Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Jan 11, 2001


Greetings everyone,

Not a whole lot of mail lately. But that's ok, what I did get was great, thanks for the words of encouragement.

I can't even begin to list any stories that I'd recommend there are so many. I know there's only so much time in a day but try, there's so many good stories on the archive.

In this chapter: The last day, a month apart and astronomical phone bills!! : )

Please note: All email address are fictional... sorta like this story!

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

The Dreams That You Dared To Dream - Chapter Fourteen

The sun was still low on the horizon but it was already a hot and steamy morning. Jamie sang along with the oldies station as he drove through the light, after rush hour traffic. His fingers tapped to the beat of an old Credence song.

Outwardly he appeared carefree and happy, but inside was a growing sadness. He had just seen Zack off at the airport and was looking at doing the same with Justin and the guys in 24 hours. Consciously deciding not to dwell on it, Jamie thought of what he could get Justin for breakfast.

True to their word, he and Zack had attempted to fatten Justin up this week with good home cooking, desserts and fun snacks that they just didn't get a lot of while on the road. Sure the food on tour was good, unfortunately it tended to be bland and planned to meet what they needed to sustain them for the schedule. Dinners before shows were high energy foods that burned off easily while other meals were filling and nutritious which meant simple pastas, lots of salad and chicken or turkey. The tour doctor saw to it that they ate healthy. Healthy, however, didn't necessarily mean satisfying.

Joey and Justin had the hardest time adjusting, being the fast food nuts of the group, plus Justin wasn't a big salad eater. It all added up to Justin losing weight while on tour. It was something the group had all gotten used to over the years. He was in no danger health-wise, but it still bothered Jamie when he could count his ribs last weekend when they got in bed and that had only been one week of touring.

Jamie laughed to himself. 'I sound like his mother,' he giggled. The thought oddly comforted him. With Justin practically growing up on the road he had always depended on JC or one of the others to be his mother figure when Lynn wasn't around. Now that had transferred in part to Jamie as well. He really didn't mind. Justin had been filling in the role of his protector so the reciprocation seemed to make sense. It was one of the facets of their relationship that made them stronger together.

They were bonded together in so many ways now that they could guess what the other was thinking with just a glance and were almost finishing each other's sentences without blinking an eye. Jamie knew that there were bound to be some rocky roads ahead. There had to be some issues that they had yet to discover or come across. But, trying to not be the worrier, he pushed it all aside and decided that when the time came they'd deal with whatever life threw at them.

His smile widened when he saw the golden arches. "Perfect." A short time later he pulled into the driveway, leaving the car out so he could wash it. Jamie quietly made his way upstairs and into their bedroom. Justin was still asleep, snuggled into the covers on his side and snoring softly.

Jamie smiled, watching Justin for a second before setting the food on the night table. He slipped off his sneakers and shorts and climbed in next to him. He watched Justin breath while running his fingers through the thick curls. Jamie loved how Justin made him feel during moments like these. His chest got warm from the love he felt. Leaning down he placed his lips against Justin's and started kissing him.

Justin started returning the kiss as he woke up. With a happy sigh he opened his eyes. "I like your wake up calls better than Lance's." He pulled Jamie in for another. "Yes, definitely," he said when they parted again.

"It's an art," Jamie said with a smile.

"What time is it?"

"Almost 10."

"So I missed Zack. Why didn't you wake me?" Justin pouted making Jamie giggle.

"You looked so peaceful we didn't have the heart. I tried once but you were really out. Zack left a message on your cell voice mail for you."

Justin pulled Jamie in tighter to him and rolled them so he was on top. Placing his fingers in Jamie's hair he stared deeply into Jamie's eyes. They didn't say a word to each other, just conveyed their thoughts with their gaze. With a slight whimper Jamie pulled Justin's head down for them to kiss again. This kiss was one they'd remember for days. With it they poured out their feelings for one another. It left Jamie's fingers and toes numb and tingling.

Finally they broke apart and Justin buried his face into Jamie's neck and snuggled into him with a yawn.

"You still tired, baby?"

"A little." Justin sniffed suddenly and his stomach growled at what he smelled. "Do I smell Mickey Dee's?"

Jamie giggled. "You sure do."

They sat up and Jamie handed Justin the bag and a coffee. He opened it and peered in like a little kid. "Ooo... Sausage and egg McMuffins and hash browns, my favorites."

"Nothing but the best for you."

