Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Dec 7, 2000


Here's the latest chapter. I love the support I've been getting from the email. Please don't feel like you are intruding or anything by writing. All authors like to hear from readers even if it's just a few words.

As some have noted when mailing me, I try to make the story as real as possible in my writing. I write situations, reactions, emotions and feelings as real as I can. Another way I get this is to include or follow the real life timeline as much as possible. So appearance dates and such will just about match what happened in real life with a few exceptions here or there to make the story work better. I think this helps you get into the story more because it's grounded in reality.

Everyone empathizes with Jamie, which I love, and for a good reason. When I write for him I put alot of myself in him to make him all that more real. I'm constantly asking myself how I'd feel or react. I do the same with the others always questioning how my idealized view of them would behave given what they've experienced in the story. Ok enough for my stupid rambling! Hee Hee

Here are some more stories that I've read since the last chapter that I didn't mention that I think are worth a look at...

Cosmic Companions: Alternate story which is just so bizarre but neat Brian and Justin: what can I say about this legendary story? Lottery Winner: a very sweet Joey story Model Romance: waiting for the bad guy to get it in this Justin story Dreams and Nightmares: Chris is a naughty boy, sooo cool Just the Truth: Kevin Richardson story that has great tension NSync with my Premonitions: Another JC story that is just great

and of course tons more!!

As usual:

This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

The Dreams That You Dared To Dream - Chapter Ten

The ringing phone woke Jamie from a deep, sound sleep. He rolled out from under Justin's arm to the night stand. Picking up the receiver, he dropped it not needing to hear the prerecorded voice telling him it was time to get up. He was still tired, his head felt heavy and there was a little pressure behind his eyes. Thankful that this was an easy day, just a 2 1/2 hour drive and one radio interview, he rolled back over and looked at Justin.

To him, Justin was always attractive, sexy, cute and several hundred other words. But when he was sleeping he was indescribable. The peaceful look on his face always reminded Jamie how much he loved him. The room was a little hot and they had kicked off the covers during the night. Justin lay on his back one hand behind his head under the pillow the other that had been around Jamie's waist was stretched across his stomach. Jamie spent this quiet time appraising his boyfriend with a loving eye. He'd done this many times while Justin slept.

He started as Justin's face smiling at the way his lips were partially open, the familiar soft snore coming from his throat. His eyes were completely at ease, his long, soft lashes rested on his cheeks. Jamie watched, fascinated by an artery on his strong neck pulsing with his heartbeat. He took in the muscled shoulders and arms, the sandy brown tufts of hair in his armpit.

Jamie then watched the gentle rise and fall of Justin's chest, his firm pecs capped by nipples that always seemed erect swelled with every inhale. His eyes traveled down the trim and rippled stomach. In spite of himself, Jamie found he was getting very aroused by the sight. He started following the line of hair that started at his navel and continued down when his study was interrupted by a soft whisper.

"Are you looking at me?" Justin asked amused.

Jamie blushed. "Um, ya, I was appreciating the view."

"I like the view I have too." He yawned.

Jamie got up on one elbow. "Justin, what do you really see when you look at me?" he said sadly.

Justin stared him in the eyes daring him to break the contact. "I see a man I love very much, someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. I see love, compassion and caring. I see beauty, talent and intelligence. But I see other things too, hurt, pain and worry."

"You see all that?"

Justin nodded. "All these things make me love you more and more."

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Say something and make me feel all gooshy inside."

Justin pulled Jamie against him and held him tightly. "One of my many talents. You do the same thing too." He reached out with a hand and stroked Jamie's cheek. "What time is it?"

"It's just after 9:30, the wake up call woke me."

"Did you sleep ok?"

"Just fine, no nightmares."

"You look really tired," Justin said suspiciously, moving his fingers into Jamie's hair.

"I had a little trouble falling asleep. This schedule is rough even though it's only the third day," Jamie joked.

Justin smirked at him. "Wait until you've been doing it for two months and see how you feel."

