Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Aug 12, 2001


Greetings everyone,

Here's the latest chapter. And you all thought that I wouldn't get them back together. Pshaw! :) Not much to say here today. As I write this, the chapter is about 75% done. It's funny how I always do these notes before I finish but when the inspiration strikes, I go for it.

Was watching MTV the other day and saw a news report on TRL and they called it the curse of the Pop tours. It is strange that Mariah Carey jumped off the deep end right after AJ sought treatment, Madonna got laryngitis (is that spelled right?), Janet cancelled some dates for exhaustion and the flu and now our poor Joey has developed pneumonia!! Poor guy! Plus NSync got two dates shut down because of the hurricane. I'm taking bets on who or what's next.

I read the Celebrity liner notes and saw Justin's thank you to 'Pinky.' How sweet and terribly romantic too. See I knew he had it in him. I think it's funny that Brian McFayden did a special 'the mystery of Pinky has been solved' thing on TRL. Like it took me all of about 3 seconds to figure out who he meant! LOL

Hmm... I sense a new nickname coming into the story. hee hee Also I'm 'borrowing' (oh ok, stealing) a term from Matthew Halderman-Time: the zone. You'll see. I've used something like it before but that word fits perfectly. Thanks Matthew... now go and write some more of 'Living'.

Thanks to all the mail. You guys are great! And for all you patient people..... the prologue of the Lance story will be posted within the week! (I can hear the oo's and aahh's now)

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Darling, Je Vous Aime, Beaucoup

"Darling, je vous aime beaucoup

Je ne sais pas what to do

You know you've completely

Stolen my heart

Morning, noon and night-time too

Toujours, wondering what to do

That's the way I've felt

Right from the start

Ah, Cherie!

My love for you is tres, tres fort

Wish my French were good enough

I'd tell you so much more

But I hope that you compree

All the things you mean to me

Darling, je vous aime beaucoup

I love you, yes I do"

  • Anna Sosenko/Francis Day: 1953

Justin led Jamie up the stairs after waving goodbye to Lonnie. Lonnie's warning was foremost in their minds: "There was a photographer across the street when you kissed. You'd better be ready, because it starts now."

Before leaving, the bodyguard made them promise to call him if they went out. Justin assured him that they weren't thinking of going anywhere. Lonnie grinned and laughed out loud as Jamie blushed a deep red. Although nervous, Justin was on a mental high he didn't even get while performing.

They entered the apartment and Justin started pacing around the living room after throwing his bag on Jamie's bed. His eyes were bright and a broad grin split his face. "That was just so cool." He threw his arms up in the air and spun around. "I felt so free, so liberated, like I could do anything. It was if, for a moment, I was just another guy in New York kissing his boyfriend and nobody cared."

Jamie smiled at him. "Well a few people cared. You were great when that car honked at us."

Justin stopped moving and put his hands on Jamie's shoulders. "I meant what I said. I'm very proud to be in love with you and now the whole world will know. When I'm with you, I don't feel like a celebrity, like my life is this crazy mess. You make me feel like life is normal and everything's great."

Jamie's hand came up and he rubbed his fingers over Justin's cheek. The last time that hand had touched Justin there, it had left a vivid print. "How could we have hurt each other so much?"

Justin's smile slipped a little and he pulled Jamie tightly against him. "I can never make up for how sorry I am that I said those things to you or for losing my temper."

"Justin, please don't beat yourself up. It's just as much my fault... more." Jamie took a few steps away. "I knew deep down how you'd react to the prenup and I did it anyway. It took me four days to work up the courage to give it to you."

"There's more isn't there?"

Jamie turned to face him. He realized that as much as he knew Justin, Justin knew him just as well. He licked his lips, nervously. "Why can't I trust you?"

Justin looked at Jamie in surprise. "You don't trust me? But I thought... when you..." He rubbed his forehead in frustration. "I don't understand."