"Sweet pea, you're too good to me." He leaned over and kissed Jamie's cheek. Justin handed Jamie a sandwich and they started eating. "So what's up for today?"

"It's up to you, JuJu. Today is Justin day," Jamie answered rubbing his hand along Justin's cheek.

Justin's eyes got misty. "No, not Justin day... Justin and Jamie day." They kissed briefly then finished eating.

Jamie noticed that a few drops of butter from one of the McMuffins had dripped on Justin's chest and pointed it out to him. Justin went to grab a napkin but Jamie stopped him. With a twinkle in his eye, he leaned over and licked the drops from the center of Justin's chest making him moan softly. Continuing up he nibbled along Justin's collarbone then up to his ear.

"There, all clean," he whispered.

"Thanks," Justin said simply before grabbing Jamie's head. Justin thrust his tongue into his mouth in a ferocious kiss that made Jamie groan. Justin grabbed the bottom of Jamie's shirt and broke the kiss only long enough to take it off him. Before long, Justin had Jamie completely naked and straddling his lap. Their erections were pressed against each other between them as the kiss became lust filled. The quick way their passion mounted surprised Jamie a little. Usually they built up to it, slowly savoring it. He had a feeling that Justin's mission today was to wear them both out completely, if he could.

"I want to make love to you," Jamie groaned into Justin's mouth.

Justin pulled away and looked at Jamie in pure lust. "No, please just fuck me. I want you so bad."

With minimal fuss and movement Justin was on his back with his legs around Jamie's waist. Jamie lubed up and slowly inserted himself all the way while Justin groaned under him.

"Oh ya, sweet pea," he murmured as Jamie started gently pushing in and pulling out to get him used to the intrusion. Before long Justin had a grip on Jamie's hips and pulled Jamie into him hard with a loud grunt. Jamie picked up the hint and gave Justin what he wanted. Leaning over him, he forcefully thrust over and over.

The only sounds in the room were their heavy breathing and the sound of Jamie's hips slapping against Justin. It was incredibly arousing for Jamie. They were covered in a light sweat and Jamie breathed in the scent that was Justin. It was always present but when Justin became sexually excited it intensified, turning Jamie on even more.

Jamie looked down at Justin. His head was back and his eyes closed, his nose was crinkled in extreme pleasure. It was a face that nobody but him had ever seen. Jamie increased the speed of his hips to see if he could push Justin up another notch. Immediately Justin was moaning out loud.

"Oh God!" he gasped. "Yes... yes... yes!" Justin reached up and grabbed Jamie's shoulders and looked him in the eye. "More, please." Jamie leaned down and kissed him hard as he thrust faster into Justin.

Jamie knew he couldn't hold this pace for very long but held on making sure Justin got all that he needed. Justin's hands had released his shoulders and his arms fell limply to the bed. Justin was shuddering all over as he moaned in pleasure. Jamie watched in fascination as a blush started on Justin's stomach, crept over his chest, up his neck and into his cheeks. He smiled, knowing that Justin wouldn't last too much longer.

Justin looked up at Jamie, his eyes feverish with his desire and let out a loud, long groan. Every muscle in Justin's body tensed at that second and, loudly screaming Jamie's name, he came. Jamie was astounded at the strength of his orgasm. His ass muscles had clamped down so hard it made Jamie's head spin.

Justin panted as he shot. The first few landed in his face and hair, then his neck and chest. Before he was done he was covered. Jamie had never seen him look sexier. He leaned down to lick at the drops on his cheek and chin before kissing him deeply.

"God, I love you," Justin wheezed.

Jamie grinned at him. "I love you too."

Justin smiled weakly up at Jamie after he'd recovered some. "I know you can't give me a hickey, but..." He left the thought incomplete as he pulled Jamie down more onto him and latched his lips on Jamie's neck. He licked and sucked making Jamie squirm in delight. Justin found a sensitive spot and started sucking hard. Jamie moaned out loud and pumped into Justin forcefully making him grunt.

Almost immediately Justin felt Jamie swell even more inside him and bit at Jamie's tender skin. With a yell, Jamie shuddered and came deep inside Justin. Justin sighed contentedly, feeling the spreading warmth in him. Jamie settled down on Justin and kissed the side of his neck. Justin kept his legs wrapped around him and held him in his arms while he stroked his hair.

"Am I dead?" Jamie eventually asked.

Justin chuckled. "I thought the same thing."

"That was so intense. I've never seen you cum so much."

