Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Aug 3, 2001


Greetings everyone,

I'm writing this note just one week after the release of Celebrity and just saw the figures for the first week of sales: 1.88 million. I must say, that's so incredible. My mind can't even comprehend how many CD's that really is, almost 2 million of the suckers. Congrats to the guys.

I've listened to it a couple of times and I like most of it. I know the rest will grow on me the more I listen. No Strings Attached was like that for me too. Right now, I'd have to say my favorite tracks are Pop, The Two of Us, Gone, Selfish and Something Like You. Ya, I'm a sucker for ballads.

As always thanks to everyone who's written... especially to Nino for his help, as always, and to Mark, Brian, Philip, Pete, Bryan and Sam for ideas and suggestions lately.

So... will our loving couple get back together? If that question makes you worry then you haven't been paying attention to my notes before the chapters. LOL The big question is how will it happen? and will it happen during this chapter?

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

You Oughta Be Here With Me

"If you think it's lonesome where you are tonight

Then you oughta be here with me

If you think there's heartaches where you are tonight

Then you oughta be here with me

Because with you, I'm whole

Without you I'm cold

If teardrops are fallin' where you are tonight

Then you oughta be here with me

Loneliness calling where you are tonight

Then you oughta be here with me

Because with you, I'm whole

Without you I'm cold

So if you think about me where you are tonight

Then you oughta be here with me"

  • Roger Miller: 1985

There was a pleasant sensation of someone nibbling and kissing the back of his neck. "Justin," he mumbled sleepily. There was a snort and the licking continued to his shoulder.

Jamie rolled a little and blinked open his eyes. "Zack??!! What the hell are you doing?" Jamie shouted, jumping out of bed. He turned and grabbed his robe and looked back over to the bed to see Lance smiling at him from under the covers.

"Hey," his deep voice said.

Jamie shook his head and rubbed his eyes. When he looked a second time the bed was empty. He sat down heavily. 'Now I know I'm going crazy,' he thought.

"Yes, you are," a voice answered from the door.

Jamie didn't even have to look up. "I'm dreaming, huh?"

"Yup," Rocky said cheerily as he sat down on the bed.

"Why are you still haunting me?"

The dream Rocky shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I'm always with you. You said so yourself."

"So what's your advice about this."

"You need to go back to Orlando and make up with him. It's killing you both."

"I know," Jamie sighed. "But why hasn't he returned any of my calls?"

"Come on now. You know he's terrible about his cell phone battery."

"I've left messages at the house too."

"Maybe he's not staying at home..."

After Monday, they didn't show much of Jamie on the Rosie show, to Justin's disappointment. He had taped it each day and constantly rewound the tape to catch every glimpse of him he could. Most of the time he ended up crying in his room.

While on a break from the studio one afternoon, he had a craving for some ice cream. He shopped around the market, half-heartedly looking down the aisles. Everywhere he looked, it seemed, things reminded him of Jamie, making his heart ache even more.

With a heartfelt sigh, Justin started to leave the market hugging the shopping bag to his side. A couple of young girls stopped him just after the check out to politely ask for autographs. With a practiced smile, he signed their notebooks and even a paper bag. When he got done he noticed that more were gathering and decided to leave quickly.

Just outside the doors he saw a couple of reporters with cameras lurking in the parking lot. He made a mad dash for his car.

"Mr. Timberlake, may we ask you some questions please?" the woman called as the cameras flashed and they followed quickly behind him.

"I'm sorta in a hurry," Justin answered.

"How do you feel about your friend, Jamie's, homosexuality?"

Justin turned on the woman with a frown. "I've already answered that question."

"I remember the group statement. Care to make a personal one?"

Justin sighed in frustration. "I will say again that NSync is supportive of anyone and doesn't discriminate on any basis. Jamie's our friend and the guys and I fully support him." He turned and took the two steps to his car.

"And what's your response about the speculation about your own sexuality?"

