Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Jul 3, 2001


Greetings everyone,

The voting has begun for the Boyband Story Awards and will continue to July 3rd. Please everyone go and vote for your favorite stories.

I was just stunned by the number of categories that this story was nominated in. I want to thank each and every one of you who put in a vote for my story. You can find it in these categories: Best use of NSync in a Novella, Most Romantic Couple in a Novella, Best Proposal - Novella/Continuing Series, Novella of the Year and Author's Choice - Novella.

The category that really touches me is the author's choice. To know that other authors out there appreciate my story so much to choose it really makes me feel like I've accomplished something. Thank you all so much.

I got some comments about the last chapter that although it really moved the story along, the interaction between the characters was missed. So, we'll have some nice times to enjoy and hopefully push the story along at the same time.

So what happened around Christmas? So where did the idea for POP come from? Why weren't any of the other guys present at Lance's Roseland ballroom shindig at New Years? Will someone shoot Carson Daly in the head? (oh ok, that's not going to happen but I couldn't resist)

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.



That's what you are


Though near or far

Like a song of love that clings to me

How the thought of you does things to me

Never before has someone been more


In every way

And forever more

That's how you'll stay

That's why, darling, it's incredible

That someone so unforgettable

Thinks that I am unforgettable too."

  • Irving Gordon: 1951 made famous by Nat King Cole

"Penny for your thoughts?" Jamie had come up from behind Phil, who was standing by the pool at the Harliss house.

"Wouldn't be worth that much."

"Things ok between you and Wade?"

Phil's eyes took on a dreamy state. He smiled thinking of Wade who was spending the day with his Grandmother in West Palm Beach. "Oh, things are fine. How are things with you two?"

"It was rough a couple of weeks ago. I was having some major anxiety about his outing and was being a little neurotic about the whole thing."

"Wade mentioned that you were almost house bound there for awhile. Glad to see you got over it."

Jamie nodded. "With a little help and understanding." Jamie looked up at the back porch and saw Justin standing with his stepfather, Paul, laughing at some joke Dan was telling. He sighed at the heat that rose in his chest. Justin caught his eye and winked. Jamie's blood pressure rose in response.

Phil shook his head and chuckled. "You are sooo gone. You'd better marry him or you'll explode."

Jamie nudged his younger brother. "Shuddup you! Besides, you look at Wade the same way."

Phil smiled. "Ya, I guess I do," he said absently as he wandered away.

Jamie giggled at him and sat on the side of the diving board. His thoughts drifted over the last several weeks as he watched the water sparkle in the sun. There was a difficult adjustment period after the tour finished. The first couple of days Justin was restless and felt like he should be doing something, anything. When that subsided, the end-of-tour depression came over him.

Jamie had been prepared. He witnessed this in the guys in August but Johnny had warned him that it would be different this time. After the summer tour they had appearances and the fall tour to look forward to. Now that the tour was completely done it would be a little worse.

So Jamie plied Justin with his favorite foods, a healthy dose of mothering and lots of sex. Justin had snapped out of it quickly. One day he was moping around the back yard and the next he was dragging Jamie out the door to go Christmas shopping.

That brought up a distasteful memory for Jamie. He couldn't apologize enough to Justin this last week for how he'd acted. Getting scared about being seen together had been irrational and childish. Being seen is what they wanted to happen.

Jamie shook his head and concentrated on the positives from the last few weeks: the mornings spent in Justin's arms and afternoons and evenings, together or with the guys just relaxing. His best memories were those they made together: Christmas shopping and decorating the house, wrapping presents and baking for the holiday.

Jamie blushed at those memories. He felt an arm slide around his waist and the fresh scent of Justin's cologne washed over him.

"You have a nice smile, what are you thinking about?"

Jamie looked into Justin's eyes. "You and our first Christmas together."

Justin kissed Jamie tenderly and left one hand on his cheek. "I plan on having many more of them."

"Me too."

"What were you blushing about?"

"I was thinking about when we tried to wrap all those presents the other night."

Justin's blush matched Jamie's. He remembered how they almost used a whole roll of ribbon and bag of bows decorating each other, the presents forgotten in the heat of the moment. The next morning they got up to see Fitzgerald laying on the floor wrapped in the ribbon and happily munching on a bow.

Jamie leaned against Justin who held him securely in his arms. "Any regrets?" Justin asked candidly.

Jamie peered at him curiously. "Why do you ask that?"

