Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on May 20, 2001


Greetings everyone,

Another milestone in the story. I realized after I had posted the last chapter that it was one day away from being exactly one year this story has been on the archive. Wow. I never would have thought I'd be writing this story this long. Time sure does fly by.

An apology to everyone that got an email from me saying that the chapter would appear on Thursday. Sorry, I did intend to get it done but it took longer than I thought it would.

The format for the rest of the story will be like a series of song fics. So every chapter will have a different name. I can hear everyone asking how many of these will there be? I really don't know... certainly a handful. The story will continue on, but just in a slightly different way. As a heads up, this is the format I've started with the Lance story.

Also after this chapter, I'll most likely be posting them every other week. With this style I like to make them longer and contain more, even though this one is normal length. Plus life is intruding again and I'm getting busy, so it gives me more time to get the chapters out so that I'm happy with them.

I'm always open for suggestions and comments. Let me know what you think. Feedback is a neat thing, and I love getting email! : )

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Another Day

"Another night has gone

Life goes on

Another dawn is breaking

Turn and face the sun

One by One

The world outside is waking

Morning light has driven away

All the shadows that hide your way

And night has given away

To the promise of another day"

  • James Taylor: 'Another Day' from Hourglass, 1997

Justin stood slowly, tears tracking down his cheeks, and pulled the Jamie into his arms. "I've missed you so much," he said kissing his cheeks.

"I'm back," Jamie said with conviction. "I'm back." His double meaning was not lost on any of the guys as they joined Justin in a group hug.

One by one they then gave Jamie their own personal greetings. Chris hugged Jamie gently and patted his shoulder in an older brotherly way. Joey crushed Jamie to him in a bear hug. He parted with a smile and watery eyes. JC firmly held him while running his hands up and down his back in a comforting manner and gave him a smooch on the cheek as he pulled away.

Lance was next with tears in his eyes. He held onto Jamie tightly and sobbed a little. "I didn't realize how much I missed y'all," he said, his accent slipping out. "Listen ta me. Just a big sap."

"It's ok, James. I've missed you too," Jamie said smiling at him with mirrored tears. They shared a friendly smack on the lips before Lance went and sat in JC's lap and snuggled into him. JC wiped at Lance's tears with his fingers and rocked him.

Justin pulled Jamie to him and held on like he was afraid Jamie would disappear. Jamie didn't mind at all and lay his head on Justin's chest.

A stage hand stuck her head through the door, gave Jamie a small wave, and warned them that the sound check would start in 2 minutes. "Let's get this over with," Chris groaned. "I could use a nap."

"What's the schedule?" Jamie asked, looking into Justin's eyes. He giggled a little at the silly grin on Justin's face.

Justin couldn't disguise his happiness at having Jamie back with him. "Sound check then lunch at the hotel. We don't have to be back here until the Meet and Greet at 4." Jamie nodded and rubbed his cheek against Justin's collarbone.

"Trying to steal Scoop's job there, Curly?" Joey kidded with him. Justin stuck his tongue out.

"After lunch," Justin whispered for Jamie's ears only, "you and I have some alone time coming." He punctuated his whisper with a lick at Jamie's earlobe causing him to shiver.

"I can't wait, JuJu." They walked, hand in hand, to the stage. The guys put on their monitors and mikes while one of the stage crew handed Jamie a stool. He took it over to the band to sit near Kevin. The band as a group yelled and cheered when they saw him. Jamie blushed with a big grin. He was home.

The ride to the hotel was mostly silent, everyone kept to their own thoughts with smiles on all their faces. Jamie and Justin sat with hands clasped, snuggling close to each other in the tight confines of the limo. Jamie's return had certainly lifted a cloud from the group. The sound check had gone quickly and they were eager to get back to the hotel. When they pulled up to the entrance, they noticed that a large crowd of fans had gathered.

The guys were all smiles as they did a slow walk to the hotel doors. They signed autographs and posed for pictures with the fans. Justin was so happy to have Jamie back with him that he enthusiastically greeted the crowd with the others. Jamie watched from the sidelines standing next to Lonnie.

"I'm sure glad you're back, Red," he said with a smile.

"I'm happy to be back, big guy," Jamie replied back. "I needed some time for myself but realized that being by myself wasn't the answer."

After 15 minutes the guys decided they had enough and headed into the hotel. Justin reached out and draped his arm around Jamie's shoulder to pull him along as Lonnie brought up the rear. The action didn't go unnoticed by the crowd as snapshots continued to be taken.

