Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Dec 13, 2000


Greetings everyone,

The mail certainly slowed down this last week. Finals and holiday obligations must be grabbing alot of people away, I know how that is.

In a mail someone asked: 'Where's the story going to end up and are you shooting for anything in particular?' Truthfully, I have no idea what will happen between now and the end and yes I have a general plot that I'm following, but nothing is set in stone.

This chapter: What happened in Memphis? Zack makes a return appearance (as per the request of some readers awhile back) and we find out how Jamie feels about the corn rows!

Anyway... in case some of you readers are away from the archives for a week or more then I'll wish you my HAPPY HOLIDAYS now!

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

The Dreams That You Dared To Dream - Chapter Eleven

Jamie looked over at the person sitting next to him on the plane and sighed. Zack had headphones on and had fallen asleep just when Jamie needed someone to talk to and keep him from his thoughts. Last weekend now seemed like a lifetime ago and he missed Justin desperately. ABC had screwed up the schedules so Justin had to fly to LA for his taping as the crew was in the wrong city. He had never made it to New York during the week as planned.

'It was less than a week, dork,' Jamie chastised himself. He didn't want to think about June and how long a stretch that would be. He sat back in his seat and put on his own headphones. A little James Taylor would help him sort out his thoughts and take the edge away from the memories of last weekend in his head. Six simple words still echoed through him. It was all he could think about and they kept coming back.

Everything at Justin's grandparents had been going well. After they had talked for awhile, Randall asked to speak to his son in the backyard alone while Justin's grandparents got lunch ready. That left Jamie and Lisa watching Stephen crawl on the floor in the living room. Jonathan was taking a nap, having tired himself out with his excitement on seeing his big brother after so long.

Lisa was a very shrewd person and had guessed about their relationship from the very first minute. She had been more than gracious and supportive during their brief talk but reserved judgment on Randall's reaction. She also promised to try to temper Randall if she needed to. She truly liked Justin and wanted he and Randall to be close. Lunch was called and they all sat down while Lisa went to get Jonathan. Justin was flushed when he came in through the back door with Randall right behind him, a neutral expression on his face.

The meal was slightly uncomfortable and Justin's grandparents kept conversation going not really knowing or understanding what was happening. After the dessert, peach cobbler of course, Justin made his goodbyes after getting promises that they'd stop backstage after the show that night.

The ride back to the hotel was quiet. Justin went to open the van door after he parked and Jamie grabbed his hand. "Are you ok?" he asked simply.

Justin nodded quietly. "Let's go to the room and talk."

Jamie's stomach did flips at his tone, so defeated and small. They made it back into the hotel and up to their room with no problems. As Jamie closed the door he asked again. "Are you sure you're ok."

"No!" Justin said as he sobbed into Jamie's shoulder. "God, he was so cold about it all, almost cruel."

Jamie rubbed Justin's back to comfort him. "How much did you tell him?"

"The whole thing, even about Lance and Josh." Justin caught Jamie's intake of breath. "No, it's ok. They told me that I could." Jamie relaxed and led Justin to the bed and sat down with him. "Jamie, he refused to believe that I was gay and wouldn't even hear about how much I loved you. I don't think I've ever seen him this way. He wants me to get treatment and see a doctor regularly here in Memphis. As if I can be 'cured' somehow," he snorted.

"It's ok, baby, things will work out. You said it yourself, there's a reason why he and Lynn got divorced."

Justin wiped the tears off his cheeks as he looked at Jamie. "That's not it, though. He told me I'm too young to even know what I was talking about. He said he made that mistake and feels responsible for me growing up in a 'broken home.' He... he said that as far..." Justin paused clearing his throat. "As far back as -his- grandfather the Timberlake men have never stuck with their first marriages."

Jamie's eyes widened, "Oh..."

He cleared his throat again and stared deeply into Jamie's eyes. "You know that I love you and would never, ever hurt you, right?"

"Yes, I know that," Jamie responded a little unsure of where Justin was heading.

"I don't wanna be like him," Justin sobbed again crying into Jamie's shoulder.

