Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Mar 15, 2001


Greetings everyone,

As I started this chapter I sat and thought about where I wanted to go from the last one. Jumping ahead in time is always a good thing for a story, breaking the rut of where you've mired yourself so far. I've done it once before when we jumped from just after the Key West vacation in early March to the rehearsals in mid April.

I felt it was about time to do it again. No, it's not because I'm getting tired of the story. Mostly I'm doing it to push the story along some more. There are places I want the story to go and to do that it's easier just skip to them.

Always, thanks to everyone who's supported the story and sent mail. It surprises me that I've never gotten one negative email. Also to other authors who kindly put good words about the story in their recommendations. I guess it's about time I do it again myself. So, in no particular order:

Search and Rescue - wonderful JC story. JC Dreams - Another JC story. Sunchild is the author of this

as well as several others. Great stories! Brian and Me - I'm still waiting for this to continue... Nick and the Altos - Things are heating up...just love this one. Brian and Justin - There's nothing to say about this story.

It's legendary and JM has been very supportive. Studio in the Country - We got a chapter after several months

and now I want more!!! My Surprise Romance - Gabriella is a great writer, this is

another of my all time favorite Lance stories Just Together (regular Celebrity section) - the boys from

NSync are gone for now but this story is super. Just the Truth - Kevin and Matt got together, broke up then

made up - way too simple an explanation for a well

written, great story. Any Path - The story has wrapped up but this is one of the

best out there Because I Love You - a moving Nick Carter story. Blissful Tears - Another story that has finished but has

some great writing Brian/AJ Sentimental Journey - An interesting look at the life of

the two bands Model Romance - Another very cool story that puts NSync

and BSB together Intimate Stranger - A very dark Justin/JC story that has

some interesting twists in it Yellow - I need more! Just a couple of chapters so far,

but it's starting off great Prisoner of Love - (Again out of the ordinary) This is

worth a read.. JC as a murderer, or is he? Different Kind of Love - JC with an slightly older man...

well written story Sixth Backstreet Boy - Justin being abused by NSync...It's great

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Flying Without Wings - Chapter Eight

The hot sun beat down on a figure as he sat Indian style on a towel in the back yard. A slick sheen of sweat covered his naked body. His skin looked tan and healthy, his hair bleached to a bright strawberry blond. His mind drifted aimlessly as he relaxed all his muscles, breathing deeply. During tour one of the crew members taught him about the therapeutic value of deep meditation.

Random thoughts skirted around Jamie's head but he didn't pay any attention to them. The sound of birds in the nearby trees, the occasional car going down the street and the soft, muted clink of Justin working out with his weights in the garage set a calming background.

The true purpose of the meditations was to let everything go and not think, using the time to center and relax. Jamie had a hard time with that part knowing that he always thought way too much. Today he chose to dwell on all the good things in his life.

Since the tour ended he and Justin had taken pleasure in doing all the things that they didn't have time for: spending a whole day just lounging around their house, visiting a semi-private beach outside Tampa, dinners out or at home by candlelight, movies, concerts and spending hours being friends with the other guys instead of business partners. They even managed to grab Wade for a long weekend camping out in the woods near the camp in Maine.

It wasn't all a vacation. They had several appearances that Jamie tagged along to, doing Mel's job as planned. Nobody really questioned his presence except Brian McFayden, from MTV. He had attended the concert in Jacksonville billed as the 'Biggest Concert in the World' and briefly interviewed the group before their performance.

"So who's this with you guys, and where's Mel?" Brian asked with a smile to Jamie near the close of the interview.

"That's our good friend, Jamie," Justin answered. They had decided that any questions about Jamie would always be fielded by Justin so that the connection between them would be made subconsciously. "Mel wanted to take some time off so Jamie agreed to fill in for her. He's also a part of our band."

Brian stepped forward and shook Jamie's hand. "Ah, nice to meet you, Jamie."

