Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Feb 22, 2001


Greetings everyone,

Just saw 'N Sync's performance at the Grammy's as I was about to write this. I really liked the remixed TIPY and the lighting effects of the black and white with the color were really so cool! Ok, now I'll move to what you all want me to comment on: Justin's hair, or lack of it. I kinda like it. Something about a buzz cut on a guy is sexy to me. Of course Jamie would prefer the curls to run his fingers through, but I'll have to see how we can work this into the story somehow when we get there!

Thanks to all who wrote for the feedback about the last chapter. I really appreciate it!

I just got a mail that said: 'Hey, there hasn't been any sex in the last couple of chapters! Is anything wrong?' Oops, my bad. Well, I wanted to take a break from that for a little bit and concentrate on other things. So for all you horny readers... sex! (Even though it wasn't you who asked, you can thank me later, Nino, cause I know you were thinking it!)

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Flying Without Wings - Chapter Five

Jamie reached over and just barely hit the button to start the elevator again. Jeff grabbed at his wrist but was a second too late. Anger blossomed at the feeling of Jeff restraining his arm. 'This is new,' he thought as he let his temper go.

The door opened onto the lobby with a loud ding. All Jamie heard was a loud "What the fuck!" from Justin.

"Oh shit!" came from someone else.

Jeff took advantage of the distraction and planted his lips firmly on Jamie's and pushed his tongue into his mouth. Jamie grabbed two handfuls of Jeff's shirt at the shoulder and pushed but met with an immovable wall.

"Get your fuckin' hands off of my boyfriend," Justin yelled.

Jeff pulled away slightly in surprise as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Jamie took advantage of that split second and unleashed the anger filling him. Drawing upon some of the self-defense lessons Lonnie had taught him, he forcefully brought his knee up into Jeff's crotch and pushed.

The effect was immediate. Jeff stumbled back with a look of shock and extreme pain on his face. He fell backwards off the elevator into the others. Jamie started to shake as he pushed as many buttons on the panel as he could and slumped down into the corner.

Justin watched helplessly as the door slid shut. He and Joey were tangled up with Jeff. "Jamie, wait!"

Jamie wrapped his arms around his legs and rocked, ignoring the many stops the car was making.

Justin turned on Jeff and pushed him so he fell onto the carpet of the lobby. "Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" Joey grabbed Justin by the shoulders and kept him a short distance away.

"Just getting a kiss," Jeff gasped, still in pain.

"Oh, man. I guess we forgot to tell him," Drew moaned from next to Joey.

"Tell me what?" Jeff croaked.

"That Jamie is my fiance, you shit," Justin spat. He struggled against Joey's hands. "Let me go, Fatone. I swear you'll be wearing my sneakers."

"Not until you calm down."

Drew and Lance helped Jeff to his feet. "I didn't do anything wrong," Jeff pleaded to Lance and Joey as Chris, Nick and the other Justin came out of the bar.

"Oh, but you did, buddy," Lance said softly to him. "You've done this before and you need to learn that no is no."

"But he didn't say no."

Justin struggled some more trying to get at Jeff with clenched fists. "That's a lie and you know it!" Chris helped Joey hold Justin back. Jeff backed away.

Nick shook his head in disappointment at his bandmate. "Jeff, we've talked about this. Being polite isn't an invitation."

"His body language when the door opened was pretty clear that he didn't want you to ," JC remarked.

Jeff hung his head and slowly limped away to a nearby chair.

Justin exhaled and stopped struggling. "Let me go, I'm ok. I need to go find Jamie."

Joey let him go but stood between him and Jeff. "Maybe you guys should take Jeff home," he suggested to Drew.

"Good idea."

Justin grabbed JC's arm and pulled him to the stairwell.

Jamie sat on the floor of the balcony leaning against the railing in a corner. Peering out at the city below he held Busta tightly in his arms. "I don't know what to do now, boy," Jamie confided to the small dog. "Why is everything always so messed up?"

After riding the full length of the hotel in the elevator he made his way back down to their floor. Jamie had convinced Chris' bodyguard, Todd, to let him in to check on the dog while Chris was downstairs. Todd asked him if he was alright and Jamie waved him off telling him he had a drink or two and was a little tired.

