Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Sep 20, 2001


Greetings everyone,

Here I am, just starting to write this chapter and the inspiration struck me to start right here.

First, I want to thank anyone and everyone who's written about the story. I love hearing what you think. It makes writing this so fulfilling knowing that there are readers out there that are hanging on every word! Geez... never thought I'd have that kind of effect on people.

Second, I'll send my personal congrats to NSync on their awards at the VMA's. They got four (the most important ones) out of the six nominations. And yes, I did vote for them on the Viewer's Choice. For those of you who missed, they got: Pop video, dance video, group video and viewer's choice... some major categories. Also, how cool to have Michael Jackson appear on stage to perform with you...

And finally... To answer some... well not really criticism, but confusion... yes JC did just 'appear' back into the story. Jamie's session with Greg did touch on that just a little and very subtly... notice how he talks about Lance's sadness in the past tense. If you're looking for quick easy answers here in the Romance they won't happen. That's what Lance's Story is for! :) Ok, now you can start calling me evil.

Post Script: The awful events in New York are really unnerving. To think that I sat and watched it all as it happened live still hasn't quite sunk in yet. My heart goes out to all the families that lost loved ones. I don't need to say anymore at this point. I vented my anger last week in my note before the latest Lance chapter.

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Beside You All The Way

"If a picture paints a thousand words,

Then why can't I paint you?

The words will never show

The you I've come to know."

"If a face could launch a thousand ships,

Then where am I to go?

There's no one home but you,

You're all that's left me too.

And when my love for life is running dry,

You'll come and pour yourself on me."

"If a man could be two places at one time,

I'd be with you

Tomorrow and today,

Beside you all the way.

If the world should stop revolving

Spinning slowly down to die,

I'd spend the end with you.

And when the world was through,

Then one by one the stars would all go out,

Then you and I would simply fly away"

  • David Gates: 1971

"So when will I get to see you, my now very famous friend?"

Jamie sighed trying to run the schedule through his head. "I'm pretty sure that I fly directly to New York this coming Monday."

"How long you planning on being in town?" Zack asked.

"Most of the week. We tape the Ultrasound thing on Monday and do Rosie on Tuesday. The rest of the week the guys will be recording and working with BT on the first single. Lance goes back to Toronto on Thursday then we go to LA for the weekend."

"Geez, how you holding up?"

"It's been a rough 2 weeks, Zack. I'm so tired of it all."

"It will die down soon. Just hold on."

"I sure hope so. I thought the guys didn't have much of a life before this but now we can't even move."

"Are you happy?"

Jamie paused for a long second. "You know, ya, I am. For some reason all the flashing cameras and microphones shoved into my face don't matter."

"Good, or I was gonna come down there and slap some sense into your ass."

"Hey, I just might like it," Jamie chuckled.

"Ya, you probably would, you freak. So how are rehearsals with the old Backdoor Boys?"

"Zack, stop that. They aren't that bad, besides they don't come to rehearsal until tomorrow. I've been just rehearsing with the band and they're just normal Joes."

"Well, just don't let them badmouth our boys."

"I don't think they will. The last time I talked with Kevin he seemed pretty cool about everything now that it's all public, even AJ told me he had my back. Howie, Nick and Brian have always been nothing but nice."

Zack laughed. "You could charm anyone, you know that?"

"Just my natural style."

"Well, ok, gotta run. I'll be waiting for those Rosie tickets."

"They'll be on the way. I just talked to the studio this morning and gave them your address."

"Way cool. Can't wait to see you, buddy."

"Same here. I'll be sure to take all kinds of pictures in Mexico for you."

"Sure you don't need a personal assistant?"

Jamie laughed. "Paul is coming so there'll be no room."

"Hey, I tried. Bye, Jams, talk to you later."

"Bye, Zack."

Jamie hung up the phone and smiled at the nickname that his college friends had given him long ago. To Jamie it seemed like another life at this point. All too soon he'd be back in that environment. In a way he looked forward to taking classes, sharing ideas with others and playing the music he liked best. The only drawback would be the separation from Justin.

He knew Justin would work it so that they were together as much as possible and the college schedule for grad students was fairly light, but there would still be stretches of time they'd be apart. With a heavy sigh, he pulled himself up to sit on the counter and played with the hem of his shorts.

"What's with the long face?" Justin asked coming up to him and standing between his knees.