"Same here, Brian." Jamie went off to the side and went through some papers as the interview wound down.

"So, off the record," Brian asked, "who's he dating?"

You could hear a pin drop in the room. Jamie looked up, his face pale.

"What do you mean, Brian?" Lance asked.

"Come on guys, Ananda told me that he was dating someone associated with your organization but she couldn't find out who."

Justin flushed. They had been very careful around Ananda Lewis when she was with them because of her affiliation with MTV, even though she had signed a confidentiality agreement. Brian caught the silence in the room and made his own conclusions.

"He's dating one of you, isn't he?" he stated more than questioned. Appraising the six guys before him he looked over to Jamie who had slumped into a seat and put his head in his hands. "Chris, you holding out info on me?" he finally asked.

"There's nothing to tell really, Brian. Nobody's dating Jamie."

JC made a connection. "Chris, Brian's your mole at MTV?"

Chris nodded and Brian smiled. "You guys didn't know it was me? You -are- good at keeping a secret, Chris." Brian looked intently at the singers in front of him. "Lance?"

Lance looked up like he had been stung. "No, Brian, it's not me. I think we need to talk."

"Hey," he said putting his hands out, "like I said 'off the record' and if you think it's none of my business I'll drop it right here. I'll keep my mouth shut, promise. It seems we all have a secret to keep."

Again silence reigned. Jamie stood and went over to Brian and sat next to him. "Who are you seeing?"

Brian looked down for a second then looked Jamie in the eye. "I really shouldn't tell but in the interest of fair play I will. I know I can trust you guys to keep it a secret, you all know him."

Joey smiled. "Alright then, spill."

"Joey McIntyre." Everyone grinned and Lance nodded knowingly.

Jamie smiled at the memory. They had come clean with Brian and, with the shared secret, promised that they would give him the first interview when Justin came out. Brian vowed to help any way he could and let them know that the news staff would be behind them 100 percent. He knew that he and Joey would be looking at coming out down the road as well and Justin's trailblazing would make it easier on everyone. It made Jamie feel better knowing they had one strong ally at MTV.

Other than that, life had been smooth sailing. Jamie talked to his boss at the studio and they agreed to have him be stationed in Orlando and be called when needed for special projects. They had all flown to San Francisco and Jamie had first hand experience at what exactly happens when doing a video. All his expectations from watching 'Making the Video' went out the window. Even though the show was factual and showed much of the work involved, it didn't show the hours of waiting for lighting and camera set up. To top it all off he was also preoccupied with the thought that right after they finished the guys were flying to Japan and he was going to New York.

He shed many tears those couple of days. At night when they were free, Justin would take him around the city and show some of the things he'd found when they explored during a night off earlier in the summer. When he could, Justin would hug Jamie and hold his hand, reassuring them both that everything would be fine. Jamie knew he would be and felt like he was being a big cry baby. It was only a week and he'd be with his family for most of it. Justin still doted on him and reassured him of his love every minute he could.

The morning that Justin got back into Orlando, Jamie was waiting with open arms as the van dropped him off at the house. He waved to the rest of the guys as they pulled away and hugged Justin fiercely on the small front porch. They didn't leave each other's side for the entire day, Jamie touching Justin in some way almost the whole time.

So here they were, the Friday of Labor Day weekend and as the song said it was summertime and the living was easy. Feeling hot and a little light headed, Jamie decided he'd had enough, stood and wrapped the towel around his waist as he went into the house. The colder air inside gave him goose bumps. Getting some water from the fridge he felt a soft rubbing against his legs. He looked down at the cat with a smile.

Picking her up he started scratching her neck making her purr loudly. "How's my Fitzie doing?" Jamie had immediately thought up a name for his new pet: Fitzgerald, after the legendary Ella. Joey laughed at him saying that Ella was a perfectly good name. Jamie countered that it was too much like a dog's name and Fitzgerald was more dignified for a cat. JC had been right, Jamie had loved her the moment he set eyes on her and even more so because Justin had gotten her for him.