He had no idea how long he had sat there before a light went on in the room. Busta yipped, a little excited that his master had returned. Jamie let him go as fresh tears fell down his cheeks. A voice at the sliding door made him look up.

"I've been looking all over the place for you," Justin said softly.

"I'm sorry if you were worried." Jamie sunk down into himself and looked back out into the night.

"Are you ok? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Jamie sighed deeply. "I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine."

"I couldn't stop him, Justin." The pain in Jamie's voice brought tears to Justin's eyes.

"It's ok..." Justin started.

"No it's not!" Jamie yelled. "It's not ok." Jamie stood and looked at Justin with heated eyes. "I can't live like this, Justin. I just can't." He moved past Justin and through Chris' room.

Justin stopped him with a hand on his elbow. "What are you talking about?" The defeated, resigned look on Jamie's face troubled Justin.

"What is it about me that everybody has to take advantage of me? Do I have a big sign on my head?"

Justin sighed not having a ready answer. Instead he pulled Jamie into his arms and held him tightly.

"Where were you?" Jamie asked as if he were a million miles away.

The question and the abrupt change in tone caught Justin off guard. "It's my fault. I didn't even notice that he wasn't on the elevator with us until we hit the lobby. That's why we were waiting there."

"It's ok, Justin. Nobody could have guessed that he would try that. I didn't think he would and I got on the elevator with him." Jamie started crying harder. Justin held Jamie's head under his chin and kissed the top of it. "And the most painful thing of all is I didn't even say no to him."

Justin tensed shocked. "What are you saying?"

"I didn't say no."

"You... you... wanted him to kiss you?"

"No!" Jamie broke down in Justin's arms and sagged. "I just never said the word. I told him he was attractive."

"Tell me what happened," Justin asked quietly.

Jamie told Justin how it all went down and Justin relaxed now knowing for sure that it was all Jeff. "What Jeff did wasn't right and you can't blame yourself for his behavior."

Jamie pulled away from Justin and crossed the room. He turned and looked at Justin, with pain and fear etched in his eyes. "And how long before something else happens or I go crazy because of it? What does that do to you and the guys or your careers if it becomes public?"

Justin took two steps toward Jamie but was stopped by his outstretched hands. "Jamie, did Lance ever tell you about what happened between him and Jordan Knight?"

"Some, what are you getting at?"

"You should really ask him but I think you two have more in common than you realize."

Jamie eyes widened. "You're kidding right?"

Justin shook his head sadly. "So where do -we- go from here?"

Jamie sighed loud and long and looked down. "I can't ask you to keep going with us knowing you can be harmed by my past." Justin looked up in alarm. Jamie worked the ring off of his finger and held it out. "It's up to you, but it would probably be best if we just called it a good run while it lasted."

Justin watched Jamie's face and saw hurt, pain and fear on it. His insides were a jumbled mass as he reached for Jamie's hand.

"What the hell is going on in there? Can you hear anything?" Chris asked impatiently.

"I can't make out what they're saying," Joey replied, "although I thought I caught Justin mention Lance."

JC and Chris looked at Lance who shrugged. "Don't look at me, I have no idea."

All four of them stiffened and moved away from the door when they heard Justin yell. "Jamie, don't you dare run away from me!" A split second later the door opened and out Jamie came. Tears were streaming down his face as he blindly started down the hall at a trot.

JC was ready for him and grabbed him in his arms stopping him in his tracks. "Jamie," he called as he shook him. "Jamie, talk to me."

"Please, Josh, just leave me alone." Jamie struggled a little but Josh held him firmly but gently.

"No way, buddy. I let you run down a hotel hallway once before and regretted it. I'm not about to let you do it again."

Jamie sagged against JC's chest and sobbed. "It doesn't matter. I forced him to make his choice and he chose."

Confused murmurs came from the others as they looked on.

"He chose nothing," Justin said from the doorway. "You never gave him the chance before you ran."

"You took the ring back," Jamie wailed. The intake of breath from the others was very audible.

Justin walked up to Jamie and took him from JC's arms. Holding his shoulders he looked into Jamie's eyes. "I love you and I've told you I don't care what the world thinks. I -am- going to spend the rest of my life with you."