Justin stopped again the key halfway to the lock. He turned his head. "I don't see how that's anybody's concern but my own. What does it matter if I'm gay or straight? It's not your business and I'm slightly insulted that you feel it is. Who or how I love should be private."

"I notice you don't answer the question."

"That's all the answer you get. Good day."

Getting in the car, he pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the street. After a minute, he pulled over and slumped against the steering wheel. "Jamie, I need you," he sighed unhappily.

Jamie sat at the back of the club, enjoying the band on stage. Zack was playing up a storm and sounding great. 'He was always so talented,' Jamie thought in appreciation.

He sighed for what must have been the billionth time that day. He still hadn't heard from Justin even though he'd left at least 6 messages between the house and Justin's cell phone over the last three days.

'How can I apologize if he doesn't talk to me?' Jamie wailed internally.

Zack interrupted his thoughts as he sat across the table from him. "Earth to Jamie!" he smiled.

Jamie smiled back, although it was a small one. "Hey. You sound good."

"Thanks and thanks for coming. Still no word, huh?"

Jamie shook his head sadly. "Now what?"

Zack shrugged. "Have you talked to the guys?"

"Lance, very briefly yesterday. Seems Justin and Wade have written a few more songs and they are just waiting for Josh to show his face to start the serious recording ."

"What'd he say about Justin?"

Jamie looked down at the table. "That he was very sad and closed off from them."

Zack looked sympathetically at Jamie. "Hey, I only have one more set and get done early. Why don't we get some dinner or something after?"

"No thanks. I'm beat and should get some sleep. I have one more morning with Rosie."

"What? No show on Friday?"

Jamie shook his head. "Nope, she's taking a long weekend so they'll show a repeat."

"Call me tomorrow. Let's hit the movies or something."

"Ok, night Zack." Jamie got up and left the club as Zack watched him go.

'Something's gotta give, and I'm not just sitting around anymore,' Zack vowed to himself as he went back to the stage.

Driving around town, Justin wallowed in his self pity. "Why doesn't he call me?" Justin asked nobody as he made his way the long way from the studio to his mother's house. Not getting an answer and not expecting one he punched the button to turn on the radio. Immediately the car was filled with the sounds of an oldies station that Jamie particularly liked.

"Strolling along country roads with my baby

It starts to rain, it begins to pour

Without an umbrella we're soaked to the skin

I feel a shiver run up my spine

I feel the warmth of her hand in mine

Oo, I hear laughter in the rain

Walking hand in hand with the one I love

Oo, how I love the rainy days

And the happy way I feel inside

After a while we run under a tree

I turn to her and she kisses me

There with the beat of the rain on the leaves

Softly she breathes and I close my eyes

Sharing our love under stormy skies

Oo, I hear laughter in the rain....."

Justin's hand lashed out and jabbed at the preset buttons to change the station. What came on wasn't much better, another of Jamie's favorites that played light jazz.

"Don't know why, there's no sun up in the sky

Stormy weather

Since my gal and I ain't together

Keeps raining all the time

Life is bare, gloom and misery everywhere

Stormy weather

Just can't get my poor old self together

I'm weary all the time

Every time

So weary all of the time

When she went away

The blues walked in and then they met me....."

Again, Justin couldn't take listening and chose one of the top 40 stations.

"...I lie awake

And I drive myself crazy

Drive myself crazy

Thinking of you

Made a mistake,

When I let you go baby..."

Justin switched the radio off completely, tears staining his cheeks. He grabbed his cell phone and tried to turn it on. Remembering that the battery was dead, he threw it into the back seat with a growl. Somewhere in the distance thunder rumbled in the warm night air, echoing his mood.

With a slight squeal, he pulled into the driveway and ran into the house. He had made a decision and one phone call would hopefully fix all his problems.

Lance picked up his cell phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me."

"Hi, Wade. What's up?"

"You talked with Justin this afternoon?"

