Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Jul 13, 2001


Greetings everyone,

A couple of things to talk about today.

First, I am just too stunned! I was at the awards ceremony for the first half but had to leave. I got to accept the first two awards in person. I got some emails that I read the next day and I almost cried I was so touched by the show of support by the readers and authors in Nifty. Jamie's Romance won four out of the five awards it was nominated for. It won Most Romantic Couple (Novella), Best Proposal (Novella/Continuing story), Novella of the Year, and Author's Choice (Novella).

Thank you everyone who has nominated or voted for me and the story. And congrats to all the other author's who received awards!

Second, I want to send my thoughts and well wishes out to AJ McLean. I'm glad to know that he realizes he has a problem and is working to fix it. That takes so much courage to do. I also respect the fact that the band as a whole decided to come clean with story instead of hiding or denying it. That takes guts as well. And as Kevin said in the interview, hopefully this will help someone else in some small way to seek the help they need.

As usual:

This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Time in A Bottle

"If I could save time in a bottle

The first thing that I'd like to do

Is to save every day

Till eternity passes away

Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever

If words could make wishes come true

I'd save every day

Like a treasure and then

Again I would spend them with you

If I had a box just for wishes

And dreams that had never come true

The box would be empty

Except for the memory of how

They were answered by you."

  • Jim Croce: 1973

"Ok, things are moving along nicely. We've been getting requests for interviews for both of you lately and everyone has asked what is going on."

Jamie and Justin sat in Mel's office at the compound. They had come to meet with her for an update on the plan.

"Anything interesting?" Justin asked.

"Well, the Advocate wants to interview Jamie. Since he came out, the heat went up a bit. We've gotten all kinds of requests from various news shows like 20/20 and Dateline. And finally Barbara Walters' people called and asked for a Grammy interview for the group and Justin in particular to talk about the rumors."

"You're kidding!" Jamie called out. "Barbara Walters?"

Mel nodded. "I guess she wants to 'hot seat' Justin like she did Ricky Martin. I think we should put off all the formal interviews until later in the Spring so we can also hype the tour and album. Jamie, if you'd like to do the Advocate one, that should be ok. Here's the info for their contact person." She handed Jamie a folder.

"I'll think about it."

"So, any idea when it will be safe to come clean?" Justin asked.

Mel paused. "You could probably do it now, after we pave the way a little first. But I'd advise waiting a little until the furor over the rumors dies down and it almost becomes yesterday's news."

Justin nodded deep in thought.

"How's the reaction been?" Jamie looked over at Justin, knowing that he'd been a little worried lately about the group and it's image.

"About 80/20. Most of the calls and mail we've gotten has been very positive. To be honest, you'll take a small hit with this. But it won't hurt too bad, a majority of the fan base is supportive. So, do you still want to take the angle of being tired of the speculation and gossip?"

Jamie looked to Justin who was still deep in thought. He answered for him. "That seems to be the best we've come up with so far. It makes it look like Justin's being persecuted and hopefully the fans will be sympathetic to that."

Mel nodded. "Ok, so we'll let things die down then start them up again. I'll let you decide when you've had enough, just let us know before you do anything. Be warned that the reporters will be very insistent." She smiled then glanced toward Justin. "Just? You in there?"

Justin shook his head. "Ya, I'm sorry. Just kinda got sidetracked, but I heard everything." He paused. "Do you still want us to do 'public' appearances?"

"Any you do can't hurt. We just won't be following you around. Any coverage you get at this point will be authentic so be careful."

Justin nodded.

"Everybody ready for the Superbowl?" Mel asked innocently.

Justin's face turned red and his body clenched. Jamie sighed and answered the question. "As far as we know but nobody's heard from Josh lately. You haven't heard anything have you?"

Justin let out a long breath and started biting his thumb nail. JC had gone home for Christmas and had still not come back almost 3 weeks later. Lance was depressed and constantly sad. Joey and Chris were concerned and Justin angry. Even though they thought JC was in LA, he didn't attend the Superbowl meeting and they only knew he was all set with it because Karen had called Johnny to confirm.