Justin smiled. "I don't think I ever have. It was incredible, for a second it felt like it wouldn't stop."

"What about today made it different?"

Justin thought for a minute. "Lot's of little things, I think. I'm just plain horny, we haven't done much this week, and knowing we have the house to ourselves made me more relaxed."

"I'm sorry baby, maybe I shouldn't have had Zack come this week. It cut into 'us' time."

"You shush. I loved seeing him and it was more my schedule and energy level than anything else. Oh, and one other thing."


"You're just damned sexy."

Jamie smiled and lifted his head. "So are you." They kissed gently.

"How about a nice, long, hot shower?"

"Second best thing so far today." They helped each other out of the bed and into the large shower.

"So what's on the schedule for Justin day?" Justin asked as he lathered up Jamie's hair.

"Anything you want. It's your day." Justin smiled evilly and Jamie smirked at him.

"How did you convince the guys to leave us alone aside from my death threat?" Justin ran his fingers through Jamie's hair as he rinsed out the shampoo.

"Well, Lance liked the idea of Justin day so much they're having their own Lance and Josh day. Dani should already be in and spending it with Chris. And Joey is having a family day at some park near the everglades."

"Oh, I've gone on one of those family days, it's a lot of fun and the Fatones really know how to throw a picnic."

"That's what Chris said. He and Dani were probably gonna meet up with them at some point. So any ideas?"

"None at all. I've make some dinner reservations, but other than that, it's just you and me and if I have anything to say about it we won't need clothes."

Jamie's knees got weak at Justin's tone and Justin kissed him again.

And that's how their day went. Spending time together and being close without worrying about interruptions or obligations.

They watched some television and made love. Swam in the pool and made love. Grilled some hamburgers for lunch and made love. Listened to some promo CD's for them to consider as opening acts for the fall tour and made love. Did Justin's laundry and made love. Took a short nap and made love. Watched TRL to see It's Gonna Be Me at #1 on the countdown and made love. Packed Justin for the next part of the tour and made love.

By 6:00, Jamie was feeling spent but very happy. Justin was insatiable and full of energy. They left at 7:00 in the roadster for their dinner reservation. Jamie became concerned when they hit the highway heading east.

"Where're we going?"

"A nice French restaurant I know," he answered cryptically.

"Where?" Jamie asked poking him gently in the leg.

"Coco Beach."

Jamie smiled and settled in for the hour long ride to the coast. He settled a hand on Justin's thigh and smiled up at the stars.

The restaurant was exclusive and very private. Dimly lit by candlelight, all the tables were separated from the others with dividers and plants. Jamie sat while Justin went to check on something. He came back a moment later with a single red rose and handed it to Jamie. A tear threatened to fall and Jamie sniffled. Justin smiled at him, took his hand and kissed it.

They both felt very at ease to sit close and hold hands. Dinner was fantastic, the food perfect and there was even a live string quartet playing in the background. They talked easily about the next few weeks putting aside their sadness about being separated and concentrated on their plans and daily routines.

"Jamie, can I ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me," Justin asked when they had dug into their desserts.

"Always." Jamie peered curiously at Justin over his wine glass.

"What have you decided about Grad school this fall?"

Jamie let out the breath he was holding. He was expecting something quite different from this but Justin had a very serious expression. "What's on your mind?"

"I've been doing a lot of thinking about after this summer. I'm not liking being away from you at all, so I'm gonna be a little selfish," he smiled.

"Well, it -is- Justin day... so you get to have the world the way you want it as long as you realize that reality has to rear it's ugly head at some point."

"Oh, I know. This is what I'm thinking." He got a very intent look on his face that Jamie knew meant he cared deeply about what he was going to say.

"We have several weeks completely free after the VMA's in September and I want to go on an extended vacation with you. Just the two of us. Then the fall tour is only two months, but I want you with me. Kevin will need a lighter schedule, I'm sure, cause of the baby. He's already sorta mentioned it." Justin paused taking a breath. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, although I know you have a career and it's very important to you, to me too, I want us to be together as much as possible." He wound down and peered at Jamie apprehensively. "If you were in school then all that would be impossible or at least more difficult."

"Wow, that was a mouthful." Jamie tried to ingest it all.

"I know that all sounded a little one sided, I do want you to get your Masters Degree, and I'm planning on doing a lot more schedule moving and traveling too, so we can be together. So what do you think?"

"Honestly, I've thought a lot about it and I've decided to hold off for now."