Those six words replayed in Jamie's head until he thought he'd go crazy. Justin was worried that he'd become like his father and their relationship would fail. Of course he assured Justin that could never happen, he wasn't his father. He was so much more than that. They talked several times that day and the next until he felt Justin had gotten past most of it.

A passing attendant asked if he'd like something to drink and he got an ice tea. Last weekend Jamie realized not for the first time the depth of his love for Justin. When it became his turn to be supportive and nurturing he did it without hesitation. Justin had taken care of him so much that he was glad to do it in return.

Of course, it would have been easier if that was all that happened last weekend. Life, of course had different plans, so with several of them a little raw emotionally, things were intensified.

The rest of the day didn't help them get their emotions under control. There was a terminally ill child at the Meet-and-Greet that had them all in tears. Lynn showed up and Jamie quickly filled her in on what happened at lunch. She and Justin spent a half hour talking in private leaving them both with tears in their eyes. Justin hugged Jamie so hard after that Jamie thought he heard some of his ribs cracking.

There were smiles as well. Justin was so proud when Kevin asked Jamie to sit in with the band that night he went around and told everyone. Little did he know it was a set up so that Jamie would be on stage for their little surprise during the concert.

During Justin's beat box routine, the guys went to change and put on the caps and gowns that Lynn had brought with her that afternoon. When the segment was done they all came on stage and Justin's face looked surprised and confused.

Jamie left the band and handed him his own robe and cap with a bright smile as JC announced that Justin had finished and received his High School diploma that winter and that his home town would be the perfect place to hold his graduation ceremony.

The arena erupted with applause and screams as the band played Pomp and Circumstance. Lynn and Justin's tutor came on stage and presented Justin with his diploma. Justin had a huge smile on his face as he hugged everyone on stage.

After the concert, Justin received the message about the mix up with the schedule. He was very upset that he had to fly to LA after the Nashville show on Monday night instead of New York and apologized to Jamie until Jamie wanted to hit him to make him stop.

That night at the hotel they had made love with abandon. Jamie couldn't figure out if it was because they knew that it would be a week until they could again or because they both needed to reassure the other of their love. Either way, he loved every minute of it and the memory of Justin's submissive side made him blush.

Jamie felt the call of nature and carefully left the seat, squeezing past Zack to not disturb him. He was itching with impatience. He knew that in about 12 hours he'd see Justin again and he couldn't wait, plus he missed being in their house over the last couple of weeks. As much as he loved New York, Orlando was becoming his home. Making his way to the small bathroom he continued with his walk through his memories.

On Sunday morning, after an early radio interview, they went to Graceland to take a private tour. As usual, their fans knew every step they took and met them en masse at the gates. The guys stopped and signed a bunch of autographs before heading in. They were just about to start the tour when one of the guides stopped them and asked if they minded if they were joined by a couple of other celebrities.

Everyone was surprised to see Joshua Jackson and Scott Foley. Joshua was a friendly, outgoing guy who liked to just hang out and have a good time. They had struck up a friendship with him when they did SNL and found out that he had the biggest crush on Joey. It seemed he and Scott were taking a road trip across country to see the sights and just happened to choose Graceland that morning not even knowing 'NSync was in town.

While Scott got to know the guys a little, Jamie and Joshua separated a little to talk privately. "So how are things going with you and Justin?" Joshua asked.

"We're doing well, Josh. How's it going for you?"

"Not bad at all."

"So are you and Scott..." Jamie let the question linger.

Joshua smiled and it lit up his eyes. "Ya, we're a couple. It didn't start out that way, we've been friends for awhile and just decided to do this trip together and we just... well, you know."

"That's so cool. I guess you're over Joey, huh? He's gonna be so disappointed."

Joshua laughed. "I think he knew I got over him the minute he said he was straight."

"So how did it happen between you and Scott?"

"We were a few days into the trip and started talking. He's known for a long time that I'm gay, but I had no clue about him. Well, we just talked and talked for the first couple of days and he finally admitted that he had feelings for me." Joshua smiled at the memory. "And so that night we kinda seduced each other and the rest is history."

"I'm so happy for you two. You look good together."

