Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on May 28, 2000


Greetings everyone,

With Chapter Four the romance part of the story will get fully underway. Everything before now has pretty much been setting the stage. The characters will have to get over a little personal stuff, but from now on just blue skies and. Oh, well maybe not all blue skies, tee hee...

Thanks to anyone who has commented on the story so far. I appreciate you reading it. Special thanks to AD who always has a kind word. Read his stories, The Project is great, even greater if you're a fan of the Xfiles.

This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of *Nsync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and who wish to read stories with sexual contents.

Jamie's Romance - Chapter 4

From before:

Jamie froze as he heard someone trying to open the door. He relaxed, it wasn't Rocky, he'd just use his key. Then someone started knocking, loudly. "Jamie, please open the door. Jamie!" he heard Zack and Justin calling out to him. He tried to yell through his gag but only gave a quiet moan. He was vaguely aware of someone shouldering the door in has he lost consciousness.

------ Our story continues:

Justin and Zack banged on the door calling for Jamie in a panic.

"Why doesn't he answer?" Zack asked.

Justin looked Zack in the eye with a very serious expression. "Maybe he can't."

Zack chocked back a cry and started hitting the door with his shoulder. Justin stopped him. "Here, together, on three."

The counted and both shouldered the door. They heard a short crack and went at it again this time forcing the door open. Half falling into the room the stopped shocked at what they saw. Jamie was limply lying half on the bed, naked from mid thigh up. His hands were still tied to the bed post. They could see some blood on the bedspread.

"Oh my God!" sobbed Zack collapsing against the dresser. "I shouldn't have let him come here. It's all my fault."

"If it's anybody's fault, it's Rocky," sneered Justin. He slowly moved to Jamie, tears streaking his cheeks, fearing the worst. He carefully undid the belt around Jamie's wrists and pushed Jamie up onto the bed. Jamie moaned with the movement. Justin jumped back startled at the sound. 'Thank you God, he's still alive,' Justin prayed collecting himself. "Zack, pull yourself together and wet a towel, we need to clean him up."

Justin put Jamie's pants back on him, got a shirt from the closet and gently put it on Jamie. Jamie started coming around and weakly tried to pull away from Justin while making frightened whimpering sounds. Justin tenderly stroked his arm to calm him. "It's ok Jamie, I'm here and nothing will happen to you."

Jamie's eyes blinked open having a hard time focusing. "Justin?" he asked weakly.

"Shush, now. Zack and I are here, we'll take care of you."

Jamie settled down and went out again just as Zack came back with the towel. "Is he... ok?" he asked.

"He seems to be. Can't tell until he's awake though."

Zack sighed nervously. "I'll go find the RA and then call the police."

Justin only nodded as Zack left again. Carefully taking the damp towel he started wiping the blood from Jamie's face. Justin cringed at the sight. Both lips were split, and his left eye was swollen almost completely shut. Justin went over to the small fridge and fished out some ice cubes, wrapped them in another towel and placed them on Jamie's eye. The cold brought Jamie around again.

"Justin..." he started weakly then broke down into sobs.

"Hey, you don't need to say anything. I'm staying right here and Zack will be back in a minute."

"Yes I do," Jamie insisted. "I guess you know Rocky raped me." Justin only nodded sadly. "I have to call the police, this is gonna end here. You need to leave, you can't be involved."

"Jamie, I..." Justin started.

"No," Jamie interrupted, "your career is important too and you need to leave, we'll call you before your plane."

"He's right you know," Justin heard Zack say behind him. Justin turned to see Zack standing with another guy. "Justin, this is Mark the RA for this floor."

"Hi, nice to meet you," Mark said holding his hand out. Justin stood and shook it firmly. "You look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?"

Justin just shrugged.

"Mark..." Jamie called him over and pointed to the poster over the bed. Mark looked at the poster then back at Justin several times.

"Oh wow! No way!" he said. Justin smiled at him.

"Mark, Justin has to leave, he can't be involved in this and I need you to forget he was here." Jamie looked at Mark with a very serious expression. "We have to think of his career, please, Mark."

Mark scratched the back of his head. "Well, it's not really kosher, but I can't see why not. You'd better slip out of here Justin, call a cab and then I'll call the police." Justin nodded and ask Zack to call a cab company.

Mark turned to Jamie. "You do want to call the police, right?"

"Ya, I have to I guess."

"Listen Jamie," Mark said with concern, "rape is a hard thing to own up to, and especially if you're a guy. Are you sure? It's not going to be easy."

