's hand, Justin pulled Jamie out into a dark room while hitting a light switch. Jamie found himself in a complete home gym. Copies of Justin's weights, a pair of treadmills and a stair-master filled the room. "That door is storage and the other is a laundry room," Justin said pointing. Shutting the light off again, they went back into the elevator.

"I know you probably want to explore more. We can do that tomorrow, right now just the quick tour."

Jamie nodded with a smile. "I understand."

The doors opened to what Jamie assumed was the second floor. "Four smallish bedrooms and two bathrooms on this floor," Justin said as the door opened. "They aren't furnished yet, I'm working on it."

He smiled as the door closed and they rode up one more floor.

They went through an arch into a modern kitchen that was open to the dining area which faced the street. Through another arch he saw the living room in the back of the house. He let Justin's hand go and walked over to stand in the middle of the large open area.

"This is just beautiful. Did you decorate this yourself?"

Justin joined him, placing his arm around Jamie's waist. "I wish I could take credit but I hired someone based on what I thought you'd like mixed with what I knew we both liked."

"It's perfect." Jamie explored, going into the living room. Running his hand along a plush couch, he continued over to a door to find a small half bath then wandered over to the fireplace. "Does this work?"

Justin nodded. "Sure does. Also the one in our bedroom."

Jamie beamed and looked at the pictures along the mantle. On it were copies of many of the photos in the Orlando house. Moving by the fireplace, Jamie found a shallow niche that held a desk and a computer. He retook Justin's hand. "Show me more."

Once more the elevator rose to another floor, the top one according to the number pad. They got out, dragging their bags behind them. Jamie looked around the small hallway that led to the back of the house. There was one door nearby which Justin opened.

"Where does the hall lead?"

"To the deck." Justin pulled Jamie into the large room that covered nearly all of the top floor.

Jamie wandered around in awe. The room had a sitting area with a couch and two chairs flanking the fireplace, a large queen sized bed and French doors leading to the deck. "This is beautiful," Jamie said looking around the room decorated in creams and muted blues. Lit candles were scattered around and bouquets of roses decorated all the tables.

Opening a door he found a large walk-in closet filled with clothes. "Justin?!" he said in warning.

"I didn't buy you much," Justin said quickly. "It's mostly your clothes that were at Dan's. I did buy myself some extra stuff."

Jamie grinned. "I married a clothes horse."

"Guilty as charged."

Going to the next door, Jamie found the bathroom. It was large with a home spa and shower stall. "Come here, Mr. Timberlake." Justin crossed over to Jamie and let himself be pulled into a tight embrace. Their lips met as they kissed passionately. "Thank you. It's wonderful and, of course, too much."

"Nothing but the best for you." They kissed again and Justin's hands ran along Jamie's shoulders. He then walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of champagne from a hidden refrigerator and two flutes.

"Mmmm..." Jamie sighed. "I almost forgot. You're probably wondering when you'll get your present."

Justin shook his head with a smile. "You are the only present I want."

Jamie grinned at him as he went and got his laptop. "You are so sappy. Don't ever stop that." He pulled Justin with him onto the couch and set the laptop on the coffee table as Justin popped the cork and poured out two glasses.

"So do you think you can be happy here?"

"Oh, ya. It's just the best!" Jamie grinned. He kissed Justin quickly on the lips then turned his attention to pulling up some document. "Now, it's not done yet, but at least I can show you the plans."


Jamie clicked on the open button and a screen shot of the addition blue prints popped up on the screen. "Yes, plans. Surprise, sweetie."

Justin's eyes popped out of his head. "Wow! You came up with all of this?"

Jamie nodded. "With a little help from Lance and Josh, but ya." He pointed to the screen and gave Justin a run down on the details. He opened another picture which was an artist's rendering. "And this is what the outside will look like in the back."

Justin looked to see a full deck running from the current one into the corner made by the new addition. A couple of raised flower beds surrounded the hot tub in it's new location, creating a nice comfortable area. "Honey, it's a great present. Just perfect." Justin leaned over Jamie and pressed him down onto the couch. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

"Come on, let's go to bed."

Jamie returned the gleam in Justin's eye. "I thought you'd never ask."

Grabbing their glasses and the bottle, they walked hand in hand across the room to the bed. With a remote, Justin turned out the lights leaving them in the warm glow of the candles. Another button brought out some light music.

"Such a romantic," Jamie purred.

Justin clinked their glasses. "To us and our whole lives ahead of us."

"Never to part," Jamie added before they drank.

Justin took Jamie's glass and set them both on the nightstand. Grabbing Jamie around the waist he pulled them both down onto the bed and into an intense kiss. Their lips and tongues clashed as if they hadn't kissed in a year.

Justin pulled away and took a deep breath. The look in his eyes spoke volumes as a finger traced Jamie's lips. Jamie felt tears begin to form and pulled Justin back down on top of him. This time the kiss was gentle, loving and unhurried.

Their hands stroked each other through their clothes, feeling arms, legs, backs, shoulders. Fingers danced along erections as they panted into each other's mouths.

