Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Mar 23, 2001


Greetings everyone,

Thanks to everyone who mailed. I enjoy getting it, really. Even if you write to tell me I messed something up or that you didn't understand something. I'm happy to answer all questions.

Ok, I have to say it. I held my tongue last chapter but I can't anymore because they're showing the video on MTV. JC really needs to get a haircut. UGH! : ) Does he think he's gonna start up an 80's hair band?? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy to death and think he's extremely fine (to use Justin's words on MTV Icon)... but he should hire a new stylist because whoever is giving him advice needs to find a new line of work. This isn't the first time where I've seen him and said: 'What is wrong with that boy?' Note to JC: short hair works better for you and the scruffy look is fine on you but clean shaven works so much better.

Now that I've got that out of my system onto the next chapter. What happens after the awards, what did everyone think of Britney's striptease and will Carson be back?

Oh and PS.... I've had a couple of requests for more on Phil and Wade. Let me know if you'd like a short story (one chapter) about them. If there's enough interest then I'll devote the time... as always you'll have to wait for the Lance/JC story (aren't I mean) but it will be coming after a bit.

As usual:

This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Flying Without Wings - Chapter Nine

The limo door had just closed when Justin pushed Jamie into a corner and planted their mouths together. Uncomfortable at first, Jamie relaxed under the onslaught of Justin's tongue. He'd been wanting to do this all night and it was obvious that Justin felt the same. Justin's hands went to Jamie's cheeks as Jamie grabbed Justin's waist.

"Thank you for thanking me," Jamie managed between kisses. "It was really sweet of you."

"Anything for my sweet pea." Justin went back in for another longer kiss making Jamie's head spin.

"Hey, he's my date. Get your grubby hands off him!"

Jamie laughed as Justin turned to grin at Britney. "And you're in our limo because...?" he asked happily.

"Because I wanted to sneak out as bad as you did," Britney pouted. "That doesn't mean you can just take over my date." She smiled and squeezed in between the two.

Jamie and Justin both hugged her and kissed her on her cheeks.

"I gotta hand it to you, Britney," Dani finally said. "That was really brave of you tonight."

"Oh, come on. Christina's not -that- bad," Chris laughed.

Dani smacked his arm. "Not that, you clown. I'm talking about her performance. You guys didn't get to see it because you were still backstage somewhere."

"Did you like it?" Britney asked.

"I liked it," Kelly added. "Your costume certainly got a lot of comment in the house."

"Good or bad?"

"Mostly guys being pigs," Dani interjected, "but I guess that's a compliment in a way. Better that than have them totally ignore you. I thought you sounded great and the dancing was really good."

"All we could hear was your voice backstage," Lance said. "We thought it went well from what we heard."

"I'd say it was successful, Britney," Lynn added. "You've wanted to start changing your image a little."

Britney nodded. "I know I'm gonna catch some flack for the skin show but I wanted to do something to get everybody's attention."

"This is John Norris of MTV News at the after party sponsored by NSync. With me now is Justin Timberlake. Justin, how do you feel about this year's awards?"

Justin smiled into the camera. "We all feel great, John."

"You came away with three awards, your first ones, and had a successful performance tonight. Any words you'd like to share with our audience and your fans?"

"Well, the guys and I are very grateful to MTV for being such a positive influence on our careers. We'd like to thank everyone that chose us for our awards and especially our fans. And we hope that everybody enjoyed our performance."

"This year's show was quite impressive. Did you all have a hand in planning it out?"

Justin nodded. "We all came up with ideas and narrowed it down to what you saw tonight."

"You should all be proud, it was great. Much has been made about your supposed relationship with Britney Spears and tonight we noticed she had a date and it wasn't you. What's up with that?"

Justin put on his best smile. "As usual, the rumors about me and Britney aren't true. Again, for the record, we are just really good friends, she's like my little sister. My mom was my date tonight." Justin looked directly into the camera. "Take notice everyone out there. Britney is not my girlfriend!" he said with a laugh.

"Ok, one rumor put to rest, hopefully for once and for all. During one of your thanks you mentioned someone special. Care to fill us in?"