Jamie smiled. "Not much, just thinking about this fall."

Justin nodded and leaned so that their foreheads touched. "That's still six months away, besides I'll be with you as much as I can. We're only doing scattered appearances and no fall tour. I'll have all kinds of free time."

"I thought you were thinking of doing a movie?"

Justin nodded. "Ya, but nothing has come up that I really want to do. Besides, I need the time to write the book and I can write in New York just as easy as Orlando."

Jamie wrapped his arms around Justin's shoulders. "I do love you."

"Same here, sweet pea. You aren't abandoning me, I won't let you and we'll be married."

Jamie giggled and kissed Justin's neck. "You just remember that."

"And you won't be alone," Justin continued as he rubbed his hands along Jamie's shoulders and down his back. "Dan is in and out of town still, Zack is there and maybe even Phil, too. Has he heard anything?"

"Not yet, but he's got his heart set on NYU. He shouldn't have any problems getting in, he's just waiting now for the bureaucracy to spit out the acceptance letters."

They stayed there, quietly enjoying the closeness. Jamie sighed happily when Justin started rubbing his fingers on the back of his neck. "So you leave tomorrow, huh?" Justin asked.

"Ya, we rehearse with the guys all morning. I think we run the show about three times. I'll be home for the early afternoon then fly out around 6:00."

Justin nodded and rested his chin on Jamie's shoulder. "Wish you could come to Cleveland with us."

"Me, too. You get to meet Michael Jackson."

Justin pulled away, a broad smile on his face. "I still can't believe it. I'll probably freeze and be a dork around him."

Jamie laughed. "I'm sure you'll do fine. You still headed to Toronto with Lance after?"

Justin nodded. "To work with both him and Joey. Then we're all in LA over the weekend to work with the Neptunes."

"That's just too cool."

"Sure is. This is all falling into place."

"I didn't have any doubts that it would."

"How about a swim? We've got a couple of free hours."

"Sounds nice. Let me go get my suit."

Justin shook his head and pulled Jamie off the counter. "Clothes not allowed."

Jamie smirked as they walked out the back door. "You just want to see me naked."

"Yup! I live for that booty." Justin danced into Jamie and ground their hips together.

"You know, I really do like it when you're horny," Jamie laughed as he pushed a fully clothed Justin into the pool then dived in after him.

"This is Kurt Loder with MTV News. NSync and Justin Timberlake are standing firm amid criticism and controversy. NSync's fan base has always been vocal and completely supportive of the group and now a faction of them are condemning what they term an immoral lifestyle.

Fans calling themselves 'People for ethics and morals in entertainment' are staging protests and vigils wanting Justin and NSync to, in their words, 'repent and come back to a life of decency.'

NSync fans and supporters are rallying around the group. Included with the fans are statements of support from GLAAD, the Screen Actors Guild, all the major record labels and celebrities as diverse as Jennifer Lopez, Barbara Streisand, Michael Jackson and Steven Speilberg.

MTV, as a company, fully stands by our stance of fighting discrimination of any kind and wish the group well. Personally, I add my support to Justin and his friends and family.

Stay tuned for more news every hour at ten to the hour here on MTV."

Jamie stared out the window at the bus dominating the parking lot.

"I guess that's your ride, huh?" Justin asked as he parked the car a slight distance away.


"Only one bus?"

"It's only for Backstreet, the band and bodyguards, about 18 of us. Everyone else is en route or already there. We've got a chartered flight."

They got out of the car and watched Lonnie leave the back seat and carry Jamie's bag to the bus. Paul met Lonnie halfway and helped with Jamie's guitars. Justin put an arm around Jamie's waist and leaned against the car door.

"I'll miss you."

Jamie looked into Justin's eyes. He saw Justin's love there as well as the sadness for the separation that he was trying to hide. "Let's not make a huge deal out of this, it's only five days," Jamie pleaded, already feeling his emotions starting to surge.

Justin's smile was only slightly marred by the worry lines around his eyes as he bent down and kissed Jamie. Their arms wrapped around each other, they shared a quiet moment.

"So I'll see you on Monday?"

Jamie nodded. "Yup, I'll probably get there just after lunch. I got a real early flight."

"Good, we fly in Sunday night." Jamie bent to pick up his backpack. "You got everything? Cell phone... passport... medicine for your allergies?"