"I know... I know I have to do this..." Jamie started before choking up and Justin was on his knees beside him in a split second to comfort him. Zack looked over as he hung up the phone and caught Mark arching his eyebrow at him. Zack just shrugged.

Mark took control of the situation finally after Jamie calmed down a little. "Zack, call the police. Justin, you need to say goodbye and I want to talk with you a bit before you leave."

Justin nodded. "Jamie, I have to go, I don't want to. Say the word and I'll stay."

Jamie smiled at Justin through his tears. "Oh, I want you to stay too but we both know it's best for you to not be here."

"Ok" Justin sighed. "You call me as soon as you can, I'll be at the hotel until I have to leave for the airport. Zack has the number."

Jamie nodded, "I'll call if I can." Justin smiled as he stood. He gripped Jamie's hand tightly before letting go and leaving the room with Mark.

Zack took Justin's place at Jamie's side. "You really like him, don't you?" he asked quietly.

Jamie looked at Zack in shock before sighing, "What's not to like? Anyway, he doesn't want me, he's a big superstar and besides, he's straight."

"You sure about that?"

"Ya, I'm pretty sure," Jamie sighed.

Zack smiled internally. He wasn't so sure.

------------- Mark and Justin walked together to the dorm entrance.

"What are your intentions, Justin?" Mark asked after a long silence.

"My what?" Justin asked in shock.

"Listen, I can see you have some feelings for Jamie and whatever we talk about is going to stay just between us. I'm just asking because I'm concerned, nothing more." Mark stopped and looked Justin in the eye. "Things are gonna be hard for Jamie these next few weeks until he can deal with this. He really doesn't need any complications right now."

Justin blushed with anger, shame and several other emotions all at once. "Look, I just met him yesterday," he said, "and already I feel a sorta bond between us. I want to be his friend, I really do. Other than that I don't know what I want," he sighed.

Mark smiled sadly at Justin. "I appreciate your honesty. He's definately gonna need support from friends. But before you decide to get involved any further, you're gonna have to decide what you want. He's gonna be real vulnerable for awhile, so you need to get your shit together, whatever it may be. And although I hate to say it, it might be best that you give your support from a distance for now."

Justin nodded as the cab pulled up to the door. "He knows how to get in touch with me if he needs to. Besides I'm heading to New York tonight and won't be back until the homecoming dance."

Mark nodded to Justin and shook his hand. "I look forward to seeing the show." Justin turned to get in the cab. "Oh, Justin," Mark stopped him for a second, "I appreciate you being there and being that friend to Jamie. You hang in there."

Justin smiled and got in the cab. Mark watched as it drove away and waited for the police to arrive deep in troubled thoughts.

-------------- The next several hours were a huge blur for Jamie. The police were very sympathetic once they saw Jamie's face. They questioned him and Zack and talked briefly with Mark. Jamie had decided that he did want to press charges but very hesitantly. The officers praised him for his courage and promised him whatever help he needed. They escorted Jamie to the hospital to be checked out. It was in the hospital that Jamie learned they had pulled Rocky out of class and were holding him at the precinct for processing. After several tests and Xrays he was released from the hospital under Zack's care. Other than his bruises there was no serious damage. The doctor asked Jamie to come back the next day for the rest of the test results. They took a cab to the police station so Jamie could sign the formal complaint. They didn't see Rocky but were told that he had been taken to lockup until he could be arraigned the next morning. The walked back to campus and got in Zack's car.

"I guess you want to go find Justin, huh?" Zack asked already knowing the answer.

"Well, we should try to find him and let him know I'm ok and at least see him off at the airport." Jamie looked at his watch, 6:30 pm. 'Where'd the day go,' he thought to himself. "Justin's plane is at 8:00, right?" he asked Zack.

"That's what he told me."

They drove in silence to the hotel, parked, and went to the front desk. The desk manager looked at Jamie's bruised face with a little concern.

"May I help you young gentlemen?" he asked pompously.

Zack spoke up. "Yes, we are looking to see if Justin Timberlake is still in his room."

"I'm sorry sir, you missed him, he left a short while ago. Would either of you be Jamie?" he inquired.

"I am," Jamie replied and was handed an envelope with his name on it.

"He also left instructions that the room is to be yours until you no longer need it. Will you be checking in now?"

Jamie was taken aback by this. "Um, not right now, but I'll be back later. We are going to try to meet him at the airport. Do you know which flight he was taking?"

