Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Nov 30, 2000


Greetings everyone,

I just love getting encouragement and I've gotten some great mail from the last chapters. Thanks to everyone. Especially Dhiad who has pumped my brain full of ideas (keep 'em coming). Also thanks to Nino for letting me test drive some things with him. I know, I'm gonna forget people's names, so I'll stop there, but be sure that I'm grateful for all the emails.

I haven't recommended stories in awhile so I figured I would this time. This list is only partial (and in no particular order) There are a ton of great stories on the archive.

  • JC Dreams: A good JC story. The original poetry is very beautiful - Nick and the Altos: Nick Carter story that is very well written. - Model Romance: A very cool Justin story, things are heating up! - Millenium Love: Brian Littrell story that is just great and in a truly

unique format - Search and Rescue: Another JC story that's just wonderful. Please DLS,

update Brian and Me so we can get the rest of this story!! - Brian and Me: A really good Brian story that I'm waiting for (hint) - My Surprise Romance: Gab's Lance story that is just wonderful. - Eternally Yours: Mostly JC/Joey romance but has all five equally.

I'm not much into alternate stories but this one is very cool. - Just Together (celebrity section): Every chapter makes me love this

story more and more. - Any Path/No Painless Way/Chosen Road: Daralynn has woven a great story.

And many, many more!!

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

The Dreams That You Dared To Dream - Chapter Nine

Jamie slowly woke sensing that something wasn't quite right. He was still mostly asleep and could only open his eyes a little, everything was blurry. Snuggling back into bed he tried to remember where he was. He had a vague image of Lance shaking his shoulder to let him know the bus had arrived at the hotel. At the time, Jamie didn't want to move. He dimly remembered Justin having his arms wrapped around him from behind, one hand on his chest the other down in his boxers lightly grabbing his penis.

Did he dream them stumbling across the lobby, Lonnie leading them like little kids into their room? It seemed all surreal and dreamlike. He reached over to see if Justin was still in bed and found cool sheets. He sighed to himself wondering what time it was. A familiar voice broke into his thinking and woke him up fully.

"So are you gonna stay in bed -all- day?"

Jamie's eyes snapped open to see Rocky standing a few feet away wrapped in a towel, wet from his shower. Jamie looked at him then around the room, his old dorm room that he shared with Rocky. "Rocky, am I dreaming?"

Rocky smiled at him as he dried his hair with a second towel. "Well, you were having a pretty intense dream before. It seemed like a happy one."

Jamie looked at Rocky confused and a little scared. "What are you doing here?"

Rocky sat on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through Jamie's hair. "Jamie, I'm sorry I got a little rough last night. It kills me that I slapped you like that. We do need to talk and work things out. I want this to work. I'm really sorry."

"But Justin..." Jamie stuttered to a stop completely confused.

Rocky's face clouded a little then cleared. "Don't worry, I won't say anything. He was only reacting to what happened." He chuckled deeply. "For a skinny guy he packs quite a punch."

Jamie nodded. He was starting to get a little scared now. Thousands of thoughts were racing through his mind all at the same time. 'I'm still with Rocky? Isn't this a dream? Was I dreaming the whole last six months?' Everything was so fuzzy to him.

"Hey, you ok? You don't look to good."

"Um, Rocky, this isn't right. I'm a little confused."

Concern etched Rocky's features. "Are you ok? I know I hit you pretty hard but it shouldn't have caused a concussion or anything." Rocky fidgeted, worry replacing the concern.

"No, I'm fine, I guess I'm still a little asleep. I was having a dream and it seemed so real."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Jamie was suddenly uncomfortable. He remembered every bit of his dream perfectly even if it was a bit misty, but how do you tell your boyfriend that you were dreaming of a life with someone else. "Well, I don't remember a whole lot of the details, really."

"Come one, yes you do. I can see it in your eyes." Rocky's voice took on a more menacing tone.

"No, really I'd rather not talk about it."