Jamie smiled resting his head against Justin's chest. "Are you still coming to New York on Tuesday before the Atlanta show?"

"As far as I know right now. I need to tape my intros for that Teen People special. Why don't you stay and we can go together."

"I wish I could but I'm due at the studio Monday morning." Jamie grew silent as he ran his hand around Justin's stomach, playing with the soft hairs growing around his belly button. "Justin, I'm scared."

"I know, sweetie. He won't hurt you, we're seeing to that."

"No, that's not what I meant." Jamie looked up and bit his lip, a habit he'd picked up from Justin.

"Ok, I know what that means, what's on your mind?"

"How am I gonna live without seeing you for a whole month."

Justin ran a finger around Jamie's lips, making him smile. "That's what I like to see." He turned serious. "I'm feeling the same way. Let's talk to Lance and find a weekend for you to come visit that month. We'll be at the same hotel in LA for almost a week so that might be best, ok? It's not like between us we can't come up with the airfare."

"That's a great idea." He leaned down and they kissed. "Eww, morning breath," Jamie giggled.

Justin laughed and wrestled around with him as they tickled each other. They were stopped, panting for breath, by a knocking at their door.

"Come in Lance," Justin yelled.

They heard Lance laugh as he opened the door. "I'm too predictable aren't..." he stopped halfway in the room and looked away. "Don't you two ever wear any clothes?"

"Not to bed we don't," Justin smirked at him.

"Ya, it makes it easier for... well you know," Jamie said making Lance blush a deep red. "See, I knew I could make him blush."

Justin giggled. "Yah, but it's just too easy."

"Stop talking like I'm not here!" Lance laughed. "Why did you hang up on me?"

Jamie laughed at him. "That was you? I'm sorry, I thought it was one of those automatic ones."

"You had one of those too."

"We did?" Jamie smirked. "I guess I slept through it."

Lance simply shook his head. "-That's- why I follow up. Ok, Brunch in 20 minutes. They have a room downstairs for us and we can stay in there before the bus leaves."

"Ok, Momma Bass," Jamie called.

"Stop calling me that!" Lance laughed again shutting the door on his way out.

After one loving kiss, they reluctantly got up and helped each other into the shower.

Everyone was scattered around the private lounge set aside for them. It had some chairs, a couch, ping-pong table and a regular table that had the left over food from brunch on it. JC and Lance had gone to eat in private with JC's parents but Heather and Tyler stayed with them.

Joey and Tyler were playing cards for cookies while Chris was busy getting his butt kicked at the ping-pong table by Heather.

"Hey, Joe," Justin asked. "What happened to Steve? I haven't seen him since before the show in Biloxi."

Joey sighed. "Well, Dad still has the flu and Ma caught it from him so he went home to take care of them."

"What about your sister?" Tyler asked. He kinda liked Joey's sister and missed seeing her this trip.

"She's off with Pink. I swear they're attached at the hip."

Jamie liked Pink and wished she could spend more time with them. She really was a hoot and Joey's sister, Janine, was just like her. But Pink and Sisqo were just as busy as the boys with their own hectic schedules and they rarely saw either of them except for just before the shows.

Justin leaned against Jamie who was practicing a little on his guitar. Justin had stayed close to him all morning sensing that even though Jamie seemed fine, something wasn't quite right. There was a sadness there that bothered him.

He knew it for a fact when Joey asked Jamie for a song. A sad sounding chord progression floated across the room as Jamie began to sing.

"So far away,

Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?

It would be so fine to see your face at my door

Doesn't help to know you're just ...

Time away.

Long ago I reached for you and there you stood

Holding you again could only do me good

How I wish I could, but you're so far away"

The song stopped all activity in the room. JC and Lance, followed by Karen and Roy, walked in just then and stood listening. Justin put his hand on Jamie's back and rubbed it gently a concerned expression on his face.

"One more song about movin' along the highway

Can't say much of anything that's new

If I could only work this life out my way

I'd rather spend it bein' close to you.

But you're so far away,

Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?