He put the cat down and she immediately lay in a pool of sunlight near the back door. Jamie smiled at her and headed to the garage. He stood in the doorway and watched as Justin did some tilted sit ups. He was wearing only sneakers and a pair of gray cotton gym shorts. Jamie could tell that Justin wasn't wearing anything under the shorts from the bulge on the damp material.

It was warm in the garage and Justin had worked up a fair sweat, the sun coming through the window made his body glisten. All of Justin's muscles stood out, pumped up from his workout. Jamie's breath caught in his throat as he watched Justin's ab muscles contract and release. From habit Jamie knew that this was the last set of exercises.

He watched, fascinated, as Justin continued, oblivious to his presence. The raw power of the sight of his near naked and sweaty fiance made Jamie lengthen under his towel as his body responded to the sight in front of him. Breathing deeply he could smell the lingering scent of Justin's cologne, the soap from his shower and the more slight, pungent smell of his sweat. His heart started racing as his desire grew.

On the last sit up Justin lay back down, breathing heavily, and wiped sweat from his eyes with a small towel. Jamie went and knelt beside him, dropping his towel to the floor. Leaning over he licked from Justin's navel up to the center of his chest. Jamie grew completely hard at the taste of the damp, salty skin. Justin shivered at the contact at first then moaned in pleasure.

"How long were you watching?"

"I only caught the last ten or so sit-ups," Jamie replied before licking across the closest nipple.

"Mmmm, is this the reward I get for working out?"

Jamie smiled up at him. "If you want to think of it that way. I just think you look hot and sexy." He went back and starting licking around and sucking on Justin's nipple again bringing a long drawn out moan. Reaching over, Jamie rubbed Justin's rapidly growing member through his shorts. Without even being asked, Justin reached down and took the shorts off easily.

"You always say you like me horny, but I think I like you horny more," Justin joked as he stroked Jamie's hair.

Jamie winked at him and moved down to lick at Justin's head tasting the rich, plentiful precum. Justin hissed at the feeling of Jamie's tongue running around the sensitive ridge. His hips rose slightly, silently asking Jamie to take him in deeper. Jamie happily sucked down on Justin taking him deeply into his throat. One of Justin's hands tangled itself into Jamie's hair while the other reached down to stroke Jamie's erection.

Jamie went into overdrive and used one hand to tease Justin's nipples. As he sucked hard and fast on Justin, he used spit and sweat to plant two fingers deep into Justin's ass.

"Oh God, baby." Justin moaned. His breathing was heavy and rapid as his hips rose and fell on their own. Jamie loved getting Justin this turned on. His fingers searched around and found the hard lump of Justin's prostate and pressed. Justin yelled out his pleasure and squeezed Jamie's cock almost painfully.

Jamie kept the pressure on in Justin's ass and sucked fiercely. He looked up to see his head rolling on his shoulders and his eyes rolled back. Justin was close and Jamie wanted it. Within a few seconds Justin let out a loud scream and came in Jamie's mouth. The taste and warmth made Jamie's head swim as he swallowed quickly. It always amazed him how much Justin shot at one time. He sucked until Justin's spasms calmed and happily realized that Justin wasn't losing much of his hardness meaning he was ready for more.

Pulling his fingers free and letting Justin out of his mouth he leaned over and kissed him. Justin's tongue invaded Jamie's mouth, licking up any remains of his load. They separated, both panting.

"Please fuck me," Justin pleaded, still stroking Jamie. Jamie smiled at him and nodded. Justin smirked, stood and stretched. He then lay face down back on the bench with his head at the top of the incline.

Jamie took his cue and climbed on Justin's back. Grabbing his shoulders he pushed his hard dick between Justin's spread legs and up against his hole.

"You ready?"

"Yes," Justin moaned in reply.