"Not really, I tried but he asked me not too. Is he ok?"

"As far as I know, but he seemed -really- depressed when he left the studio a little while ago."

"Thanks for letting me know, I'll check on him."

The phone rang and Jamie answered reluctantly. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me."

"Hi, Zack."

"I just got home and figured I'd check to see if you're alright. You seemed pretty down."

"I am, but I'll be ok."

Phil ran and grabbed the hall phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me."

"Hi sweetie. How's the songwriting coming?"

"Doing good. I miss you."

"God, I miss you too, Wade."

"You still meeting me in New York during your vacation?"

"You couldn't keep me away."

"Good, we need to celebrate your birthday."

"And yours too, sexy."

Wade murmured in delight. "I love you, you know that?"

"Yes, but I like hearing it. I love you too."

They made some lovey small talk which would've meant some major ribbing for both if anyone had overheard them before Wade brought up the subject of Jamie and Justin.

"Um, Phil?"


"Have you talked to Jamie lately?"

Phil let out a long sigh. "The other night. How's Justin?"

"Doing about as well."

Jamie heard the phone ring just as the door closed. 'The machine will get it,' he reasoned and took a step down the hall. Stopping in his tracks he had a thought. 'What if it's Justin?' He scrambled to get the door open as he heard the answering machine click on. Hastily grabbing the receiver, he pushed the stop button.


The only answer was a dial tone. With a defeated sigh, he headed to down to the corner store. He almost hoped he'd run into Carson tonight. He felt like hitting somebody.

Justin bounded down the stairs, a bag in his hands. He paused in the living room when he saw Chris sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was a little worried about you."

"I'm ok," Justin said defensively.

"Um, sure you are. So where you off to so late?"

"I need to do something about this, it's killing me."

Chris nodded. "You need company?"

Justin shook his head. "No, I'm gonna be fine on my own. I'm a big boy now and besides, Lonnie is coming with me."

"Ok, I'll let the others know."

The phone started ringing in the empty house. After four rings the answering machine kicked into gear.

"You have reached the Harliss residence. Please leave a message after the tone." Beep

"Um... Lynn, this is Jamie. I'm looking for Justin. We haven't talked in forever and I left my cell phone at the house. I hoped he'd call the apartment. Justin please call me..."

Jamie hung up unable to continue through the lump in his throat.

"Joey! Phone for you," Kelly called from the couch.

"Thanks, babe." He picked up the office extension. "I'm here, speak."

"Joe, this is Zack. I'm worried about Jamie."

Jamie sat staring at the television hardly paying any attention to it. Slowly but surely his sadness and loneliness were being replaced with worry and anger. "Why hasn't he called me?" he asked another generic commercial.

No answer came when an announcement of the Grammy Award show came on. "Performances by Toni Braxton, NSync..." the rest was lost on Jamie as the heat rose in his face.

"Damn you!" he shouted as he shut off set and stomped into his bedroom in tears.

Lance's cell rang again. He sighed in frustration. Trying to get as much done for Meredith before the filming for his movie started was becoming almost impossible.

"Hello..." he chimed almost tonelessly.

"I was just talking to Zack. We can't just sit on this any longer. We gotta do something."

"What would you suggest, Joe?" Lance asked.

Jamie walked into the studio and headed directly to the band's dressing room. He found that although he was early he was still the last one there. Rosie stopped him just inside the door as he put down his knapsack and guitar.

"There you are. I've been waiting for you."

"What's up?"

"I don't suppose you'd consider playing with us for the next year?" she said hopefully.

Jamie shrugged with a smile. "You never know, Rosie, things change. Can I answer that later?"

Rosie motioned for him to walk with her. "You can play with us anytime you want even if it's months from now. I talked to John and he agrees. Of course we won't be here in a little over a year, but there's lots of time yet. The offer stands for as long as I'm here."

Jamie nodded. "Thanks, I appreciate that."

