Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Mar 31, 2001


Greetings everyone,

First an apology to my wonderful readers. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball and you just have to go with it. Things around here got a little complicated and busy so I didn't get the story posted on Thursday as is my usual. But as they say... better late than never!

I'm not sure what exactly was wrong with Justin's grandfather this fall, so whatever happens in this story is purely my own imagination. In reality, it must have been serious to pull Justin away from the Latin Grammy rehearsals. That said, I bear no ill will to him at all and hope that he is doing well.

Also a move into more happier things. I've been accused of too much melodrama lately, so a light hearted chapter with just warm fuzzies is in order. The people have spoken and I've started work on a Phil/Wade short story, but no guarantees how long it will take....

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Flying Without Wings - Chapter Ten

As soon as the plane was airborne, Jamie told the attendant that other than pillows and a blanket they wouldn't be needing anything for the entire flight and would prefer to be left alone to sleep. It was an easy request to follow seeing as they were the only passengers in first class.

Jamie pushed up the armrest and pulled Justin's head down into his lap. Justin murmured sleepily and gave a relaxed sigh as Jamie covered him with the blanket and ran his fingers through his curls. It had been a hard four days for Justin and his family who had spent almost every minute they could at the hospital. Justin, himself, had only slept about three to four hours every night.

When Justin had finally fallen asleep and was snoring softly, Jamie took out his cell phone and dialed Lance's number.

"Hey Lance," Jamie greeted him when he answered. "We just took off and should be in LA in a few hours." He gave Lance all their flight information so they could be met.

"How's he doing?" Lance asked with concern.

"He's worn out and fast asleep right now, but I think he'll be fine as long as he doesn't have to dance around tonight."

"That shouldn't be a problem. All we're doing is 'Promise' so it's an easy appearance. How's Grandpa Timberlake?"

"He's coming home this morning. It was only a minor spell, almost a stroke but not quite. They're keeping a close eye on him though but the doctor said he should be ok."

"That's good to hear, I'll tell the others. We'll see you soon then."

"Ok, Lance, bye." Jamie hit the off button and dropped the phone beside him. Getting a little more comfortable without shifting Justin too much, he put his head against the pillow and fell asleep as well.

"Jameson, do you have an answer?"

Jamie looked around, slightly disoriented. Justin's grandfather was looking at him in amusement. He looked over at Justin who was dressed in a tux and looking back at Jamie in apprehension. Jamie finally took in his surroundings to find himself in a church.

"Do you take Justin as your husband?" he repeated.

Jamie looked around and saw the concerned face of his mother nearby which was shared by Lynn. "I... I... I do," Jamie said, not knowing if that was the what they were waiting for or not. Everything started to fade as Justin's lips met his.

He regained his senses and found himself sitting in the backyard of the Orlando house.

"Daddy?!!!" a young voice yelled at him from his elbow.

Jamie looked down at the small child who was no more than 4 years old. Looking around he saw he was alone. The boy could only be talking to him. "What is it?" he asked gently.

"Can I go with Uncle Lance?" he said impatiently.

"Uncle Lance? Um... of course. Just make sure you're home for dinner." Wasn't that what parents said to children?

The child yelled happily and ran over to a figure by the back door. Jamie turned around from the waist and saw Lance, a sad look on his face. Before he could ask they both went in the house and were gone. Jamie shook his head trying to get his bearings.

'This must be a dream,' Jamie thought. 'But it's nice.' He rubbed his eyes tiredly. Snippets of what life could be came at him in flashes, most to quick to pick up. He got the general impression that life for him would be good. Jamie was very happy to see Justin was prominent in most of it.

'Are these premonitions or just my desires and dreams?' Jamie asked himself. He closed his eyes tightly then slowly opened them. He saw he was on the coast somewhere. By the types of trees and the rocks, he assumed it was somewhere in Maine. The waves crashed around him and the salt spray smelt to him of home. He turned when he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

"Justin..." he gasped when he saw his love. Justin was older, laugh wrinkles had set in around his eyes and his golden brown hair held a hint of gray within the tight curls.

"You've been sitting here for awhile now and I was starting to get worried that you'd grown roots."

'His voice hasn't changed at all,' Jamie thought. "I was just thinking," he said aloud.

"About what?"

"About how much I love you."