"Now, John, you know we try to keep our personal lives just that, personal. But yes there is someone special to me and that's who I thanked."

"Thanks for taking a minute to say hi to us, Justin. I should let you get back to your party."

Justin nodded, waved to the camera then walked off as the camera cut. John looked over at Brian McFayden who gave him a big thumbs up before walking off.

"So how did it go?" Jamie asked Justin who sat heavily next to him.

"Good, I guess. He asked about that 'special someone' just like you said he would, so I told him it was my personal life but yes there was someone."

"Good. Lynn and I had a chat with Brian earlier and he said he'd help us tonight."

Justin nodded. "Ya, he was standing close by."

"You know, I like being your someone."

"I want to kiss you right now." Justin's face was hovering close to Jamie. Jamie ached for the touch of Justin's lips.

"Want to go visit the private lounge for a minute or two?"

Justin grabbed his elbow and pulled him quickly toward the back of the club.

"This is John Norris now with Britney Spears. Britney, congratulations of a wonderful performance tonight."

"Thanks, John."

"I'm sure we'll all be talking about it in the week ahead. Anything you'd like to say before the commentary starts?"

"I wanted to put on a good show for the people there and for my fans. That's all," Britney said simply.

"We noticed you on the arm of a young gentleman this evening. Are we to assume that you and Justin are not an item?"

"You can assume that correctly, John, we never were an item," Britney said with a smile. "Justin and I haven't dated since near the end of our Mouse Club days. We are just really good friends. My date tonight is also a good friend of NSync's as well. His name is Jamie and he has played in their band on tour this summer."

"Oh, yes, I remember seeing on stage during NSync's number. Is that how you met him?"


"Any announcement you'd like to make there?" John smiled at her.

"No announcement from me. Jamie and I are very good friends and I'm very much unattached at the moment."

"Thank you for speaking with us, Britney."

"Anytime, John."

Carson Daly watched the party with eagle eyes. He knew something was up. He'd listened in on all the interviews and watched as the NSync guys worked the crowd. During the show he watched as the group went up twice to accept awards. Both times Justin, JC and Lance hugged Jamie on their way to the aisle. After awhile he could only make one deduction: this Jamie guy was dating someone in the NSync camp.

He noticed Justin pull Jamie through the crowd followed several minutes later by a concerned looking Lance. JC was drowning his sorrows, it seemed, at the bar next to Christina Aguilera. Chris and Joey were tearing up the dance floor with their dates. 'Three out of five possibilities, it seems,' he thought to himself.

"I want you so much," Justin panted against Jamie's lips.

"Not as much as I want you. I suppose we're gonna be here for the duration, huh?"

Justin gave Jamie a quick sloppy kiss then nodded. "Ya, since we're the hosts we really can't just bail out."

He pulled Jamie into his lap on a couch and started kissing his neck. The door opened suddenly and Joey and Kelly wandered in.

"Hey kids," Joey called as Kelly waved and headed to the private bathroom.

"Having fun, Joe?" Jamie asked.

"Sure am. Kelly and I are getting along pretty well."

"That's good to hear, Joey. Any chance of it becoming more permanent?" Justin asked.

Joey smiled. "We talked this afternoon and she apologized for bailing out at the beginning of the summer. I told her that I was sorry I didn't call her as much as I should have and started taking us for granted."

"How grown up of you, Joe," Lance stated coming into the room.

"I have my moments. So we've decided to give it another shot. I think having Dani around this week helped talk some sense into her."

"Better watch out that talk, Fatone," Justin kidded.

"Ya, no girl likes her guy thinking she needs more sense," Kelly said from across the room. Joey looked a little nervous but Kelly's big smile put him at ease. "But you're right, Dani did talk some sense into me and I think being apart made you realize some things too."

Joey went to her and put his arms around her waist. "You're wonderful."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," Kelly laughed as they waved and left the lounge.

"I'm glad to see him with someone. He seemed so lonely this summer," Lance remarked.

"I agree," Justin said. "So where's Josh? You haven't lost him have you?"

"I left him talking with Christina," Lance responded a little sadly.

"Ok, what's up?" Jamie asked.

"He's drinking."

Justin shrugged. "So?"