"In my family, we have a tradition on Christmas day that we ask whatever questions we want and you have to be totally honest when you answer."

"Nice of you not to tell me until now," Jamie smirked. Justin shrugged innocently. "Regrets?" Jamie thought for a minute. "Not really. I do regret the pain I put you through last year." Justin made to interrupt but Jamie put his fingers on his lips. "No, I know that we agreed we'd move beyond that and I have. But I still regret doing that to you. I don't ever want to hurt you like that."

Justin nuzzled Jamie's neck but kept silent.

"I regret that this last year was so dramatic and centered on my problems."

"But that's what being together means. We're there for each other. You've helped me and the others just as much as we helped you." Justin squeezed him tighter and licked around his ear.

Jamie smiled at Justin and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad it's been more than a one way street. Other than that, I don't regret a minute of the last year."

"Not even turning down the Backstreet offer?"

Jamie shook his head negatively after a short pause. "Not at all. It would've meant being away from you all winter and some of the summer. I couldn't stand that."

"Neither could I but I would have done it if that's what you wanted."

"That's why I love you so much and why I couldn't accept."

"Anything else?"

Jamie thought for a minute. "Well, I regret giving in and not going to Maine. Christmas just isn't the same without cold weather and snow."

Justin chuckled with him. "Next year, I promise." They kissed, forgetting Christmas, while their combined families watching on with large smiles.

"They love each other so much," Lisa commented as she leaned against Randall.

Paul Harliss nodded agreement and put an arm around Lynn's waist. "I don't think any of us could have wished better for either of them."

"They are certainly a matched set," Pat replied. "They are so in love it almost hurts to see it." Justin's grandparents nodded from their seats beside her.

Lynn and Randall looked at each other for a long second. Lynn sent a questioning glance his way. Randall tilted his head and raised his eyebrows then nodded with a smile.

"Ok, now the adults are catching it too," Phil commented from the kitchen window. "It's like they're a disease that spreads or something."

Dan laughed from beside him. "Like you don't feel it, too? I know you're missing your little dancing boy."

"Shut up, his name's Wade," Phil shouldered Dan.

"Merry Christmas, Philly."

Phil smiled at Dan and they hugged each other tightly. "Merry Christmas to you too, Danno." Phil felt a tug at his shirt and looked down. "Hey there, buddy. Need something?"

"Are Justin and Jamie doing that yucky thing again?" Jonathan asked.

Phil laughed and pulled the six year old up into his arms so he could look out the window.

"Ya, kinda gross, isn't it?" Dan replied.

"Dan?!" Phil exclaimed in shock. Dan shushed him with a look.

Jonathan made a squishy face. "They do it all the time. I guess it's alright though."

"When two people love each other very much they do that alot," Phil explained.

"Like my mom and dad?"

"Exactly like that," Dan agreed.

"Justin, can I talk to you a minute?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

Randall motioned Justin to follow him around behind the pool as they walked in the warm, but cooling evening.

"Are you happy, son?"

Justin looked at his father with a big grin. "The happiest. Everything is going right for me. The group is going strong, we're starting to gain some real recognition. The guys are the best and of course my family means the world to me."

Randall smiled. "And Jamie?"

"Jamie..." Justin sighed. "Daddy, he's so great. He doesn't mind putting up with me and you know how I can get." Randall nodded with a smirk. "I really love him, so much it's hard to describe it."

"I can see that, Justin. Just the looks you give each other alone are enough to melt the ice around someone like me."

"Don't say that. You love people the way... you... um... the way you do. We all know it, Lisa does."

Randall nodded thoughtfully for a second. "I know I've never said this to you, but I'm sorry, Justin."

"For what?"

"That things didn't work out between me and your Mother and that you had to grow up without me around as much as either of us would have liked."

"Oh Daddy, you've always been there when I needed you most."

"Thanks, but the fact remains that you were always caught between us and I regret that. I've never told you this but your Mother and I had barely known each other four months before we got married and then you came along nine months later, a honeymoon baby." Randall smiled at that memory and patted Justin's shoulder. "We should've listened to our parents at the time but we were in love and didn't hear what they were saying. We were just too young, son, and not ready."

Justin went immediately on guard. "Are you saying we're too young, too?"