Jamie took Justin's face in his hands. "I didn't realize until I saw you at the studio that there's still a very small part of me that doesn't want to let go. I just can't seem to..." Jamie started getting frustrated at not being able to convey his feelings. "Justin, I just don't know what to do."

Justin rubbed Jamie's shoulders. "Oh, sweetie. Do you love me?" Jamie nodded as the tears tracked down his cheeks. "I knew you did and I never doubted it. I love you very much and never question that. This is something we can work on together." His fingers ran through Jamie's hair. "Have you talked to Leslie about this?"

"A little."

"When we get home, let's do some sessions together with Greg, ok?"

"That would be good." Jamie rested his forehead on Justin's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry that I said what I did. It's not true."

"I forgive you, totally. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course, but can I forgive myself? I promised never to hurt you and what did I do? The first real argument we have, I..."

Justin never finished the thought. Jamie forcefully pushed him up against the wall and locked their mouths together. His tongue ran along Justin's lips, making him moan. Jamie grabbed Justin's head and forced his tongue into his mouth. Justin responded with a shiver as his arms circled Jamie's waist and firmly held them together.

Finally they separated to breathe. They stood panting while silently looking at each other. One of Jamie's hands caressed the side of Justin's head, his thumb tracing one eyebrow. Justin sighed happily as his fingers rubbed the small of Jamie's back.

"I love you so much," Justin said softly, his eyes watery with tears.

"And I love you. But we have to forgive each other... and ourselves, then move on." His fingers wiped at the drops on Justin's cheeks. "It seems we're even now."

Justin cocked his head to the side. "Huh?"

"We've both hurt each other. Let's try not to do it anymore."

"I fully agree with you there. Will you still marry me?"

Jamie smiled. "There was never any question in my mind. Come on," Jamie urged as he grabbed at Justin's arm and pulled him along. Justin smiled as they entered Jamie's bedroom. Kicking the door shut, Jamie grabbed the hem of Justin's shirt and pulled it and his undershirt all the way off him. "I am majorly horny and want you so bad."

Justin moaned with his own need and pulled on Jamie's shirt. The buttons popped and flew as Justin nearly tore the shirt off of him. "I want you more."

They quickly got undressed and fell together onto the bed. Laying side by side they kissed feverishly as their hands roamed. Jamie groaned around Justin's tongue as Justin's hand moved down over his balls and between his legs.

Justin's teeth nipped at Jamie's lower lip as he pulled away. "What do you want, sweet pea?"

Jamie groaned louder when Justin's fingertips stroked the soft skin underneath his balls and slipped over his hole. "You... I want you," he panted. "Please tell me..." Jamie stopped and grunted as Justin pushed one fingertip against him and slipped inside. He reached between them and firmly grasped Justin's erection. It was long and hard in his hand.

"I'm gonna..." Justin began before gasping. "Oh, ya baby," he murmured as Jamie played with the head of his dick. "I'm gonna slide inside you."

"More," Jamie gasped.

Justin reached over to the night table and grabbed the lube. "Then I'm gonna slowly make love to you."

"Mmmmmm....." Jamie was quickly going into the special place that Justin jokingly referred to as the zone. With deliberated slowness he licked down Jamie's chest and stomach, the salty taste making his dick throb. Jamie shivered in delight.

"You taste so good," Justin purred as he sat up. He smiled and spread Jamie's legs. They parted without hesitation and wrapped around Justin's waist. Justin lubed himself up then rubbed the excess onto Jamie. He slowly pushed and Jamie grunted as he entered.

"Is this ok?" Justin asked when he was halfway in.

"More, please don't stop," Jamie croaked.

Justin leaned down and kissed Jamie. Jamie's response was instinctual as his hands grasped Justin's hips and shoved his tongue into Justin's mouth. They both groaned as Justin slid the rest of the way so he was deeply imbedded.

Jamie squealed into Justin's mouth as Justin moved his hips up then let them settle gently back down. He broke the kiss the second time Justin did it. "Oh God! Don't ever stop, Justin. Make love to me."

