Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on May 30, 2001


Greetings everyone,

So here's the latest chapter. As you can see it didn't take me a whole two weeks to post it. I promise to try to get them done and post them as soon as they are. But like I said I want to craft these more carefully so that they are what I want them to be and what you expect them to be.

In this chapter I pay homage to another story convention. You'll see when I get there! :) I'm trying not to be cliche with the story but this was something that I had planned to do a long ways back. And hey, it happens in real life so I figured...... ::shrug::

Somebody asked me awhile ago and I just got another request on what Jamie really looks like, if he looks like anybody famous so they could picture him better. I tried to think of celebrities that he might look like and haven't really come up with anyone. The closest I could come would be sorta a Jonathan Brandis type look. Add to that Brian Littrell's blond/red/light brown hair (you know the color that can't decide what it is depending on the light) with Howie D's height and body shape you've got him.

Yes, Jamie has finally healed, mostly. Sure he'll still have some scars but he's much better now. Good thing because now they have to deal with the strain of hiding, coming out and planning a wedding.

I know I'd be stressed out with just the wedding part..... : )

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Hide From The Moon

"We kiss in a shadow,

We hide from the moon,

Our meetings are few and over too soon.

We speak in a whisper,

Afraid to be heard.

When people are near we speak not a word.

Alone in our secret,

Together we sigh,

For one smiling day to be free.

To kiss in the sunlight

And say to the sky:

'Behold and believe what you see

Behold how my lover loves me.'"

  • Rogers and Hammerstein, from The King and I - 1951

"Do you like this?" Justin asked holding a shirt up to his chin.

"It's nice, but not the right color for you. Try a little darker red," Jamie answered honestly. Justin nodded and went back to the rack.

According to Mel's plan they had taken some time to go shopping. Right after saying goodbye to Rosie when the show finished, Justin and Jamie headed off to hit some stores over their lunch break. Justin kept just a low enough profile so not to be stampeded by fans, but made sure he -was- noticed. Touring when school was in session was so much easier since most of their fans were occupied during the day.

Justin brushed by Jamie to head to another rack. "I love you," he said softly.

Jamie grinned at him and pulled out a pair of pants. He followed Justin around another display and to the fitting room. "Here take these, too." Jamie handed Justin a sweater and the pants.

"You want to come in with me?" Justin said with a smirk.

Jamie blushed. "I don't think that's a good idea. We only want to be seen together, not cause a scandal."

Justin shrugged with a broad smile and went through the door. Jamie occupied himself by looking around nearby. Before long Justin came out wearing the pants, one of the shirts and the sweater over that.

"What do you think?"

"Turn around."

Justin turned and smirked. "You just wanted to see my butt."

"Ya, that too," Jamie giggled. "I like it. Take off the sweater and lets see the shirt alone." Justin did what he was told and Jamie nodded. "Good, how about just the sweater?"

Justin smiled patiently and unbuttoned the shirt leaving him in his wife beater. Jamie sighed at the sight. It never failed to get his blood boiling. Justin pulled the sweater over his head and twirled one more time. "Look ok?"

Jamie nodded. "Sure does. How does it feel? Scratchy at all?"

"Nope, it's pretty comfortable."

"Ok, go try on the other shirt so we can get out of here, I'm starving."

Justin came out a moment later in his regular clothes and they took the purchases to a sales clerk. "Don't react," Jamie said out of the side of his mouth, in a whisper, "but there's someone on the other side of the store taking pictures and it's not a salesperson."

"Mel's or somebody else?" Justin asked just as quietly.

"No idea."

Justin got playful and leaned in with a cupped hand as if whispering in Jamie's ear. Instead of saying anything he licked across the lobe causing Jamie giggle.

They both laughed as they got to the counter. "I'm gonna get you for that," Jamie smirked.

"Counting on it," Justin replied handing the clothes to the clerk. It was an older gentleman who didn't recognize them and politely rang up the sale and sent them on their way.

They left the store with one more bag to add to their growing bundle and headed up the block to restaurant they had picked earlier. Jamie looked back to see Lonnie discreetly following them.

"I feel like a hamburger," Justin said as they sat in the booth.