Justin gulped and his face brightened. "Are you sure?"

Jamie nodded with a smile. "I talked to the Manhattan School last week and they said that I was welcome in the program whenever I decided. They just couldn't guarantee me an assistantship when I did. They'll even give me some credits for my studio work."


"Ya, you get to teach classes to undergrads and run some ensembles and they defer some of your tuition. It's really a lot of extra work on top of your regular class load. It's more of a pain than anything else. With what I'm making at the studio I don't think tuition will be a problem."

Justin was smiling broadly. "You're sure that's what you want to do? You know this decision is yours to make and I'll support whatever you choose."

"Yes," Jamie nodded. "I've got the start of a good career and going to school now would mean going back to square one when I got done. Plus I know I want to be with you all the time too," Jamie added softly.

Relief washed over Justin's face and he grinned broadly. He pulled Jamie to him and kissed him lovingly.

The surf washed over their feet as they walked hand in hand. There was no moon and the stars shone brightly over the water. The beach was dark and deserted and they listened to the calming sound of the waves. Miles ahead they could see the lights of the Space Center twinkling in the distance.

"I really miss the ocean," Jamie said wistfully.

"Bangor isn't exactly ocean-side," Justin kidded gently.

"True, but Boston and New York are, and Bangor's not that far from the coast. Nana has a cottage in Blue Hill, we spent a lot of time there growing up." Jamie grew silent at the memory of his grandmother and the realization he spoke about her in the present tense.

Justin let go of his hand and put his arm around his shoulder in silent comfort.

"I'm going to miss you, Justin," Jamie said sadly. Tears started falling and he couldn't stop them.

Justin held him tighter as his emotions surfaced as well. "I'll miss you too." He stopped and turned Jamie to face him and clasped their hands together. "I'm sorry about the scheduling. It really sucks."

Jamie nodded. "It's not your fault. We knew that this was coming but it hasn't made it any easier."

Justin pulled them together and held Jamie tightly. "We love each other and we can do this," he said. Whether he was comforting Jamie or convincing himself he didn't know.

Jamie looked up at him, his eyes sparkling. "Hey, if Chris and Dani can do it, then so can we. I'm not about to be shown up by a couple of straight people."

Justin laughed loudly. "You know, you're right." He leaned down and kissed Jamie gently. "Let's go home, sweet pea."

They slowly walked back to the car, hand in hand.

Date: 6/1/00 1:12 AM Eastern Standard Time

From: CurlyQ@hotmail.com

To: Guitarboy@yahoo.com

Subj: Oh MAN!

Sweet Pea,

It's been 5 days since I've seen you and I miss you so

much. I love the morning phone calls. They give me a

reason to get up and put a smile on my face that lasts

all day. Thank you so much.

Hey, you wanna know something?

I think you're cute! hee hee

Oh, and I love you too. Did you know that? I hope you


You can see in the header it's really late. It's just

past midnight here and we're headed to San Antonio.

Everyone says hi and that they miss you. Lance says to

call him sometime. If you do, you have to call me extra

too or I'll be jealous! HA HA HA (well not jealous

but you can still call whenever you want as much as you


Are you sleeping better? I hope so... I'm doing ok but

it's still hard. (and that's not all, Mr. PeePee is

missing you too -snicker-)

Lance just said I have a potty mind. I guess I'm gonna

have to go torture him some and show him who's boss.

Remember..... I LOVE YOU



Hey, this is J. I'm busy right now, but if ya leave a shout out I can call ya back, ok?

"Hey, sweetie. I thought this would be a good time to call you figuring you'd be eating dinner. But you probably forgot to put your phone on the charger... AGAIN... so I hope you get this soon. I miss you. Life here in Orlando is fine. I ate dinner at Joey's parents last night then we watched the Movie Awards. Tell Joey they said hi, send their love and to call them. I don't think I've ever been more stuffed but it was sooo good. They gave me enough leftovers to last a week.. (giggle)

I wish I could've been there with you guys for the show but I watched and saw your signal. You're so sweet. I thought it went well. MTV had the sound mixed up so it was a little soft on the vocals but you guys sounded and looked great. Tell Josh he looks good in lace... (long laugh)

You sounded tired when we talked yesterday morning. Please make sure you take care of yourself. If you don't I'm gonna have Chris come after you and you know how he gets sometimes. I missed talking to you today, but I know you had a late night with the after parties and didn't get up at your usual time.