"What are you doing?" Jamie asked quietly.

"Starting a rumor," Justin said as they went through the doors. "Consider this the start. They better get used to it because when I finally come out my arm will be permanently around you in public."

"I wouldn't want it any other way." Jamie smiled at him and Justin's legs went weak and he stumbled a little. "You ok?"

"You really are back aren't you?" Tears formed again in Justin's eyes.

Jamie looked at Justin confused as they approached the elevator. It was waiting for them and they piled on. The guys started showing the small gifts they'd received. It was decided that Chris won that round with a huge, oversized candy bar. Justin ignored it all and stared at Jamie.

"Give me your wallet," Justin demanded. Everyone turned to watch them. Jamie shrugged and handed it over to Justin. He opened it and flipped to the picture of the three brothers.

"Ya?" Jamie said. "I'm not following."

"See that Jamie," Justin said pointing. Jamie nodded and Justin showed the picture to everyone. "That's the Jamie I met the first day in that meeting." JC nodded finally understanding what Justin was getting at. "I haven't seen that Jamie again after that day until just now." Jamie's eyes opened wide and a broad smile split his face.

The other guys sighed in happiness for their friend. "He's right, Jamie," Chris agreed. "We've seen you happy but there's always been an underlying sadness about you. We could see it in your eyes."

"No that's not it," Joey interrupted. "It was more in the way he said things."

"I always thought it was in the way he moved," JC added.

Lance stilled all three. "It was in everything you did," he turned his attention to Jamie and Justin. "At first we didn't catch it because we didn't know you. Then as the summer went on we saw that you were locked up inside. We all caught some part of it and Justin's right, it's gone."

Jamie smiled again and hugged Justin tightly. The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

"Lunch should be ready for us in the extra room," Lance announced when they exited on their floor.

They went down the hall to the smells of food. Justin grabbed a tour assistant to have them bring Jamie's luggage up from the bus. While they ate, talk was centered on bringing Jamie up to date on what had been happening with the tour since he left.

Justin shut and locked the door. "Now I have you all to myself." Lunch was over and everyone was taking a little rest time.

"Oh ya?" Jamie said teasingly.

"Ya. So come 'ere." Justin reached for Jamie who skirted away with a giggle.

"You're gonna have to catch me first!" Jamie ran putting the bed between them.

"You think that's gonna stop me?" Jamie nodded laughing. Justin jumped and reached for Jamie. Jamie stepped back at the last minute letting Justin fall on his stomach on the bed. Jamie grabbed a pillow and started hitting Justin with it over and over, keeping him lying down and laughing.

"Do you give?" Jamie thumped Justin some more.

"I give," Justin wheezed, still giggling.

Jamie put the pillow down and stood there with his hands on his hips. "There, I win!"

"Oh ya?" Justin moved quicker than Jamie had ever seen and grabbed him around the waist. With a quick twist Jamie was on his back on the bed with Justin sitting on his middle. "Now I win."

Jamie shook his head. "Nope, I still win. I got you in bed." They both laughed and looked deeply into each other's eyes. Jamie reached up to start tickling but Justin grabbed his wrists and pulled them over his head, immobilizing him.

Jamie struggled a little and Justin immediately let go with an apology. "I'm sorry, I won't do that."

Jamie smiled at him. "It's ok, JuJu. All that's gone too." He took Justin's hands and resumed that position. He sighed happily when their fingers intertwined.

Justin grinned at Jamie. "So now we can get into some kinky bondage stuff?"

Jamie gawked at him. "Justin Timberlake! I never knew you had this fetish thing going on."

Justin blushed. "Well, not really, I was only kidding. But maybe we can try some things sometime."

"I'd like that. I'll try anything with you," Jamie said softly.

Still holding Jamie's hands above them, Justin leaned down and their lips met. Tentative at first, they slowly let their passion control them. Before long they were both moaning into each other's mouths. "I think we're way over dressed," Jamie gasped.

They used the excuse of undressing each other to explore as each piece of clothing was removed. Fingers, lips and tongues got reacquainted with those special spots that made each of them gasp. Jamie was groaning as Justin licked and sucked on his neck giving him a hickey.

"Oh, baby that feels great." Jamie rolled and switched positions. He licked down the hard plains of Justin's chest and put a wet trail between his pecs. Justin's smooth, soft skin felt and tasted so good to Jamie. It was a drug he could never get enough of. He moved over to one hardening nipple and licked around it.