Jamie reached out and patted his arm. "You feel like Justin to me." They laughed together and Justin kicked him lightly on the foot under the table.

While they were eating their burgers they talked casually and watched the other patrons as well as the foot traffic outside the diner. Jamie looked around a little uneasily. Justin noticed his change in mood immediately.

"You ok?"

"Ya... I'm fine. I just felt really uneasy for some reason."

Justin looked at him in concern then looked around warily. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary either inside or outside the diner. "Do you want to leave?"

Jamie hesitated then shook his head. "No, I don't." He shook his head again as if trying to clear it then looked up at Justin with a smile. "The feeling's gone. I have no idea what that was." He picked up a fry and popped it into his mouth.

Now Justin was feeling uneasy, but for an entirely different reason. "Are you sure you're ok?" He was staring intently at Jamie trying to gauge his response.

"Completely fine, it was just one of those weird feelings." He caught Justin disbelieving stare. "Honest." Jamie reached over and patted Justin's hand that laying on the table.

Justin caught it before Jamie could pull it back and squeezed reassuringly. He looked deeply into Jamie's eyes and saw honesty and a lack of concern and relaxed. Letting go of his hand he smiled. "So you still want to go to the Village and do some antiquing?"

"Oh, definitely and Dan asked me to check on the apartment sometime this week too, but I can do that tomorrow night when you have that photo shoot."

Justin nodded. "Ok, but you take Lonnie with you."

"Justin, no. I'm fine and I'll be fine. It's one cab ride from the hotel and back again. Nothing's going to happen."

"I suppose that I won't convince you otherwise?"

Jamie shook his head no with a smile. "And I love you for it."

They returned to the hotel and stowed the bags in their room. They had just enough time for Jamie to change into his stage clothes before Lance was knocking on the door.

"Hey, guys. You ready to leave?"

"In about a minute, Scoop. Did you have a good afternoon?"

"We just hung around here. Didn't feel like doing much. How about you two?"

Justin pointed to the bags and smiled. "That's only the stuff we could carry."

Lance grinned. "You bought more?"

"Ya, a huge shaker rocking chair," Jamie said coming out of the bathroom, "and a really nice hutch."

Lance looked disappointed. "You went antiquing without me again, didn't you?"

Jamie gave him a quick hug. "I'm sorry. I promise we'll go on one of our next days off, ok? How about that day off in Toronto?"

Lance nodded with a pout. "You promise?"

"Have I ever broken a promise to you?" Lance shook his head no. "Well, there you have it."

Lance smiled and turned to leave. "We leave in 5 minutes. So get your shit together."

"Oh, Lance?" Jamie waited until he turned back. "Nice pout, but it's nowhere near as effective as Justin's."

Lance nodded with a sigh. "I keep practicing."

Justin and Jamie laughed and followed him a moment later and went into the hall. Down near the end Jamie saw Kelly and ran to hug her.

"Kellllyyyyyy!!!!" he yelled. She squealed as well and met him half way.

"Jamieeeee, I've missed you so much!" She had a few more pounds on Jamie and an inch or two in height so grabbed him around the back and swung him around before dropping him to the floor with a 'oof!' "Hey, you've put on some weight."

"I've been working out." Jamie made a muscle and Kelly fawned over it making him blush.

"Big tough guy."

"I was so happy when Joey said you'd be joining us. It's good to have you back." Jamie put an arm around her shoulder and they talked privately. Justin watched, amused, then turned to talk to Chris who joined him in the hall.

"I'm glad to be back."

Jamie looked at her closely.

"What?" she asked with a twinkle.

"You look different," he commented. "Besides your hair being shorter," he shook his head trying to figure it out. "I don't know. You just look different... good, but different."

Kelly smile at him mysteriously. "Well thanks, cutie."

"Ok, everyone, let's get moving," Lonnie called. "The bus is out back."

Once everyone was settled and the bus was making it's way to New Jersey, Lance called everyone to the lounge.

"I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on. First the schedule. Tomorrow we have two radio interviews, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. We're doing the final planning for the Blockbuster performance over lunch with Wade. Then there's that evening photo shoot." Lance let them all absorb the schedule before continuing. "Joey and Kelly said they have something they want to share with us."