It would be so fine to see your face at my door

Doesn't help to know you're so far away"

Jamie played strongly and true emotion carried in his voice. Lance went into JC's arms with tears in his eyes. Roy cleared his throat softly and put his arm around Karen's shoulders. She glanced nervously between her son with Lance and Jamie.

"Travelin' around sure gets me down and lonely

Nothin' else to do but close my mind

I sure hope the road don't come to own me

Yet so many dreams I've yet to find

But you're so far away,

Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?

It would be so fine to see your face at my door

And it doesn't help to know you're so far away

Oh, so far away"

As the last chord sounded, the collective exhale of breath could be heard around the room. Jamie looked around, coming back from the place inside himself that he'd been in and blushed to see everyone looking at him.

Karen crossed over to him. "You play so well and have a wonderful voice. Play something cheerful for us, please? A sad song like that is beautiful but it shouldn't be coming from someone so young and handsome as yourself." Karen smiled at him and touched his cheek in a totally maternal and comforting manner.

Jamie looked up at her and smiled broadly, something he hadn't done in a few days. "Sure Mrs. Chasez, what would you like to hear?"

"Call me Karen, please. Anything, really."

JC beamed at his mother from across the room. Jamie's slight depression had worried them all and here, with just a few choice words, she seemed to bring him out of it somewhat.

"Ok, Karen. JuJu, how about that song we were fooling around with?"

Justin smiled at him. "That would be fine. Hope I can remember the words." Jamie smiled and gave him a soft kiss then started playing something more upbeat singing the first verse alone.

"Say it's only a paper moon

Sailing over a cardboard sea

But it wouldn't be make believe

If you believed in me."

Justin joined him in harmony making a lovely duet. Karen smiled and returned to Roy's side. He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Yes it's only a canvas sky

Hanging over a muslin tree

But it wouldn't be make believe

If you believed in me

Without your love,

It's a honky-tonk parade

Without your love,

It's a melody played in a penny arcade

It's a Barnum and Bailey world,

Just as phony as it can be

But it wouldn't be make believe

If you believed in me."

Mel had come in and caught the last half of the song. When they finished she got everyone's attention. "Ok, gang, bus is loading and heading out in 15 minutes. Nice song, Jamie." Jamie blew her a smooch in response then leaned over and gave Justin a real one.

Karen and Roy went around the room saying good-bye to everyone. When Karen got to Jamie she gave him a hug and a big smile. "That is one of my favorites, how'd you know?" Jamie shrugged and blushed. "Thank you, Jamie. It was nice meeting you."

"The same here Karen."

"Justin, you take care of him. You know, you two sounded nice together. You should think about putting out some songs of your own."

Justin hugged her back. "I would but Josh would get jealous."

"Would not!" Josh said like a six year old from nearby smiling happily.

Karen and Roy turned to JC last. First Roy then Karen gave him a hug. "We'll talk some more later on when you get to Chicago. Will you think about what we said?"

JC flushed but simply nodded biting back whatever he originally wanted to say. "I will if you promise to think about what we've said." He reached over to Lance who was hanging back and grabbed his hand.

Karen took in a deep breath and let it go. "We will talk about this later."

"Please? Momma? Dad?" JC pleaded with them.

"We promise, son." Karen looked up sharply at Roy's words but nodded reluctantly. "We -do- love you," Roy said.

JC nodded. "I love you both too." He let go of Lance's hand and hugged them both together.

Roy shook Lance's hand and patted his shoulder. "Tyler, Heather, come along we've got a long drive ahead of us."

Karen let go of her oldest son and gave Lance a warm hug. "Take care of each other."

"We will, Karen," Lance said softly.

After Heather and Tyler said their goodbyes they left. Lance and JC stood apart, each in their own private thoughts. Jamie looked at Justin and headed to Lance. Justin took the cue and went to JC. They hugged them then pushed them together. Lance and JC clutched each other tightly then kissed.