"It's a party, Lance. He's allowed," Jamie said sympathetically.

Lance nodded. "I know, but I've never seen him drink more than one or two... ever."

"How much has he had?" Justin asked uneasily.

"About five... that I've seen."

Justin's face clouded. "That -is- alot for Josh. Tell you what, have Lonnie talk to the bartender and have him start lightening up his drinks. He'll never notice, not after as many as he's had."

"That's a little underhanded."

"True," Jamie added, "but it's better than having to carry him home."

Lance smiled. "Thanks, guys. I'll talk to you later." Lance looked back as he went through the door and they were already lip locked. 'I wish my night were going like theirs,' he thought morosely. "Maybe it still can," he said under his breath as he head to the bar with a determined gleam in his eyes.

Casually Carson went up to the bar near JC and Christina greeting the people he knew along the way. He wanted to listen in to see if he could find something out.

"So then why did he go, Chrissy?"

"JC, you know that he doesn't ever let go of any friends. It was a wedding and you were invited too."

JC nodded sadly. "I know, I know."

"We all want closure on things. Maybe he needed to go so that he could put it all behind him." She paused, looking at him closely. "Something tells me you've had this conversation before..."

"Guilty as charged."

Christina folded her arms across her chest and looked over at her boyfriend dancing away nearby. "Are you still worried about this or is it the alcohol talking?"

JC's head snapped up. "I don't know what you mean."

Shaking her head, she put both hands on either side of JC's head and forced him to look her right in the eye. "You have been drinking, Joshua, I can tell. We've known each other way to long for you to lie to me and get away with it."

Just then Lance came up and smiled at both. "Excuse me, Chris. Josh, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Christina smiled at Lance. "Sure thing, cutie. I need to go dance with my man anyway."

Carson walked off with a knowing smirk when JC and Lance did.

Joey bumped into Chris at another section of the bar. "Having fun?"

"You bet. Just getting me and Dani something to wet the whistles."

Joey nodded. "Me, too." They waited for a bartender to make it down to them. "Hey, have you noticed that Carson is sorta slinking around tonight? Every time I see him he's near one of us."

"Are you just being paranoid or is this true?"

Joey put up his fingers in a boy scout salute. "Honest, he was just at the bar near Lance, JC and Christina and when they left he did too."

Chris pondered this information. "Ok, I'll deliver my drinks to Dani then find Brian and see if he can't help us out a little. You go and warn Jamie and Justin that he's on the prowl. They're probably still in the private lounge."

"Got it."

"We'd better calm down or we might get caught doing something best left private."

"I don't care," Jamie panted.

Justin giggled against him. "Like I've said, you horny is a wonderful thing."

"Let me get some drinks into you," Jamie smiled, "then we'll be a matched set."

Justin gently grabbed Jamie's face in his hands and pulled it to him. Their tongues danced to the beat of the music seeping from the door.

Jamie stood and pulled Justin up. "Come with me." Holding onto Justin's hand he pulled him into the bathroom and locked the door.

Justin smiled at Jamie and pushed him up against the wall. Grinding their body's together, he kissed him passionately. Moving to his knees he deftly undid Jamie's pants and slid them and his boxer briefs to the floor. He gently held Jamie's growing erection while licking at the head making Jamie moan loudly.

"Oh, suck me, Justin."

"I thought you'd never ask." Jamie's knees grew weak as Justin swallowed him whole. Dots appeared in front of his eyes as Justin sucked and teased him with his tongue. Jamie's pumped slightly with his hips and Justin let him slide in and out without complaining. It didn't take long for Jamie to feel his load rising.

"Baby, I'm going to shoot."

In response, Justin clutched Jamie's hips harder and slid Jamie's cock in and out of his throat roughly. With a loud exhale and deep grunt, Jamie came, shooting his cream into Justin's hungry mouth. When his spasms eased, he pulled Justin to his feet.

"You're so sexy when you cum," Justin said licking his lips.

Jamie smiled and pulled Justin in for a kiss, tasting himself on Justin's tongue. Sighing happily, he sagged in Justin's arms as they kissed, enjoying the feeling of being held and loved. They both looked around sharply at the sound of a knock at the door.