Joey cleared his throat and looked nervously around. "We have an announcement..." he trailed off uncertainly. His brother, Steve, zoomed the camera in on the couple. "Well, Kelly and I are officially back together."

"We already knew that, Fatone. Let's hear some news," Chris chuckled.

Joey nodded and smiled at Chris. "Ya but there's some things you don't know about some of the reasons we got back together." He cleared his throat again and gave Kelly a smile.

"If you don't start telling them, I will," she warned.

With a laugh, Joey continued. "This summer Kelly and I got together a couple of times when we were in New York." Surprised looks went around the group. "I know none of you knew that."

Jamie got a very stormy look on his face. Justin felt him tense and looked between Joey and Jamie with concern, then realized what was on Jamie's mind. Joey noticed and nodded to them.

"Well, when we got together again just before the VMA's we found out something." Everybody leaned in expectantly.

"Oh enough of this," Kelly said with a laugh. "You like to tell a story just as much as your father." Holding Joey's hand in hers she continued. "Joey and I are gonna have a baby sometime near the end of April."

Joey looked around at everyone's stunned looks. Steve dropped the camera and it rolled on the floor near Joey's feet. He picked it up and made a sweep of the room. "And this is how they react," he narrated. "I've made the most talkative men in the business into statues.

Kelly looked around to see everyone's reaction. Next to her, Chris looked down at her stomach in awe. JC and Lance both had their mouths open and were blinking rapidly. Steve sat there, pale, with his eyes shut. Jamie and Justin's reactions were the most curious. Jamie looked back at her in almost delight while Justin looked on with what she would later describe as jealousy.

"I knew you looked different!" Jamie finally said breaking the long silence. It released everyone and they all started talking at once.

When they had all quieted somewhat, Steve looked to Joey and took the camera back. "But how?"

Everyone laughed and Joey put an arm around his older brother's shoulder. "Now I know you know all about that. You taught me."

Steve shook his head. "No, you know what I mean."

"It happened," Kelly conceded. "It wasn't intentional, but maybe we wanted it. We've had several long talks and decided that we'd like to do this together."

"Wow, we're gonna be uncles," Justin said wonderingly.

JC looked at him and mirrored his smile. "Ya."

"Congrats, you two," Lance smiled. "I almost thought for a second that you were gonna say that you were getting married."

Kelly and Joey looked at each other uneasily. "We had thought about it," Joey answered.

"But decided that for now what we have is enough," Kelly completed.

"Oh my God!" Steve exclaimed. "What are Momma and Dad gonna say to that?"

Joey got a very sad but resolute look on his face. "I'll tell them once we get back home." He turned to his brother. "Until then, keep your mouth shut. I want to tell them myself."

"Lips are sealed, bro," Steve said with an uneasy smile. "For the record, I'm thrilled."

"Jamie, I know what we need to do that afternoon off in Toronto..." Lance said.

"Yup, I'm with you, buddy."

"What?" Chris asked.

"Baby shopping!!" Lance and Jamie said together. That sparked another whole round of conversation.

Jamie walked into the apartment and leaned against the closed door. 'This was home for awhile,' he thought. Smiling sadly he checked the answering machine and saw only 3 messages on it. Leaving it alone he went and toured all the rooms making sure everything was ok.

He sat on his bed and felt the bedspread. Memories of him and Justin on the bed, their first times together intimately, came to mind. He blushed at the thought then smiled widely. Jamie looked around and grabbed a couple of CD's that he had been missing lately and went back to the main room. Dan had left him a note attached to the refrigerator.


Hope you get a chance to read this. Please make sure

the plants are ok, if not, don't worry about it. I'll be

back in town on the 10th, late afternoon... so we'll miss

each other. Hopefully we can hook up later on, if not

then Thanksgiving for sure.

That's all.... love ya little bro,


Jamie smiled at the note as memories of his brother flooded him. He loved Dan more than ever this past year. Without him, Jamie doubted he would have made it past New Years and certainly not been in any condition to even seriously consider letting Justin back into his life. The urge to do something for Dan overcame him. He watered all the plants generously, some really needed it.