"That's what we like to see," Chris said beaming. After a minute they didn't break apart. "Ok, ok... enough, we've got a ride to catch." He pushed at them as everyone laughed. "Hey, Joe, don't forget to pack that stuff up and put it on the bus. We need to replenish the munchies," Chris called out as he left the room. Joey saluted him with a very serious expression and gathered up the food with Justin's help.

"You know, all the turkey and vegetables are ok," Joey said as they boarded the bus. "But I could really go for a chalupa right now. When we gonna get some junk food on this tour?"

Jamie got a wicked gleam in his eye. "Oh man, a nacho cheese beef chalupa sounds great to me!"

Joey slapped him on the back. "Ah, a man after my own heart!"

The ride to Memphis was uneventful. JC slept most of trip while Lance, Chris and Joey played scrabble. Jamie and Justin snuggled together on the couch watching TV and Jamie dozed in and out. Once in Memphis, Jamie stayed at the hotel practicing for his week at the studio while the guys went to their radio interview. After dinner together they settled into the suite for a night off, very rare and extremely valuable during tour.

"I really like it when they get us suites," Joeys said. "It's so much easier to hang out."

"So what are we gonna do tonight?" Everyone glanced at JC. "What?"

"You? The master of stay-in-and-sleep wants to do something?" Justin asked.

JC shrugged. "I slept all afternoon, I'm good to go."

"So what's there to do here, Justin? It's -your- hometown," Chris prompted.

Justin laughed. "How would I know. It's not like I've spent alot of time here in the last 9 years. When you're 10 you really don't check out nightlife much."

Lance was looking through a newspaper. "How about a movie? Gladiator is playing."

That choice got an enthusiastic yes and they made arrangements for security and the courtesy van.

Three hours later they returned, happily filled with popcorn and sweets, still talking about the movie.

"That was just so cool!" Joey said, pretending to sword fight JC with a Twizzler as JC defended himself with his popcorn box laughing. Jamie jumped up on Justin in a piggy-back and they tried to run down Chris. Lance laughed tickling Jamie from behind. Still laughing they all collapsed in seats around the room. Justin just sat on the floor in front of the loveseat with Jamie still attached. Jamie leaned back against the cushions and pulling Justin against his chest.

"If I didn't know the schedule gets alot worse over the next few weeks I almost have to say being on tour is fun," Jamie said with a smile.

They sat and chatted for awhile, talking about the tour and gossiping about others in the industry. Jamie spent most of the time kissing Justin's neck making him shiver. Before long, Lance, ever the responsible one, called for bedtime.

Justin closed the door to their room and turned to find Jamie standing very close to him. "Hi," he said softly.

"Hi," Jamie answered back. "I'm not tired, are you?"

Justin shook his head and pulled Jamie to him. Their lips met as they kissed each other deeply. "Oh, sweet pea," Justin gasped when they separated, "you taste so good."

Jamie started undressing Justin as they kissed again. He got him down to his silk boxers before he let Justin start undressing him. They broke apart to get completely naked and moved to the bed. On the way Jamie reached into his bag and grabbed the lube.

Jamie lay down and pulled Justin on top of him. "Baby, I want you, please make love to me."

The pleading and lust in his voice made Justin's blood boil. He kissed down Jamie's chest and stomach. Once he reached his hardening dick he licked it all over making Jamie shudder. Justin took the head in his mouth and licked and sucked while bobbing up and down until he was taking all of Jamie into his mouth and throat.

Jamie moaned loudly and tensed under him. Justin pulled off denying him his release, smiling up at him. Jamie just groaned and spread his legs further apart. Justin took the hint and lubed himself up and leaned into him. Jamie grunted as he felt Justin enter him and wrapped his legs around Justin's waist.

Jamie gasped as Justin firmly pushed until he was all the way in. He sighed at the full, stretched feeling of having Justin inside him. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold on long, Justin had brought him really close with his mouth. He started to reach down to stroke himself when Justin stopped his hand, lacing their fingers together.