"Relax tiger," Randall chuckled. "I see the Timberlake runs pretty strong in you." He put an arm around Justin's shoulder. "I'm not saying that at all. I was just trying to explain. You may be young but you're both certainly ready. You and Jamie have something that Lynn and I didn't. It's hard to describe but it's there, don't ever let that go, Justin."

"I won't," Justin sighed and put his arms around Randall's waist and laid his head on his father's shoulder, something he hadn't done since he was a child.

Randall choked up at the gesture. "Just remember, that no matter what happens between me and Lynn that both of us still love you a great deal." He stopped walking and looked at Justin while holding his shoulders. "I don't say this enough but I want you to know that I -am- proud that you're my son. You've grown up to be a man that any father would be glad to take credit for."

Tear welled up in Justin's eyes as he embraced Randall in a crushing hug. "I love you too, Daddy."

After separating, they continued their slow walk. "There's one more thing," Randall continued. "Pat, Lynn and I got together and decided that the three of us are going to pay for the wedding."

"No, you don't have to do that."

"Shush, Justin. I know you have almost as much money as God. Probably could buy God himself," he laughed while Justin grinned. "We want to do this for you as a wedding present. What else can we get a boy that has everything?"

"Then how could we refuse. It's a very nice present, thanks. I'm sure Jamie will be thrilled."

Phil ran across the lawn and tackled Jamie. The brothers were laughing and rolling around in the grass.

"They're very close, aren't they?"

"Yes, they are."

"I hope that when Jonathan and Steve get older that you can be that close too. I know the age difference will affect that but they do love you."

"I love them too, Daddy. They -are- my brothers, don't worry about that."

They watched as Jamie and Phil wrestled each other.

"Justin, you don't have to answer this, but is Phil... um...?"

"Is Phil gay? That what you want to know?" Justin smiled at his father.

"Nevermind, it's none of my business." Randall blushed and waved his hands.

"No, it's ok. Phil is an open book and yes he is. Matter of fact, he's dating Wade."

"Your choreographer?" Justin nodded. Randall shook his head. "It's like a Peyton Place around here," he chuckled.

"A what?" Justin asked, his nose scrunched up.

"Oh boy, sometimes I forget how young you really are."

"Hey, I'm almost 20," Justin pouted.

Randall tapped a finger on the bridge of Justin's nose. "But you're still my boy and always will be."

Father and son hugged again warmly before Justin ran over to join in with Jamie and Phil. Randall turned his head to see Lynn smiling at him. He smiled back with a wave just as Jonathan pulled on his pant leg.

"Daddy, can we go swimming?"

"You betcha, let's go get changed."

"So we'll meet you in New York?"

=That's the plan. I've already booked our suite, so you just have to show up.=

"Who else is coming?"

=Looks like you're it. Chris is gonna be in LA dealing with his company and seeing if he can salvage anything with Dani. Joey is spending the time with Kelly and his family in Orlando and helping Kelly move into the house.=

"What about Josh?"

=He hasn't called me back. I don't think he really wanted to go anyway.=

"Oh, Lance. Have you talked to him at all?"

Jamie heard a small sob over the phone. =Not since Christmas eve. Please don't tell Justin that, I don't want him going off and you know he will.=

"Ok, sweetie, but if you need anything you call us ok?"

=I will. So what you doing today?=

"Nice change of subject, Mr. Bass. We're going over to the Fatones for a cookout. Joe's parents don't get to see Randall and the kids all that much and they wanted to meet my mom."

=How's everything going there?=

"No problems so far. Everyone's playing nice. I think Lisa is keeping Randall in line, but I don't think she has too really. He and Lynn seem to be getting along. Tomorrow should be the clincher though when we sit and talk about the wedding. How are things with your folks?"

=Not bad. They actually bought extra presents for Josh.= Lance paused a second, then continued. =My mom even bought you one.=

"You're kidding. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She didn't have to, but I can see why she'd think it wouldn't be polite to buy one for Justin and not me."

=Hey, southern hospitality means everything.= Lance let his accent out and it was as strong as if he'd never lost it. =And you ain't nuthn' without good manners.=

Jamie laughed. "You take care, ok?"

=I will and I'm fine. Tell everyone I said hello and I'll see you in a couple of days.=

"You bet, love ya Lance."

=Love you too, and Jamie, thanks for understanding.=

"Anytime, bye."

Jamie hung up the phone and sat brooding. Lance was in pain and nothing Jamie did seemed to ease it much. Throughout December, Lance had pulled away from everyone and Jamie make it his personal mission to make sure he got the attention he needed. He and Justin spent as much time with him as they could.