Coming to a decision he checked the fridge and cabinets and noticed that Dan was out of just about everything. The market was just two blocks away, so he decided to stock Dan up with a few things as a present. He grabbed his coat and left the building. The November night was turning slightly chilly. Jamie shivered slightly as he breathed in deeply. Since living in Orlando almost full time he missed the coolness of the Northeast and particularly the fall weather.

He got into the market and started picking up some things he knew Dan liked: frozen foods, canned goods and other things that would keep until he got into town. Rounding one aisle, he saw a sale on some cookies that just happened to be Dan's favorites. Jamie grabbed three packages, figuring one for tomorrow's bus ride would be nice.

The clerk packed the groceries in the canvas sack Jamie had brought and he was soon on his way back to the apartment. He walked casually along the darkened streets. There were a few people out, heading either home, out for a late dinner or to the theater. Jamie had grown to love this small neighborhood almost in the heart of the Village. It was just close enough to everything to be convenient, but not so close for the usual nightlife to be intrusive.

He walked slowly looking in the closed store windows. All at once the feeling of being followed flowed over him. He looked around but didn't see anyone, the street was now deserted except for one solitary figure entering a house down the street. Jamie continued walking and heard echoing footsteps behind him.

Stopping at another store window he turned to look through the window. Turning his head slightly he saw a figure down the street tying his shoe. Jamie shrugged but still couldn't shake the feeling. He continued to walk and again the footsteps followed.

As he neared a corner he quickened his pace and went around and out of sight. 'This will stop now!' he vowed to himself. Stepping into the doorway of the corner shop he waited. A few seconds later the figure rounded the corner at an easy jog and stopped looking down the empty street.

"So, Carson. Fancy meeting you here," Jamie said coming out from the shadows.

Jamie grinned when Carson nearly jumped off the pavement. "Holy shit. You scared the hell out me," Carson gasped, stepping away.

"So why are you following me?"

"I'm not..."

"Save it. You don't even live near the Village, you live in Chelsea not far from Times Square."

Carson looked around and scratched the back of his head. "Well, I just..." he stopped and sighed. "Ya, eight blocks from the studio. Ok, I guess there's really no good reason except for being curious."

Jamie looked at Carson with a cross expression. "Curious? Carson if you needed to know anything all you had to do was ask. You do realize that being followed like that at night is not a pleasant feeling?"

"Ya, I'm sorry about scaring you."

Jamie's irritation ebbed a little with the hope that he'd be able to see what was on Carson's mind. "Come on, walk me back to the apartment and you can ask any question you want." Carson looked up with hope in his eyes. "That doesn't mean I'm gonna answer every one plus I get to ask some too."

Carson chuckled. "Fair enough. So who's apartment?"

"My older brother, Dan. I used to live here too and really only use it now for a place to stay when I need it."

"So where are you living most of the time?"

"Well, I thought -that- would be fairly obvious... Orlando."

"Ya, NSync probably keeps you pretty busy. Have a place of your own?"

Jamie thought for a second and figured that he'd let Carson make of this what he would. It was a matter of public record for anyone curious enough to find that both their names were on the deed. "No, Justin and I are sharing a house."

"I see you two have become pretty close."

"Ya, we have, almost like one of my brothers. He's been great but I consider all the guys good friends."

"You're gay, aren't you?"

Again a question Jamie didn't think Carson would have the balls to ask. How he should answer this question was hotly debated earlier in the fall. Since even a little delving into his past would reveal the truth it was decided he shouldn't lie. "Yes, I am. You have a problem with that?"

"Oh, no, not at all. How about your brother?"

"Not that it's any of your business but no, Dan is straight. Has a steady girlfriend too in another city."

"And he lives in the Village?"

"Well, Dan has always been into the trendy thing. The Village is one of the hot places in the city to live," Jamie shrugged.

"How about NSync? Any of them?"

Jamie gave Carson a flat look. "It wouldn't be appropriate for me to answer that question at all. You know that Carson. You want an answer to that then you need to ask them in person."

"Fair enough. I'm sure if you knew anything you couldn't say anything because of confidentiality agreements."

"Correct. So how about you, you gay?"

"Me? No, not gay. I consider myself bi. I just go with the flow. So do you have a boyfriend?"