Justin lay still and looked into Jamie's glazed eyes. "Forever, my love." He retook Jamie's mouth with his as his hips set up a steady, deliberate rhythm.

They groaned and moaned to each other as they made love. Justin's steely hardness drove into Jamie again and again in a slow, agonizing pace that made Jamie's head spin. Before long, Jamie couldn't take anymore.

"Justin, I'm gonna cum. It feels too good."

"Hold on, sweetie." Justin got up on his knees and applied lube to Jamie's hard, leaking cock. Jamie whined when Justin pulled out of him. Justin straddled Jamie's hips and sat down on Jamie's cock taking him fully in one sharp thrust.

"Aaaahhhhh," Justin groaned loudly as Jamie entered and filled him. "Cum in me, baby." He leaned down and licked at Jamie's lips.

Jamie's hips took over and pushed upwards on reflex. Justin matched his movement in reverse and pushed down as Jamie pushed up. He closed his eyes, feeling Jamie stretch him. It stung a little but the pleasure more than made up for it. He loved how thick Jamie was and the full feeling it gave him. Justin held back his orgasm as Jamie pumped into him.

"You feel so good... so, so good..." Jamie mumbled. He tried to stroke Justin but Justin held his hands away.

"Not yet, sweetie." Jamie nodded and put his hands on Justin's thighs. Justin rubbed his hands up and down Jamie's sweaty chest as Jamie moved sharply under him. He could feel Jamie tensing and his dick hardening more inside him. He reached back and played with Jamie's hole with his fingers.

Jamie's hips heaved violently, raising Justin from the bed. Justin saw stars as Jamie buried himself deep inside. "Jus... Justin... I'm... oh God!" Jamie screamed as he came. Justin nearly came with him as he felt Jamie pulse inside him. Jamie's dick was still oozing a little when Justin raised up and released him. His body was still shuddering as his orgasm wound down when Justin grabbed his ankles and pushed roughly back into him.

Jamie screamed in pleasure and surprise as Justin thrust into him over and over. "Yes, baby. Fuck me, Justin." Jamie's body was once again washed away with feelings as Justin took complete possession of him.

Every time Justin pushed deeply inside, Jamie grunted. The noises were deep and sexy which turned Justin on even more. Justin was breathing heavy and taking in huge amounts of air as he pounded away. Jamie's hands rubbed up and down his chest. Every time his fingers brushed across Justin's nipples, Justin groaned.

Jamie smiled up at Justin, who looked back at him with a lust filled grin. With a smirk, he grabbed each nipple and pinched and pulled. Justin's thrusts became more desperate and forceful. Jamie cried out as Justin speared him as deep as he could with each inward push.

Finally Justin couldn't hold back. He buried himself deeply and came. As he shot he fell on top of Jamie and crashed their mouths together. Their tongues dueled hungrily as Justin pulsed over and over. Jamie sighed as the warmth of Justin's cum filled him.

They lay side by side with Justin's head on Jamie's chest. Justin's fingers swirled and played with the hair on Jamie's stomach.

"That was so incredible," Justin said, breaking the silence.

"I know this sounds awful, but make up sex IS the best."

Justin looked up at him, his eyes twinkling. "Any kind of sex with you is the best."

Jamie leaned down and they kissed. Justin sighed when they separated and lay his head back onto Jamie. They had spent the entire afternoon pleasing each other until they were both exhausted and drained.

"Justin, where's Fitzgerald?"

Justin wasn't surprised by Jamie's abrupt change of topic and smiled. "She's fine. I made sure the automatic feeder was filled and the water thing was turned on."

Jamie nodded, relieved. They had pampered the cat until she was spoiled and Jamie would never forgive himself if anything happened to her. The auto-feeder was a blessing. Just fill it up and Fitzie ate when and how much she wanted. It held enough food for several weeks. The waterer was a fancy gadget that, at the time, Jamie thought cost way too much money. Once it was installed he praised it's inventor. It was connected into the house tap water and worked like the feeder.