Jamie whimpered.

Justin took Jamie's hand and slid the ring onto his finger and went down on one knee. "I pledged to marry you and I won't ever take that back. I want to be and will be your husband."

The next morning Jamie was sitting on the bus with Busta waiting for the radio interview to end. Phil was out getting something for them to eat while they waited.

"So, Busta, hear any good jokes lately?" Jamie asked the little dog. The dog wagged his tail and ran to get his chew toy and brought it to Jamie so he could throw it. Jamie tossed it down to the back of the bus and turned his head as Phil came and sat with him.

"How are you doing?" Phil asked handing Jamie a bagel.

"Doing ok, I guess." Jamie picked at his bagel and stared off into space. Phil noticed but decided to give him some space. Justin had told him what had happened the night before. Phil decided to ride to Pittsburgh with his brother instead of Wade, who completely understood.

They ate in silence broken only by the sound of Busta coming to check up on them every so often. Before long they heard voices outside. Phil kneeled up and peered through the window.

"Oh, boy. They came to see us off," he warned Jamie.

Jamie sighed deeply and made to get up and shut himself in the bunk when Justin ran into the bus and over to him. Holding out his hand he silently requested Jamie to come with him.

"Justin, I can't."

"I'm going to be right there with you. He wants to apologize."

"You told them, didn't you?" Justin nodded apologetically and Jamie sighed. "I suppose they needed an explanation. It's ok, I'm not mad at you."

Justin smiled and took his hand. "Let's go say goodbye, ok?"


They went outside and were immediately approached by Drew and Nick.

"Jamie, I just want to say on behalf of the group that we are really sorry about what happened," Nick said.

"Ya, we feel really bad. We like you, Jamie. You and Curly look good together and we're really happy for you," Drew added.

Jamie smiled at them. "Thanks guys. That means alot to me. You have nothing to apologize for."

They nodded and Justin Jeffre was next. "You doing ok?"

Jamie nodded with a smile. "Yes, thanks."

"Jeff feels really bad. I stayed up half the night with him and he said to tell you that if you don't want to talk to him, he'll understand."

"I'll talk to him. I need to close this." Justin Jeffre nodded and went a few feet away where Jeff was standing with Lonnie and ushered him forward.

Justin stood right next to Jamie holding his hand and all the others surrounded them. Jeff looked at Jamie and put his head down.

"Jeff, look at me."

Jeff looked up with a sad frown on his face. "Look..." he said finally but Jamie cut him off.

"Jeff, do you have any idea how hurtful what you did was? I know I have my own problems to deal with, but nobody wants or deserves to be treated that way."

Jeff nodded. "What I did was wrong, I forced myself on you and I shouldn't have. It doesn't matter that I didn't know you were engaged to Justin or of your past. There are no excuses. I'm really sorry and hopefully in time you can forgive me."

"Jeff, I do forgive you and please accept my apology for um... doing what I did to you. Are you alright?"

"A little tender, but I'll be fine," Jeff said with a smile and held out his hand. "No hard feelings?"

Jamie took it and shook. "No hard feelings."

"For what it's worth, I'm happy that you are with Justin. I know you'll take good care of him."

Justin smiled. "You don't know how close you came to a broken jaw last night."

"Oh, I know, I saw the look on your face. At the time there wasn't alot I could've done about it."

"I know it's hard and you're working on it, but you really need to control those urges. You've got a lot to offer someone, Jeff." Justin put a friendly hand on Jeff's shoulder then pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks, Justin, for not writing me off completely. Are we good?"

"We're good."

Jamie sat silently on the bus watching the scenery pass as Phil and Chris sharpened their wits with a game of the dozens. Justin was sitting nearby going over a schedule with Lance concerning the 'Challenge' basketball game rapidly coming up. Joey and JC watched Phil and Chris giving help to whoever needed it. JC noticed Jamie's silence and went to sit next to him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked.

"Cost you a dollar, inflation you know."

JC chuckled. "You can have it if you'd like. Feel like unloading a little? You look like you could use it."

"You're so sweet, Josh," Jamie said with a smile. He placed his hand in one of JC's and squeezed. "I'm surviving."