"You can't or won't?" Rocky growled setting the warning bells off in Jamie's head.

"I've got to get out of here." Jamie hopped out of bed and headed for the door not caring that he was naked.

Rocky reached out to grab him but missed. Jamie felt a coldness as his hand passed. He paused at the door as Rocky called out to him one more time.

"Jamie," Rocky said, his voice dripping with malice, "I'm coming for you. You can't get away and nobody can protect you."

"You're NOT real, and you can't hurt me anymore."

A low chuckled froze him as he turned the knob. "Oh, you're so very wrong." The next words made his blood run cold as panic set in. Words he's used -that- day. "Not until after I've had my fun but I'm not done."

Jamie glanced over his shoulder and saw glowing red eyes. Jamie screamed loudly and fled the room.

Chris and Lance were in the hall talking when a blood curdling scream made them jump.

"That sounded like Jamie," Chris said.

Lance's answer was cut short by Joey bolting out of his room just as Jamie sped through his door across the hall. They collided together and Joey tried to hold Jamie, who fought back so violently that Joey had a hard time keeping him under control.

A second later Justin ran from the room, towel around his waist and shaving cream on his chin. "Jamie!" he cried as he grabbed him from Joey's arms and held him close. Jamie fell limp at Justin's touch and started crying. Lance went into Justin and Jamie's room and came out a moment later and put a robe around Jamie's shoulders.

"Justin, it was horrible. Rocky was there and it felt so real, not at all like before. I was back in our room. He said... he said..." Jamie broke down again and cried on Justin's shoulder as he let Justin lead him back into the room. By now JC, Tyler and Dani joined them all and Lonnie was walking down the hall to make sure everything was ok.

"Scoop, call room service and order us some food and lots of coffee. We're gonna need it." Lance grabbed the phone without question. "Chris, get the doc. I want Jamie checked out." Chris nodded and pulled Lonnie to the elevator with him.

"You need us for anything, J?" JC asked.

"Ya, give me some time to calm him down and get checked out and we'll all meet back here for a group meeting and some lunch for everyone."

Justin put on some sweats and a T-shirt and pulled the same on Jamie while they waited for the tour doctor. They sat as Justin comforted Jamie and held him close. After Jamie had stopped crying Justin tried to get him to talk. "You want to talk about it, sweet pea?"

Justin looked up as the tour doc, Mike, walked into the room.

Jamie was shivering as he lay in Justin's lap. "It was so real. I woke up and Rocky was talking to me about being sor... sorry that he slapped me."

Justin's heart clenched at Jamie's fright. He lightly stroked his hair. "It's ok, he can't harm you now."

Jamie shook his head. "He can. He was released from prison the other day." Jamie's voice was flat and without emotion.

Justin sat shocked into silence as Lance pushed the room service cart in. "Justin, are you ok? You look awfully pale."

"Lance, Rocky is out of jail."

"I see," he said simply as his forehead creased in worry. "Has he tried to..."

"No, Lance," Jamie answered. "Nobody's heard from him."

Lance nodded as he looked to Mike.

"Lance, would you get everyone together and bring them here?"

"Sure, Mike, we'll give you a little time to do your thing."


Twenty minutes later they were all gathered around the room, finding seats wherever they could. Lonnie stood as silent sentinel near the door. Mike advised that Jamie needed more sleep and as little stress as possible. He admonished everyone to be on their best behavior with a glance around the room then he settled on Justin. "If you need to call Greg, he's on-call for the tour."

Justin nodded. "Thanks, Mike."

Jamie was resting with his head in Justin's lap staring dully at the piece of toast that Justin had put in his hand. Everyone else sat waiting for Justin to say what he needed to.

"I don't know what we can do but you need to know some things." He cleared his throat trying to think about how to put what he wanted to say. "Jamie's had these nightmares before, and sometimes they do get so bad he sleep walks, well, runs away from them."