Joshua blushed. "Thanks." Jamie pulled him into a hug which was returned.

"So you dumping your Pop Star for a plain old TV and Movie Star?" Justin joked from beside them.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe if he was on a real network, he might have a chance," Jamie kidded him. "But he certainly did look good in that rowing outfit in Skulls." Joshua's blush deepened further.

The tour continued and went out into the gardens. Jamie noticed that Lance was a little distant and grew concerned. "JuJu, I'm gonna go talk with Lance, he looks a little upset about something."

Justin kissed him on the cheek and watched him walk over to Lance.

"You two are so in love," Scott said from beside him.

Justin nodded to him happily as they watched Lance and Jamie stroll slowly through the flower beds. "With all our souls, Scott. I'm glad you and Joshua are together. He's such a great guy, you're very lucky."

Scott smiled. "More than I know."

Lance and Jamie left the others and the tour guide as they walked through the garden. "So what's bothering you, buddy."

Lance smiled sadly at Jamie. "Nothing and everything." Lance paused, "Jamie, do you ever have the feeling that there's nothing you can do to make things right, that you feel helpless to stop someone from hurting."

"This is about you and Josh and both sets of parents, huh?"

Lance nodded as they continued walking. "My parents are coming around but still have a long way to go. Josh's parents are dead set against us being together, let alone marrying."

"I know how you feel Lance. Justin's father isn't too thrilled either."

"Ah, so that's why he was in a mood yesterday."

Jamie nodded. "Ya, he's worried that he'll turn out like his father and break my heart."

Lance looked at Jamie with a thin smile. "Neither of you should worry, he's nothing like Randall. Justin's more like Lynn than he cares to admit, with a healthy dose of Josh added." Lance sighed at the mention of his troubled boyfriend.

Jamie put his arm around Lance's waist. "Look, Lance, everyone is different and they can't help reacting when something contradicts what they believe. Of course their love for us should be the only thing, but it isn't some of the time."

Lance sighed sadly. "How true."

"The thing you have to remember is that this is between the two of you. Sure, the support of your families would be nice but it's not necessary for the two of you to be happy with each other."

Lance put his arm around Jamie's shoulder. "Would you mind telling that to Josh sometime? I think he needs to hear it more than I do."

"I wouldn't mind at all. I'll try to talk to him next weekend."

Jamie was once again back in his seat next to Zack wondering how Lance and JC were doing. After his parent's visit, JC had seemed even more reserved than his usual. It suddenly dawned on Jamie that all during the Graceland tour he hadn't seen JC and Lance show any affection toward each other at all. He and Justin had stuck close together and held hands while in the house, but not Lance and JC. This nagged at him and he vowed to have the talk with JC that he promised Lance. JC was definitely hurting somehow and he wanted to help.

The pilot announced the final approach into Orlando and Jamie nudged Zack awake. "How long have I been out?" he asked.

"About an hour or so, sleepy-head."

"Sorry about that, flying always puts me out."

The plane landed and while Zack waited for his bag, Jamie went and got his keys from the airline courtesy desk. They met back up just as the luggage carousel started filling.

"The parking charge will be huge, how long has it been in the lot?"

"Only since yesterday. Joey's brother, Steve, flew out to meet them in Atlanta and left it here for me. It worked out pretty good."

They continued talking as they found Jamie's Rav4 in the short term lot. "I still can't believe that we know them and you're dating one."

"It's like a dream," Jamie nodded. "Sometimes I can't believe it myself."

Leaving the airport, Jamie started giving Zack a short tour like Britney had done for him. "Tell you what, let's stop and get something to eat then hit the market."

"Sounds good. Dinner's on me."

"No way, this week is on me and Justin. You just keep your wallet in your pants unless you want to buy a souvenir or something."

They stopped to eat at a nice sandwich shop that Jamie had found once while out with Justin.

"God, it's hot down here," Zack commented as they watched the sun settle closer to the horizon.

Jamie nodded. "I thought I was gonna die at first. I'm still not used to it."