Mel blinked in surprise. "I haven't heard anything, but that doesn't mean Johnny hasn't. I'll make sure to ask him." Sensing Justin's discomfort, she turned to Jamie and changed the subject. "So any plans for your birthday? It's tomorrow isn't it?"

Jamie smiled. "Nothing special tomorrow that I know of except for dinner out somewhere." He glanced at Justin who put on an 'I know nothing' expression. "Saturday we're having the cookout. You got the invite right?"

"Be there with bells on."

Jamie moved a little snuggling into the pillow. The feeling of something brushing across his forehead returned. He reached across the bed and found that Justin was gone. Smiling, he sniffed the air and smelled food.

Justin bent over him and kissed his cheek. "Morning sweet pea."

Jamie sat up and smiled. "What's this?"

"Breakfast in bed. Happy Birthday." Justin placed the tray on the bedside table and sat next to Jamie. Jamie leaned into him and they kissed.

"I feel so special," Jamie giggled as Justin fussed with the plates.

"That's because you are. It's a special birthday too. You're the big 2-1."

"I feel so grown up. So let's go get drunk," Jamie giggled.

Justin smiled. "Would love to, but I'm only a young thing of 19."

"A beautiful young thing and all mine," Jamie said softly with a lingering kiss.

They ate then snuggled together on top of the covers. "That was the best scrambled eggs I've had today," Jamie giggled.

Justin tickled him while laughing. "Was it that bad?"

Jamie shook his head. He knew Justin was trying to learn and expand his cooking skills and appreciated the effort. "They were perfect."

Justin smiled in satisfaction and accomplishment and pressed his face into Jamie's neck. Jamie absently ran his fingers through Justin's newly cut hair. It was shorter now and closer to his head but the curls were still there and Jamie played with them.

"So what are the plans today?"

Justin sighed. "Wade will be coming over and we'll be working some more. I'm sorry, I hate to do this on your birthday but he's leaving tomorrow for a week and we want to finish that song."

"Oh, sweetie, that's fine. I didn't expect you to give me the entire day." He started giving soft kisses to Justin's temple and forehead. "You like working with Wade?"

"He's really good and we work well together," he sighed.

Jamie smiled and ran a hand over Justin's shoulder and arm. "You miss him, don't you?"

Justin nodded and moved his head to Jamie's chest. "I never realized how much I would. Sometimes he's so exasperating but he's my best friend. I just wish I knew where he was and why he won't talk to us."

Jamie held Justin tightly. Lance was taking JC's silence very hard but Justin was suffering as well. JC was one of the major pillars of Justin's support system and was more important to Justin than Justin or even JC realized. "So what time is Wade gonna be here?" he asked innocently.

Justin looked up at him and smiled. "Not for awhile yet."

Jamie's giggling quickly turned into moans and it didn't take long for Justin to echo him.

Wade and Justin had taken over the living room. Papers and notebooks covered the coffee table and piano. Justin was right, Jamie marveled at how well they worked together.

"No," Wade was saying. "If we put that line here then it sounds better later on." He pointed to one paper then another.

Justin looked back and forth then nodded his head. "Perfect."

Jamie smiled and brought in some drinks for them. "I thought my two hard working boys could use something."

Justin kissed him happily. "Thanks, sweetie."

Wade smiled and thanked Jamie. "I'm sorry about taking up some of your birthday, but..."

"Wade, it's ok, so stop apologizing."

He held out a page to Jamie. "Would you look at these chord progressions, you're the expert with that stuff."

Jamie was just about to take the paper when the doorbell rang. "Give me a minute." He went and answered the door to find a delivery driver.

"Is Justin Timberlake or Jamie Campbell at home?"

"I'm Jamie. What's up?"

"Have a delivery here for you guys. Sign in that space, please," he said handing over a clipboard and pointing to a line. Jamie signed and handed it back. "The parcel is rather large. Would you like us to leave it in the driveway?"

"Um, sure, I guess. Where's it from?"

"No idea." After 15 minutes, a large box sat in the driveway and the truck roared away. Justin and Wade joined Jamie.

"What's in it?" Wade asked.

"I guess we open it up," Jamie suggested. He went into the house and got the exacto knife from the toolbox. After a slice up one end and along the side, the box fell apart easily. The men gasped at the sight of two Suzuki racing bikes, one with light blue trim and the other in forest green.