"I didn't realize until just now how much I miss her. She's my baby."

Justin smiled and kissed Jamie's stomach. "I know, mine too." He paused thoughtfully. "Jamie, do you ever see us having kids?"

Jamie tugged on Justin's shoulder until he moved and they were eye to eye. "I have thought about it," he said hesitantly. "Would you like to?"

"At some point, yes. I've always wanted to be a father and raising a family with you would be so wonderful."

Jamie smiled and gave him a smooch. "I think the same. How will we do it with the hectic schedules that we have, especially you?"

"Others do it. We'll work it one day at a time. Once you get your Masters, things will be more settled. You'll be freer to move around with us or stay at home if that's what we need to do. I'd love to have you and our children on tour with me."

"Children? Like more than one?"

Justin smiled. "Lots and lots."

With a deep sigh, Jamie played with the chain around Justin's neck. "That sounds like the perfect life to me. But they wouldn't give even one kid to us with the way our lives are now."

"Why not? If busy people like Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe or Madonna can do it why couldn't we?"

"True, I'm not saying we can't, I know we could. But Justin, they had their -own-. We'd be adopting."

Justin thought over that one. "That's true, I hadn't thought of it that way. Well, once you're done with school, things should be slowing down for us too. We hope to be around long term, but we know we won't be this hot forever. A major tour every other year or so with more free time means more family time."

Jamie nodded with a smile. "Sounds like a plan."

Justin was still thinking. Jamie could see it on his face. "Hey, how about something like a surrogate mother?"

"You mean artificial insemination? You've been thinking alot about this haven't you?"

Justin nodded. "Ya to both."

"Ok, there's a problem there, we'd need to find someone to donate the egg."

"I'm sure we there would be someone."

"And more importantly who gets to be the father?"

"You, of course."

Jamie looked at him shocked. "Why me?"

Justin snorted. "Look at you, you're perfect."

Jamie blushed at the compliment as Justin's lips met his. "I... um..." Jamie stammered. "See what you do to me? I can't even form a sentence." They giggled together. "I think we'd have a fight about this one, because I'd want the father to be you."

Justin pursed his lips in thought. "Ok, no fighting. So we go adoption."

Jamie smiled and rested their foreheads together. "That works for me."

Justin chomped on his crust as he watched Jamie try not to get cheese all over himself. They told Lonnie the truth when they said that they had no intention of leaving the apartment. When they got hungry, they ordered a pizza, had it delivered and sat at the table in their boxers.

"How's the songwriting coming?" Jamie asked as they ate.

"Doing good so far. I've written a couple of more songs alone and with Wade and started on another. Chris wrote a couple and I think Joey and Lance are doing one too."

"Nice. Anything album worthy?" Jamie knew that even though a song was written, it didn't mean it would be automatically used. That was the way the artistic process worked with recording stars. Plus, he'd heard from Joey that Justin had written an incredible sad song that they knew for sure would be on the album.

"I think so. We're planning on using a song from Max Martin that he sent us last week. Then there's..." Justin faltered and looked down

Jamie put his hand on one of Justin's. "You know he'll be back soon and he'll have all kinds of ideas."

Justin exhaled loudly. "Do we know that for sure? He's been gone six weeks with hardly no word except for the two days we saw him at the Superbowl. Even then he didn't say anything to anyone." The anger left him and his shoulders slumped. "We all miss him so much. I miss him. How does Lance stand it? I didn't see or talk to you for almost a week and I was a mess. It makes me wonder how he's held himself together so long."

Jamie rubbed the back of Justin's hand. "I know. Lance is real good at burying what he's feeling and he's more on edge than he lets on. He's a workaholic by nature, so it's easy for him to keep distracting himself from his problems."

Justin sighed and they continued eating. "So how long do you think it will take before Mel calls?"

Jamie smiled at Justin over his beer. "Probably within the next hour."