Jamie took a deep breath and plunged in, going deeply on his first stroke. "Ugh," Justin grunted.

"You ok?"

"Very." Justin's voice was shaking with desire.

Jamie started thrusting against him, enjoying the hot, tightness that always was Justin as he moaned under him. When Jamie jabbed deeply Justin let out a long drawn out 'yessssss.' Jamie picked up his speed while rubbing his face against Justin's shoulder blades.

"Baby, you feel so good," Jamie gasped. Justin took one of Jamie's hands and started sucking on some of his fingers. That sensation alone made Jamie see stars as he roared into an intense orgasm. While shooting into Justin he felt Justin tighten suddenly and shudder. Jamie grinned at giving Justin another orgasm.

As they both let relaxed, Jamie stayed laying on top of Justin, snuggling against his strong back. Justin turned his head and Jamie kissed his cheek.

"I love you so much."

"Same here, sweet pea."

Jamie softened enough that he slipped from Justin and Justin sighed sadly. "I think I should work out more. I like what happens when I do," he chuckled.

"I don't know if my heart can take it," Jamie joked back as he got off of Justin.

"I think you'll hold up just fine." Justin joined him and pulled him into a hug.

Jamie giggled. "You've got cum on your stomach." He looked over at the bench and saw the mess Justin had made.

"It's all your fault."

"My fault?" Jamie smiled. He took Justin's hand and they headed up to the bathroom. "You're just too damn sexy."

"It's a curse, I know," Justin said dramatically.

Jamie smiled at him and kissed him. They filled the tub and settled in for a nice soak. Jamie sat behind Justin and massaged his overworked muscles so they didn't stiffen up after the work out.

"We're going to Lance and JC's for dinner, right?" Justin asked leaning back against Jamie's chest.

"Yup. Lance wanted to have everyone over for dinner before he left for Atlanta. We won't see him again until we get to New York. After the wedding he's hooking up with Meredith and doing some promos with her."

Justin shook his head. "It still amazes me that he's going."

Jamie shrugged. "You were all invited. He felt like someone should go."

"But his sorta ex-boyfriend. Josh isn't happy about it."

Jamie sighed. "I know, but he had the choice to go or not himself. Why aren't the rest of you going?"

Justin laughed. "Well, Chris is still mad at them although I know he talks to Howie every so often. As for me, Josh and Joe," Justin shrugged, "we were never that close really." Justin turned in the tub so he was facing Jamie and lay down on top of him.

Jamie smirked then grinned when he felt Justin's erection poking his thigh. "Seems someone is still a little happy."

"Mr. Pee Pee isn't tired yet," Justin said with a mock pout.

Jamie pulled Justin's head to his and kissed him. Their tongues played back and forth as they started grinding against each other. "Justin, make love to me," Jamie said panting.

Justin smiled, reached over to turn on the massage jets and spread Jamie's legs.

"So are you sure this is a good idea?" Jamie asked Lance. They both watched Justin walk with JC down to the lake.

Lance sighed, crossed to the bed and zipped up his suitcase. "I have no idea. I'm being pulled in two different directions and for the first time I don't know what to do." Lance sat heavily on the bed. "I have to leave tomorrow to join Meredith anyway, so what's a few more hours."

"You do realize how insecure JC is about this?"

Lance looked down at his hands. "I guess I've been in denial. I'm only going because Brian asked me... asked -us-. Someone should go."

Jamie sat next to Lance. "Everything will be alright. We'll keep him busy for you."

Lance smiled gratefully at Jamie. "Thanks, I appreciate that."

"But Justin, why?"

"Josh, you know I love you more than anything, but don't be a complete fool." They had reached the lake while Justin tried to pound some sense into his best friend.

JC looked at Justin angrily. "Fool? I think I'm being pretty reasonable letting my fiance go to visit with his ex-boyfriend."

"Josh," Justin said shaking his head, "that -ex- is getting married to a woman. I think Lance will be safe. He's only going to the ceremony before heading out for God knows where."