"Oh wow!" Justin said gleefully.

Jamie went to the green bike, assuming the blue one was Justin's, and took the envelope from the seat. He opened the card and started reading aloud.

'I thought you two would enjoy some toys of the

adult kind. Use them wisely and get lessons on

how to ride before you even put gas in the tanks

or else.

Happy Birthday to both of you!



"Now we know why she was so conservative with her Christmas presents," Justin commented.

"That is just so cool," Wade commented as they admired the bikes.

Later that afternoon, Jamie sat at the kitchen counter. He had just gotten back from picking up their mail at the compound and signing up for bike lessons at the nearest cycle shop. He separated the pile into his and Justin's and noticed that his pile was a little bigger.

Jamie grinned. They were mostly birthday cards but he loved getting mail. He opened all the cards coming from his relatives and college friends, reading them with a broad smile. He giggled at the card from his Aunt Ruth. Ever since he was a boy she would send him and his brothers birthday cards with a $10 bill in them. The tradition carried into their adulthood. Her note at the bottom warmed Jamie's heart.

'Sonny, I know you're grown and on your own

but I just couldn't break the tradition.

Love ya!'

Zack's made him laugh out loud and he put it aside to show Justin later. It had a naked man on the top wearing a party hat and Zack had written 'I know he's no Justin, but I'm sure you could find something to do with him' on the inside.

Most of the official looking mail was probably credit card offers and sales that he couldn't refuse and he set them aside. The last was something that had to be signed for. He noticed one of the girls in the office had signed for it that morning.

Looking at the envelope, he read the return address: a law firm with an address in Bangor. He opened it carefully, remembering the words from eight months ago.

"And finally to my grandchildren I leave these

sums in trust until your 21st birthdays. The

amounts aren't as great as I would have liked

since there are 7 of you but I hope that with

it you can use it to further your lives with

either an education, business opportunity or

as a nest egg to start a family."

Dan had gotten his share right off since he was the only one old enough. The lawyer had pointed out that Nana very specifically requested that the amount of the trusts remain private until the last grandchild had received theirs.

Jamie carefully opened the large envelope and noticed there were two smaller ones inside. One was addressed to him the other to Justin. With a big sigh he called out. "Justin could you come here a second?"

Justin came to the kitchen a moment later. "What is it, sweetie?"

"This came in the mail today." Jamie indicated the envelopes. "It's from the lawyer in charge of Nana's estate."

Justin stood close behind Jamie and wrapped his arms around him. "It's ok, sweet pea. Let's see what it says."

Jamie carefully opened his envelope and unfolded the papers. He eyes flooded seeing Nana's handwriting on the top sheet. "Please read it, Justin. I don't think I can."

Justin nodded and took the page.


I guess these will probably be the last words you

wil ever hear from this old bag of bones. You know

I love all of my children and grandchildren but you

are special. Of all the grandchildren you touch

this old woman's heart like no one has done since

I met your Grandfather.

You've gone through a very tough time that no young

person should have to but you also met a wonderful

boy. I've always thought that God provides and it

seems he is looking out for you.

I can only hope when you receive this that you've

put it all behind you and are happy with Justin.

He's a good one, don't let him get away.

I will always love you, Sonny. With God's grace

we'll see each other again someday.

Love and molasses cookies,


Justin choked up at the end and Jamie had tears on his cheeks. Jamie shifted the more legal documents around and got to the statement. "Justin, this can't be right."

Justin peered over his shoulder and whistled softly. "That's not a small amount of money."

"But if we all got the same amount then Nana must've been filthy rich! I had no idea. She certainly didn't live that way. Sure she traveled when she wanted and never needed anything, but this? It's so much."

Justin hugged him tight. "So now I'm not the only filthy rich one around here," Justin kidded gently.

Jamie chuckled softly. "I hardly think $300,000 makes me that but it's certainly a start."

Justin kissed him on the neck. "With the right financial planner you could be in no time."

"Open yours," Jamie prompted pointing to the envelope.

"What on earth can she have given me?" Justin murmured while opening it. He took out the single page and unfolded it revealing a photo. Justin read it aloud.