Jamie slung the strap over one shoulder and smirked at Justin. "Yes Mom!"

Justin smiled devilishly. "Remember your toothbrush?"

Jamie laughed. "You're so sweet, that's why I love you so much but stop mother henning me."

Justin pulled Jamie against him. "I like mothering you sometimes, it feels good. You deserve to be pampered."

Justin leaned down as Jamie leaned up and their lips met. Justin grabbed Jamie's lower lip between his and began lightly sucking. Jamie moaned in delight and ran his tongue along Justin's upper lip.

Just as the kiss started to deepen they were interrupted by someone politely clearing their throat. Breaking apart they saw Brian and Nick standing nearby. Brian had a broad smile on his face while Nick was looking on in fascinated shock.

"Heya, Justin. Nice to see you again," Brian greeted with a handshake.

"Same here, Brian. Good to see you too, Nick." Nick answered with a silent stare before Brian elbowed him in the side.

"Uh... hi... so it's true?!"

Justin and Jamie smiled at Nick good naturedly. "Yes, why would we lie about something like that?" Justin answered.

Nick thought for a second then smiled. "Well, I see your point. It was just strange actually to see it."

"Come on, my sheltered friend," Brian said pulling on Nick's elbow. "We'll let you say goodbye, we're leaving in just a few minutes."

"Thanks, Brian."

"Bye, Justin!" Nick called as Brian pulled him away.

They watched the two Backstreet Boys walk back to the bus then turned to look at each other.

"Call me when you get in your hotel, ok?"

"I will," Jamie promised. They kissed one last time then walked hand in hand to the bus where they were greeted by Kevin and Howie.

"I guess I should say congratulations, Justin," Howie said after a brief hug.

"Very brave, man," Kevin agreed, shaking Justin's hand.

"Thanks guys, I appreciate that. So how's the tour going?"

"No complaints here except the usual," Kevin grinned.

Justin nodded. "Let me guess, no time with family and lack of sleep."

"You know it," Howie laughed.

"Speaking of that, how's married life treating you, Kevin?"

Kevin's smile lit up his face. "You wouldn't believe what it will do for you. I hear you're gonna tie the knot too."

Justin nodded and smiled at Jamie. "We are."

"That's great," Howie said with a broad smile. "It was good seeing you, Justin. I'm getting on the bus before I get yelled at." Howie hugged Justin again then made a face at Kevin before boarding the bus.

Jamie laughed and Justin grinned at Kevin. "Still the drill sergeant, huh?"

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" he laughed. "But we'd better get moving. Good to see ya, Justin." They shook hands.

"Same here. You take care of him, ok? He means alot to me."

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Kevin replied with a nod to Justin and a broad smile to Jamie, then walked to the group of security by the bus door.

Justin turned to Jamie and hugged him tightly. "Call me, ok?"

"I will," Jamie replied. They leaned together and kissed one last time. "Oh, and thanks for the going away present."

Justin smiled and blushed. "I enjoyed it, too. Hope you aren't too uncomfortable for the flight."

"I'll manage. Love you..." Jamie called as he took a step away.

"Love you back," Justin replied with a smile. Lonnie joined him and they watched everyone board the bus and then pull away.

"Come on, kid, he'll be fine."

"Ya, I know, Lonnie. I'll just miss him, that's all."

Lonnie smiled and patted Justin's shoulder. "How about I drive and treat you to some ice cream?"

Justin grinned up at his bodyguard and friend and nodded.

"Welcome back to Access Hollywood, this is Pat O'Brian. We recently cornered NSync member Lance Bass on the set of his movie, working title 'On the Line.' We asked him about his venture into movie stardom, how that fits in with his music career and his thoughts on his bandmate, Justin Timberlake."

The clip ran showing Lance sitting in a chair on a movie set. "Well, I really don't think I'm a movie star. I actually just wanted to be an executive producer for my new company but the director was very insistent that I was perfect for the part, so I agreed."

"How does this affect NSync?"

"Not at all, really. The filming will be done in a few weeks and then we start on rehearsals for the next tour. NSync is still my number one priority as it is with all of us. It's my first love and I wouldn't give that up for anything."

"Can you share with us your thoughts on what's going on with your friend and bandmate, Justin."

"He's just that, my friend, but so much more. The five of us are like brothers, we love and care for each other a great deal. I'm glad that he felt free enough to come out, he's been so stressed lately about the rumors and then the blackmail. Finally he can be himself and doesn't have to hide."