JC squeezed back and kept holding Jamie's hand. "You know, lately I've been accused of closing myself off and being quiet and I remember a couple of people kicking me in the ass about it..."

"Ok, you got me. I just need some inside time right now."

"I can understand that."

Jamie glanced over to Justin and noticed him looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Lance was on his cell phone apparently talking to Mel getting ready for their meeting when they hit Pittsburgh.

"I think we all need to talk before we stop and settle this."

"Justin, please?" Jamie begged.

"No, I think we need to air some things before we can move on about this so we don't feel uncomfortable."

Jamie sighed about to protest again when JC broke in. "Whether Justin's right or wrong about the timing, he made the request. According to group rules we have to meet."

"Do you guys have a rule for everything or do you just make them up as it suits the situation?" Jamie asked irritably.

Justin took Jamie's hand and held it warmly. "Honey, please don't be like that. There -are- set rules we follow and we don't make a single one of them up. That's why we've been so tight for so long."

Jamie pulled his hand from Justin's grasp and put it on the side of his head, his thumb brushing Justin's temple. "Ok, I give."

Lance hung up the phone and looked to Justin. "Now?"

"Why not," he shrugged.

"Ok. Group meeting now. Everybody keep still and gather around."

"I'll just go back and take a nap or something," Phil said moving out of the lounge.

"You halt right there, young man, and sit back down," Lance ordered in his business voice.

"But... I... I...," Phil stammered.

"When group meetings are called everybody present gets involved, not just 'N Sync," Lance said in a kinder voice. "Besides, I think one of the things we need to talk about concerns you." Phil returned to his seat and JC went to sit on the floor between Lance's legs and rested his head against on knee.

Lance started the meeting with the usual formula. "This meeting has been called to discuss group business. Everyone remember that here we all have an equal voice and that anything said stays here with the group. Nothing said is meant personally and if you have something to say then you need to say it. Ok, floor is yours Justin."

"Why Justin?" Phil asked.

"Because he called the meeting, I assume," Joey replied.

"Ya. There are a couple of things we need to talk about."

"You're right, Just. Before we get into this last couple of weeks we need to clear the air and start fresh," Chris agreed.

"Ok," Justin continued, "first, about what happened last night. I know that Jamie really doesn't want to talk about it so we'll keep it short and sweet. Does anybody have anything they'd like to add to what's already been said?"

"I only want to say thanks to all of you for putting up with me and being so great," Jamie said.

"Ok, enough of that," Lance said. "I don't want to ever hear about us putting up with you again. You are a part of us now and it goes with the territory." Everyone agreed.

"I think it was unfortunate what Jeff did," JC said. "He's had this problem now for awhile, maybe he'll change because of this."

Joey nodded. "I think the knee to the balls method just might make him think twice before he does it again." Everyone laughed and winced at the same time. "And I really admire you, Jamie, you forgave him. That takes a lot of strength and I respect that." There were nods of agreement all around.

"Anything else?" Justin asked. "Getting no response he moved on. "The only other thing I hesitate to mention." He looked to Jamie then to Phil.

"Can't stop there, Curly. What's on your mind?" Joey asked.

"It's about Phil and Wade." Phil blushed a deep red and put his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, Phil. But it may have some effect on the group so I need to put it out there."

Phil nodded and swallowed. "Well, we're kinda interested in each other. We spent the night together and fooled around a bit, nothing really hard core."

"Um... a little TMI," Joey laughed. Phil blushed again deeply embarrassed.

"You don't have to give them details, Philly. They just need to know what's going on so they are prepared. Where do you two go from here?" Jamie prodded gently.

"We decided to just see what happens and go with it for now, no commitments and no pressure."

"Anybody have a response to that?" Justin asked.

"He's a great guy and worth getting to know, Phil. Sure we have other thoughts about him because he's a slave driver, but that's what we pay him for."

"If anyone can tame the demon-child choreographer, it's you, Phil," Lance joked.

"I'll be sure to pass that on, Lance," Phil smirked making Lance pale. "Only kidding."

"Ok, that's all I have. Floor is open."