Justin nodded and picked up another slice. "That's what I was thinking."

"Justin, have you thought about what happens now? What we do?"

"I'm sure Mel will have all kinds of ideas but I guess we should be on the same page before we talk to her."

"I agree. So....?"

"I wasn't kidding when I said it was time. I'm not fighting it anymore and no more evading the questions."

"Are you ready for that?"

Justin smiled. "No, but I don't care. I talked to Chris about this last night before I left for the airport and he was gonna tell the others. He agreed that if I felt it was time, then we should go for it." He paused for a second. "You're ready, right?"

Jamie kissed his cheek. "I am if you are. How do you think it will go down?"

"No idea and it doesn't matter as long as I can keep my dignity. That's all I'm nervous about."

Jamie stroked the side of Justin's face and the phone rang. "Give you two guesses who that is and the first one doesn't count."

Justin took a nervous breath and stood. Jamie ran into his bedroom and got the second cordless so they could talk to Mel together. Jamie answered the phone, firmly holding Justin's hand.

"Hi, Mel," he said carefully when he found that it was indeed her.

"Jamie, is Justin with you?"

"Right here on the extension."

"Justin Timberlake, what the hell are you doing?!!" Mel exclaimed.

Justin watched anxiously out the cab window as they circled the hotel. There didn't seem to be anybody hanging around that normally wouldn't be there and he relaxed slightly.

Jamie patted his thigh. "Nobody knows your in town, really. I think it's fairly safe to go in."

Justin smiled. "Until we want to leave."

"You think?"

"From experience. Someone will see us going in and there'll be fans outside within the half hour."

Jamie nodded in understanding. The cab pulled to the curb in front of the hotel and a doorman opened the cab door for them. They hit the sidewalk at a brisk walk. Lonnie joined them as they entered the warm quiet of the lobby.

"Hey, Lon. Are we going up or meeting her here?"

Lonnie opened his mouth and Mel's voice came out. "You're meeting her here." The comical look on Lonnie's face made her laugh.

"Chicken!" Jamie said, calling her by the affectionate nickname she got from the guys.

They hugged and she looked at both of them. "Ok, let's go get some lunch. How about at Planet Hollywood in Times Square?"

Jamie and Justin looked at her in shock. After yesterday they were sure she'd want a private meeting out of the public eye. Lonnie laughed loud and long at the confused look on their faces.

The waitress put down their drinks and took their orders, then left them alone.

"I bet you're wondering why I called you all here?" Mel started.

Jamie snickered and pointed at her. "I bet you've been waiting forever to say that."

Mel nodded with a broad smile. "I never get to since I'm the one always getting the summons."

"I guess we need to talk about yesterday," Justin said quietly.

"Yup, we do. Lonnie told me all about it. Lucky for all of us I was in town because I wouldn't want to talk to you about this over the phone. Now, nothing's been heard at the office yet, but I'm sure we'll get something if it was someone from the press. Nobody would print those first without contacting us."

"What if it was someone out for themselves?" Jamie looked over to Justin and shrugged an apology when he saw his concerned look.

Mel's evil smile unnerved Jamie. "That's even better."

"How so?"Justin asked.

"Remember when we first worked out this little -arrangement-?" They both nodded. "We talked about how someone forcing you out would get you sympathy from the fans. Well, if it -was- someone looking to make a little extra dough it works in your favor."

"I get it," Justin smiled. "We'll get blackmailed then we can call their bluff and throw their ass in jail. The whole time it will be exactly what we wanted to happen anyway."

"Exactly," Mel said proudly. "Either way you come out looking good as long as we can control the information. The worst possible thing right now would be for the story to break without your involvement."

Jamie looked confused. "How do we do that? What if a major newspaper has the pictures and just prints them?"

Mel patted his arm. "This is my world, the chances of that happening are almost none. Not even the rags would do it without checking and trying to force an interview. All the legit news outlets will contact us to verify and get a statement of some kind."