"Oh, sweet pea. Ya, suck it," Justin urged. Jamie took the swollen point into his mouth and sucked hard on it. Using his teeth, he nibbled gently making Justin moan loudly. Jamie's hand found Justin's hard dick and stroked it firmly. "Baby, I'm not going to last very long," he warned.

Jamie smiled up at him and went to the other nipple. Justin bucked as teeth scrapped against the hard tip. "You like that baby?" Jamie asked.

"Yes.... oh... I'm gonna... gonna..." Justin moaned and then yelled out loudly as he reached his orgasm. Several large shots coated his chest and stomach. Justin grunted loudly with each contraction as he held Jamie tightly against him.

Justin's spasms finally stopped and his body relaxed, Jamie let the nipple out of his mouth and proceeded to lick Justin. Justin's cum tasted so good and he murmured with satisfaction as he licked Justin's softening cock clean.

When he was done he slid up and kissed Justin forcefully. "I missed how good you taste. Feel better now?" he asked playfully.

"Much, but there's something else I need."

Jamie smiled back at him with a smirk. Without any warning, Justin moved and swallowed Jamie whole, right down to his pubic hair. "Oh, Justin!" Jamie cried out in intense pleasure. Over the course of their relationship they had both learned how best to please each other. Justin used every trick he knew to make Jamie feel the maximum pleasure as he sucked greedily. Jamie wrapped his fingers in Justin's short curls as his hips pushed upward in response to Justin's downward strokes. "Sweetie, oh... don't stop... that feels so good...." Jamie moaned.

Justin continued to deep throat Jamie and play with his balls with one hand. Jamie felt his orgasm build, a slow increase of pressure that threatened to wash him away. The sounds of Justin sucking on him quickly brought him close to the brink. Justin sensed this and changed his tactics until Jamie backed off a bit.

Letting Jamie fall from his mouth so he could take a breath, Justin smiled up at him. "What do you want, my love?"

"Please," Jamie begged, "I'm so close, let me cum."

Justin answered with a wink and continued bobbing up and down. This time Jamie felt the pressure of his orgasm return and Justin did everything to spur it on. Just as Jamie was about to let loose he felt one of Justin's fingers probe his ass and push in gently. His back arched strongly and he started shooting over and over in Justin's mouth.

When Jamie had finished, Justin licked his lips and moved up on the bed next to him. "You taste good too."

They kissed sweetly and held each other as they got comfortable. "Justin, I just wanted to say that I'm sor..."

Justin stopped him with a finger on his mouth. "No, you don't have anything to apologize for."

Jamie kissed the finger then pulled it away. "Maybe, maybe not. But still, I'm sorry for just leaving you like that. I know it made you miserable and I wasn't much better off."

Justin's smile was sad as his finger traced Jamie's jaw. "I hated every minute being away from you like that."

"I know. That's why I'm sorry."

"Alright then, apology accepted." They kissed again, this time showing each other how much they loved each other. "I want to get married in April," Justin said with conviction when they had stopped.

"But that means..."

Justin nodded. "Exactly. I talked with Mel a few days ago and she thinks that it's all a go."

Jamie grinned as a tear came to his eye. "Everything we do together will be good," he quoted.

Justin nodded. "Do you have anything planned on Thursday?"

Jamie looked at him funny. "Just the usual, why?"

"That's the second day in Indianapolis. I'm thinking about going out for a little public lunch, just the two of us..."

The tour continued and Jamie settled right in the usual schedule. Kevin left the day after Jamie returned and promised to be back every so often to make sure that they were treating Jamie right and still singing on key.

Jamie spent time with all the guys to reestablish the connections between them. Jamie traveled with them to New York and stood on the sidelines, proudly watching on as they sang the National Anthem. Being at the World Series was a big deal for all of them, and they looked forward to sitting in a sky box and watching the game. The next morning they flew into Indianapolis for a double concert.

Jamie got out of bed and looked over at Justin with a smile. He was snoring softly, sprawled across the mattress. Turning, he stumbled a little on the way to the bathroom. His hips ached a little and his butt was tender.

Jamie giggled to himself. Justin had been so amorous the last few days that they were all over each other whenever they had a spare hour. Jamie certainly wasn't complaining. After a refreshing hot shower he dressed and checked on Justin again. Still sound asleep, he had wound himself around one of the pillows. Jamie kissed his cheek and brushed his fingers through his hair. Justin moaned in his sleep and made kissing motions with his lips.