"I'm afraid not, he didn't say. Well, until later, sir." The clerk went to help other customers.

Jamie and Zack went out to Zack's car. "Let me drive, it will help me think," Jamie offered.

"You sure?"


They started off to Logan Airport quickly skirting the late rush hour traffic.

"Zack, read the note to me, please."

"You sure?" Jamie just nodded.

"Ok, here it goes.


I hope you get this and remember that you can stay at the hotel.

I've arranged it so you can stay there as long as you want.

Just shut up, I'm doing it so there!'

Jamie smiled sadly at Justin's casual but friendly tone.

'It's just past 6 now so I'm heading off to the airport.

Please call when you can so I know you're alright.

Zack has my cell phone number.

Call whenever you feel like you need to talk.

Take care bud, and I'll see you in 2 weeks.

Peace and prayers, your friend


Jamie's lip quivered and tears started forming. 'No, I have to hold it together,' he vowed to himself.

'PS. I needed to add that I think you're very special

and that I hope we can continue to be friends. J.'

Jamie sighed as they came out of the tunnel into East Boston. He headed to the airport when suddenly something clicked in his head. "Hey, you have Justin's cell number, you goober?" he asked Zack.

"Oh, ya, I almost forgot all about it," Zack slapped his forehead. He got out the phone, a card, and quickly dialed.

Jamie strained but could only hear one side of the conversation.

  • Hey, it's Zack. - Yes, he's fine and here with me. - Which flight are you taking? We want to see you off. - Well that's too bad because we're at the airport now. - Ok, we'll be there in a few minutes. - Alright, sure.

"It's United, gate 14," Zack said then handed Jamie the phone.

"Hi, Justin," Jamie said timidly.

-Hey, Jamie. Are you sure you're ok?-

"Except for a messed up face I have a clean bill of health."

Justin sighed deeply into the phone. -I'm so glad to hear that. You didn't have to come all the way out here.-

"Oh, shut up, I did too. We'll be there in a few, bye."


Justin put his phone back in the holder, bits of conversations ran through his head. Jamie pushing him away with arguments he couldn't fight against. Mark's comments at the dorm. JC's advice when he called that afternoon. That was a conversation that didn't go well. It sometimes seemed that he had known JC all of his life and could tell him anything but he didn't know what to say about all this. JC advised getting out of there and getting back to New York. Advice, it seemed, he was getting from everybody. 'Then why does it feel wrong,' Justin thought to himself.

He put on a brave smiling face when he saw Jamie and Zack coming down the terminal.

Jamie jogged the last couple of steps and threw his arms around Justin's shoulders hugging him close.

"I couldn't let you go without saying goodbye and thank you." Jamie reluctantly released Justin and took a step back.

Justin smiled and squeezed Jamie's shoulder. "I'm really glad you did," he said pulling him into another hug.

They stayed that way for several minutes until Zack, starting to get a little uncomfortable, cleared his throat.

"Sorry Zack," Justin smiled and pulled him in for a big hug as well. "You look out for him ok?" he whispered into his ear.

"I will," Zack whispered back.

They separated smiling.

The boarding call echoed throughout the terminal: "Attention, flight 241 for LaGuardia and points west is now boarding. Will all first class passengers please make their way to the gate at this time."

"Well, that's me," Justin said sadly.

"Well, I guess I see you in two weeks, right?" Jamie looked deeply into Justin's eyes, trying to read something there that he thought he might desperately need.

"Yes, me and the guys. We'll paint the town red," Justin tried to keep the parting light. "You have my number, you call me whenever you need to. Even if it's the middle of the night, ok?" he said more seriously.

Jamie nodded, tears starting to form.

"None of that, James," Justin said sternly. "You don't want me crying too," he lightened his tone pulling Jamie in for another hug.

Jamie started crying when he felt Justin's strong arms holding him again. They broke away and Justin hugged Zack again.

"Flight 241 for LaGuardia, last call for first class passengers. Passengers in coach please get ready for boarding."

"I gotta go," Justin said sadly.

Jamie pushed Justin to the gate. "Go ahead, I'll be ok, really," he said as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

Justin looked back briefly and waved then entered the gate door. Jamie slumped against Zack, the days events finally taking their toll on him.

"Take me to the hotel Zack, I need to get some sleep."

"You got it buddy."


That seems a good place to stop for now. I'm still writing. Let me know what you think, or what you'd like to see.

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 5

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