After finishing their sandwiches Jamie bought some bread and rolls. They stocked up at the local market and finally pulled up in the driveway and into the garage. Zack ogled Justin's two cars. "Holy shit, a BMW AND a roadster!"

Jamie grinned. "That roadster is his pride and joy. I'm sure he'll be more than glad to give you a ride in it. It's way cool." They grabbed the bags and Zack's suitcase and headed into the house.

"Wow, this is nice," Zack commented when they entered the kitchen through the laundry room. Jamie quickly put away the groceries then gave Zack the tour ending out by the pool just as the sun set. He went into the recently completed pool house, found the stocked fridge and came out with two beers and tossed one to Zack.

"Like it, huh?"

"It's great. The game room is kickin' and it's nice to have a pool."

"A necessity around here. Listen, I want you to make yourself at home, so if you want anything just grab it." Zack smiled widely. "Correct that, as long as it isn't someone who isn't already taken," Jamie laughed.

They sat by the pool talking and getting caught up in their lives until the bugs started chewing them alive. Going down to the family room, they had just settled to watch some TV when Jamie's cell rang.

"Hi sweetie," Jamie answered after checking the caller id. "We're just sitting down to watch some tube. How'd the concert go?" Jamie paused listening to Justin. "I'm glad. So I'll see you tomorrow morning then. Love you, too. Bye."

"You are soooo taken," Zack laughed.

"What you mean?"

"Your face when you were talking to him was the happiest I've seen you in a long time." Jamie blushed. "So they on their way?"

"Ya, he said the show ended and the bus left right away. He also said hi and he'll see us in morning."

It was after midnight when the TV finally went off. Zack was yawning in his seat and Jamie laughed at him then nudged him with his foot. "Come on, world traveler, time for bed."

Jamie went with Zack upstairs and got out some towels for him and made sure he had everything. "Like I said before, make yourself at home. Just so you know, it will probably be a late morning tomorrow when we finally get up and about."

Zack smiled lewdly at him. "Don't worry, I can keep myself occupied while you are," he snickered.

Jamie blushed a deep red. "Ya, well... OK! Enough embarrassing your host," he finally laughed slapping Zack's shoulder. He hugged Zack tightly. "I'm glad your visiting. I miss having you around."

"Same here, buddy. School wasn't the same without you." They smiled at each other and said goodnight.

Jamie went into his bedroom shutting the door behind him. He wandered around the room touching the pictures and knick-knacks they had bought together while smiling to himself. Jamie went into the closet and saw the mound of dirty clothes that needed to be washed. Groaning, he grabbed the basket and decided to do a load or two since he wasn't really that tired and knew sleep would be long in coming.

Three quarters of the clothes were Justin's. Jamie could never believe how many times he changed during a day. Jamie held a sweatshirt that Justin had worn for just a few hours one morning while the washer chugged away. He held it to his face and breathed deeply. It still smelled like Justin.

"You know if you're really good, you can get the real thing."

Jamie spun in place to see Justin smiling at him from the doorway. He dropped the sweatshirt and practically climbed into Justin's arms. After a thorough kissing that left Justin reeling, he pulled back to smile at his slightly glassy-eyed boyfriend.

"Don't get me wrong, but what are you doing here?"

Justin smiled. "I took a flight. It just didn't seem right to spend nine hours on a bus when I could be here with you."

"And the others?"

"Somewhere in central Georgia, I'd imagine."

"Where were you when you called?"

"On my way to the airport."

"So you lied?"

Justin shook his head. "Nuh-uh. I said the show was over and the bus left right after... true. I also said I'd see you both in the morning... true, it's almost 1:00 in the -am-." Justin chuckled.

"Sneaky, very sneaky Mr. Timberlake."

"It's all because I love you, Mr. Campbell."

"Then you go ahead and be as sneaky as you need to." Jamie wrapped arms around Justin's neck and pulled him down into another kiss. He reached up and pulled of the bandana and went to run his fingers through Justin's curls but ran into something that felt extremely strange.

"What did you do to your hair?" Jamie asked peering up at the exposed corn rows. He ran a finger along one and wrinkled his nose a bit.

"You don't like them? I think I look sharp."