I only got to meet you face to face once but I've

never been a bad judge of character. I read all

about you over the winter and sometimes they print

some unflattering things. One thing I did find out

from Danforth before we met was that you were

raised right and have a good heart. You showed

that when I met you.

As you know, Jameson is as dear to my heart as he

is to yours. Treat him good and always make him

happy. That's all this old woman could ask.

There's nothing I can give you that you don't

already have or can't buy for yourself. Please

take the photo. I don't think anyone has seen it

in many years. God bless you both and grant you

happiness and see my grandson through his dark


Love to you both,


Justin held up the picture. It was old and showed Nana and a man Justin assumed was Jamie's grandfather holding a young child with a shock of red hair. Justin showed it to Jamie. "That's you isn't it?"

Jamie nodded as he wiped the tears from his face.

"Hey, Lance." Jamie hugged Lance tightly as Lance let himself into the house. "You're here early."

"I thought Justin might need some help," Lance shrugged.

Jamie led him into the kitchen and they looked out at the yard through one of the windows. "You can see he's pretty much got it under control." A few tables were set up and some decorations and balloons were placed around the porch and pool.

"He must've gotten up this morning," Lance joked as he put Jamie's present on the counter.

Jamie laughed with him. "A little earlier than usual," he agreed. "He roped Chris into helping this morning and won't let me touch a thing."

Lance nodded with a smile and took a seat at the counter while Jamie poured each of them a lemonade. When Jamie was seated Lance pushed the present to him. "Happy Birthday," Lance said with a gleam in his eye. "Sorry I wasn't here to give it to you the other day, but I was out of town dealing with this movie thing."

"Hey, it's ok. You've got businesses to run and a new career to jump start." Jamie picked up the box and felt it had some weight. "Lance, if this is expensive I'm gonna beat your ass," Jamie warned. "Britney's present was over the top and I don't think I can take any more."

"Oh shut up and just open it," Lance grinned.

They laughed and Jamie tore at the paper and saw the carry bag. "What's in here?" he asked suspiciously.

Lance slapped his leg. "Just open the thing."

Jamie unzipped the bag and looked crossly at Lance. "You got me a laptop."

"Well, I couldn't think of anything else and besides I'm tired of you always using mine on the bus," he laughed.

"As good a reason as any to give a present like this."

Lance nodded. "It's the best you can't get."


"It's not on the market yet." Jamie raised an eyebrow. "So sue me, I used a little influence to get an advanced copy that won't be out until this summer. I had extra RAM put in so you can play those games on it. It has an internal DVD/CD read/write drive, a MIDI port and wireless internet. I hope you like it because Justin's getting one too," he laughed.

"It's very nice and thoughtful, thanks Lance." They hugged and Jamie noticed by the look on his face that there was more. "Ok spill. You haven't told me everything."

Lance smiled. "Can't hide anything from you can I? Well, ok. I have a business proposition for you, plus as your agent I've received an offer that you can't refuse."

Jamie sat in the chair with the stereo remote in his hand. Justin had been Tampa the last couple of days for rehearsals. Because of the long days they had opted to stay overnight for a good part of the week. Jamie had studio time and couldn't get away. The only night Jamie had seen Justin was on Tuesday. Their anniversary.

The memory of that night made Jamie feel warm. The quiet dinner at home. A candlelit dessert in the backyard. All followed by a tiring display of affection that left them both sore in the morning. Jamie was uncomfortable the next morning at the studio and he was sure Justin was feeling it during his rehearsal that day.

Jamie ached for Justin's touch even though it had only been 3 days. It was now late on Friday and he was expecting Justin to call soon. With a happy sigh he clicked the play button once more and the soft sound of guitar and electronic strings came over the speakers.

Soon Justin's voice came out to his ears and Jamie closed his eyes and listened. The beginning was slow and dreamy, the end word of each line was echoed quietly.

"I'll be yours

I am yours

Yours forever..."

The beat picked up slightly into a real slow dance tempo.

"Love is the way you hold me close

In your arms you hold me tight

Your warm and gentle loving touch

Makes everything alright

The way you often say to me

All the words I wanna hear

Gives me hope and brings a smile

Dries every tear."