"Now, I also wanted to talk to you because we have some special guests today that I want your help with." They had stopped at the green room door and she pushed Jamie inside before he could question what she wanted. Jamie stopped dead to see Lance and Chris arguing over a muffin.

"But it's the last blueberry one," Chris whined.

"So? I picked it up first then put it on my plate to get some butter."

"Ya, you left it and so I claimed it. That's the rules."

"Only if you don't put it on your plate, loser!"

Rosie laughed and Jamie grinned at them. "Chris, leave Lance's muffin alone," Jamie said as he crossed the room.

They both forgot the food and hugged Jamie together. "Are you ok?" Chris finally asked.

"Doing alright," Jamie said a little subdued. "So what in hell are you two doing here?"

Lance looked a little embarrassed. "We talked with Zack and were concerned about you, so we decided to come for a visit."

"We flew in this morning," Chris added.

"Thanks," Jamie said simply, teary-eyed.

Lance rubbed Jamie's back. "Well, you have a job to do. We'll talk later."

Jamie nodded then hugged Rosie. "Thank you for whatever part you had with this."

Rosie laughed and hugged him back. "Hey, I have a show and they just showed up."

"And now I have a special guest," Rosie announced. She appeared preoccupied while flipping through some cards on her desk. "John, do you like having special surprise guests?"

"Of course, I think it's fun."

Rosie grinned. "Me too. Jamie, how do you feel about these surprises?"

"I have to agree with John."

Rosie nodded. "I figured as much. You know, John, I went to see Seussical with Jamie the other night and we had a great time."

"He told me you guys went. How many times have you seen it now?"

Rosie looked down and mumbled, "Oh, about 12."

"Hmmmm?" John asked playfully. "I didn't catch that."

"Ok, too many," Rose said with a laugh. "Let's bring out our guest."

The audience applauded wildly as the curtain pulled aside and Lance stepped on stage. Rosie waited until the screams had died down and Lance was seated next to her.

"Now Lance, I love you to death and you're always welcome but you've already been my mystery guest this week."

Lance shrugged. "Well, I don't know what else to say..."

He was interrupted by the curtain billowing out and a loud voice from behind it. "Where's the opening to this thing?" Chris ran out on stage and the audience screamed and applauded once more. Chris bounced over to Rosie and kissed her on the cheek.

With a staged hostile look at Lance, Chris sat next to him. "Lance is always stealing my entrances."

"Chris, welcome to the show!" Rosie said happily.

"Glad to be here."

Rosie looked around and peered toward backstage. "Not to appear rude or anything but you aren't my mystery guest either."

Chris stood and made to leave. "Well, I know when I'm not wanted."

"Chris Kirkpatrick, you sit right down and don't move." The stern tone Rosie used made Chris sit down quickly then give her a funny face.

"So, Rosie," John interjected, "who -is- the mystery guest?"

"We'll find that out now. You all know him, even Lance and Chris. Oh, mystery guest!"

The curtain parted and Justin stepped onto the stage with a broad smile. He kissed Rosie and hugged his friends as the audience went wild. Lance and Chris moved down so he could sit next to Rosie.

Jamie sat frozen in place. The shock plain on his face as the audience applauded. He looked to Lance and noticed that he too was surprised by Justin's appearance. Chris smiled knowingly.

Jamie watched Justin as he waved to the crowd. Jamie's heart ached at the sight of him. There were dark circles under Justin's eyes that the makeup couldn't hide to his practiced eye. Jamie yearned to run into his arms. Their eyes met as Justin sat. He looked at Jamie apprehensively and Jamie nodded to him with a small smile. The smile on Justin's face, as Rosie asked her first question, was genuine and for Jamie alone.

"So, cutie, WHAT did you do to your hair?"

Justin ran a hand across his stubble then glanced at Chris. "Let's just say I wanted to try something different."