Justin's head swam with pleasure, his pulse was racing and he felt light-headed. Jamie felt so warm and tight around him, it was a feeling he'd grown to love and long for. Using every bit of concentration he slowly pulled out then pushed back in making Jamie shudder. He set a slow rhythm as Jamie got tighter around him. Knowing that Jamie was about to cum he used a couple of short jabs to push him over.

The pressure was just too much and Jamie couldn't hold on any longer. He felt his cum rising and there was nothing he could do to stop it. "Oh, Justin," he panted. "I'm close... oh... Oh... OH!!" Justin pumped into him sharply and Jamie came. Justin watched as Jamie's eyes rolled back and his mouth opened wide. A long drawn out grunt accompanied the shots. The cum pooled on his stomach as he gasped for breath. Justin, in a show of his flexibility, leaned down and licked at the semen, humming in satisfaction with the taste.

He licked his lips and smiled at Jamie who smiled back. "I told you that you taste good." Jamie blushed, his giggle turning into a moan as Justin continued his soft, slow thrusts. He reached around Justin's shoulders and pulled them together, his tongue pushing into Justin's mouth. They kissed aggressively while they made love, Justin's tongue mimicking the movement of his hips.

Justin worked his arms under Jamie and held him tightly. Jamie moaned at the feeling of them clutching each other. For him, this was the best feeling. He and Justin couldn't be any closer physically than they were right this minute. He felt safe and loved, wanted and desirable. Those feelings combined with the constant pressure of Justin's cock against his prostate made him hard again between them.

Justin noticed and increased his speed a little to pleasure them both more. They finally broke their kiss to breath and gasp for air. Jamie looked into Justin's face. Sweat had flattened some of the curls to his forehead and his face was flushed.

"Yes, make love to me, JuJu. I love you so much," Jamie whispered. Justin exhaled loudly and pressed his lips once again against Jamie's for a deep, bruising kiss, there was nothing gentle about it. It was passion mixed with lust and desire as Justin kept his steady in and out motion.

Justin's stamina always amazed Jamie. He could keep this up for a long time when he wanted to and that always aroused Jamie all that much more. Moaning slightly he moved his legs. Justin helped, realizing what he wanted, and rested them on his shoulders. This position wasn't as comfortable for Jamie but it let Justin penetrate further inside him making his head spin.

Jamie grunted with each deep, inward thrust as Justin kept his even tempo. "Am I hurting you, sweet pea?"

"Oh God, no," Jamie groaned. He ran his hands down Justin's sweaty back feeling the muscles ripple until they settled on Justin's ass. Grabbing the slick cheeks firmly he urged Justin to go faster.

Justin picked up his speed slowly and soon he was pistoning in and out of Jamie. His body was on fire as his skin tingled. At this pace he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out long. His orgasm was approaching, he could feel it working up from his toes. Justin tried to concentrate and hold it off but it was a losing battle.

Jamie felt Justin grow harder inside him and knew that Justin was coming close. Using nothing more than his sweat as lube he stretched and pushed a finger into Justin's hole. Justin's concentration and restraint broke in that instant and he pumped strongly into Jamie several times before letting out a strangled yell and shot deeply into him.

"Oh, Jamie. I'm... I'm... Uhhhhh!" Justin's orgasm took over his body as he shook and gasped. By reflex, he burrowed into Jamie's neck and latched onto the tender and sensitive skin with his teeth.

As usual this brought Jamie over the top as he started cumming between them. Jamie repeated Justin's name over and over as he shot, his contractions prolonging Justin's pleasure as they rode the wave that had taken them over.

Jamie moved his legs from Justin's shoulders but stopped Justin from lifting off of him by wrapping them back around his waist. "Don't move yet," he begged. Jamie relished the feel of Justin's weight on top of him, the feeling of his cock still embedded inside him. "I could stay like this forever and be happy," he cooed.

Justin smiled at him and pressed his face against Jamie's neck, kissing and licking the place he'd latched onto before. "There's nothing I like better, except maybe you inside of me."