The chorus came as the music swelled and Jamie could pick out Lance and Joey backing Justin, echoing him after every line.

"You understand

You always care

I depend on you

You're always there

With you at my side

With your lips on mine

I'm in your trance

And I'll be yours forever."

The second verse came and Jamie's eyes got watery.

"Reach out to me, it's not a dream

My love for you is truly real

Through joy and pain, smiles and tears

Let me show you how I feel

To you my heart is always open

My true love you'll always see

Forever we will be together

For eternity

You understand

You always care

I depend on you

You're always there

With you at my side

With your lips on mine

I'm in your trance

And I'll be yours forever."

The bridge hit and the raw emotion in Justin's voice was very evident, achieving the level of feeling that was JC's trademark.

"All the times we've spent together

It's so hard when we're apart

For you, my love, there will always be

A special place in my heart

You understand

You always care

I depend on you

You're always there

With you at my side

Your lips on mine

I'm in your trance

And I'll be yours forever."

The chorus repeated again as Justin improvised over it then it wound down. The song ended and Justin's voice spoke softly to him. "Happy Anniversary, sweet pea. I wrote this specially for you because I love you so much."

Right on cue the phone rang. Jamie picked it up immediately. "Hello..."

"How's my sweet pea?"

"I love you so much, Justin."

The crowd was tremendous and the noise it made deafened Jamie as he stood in the tunnel. He watched the Backstreet Boys as they got ready on the field. With everything going on, Jamie hadn't had a chance to say hello.

He looked uneasily back down the tunnel and thought about the guys. One of the reasons he came outside was to escape from the silence and tenseness in the NSync dressing room. Looking over to Lonnie, Jamie saw his own unease mirrored in the bodyguard's face.

JC had returned for the last day of rehearsals in Tampa, as promised. Other than a welcoming hug to everyone and a chaste kiss on Lance's forehead, he remained silent and separate. Lance couldn't even approach him. Jamie could tell that everyone wanted to ask but they were waiting for JC to say something first. It made an uneasy air around them.

Jamie sighed and smiled at Lonnie. "It will be ok, right big guy?"

Lonnie smiled uneasily. "I can count on one hand and still have some fingers left over the times something like this went on but it always come around right in the end."

Jamie nodded and turned when he heard the announcer introduce Backstreet. Both he and Lonnie stood and listened. Howie took the lead and Jamie smiled at his clear tenor. When it was done the group started toward the tunnel.

Jamie waved at them and they went to him. When he saw them coming, Lonnie made his goodbye. Jamie greeted the group and was finally introduced to AJ.

"So this is the dude that turned down the almighty Backstreet Boys?" AJ quipped good-naturedly.

"The one and only."

"Seems he likes his current gig better," Nick said dragging Jamie along with them deeper into the tunnel. Once further in, where the sound of the crowd was muted, they stopped to talk.

"So how's life treating you?" Brian asked sincerely. The look on his face let Jamie know that he asked on many levels.

"Doing really good. Thanks for asking, Brian." Brian nodded with a smile in response. "So how's the new tour?" Jamie asked anyone.

"Going good so far, but we've only just started," Howie answered.

"Really wish you were with us," Nick said regretfully. "It would be alot of fun."

Jamie shrugged. "Sorry, but I just couldn't commit at the time. Maybe another tour?"

Nick smiled and patted his back.

"Well, as a matter of fact," Kevin broke in, "we've been mulling over a small problem we'll be facing in March."

Brian smiled up at his cousin. "Ya and I've been cheerleading for you."

Jamie grinned at them. "So what is your problem?"

AJ sighed and looked at Brian in annoyance. Howie saw and patted his shoulder. AJ immediately backed down with a slight smile. "One of our guitar players needs a long weekend off in March and we need to hire a sub. You interested?"

Nick started jumping up and down. "Please say yes!"

"How many shows?"

"Just 3," Kevin answered, "the weekend we're in Mexico City. You'd have the music immediately and we'll be back in Florida just before we go so you can get a rehearsal or two in when we do the touch up."

Jamie nodded. "Sounds good to me. Have Max send the paperwork and I'll check my schedule to make sure I'm free but I don't see any problem. I'd be happy to fill in for you."