Slowly, Justin began undressing Jamie. Piece by piece his clothing disappeared as Justin gently unbuttoned, unzipped and slipped cloth over skin tingling with anticipation. During any other time, Jamie would've been impatient to get naked. Justin took his time to worship every exposed patch of skin.

When Jamie was completely naked, Justin sat beside him and took in his form. "You are so perfect," he whispered. His fingers traced over Jamie's limbs as he bent down to lick at Jamie's hard erection.

"Oh, Justy," Jamie whimpered when Justin released it from his mouth. Jamie pulled Justin up and rolled them over so he was on top. With just as much exacting patience, he stripped Justin. Jamie spent a great amount of time on Justin's chest, worshipping the taught muscles, soft skin and hard flushed nipples.

Again they came together and kissed as their naked bodies rubbed against each other. They moaned and sighed to each other as skin rubbed against skin.

Justin nuzzled Jamie's neck and kissed the sensitive area under his ears. "What do you want, baby? I'm all yours."

Jamie sighed in pleasure, his hands stroking down Justin's back and onto his ass. "I want you, Just. Please make love to me."

"All night long, lover," Justin sighed as he reached for the lube sitting ready on the night stand. He slicked up his fingers and rubbed them down between Jamie's legs. Jamie spread them automatically while stroking Justin's thighs.

"Ah... mmm..." Jamie groaned as Justin slipped first one then two fingers into him. "You... I want you," he gasped as Justin slowly pushed and pulled his fingers in him.

Without a word, Justin put more lube in his hand and rubbed it on himself. With the grace of the dancer he was, Justin moved and pressed his swollen head against Jamie's fluttering entrance. "I love you, sweet pea," he murmured as he slowly sank down all the way into Jamie.

"Ohhhh yessss," Jamie cried when he felt Justin's pubic hair rub against him. Wrapping his arms around Justin's shoulders, he pulled Justin down fully on top of him. Their mouths met, tentatively, as their lips and tongues teased each other.

Jamie whimpered a little when Justin started to gently rock back and forth. "Are you ok, sweet pea? I'm not hurting you am I?" he asked through his own heavy breathing.

Jamie shook his head. "Ugh... it's so intense. Just keep doing that..." he gasped. They just enjoyed being connected in that way as they rocked every so slightly together. It was if only the actual physical contact was slowly pushing them toward the rush of orgasm.

Staying that way for a very long time, they barely moved as they kissed and fondled each other. Eventually the urge to cum swept over Justin in a crashing wave. He rocked a little more causing Jamie to grunt in satisfaction.

"Oh, baby, I can't stop it," Justin panted.

Jamie grabbed his head and forced his tongue deep into Justin's mouth. With a high pitched whimper, Justin started shooting. The pulsing inside him brought Jamie over as well as the world tilted and exploded with bright lights. It was unlike any orgasm he'd ever had. It seems as if the semen was just flowing out of him, the usual heavy contractions changed into many smaller ones that were even more intense.

"Oh my God," Justin finally croaked as he rested his forehead against Jamie's. "That was so unreal."

"Do it again," Jamie said intently. He could feel that Justin hadn't softened at all and was just as ready to go again.

"I don't know if I can but I'll try." Justin's trademark grin coupled with the lust in his eyes turned Jamie on even more as Justin's hips started the easy rocking motion that made Jamie see stars.

The first rays of the sun hit Jamie's eyes but he couldn't focus enough to notice the brilliant yellows and pinks that streaked the morning sky. He was on his side with Justin behind him. Justin was thrusting his hips against Jamie as his cock slid in and out.

Jamie moaned and twisted his upper body to face Justin better. They stared into each other's eyes before kissing. Jamie was still on fire. He had lost count of how many times he had cum and smiled to himself with his memories of a night of passion.

'I've become a sex pig,' he thought. "Oh, ya... right there," he moaned as Justin's thrusts hit him in such a way that the hair on his body stood up and sent shivers up his spine. Most of the night was a fuzzy recollection of their coupling. They would please each other then take a short nap before one or the other would start again.

It seemed that Justin had never softened the entire night and he couldn't get enough of Jamie, either taking him or the reverse. 'At least this bedroom has been well christened,' Jamie thought through a long moan as Justin strongly stroked his own erection in time with his hips.

"That's it, baby. I can feel you tightening up," Justin breathed against Jamie's lips. "You're gonna cum again. You are so good, you feel so good, you taste sooooo good," Justin panted as his thrusts became more determined and repeatedly bashed into Jamie's prostate.

"Oh, Justin. YES!" Jamie screamed as he started spurting into Justin's hand. Justin grunted once and shot as well, his body trembling with relief.

They lay there, breathing in heavy pants, as they recovered. Jamie sighed sadly as Justin pulled out.

"So what kind of drug did you take last night and can we get more?" Jamie asked with a wide smile.

Justin grinned and pecked Jamie on the lips. "No drug except for you."

Jamie shifted so that he was half on his side and half on his stomach. Justin cuddled up behind him and wrapped himself around him. Jamie sighed again in contentment.