They sat for a second before Chris spoke up. "There's something I'd like to point out. We've all talked for hours about what you've been going through Jamie," Chris observed. "But there's one thing I haven't ever heard you say."

"What's that Chris?" Jamie asked. Justin gave Chris a warning glance but he went on anyway.

"I've never heard you use the word 'rape' before."

Jamie felt cold settle into the pit of his stomach. Chris was right. He realized that he rarely used the word or even thought about it.

"Chris, what the hell are you doing?" Justin asked getting a little hot.

"It's a fair request," JC put in. "Anything goes at a group meeting and besides Chris is right. Isn't that a form of denial?" JC looked over to Chris who nodded.

"At a group meeting you can also tell them to fuck off, too, Jamie," Joey said.

"No, they're right." He drew a shuddering breath. "I never thought about it before. It's true that I don't use the word much."

"He's never used the word with the family either, that I know of. When he told us he said molested, but we knew what he meant," Phil added with a concerned voice for his hurting brother.

"Jamie, acceptance is part of the healing process," Chris prodded.

"Chris, maybe you should just leave it be. You aren't his therapist," Lance pointed out.

"No, he's not," Jamie agreed, "but he has a point. Leslie has been working with me on putting this all into my past and acceptance that this is now a part of me is one of the final steps." Jamie looked to Justin and saw nothing but support and love in his eyes.

"One day at a time, sweet pea," Justin said with a kiss.

Jamie nodded and took a deep breath. "I... I... w-w-was..." Jamie cleared his throat. "I was raped," he stated in a shaky voice as tears poured down his face.

Justin immediately put his arm around him and kissed his temple and Jamie pressed his face into Justin's chest. Phil moved to sit on the other side of him and wrapped his arms around Jamie as well as they cried together.

Chris looked to Lance and JC to see JC comforting Lance who was weeping as well. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"No Chris, it's fine," Justin reassured him. "He's been holding this in and it needed to come out."

It had been an emotional roller coaster for Jamie the week following the bus ride to Pittsburgh. On his off hours he'd mostly sit on the sidelines, sometimes crying, sometimes joining in with the banter. He didn't let it affect his performance on stage. It was one of the only places he felt wholly in control. The nights in Justin's arms were spent talking quietly and comforting one another.

Jamie thanked daily whatever force had brought Justin to him. Justin had been doting, loving, understanding and, when needed, giving him kicks in the pants. Somehow, he had instinctively known just when Jamie needed each one. As every day passed they grew closer together.

The session with Leslie helped center Jamie quite a bit and Leslie praised him for some of the progress he had made in his acceptance of his past. Her kids were in heaven getting special attention from the guys with a short backstage tour while their mother was with Jamie.

Jamie was also glad to see his mother again and sad to see Phil leave for home. He hadn't been able to spend that kind of time with his little brother in a long while. He was also sad because Phil and Wade had continued to grow a relationship of sorts and now it was put on hold until Wade could get free of the tour. They talked of a camping trip into the woods around the cabin and of Phil coming to New York to visit Wade for awhile before school started.

Getting a message from Zack asking if it was ok for him to stay at the Village apartment for a few days while in the city for auditions was a small bright spot. The time he was there coincided exactly with the Madison Square Garden shows. They guys were going to be in their favorite suite for the week so invited Zack to stay with them to make visiting easier.

Finally they were in the last days of the tour. This last week would make or break 'NSync. They were busy every single minute of every day with appearances, the shows, meetings about the broadcast, and planning sessions for the charity game. There was little time for themselves but the guys were thriving on the intense attention they were getting.

The day after the Foxboro show had been busy and hectic but they at least had the night off which confused Jamie. He thought that the schedule had been booked solid. He had arrived back before the guys and headed in to take a shower looking forward to a night of relaxation.

Drying his hair, he walked back into their bedroom and noticed a note with some clothes on the bed. He looked and saw the deep blue silk shirt, black linen pants and matching jacket. He smiled and picked up the note:

'Sweet pea,

I know you're in the shower. When you read

this get dressed and meet me at the elevator.

Love you much,



Jamie quickly got dressed, splashed on some cologne that he knew Justin like best on him and left the bedroom. Nobody was around, which was strange, so he left the suite and went around the corner to the elevator. Walking up to Randy, at least he knew Lance was still around somewhere, he asked what was going on.