With a sigh, he headed out to the backyard. Phil and Justin were playing a little one on one at the hoop and Dan was working on a tan.

"Watch out or you'll get burned," Jamie warned.

"I'm ok. But I guess I'll turn over. Put some goop on my back, will ya?"

"Sure." Jamie began rubbing the lotion on his brother's back.

"Who was on the phone?"

"Lance. He said hi."

Dan leaned up and looked Jamie in the eye. "You know I won't be mad or anything if you'd rather have Lance be your best man. I know you two are pretty close."

Jamie smiled at his brother. "It's ok. He'll be standing with you and Phil. Dan, you're my big brother and I've looked up to you since I was old enough to. You've -always- been there for me. It was an easy choice."

Dan smiled and mussed Jamie's hair.

"So Jamie tells me that you'll be spending the next four months or so doing the next album." Phil moved gracefully around Justin and made the lay-up.

Justin wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded. "That's what we plan anyway. We definitely want to tour this summer but we'll see how it works out."

"Any great ideas so far?"

"I have some, but Josh is our songwriter. When he gets back I can kick some ideas around with him and start in."

"You know Wade is interested in trying his hand in writing."

Justin looked at him and grinned. "Is there anything he -can't- do?"

Phil thought for a second, lazily dribbling the ball. "Not that I've found, except maybe can't play hoops for shit."

Justin laughed and stole the ball from him and took the shot which swished through the netting without touching the rim. "You're pretty good, finally a worthy opponent," he said nudging Phil's shoulder.

"Don't you play with Jamie?"

"Not much. He's not really into it. We like playing 'horse' together but that's about it. He's really good at getting shots in when there isn't anything distracting him."

"He's always been that way. The minute someone tries to block him he dries up. But he's not bad on a team, just don't expect him to shoot."

They circled each other some more, getting into the jerky dance of false steps and faked shots. After many shots, Justin finally sunk his last and did a little victory dance. "I'm the Champ, as always!"

Phil bent over to catch his breath. "You got lucky," he wheezed. Sweat was pouring off his body as he took deep breaths.

"Skill, little man." Justin stood, sweat covering his face.

"Jesus, you're not even breathing heavy."

"Dancing every night on stage while singing does amazing things for the bod," Justin preened.

Phil nodded. "I can see. It makes sense, dancing is tiring enough but to sing and sound good at the same time is beyond me. I respect that so much."

Justin patted Phil's shoulder. "Hey, you're in great shape, don't sweat it."

"Thanks." Phil went and grabbed a towel and threw one to Justin. "It's too bad you guys get so much crap about the whole Pop thing. You work hard and you make art and all critics can do is complain because your audience is young girls and not some whacked out metal heads or middle-aged hippy rejects. It just doesn't make sense."

"It's ok. We're successful and doing what we like. It doesn't matter." Justin stopped, a wisp of an idea crowding his head.

Phil went on. "Ya, at least you're happy. With all the hype, you'd think the industry would take you more seriously. It's not like you're not making some serious money for people. You out grossed some of the most respected acts in the business this year. You deserve a little respect."

Justin had a distant look on his face. "Phil, would you excuse me a minute? I need to write something down." Without waiting for an answer Justin ran off into the house.

Phil wandered over to Jamie and Dan. "What's up with him?"

"You just witnessed the creative songwriter with an idea. I've seen him like that a couple of times."

Phil smiled, stripped off his shirt and dove into the pool.

Jamie and Justin followed the Maitre 'D through the restaurant to their table. Hardly getting even passing glances from most of the patrons, they confidently sat and looked around. The Tavern-on-the-Green was filled to the rafters but Justin had used his influence to guarantee a table. Making the reservation a month earlier also hadn't hurt.

With the restaurant at capacity there were no private tables but neither Justin nor Jamie cared. This night was for them and they were going to have fun and not worry about nosy photographers. Most of the media were busy covering the many events surrounding the countdown to midnight anyway, so dinner was relatively safe.

Jamie felt badly that Lance couldn't join them but he was kept busy with the small details concerning his party at the Roseland Ballroom. Jamie had gone for a little while in the afternoon to help with the backstage arrangements for the groups that were performing while Justin stayed at the hotel doing what he could on the phone.

Justin ordered champagne and appetizers while they smiled to each other over their menus.