Everyone fidgeted and sighed. The look on Dani's face was clearly a paternal one. "Not the same as before?"

Jamie shook his head. "No those are gone now, thanks to you." He nodded to Dani.

"Well, I just wanted you all to know that this may happen from time to time," Justin continued. "Jamie's still working through alot of these emotions. For now the doc has increased the dosage of his meds so he may be a little groggy."

"We're all here for you," Joey said in support.

"We all care for both of you," JC added with compassion squeezing Jamie's shoulder.

"The most important thing is that Rocky was released from jail a day or two ago." This news clearly made everyone uncomfortable. "So if you see -anything- that doesn't seem cool or get any strange mail or calls let Lonnie know right away."

The whole room nodded. "Don't worry, Jamie. If that jerk tries to fuck with you he'll have to answer to us and then Lonnie will finish whatever's left over." Everyone was surprised by the anger in Lance's voice.

"Damn straight," the deep answer came from near the door.

Jamie smiled for the first time and sat up. "Thanks guys. It shouldn't come to that, but I appreciate it. Besides, you'll have to wait in line behind Dan and Phil."

"Phil? What's the little guy gonna be able to do," Joey joked.

Jamie smirked at him. "Maybe if you're lucky you'll find out someday. He's got a black belt, Joey. He's not so helpless."

The rest of the day was subdued. Jamie wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep at the hotel but Justin wouldn't hear of leaving him alone for all that time. Tyler volunteered to keep him company when the guys were busy and Jamie was glad to spend some time with him so they could get to know each other. They said goodbye to Dani before soundcheck. Jamie hugged her tightly promising to call her anytime he needed to talk.

All during the check he and Tyler sat in the front row watching everything on stage. Jamie had sunk into a depression. It concerned Justin, his attention was divided and Wade caught it. When the mics and levels were all set Wade had them run through some steps that didn't go exactly right the night before and changed a couple to make them work better.

"Timberlake! Get on the ball!" Justin just glared back at him. Wade went to him and said softly, "I heard what happened and I'm concerned too, I like Jamie alot. But you've got to concentrate, put yourself in -that- place. You've got a job to do."

Justin nodded to him and slipped almost fully into professional Justin and hit his marks. The whole time a small piece of himself kept an eye on Jamie sitting with Tyler. 'God, what am I going to do when he leaves?'

Finally they were done and the guys went to shower. They had about an hour before the meet and greet and relaxed in the play room. Jamie marveled that the room looked the same from last night except for different colored walls. All the furniture was placed in almost the exact same places.

JC saw his gaze and explained it. "We're in so many different places they set the room up the same so that we have some kind of normalcy. It really helps."

Jamie nodded and sat on one of the couches waiting for Justin when his cell phone rang. JC hovered nearby trying to appear as if he was just waiting for Lance. Jamie smiled at him, checked the caller id.

"It's just, Zack." He pushed the on button. "Hey, buddy!" JC smiled and left the room.

=Hey, Jamie. Wanted to call and say hi and to confirm our plans. We're still on right?=

"You bet. I only need to know if you want to fly into Atlanta and catch the bus with the guys or go right into Orlando?"

=Would you mind if we flew direct. I feel kinda funny about intruding.=

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that but if you'd rather, that's fine."

=Thanks, besides I'd like to spend some time with you and catch up, know what I mean?=

"I'd like that too, Zack. So let me get it straight, you're taking the train down Friday morning then we fly out late that afternoon?"

=That's the plan so far. I'm really looking forward to this. Thanks for having me and for paying for it all, you really don't have to.=

"Yes I do, I couldn't think of a better graduation present."

Zack laughed over the line. =Audrey is so jealous, but I told her she'd have to wait until she graduated. Um, Jamie...=

Jamie knew what the hesitation in his voice meant. "I know, Zack. You haven't seen him or anything have you?"