"So it looks like we're in a win-win here?" Justin asked. Mel nodded as their food was placed in front of them.

Jamie picked up his fork. "So any advice about what we do now? Should we head back home or hide out here?"

Mel took a bite from a french fry. "I'd stick to whatever schedule you were keeping for now. There's no need to change anything. Plus that will give the sharks some access to you when they figure out your flights and stuff."

Jamie shivered a little thinking about the media scrutiny. Justin noticed. "You alright?" he asked rubbing his shoulder.

Jamie nodded. "Ya, I'll get used to the reporters. Maybe we can stop all the ambushing by holding a press conference, an interview or something when it does come out."

Mel smiled at him. "We can do whatever you two feel comfortable about. Until something happens, just relax and have some fun. You don't have to hide anymore."

Jamie looked over at Justin who was smiling broadly. "You're right. I feel so full of power."

They chuckled and Justin leaned toward Jamie. Lonnie reached up to pull Justin back but Mel slapped his arm down. They watched as Justin kissed Jamie right in the middle of the restaurant. The kiss was tame but full of feeling. Jamie's heart sped up the minute Justin's lips touched his and almost groaned when just a hint of Justin's tongue ran along his lower lip.

Jamie blushed and licked his lips as Justin sat back. Justin beamed back at him.

"So when's the wedding?" Mel asked as if nothing had happened.

"April 21st," Justin replied his eyes still locked with Jamie's. "Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Jamie grinned. "I dunno, Brain, but I thought Regis Philbin was already married?"

"No, that's not it.... It's time to take over the world. And today we start with New York City."

They were travel weary when they walked up to the front door of the house. Lonnie tooted before driving off in the rental car. They waved then turned to get inside, they were looking forward to relaxing at home for the rest of the weekend. It was warm for February and Jamie was glad for the weather after a week of New York cold.

The door swung open and they went in. "It's Saturday, do you know where your kitty is?" Justin asked as Fitzgerald came running from somewhere and leaped into Jamie's arms. She purred loudly and rubbed her cheek against his face.

"Hey, baby. You miss your daddies?" The cat meowed loudly and settled down with her front paws on Jamie's shoulder.

"She must really miss you, she usually gets right down," Justin said with a smile. He reached up and scratched behind her ears as he shut the door.

Jamie took a couple of steps into the living room and sniffed. "What's that smell? And why is it so warm in here?"

"Well, it's warm because I turned the AC down when I left. I have no idea what the smell is."

Jamie looked around then headed to the kitchen while Justin carried their bags up to their bedroom. Jamie's yell brought him running back downstairs. He skidded a little on the tiled floor. "What's wrong?"

Jamie stood in the center of the kitchen. "Bugs! Oh my God, we're infested."

Justin looked around and saw the ants crawling everywhere as the buzzing of flies registered. "Ugh! How'd this happen?"

Jamie walked across the kitchen and saw the splattered remains of the orange Justin had thrown the week before surrounded by shards of Jamie's glass. "Remember the orange and the juice?"

Justin nodded and crossed his arms. "I..." He turned his head. "I'm..." he stammered then sighed deeply.

Jamie came to him and leaned against his arms. "It's just as much my fault. Can I see a smile?"

Justin pouted. Jamie pushed his head up and kissed him, his tongue sliding along Justin's lips. He settled back down to see Justin smiling through a slight blush.

"That's better. Why don't you go pack some clothes? I'll call Lance and then see if I can't find an exterminator that will make an emergency weekend call."

They dragged their stuff through Lance's front door and trudged up to the main guest room. Justin was loaded down with 3 large bags and one of Jamie's guitars. Jamie had Fitzgerald in a carrier with a bag full of her things and another guitar.

"When did the exterminator say he'd be at the house?"

"First thing Monday morning," Jamie grumbled.

"Couldn't get him to agree to tomorrow, huh?"