"Any words for our viewers?"

Lance pondered for a second then smiled. "Only that we appreciate the support of our fans. Justin is grateful for all your cards and letters. We want everyone to remember that hatred of any kind is not God's work."

Pat O'Brian came back. "Lance's movie also co-stars NSync member Joey Fatone and is due out in the fall. NSync will start it's Pop Odyssey Tour in May while their new album, which we've just heard will most likely be called Celebrity, will be released in late June or early July."

"Hey, Jamie, come sit here with me."

Jamie looked around the lounge then at AJ and smiled. "Sure."

The band, crew and the Boys were gathering in the lounge for a pre-show meeting. There were some concerns about the venue that everyone needed to know, nothing major, just changes to the show.

"We haven't had any time to get to know each other," AJ said behind his dark glasses. Jamie noticed he was carefully nursing a cup of coffee.

"What would you like to know?"

AJ grinned. "I still can't get over Timberlake. Never thought he'd have it in him to come out like that... hell, I didn't even suspect he was gay." Jamie smiled politely not knowing how to exactly come back from that. "So, he any good in bed?"

"AJ!" Jamie said in shock.

AJ laughed. "Knew that would get a reaction. It's ok if you don't want to answer."

"Would you answer that?"

AJ thought for a minute. "If I were sleeping with Timberlake I wouldn't tell a soul." They both laughed.

Jamie slapped his leg. "You know what I mean."

"I think I'm the best. I'm AJ McLean, the Backstreet Boy. How can I be anything other than perfect?"

Jamie smiled. "Why am I not surprised at that answer?"

AJ took off his glasses and looked Jamie directly in the eye. "Truthfully, I think I'm fair. Haven't gotten any complaints, so I guess I'm doing something right."

Jamie noticed that AJ's eyes were somewhat bloodshot. He cleared his throat. "Ok, honestly, he's really good at most of it."

"Most of it?" Jamie blushed. "What's one of his weaknesses? Come on, you can tell me, just us boys here."

Jamie thought, hard. "Well... putting it that way, he doesn't really have any. If I -had- to have an answer for that I guess it would be that he's a little too protective."

AJ's brow drew down. "I thought we were talking sex here?"

Jamie smiled. "Ya, I was. He rarely lets himself fully go when we're in bed. It's almost like he's just trying to make sure I don't get hurt or anything."

AJ grinned. "So now you add sensitive and caring to the mix. Sounds almost perfect."

"No, not perfect, but very close. How about you? What's your weakness?"

AJ frowned a little and fiddled with the cup in his fingers. "I guess my biggest problem is cheating."

Jamie nodded. "I'm sorry to say I'm not surprised. I heard that Amanda left you."

With a sigh AJ nodded his head slowly. "You've heard the rumors, I suppose?"

"Some, I don't believe most of what is said though."

"They were right about you and Justin."

"Ya, they were. So, was it true what they've been saying about you?"

"That I can't help but cheat? That I like my partying? That she caught me with another guy?"

Jamie nodded and bit his lip.

"All true." AJ sighed deeply and slid his sunglasses back on.

"I'm sorry, AJ. If you ever want to talk to someone who might at least understand those feelings you have..."

"I don't have feelings," AJ interrupted abruptly with a little heat. He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. Um... I need some more coffee, you want any?"

"No, thanks." AJ stood and Jamie placed a hand on his arm. "I meant what I said, AJ. If you need someone outside of this," he waved his other arm, "then give me and Justin a call, ok?"

AJ nodded and moved off. He was soon replaced by one of the other band members.

"Getting to know the great AJ?" he asked.

"You could say that," Jamie replied.

"That one plays it close to the chest. I haven't quite figured him out yet. The man's a mystery."

"Ya," Jamie replied softly. "There's more there than he's letting on."

Zack stepped out onto the sidewalk and looked up and down the street for a cab. He was running out of time and didn't want to waste it on the subway. He started up to the corner but was stopped before he got five steps.

"Excuse me, but aren't you friends with Jamie Campbell and Justin Timberlake?"

Zack sighed and slowed, but kept walking. "Yes, I am."

"Would you care to comment for us on why Mr. Campbell has been in the care of a psychologist for the past year and a half?"

Zack stopped dead, shocked that the question was asked. "I believe that's none of your business."