Jamie giggled at his cuteness as he made his way into the main room of the suite. He saw Lance sitting on the couch and he joined him. "Hey, Lance."

"Hey, buddy. What's so funny."

"Justin. When he sleeps he's so cute." As Jamie sat, Lance pulled on his arm so they were leaning on each other. Jamie smiled and put his arm around Lance's shoulder. He waited in silence feeling that Lance just needed the support. After awhile he asked the question. "You want to talk about it?"

Lance smiled and blushed. "There's nothing to talk about really. I'm just feeling a little down and needed a little comfort."

"No prob. Is Josh still asleep?"

Lance nodded and put his head on Jamie's shoulder. "I really am glad your back. We really did miss you. I know I did."

"I missed you guys too. Was Justin really that bad?"

"Ya, he was. I don't think I've ever seen him so depressed since last...," Lance hesitated then continued, switching tracks. "He was just so down and we couldn't cheer him up."

"So you missed me too?"

Lance nodded. "Ya, I did. For some reason I feel really connected to you, Jamie. I don't know what it is but I like our closeness. I would say that we're best friends. I know you're -my- best friend. I feel like I can tell you anything and you'd understand and not judge me."

"The guys would do the same," Jamie hugged Lance tighter.

"Ya, they would, but sometimes they don't totally understand me. Josh is the only one who comes close. Even Justin doesn't as much so it isn't the gay thing. But you do and I can feel it when we talk. I do love you, Jamie."

"I love you to James," Jamie said tenderly.

Lance laughed then rubbed the heels of his hands in his eyes. "Listen to us. Ok, that's enough deepness for now, how about ordering some breakfast? It's about time these lazy bones get out of bed."

"Sounds good to me and Lance, you're my best friend too. I hope you know that."

"I do, thanks."

"Table for two?" Justin nodded and the host reached for the menus. When he straightened his mouth fell open. "It's -you.- Oh wow!" He quickly regained his composure. "I'm sorry, that just came out. I'll get you as private a table as I can."

"That's alright don't bother," Justin reassured him. "Something out of the heavy traffic would be just fine. Maybe by those windows? We like to look outside."

"Sure, please follow me."

Jamie and Justin smiled to each other and followed the host. Jamie was a little nervous as this was a somewhat important date for them. They were going out in public, together, with the express purpose of being seen. Melinda and Johnny's rules rang in his head.

'One: No overt public displays of affection Two: Lonnie is to be there but keep a discreet distance at all times Three: If fans seem be get out of hand or a crowd gathers come back immediately. Four: Have a good time'

They sat opposite each other and accepted the menus. "My name is Adam. Your server will be Julie. Thanks for coming to the Hard Rock, gentlemen. I'll make sure that you aren't disturbed to much."

"Thanks, Adam," Jamie responded. "I'm sure we'll be just fine."

He left with a big smile after Justin shook his hand. Julie made an appearance and they were both glad to see that she was slightly older, maybe late 20's.

"It -is- you," she smiled. "I thought Adam was pulling my leg. My name's Julie, what can I get you today?"

They placed their orders and handed back the menus. "Julie, thanks for being cool," Justin smiled at her.

"Well, you wouldn't think that if you felt how hard my heart is beating," she laughed. "But I think I'm beyond the screaming hysterics of your more usual fan. Just to let you know, not all your fans are teenagers." She winked as she left.

"That's so good to know," Justin finally said.

"You're all so cute, how could anyone resist you," Jamie said with a smirk.

"Funny," Justin said with a smile. "So you think I'm cute?"

"I thought we'd already covered that? But ya, I think you're cute."

Julie brought their drinks and appetizers and they dug in. Keeping their voices low they talked about the 'plan,' the rest of the tour and the possibility of their wedding.

Most of the patron's at that time of day were college age or above so they had a relatively peaceful meal. They were only interrupted once by a small group of girl scouts who asked for autographs and hugs. They even got an autograph from Jamie.

"You want his?" Justin asked with a laugh.

"Yes," one of the girls answered him. "He's a part of your band and he's been on HBO with you, so he's famous too." The answer made Justin smile broadly and Jamie added his signature below Justin's. The girls left and they were alone again.

"I want to hold your hand so bad," Justin groaned softly.