Justin smiled and bent to kiss Jamie and the world spun.

Jamie opened his eyes to see Justin looking up at him from his lap. "You were dreaming and it seemed like it was good. But I couldn't resist kissing you."

Jamie smiled. "You can kiss me anytime. I dreamed of the future, sort of."

"Oh, any surprises?"

"Well, we got married then somehow I was a daddy." Justin grinned broadly at him. "There was a bunch of other stuff and then you were old."

"Old?" Justin frowned.

"But just as handsome as ever."

Justin smiled and met Jamie for another kiss.

==Attention passengers. We are making our final approach to LAX. Please fasten your seatbelts and put your seat backs and trays in the upright and locked position.==

Jamie stood backstage watching the guys getting ready to go on. Son by 4 had just started singing and 'NSync were waiting for their cue. Justin ran over to Jamie, pulled him aside and kissed him for good luck.

"I love you. Sing pretty for me," Jamie said with a smile.

"For you, my love, the world," Justin replied, rubbing Jamie's cheek with a thumb before kissing him again and rejoining the others.

Gloria Estefan came to their side of the stage and gave each of them a hug. Justin whispered in her ear and pointed to Jamie. It made him feel a little uncomfortable at first but he trusted Justin and knew that Gloria was a good friend of theirs.

Gloria crossed over to him as they filed onstage when their name was announced, the strains of 'This I Promise You' starting. Jamie greeted her warmly and she gave him a small hug and a large smile. They stood side by side as the guys started singing. Jamie never thought the song could be more beautiful, but in Spanish, it was breathtaking. Looking over to Gloria he saw that she also had tears in her eyes. She looked over at him with a grin.

"You love him alot, don't you?"

Jamie looked at her bemused. "How did you know?"

"It's just the little things that most people don't catch. Let's just say I'm really perceptive." She then grinned mischievously. "Also we talked on the phone about a month ago and he told me everything. I've known about Justin all along and was just waiting for the cutie to say something. He's got a big heart and it seems it's all yours."

Jamie smiled at her. "Well, he's got mine too." Jamie thought for a minute. "Um, Gloria, when we do get married will you sing at our wedding? I know the guys think the world of you and I would be honored if you would."

Gloria hugged him and kissed his cheek. "No, I'm the one that would be honored. Of course I will."

Jamie smiled happily at her and they put arms around each other's waists.

"I'm exhausted."

Justin got sympathetic looks from his bandmates and a concerned one from his fiance. "You gonna be ok, Curly?"

"I'll be fine, Chris. Nothing a little extra sleep won't hurt." He snuggled onto Jamie's shoulder.

They were in the limo heading back to their hotel. NSync had made an appearance at the official party for the award show and left fairly early. Aside from Justin, the others were anxious to start their much needed vacations.

"So what's everyone doing the next two weeks?" Jamie asked.

"Lance and I are gonna make the rounds with the families and spend time with each. And he's gonna give work a rest." Lance made to protest. "Or try to," JC chuckled.

Lance smiled and kissed JC's cheek. "For you, I'll try."

"I'm gonna stay out here for awhile with Dani. Then go visit my family as well," Chris said.

"Kelly and I are gonna go away for the first week, probably Cancun or something like that. Then I'll be chilling in Orlando," Joey added. "What about you two?"

Jamie looked to Justin who'd not yet told him exactly what he had planned. "Don't ask me. I'm always the last one to know," he joked.

Justin lifted his head and smiled at him. "Lance, did those bags my mom sent get here?

Lance nodded. "Sure did. They're in your room at the hotel."

Jamie looked at Justin curiously. "You mean those bags you packed just before we left for New York and wouldn't let me see?"

Justin nodded. "Should I tell him or let him wonder awhile longer?" he asked no one and everyone.

"I say you tell because I want to know too," Chris laughed.

"I already know because I made the arrangements, but I think you should," Lance suggested.

Justin took both of Jamie's hands. "Well, a long time ago I told you I wanted to make up some missing time with you. We all spent last New Year's in Hawaii and my original plan was to bring you with us. So, now's my chance to put that right. We'll be spending a few days in Honolulu, then head over to Maui in a private guest house that I rented for the rest of time."