"Oh, Curly wants you to go up to the Penthouse floor," he replied with a smirk.

"They're not throwing a big party without my knowing about it are they?"

Randy shrugged. "I can't say, but I don't think that's it. Just go on up."

Jamie smiled and pushed the button. The elevator was there almost immediately with Lonnie inside. "Hey, big guy."

"Hey, Red. You ready?"

"You in on this too?" Lonnie smiled and hit the button for the Penthouse level.

After a short ride they arrived and the doors opened to reveal a smiling Justin. He looked gorgeous to Jamie. He was wearing a baby blue silk shirt in the same style as Jamie's and a charcoal gray cashmere suit. Every curl was placed just so and he was wearing his light blue tinted glasses.

Jamie joined him in the hall and they both waved as Lonnie disappeared with the elevator. "You look good enough to eat," Jamie said as they kissed.

"I could say the same for you." Justin showed Jamie a short stemmed red rose and put in Jamie's lapel, matching the one he already wore.

"So what's up, lover boy?"

"You'll see." Justin led Jamie to the atrium, a room that held a great memory for Jamie, and used the key to open the door. There was one table set in the middle and the room was lit entirely by candles.

Jamie gasped and smiled at Justin. "It's beautiful."

"We have the whole room to ourselves. Nobody to bother us." He led Jamie to the table and sat him. Covered plates were in front of their chairs and there was a cart nearby with more food on it.

"Justin, I don't know what to say. This is great."

Justin smiled. "I needed to do something special for you. I know it's been stressful for both of us and we haven't had much quiet together time for stuff like this."

Jamie's eyes got moist as he clasped Justin's hand. "You always make me feel so special."

"Well, there's something else too." Jamie looked at him puzzled. "This is our six month anniversary. It was exactly six months ago tonight that we had dinner in this very room."

The tears building in Jamie's eyes fell at that point. He pulled Justin's hand to his mouth and kissed the back and every knuckle before leaning over and giving Justin a proper kiss. "It didn't even occur to me, I'm sorry I didn't remember."

Justin chuckled. "I was counting on you not remembering so that it was more of a surprise."

They spent the evening eating their fill, enjoying the wine and celebrating what they had together. Soft music was playing and they occasionally got up to dance, holding each other close.

"I've really missed this," Jamie remarked when they started dessert.

"So have I. The tour will be over soon and we'll have some more time to do this again."

Jamie nodded smiling happily. With everything that had been happening he was glad to know that neither of them had forgotten what was important: each other.

"I feel bad that I don't have a present for you, but I haven't had any time to do proper shopping. I had the clothes delivered the other day."

"Baby, this is present enough, believe me." Jamie pulled Justin up to dance again, resting against his sturdy frame, loving the feel of his strong arms around his shoulders.

"Justin, I want to apologize for being a little off this last week."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You're too kind, but I know it hasn't been easy for you dealing with the tour stress and me at the same time." Jamie smiled up at Justin. "And I know poor Mr. Pee Pee is really feeling neglected."

Justin laughed, his smile large on his face. "Sweet pea, it's ok. Our relationship isn't just about the sex. I know you love me."

Jamie nodded. "I know but I miss it too," he said softly.

"Do you want to go back to the room now?" Justin asked blushing a little.

"Yes, I want to show you how much I love you."

Justin's blush deepened and his heart started racing. Jamie was taking control and he loved it. "I love it when you get real horny and forceful," he said as he led Jamie to the elevator.

It didn't take them long before they were back at the suite. Lonnie and Randy just chuckled at them and shook their heads. They were kissing heavily before they reached the bedroom and their jackets were off and shirts unbuttoned before they got the door closed.

"Take my clothes off," Jamie requested with urgency.

Justin was panting as Jamie's need infected him as well and he eagerly complied, kissing the skin as he exposed it. Quickly he had Jamie down to his boxers which were tented. Licking his lips in anticipation, he slowly lowered the boxers and captured Jamie's erection with his lips. Jamie sighed above him letting Justin taste him before pulling away.

Jamie sat on a chair by the hotel desk and watched Justin stand. "You're turn, strip for me," he said, his voice getting husky with desire.