Well, that's all. Talk to you in the morning in person. I hate leaving a voice mail like this... oh well.

Love you muchly. Bye!"

Message recorded June 9th, 5:45 PM. Please hang up or press the pound key for further options.

Date: 6/10/00 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: JSCOTCH@hotmail.com

To: Guitarboy@yahoo.com

Subj: Hey!!!!!!

Now listen. No dissin' my outfits, Ok?!!!

I just had to write when Curly let me listen to the

lace comment. I might have let it slide if you hadn't

laughed so loud. I'm hurt man, you're not supposed

to rag me like that. You're my pal and supposed to

have my back! And ya, the guys did give me a hard

time about it but it's all good.

Jamie, I'm so tired and they are so mean. They won't

let me sleep. That's all I ask... is that too much?

Can you put in a good word to Chris for me and get me

some more sack time? See what you can do.

That's all really. Oh, Justin misses you so much.

We all do.

Love ya, take care,

Joshua (isn't that formal? ha ha)

Jamie walked through the door and leaned against it, bone tired. Leaving his guitar and bag in the kitchen, he went upstairs to draw a nice, hot bath. He scanned through the mail he had picked up at the compound and found a card addressed to him with a Seattle postmark. He put on the radio and tuned into a light jazz station with a smile. He stopped the water and started to get undressed but was interrupted by the doorbell.

'I hope it's not a Mormon visitation, I'm just not in the mood,' he thought as he opened the door. He was greeted by a large bouquet of roses.

"Jamie Campbell?" Jamie nodded in response. "Sign here, please."

Jamie signed the slip and tipped the delivery man. Taking the flowers he unwrapped them and put them in a vase. There were a dozen each of pink, white and red roses. He took the small card and read it.


I couldn't decide what to do so I sent three colors.

I like you truly, I love you purely and I have a

fiery passion for you in my heart.

All my love,


Jamie took the vase and brought it up to the bathroom with watery eyes. He finished undressing and slipped into the tub and opened the card he got in the mail. It had a cute picture of a teddy bear with a sad little pouty face on the outside. He opened it and it said simply "I need a hug!" Underneath, Justin had written:

"More than you can know.

Hugs and lots of kisses, Justin"

Jamie slumped down in the water, closed his eyes and cried.

Justin was sitting in Lance's room with the others, his cell phone sitting next to him. Every so often he'd look down at it as if that would make it ring while he nibbled on some toast.

"Justin, sitting there looking at it won't make it ring any faster."

"I know, Chris. I'm just anxious for some reason."

"Come one, leave him alone. It's hard enough as it is. I thought we agreed no teasing?"

"Thanks, Lance. You're a pal."

Justin's phone went off just then and with a big grin he answered it.


=You know I should kick your ass for that?=

Justin laughed into the phone. "I love you too, sweet pea."

=What did I ever do to deserve you? Thanks for the flowers and the card.=

"So you like them?"

=You made me cry. You so owe me!= Jamie's giggle came over the line.

"I'm yours in two and a half weeks to do with as you please. It will be Jamie day, promise."

Justin heard Jamie start to cry. =I miss you so much, JuJu.=

"I miss you too and love you sooo much. Now stop crying or you'll make me start." A lump had formed in Justin's throat at the sound of Jamie's sadness and Justin's eyes watered.

=I'm sorry. I'm just a wuss. But I really need to feel your arms around me right now. I guess I'm just having a down day. I'll be ok, don't worry.=

"I do worry because I care about you. You have a good day at the studio."

=I will. Have fun in Utah.=

"We will, we're heading there this afternoon. I love you, sweat pea."

=Love you too. Have a good day. Give my love to the guys.=

Justin held the phone out and they all yelled "We love you, Jamie."

"You hear that?"

=Ya, tell them thanks. Bye, sweetie.=

"Bye, love." Justin pushed the off button as tears rolled down his cheeks. Joey sat next to him and pulled him into a hug as the others looked on in sympathy.

Date: 6/19/00 9:04 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: Guitarboy@yahoo.com

To: CurlyQ@hotmail.com

Subj: I'm sad.....


I'm so sad and my heart is broken.

What am supposed to do??

I just heard that Kevin Richardson got married the

other day.

PSYCH!! HAHA I bet I had you going there, HUH?