Jamie tried to hide the disappointment in his voice. "I'm sure it's easier to take care of. They look nice."

"But?" Justin prompted.

"I can't run my fingers through your hair when it's like this."

"I never thought of that." Justin pulled Jamie close. "Ok, I promise that when we're together you'll get to play with my hair."

Jamie smiled at Justin. "You know I'll get used to it. It's just such a surprise."

"I know, but I like it when you play with my hair, so I'll miss it too." They leaned in for another long kiss. Neither wanted to let go but Justin started protesting that his back was sore from the show and he needed to stretch. Jamie led him out to the backyard and down to the hot tub and they stripped down. Justin hesitated at his boxer briefs.

"What about Zack?"

"He's alseep, he went to bed about an hour ago."

With smiles that promised more than a kiss they got naked and settled into the tub. Jamie sat behind Justin and massaged his shoulders and back bringing appreciative groans.

"I'm so happy to be here, sweet pea."

"Me too. So how did things go this week?"

"The taping went well, but I told you all about that. I just hope I don't come across like a dork or something."

"You're so cute, I think that you'd be forgiven for that. Dorky can be kinda attractive, look at Josh."

"Agreed," Justin chuckled. "The shows in Atlanta went really well, especially tonight. I was on fire 'cause I had an incentive."

Jamie kissed the back of Justin's neck making him shiver. He finished his massage and Justin leaned back against him totally relaxed. Jamie snaked his arms around Justin's waist and held him tightly while Justin stroked Jamie's thighs. They didn't feel any need to speak, just content to be with each other sharing this closeness.

After awhile Jamie noticed that Justin was dozing and decided they both had enough. He got Justin slightly more awake, wrapped towels around them both and led him into the house. Justin sleepily went to the fridge to get some water while Jamie threw the clean clothes in the dryer, started it then put out all the lights. He took Justin's hand and let him up to their bedroom. Justin was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, Jamie followed quickly wrapped in Justin's arms.

Jamie woke to several very pleasant sensations. Justin was spooned behind him, nibbling on his ear. One hand, coming from underneath him, was playfully plucking at one of his nipples while the other was stroking his hard dick. Jamie wiggled back against him and felt the hard heat of Justin's erection trapped against his ass cheeks.

"Mmmmm, oh sweetie," Jamie sighed giving in to the feelings. He reached behind with his free hand and played with the head of Justin's dick that was resting against the small of his back. It was hard and covered with precum.

Justin groaned and ground his hips against Jamie more forcefully. Jamie could feel Justin's heart beating rapidly in his chest. "Sweet pea, you always make me feel so good," he panted. He continued to stroke Jamie while he thrust with his hips bringing them both to orgasm. Jamie clutched at the sheets as he came in shuddering spurts while Justin grunted with each shot between them.

Jamie turned and they rested in each other's arms as they recovered.

"Good morning," Justin smiled at him.

Jamie giggled. "And good morning to you too, sexy."

"Let's hit the shower, I'm kinda hungry."

"Worked up an appetite, huh?"

"You could say that."

They showered together washing each other slowly as if they were once again memorizing and mapping each other's bodies. Once dried and dressed they left their room to the smells of breakfast cooking. Entering the kitchen they saw Zack busy at work putting pancakes, sausages and toast on the table.

"Hey, Zack, thanks for making breakfast. That's really great of you," Justin said as he gave him a big hug. "Long time, no see. How you been?"

"Doing good, Justin. You look skinny."

Jamie laughed. "See, I told you I wasn't imagining things last weekend."

"Ok, so I lost a few pounds," Justin smirked as he sat down at the table.

"We'll fix that with some home cooking," Zack assured him.

"Zack this is great, but you forgot something," Jamie began but stopped as Zack placed a bowl of Apple Jacks in front of Justin who put on a big smile.

"Thanks!" he said enthusiastically. "Honey, can we keep him?" he asked Jamie.

All three laughed and ate while Zack and Justin got caught up with each other. Jamie watched the two, happy that they got along so well. 'This is gonna be a nice week,' he thought to himself.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 37: Dreams That You Dared to Dream 12

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