"No, his daughter is getting married. Some excuse." They laughed as they stowed their bags and set up the food, water and litter box for Fitzgerald. Jamie let her out of the carrier and she explored her new surroundings.

"How long before we can go back?"

"He said a couple of days from my description."

"Where was Lance?"

"Toronto. He'll be back around dinner time tomorrow. He was glad to have us stay and said that the location scouting went really well. They should be ready to film by the beginning of March."

"That's great. You know what Wednesday is?"

Jamie nodded sadly. "Ya, Valentine's Day," Jamie said in a whisper.

"Let's do something really nice for the three of us? I know it would be great to spend the day alone together, but Lance needs us."

Jamie went into Justin's arms and hugged him. "You hungry?"

"Very," Justin said with a smoldering look in his eyes.

"For food, horn-dog."

"Ya, that too."

"This is nice," Justin murmured sleepily.

Jamie snuggled up against him as the morning sun lit up the room. "I love sleeping with you."

"Of course you do, I'm a god!" Justin smiled and flexed his free arm making his bicep bulge.

The sharp comment on Jamie's lips died at the sight. He couldn't ever deny the physical attraction he had for Justin. When Justin touched him it made his heart beat faster and his breath come quicker. Sometimes, just the sight of some bare skin would start his erection growing.

Jamie closed his eyes and buried his head in Justin's shoulder. He could still feel the silky softness of Justin's skin, could smell the unique scent that was Justin but without seeing he could control his desires... slightly better anyway.

"You sure are," he finally answered. Justin lowered his arm and grinned then raked his fingers through Jamie's hair.

"I like just laying here and being close to you all night long. It's so warm and comfortable, like the world doesn't exist or doesn't matter." His fingers moved along Jamie's face and traced his eyebrows and cheekbones. "It's the best feeling in the world, like nothing can touch us and we're safe. I lay here holding you and wish that morning would never come."

Jamie opened his eyes and gazed up at Justin. "I don't care what anybody says, you're a romantic to the core."

"It's easy when I have a good reason to be." Justin snuggled down and they kissed. "So I have a new nickname for you."


"Ya, I like calling you Pinky."

"It isn't because I'm shorter than you is it?" Jamie huffed.

Justin shrugged and Jamie poked him with a laugh. "No, not that really. Partly because we're always doing that stupid routine from the cartoon but also because you're as much a part of me as my pinky fingers."

"See.. I was right, soooo romantic. I'm glad you picked that and not liver or lung or something." They laughed and kissed again. "I don't think I'm changing JuJu."

Justin smiled. "I like it when you call me that. Don't worry, I'm not totally abandoning sweet pea either."

Jamie smiled and kissed Justin's shoulder. "Good. But I think in public I'll start calling you JJ."

Justin thought for a minute then nodded. "That sounds good. So sweat pea and JuJu are for private times when we're alone or as alone as we get with the guys."

"And the others for when we're out in public," Jamie agreed.

Justin moved his lips to Jamie's and lightly kissed along them. "Do you remember the first time we made love? It was in this bed."

Jamie smiled and pushed his tongue into Justin's mouth. "How could I ever forget?"

"Make love to me, Jamie, like that first time."

They rolled, tangling the sheets up around them.

Jamie and Lance were playing a game of pool while Justin dozed on a nearby couch, supposedly waiting his turn to play the winner. "I still have no idea why I said yes and exactly what you want me to do."

Lance smiled. "It's pretty simple. For now, you read screenplays and talk to writers about writing and submitting them. I'll pay you per piece for every critique until we get a little more solvent. Once this first movie gets made and we start seeing some profit, I'll hire you on salary and down the road we can talk about a position with a little more responsibility."

Jamie smiled at Lance. "Why me? I'm sure there are tons of people out there that are much more qualified."

"You're right," Lance kidded him playfully, "but I like to hire people I know and trust. Freelance was like that and I'm doing the same thing with A Happy Place. The great thing about it is that it won't interfere with anything you want to do career-wise. If we hit it big, I might try to persuade you to become Vice-President of something." Lance grinned broadly at Jamie and raised his eyebrows in a 'please, pretty please' expression.