"You look beautiful tonight."

"Beautiful? Hardly a word to use for a guy," Jamie smirked at Justin.

The candlelight reflected off of Justin's eyes. "But you are," he said dreamily. "The most beautiful person I know."

Jamie nearly crawled across the table at that point, the urge was so strong but he refrained himself. No need to cause a major scene. He satisfied himself with reaching across and resting his hand on top of Justin's. Justin turned his and over and their fingers clasped.

The sparkle of his new bracelet caught his eye, one of Justin's more elaborate presents to him. It was very masculine in design with interwoven links of white gold with diamond chips on every other link. Justin had given it to him Christmas morning while they ate breakfast in bed, courtesy of his brothers. "I love you, Justin."

"And I love you too." They tapped their glasses with broad smiles.

They continued to gaze at each other while eating. They didn't notice or even care that a photographer was quietly circling the restaurant taking snapshots of anybody who looked famous or newsworthy. The champagne was followed by some wine with dinner and then Brandy with dessert.

They were both feeling more than tipsy when they got back into the Limo. Justin gave the driver instructions to drive around the city before heading to the ballroom as they had a good hour to spare before they were expected.

As soon as the privacy window was up they were locked together. Justin pushed Jamie to the floor as their hands loosened ties and unbuttoned shirts. Jamie's tongue pushed it's way into Justin's mouth as they groaned together.

"How about some more champagne?"

"Mr. Timberlake, you're trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me."

Justin looked at Jamie with a steamy expression. "I don't think I would need anything to do that."

"Oh, you saying I'm easy?"

Justin smirked and attacked Jamie. With one hand he held Jamie's head and completely took possession of his mouth. His other hand snaked into Jamie's pants and crept into the crack of his butt, putting slight pressure on his entrance. Jamie moaned at the sensations and went completely limp.

Justin released his lips and took deep breaths. "See, like putty in my hands."

"No argument here," Jamie replied while panting. His desire was off the scale and the night was far from over.

"Dave Holmes here at the Roseland Ballroom once again with Lance. The party is going full steam with only 15 minutes left until midnight. Everyone having a good time, Lance?"

"They sure are. This is better than I expected."

"We've seen some of the celebrity guests but there are more hiding around here having a good time. The last report we got said that Justin would be joining you tonight but we haven't seen him. Any idea where he is? Time's running out."

"Justin and our friend Jamie were supposed to be here but I have no idea where they are. I guess they got detained somehow and didn't make it in time. Too bad, their loss. But I got you Dave and that's all I need to party."

"You got that right, we're gonna tear the place apart. We now go back to the studio with Carson."

Hard cock was pounding into him. It felt... well, it felt hot, painful, wonderful, large, filling and satisfying. The feeling of being completely dominated by Justin's need, lust and desire coursed through Jamie's veins like a drug. What made it all the more intoxicating was it wasn't directed at just a body, or asshole or cock. It was focused on Jamie, himself.

Jamie thought that to a casual observer, it would appear that Justin was in complete control, using him for his pleasure, that he was getting royally fucked. Jamie snickered at the thought skittering across his mind.

"What?" Justin gasped with a smile.

"I was thinking what we look like..." Justin jabbed down at a slightly different angle and Jamie moaned loudly. "Fuck, do that again!" Justin did and Jamie cried out loudly. "Again," he begged.

"Your wish..." Justin began but strangled to a stop as Jamie tightened his ass muscles around his cock. "Ugghhh..." Justin sighed against Jamie's neck as he jabbed repeatedly.

Jamie turned his head with a groan when Justin started licking his neck. His eyes fell on the TV set tuned to MTV. He saw Lance talking with Dave Holmes. The clock in the corner of the screen read 11:45.

Justin slowed his thrusts and turned Jamie's head with a finger. "Where are you?"

Jamie smiled at him. "Just seeing what time it was. I saw Lance on TV." His eyes widened as Justin nibbled on his collarbone, teasing his already sensitive skin. "You think he'll be really mad at us for bagging out?"

"He'll be mad, but he'll forgive us. He looks busy enough without us there."

They had stayed in the limo, driving around the city, for over an hour. They graduated from kissing to groping to heavy petting in between sips of champagne. As they went on they became more and more intoxicated as well as unstoppable. Eventually the decision was made to just go back to the hotel and enjoy the new year alone in bed.

Justin kissed him then glanced at the screen. "Hmmm, 15 minutes."