"Are you alright?" Justin asked kissing the back of Jamie's neck.

"I'm perfect."

Justin kissed along Jamie's shoulder. "Yes you are and you make me so happy."

Jamie squeezed Justin's arm that was around his waist and started drifting off to sleep. He could hear Justin's slow, even breathing behind him and he smiled. Just before dropping off completely he became aware of Justin's erection nestled between his thighs.

"So how're the newlyweds?" Zack asked as he took a seat in the living room after he, Paul and Jamie had spent the last hour exploring every nook and cranny of the new house.

"Tired but happy," Justin answered as he handed Zack a drink.

"I bet you are," Paul commented. "Did mean old superstar keep you up all night?" he grinned to Jamie.

"Oh ya!" Jamie said nodding his head happily. "But I did my share too!"

"Ok, that's a little too much information," Zack laughed.

Jamie settled onto Justin's lap and leaned his head on Justin's shoulder. "Ok, so will someone tell me where we're going today?" He looked at Justin with a twinkle in his eye. "You know you can't keep it a secret forever."

"Well, I thought I would," Justin answered. "Chris actually suggested bringing you to the airport blindfolded and with earphones on so you wouldn't know where we were until we got off the plane."

Jamie laughed. "The airline would never go for it."

"Ya, I asked and they said they could if I really wanted to but they had safety concerns. Plus I think it would be more fun listening to you be excited the entire trip."

"Ok, so where are we going?"

Justin reached beside the chair to get a large envelope sitting on the nearby table and handed it to Jamie. "Before you open it, how do you feel about sailing?


Justin nodded. "No seasickness problems or anything?"

Jamie smiled. "Nope."

"Surprise, love."

Jamie looked at the envelope with a big smile and started opening it. He gasped at the travel brochures he found. "Italy?" he asked delighted.

Justin smiled. "Well... some if it anyway. First we spend two nights in romantic Venice then board a schooner that sails down the Adriatic coast making stops along the way." Justin pointed out a picture of the schooner.

"I'll call it the Mr. Ripley vacation," Jamie laughed.

Justin nodded with a wide smile. "Then we take a train to Rome and spend the last two nights there and fly back in time for rehearsals."

"This is so great." Jamie was looking at the brochure for the boat. "But what about the other people sailing?"

"That's the best part. It's a sail line that specializes in gay and lesbian clients."

"Besides," Zack interrupted, "Justin bought out the whole boat just for us."

"Us?" Jamie questioned looking at Zack before turning his gaze back to Justin.

Justin nodded. "Johnny and the label wouldn't let us go by ourselves. They said it was too dangerous. So Zack agreed to fill in for Lonnie and go with Paul."

"Well, I guess if we have to have chaperones then they could've done worse." Zack stuck his tongue out at Jamie then giggled.

"Don't worry, Jamie. We'll be just about invisible most of the time," Paul reassured him.

"Oh will we?" Zack asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yup," Paul said with a smirk.

"Ok, let's get this show on the road. We have reservations in an hour then an overnight flight," Justin said getting up while keeping Jamie in his arms.

"I love you," Jamie said before pressing his lips against Justin's.

Paul and Zack looked on with big smiles as the couple got lost again within themselves.



At Last: The most famous version is by Etta James. A copy is in the briefcase.

I Believe in You: J Thomas/Jolyon Skinner/Allen Gordon - 2000. From Joe's album, this was for you Nino. Also in the briefcase.

Something Like You: Justin Timberlake/Robin Wiley - 2001 Probably the best song on Celebrity, I think. Where 'Gone' is haunting, this song almost perfectly describes true love in it's lyrics. The wonderful harmonica of Stevie Wonder is just icing on the cake.

Author's Notes:

So there it is.... the obligatory Wedding Chapter, and yes it is a long one! :) Before I give you my thoughts here, someone has something to say:


You will never know how special you are to me.

When I said that speech, I meant every word of

it, straight from the heart. I want to spend

the rest of my life with you, and I know that

I will.

My love for you has no boundaries, from the

bottom of the ocean to the tallest mountain.

BDS & JRT, 28-8-01, IDST.

I want to thank Bryan and Jamie (friends from the UK) for letting me paraphrase the toast Justin used at the reception. Jamie used almost those same words during their reception. They were so touching and appropriate that I had to include them in the story.

A couple of years back I was doing alot of online roleplaying. The ceremony itself was taken from a wedding that one of my characters was involved in at the time. I thought the sentiments were perfect and I didn't have to change it much at all.

I want to thank everyone who voted for the story in the latest awards. It received 7 of the 11 awards it was nominated for. It also received a new, added award: Council's Choice, Continuing Series. I am honored that the Award Council thinks so highly of my writing.

Right at this point I bet many of you are wondering if this was it? Are we at the end? The answer: No but almost. After a couple of follow up chapters, I plan on two or three 'post' short stories and then a real epilogue. Lance's Story, of course, will still be going.

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com AIM: bangoremail http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bangoremail1

Next: Chapter 74: Youre Nobody Till Somebody Loves You

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