"Oh, ok. It seems all you guys want me to do is proof-read things. Did Justin tell you that he finished that sample chapter?"

"He mentioned it. Any good?"

Jamie shrugged his shoulders. "I think so, but he's being skeptical in case nobody snatches it up. He has somebody running it by several publishers."

"Wow, I didn't realize he had gotten that far."

Jamie nodded. He's been working hard on that chapter and a plot outline for the last month. We're just waiting to hear now."

They continued playing and laughed at the snores and snorts coming from Justin as he slept. "What's tired him out?" Lance asked with a smirk.

Jamie poked him good-naturedly. "He was up late last night working on some lyrics. It's all hush hush. He won't let me see. He's supposed to be meeting with Robin in a few days so he wants to get it done."

They were interrupted when Jamie's cell phone rang.

"Oh hi, Johnny," Jamie answered after saying hello. He looked at Lance and turned slightly pale. "We'll be right over."

Lance had one eyebrow arched. "Is this it?"

"They think so. Johnny and Mel want us to get to the compound as soon as possible. You guys are supposed to come too."

"Ok, you wake sleeping beauty and I'll call Joey and Chris."

Lance went upstairs. Jamie looked over at Justin and smiled. He had such a peaceful, carefree look on his face as he slept that he hated to wake him.

Jamie crossed the room and knelt beside him. He gently shook Justin's shoulder. "Justin, you need to wake up."

"Whaaa?" Justin asked, his voice thick.

"Johnny called. They got something at the compound."

Justin sat up quickly, rubbing his eyes. "So it begins."

Jamie nodded and held out his hands. Justin took them in his and they rested their foreheads together. "No matter what, we'll still be together," Jamie affirmed.

Justin smiled, his nervousness forgotten. "Nothing will come between us."

Jamie kissed him then pulled him from the couch. "Let's go."

Joey and Chris had beat them there and were waiting when they arrived.

"Hey guys!" Chris called.

"How'd both of you get here so quick? Chris, your house is across town." Justin asked.

"I'm staying with Joe while my house gets repainted." Justin nodded at Chris with a smile.

Joey clapped Jamie on the shoulder. "Nice to see you back, squirt."

"Good to see you too," Jamie smiled as they hugged.

"How's the extermination going?"

Jamie frowned at Joey in disgust. "They said we can go back in on Friday. It was worse than it looked."

Joey made a face. "Ick."

"You're telling me!" Justin laughed.

They gathered in the lounge with Mel and Johnny. They all sat nervously while Mel chatted aimlessly until Johnny finished with a phone call.

"So any idea why it took all weekend?" Justin asked.

Mel shrugged. "No idea. There might be some clue in the envelope."

"You haven't looked?" Lance asked.

Mel shook her head. "It's addressed to Justin and has 'personal' written on it. We decided to wait for you."

Justin smiled nervously at her and looked down at the large manila envelope laying on the coffee table.

Johnny snapped his cell phone closed with a sigh. "Ok, let's get this over with."

Justin picked up the envelope like it would bite him. He sensed the tension in the room as if everyone was echoing his feelings. A gently hand, rubbing his knee, comforted him. Looked at Jamie, next to him, he smiled.

"I love you," Jamie mouthed silently to him.

With a deep breath, Justin broke the seal across the flap.


Notes: Darling, Je Vous Aime, Beaucoup: Another Nat King Cole song. For those of you who didn't take French in High School the translations are as follows:

je vous aime, beaucoup: I love you very much

je ne sais pas: I don't know

toujours: always

cherie: darling, my dear

tres, tres fort: very, very strong

compree: understand Impromptu comedy routine from 'Pinky and the Brain' a WB cartoon about two lab mice that try to take over the world... it's a hoot.

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com AIM: bangoremail http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bangoremail1

Next: Chapter 67: Here and Now

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