"Can you make it?"

Justin smirked at him and bit his nose playfully. "I can if you can."

"Bring it on, stud."

Justin continued with slow, even strokes making sure he rubbed against Jamie's prostate with every withdrawal. Jamie ran his hands through the sweat soaking Justin's back, the slick skin feeling like silk on his fingers. He licked Justin's shoulder and tasted the salty tang of Justin's sweat along with the slight chemical taste of his cologne. Both put him back into that place where he was just a sexual being trying to please his mate.

"God, fuck me, Justin," Jamie wailed. He pressed his face against Justin's neck, his scent driving him crazy. He latched onto the sensitive skin with his teeth causing Justin to jab sharply inward over and over.

"Yes, sweet pea. Oh yes..."

They continued driving each other closer and closer but not wanting to push the other over the edge. Eventually Justin came to a stop and just ground his hips against Jamie, forcing his hard dick deeply inside. "I'm gonna cum soon. I can't hold on much more."

Jamie looked up at him, his hair plastered to his head. "I can feel it throbbing." Jamie's words made Justin swell more and Jamie groaned. Jamie turned his head and looked at the TV again. "Only one minute to go."

Justin lay fully on Jamie and kissed him. Jamie wrapped his legs and arms around Justin's back and pulled him tightly to him. "I never imagined we would be ringing in the year quite like this."

Justin smiled down at Jamie. "Next year we kiss right out in Times Square."

Justin pumped with his hips and continued making Jamie grunt with each inward stroke. Jamie grabbed his biceps and met his thrusts with soft moans. "Fuck me. I'm so close, Justin."

Justin pushed forcefully. "You feel it? Feel my dick fucking you?" Jamie groaned at the words and his eyes rolled up in his head. "No baby, hold on. Don't cum yet, wait for me."

Jamie gasped as his head rolled on his shoulders. "More... need more... gotta cum..." he panted.

The television caught Justin's attention. =10 - 9 - 8...=

"This is it, baby." He thrust in time with the countdown. "Get ready."

=7 - 6 - 5...=

"Justin..." Jamie called.

=4 - 3...=

"Now baby, cum with me, baby."

=2 - 1!=

Jamie convulsed one last time as every muscle in is body spasmed. His fingers dug into Justin's arms as he came strongly between them, crying out Justin's name. Justin came a split second after him, Jamie's quivering under him intensifying his orgasm as he yelled out.

=HAPPY NEW YEAR!!= The television was forgotten as they rode their climaxes. Jamie felt washed away in the feelings and started crying. Justin lay shivering on Jamie, still imbedded deeply inside, as he panted into Jamie's neck.

When Justin could speak he lifted his head and kissed away Jamie's tears. "Happy New Year," he said softly. "Don't cry."

"I love you so much," Jamie wept.

"Shhh... shhh... honey, it's ok. I love you right back." Justin gently wiped the tears from Jamie's eyes. He leaned down and they kissed, their first for 2001. Justin reached over and grabbed the champagne flute and poured a little into Jamie's mouth. He licked it from Jamie's lips and took a sip himself.

When their breathing had returned to normal, Justin slowly withdrew from Jamie. Jamie sighed happily and took another sip from the glass. Justin took it from him and poured a small splash in the center of his chest and licked it off.

"Mmm, you taste great."

"I think we need to take a shower," Jamie giggled.


A knocking woke Justin and brought a pounding pain to the middle of his head. He snuggled into his pillow and ignored it. The knock repeated only louder and Justin cried out. Jamie shifted but didn't wake. Justin couldn't move much as Jamie had him in an arm and leg lock and was half laying on his back.

"Ya?" he said weakly.

The door opened suddenly and Lance walked into the room, a newspaper in his hands. He glanced over at the other very messy bed, his frown giving way temporarily to a slight grin. "I guess I don't have to ask what happened to you two last night?"

"Lance?" Justin asked, his eyes squinted almost shut. He moaned in pain trying to move his head.

Lance's features softened. "You're really hung over aren't you?" he said lightly. "Want some coffee?"

"Sounds good. Maybe later in the morning. What are you doing up so early?"

"Justin, it's past noon. Why don't you two get up and we'll have some lunch and talk about last night. There's some interesting things in the paper that you should see."

"Ugh." Justin replied and rolled over, moving Jamie at the same time. "Sweet pea?" he croaked.