Jamie smiled broadly. "You are so wonderful to me." He pulled Justin to him and kissed him. Justin held Jamie and returned it. The others grinned and looked away, knowing that the couple wouldn't be separating anytime soon.

Warm, foamy water ran over his feet as he walked peacefully down the beach. Feeling the sand between his toes, Jamie kicked at the water and sighed happily. This vacation was exactly what they both needed, time away from everything to just relax and forget, for a time, who they were.

The three days in Honolulu was perfect. There were few vacationers at this time of year and Justin only got recognized once. They had spent that time sightseeing together during the day and taking in some nightlife in the evenings. Justin was determined that they would kiss on the summit of Diamond Head and he got his wish. It took some waiting, but eventually they were alone for a couple of minutes.

Arriving in Maui the afternoon before, they immediately went to the beach and sat holding hands for several hours enjoying the sand. With the salt air, happy memories surfaced of their vacation six months before. After watching the vivid sunset, Justin had taken him to an elegant and exclusive restaurant in Kahalui for a late dinner. They had an excellent meal and lots of privacy to hold hands and sit close together. Jamie smiled as he remembered their conversation at dinner.

"Jamie, last week you said you had a dream

that you were a father?" Justin asked out of

the blue.

Jamie nodded. "That was part of it, ya."

"Tell me more about it."

"Well, there's not much to tell. It was a

boy and he was about 4 years old. He was

bugging me to let him go somewhere with Lance."

Justin grinned at the story. "I said yes,

but to be back for dinner. That was pretty

much it."

"What did he look like?"

"He had deep brown hair with a little red in

it, probably from the sun. Um, some freckles

on his cheeks and sparkling blue eyes."

Jamie smiled at the memory.

Justin smiled in response a warm feeling in

his chest. He leaned into Jamie more and put

an arm around his shoulder. "Have you given

any thought to us being parents?"

"Not a whole lot, really. I'm still working

trying to accept the fact that we're getting

married. Have you thought about it?"

"Off and on, a little. I've given it some

serious thought the last couple of days since

you had that dream. I've always wanted to

have a family. I guess that's why I denied

being gay for so long."

"Having a family with you would be so nice.

How would we do it?"

"We'd have to adopt, of course. I've done a

little research on the net. There are some

agencies around the country that do adoptions

for gay and lesbian couples."

Jamie nodded. "It would be like a dream come

true. I get to have you and a family too."

"Those are my thoughts exactly."

Jamie looked over at the figure laying on a blanket and he grinned as his heart rate quickened and lust blossomed in the pit of his stomach. Because of other vacationers in nearby houses, they didn't feel relaxed enough to have their own nude beach but there was enough privacy that they didn't worry about being seen kissing and holding each other. Jamie ran over to Justin and flung himself down next to him.

Justin looked up at him and smiled. "Do I get a kiss?"

"You bet." Jamie leaned down and their lips met. He moved to half lay on Justin as the kiss deepened. "Um, Justin?" Jamie asked after breaking apart.

"Hmmm?" he asked. His eyes opened wide when he saw Jamie's expression. "Again?" Justin chuckled.

"I want you in me," Jamie said almost bashfully but with an underlying need.

Justin grinned and cupped Jamie's cheek in one palm. "Three times last night and again this morning weren't enough?" he joked. "I think Mr. PeePee hasn't been happier."

"I guess so," Jamie said with a giggle.

"When do I get my turn?"

"Tonight." Jamie's eyes shown making Justin shiver.

"Outside or inside?" Justin asked.

"Outside, but we'll have to move out of sight a little."

They got up and each grabbed an end of the blanket and Justin his bag. Moving up the beach a little, behind some palm trees, they were still on the sand but out of sight from the water. Justin pulled Jamie down on top of him and rubbed his back and ass while they kissed.

Justin continued exploring Jamie's mouth with his tongue, touching all the familiar places that he knew better than his own. His hands worked their way under Jamie's shorts and cupped his ass cheeks and kneaded them.

"Ya, touch me, baby," Jamie groaned into Justin's mouth.

Justin shoved his tongue deeply into Jamie's mouth as a finger snaked in and rubbed across Jamie's hole. He gasped as Jamie's hard cock ground into his. Justin inserting his finger slowly as Jamie groaned loudly breaking their kiss.

"You like that, sweet pea?"