"Is there anyone in there?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

Carson made his way to the private lounge door making it seem he was just idly wandering around. Seeing that nobody was paying any attention to him he knocked once, waited, then let himself in.

'Nobody in here,' he thought to himself. 'Maybe I can hide in the bathroom and learn something useful.' He crossed the room and tried the doorknob, looking over his shoulder. He was surprised to find it locked. Carson frowned at not being able to hear anything over the music from the club. Curiosity got the better of him so he knocked. "Is anyone in there?" he asked innocently.

He smiled when someone yelled out, "Hold on!"

In a minute, Justin opened the door, wiping his wet hands on a towel. Jamie was at the sink, looking at Carson through the mirror. "Carson, dude! What are you doing in here?" Justin asked with a smile.

"Well, I was just wandering around and exploring a little."

"The private lounge is for us, but if ya need to go, feel free." Justin waved him in as Jamie dried his hands on a towel.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Carson crossed to the urinal. 'Good thing I really do have to pee,' he thought, 'or they'd be suspicious.' Instead he voiced a question. "So what were you two doing in here with the door locked?" he chuckled. Staring at Justin over his right shoulder he didn't notice Jamie tense.

"Just relieving our bladders, too. We locked the door so the girls wouldn't walk in and get an eyeful," Justin laughed motioning to the urinal and stall next to it.

Carson nodded then looked over his left shoulder and smiled at Jamie. "Nice to see you again."

"Same here, Carson. How have you been?" Jamie tried not to sound cold but it was difficult.

"Not bad here. Did these jokers treat you well on tour?"

Jamie smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "They sure did."

"That's good." Carson finished up and flushed the urinal. Washing his hands, he continued the small talk. "It's quite some party you guys got here. Congrats by the way on your awards."

"Thanks, Carson. We're really happy with what happened tonight."

"Jamie! Justin!" they heard Joey yell. "I need to warn you..."

"What is it now, Joe?" Jamie asked walking into the room stopping Joey before he could say too much.

"I need to warn you..."

"Ya, I know, Joe. The bartender is making the drinks strong, we're big boys now."

"But..." Joey was becoming frustrated with Jamie for not letting him speak.

"Thanks, I already knew that and was about to warn Carson," Jamie said with a fierce frown at Joey as Carson came out of the bathroom.

"Hey, Joe, how's it going?" Carson asked with a curious glint in his eye.

"Oh, Carson. I didn't know you were here."

"In the flesh, well, I should go back to mingling." He turned and saw Chris blocking the door. "Hi, Chris. I was just leaving, if you'll excuse me."

"Sure, Carson. One word before you go, though. I know what you're up to and let me just advise you to just back off."

"Chris, buddy, I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about," Carson protested.

Chris looked Carson in the eye. "If you want to believe that, fine. Just know that we protect our own from -anybody-, even you. Just leave us alone and nobody will find out about your more than casual attraction to a certain Backstreet Boy, ok?"

Carson blushed a bright red. With a nod he pushed past Chris and walked out into the crowd. A few seconds later Dani came to the door.

"He's gone. Walked right out without saying anything. Brian McFayden looked like he was gonna expire he was laughing so hard."

Jamie sat heavily on the couch. "I should go back to the hotel or better yet the apartment."

"What? Why?" Justin sat next to him and took one of his hands.

"Me being here is putting everything at risk. Just one slip and it's all over."

"And if that happens we deal with it," Justin said firmly.

"You guys have been nothing but careful, you have nothing to worry about. Carson is just a prick who has an idea that there's something up and is digging for his own morbid curiosity. We've got your back," Chris said with a smile.

"We sure do," Joey added with a nod.

Jamie smiled. "I guess I just need to relax, huh?"

"That's right," Justin prodded him. "So what kind of dirt did you have on him, Chris?"

"Seems our friend Carson has been sending love notes and little gifts to a certain tall, blond Backstreet Boy."

"To Nick?!" Joey exclaimed. "Does he even go that way?"

"Nobody knows for sure," Chris replied. "Brian didn't know one way or another but through their management Nick complained to MTV and Carson was reprimanded again."