"You would really?!!" Nick asked.

Jamie shrugged. "Don't see any reason why not. It's the least I can do considering I turned you down this fall."

AJ nodded while Howie smiled. Nick hugged Jamie enthusiastically then started poking Kevin.

"Nick, leave me be or I'll swat you."

"I wanna go. You promised."

Brian shook his head and leaned toward Jamie. "It's his birthday and he's itching to go hit the bars."

Jamie nodded. "I understand." He turned to Nick. "Happy Birthday, Nick. Have fun tonight and enjoy the big 21." Nick nodded with a broad smile.

"C'mon y'all," Kevin drawled. "Let's get out of here. Jamie, nice seeing you again."

"Same here, Kevin."

"Ya, let's jet. There's some alcohol with my name on it," AJ said good naturedly. "And I need to show the pup how to put it away." Howie looked at him with a concerned frown.

"Tell Joey and Justin Happy Birthday for us as well," Brian called as Nick dragged him away behind the others. Jamie answered with a wave.

"You were magnificent."

Justin smiled at Jamie and snuggled up to him in the backseat with Lonnie in the front driving. Mel was in the passenger seat napping with her discman on.

"You think so?"

"I thought it was great. It came across really good. And those wrist fireworks looked so cool."

Justin nodded then tapped Mel on the shoulder.

"What do you want, brat?" Mel asked turning around.

"Hey!" Justin crossed his arms and pouted.

"Oh, please. Like you really believe I mean that!" Mel laughed. Lonnie grinned next to her. "What's up?"

Justin took a breath. "Did you talk to Josh at all today?"

Mel's smile fell a little. "Not much more than you guys did. I needed to get his schedule from him so we could do some planning while you guys record."

"What did he say?" Jamie asked.

"He said that he was sorry but he needed to be in LA for the next week or so and would be back soon."

"That's all?" Justin asked biting his lip.

Mel nodded. "He said to tell everyone he was sorry."

"Sorry!?" Justin exploded. Lance is like a zombie, we can't write or record and he's sorry!"

Jamie kept his peace, knowing that Justin's anger was well placed. He'd gotten a little mad at JC's silence over the last month and nearly hit him today at the stadium with the way he was acting. Some very unpleasant reasons for his behavior intruded on his thoughts and he sighed sadly.

"You ok, Jamie?" Justin asked.

"Ya, just worried about Lance and Josh."

Justin put his arm around Jamie and held him close. "I am too, sweet pea."

The rest of the ride was made in silence.

"So, Justin Timberlake, how does it feel now that you're no longer a teenager."

Justin smirked. "I feel all grown up."

Jamie and Justin moved through the living room. Jamie was smiling seductively at Justin and touching him just enough to make his pulse race. Justin looked hungrily at Jamie as he followed him up to their bedroom. Jamie smiled to himself. He had been stoking Justin's lust all day with planned touches, whispered promises and kisses in places that made Justin breath a little heavier.

Jamie enjoyed this little game he had been playing. He hadn't set out to do it, but had just let it evolve naturally. They had slept in that morning because they were up late watching a movie and swapping song ideas with Wade. Joey and Kelly, with Chris and Lance in tow, had showed up before lunch so they could all spend the day celebrating around Orlando. The group then went to dinner at Lynn's.

At first, Justin chafed at the loss of their intimate alone time, but the more Jamie teased him, the more he began to appreciate the situation. He had begun to look forward to the stolen caresses and seductive kisses and now that they were home he'd finally be able change the game into something much more full contact.

Once in the bedroom, Jamie pushed Justin down onto the bed and straddled his waist. He sighed, feeling Justin's erection rubbing against his ass through their pants. "So, birthday boy, how can I help you with this little problem you have?" Justin moaned as Jamie ground down onto him.

Justin smiled and grabbed Jamie's wrists and pulled him down fully on top of him. They kissed fiercely and parted gasping for air. "You can do anything you want to me," Justin said timidly.

"Anything?" Jamie asked while rubbing his body along Justin's.

Justin groaned. "Please? We can use the present Joey got me."