Justin blushed again as his blood pressure peaked. With practiced care he undressed for Jamie, giving him the best show he could. Jamie smiled as each part of Justin came into view. Seeing Jamie sitting there naked and hard drove Justin wild.

Quickly Justin was naked, out of breath and slightly sweaty. He walked over to Jamie as they stared deeply into each other's eyes. He knelt and took Jamie into his mouth. Justin knew exactly where to touch and with the right pressure to bring Jamie to orgasm quickly and did it. In a few short minutes Jamie was gasping and cumming in Justin's mouth.

Justin took it all and cleaned Jamie afterwards leaving him still hard and throbbing. He looked up at Jamie's eyes to see the love and need there. The silent request was made and Justin walked to the bathroom and retrieved the lube from his shaving kit. Kneeling beside Jamie, they kissed while Justin stroked the lube over Jamie.

"Tell me what you want," he asked while putting some on himself to ease Jamie's entry.

"I want to be in you," Jamie gasped.

Justin smiled and straddled Jamie's legs. His own erection trailed precum along Jamie's chest as he lowered himself onto Jamie. The feeling of Jamie's hard cock entering him made Justin see sparks and fireworks. Justin moaned loudly while Jamie started stroking him while he got used to having Jamie inside him.

"You want to cum, baby?" Jamie whispered seductively, noticing the intense concentration on Justin's face. "I can see that you're trying not to. I want you to, I want to feel it while I'm inside you."

Jamie's husky voice coupled with the words set Justin's blood boiling and immediately he was shooting all over Jamie. As he came down from his high, Jamie flexed his legs and started moving inside him with a strangled gasp.

"You feel so good, JuJu."

Justin leaned down and pressed his mouth to Jamie's. They kissed violently as Jamie thrust into Justin from underneath. They both moaned to each other as they found a rhythm and moved together. Covered with sweat their skin slid against each other.

Soon Justin felt Jamie get stiffer inside him, a sign he knew meant Jamie was getting close. He raised up slightly and let Jamie control his thrusts which became sharp and hard. Justin panted, feeling himself also getting close.

Jamie was still in control and made sure Justin was feeling every touch. Justin tightened around Jamie and he knew Justin was going to cum soon as well. "You're going to cum again, aren't you?" Jamie asked.

All Justin could do is nod as his face took on the intense expression of pleasure that Jamie loved. Jamie knew that the minute Justin came he would also so he helped him along. Reaching up he took each of Justin's nipples in his fingers and stroked them softly making Justin whimper and tighten even more around Jamie's plunging dick.

"I love you, Justin," Jamie said softly. As the words left his mouth he clamped down on Justin's nipples and pulled slightly. Justin screamed and started shooting without touching himself. The contractions of his body milked Jamie and he came seconds later panting Justin's name.

Their dual orgasms shook their bodies as they clung to one another. Justin slumped against Jamie who held him possessively. When their breathing calmed and they could see clearly again, Justin stood letting Jamie slip from him. Grabbing Jamie's hands he pulled him to his feet and kissed him.

Holding each other for support they went into the bathroom. Justin turned on the water and looked over to Jamie.

"You look real sexy with my cum all over you," he said with a smirk. With a finger he scooped some off and fed it to Jamie who sucked Justin's finger into his mouth.

"And you look just plain sexy," Jamie replied dragging Justin into the shower.

"Are you ok with what happened?" Jamie asked softly.

They were in bed, freshly showered, holding each other closely. Both were just hovering on the edge of sleep and not wanting to break the moment.

"I loved every minute of it. I like it when you're in charge and you like it when I'm in charge. And we both like it when neither of us is in charge. Sounds like a perfect arrangement to me."

Jamie smiled and kissed Justin. "I really don't know where that all came from but it -was- exciting." Justin nodded with a grin.

"Next week when we're finally free from tour I want to go home with you and make love in every room of our house. "

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Jamie agreed.

They both settled down and kissed goodnight before letting sleep take them. One last conscious thought flitted across Jamie's mind before he dropped off. 'We'll have to do it twice in every room so we each have a turn.'


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 46: Flying Without Wings 6

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