Jamie nodded. "Yup."

"Anyone I know?"

"Now your asking me to invade -his- privacy. I won't do that, Carson."

"You can answer about your brother but not him?"

"I thought you were an on-air talent not an investigative reporter?"

Carson laughed. "Sorry, just a frustrated journalist I guess."

"To honestly answer your question, my brother told me early on when we were advised that the media could get intrusive that whatever was asked he didn't mind me being truthful about it. As for my boyfriend, the whole celebrity thing is sometimes overwhelming for him so we decided to keep that part of our lives private for now, ok?"

Carson nodded. "I know how that can be. I understand that being on the NSync tour and heading the band must give you a bit more publicity and less privacy. So, I heard you turned down the Backstreet Boys. Any dish on that?"

"Nothing major. They asked me to be their musical director for the Black and Blue tour. They were pressing for an answer, well, their management was. At the time I couldn't make that decision, I was going through some really intense personal issues, so I passed." Jamie shrugged. "I don't think they've hired anyone yet."

"Personal issues? May I ask what?"

Jamie shook his head. "I won't answer that right now. Maybe later on. It's still a little tender for me to talk about."

"I can respect that."

They stopped walking at the steps to the building. "So you have anyone special in your life, Carson?"

A sad look came over his face and he shook his head. "No, not right now." He sighed and Jamie started feeling a little sorry for him. Life must not be easy for someone in their late twenties being surrounded by the teen world.

"I'm sure you'll find someone, Carson. You're handsome and smart. No girl... or guy, could resist that for long."

Carson smiled in genuine gratitude. "Thanks, Jamie. I appreciate that. You really are a nice guy... too bad."

Jamie's eyes grew big then he chuckled. "Sorry, taken bud! Besides, I thought your tastes went more toward tall blonds?" Jamie jested with a large smile.

Carson paled at first then saw Jamie's expression and he relaxed. "Ya... well... can't blame a guy for dreaming, huh?"

"Nope. I'm glad we had this talk."

"Me too. I really like you, Jamie. You're a good egg. I can see why the guys made you part of their family."

Jamie blushed at the compliment. "Thanks, you're not so bad either once you stop doing the stalking thing." They both laughed. "Well, this is my stop." He pointed to the door. "Please do me a favor Carson, if you have to find out something, just call me, ok?" He pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it to Carson. "Here's my cell number."

Carson took the card with a nod and handed Jamie one of his. "I do want to apologize for that. Not the smartest thing, I know. If you need -any- help or a sympathetic ear, you call too." He stopped suddenly a little shy and uncomfortable. "Do you mind if I use any of this on the show?"

Jamie shrugged. "No reason why not. I'm sure that WEG would want to approve any editorial content that I've provided before you air it, so just call Mel before hand, ok?"

"Oh, I know that routine well, no problem there. It was nice talking with you. The next time you're in town let's go out for coffee or something." Carson held out his hand.

"Same here, Carson. I'd like that." Jamie ignored Carson's hand pulled him into a hug.

Carson held on for a second longer than someone would normally. "Thanks, your boyfriend is very lucky." He turned to go then turned back, stopping Jamie halfway up the stairs. "Hey, would you be interested in being a special host for TRL? We're always looking for new and different people to fill in at times and I think you'd be perfect. You could do a whole 'behind the scenes with NSync' thing."

Jamie smiled. "Sure, sounds like fun."

"And you didn't even have to threaten him! That's just too cool!" Joey said with a laugh.

"You need to be careful around him, Jamie. I don't trust him."

"It's ok, Chris," Jamie soothed. "I think I got through to him. I actually feel a little sorry for the guy. He seems so lonely. I actually think he was following me for himself just as much as for the story."

"You're kidding?" Lance asked shocked.

Jamie nodded. "All the way through the conversation I got the impression that he just wanted someone else to talk to on a personal level... to connect with. But more than that it was the way he hugged me when we were saying goodbye."

"What?!" JC had been dosing on the arm of the couch, propped next to Lance. He was suddenly alert. "You -hugged- him?"