"Then it's true? If so, then is the rumor that Jamie is a rape victim true as well?"

With a sigh, Zack continued on to the cab stand on the corner. "Like I said, it's none of your business." He ignored any further questions and didn't relax until he was sitting comfortably and on his way across town.

'Damn,' he thought. 'Couldn't they just catch a break.'

"It's just been a little frustrating."

"I understand. You think he's gonna be ok?"

"I don't know, JuJu. I can tell he's hurting, I feel so sad. It really seemed like he wanted to talk but just couldn`t."

"Don't worry about it, sweet pea. You did your best and left the invitation. That's about all you can do."

"I know," Jamie sighed over the phone. It had been three days since he left Orlando. He missed Justin terribly and just wanted to feel his arms around him. "I miss you."

"I miss you, too. Are they treating you alright?"

"Oh, ya. The guys in the band are fine. I knew a couple of them from New York."

"And the group?"

"Don't see much of them, as you can imagine. They're ok. Brian and Nick are the only ones that go out of their way to talk to me. Thank God for Paul or I'd be bored out of my skull."

"How's he doing?"

"Just fine and having the time of his life."

"So what are you doing right now?"

"We just got back from the show. I'm alone, Paul is taking his turn patrolling the halls."

"Hmmm... what are you wearing?"

Jamie grinned. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

Justin ignored Jamie's question. "I just got out of the shower and have nothing but a towel on."

"You are such a pervert! I love it."

"What -are- you wearing?"

"Just a pair of boxerbriefs. I was on my way to the shower. It's very warm here and the air conditioning doesn't work that great."

"I'm so horny for you right now."

"I miss feeling your arms around me, your body up against me."

Justin sighed heavily over the phone. "I'd be tasting you all over. Your neck, shoulder, chest, stomach."

"Mmmm... Justin, should we do this?"

"Yes, baby. Don't you want to? I miss you so much."

Jamie groaned at the need in Justin's voice. "I love you, JuJu."

"Love you, too, sweet pea. I know you're hard, rub it for me."

Jamie reached into his briefs and wrapped his fingers around his stiff erection. "I wish you were doing this."

"Just imagine I am, sweetie."

"I bet you're hard, too."

"Very. I'm imagining you naked on top of me. You turn me on so much."

Jamie and Justin continued to encourage each other as they masturbated together. Jamie was so intent on his conversation he didn't notice the door open and Nick step into the room. Nick stopped as his greeting died on his lips. "Um..." he said quietly, but Jamie didn't hear him.

"Nick! Where the hell did you go?!" Brian yelled from the hallway. He entered the room. "There you are. I've been... Oh my God!"

Jamie squawked in surprise to see Brian and Nick standing in the doorway. He covered himself with a pillow and dropped the phone in embarrassment.

Brian turned around quickly and closed the door some while pulling Nick around as well. "Jamie, I'm so sorry. We're leaving. I'm sorry." Brian was a very deep red as he led Nick out of the room. Nick looked back and waved to Jamie with a broad smile then gave him a thumbs up before the door closed, leaving Jamie alone again.

With a sigh, he picked up the phone. "You still there?"

Justin was laughing. "Did you get caught?"

"Yes by Brian and Nick, and I don't think it's all that funny."

"Aw, come one, baby. After the people we've spied on and caught in the act, it's only fair that someone catches us."

"But they didn't catch -US-, they caught me!"

Justin was still giggling. "And I bet you were so sexy they had a hard time resisting you."

"Well... Hey! You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"I wouldn't if it wasn't true."

"Really?" Jamie snuggled down into the bed, letting Justin's voice comfort and lull him.

"Really. I love everything about you. The way your skin feels under my fingers, the way you taste, the feel of your arms around me."

"Mmmm... tell me more." Jamie's voice faded as he started drifting off.

"I really like the way your lips feel against mine. You drive me wild when you touch me... Jamie?" The only answer was a deep, satisfied breath. "Good night, sweet pea," Justin said softly. "Dream of me and be happy."

Justin smiled as he turned his phone off and rolled over on the bed. Hugging a pillow to him, he glanced up at a picture of Jamie he had brought with him and sighed happily.


Notes: If: One of Bread's biggest hits (along with Everything I Own)

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com AIM: bangoremail http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bangoremail1

Next: Chapter 70: Our Love Is Here to Stay

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