"How did I get so lucky. I get a sexy, caring boyfriend who is perfect in every way. He's tender and loving and can make my head spin and my blood boil. He's a tiger in bed, plus he's versatile. It's like a porn story come to life."

"You're such a goober. But didn't you just describe yourself?"

Jamie laughed and slapped his butt playfully. "Dork."

Justin smiled at him and kissed him tenderly. "I love you and always will."

"I feel the same. I love you too." They kissed for a few minutes before separating.

"I think we should wash up before going to bed, don't you?"

"Ya, I sorta made a mess." Jamie unwrapped his legs and Justin carefully withdrew from Jamie. He let out a sad moan.

"Are you ok?"

Jamie nodded. "That's the worst part, letting you go." Justin kissed his forehead knowing exactly the feeling he was describing.

"Hey, what time was it when we first got to bed?" Justin asked as they helped each other up and into the bathroom.

"Sometime around 11:30, I think, why?"

Justin laughed as he turned on the shower and tested the water. "Well, it's almost 1:00 now."

Jamie smiled as they stepped into the spray. "My strong lover," he said as they kissed.

They showered quickly, dried and snuggled into bed again after brushing their teeth. They lay facing each other, Jamie's head on Justin's shoulder while Justin laid his head against Jamie's.

"Good night, sweet pea."

"Good night, JuJu. I love you so much."

"Love you back," Justin sighed.

Neither had any problems sleeping that night, having tired each other out. The feeling of Justin holding him close and the afterglow of their lovemaking kept Jamie's bad dreams at bay and he slept peacefully.

"Remind me again why I shouldn't be nervous?"

Justin looked over at Jamie sitting in the passenger seat. "There's no reason to be, they'll love you."

"Have you decided if you're gonna tell them or not?"

"No," Justin replied softly gnawing on his lower lip.

They had just pulled into the driveway of Justin's grandparent's house in the courtesy van. Justin's father, Randall, and stepmother, Lisa, were also waiting for them inside. Jamie had almost backed out of the lunch not wanting Justin to feel the pressure of whether or not to tell the rest of his family.

Jamie reached over and took Justin's hand. "If you're not ready then you don't have to."

Justin nodded. "I know, but I want to do this for you."

Jamie shook his head and with a hand on Justin's cheek turned his head to look straight in his eyes. "No, don't do this for me. You do this for yourself when you're ready to and not before. Justin, I don't care if nobody ever finds out about us. We have each other and that's all that matters."

"I know. I'm just not sure how my father will react."

Jamie sat silently not knowing what to say. He really didn't know Justin's father at all except for his picture on their mantle. "If he loves you then it won't matter."

"I know, but he's alot different from my mother. There -is- a reason why they got divorced, even I can see it now. They are not at all alike in the way they think about things."

Jamie rubbed Justin's cheek with his thumb. "I really can't give you any good advice about this. Let's just play it by ear and see what happens."

"I know, but I don't want to lie to them either. I know Dad is gonna ask if I'm dating anyone."

Jamie smiled at Justin sadly, silently supporting him.

"Anyway, I want to so we can have both families, well all three, together for Christmas in -our- home."

Jamie looked at Justin with a loving smirk. "You're such an incurable romantic."

Justin smiled back. "Ya, I know."

"And who said anything about spending Christmas in Orlando? I'm planning on Maine."


"Cold weather and hopefully snow, southern boy," Jamie said wistfully. "The two main ingredients for Christmas."

Justin smiled and squeezed his hand. "Whatever you want, sweet pea."

Jamie smiled back at him. "I want whatever makes you happy."

"Same here." Justin paused looking at the house nervously. "Ok, enough of the cheese, let's go and do this."

"I love you no matter what, JuJu."

Justin nodded solemnly as he led the way to the front door. He rang the bell and they both took a deep breath as the door opened.



So Far Away: Carole King - 1971 from the Tapestry album Paper Moon: Harold Arlen/Billy Rose/EY Harburg - 1933

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 36: Dreams That You Dared to Dream 11

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