"It felt like the right thing to do." Jamie shrugged and looked at Justin next to him. Justin took his hand and kissed the back of it. "It felt like he was just starving for someone to even show him that small amount of affection. It was so sad."

Justin wrapped his arm around Jamie's shoulders and let Jamie tuck his head under his chin. "I always knew it, sweet pea, you are so special." He kissed Jamie's forehead.

"Wow, that's alot of info to absorb," Joey exhaled.

"I don't like this 'Carson is a vulnerable human being' picture you're painting," Chris whined. "That means I have to redo everything I've ever thought about him." He smiled and shook his head then pouted. "I don't want to feel sorry for him..."

Kelly laughed and patted Chris on the back.

"It all makes so much more sense now," Lance pondered. "That's why he's been so intrusive. Not only because he's a nosy reporter, but he's looking for something..." he paused thinking.

Jamie nodded. "Exactly. I think Carson, with a little careful prodding, might turn out to be one of our strongest allies or at least not be a major stumbling block."

"That could be real useful," Lance mused. "Ok, now, I have something that Mel sent to me. She said hi, by the way, and will be with us when we hit Washington." He reached into his backpack and pulled out a newspaper, laying it out on the small table.

Everyone leaned over and peered at it. It was the Orlando Sentinel and turned to an inside page in the entertainment section.

Chris read the headline out loud. "What O-Town's own does during time off."

Jamie reached down and pulled the paper up so he could read it. "If you've ever wondered what hometown boys, NSync, do on their days off during a major tour then your wait is over. Below are pictures proving that the nations hottest group is human like everyone else. NSync spent two days at home recharging their batteries before putting on three back to back shows in Ft. Lauderdale and in Orlando. The tour continues in New York and the northern east coast before hitting Toronto then heading west."

Everyone laughed. "So we're human now. That's a nice change," Lance chuckled.

"Well, everyone except for Chris anyway," Joey jested.

"Hey!" Chris yelled with a smile. "I resemble that!"

Jamie then read the captions to the set of printed photos. "Here we see Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass and JC Chasez coming out of the movies. Next is Joey Fatone with his sister, Janine, and brother, Steve, eating lunch at one of Orlando's most popular eateries. And finally Justin Timberlake and close friend Jamie Campbell browsing through the produce department of their local supermarket."

Jamie put the page down so they could all see the pictures.

"God bless Mel," Chris said looking at the pictures. "These are great."

"So, how's it feel to be a 'close friend' there buddy?" Joey grinned at Jamie.

"Feels just fine... just fine," Jamie smiled and snuggled into Justin's side.

The next few days went by in a blur. The grinder that was New York finally spit them out as they headed to Washington with clear night sky watching over them. Jamie sat on the bus watching the lights beside the road whiz past them with Justin's head in his lap. It had been a memorable few days. The New York Post picked up the pictures of them shopping with a favorable comment for their choices in fashions.

The Regis appearance was a blast for everyone. Jamie's favorite memory was one segment when Regis looked over at Jamie standing next to Gilman. "And over THERE is their PA," Regis said in his usual overly dramatic style. "Their -publicity- person. Let me tell you, he looks like a good wind would KNOCK HIM OVER but he's like a bulldog... A BULLDOG!" The audience and NSync laughed and Justin looked over at him and winked.

During TRL, Carson mentioned running into Jamie and even got him to say a few words over the phone so he could give some backstage dish about the tour. Justin watched the program on the television in the play room and gave Jamie a big hug and kiss after the segment was done.

Justin stirred against Jamie's stomach. "How long have I been out?"

Jamie checked his watch. "About an hour, it's almost 3:00. You were really zonked out."

Justin rubbed his eyes and sat up. "We the only ones up?"

Jamie nodded. "I think so although Lance may be in the back. He was juggling his Freelance stuff last I knew."

"Let's go back there and watch some TV. We should be pulling into Philly soon anyway."

"TV?" Jamie questioned.

"Ok, but I was thinking more about making out," Justin grinned.

Jamie followed being pulled by Justin's hand. They passed the bunks and heard the deep breathing and soft, and not so soft, snores of their friends. The light was on in the back room and they found Lance asleep sitting up at the table, his head in his hands.