"Omaha," JC answered absently.

Justin put an arm around JC's shoulder. "You know he loves you and nobody else, right?"


"You mean the world to him and he only wants you, right?"


"And you're the second luckiest man on earth, right?"

"Ya... hey! Second luckiest?"

"I own that title," Justin said proudly.

JC smiled at Justin and hugged him.

"Do you think everything will be ok?" Chris asked.

"Oh, I'm sure it will be," Joey answered as they watched Justin and JC from the kitchen window.

"I talked to Howie and he was glad Lance was going. Seems Brian was concerned that none of us would show, not that the others would care."

Joey glanced at him. "You think we should go?"

Chris shook his head. "No way. I may end up hurting Richardson if I do."

"You mean he may end up hurting you, and don't forget his whole family will be there."

"He'd need them," Chris grinned.

They watched as Jamie and Lance left the house from the doors in Lance's bedroom. Lance went directly to find JC while Jamie sat at a table in the shade of an umbrella.

"Seems Jamie's walking a little tender this afternoon," Chris kidded. "You know what that means."

Joey nodded with a grin. "But did you notice that Justin is too?"

Chris nodded then started laughing. "Those horny children."

"I need to talk to Jamie about something, you gonna be ok?" Joey asked.

"Sure, I need to use the can then call Dani."

Jamie sat in the shade sipping his ice tea. It was lukewarm and he was about to get up and get some ice for it when Joey sat next to him and placed a fresh glass on the table for him.

"Thanks, Joe."

"Anytime. Jamie," Joey asked shyly, "can I talk to you for a minute."

"Sure buddy, what's up?"

Joey looked around and saw they were alone. "I tried it," he said softly.

"You mean...?" Joey nodded. Jamie had a hard time holding in his laugh.

"So... what did you think?"

"It was great, really. Alot better than I thought it would be." Joey smiled at the memory.

"So what's the decision?"

"Well, I don't know if I'll ever do it again, but the idea doesn't turn me off. I think I do like girls better though."

"Now at least you know. I'm glad it was a good experience."

Joey looked at Jamie suspiciously. "You're not asking alot of questions here."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, one of the guys would be pumping me for info."

Jamie smiled. "I'm not one of the guys. I figured you'd tell me what you and Zack did if you wanted to and when you were ready." Joey snapped his head in Jamie's direction and paled. Jamie mentally hit himself for the slip and flushed a deep red.

"How did you know it was Zack? I didn't tell you that."

"I... um... we... um... shit Joe!" Jamie rubbed his eyes and looked at Joey. "Justin and I saw you two that night."

Joey gulped. "You -saw- us?"

Jamie nodded. "You really should learn to close your door," he said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh God," Joey murmured.

Jamie reached over and put a hand on Joey's arm. "Listen, Justin knew that you were questioning. He did ask me about our talk and I had to tell him. We're both ok with this, Joe. You have nothing to be ashamed of and we won't breath a word to anyone else, promise."

Joey exhaled in relief. "Thanks. I don't know why I would expect anything different from you, squirt."

Jamie patted Joey's shoulder. "It's all cool. How could -we- judge you about this? Besides, we kinda hoped you'd decide to join our team, but it's ok, really."

Joey laughed and pinched Jamie's cheek. "You don't need me on your team. You two do fine all by yourselves."

Jamie blushed and swatted Joey's hand away. "Whatever," he laughed.

Joey stood and leaned over Jamie. "I've got to hand it to you both."

"What do you mean?"

"The energy you must have. After Zack and I... well, you know, I could hardly move." Jamie blushed again and looked down. "Don't think I haven't noticed that you're both walking a little carefully today..." Joey let the thought trail off as he headed back into the house.

Justin found Jamie sitting red faced with a silly smile. "Now that's a cute look. Where's my camera when I need it?"