Jamie groaned and swatted at Justin's arms. "Let me die in peace."

Lance stifled a laugh as he left the room. If only their fans could hear what Justin Timberlake sounded like on a morning after he wouldn't be so popular. Within 15 minutes, Jamie shuffled out into the main room, moving painfully. He was wearing boxer briefs and an over-large T-shirt that looked like it might belong to Lonnie. He sat at the table and put his head in his hands.

"I hurt all over," he groaned.

"Rough night?" Lance questioned with a smirk. "Here, drink this it will make you feel better." Lance pushed a cup of tea in his direction.

"Thanks, Lance." Jamie sat fiddling with the tea bag then sat up straight. "Oh my God! Lance! I'm sooo sorry. We had every intention of coming to your party but we... and then... well..." he quickly flustered and stalled at the sad and hurt look on Lance's face.

Lance couldn't hold it in with Jamie looking so miserable and burst out laughing. "It's ok, really. I was so busy I didn't even notice much that you weren't there. So what did you guys do?"

"Well, it's all really hazy. We started out with dinner then rode around town in the limo, I think. That's where I start having problems remembering."

Justin sat down next to him. "We got a little drunk in the limo and... well... you know..."

"Oh, I know you two all too well. You got drunk and the hormones took over."

Jamie blushed and looked over to Justin who smiled back at him sheepishly. "Something like that, ya."

Lance tossed the paper across the table to them. "It's a sorta catty society page and has pictures from around town last night."

"There you are, Lance." Justin pointed out. The picture showed Lance raising a glass with a broad smile. 'NSyncer Lance Bass going stag (aww) at his charity bash at the Roseland Ballroom' was written under the photo.

"That's a great pic. I take it everything went well?" Jamie asked looking up from the paper.

"It was a huge success. Look at the bottom right."

Jamie and Justin looked and saw a picture of them at the restaurant clinking glasses. The caption read: Pop star Justin Timberlake of NSync and close (ahem) friend at Tavern-on-the-Green.

Justin smiled. "Think they'll give me a copy of it for the scrap book?"

Jamie waved to the driver then walked into the house. Fitzgerald came running up to him. With a loud 'Meowrl' she jumped into his arms just after he dropped his travel bag.

"Hey baby cat, you miss Daddy?"

The cat purred loudly and rubbed her face against his chin. After batting his nose playfully with one paw, she jumped down and ran off back into the house. Jamie giggled and lugged his bags up into the bedroom.

He was fatigued from his flight and a little sad that Justin had an important hush-hush meeting to attend in LA. The two hour wait for his flight after Justin and Lance's left was long and lonely. Memories of how they celebrated the calendar turning to 2001 kept a smile on his face. Jamie put away a few things and grabbed his dirty laundry to bring downstairs. He started a load then wandered into the living room.

Everything was as they left it before the weekend. All the decorations were still up and the presents were under the tree. Deciding to use this time doing something useful instead of moping, he sorted through everything. He made two piles for the clothes they had each received then started sorting through the other things.

Jamie was comforted to find that even though Justin was a multi-millionaire their Christmas 'haul' wasn't that much different from anyone else. There were stacks of new CD's, books, the latest computer video games, DVD's of their favorite movies, donations to various charitable causes in their names and gift certificates for dinners at some of the fanciest restaurants in Orlando, New York and Los Angeles.

One present just boggled his mind. He looked over the stack of books tied with white ribbon with a wide smile. Britney had sent them several scrap book sets. The first was 'Our Life Together' which she had already started by putting in a bunch of clippings from the newspapers about them. The next one was 'Our Wedding' and on top of that a wedding planner that covered everything. The last one made him laugh. It was titled 'All the Baby Names You Could Ever Need.'

His cell rang and he reached over to the coffee table and grabbed it. "Yello..."

"Baby, you'll never guess in a million years what they want us to do!"

Jamie grinned. "Hi sweetie. I miss you."

"I miss you too... lots," Justin giggled. "I'll be home tomorrow late."

"That was quick. What's the news?"

"They want us to be part of the half-time show at the Superbowl!"

"You're kidding, right?"

"No way! And the best part is it's in Tampa this year so we don't even really have to travel."

Jamie left the studio and headed to his car. It was still early and he needed to talk to Johnny before he quit for the day. A reporter was waiting for him at the entrance to the parking lot.

"Mr. Campbell, could you spare a minute for a question or two?"