Justin smiled affectionately and sat down next to Lance and rubbed his shoulder. "Lance, come on buddy. Let's get you to bed."

"Justin?" Lance said thickly, rubbing his eyes.

"Ya, Lance. Why don't you go and get a little more sleep wrapped around JC instead of this table."

Lance sighed and stretched. "That sounds like a good idea." Lance stood, gave Justin a peck on the cheek and one to Jamie as well before heading to his bunk.

Jamie sat next to Justin in the booth and pushed the heavy table away from them a bit. He looked at Justin who was biting his lip and staring at the doorway. "What is it?"

Justin shook his head to clear it. "I don't know. Something's not right."

"I know what you mean. As much of a workaholic Lance is, he never stays up so late he falls asleep over it," Jamie agreed.

Justin nodded. "I'll talk with JC the next chance and see what gives. You can work on Lance."

"Ok, but I'd rather work on you."

"Oh ya?" Justin grinned. He reached over and shut the door, leaving them in relative privacy. Pushing against Jamie with his body they slid down until Justin was laying on top. Justin stared into Jamie's eyes while one hand toyed with his bangs.

Jamie looked back his hands caressing Justin's waist. They shared that perfect moment when all the communication they needed was by look alone. The moment stretched into minutes, the only sound in the room was their breathing. Then, on some unseen cue their heads moved together and their lips met.

Jamie moaned in delight as Justin's tongue explored his lips. The kiss was gentle and loving, unrushed and with no urgency. Jamie's hands moved to Justin's neck and cheeks. This wasn't foreplay, it was love and it made his heart hammer in his chest. All that existed at that point was the two of them. They lost themselves in the feel of their lips, the give and take of their tongues and the taste of the other.

In what seemed like only a minute later, the door opened and Lonnie stepped in and cleared his throat. "It's time for you all to be moving that to a hotel room."

The both looked up at Lonnie in confusion. "Lon? How'd you get on the bus?" Justin said squinting.

"Through the door like everyone else, silly white boy. We've been at the hotel now for about 15 minutes. Everyone's waiting on you."

"What time is it?" Jamie rubbed his eyes

"Almost 4 in the morning, let's move."

Justin smiled and Jamie blushed and followed Lonnie out of the bus.

Jamie was sitting backstage, idly toying with the squeezeball in his hand. The guys were off doing their various things around the arena. A body plopped down next do him, it was Lance.

"Hey there," Jamie said casually.

"Hi." The answer was short and without the usual lightheartedness of Lance's usual tone.

"What's wrong?" Jamie sat up and looked closely at Lance. He appeared to be on the verge of tears.

"Oh nothing."

"Lance, you can't lie to me. I'm the master of denial, remember?" Jamie smiled at him. "Something's been bothering you for the last week or so."

Lance nodded with a sigh. "It's just gotten to be so much," he said weakly, tears starting to track down his cheeks. "Who am I?"

Jamie knew exactly where Lance was coming from. He'd had to comfort Justin through a couple of these spells. He took Lance into his arms and hugged him tightly. "It's ok, James. Let it out."

Lance cried into his shoulder and Jamie patted his hair. Looking up he saw Justin standing in the doorway with a sympathetic expression. Jamie motioned that they would be alright and Justin blew him a kiss and went off.

"I'm sorry, " Lance sniffled. "Just sometimes I feel so overwhelmed. With NSync and Freelance, I sometimes forget to take some time and unwind and leave it for awhile."

"Don't worry, sweetie. You're not alone in that. Justin's dealt with the same thing and I think the odds are pretty good that the others do too."

Lance smiled up at Jamie and put his head back on his shoulder. "Thanks, it helps to hear that even though I know it already."

"Come on, let's get some fresh air."

They grabbed jackets and walked to the backstage entrance. The day was clear but cool and the back parking lot was fairly empty with no fans in sight. They walked shoulder to shoulder around to the corner of the arena.

"There's more too. I feel like Josh is pulling away again and nothing I can do will stop it."

"Oh, Lance. You two love each other so much and both of you just have such a hard time remembering that." Jamie put his arm around Lance's shoulders. "Listen, some friendly advice. When you feel Josh pulling away, you need to take a little time away from your work. Instead you tend to do the opposite."