Jamie's eyes widened when Justin mentioned the obscene vibrator Joey had given Justin as a joke then he smiled. "Whatever my baby wants, he gets."

They quickly stripped out of their clothes and Justin lay back down while Jamie retrieved the bag he had stuck in the closet. He came back and knelt on the bed beside Justin and noticed Justin had a couple of his older bandanas in his hands. With practiced ease he tied one to each of this wrists.

"What are those for?" Jamie asked.

Justin smiled and grabbed two belts, looped them through the bandanas and spread his arms apart and up above him. "Tie me?" he requested.

Just the thought of Justin immobile on the bed made Jamie's head spin and his hard cock throb in anticipation. Justin trusted him so much that he'd submit fully to whatever Jamie wanted to do to him and that made Jamie's heart burst.

Carefully he threaded first one belt then the other to opposite ends of the headboard. Justin pulled with his arms to find he was securely tied. Jamie leaned down and licked at one of his straining biceps. His tongue traveled up Justin's arm and across his collar bone which Jamie nibbled and sucked.

"Oh..." Justin breathed deeply.

Jamie licked and kissed across Justin's neck and up to his ear. "If it gets too much you just say 'let me go' and I'll untie you, ok?" he whispered. Justin nodded. His breathing was ragged and Jamie could tell by the blush on his chest that he was enjoying himself immensely.

Jamie looked down Justin's body and drooled at the sight of his naked and very aroused boyfriend. Moving down he lapped at the nearest pec. Justin started making contented little whimpering sounds as Jamie circled the nipple with his tongue. When that one was fully erect, he moved to the other. Justin's whimpers changed to moans of pleasure.

"More, Jamie, that feels so good." Gently Jamie started using his teeth to tease the hard nubs and Justin shivered under him. "Oh ya," Justin hissed. Jamie continued biting back and forth between the nipples as Justin's moans grew louder. Jamie increased the pressure of his bites until Justin's head was thrashing back and forth.

"Oh... oh... no... ugghhhhh... No... No..." Justin kept repeating over and over as his hips thrust up and down. His hard cock was dripping a steady stream on his stomach. Jamie paused to lick at the tortured nubs.

"You want me to stop doing this, baby?"

"Mmmmm... NO!" Justin said loudly. "Oh God... I was so close to cumming. It felt so good." Justin was breathing heavy.

"Does it hurt?"

"Ya, but a good hurt. It hurts and feels good at the same time." A thin sheen of sweat covered his body and Jamie thought he looked beautiful.

Jamie grabbed the vibrator and turned it on. He ran it over Justin's arms and shoulders then over his pecs. After a minute he brought it down Justin's stomach and rubbed the tip along Justin's erection. Justin gasped and bucked against his restraints.

Jamie smiled and ran it down to the inside of his thighs and returned to torturing his nipples, biting sharply and sucking. Justin wiggled on the bed and continued groaning loudly. Jamie brought the vibrator up and ran it over and around Justin's balls. Lifting his head he looked up at Justin to see his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed tightly shut. His jaw worked slowly as guttural moans came from deep within him.

Justin's need to release was so strong, Jamie felt it himself as his body reacted to Justin's pleasure. Justin's nipples were red and raw looking. Jamie licked at the nearest one trying to ease the sting. Justin's hips pumped up and down and Jamie knew Justin was ready and couldn't take any more.

He pressed the vibrator against Justin's balls and blew on the nipple. With a scream that came from deep in his chest Justin raised his hips off the bed and came. His dick, untouched the entire time, pulsed over and over as his cum flowed onto his stomach.

Jamie couldn't take any more himself and knelt next to Justin and stroked himself. Justin strained a little at the restraints on his wrists making the muscles of his arms, shoulders and chest stand out sharply. Jamie's breath hitched in his throat as the urge to cum swept over him. Justin reached out with his tongue and lapped the sensitive area under the head and Jamie started shooting.

Justin reached with his mouth and head trying to get as much on his tongue as he could and by the time Jamie had slumped down next to him, his face was covered.

Jamie reached up and untied the bandanas. Justin shook his arms out then hugged Jamie tightly.

"That was the most intense orgasm I've ever had," Justin said softly as Jamie licked and kissed his face, cleaning it off.