"If he wasn't so popular he'd have been fired long ago," Dani commented.

Justin nodded with a grin. "Eventually Carson will get his. I say we go out there and have a good time... all of us. It's time to really partay!"

"I'll go round up Lance, JC and Kelly," Dani offered.

"Grab Britney if you see her, sweetie," Chris asked. Dani smooched him on the lips and headed out.

"Ok, it's time for NSync to show everyone what drinking is all about!" Joey shouted

The world was spinning and his head was ringing like someone was hitting it with sledgehammer. The light in the room hurt through his squinted eyes so he covered them with one hand. 'Please, let me die now,' he thought pitifully. He wondered what woke him when the phone started ringing. 'That's what,' he cried in his head as the ringing bell made him see stars.

Jamie tried to get up and felt a body on top of him, he couldn't reach the phone. He let it ring and relaxed. Justin's comforting weight made him feel a little better. He hadn't moved at all and was laying fully on top of him making it impossible for Jamie to move. Justin's ever present light snore was a little heavier against his ear.

A soft knock at the door drew his attention. "Ya? he called weakly.

Lance stuck his head in and followed, closing the door softly behind him. "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt anything," he smirked noticing their positions. He'd given up being embarrassed about seeing them naked since it never seemed to bother the couple.

"Laugh it up, blondie. You look like I feel this morning."

Lance nodded with a grimace. "I'm pretty hungover. I can't believe I'm even conscious."

"Do you need us for something?"

"It's almost 2 and we were wondering if you guys wanted to go get something to eat with us?"

"Who's us?"

"Me, Chris, Dani and Joey. Kelly and Josh are still in bed. Josh isn't doing that good."

"He ok?"

"He'll be fine. He drank alot last night and he isn't used to it. I guess I'm not either," he grimaced as he rubbed his temples.

"Justin, baby," Jamie said softly. He could move one arm a little and rubbed Justin's hand. "We need to get up, Justin."

"Mmmmm," Justin mumbled and shifted so that he was holding Jamie tightly from behind. "I feel horrible."

"Me too, sweetie. Lance wants us to join them for some lunch."

"Lunch? What happened to breakfast?" Justin cracked his eyes a little then groaned in pain.

"Long gone, buddy," Lance replied closing the drapes more, cutting out some of the sunlight.

"Hi Lance," Justin mumbled. "Ok, give us about 10 minutes to shower and get dressed."

"You got it." Lance walked to the door and turned. "Hey Justin?"


"How'd you get that hickey on your butt?" Lance went out the door just at the pillow flew past him and hit the wall. "See you in a few," he laughed.

Justin sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I'm never drinking that much again."

"Agreed," Jamie groaned.


"Ya, sweetie?"

"How -did- I get a hickey on my butt?" he asked with a wide grin. Jamie just blushed.

None of them really felt like dealing with fans or crowds and since they weren't really looking their best, they decided to order room service. Lance and Joey dragged JC and Kelly out of bed so that they could pamper them. Chris had the TV on and switched it to MTV. TRL was just starting when they finished eating.

"Hey, Carson here with TRL. We have reports from the video awards and the after parties. It was a wild night. We all had a great time and hope everyone at home liked the show. Our number 10 video today..."

"He looks like shit," Dani observed.

"There's only so much that makeup can do," Joey laughed.

They joked around and watched the show, cutting Carson mercilessly until the news segment came on.

"And here's my friend Brian McFayden with today's news, hey bro."

"Hey Carson, everybody. That was some award show."

"Did you have a good time?"

"The best and I saw you did too."

Carson's smile faded just a bit and you'd miss it if you weren't expecting it but they all were. "The best. It was nice being in the audience and not working for a chance. I hung out with you and NSync for awhile at their party then went to another and hung with Fred Durst."

"Cool. Well like we said last night's video awards topped all previous shows with performances to match. Here's a quick glimpse of what we saw."

They watched as a montage of shots from all the artists was shown. They cheered for themselves and Britney.

"Now awards were given out and here's a recap of..." Brian went through a short list of the more important awards. "And let's not forget the after parties."

"I'm with you there, Brian," Carson laughed.