Jamie answered by running his foot along his calf under the table. "I wish we could. Hey, have you seen any newspaper type people around?"

"Nope, but you never know who takes pictures for them or where they'll be hiding."

They were interrupted by the appearance of Lonnie next to them. "Curly... Red... came to let you know that your pictures are being taken from someone outside and across the street so make it good." With that he was gone and disappeared.

"Ok, let's talk and look serious," Jamie advised.

"You got it. Oh, and let's lean in so it looks like it's private and intense."

Jamie smiled and leaned over the table while Justin did the same. Staring deeply into each other's eyes, conversation was forgotten. Jamie felt himself being drawn toward Justin but stopped himself. "That was close," he said drawing back slightly.

"I felt that too. Wow, that was really intense." They held that pose for a little while longer then sat back.

"I don't think I can do that again and control myself," Jamie admitted.

Justin blushed and lowered his voice. "It made me hard."

Jamie laughed out loud which drew the attention of a few of the other patrons who smiled at the laughing couple. "This is kinda fun. So we get to do this every so often, huh?"

Justin nodded. "Ya, but doing different things. I think Mel wants us to go grocery shopping together when we're in Orlando in a few days."

Jamie's eyes twinkled. "We've never done that together, before. I can't wait. Let's get out of here, we've got jobs to do." Jamie took a quick glance down into Justin's lap. "You ok to go walking around in public?"

Justin flicked a pea at him. "Yes, smart ass. All under control now. Shall we?"

"Right behind ya, sexy."

"Jamie, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, Joe." Jamie was looking out the window at the featureless scenery. They were halfway to Knoxville and looking forward to heading home that night for two days off. Jamie made room for Joey on the sofa near the front of the bus. Lance was on his phone with Justin giving an interview. Chris was on his phone in bunks with Dani and JC was taking a nap.

"Um, I know that it's all behind us but I just wanted to get some things out in the open that have been on my mind."

Jamie smiled at NSync's big brother. "I have no secrets, Joe, especially from you or the guys."

Joey smiled back at Jamie and settled down. "So how is everything doing?" he asked poking Jamie's head making his meaning clear.

"Amazingly calm and under control. When Rocky died I felt like a part of me died too and that's why I went back to Maine. Once I thought everything through, I realized that it didn't matter where I was, I'd feel the same way. And being away from Justin totally sucked." Jamie laughed quietly and looked over to Justin who smiled at him and gave him a wave before going on with the interview.

"I'm glad to hear it. We were all so worried and the way Justin told it, you were... like broken or something." He pursed his lips. "Does that make sense?"

Jamie nodded. "Certainly does." He reached into his backpack and pulled out his journal. Opening it to the entry he made the day Rocky died, he let Joey read it.

"Wow, I had no idea. And everything's ok now?"

"Ya. The part of me that I felt die needed to. It was the part that held all my hurt and anger and pain. Everything I've been carrying around and denying since it happened."

Joey pulled Jamie into a hug. "I'm glad you're better, little bro."

"I am too, Joe." Jamie relaxed in Joey's arms and they cuddled while the world sped by them.

After the lunch stop, Jamie left Justin with JC and Chris. They were working out ideas for the Blockbuster Awards and what they wanted to do for their opening production number. Justin wanted him to stay, but Jamie needed some alone time and wanted to take a nap. Justin promised to join him for the nap in a little while.

Once he was settled into their bunk, Jamie opened the journal and turned to the last written page. He was surprised to see that Justin had added something since the day before.

"To my sweet pea,

I'm writing this and watching you sleep. It's one of

the things I like to do. I know you watch me but I

bet you never knew I did it too!

Having you back has been the best thing. You'll never

really know just how empty I felt when you were gone.

There was a sadness that even a stadium full of screaming

fans couldn't totally let me forget.

You are now back with us and with me. Not only that,

but you are back to yourself as well. I can't tell you

how happy that makes me. It was a goal I had set for us

that I would see that happen no matter what. Now that

it has I am falling in love with you all over again.

The last few nights have been the best in my life.

Feeling and hearing you breathing next to me when we sleep,

the way you respond when we make love, the taste of your

lips and how your touch makes me shiver are all special

to me.

I love you, Jamie. Always believe that and never forget.

All my love,

Your JuJu.

PS... What kind of uses can you come up with for a bandana?"

Jamie smiled and cried when he read the entry and held the book tightly to his chest. He felt Justin lay down on the bunk next to him and kiss his cheek. "You ok, baby? I could hear you sniffling in here."