"Are you ok?"

"I feel great."

"Happy Birthday, beautiful."

Justin smiled and kissed Jamie, tasting the cum on his lips. "I want the rest of my present now," Justin said with a wide smile.

"What's that?"

Justin rolled over and knelt between Jamie's legs, spreading them. "I want to fuck you until you scream."

Jamie moaned loudly and blushed the next morning whenever anyone mentioned his sore throat.

Jamie sat in the main lounge of the compound, deep in thought, holding the manila envelope. After a lunch meeting, the guys had gone into the compound studio to listen to Justin and Wade's ideas for the songs they had been working on. Jamie had begged off saying he needed to speak with Johnny.

A hand on his shoulder startled him from his thoughts. "Why are you sitting here alone?" Mel asked with a smile as she sat next to him.

Jamie waved the envelope at her. "This thing."

Mel nodded, knowing what was in the envelope but not the exact details. "Don't worry about that, everything will be fine."

Jamie nodded but pursed his lips in thought. Mel smiled and left him alone. A few minutes later, the guys came into the room, laughing and joking. A small part of Jamie's brain noticed that Lance was subdued and not fully joining in with the fun.

"I was saying I could blow a bigger bubble, then Wade said -he- could," Chris was saying.

"So I challenged him. Anyone else in on this?" Wade added.

Lance waved his hands and sat with Jamie. "Not me." Jamie smiled over at Lance and held out his hand which Lance took easily, their fingers intertwining in a casual gesture of friendship.

"I'm in," Justin added.

"I'll act as judge," Joey offered.

Joey handed all three several pieces of gum and they started chewing to soften it.

"Where the hell did this come from?" Jamie asked Lance quietly.

"Wade was complaining that Chris was snapping his gum in his ear and it degenerated from there."

"Ok, that's enough. On the count of three you start blowing," Joey refereed.

Joey counted and the bubbles started coming out. Justin was doing well but nowhere near the size that Wade and Chris were getting.

"Justin, you better get going. They've left you in the dust," Lance commented.

Justin sighed and let the bubble go down. "I'm out of practice," he shrugged.

Chris and Wade were going strong and their bubbles were bigger than their heads.

Jamie watched intently. "You guys -are- good."

Justin leaned over to grab his water from the coffee table when Chris sneezed. Jamie couldn't tell what happened in what order it all went by so fast but the fact was that his bubble burst, quite spectacularly, and wound up mostly over the back of Justin's head.

"Jesus Christ, Chris." Justin snarled. "Think you could just NOT sneeze on me? Gross."

Everyone in the room was quiet and watching Justin with wide eyes. Chris slowly got off the couch and backed away.

"Um, Justin..." Joey began but stopped. Jamie and Lance looked at each other then to Justin.

"What's wrong with y'all," Justin asked then looked at Chris backing away from him. "Tell me what I'm thinking didn't happen," he requested.

Wade ran from the room. "I'll go see if anyone has any nail polish remover."

"Nail polish remover?" Lance asked.

Joey nodded. "It works best for getting gum out of... hair."

Justin groaned and put his face in his hands. "How bad is it?"

"Not bad, Just," Chris smiled from behind Jamie and Lance. He had wisely put alot of room and obstacles between him and Justin.

Wade returned. "Nobody has any. I'll go to the store and pick up some. You guys try to get as much out as you can and don't get it wet!"

"Wet?" Justin asked.

"It will only make the gum harder to get out."

"How do you know so much about this, Joe?" Jamie questioned.

"I have a sister, remember? Steve and I got into alot of trouble several times for 'accidents' with gum."

"Could we cut it out?" Justin put a hand up to his head to feel and grimaced. "It's all over the fuckin' place." He looked over at Chris. "When I get this off me you're a dead man, Fitzpatrick."

"I think I'll just go and um... talk with Johnny for a little bit." Chris made a hasty retreat from the room.



Untitled original: I guess I would call this 'Forever'. I want to thank Nino for supplying the poem that was the basis for the song. He told me he didn't write it, but someone did and I thank that person for the inspiration. I rewrote and added to it and made it ballad-like.

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com AIM: bangoremail

Next: Chapter 64: Far Away

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