"Yes," Brian continued conversationally. "I attended the NSync bash that Carson was at for a while and everyone at MTV covered a little of each party. John Norris and Kurt Loder bring this report."

Footage of the after parties flooded the screen under John Norris' narration. There was nothing to really tell one party apart until they showed some of the interviews. "Not much newsworthy was learned last night as everyone forgot about the spotlight and just wanted to let loose and have a good time," John's voice said. "Actually the only news we have is that once again and hopefully finally both Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears have publicly said they are -not- dating and are just good friends."

Footage of Justin popped up. ==Again, for the record, we are just really good friends, she's like my little sister.==

The report ended and Brian took up where it left off. "Britney said pretty much the same thing. In fact, she came with a date who was not Justin and Justin's date was his mom." The studio audience 'awwed' at the announcement. "That's it for the news, Carson?"

"Thanks, Brian. Um, bro, so who did Britney bring with her last night?"

Brian looked at Carson with a twinkle. "A good friend of hers who also happens to be friends with NSync and an employee of theirs."

"Ah, mystery solved. So I heard that is Justin seeing someone?"

"He did mention it at the awards but when asked at the party he wanted to keep his personal life private."

"Ok, thanks to Brian McFayden for the news." Carson paused so the audience could applaud before continuing right on. "Our number 3 video for today..." The rest was lost in the talking around the room.

"That went really well," Joey said.

"Sure did, it fits right in with the plan," Lance agreed.

"Carson knows too much for my comfort, though," Jamie sighed.

"Don't you worry about him. I'll be keeping an eye on our friend. I got to talk to Howie last night when he showed up at the party and he's agreed to help keep tabs on Carson."

"You didn't tell Howie, did you?" Justin asked getting alarmed.

"Relax Curly. He only thinks we want to stick it to Carson to keep him at a distance. He was more than willing to help considering how protective they are with Nick."

"Lance when do we leave for LA?" Jamie asked.

"Late plane tonight." There was a round of groans from the room. "Hey, look at it this way," Lance defended himself. "We'll be at the hotel there before midnight and we won't have to be at rehearsal until mid-afternoon. I thought that was better than having to get up at 4 in the morning tomorrow."

"Ok, you win, smarty-pants," Joey laughed.

"Has everybody learned the Spanish words?" JC asked.

"Hey, it lives!" Chris kidded.

"Shaddup!" JC smiled while throwing a french fry at him. A chorus of 'Yes daddy' rose making JC smile.

Justin stood and pulled Jamie up. "Where are you two going?" Dani asked with a twinkle.

"Oh... just to go see if I can recreate a hickey," Justin said wistfully.

Lance burst into laughter leaving the rest in confusion as Justin pulled Jamie into their bedroom and closed the door.

After a few minutes a cell phone went off. Normally this wouldn't have been a problem except that there were seven phones thrown on the coffee table. Lance and Joey went through them until the found the ringing one with a baby blue cover.

"It's Justin's," Lance said.

"I'll go get him," Joey volunteered while Lance answered the phone.

"Justin's phone, this is Lance." He paused listening to the other side. "Sure, Joe went to get him. Hold on."

Lance held the phone out waiting for Justin. Justin came out of the room, shirtless, and reached for the phone. "It's your father."

"Thanks, Scoop." Justin put the phone to his ear. "Dad?" Justin listened and he grew pale, alarming the others in the room. He sat down heavily and stammered to his father. "But.. but I thought... medication... and..."

JC, knowing that something was very wrong, went to the bedroom door and got Jamie.

"Ok, we'll be there as soon as we can." Justin paused. "Jamie, of course." Another pause. "Ok, yes I'll tell him and pass that along as well. Bye, dad."

Jamie sat next to Justin hand pulled him into his arms as tears started running down his cheeks. "JuJu, what's wrong?"

"It's... it's my grandfather. He's in the hospital and they don't know what's wrong." He buried his head into Jamie's shoulder and cried.

"Lance?" Jamie asked.

"Right on top of it," he replied with his phone in his hand. "Yes, I need two tickets for your next flight to Memphis, please."


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 50: Flying Without Wings 10

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