Jamie looked at her in amusement. Mel had warned him that he should expect this to happen, especially when he stuck to a regular schedule that they could figure out then ambush him.

"Um, ok, but just a minute. I have some errands to run before it gets late." Jamie motioned and she walked with him through the parking lot.

"Sure. Thanks for talking with me, I'm Caroline Crosby, US magazine. Would you care to elaborate on the exact relationship you have with NSync?"

"Excuse me? I don't understand what you mean."

"First, what is the nature of your business relationship with them?"

"Well, this summer and fall I was a member of the band filling in for Kevin who was out because he and his wife had a baby. Other than that, I'm on retainer as an assistant in their publicity and public relations department especially when they're in New York. Um, and I guess I'm an artistic consultant for Freelance."

"Perfect, and your personal relationship?"

Jamie gave her a long look. "I'm good friends with the guys. They are a great bunch of people."

"You've publicly declared your homosexuality. Are there any romantic involvements? Are you dating any of them?"

"And this is your business because...?"

"I'm sorry, I know that it's a personal question and if you don't want to answer it, I understand."

"Just what are you interviewing me for?" Jamie asked.

"Someone on our music team thought it would be a good idea to talk to friends and relatives of some of the hottest groups for some inside scoop and spotlight some people behind the scenes. With your public admission last November I thought maybe a little profile of you would be nice. It's certainly newsworthy."

Jamie nodded. "Sounds interesting. To answer your question, no, I'm not dating any of them. Now if you'll excuse me, I really have to catch someone before they leave for the day."

"That's fine. I understand. If you'd be willing I have a pre-made list of questions. Would you consider looking it over, answering them and then faxing it to me?"

"Sure, I'll see what I can do."

She handed Jamie an envelope then shook his hand. "It was nice meeting with you. If there are any questions you can't or won't answer then leave them blank. Thanks for the time."

"No problem, Caroline. Good luck with the story."

She smiled and walked quickly away. Jamie watched her go as he got into his Rav4. 'Something is up,' he thought.

A single spot light shone down on him. He could hear the crowd in the arena, moving and restless. As far as he could tell he was the only thing lit up, the rest of the stage was completely dark.

He moved toward the front and the spot followed him. He was all alone and he was scared. Without any indication other than a feeling, he knew the audience was focusing in on him intently.

"Hello..." It echoed out from his mic lost in the space.

Then he heard it. The crowd was chanting softly under it's breath. That made him feel better. He'd heard this before, usually the word NSync over and over growing in intensity until the show started. He marveled at how softly a group this large could chant, so softly that he couldn't make out what they were saying.

Something was wrong. Why was he alone? Where was everyone else that belonged on stage. Looking around did no good, it was too dark to make out anything and his spot was almost blinding.

"How's everyone tonight?" he tried. Usually that brought some kind of reaction but not this time. The chanting grew to a loud buzz, the words still indistinct.

Suddenly fear gripped him and he found he couldn't move. The chanting pulsed in his head and finally the words flowed around him and became distinct and certain.

"FAGGOT - QUEER... FAGGOT - QUEER..." repeated over and over making his blood run cold.

"NO!!!" he screamed and the response was immediate. He felt something hit his arm, then more on his legs and chest. Something sailed directly at his face and he slapped it down. More kept coming as he looked down, dodging slightly to make a more difficult target. What he saw dried his mouth, at his feet were 'No Strings Attached' jewel cases.

More kept coming as he knelt in horror. They hit him all over, stinging when they contacted bare skin. He didn't noticed the pain as one hit his forehead. The chanting continued getting louder and Justin screamed in terror.

Justin sat up in bed suddenly screaming out. Jamie was right beside him in an instant holding him tightly.

"Justin, what's the matter? Are you ok?"

Justin was panting, wide-eyed, beside him. A thin sheen of sweat covered him and he clutched at Jamie with tears in his eyes.

"Oh..." he groaned as he buried his head into Jamie's shoulder. "They were so mean," he strangled out between sobs.

"It's ok, baby, just a bad dream," Jamie soothed. "Nothing can hurt you."

Justin relaxed a little and looked at Jamie with a haunted expression. "Please tell me it's ok. That everything will be alright."

"Of course, sweetie." Jamie gently rocked Justin in his arms while he ran his fingers through his hair. "Everything's fine." Jamie wished he felt as confident as he sounded.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 63: Time in a Bottle

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