"Everything's great. I love you too."

They met in a kiss and had to be dragged out of the bunk by the others when they arrived at the venue in Knoxville.

Melinda and her network of media spies monitored both the Indianapolis and national press for anything about the lunch. Finally she burst into the fun room in Ft. Lauderdale waving a video tape. "This is it. Finally something." She looked around the room at the blank faces. "Where're Justin and Jamie?"

"They're not here yet. They were picking up Lynn at the airport then driving down on their own," Lance answered.

"But it's almost 4:00. The Meet and Greet starts in a half hour!"

"Chill, Mel," Joey laughed. "Lynn's plane got in on time at 11:00. Justin called when they left the airport. They should be here any minute."

As if on cue Justin, Lynn and Jamie entered the room talking between themselves. Lynn's arm was around Jamie's shoulders as they smiled to one another. They stopped when they saw everyone looking at them.

"What?" Justin asked.

"Stop staring boys, nothing new or different here," Lynn said. They all relaxed and giggled.

Mel waved the videotape at them. "Now that you've had two days off you ready to deal with things again?" she asked with a smile.

"Sure, what you got?" Jamie asked walking over to her.

Mel slipped the tape into the nearby entertainment system. "Your little lunch in Indianapolis finally made some news." She hit 'play' and they all gathered around the large television.

"Welcome back to National Enquirer TV."

Everyone groaned. "Of all the outlets to snatch that story it had to be them?" Chris complained.

"He's an enormously popular Pop idol and has millions

of girls screaming for him at every concert. Justin

Timberlake of NSync fame has the teen world by the

throat. He's persistently denied any rumors that he's

involved with Britney Spears and so has she."

"Think that finally everyone will believe it?" Justin asked with a groan. Lynn mussed his hair with a smile.

"Ever wondered what one of the music industry's shining

stars does on his off hours? Enquirer TV has obtained

these exclusive photographs from an excursion the young

Boyband Prince made when in Indianapolis recently. He

and a friend were seen at the Hard Rock Cafe."

Photos were scrolled over the dialog.

"Justin was seen giving autographs to a girl scout troop

then conversing with his companion over lunch. This friend

has been identified as Jamie Campbell. Official word from

the NSync camp is that Jamie is a good friend of the group

and is filling in with NSync's backup band."

The pictures scrolled by. They all laughed at one with Lonnie standing over them at the table. The final one was of them both leaning over the table. It appeared like they were having a very intense discussion.

"Whatever else happened during that lunch, you can see that

they did have a fairly serious conversation by the expression

on their faces. We are left to wonder the weighty matters

that Justin is confiding to his friend. It would seem that

life as a superstar is sometimes anything but carefree.

Next on Enquirer TV..."

Mel pushed the stop button then rewound the tape to stop it on the final picture. "Ok, what just happened there?" she asked.

Jamie blushed and Justin stammered.

"They look like they do when they're about to suck each other's faces off," Joey joked.

Chris nodded. "Yup, that's the look alright."

"Shuddup," Justin laughed while throwing a pillow at Chris then Joey.

Mel arched an eyebrow at them and smiled. Lynn hid her laughter behind a discreet hand.

"Ya, we were close to kissing but that wasn't what we intended," Justin admitted.

"When Lonnie told us someone was taking pictures, Justin got the idea to lean toward each other like we were having this really heavy conversation. We never did say anything, just looked at each other."

Everyone laughed. "Well, it looks like it's begun," Lance said and looked over to JC. JC smiled at him and flashed a thumbs up at Justin and Jamie before heading to the bathroom.

Jamie looked at Lance who just shrugged and watched the bathroom door with concern.

"So how did your trip to the market go?" Mel asked Justin and Jamie.

"It was different. Jamie's been the one to go shopping, most of the time. I'd only go early in the morning sometimes."

"I had a blast. It took twice as long because we stopped and talked about all our favorite things. Aside from the publicity thing, it was great for us."

Justin nodded in agreement. "So, when's our next assignment?" His grin was large.

Mel laughed. "Well at least you're enjoying yourselves with this. That's the important part. I had someone take pictures, discreetly of course, while you were in the supermarket. I should have those in a few days. There's nothing until we hit New York next week. We'll be staying in the same hotel for 5 nights so I think some dinners out and maybe a shopping trip or two would be in order.

"Count me in!" Justin laughed.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 59: Hide from the Moon

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