"I know there's a story there and I'll get it eventually." Justin laughed and nodded. "So what brings you all the way up here? Aren't you supposed to be recording the new album?"

"We are in the beginning stages. We've written a bunch of songs and recorded a little. I don't know about these guys, but I came up because I had some personal stuff I needed to take care of."

"Anything you'd like to share?"

Jamie's breath caught in his throat. 'He couldn't be?' he thought.

"Only that I've got a major apology to make to someone and need to beg to be forgiven." The audience 'awed' and any anger Jamie had held about the almost week long silence melted away in that instant.

"Well, I hope everything works out for you. Now that I have three fifths of you here where are the others?"

"JC is in LA somewhere doing whatever he does out there," Chris answered.

Justin looked sharply at Chris as did Lance. Lance continued. "Joey is home with his girlfriend spending some quality time."

"Yes, now what is up there? I've heard some rumors."

"You'll have to ask him," Justin said with a smirk.

"And I will," Rosie said proudly. She hit a button talked loudly. "Caller are you there?"

"Yes I am Rosie," Joey's voice came out over the speakers.

"Everyone say hello to Joey." Rosie paused as the audience screamed and applauded again. "Should I be hurt that you didn't come to visit me?"

"I really wanted to but had to stay here."

"Why is that?" Rosie asked like a little kid.

"Well, my girlfriend and I are going to have a baby and I'm staying here with her."

The shocked gasp of the audience was quickly replaced with wild applause and shouts of encouragement.

"Ooo, when is it due?"

"Near the end of April. We're very excited."

"We're all excited for you. So tell me, what happened to Justin's hair?"

"I'm sworn to silence."

"I tried. Thanks for talking with us Joey."

"Anytime, Rosie."

"When we come back more with our special guests."

The band continued to play as the audience slowly filed out. It took longer than usual as the guys let anybody who wanted come down for autographs.

As he played, Jamie watched Justin, letting instinct guide him through the changes. 'How can I still love him so much and be so mad at him,' he pondered. That Justin had come to New York tempered Jamie's thoughts. 'He still loves me.' That alone had kept Jamie sane through the last half hour while the show finished.

A flash of black caught Jamie's attention and he saw Lonnie standing off to the side. The band finished and Jamie walked up to large bodyguard with a tentative smile. "Hey there, big guy."

Lonnie looked at Jamie with a sad smile. "Hi, Red. Are you gonna fix our boy?"

Jamie sighed. "It's really up to him, Lonnie." Jamie looked over at Justin longingly and Lonnie divided his gaze between the two.

"I think he misses you a whole bunch. I know he's sorry."

"I sure hope so, Lon," Jamie sighed sadly. "He hasn't called or anything."

Lonnie looked surprised at that news and grumbled. Jamie went over and gathered his guitar and cords then shook John's hand.

"Jamie, thanks for filling in. I'm with Rosie, you're welcome to come and play with us whenever you want."

"Thanks, John. I had a great time and I'm sure I'll take you up on the offer now and again."

Jamie made sure he had all of his stuff and started across the stage. Most of the audience had gone and there were only a few loiterers hanging around taking pictures.

Justin had kept an eye on Jamie the entire time and waited for his chance. He saw Jamie head across the stage and figured this was the time. Making a polite withdrawal from the group he was with, he sprinted across the stage.

"Jamie! Hold up," he called loudly catching most people's attention in the near empty studio.

Jamie stopped then slowly turned as Justin came up to him. "Hi." He put down his guitar carefully on the floor and nervously played with the cords in his hands.

"Hey," Justin said, suddenly shy. "I think we need to talk."

Jamie nodded. "I guess so, but not here."

"Yes, here and now. I can't live another minute the way things are."

"Justin, another minute won't kill us. We haven't talked in a week." Jamie heard the hurt and accusation creep in his voice and mentally slapped himself.

Justin hung his head. "I know. You never returned my calls. Do you really hate me?"