Lance nodded. "I know," he sighed heavily. "I just get the feeling he wants to be left alone, so I surround myself with paperwork to give me the excuse that I'm doing the right thing. I'm such a loser."

Jamie stopped and turned Lance by the shoulders so they were facing each other. "Don't even think that. There's no way you're a loser. You're not the only one to blame for what's going on. Josh has some responsibility too."

"Will you talk to him too?" Lance hung his head and Jamie's heart ached. He'd never seen Lance so insecure and sad before.

"I won't have to. Justin will take care of him. You just keep your head straight and remember that cute boy waiting for you and needing your love and understanding." Jamie smiled at Lance. "You're an incredible person, James. Don't ever sell yourself short."

Lance smiled at Jamie and they pulled each other into a hug. Lance took a deep breath and released Jamie with a grin. "Let's go find the others. I need some cuddle time."

"That's the spirit. Remember, saying 'I love you' is nice, but showing 'I love you' is much more effective."

Lance looked at Jamie thoughtfully. "You know, Phil had almost the same advice not too long ago."

"What can I say? We're a smart family."

Justin cuddled up to Jamie on the couch. They had a few minutes before their call. The voices of Soul Decision came through the stage monitors.

"I love you, Jamie."

"I love you too, Justin. You're a great boyfriend."

"Oh? And what kind of fiance do I make?"

"Fantastic." Jamie rubbed Justin's back to reassure him.

Justin smiled and lifted his head. "Thanks, sweet pea. I love it when you do that."

"Just part of my job," Jamie smiled. "Any luck with Josh this afternoon?"

Justin pouted. "Not much. He said he felt like Lance was pulling away from him and was too busy all the time but he was to blame. It took me about a half hour of browbeating him to get even that much."

"Lance said the same thing. He saw Josh pulling away and buried himself in work and blamed himself."

"Is Lance ok now?"

"I think so. He had a small melt down."

"Josh still isn't right. I'm worried."

"I'll keep an eye on him. I seem to be able to get him to open up a little without the brute force method."

Justin grinned. "Well it always seemed to work before..."

"And I'm sure Josh appreciates it." Jamie smiled and kissed Justin on the lips. Looking up, he noticed Joey at the door waving. "Seems you're wanted for some hackey sack. Time to go."

Justin kissed Jamie firmly and got off him then pulled him to his feet. "I like that look. I'll have to kiss you like that more often."

"No complaints here," Jamie said in a daze.

Lance and Jamie returned back to the hotel, grinning from ear to ear. They entered the suite and plopped down on the couch with smug satisfaction.

"So what's up with you two?" Chris asked not breaking his gaze away from the TV.

"My feet hurt a little," Jamie complained.

"Not as much as my wallet," Lance snickered.

"I don't see any bags," JC commented from the easy chair as he put down the book he was reading.

"We had it all shipped to Orlando. I think Lance and I bought out all the kids toys in Toronto."

Lance grinned at Jamie and they high-fived each other. Justin came in the room and sat down on the floor between Jamie's legs. "I heard that. Good job, you two."

Jamie ran his fingers through Justin's curls. "Lance bought most of it. You should've seen it. He was a wild man. The plastic was smokin'."

They all laughed and relaxed, talking about what they wanted to do for the evening.

"Oh fuck! You guys, come see this. We're in deep now," Chris called from the TV. They all gathered around and Chris put up the volume. "This is the local news."

".... the biggest money making act currently in the

United States. The personal lives of the members have

always been a highly guarded secret.

As you can see from the footage, Lance Bass is being

comforted by what we could only assume is his boyfriend.

The man has been identified as Jamie Campbell and is

the group's band leader.

The two were seen walking outside of the back stage

doors yesterday afternoon. Mr. Bass seemed distressed

while Mr. Campbell comforted him. As can be seen by

the footage, Mr. Campbell put his arm around Mr. Bass'

shoulders and hugged him before they returned inside.

No word has been received from NSync or their management

about this incident at this time.

We will bring you more when it is known."

A pin drop could've been heard in the room.

"Johnny's gonna shit," Chris said succinctly.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 60: They Cant Take That Away from Me

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