Did you guys get the news? MTV has been buzzing

about it the last 2 days and it's the talk of the


I've been working my ass off here. You may be used

to recording for eight to ten hour stretches but my

hands get tired. I still have no clue what albums

I'm working on, the studio is being real hush hush

about it all. There have been so many styles thrown

at me I don't even know if it's all one album or not,

several different ones, I think. Some of the stuff

is nice with some good pop tunes. Others are just

garbage. But you know how that is.

Only 12 more Days!!! It's been 3 weeks, baby, and

it's driving me slowly insane. I know, just 2 more

weeks and we'll see each other but it seems so far


I miss you so much, the morning calls really help.

Love you thiiiiiiiiiis much and more,



Jamie was sitting in the recording studio doing a safety take. It was almost noon and he was looking forward to lunch. It was Friday and he was anticipating a rare Saturday off. He planned on sleeping as much as possible and talking for hours on the phone with Justin if he could. He finished the section and the playback stopped.

"Ok, Jamie. That's a keeper too. Hold on and we'll see what else we need."

"No prob, Tony." He stretched his hands and massaged them with a slight grimace. It had been a long week.

After a few minutes Tony's voice came back over the monitors. "Hey, I've got some good news for you."

"Oh, what's up?"

"You're free until Monday, buddy!"

Jamie's eyes widened in surprise. "Yahooo!!!" he shouted. "Thanks a whole bunch." With renewed energy, he started putting his things away. Tony's voice interrupted him again.

"Don't tell me it was a joke," he said with a sad look through the glass.

"Nope, some wannabe named Justin wants you on your cell," he kidded. 'NSync had worked with Tony many times and he had become good friends with the guys. He knew of the relationships within the group and they trusted him fully.

Jamie went into the booth and took the cell from him. "But he's my wannabe. Hi sweetie."

=Jamie, guess what happened?=

"What? Are you alright? Is everything ok?" Jamie went right into super-mom mode and he heard Tony chuckle beside him.

=Chill, baby, everything is fine. We're just settling in here at the arena in Minneapolis and everybody's ok.=

"Then what's up?"

=Last night a tornado went through a part of the stadium in Joliet so we have to reschedule the Chicago show, isn't that cool... a tornado!=

"Wow, did anyone get hurt?"

=Nope, it was late at night and there was nobody around. So the reason I'm calling is we're trying to get the label to let us out for the weekend. I'm gonna see if I can get to Orlando. We don't have to be in Lexington until Monday but there are a couple of promotional things that are scheduled for tomorrow in Chicago and Sunday in Ohio somewhere.=

"Hold on a second Justin. I think I can help you out a little." He put the phone down and covered the mouthpiece. "Tony, how hard would it be to get Monday off? I'd be willing to put in extra hours the rest of the week. I know it's my last week until August but it would really mean a lot to me."

Tony smiled. "Hold on a sec." He picked up the phone in the booth and dialed on the intercom.

"Justin, you there?"

=You know it. What's going on?=

"Well, we're checking on something here so just hang tight." He looked over to Tony who gave him a happy thumbs up.

"You're all set, buddy."

"Hey Justin. What would you say if I told you I'd meet you at the show tonight?" Jamie pulled the phone away from his ear and they could both hear Justin's shouts of joy. After several minutes he came back on a little calmer.

=You've got to be kidding me? Oh, baby, I'm tingling all over.= Justin laughed suddenly. =How is this possible?=

"I have this afternoon and the whole weekend off and I just took Monday off too."

=Have I told you today that I love you?=

"Yes, but it doesn't hurt to hear it again."

=Call Mel and let her know your flight and someone will meet you, ok?=

"You bet, see you soon, my love."

Lance and JC were in their hotel room relaxing and cuddling together. JC was reading his book while Lance read over some paperwork. Lance was happy they got to stay in the hotel for the afternoon instead of the stadium, it was more comfortable. The unexpected cancellation of the Chicago show meant a little more free time to catch up on some much needed R&R. Chris was somewhere in the hotel exploring and Justin and Joey had gone out on a snack food run. Lance's cell phone broke the peaceful quiet they were enjoying.


=Hey, Lance.=

"What's up? Everything ok?"

=Ya, fine. Lance, I'm gonna ask him this weekend.=

"So you mean?"

=Yup, I've decided to ask him to marry me.=

"You serious?"

=Yes, very. Don't you think I should?=

"I definitely do. I'm so happy for you two."

=Thanks, I'm gonna need your help.=

"I'm all yours."


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 40: Dreams That You Dared to Dream 15

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