Jamie looked at Justin in astonishment. "What do you mean 'returned -your- calls'?" His voice rose slightly. "You didn't return any of mine. I've left about 3 messages a day between your cell and the house machine. I even left one at your Mom's last night."

Justin looked at Jamie in alarm then scrubbed a hand across what remained of his hair. "I'm so stupid. My cell is dead and I haven't been back to the house since the day you left. But I called and left messages on -your- cell too."

Jamie shook his head. "I forgot it at the house. It's probably on the kitchen counter." Jamie raised tear-filled eyes to Justin. "I've missed you so much."

Carefully, as if fearing Jamie would pull away, Justin reached out and took Jamie into his arms. "Every day I'd watch you on TV and I could feel myself dying. Please, don't be mad at me anymore. I'm so sorry I said those things."

Jamie pushed out of Justin's embrace, tears staining his cheeks. "What you said hurt, Justin. Really hurt."

Justin nodded. "I know and I'm truly sorry. You have to believe that I didn't mean it. If I could take that back I would. I wish that whole argument never happened."

"Well we can't change that. You knew just what to say..."

"Please, stop!" Justin cried interrupting him. "I've been beating myself up all week. All I can think about is the look on your face."

Jamie sighed in defeat. Holding a grudge wasn't in his nature and Justin's honest remorse at his actions made Jamie's heart ache. Dropping the cords still in his hands, he pulled Justin to him and hugged him close. "I do love you and could never stop. I forgave you that night. Can you forgive me for hitting you?"

Justin sobbed a little and wrapped his arms around Jamie and squeezed tightly. "Oh God, I never deserved to be hit so much before in my life. There's nothing to forgive."

They stood in silence then, holding each other. Just the physical touch of the other soothed away a week's worth of hurt and tears as they realized they weren't mad at each other but at themselves. Forgiveness came with that embrace.

As Justin ran over to Jamie, Lance looked at Chris with a worried frown. Chris understood Lance's apprehension. He quickly addressed the remaining audience members.

"Well, I guess that's all today. Thanks for coming and being such great fans."

Lance sighed with relief as they gathered their things and started leaving. Loud words from Justin brought them all to a halt. Nobody could hear exactly what they were saying to each other, but it was impossible not to notice the intensity of the conversation.

After a few tense moments, Justin and Jamie were hugging. Lance groaned internally. This wasn't the kind of hug two friends or roommates gave one another. This was definitely and obviously more.

Thankfully Rosie hadn't been idle the entire time. As the scene between Justin and Jamie played out, she had gone to get an intern. Just when Lance thought that the situation was going out of control, she returned and the intern quickly ushered everyone out the nearest stage door with the promise of a quick tour before they left.

Lance slumped against Chris with relief. Chris patted his shoulder. "Buck up. Those few will spread a rumor and it will change and grow until nobody believes it. And if some do, then all the better."

Lance nodded, relieved that 'the plan' was still in effect and working like a charm. He knew full well that one slip could easily bring the whole thing down around their ears until Justin was ready to admit everything publicly. Until then, there could not be any concrete proof one way or the other.

"Looks like they made up," Lance said with a worried smile.

"Oh hell, I hope so. If they haven't there's gonna be some ass kicking."

Before long they were all sitting in the green room. Rosie chatted quietly with Chris and Lance while Jamie and Justin worked through their pain of the last week.

"Oh baby, I had no idea you were so sad," Jamie comforted. "I knew how bad I felt."

"Remember when I said that I was afraid of what would happen to -me- if you weren't part of my life?" Jamie nodded. "Other than the thought of never touching you again that's all I could think about. I felt my true self slipping away and I was scared it wouldn't ever come back."

Jamie rubbed Justin's back and leaned against his shoulder. "I'm sorry for leaving like I did, Justin. I promise never to do that again. It seems like that's my usual reaction when things get intense. It's some weakness inside. I don't mean to..."