"And the nominee's for best Pop video are..." Jamie zoned out the rest, he knew who was nominated. He looked down the row at the guys who looked nervously straight ahead.

"Um, Brit?"

"Ya?" she asked looking at him.

"Could you ease up on my hand a little?"

"Oh, sorry," she grinned lightening up her grip a little. The entire row was holding hands waiting for the announcement of the winner. He caught Justin's eye and gave him a wink. Justin smiled back.

"You should be sitting next to him, Jamie, not me," Britney said.

"That's ok, Brit. I'm here with him and that's all that matters. Besides, I'm your date and Lynn is his. We'll make the gossip columns for sure. I'll be the one breaking up you and Justin, just not in the way they think."

Britney laughed and nudged his shoulder. "Kinda ironic, isn't it?"

Their attention was drawn back to the stage. "And the award goes to... NSYNC!!!"

The hall erupted with applause. The next few minutes were a blur to Jamie as he gaped at Britney. He shook Justin's hand and gave him a small hug. The others passed by him and they hugged him and Britney. She pushed Jamie over to sit next to Lynn then sat next to him. Dani and Kelly pushed toward Lynn as well. Lynn gave Jamie an affectionate hug, tears in her eyes.

The guys glowed as they gave their thank you speeches. Justin's smile split his face as he pushed up front. "We got a moonman, we got a moonman!" he sing-songed doing a little dance. They all laughed and Jamie looked on proudly.

"He certainly looks good in that outfit. Did you have something to do with that?" Britney asked.

Jamie nodded. "He's been working out lately and I convinced him he should show it off more."

It took awhile for the guys to make it back to their seats and everybody went back to how they were sitting before. Britney sighed in frustration but didn't say anything. The show continued and the guys left to get ready for their number, Jamie joined them.

He greeted the other members of the band and beamed when he saw Kevin standing to one side showing baby pictures to Johnny and Mel. Jamie went up to him and gave him a big hug. "It's so good to see you. Come on, we've got to get ready."

"But..." Kevin began.

Jamie smiled. "No buts, you're playing. I've got the music here so you can read it as we go along."

They waited for the introduction. Jamie looked down under the stage and blew Justin a kiss which he returned. The performance was off the hook and the guys put everything they could into it.

The night was going quickly and NSync got to their seats shortly before the announcement for the viewers choice award. Britney was backstage getting ready to present so Jamie and Justin sat next to each other. They held hands tightly and Jamie leaned over.

"You know you have this one locked up. We saw the report this afternoon."

Justin grinned at him. "Oh, I know. I'm still nervous though."

"And the winner is... NSYNC!!"

The guys jumped up. Justin gave his mother a hug and kiss then turned to Jamie and gave him a firm hug as well. Joey and Chris patted him on the back as they passed, JC gave him a quick hug and Lance hugged him as well. On stage they took a little more time with their speeches.

JC, Chris and Joey gave their thanks before Lance took over. "We want to thank everybody we thanked before," Lance said. "And add WEG who I forgot to mention last time, sorry Johnny. Without you guys we wouldn't be here."

"This award means alot to us," Justin finished, "because it comes from the fans. You guys," he waved the award up to the balcony causing the girls to scream, "have made us what we are today and we are very grateful. I want to thank my family, Mom, I love you for all you've done for me. I'd also like to thank a special person, sweet pea, you're my strength and I love you with all my heart." He kissed two of his fingers and pushed them out into the hall.

"I will not cry, I will not cry," Jamie repeated over and over softly.

Lynn looked at him with a smile. "You wanna go get a drink?"

Jamie nodded and followed her out to a side lobby where a bar was set up. "Thanks, Lynn. I was about to lose it."

"I could tell," she said softly as they walked over to a more private area away from most of the people wandering around. She put an arm around his shoulder. "He loves you so much. Soon, Jamie, soon."

Jamie nodded with a smile.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 49: Flying Without Wings 9

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