"Unnnngh," was all Jamie could say as he bent down to kiss and nibble on Justin's neck and collarbone.

With one hand, Justin reached over to his knapsack nearby and with deft fingers he pulled out the small tube of lube he kept there 'just in case.' Jamie reached down and pulled off both his and Justin's shorts. Once done he pressed himself down on Justin, squeezing their hard cocks between them.

Justin lubed up his fingers and continued playing with Jamie's hole. He inserted first one, then two fingers, which made Jamie rub against him forcefully. Justin rolled them so he was on top. He lay fully on top of Jamie and captured his mouth with his and kept one hand down between Jamie's legs.

The kiss was passionate and wild as their desire was unleashed. Jamie was sucking on Justin's tongue while his hands played with Justin's hair. He was moaning constantly into Justin's mouth.

Justin broke the kiss and fucked Jamie with his fingers making him gasp in delight. "Yes, JuJu. Please, more, talk dirty to me."

"You want something else in your ass besides my fingers? You want my hard cock in you all the way?" Justin pushed down with his hips pressing his erection against Jamie's stomach. The leak of precum let it slip against Jamie's sweaty skin.

"Oh, please fuck me," Jamie begged.

"I'm gonna do that, for sure, baby," Justin growled. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you're gonna scream when you cum."

Jamie's drawn out moan at his words excited Justin even more. He withdrew his fingers and applied lube to himself fully before putting his engorged head against Jamie's hole.

"Yes... yes... yes..." Jamie repeated slipping into 'that place.' Justin loved Jamie like this. He was totally immersed in the sex and made love with no inhibitions.

Justin settled himself a little and pushed slowly but firmly. Jamie cried out when Justin's long hardness slipped suddenly passed his opening. He grabbed at Justin's shoulders until he was almost all the way in before letting go and falling limply onto his back.

"I'm going to give it all to you now, baby. I'm going to fill your ass up with my big dick," Justin growled. When Jamie wanted him to talk dirty, he meant it. Justin felt like he was starring in some cheap porno flick but knew that it excited Jamie to hear it. Justin pushed quickly and the last inch slipped deeply into Jamie.

"Oh, God!" Jamie cried. Justin noticed the wave of pain and pleasure crossing Jamie's features. Usually Justin was careful at this point, knowing that with him all the way inside it hurt Jamie a little. Eventually the pleasure won out on Jamie's face as his glazed, unfocused eyes rolled a little up into his head. Justin gave him short, hard jabs, humping against him.

"You like that, baby. I'm fucking you now."

"Unnngghh!" Jamie moaned out. "Yes... fuck... good..." he stuttered out.

Justin lengthened his strokes as he moved Jamie's legs up over his shoulders and held himself in place. "You have to talk to me. Tell me what you want."

"Justin..." Jamie said breathlessly. "Fuck... me... Justin."

"How baby?"

"Hard," Jamie gulped. "Hard... fast."

"Just relax, my sweet pea. Let me love you."

"Love you..." Jamie repeated in an almost delirious state.

Justin took a deep breath and set a fast, insistent rhythm. His heart rate was high and his erection was steely hard. Justin looked down at Jamie. He was flushed and sweaty, his head rocking back and forth.

Jamie grunted with each thrust. Conscious thought had nearly fled. 'Justin is fucking me,' he thought to himself and his body tingled all over. 'He's fucking me and I don't want him to ever stop.'

Even though Justin had cum at least 6 times, that he could remember, in the last 12 hours, he felt another approaching rapidly. Jamie was getting tense under him and his moaning was gaining volume. Justin recognized that sign. "You're gonna cum, baby. I want you to. I want to see you shoot while I'm fucking you."

Justin's words seem to do the trick. Jamie bellowed loudly once and became rigid. He gripped Justin's biceps tightly as he shot heavily up his chest and onto his face. Jamie's brain was on fire as he felt the surge of his orgasm overtake him. He had no control and was swept away with the tide as the world exploded in bright, flashing colors.

Justin lost control to Jamie's quivering body and clutching ass muscles. His orgasm overtook him and he filled Jamie with his seed. Looking down, he saw that Jamie was breathing heavily but had apparently passed out. Justin pulled out and lay next to Jamie and gathered him in his arms. Kissing his cheeks and forehead he did some thinking.