Justin stopped him by pressing their lips together. His hands cupped Jamie's face, his fingers tangling into Jaime's hair. He possessed Jamie with his mouth, using his kiss to heal and show his love.

Jamie finally pushed away and gasped for air. "You don't know how much I missed that." Jamie licked his lips, tasting Justin.

Justin still held his head. One hand moved down to Jamie's shoulder while his thumb caressed Jamie's cheek. "Don't you ever think you're weak. You been through things nobody should and survived. You've faced all your demons. You're the bravest man I know and stronger inside than I will ever be."

Jamie turned his face and kissed Justin's palm. His chin trembled as he fought not to cry at Justin's words and failed. Burying his face in Justin's chest he let loose all the emotions he tried to bottle up the last few days.

"But you can't just walk all the way there?" Chris exclaimed.

"We are, so get over it. Lonnie's with us. I need this... we need this," Justin replied.

"Besides, it's not -that- far and it's not that cold out." Jamie was right, it was a healthy walk but shouldn't take them too long. The day was fairly warm, in the upper 40's, which for New York in February wasn't all that bad.

Lance smiled at them. "Leave them alone, Chris. We need to get to the airport."

"Where are you headed?" Jamie asked.

"To LA. I have another pre-production meeting for the movie and Chris needs to do some Skeeto work."

Jamie looked at Lance and pulled him aside. "Are you gonna try to find him?"

Lance sighed. "If I have the time. I'm gonna be there for just the day then we head out to Toronto to do some location scouting. I'll be back in Orlando on Sunday."

Jamie nodded and gave Lance a hug and kiss. "We'll be back Saturday. If you need anything, you call."

"You bet, thanks."

Rosie volunteered to take them to the airport and Jamie and Justin headed through Manhattan. They walked close together, stopping frequently at store windows and other points of interest. At some point without even knowing it, they found that their hands were clasped.

They had stopped to look at some paintings in the window of a small art gallery and looked at each other then down at their intertwined fingers. Jamie raised his eyebrows, silently asking the question. Justin answered by simply squeezing his hand tighter and not letting go. With broad smiles they continued their walk.

They received some looks from other pedestrians, most of them smiles for a couple that was obviously in love. Lonnie followed about 10 feet behind them noting everything while appearing completely unconcerned for anything. His large smile, full of white teeth, split his face when he noticed the hands.

Almost an hour later they entered the village and started down Christopher Street. Couples of many types were out strolling and shopping. While waiting at a stop light, so they could cross the street, Justin pulled Jamie to him.


"Go ahead and kiss him," a man encouraged them from nearby.

Justin grinned and winked at someone over Jamie's shoulder. "I want to kiss you, right here."


"Right now. I don't care who sees us, I don't care..." he took a deep breath. "It's time, Jamie."

Jamie tilted his head up, waiting. He didn't have to wait long to feel Justin's warm lips on his. The kiss was sweet and mind numbing. They barely heard the giggles and 'aws' from others around them also waiting for the light. A car horn honking nearby caught their attention and they separated.

"Fags!" the passenger shouted as the car passed by.

"That's right," Justin yelled back. "I'm in love and proud of it!" He pulled Jamie back to him and kissed him again to the clapping and approval of the people around them.

Lonnie watched from nearby. He caught the cameraman across the street, quickly snapping pictures and fidgeted from where he was standing, itching to interfere but knowing he wasn't allowed to. "I sure hope you know what you're doing, boy," he said quietly to himself. "There's no turning back now."


Notes: You Oughta Be Here With Me - from the musical Big River

I'll be posting this in the briefcase (address below) Laughter in the Rain - Neil Sedaka: 1975 Stormy Weather - Ted Koehler/Harold Arlen: 1933 I Drive Myself Crazy - Nowles/Rich/Shipley: 1997

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com AIM: bangoremail http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bangoremail1

Next: Chapter 66: All the Things You Mean to Me

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