To Justin, Jamie's recent need to be made love to seemed to border on unhealthy. In the last day that's all he desired: for Justin to take him. It wasn't unusual for Jamie to get into this role for several lovemaking sessions in a row, and certainly Justin wasn't complaining at all, he loved being with Jamie in any way sexually. This was different somehow.

They had made love a total of 5 times now since last night's dinner. It had all been mind blowing, wonderful sex. The only part that bothered Justin was Jamie's behavior. Being submissive in their sexual relationship was always something they shared equally and gladly. Jamie's almost excessively submissive behavior over the last 12 hours made a flag pop up for Justin. He couldn't put his finger on it, but it was definitely something he was going to keep an eye on.

Jamie stirred and looked up at Justin. "I love you," he said softly and snuggled into Justin's arms.

"I love you too, sweet pea."

That evening they decided to make dinner for themselves from the food they had bought at a local market. After eating at the table on the small deck, Justin grabbed some wine and glasses and they both sat out on the beach to enjoy the starlit night.

"To us," Justin toasted.

"To us," Jamie echoed. They kissed then sipped their wine.

After a long quiet minute of holding hands, Justin spoke. "Can we talk about the wedding, sweet pea?"

"Sure, I guess we should get some decisions made."

Justin nodded. "Ok, setting the date is the hardest one since we don't know what's going to happen. But I'd like to make some plans based on how we hope things will go."

"Makes sense to me."

"Ok," Justin grinned, "if the plan will goes like we want, I'll be out before next summer's tour. If that happens then I want to be married for the tour."

"No arguments here. Will we have enough time to go away with rehearsals and stuff?"

Justin frowned. "Probably not as much as I'd like, but we can take a week off without much trouble. It will mostly be old material and I can learn the new dances as we go along. Those won't get added until the album is released."

"You guys still shooting for the beginning of June for that?"

"Ya. I think we should wait until the end of the summer but Jive wants to capitalize on the tour to help sales."

"Ok, once they get the start date we can backtrack and we'll have a tentative date."

Justin grinned. "Yes!"

Jamie laughed at his enthusiasm. "I'm going to ask Dan to be my best man, you?"

"Josh, of course."

"Of course. I shouldn't have even asked. So how do we make up the wedding party? I'll have Dan and Phil. You'll have Josh, Chris, Joey and Lance."

"Don't forget Britney. She won't be happy unless she's involved somehow. What about Zack?"

"I'm going to ask him to play. The processional I think would be good. I was thinking of asking Dani as well. She's been so good to me."

Justin nodded. "How about this then. Dani and Britney can be like the flower girls and spread rose petals or something." Jamie nodded, liking the idea. "Lance has been pretty close to you, I mean, you're going to be his best man after all. So why don't you have Dan, Phil and Lance and I'll have Josh, Chris and Joey."

"That makes it all nice and even then. Sounds like a great idea. My mom will give me away, what about you?"

Justin sat and thought for a bit. "Although I love my father alot, my mom's been there for me all the time and given me all her support through everything. It's only right to have her give me away."

Jamie smiled. "Our two mothers are giving us away works real well. And don't forget we have to find some way to involve Jonathan as well. He looks up to you so much."

"We'll think of something." Justin grinned and clinked his glass against Jamie's and they both took a sip. "Sounds like a plan. Anything else to settle now?"

"Um.. where will we get married?"

"I've thought about that a little. Me getting married in any circumstances is an instant media event. Add the whole gay thing to it and it'll be huge. I think that if we get married in Bangor or somewhere in Maine it will be nicer for your family and it will be easier to keep the details secret longer."

Jamie nodded. "Ok, I'll start my mother looking for places and getting us a list of choices. How about colors?"

"Baby blue?" Justin asked quietly.

"Again, no surprise there!" Jamie grinned. "How about traditional black and charcoal gray tuxes with white and baby blue flowers."

"Sold!" Justin leaned in and kissed Jamie passionately. They made out on the beach until they needed to break for air. "Now what am I thinking?" Justin asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Jamie's breathing went heavier. He sighed happily as Justin nibbled on one earlobe. "Something alot of fun, it seems."

Justin stood and pulled Jamie up with one hand. "I need you to make love to me," he said intensely.

Jamie smiled and started pulling Justin toward the door.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 51: Flying Without Wings 11

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