=No, I haven't. Audrey thought she saw him at Kenmore Square but she wasn't sure. I went and talked to the detective that handled the case just to check. He confirmed he was released and it seems from reports that he's remorseful and doesn't seem violent. The protection order for you is still in effect and they filed it in federal court so it applies wherever you are.=

"Everything will be fine, Zack. If anything strange happens call the police and let us know, ok?"

=You bet, I'll let you go. Good talking to you.=

"Same here, bye." Jamie pushed end and looked to see Justin watching him with a smile.

"Zack?" Jamie nodded. "He still coming to visit for the week in Florida?"

"We're still on. Gonna fly right into Orlando though."

"That's fine. Can we talk for a minute?" Justin sat next to him and pulled him into his arms.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Jamie joked and Justin smiled again.

"I've been thinking about the month after Zack's visit. I talked to JC and Lance, bouncing ideas off of them. I don't want to seem like I'm manipulating your life so this is only an idea."

"Honey, what's your idea? I won't be mad, really, unless you did something behind my back."

"First I guess it's no use trying to convince you to stay with us, right?" He gave Jamie his best puppy-dog look.

"Ugh, don't look at me with that face, it's too hard to resist." Jamie tickled him and they both giggled. "There's just no way if I want to keep this job, baby."

Justin nodded sadly. "I kinda figured, I don't want you to quit either. So we thought that, if the studio was willing, you might be able to do most of your recording in Orlando. There's less of a chance of -him- finding you there and I know you'd like to spend time at the house."

Jamie smiled at Justin. "And you'd feel better knowing I was there, huh?"

"Ya, I would. I know Dan's gonna be gone for a big chunk of that time and I'd rather you not be in New York alone. Johnny and my mom will be in and out of town and Joey's parents are there."

"You've thought alot about this." Justin looked at him pleading to agree. "Ok, I'll try to work it out at the studio this week."

Justin smiled and hugged him. "Wanna take a nap?"

Jamie grinned at Justin as they moved to spoon on the couch, Jamie nestled into Justin's arms. Justin snaked a hand around and under Jamie's shirt to rub his stomach. "I love you very much, you know. Even if you do go overboard with the protectiveness thing."

"I know, sweet pea, I love you too. I'm sorry I'm being a mother hen."

"Don't be sorry, I kinda like it." They snuggled in and soon fell asleep.

Half an hour later JC led his whole family into the room. They stopped dead at the sight on the couch. JC smiled at Jamie and Justin, both breathing deeply, Justin was lightly snoring. Tyler groaned and put a hand on his forehead as he looked to his mother and father before dragging Heather into a corner to talk to her. Roy and Karen Chasez stood stock still, astonished expressions on their faces.

Jamie stretched in his sleep. He turned a little and kissed Justin on the lips before cracking his eyes. "Hey, Josh," he said sleepily. Jamie focused a little better and saw who was with Josh and sat up quickly jostling Justin awake.

"Geez, Jamie, you didn't need to elbow me in the stomach," Justin yawned. He sat up too and froze when he saw Roy and Karen.

"Joshua, what's going on here?" his mother asked calmly.

JC was about to answer when Justin hopped up of the couch pulling Jamie with him. He shook Roy's hand and gave Karen a hug. "Um, Roy, Karen, this is my boyfriend, Jamie."

Jamie smiled weakly next to Justin feeling very uncomfortable. Roy stuck out his hand and Jamie shook it. "Nice to meet you both, I've heard all about you. I think the world of Josh, he's a great guy."

The compliment sat well with JC's parents, Roy nodded and Karen smiled. "So, Justin... I guess this means you're..." Karen stopped slightly embarrassed.

"Yes, Karen, I'm gay. Jamie and I have been together for 4 months."

"Justin, we think the world of you, always have and always will. Thanks for telling us." Karen gave him another hug and also gave one to Jamie. Roy patted their shoulders with a small smile.

Just then Lance entered the room looking through papers. "Josh, baby, I need a hug. When are your parents..." He stopped dead when he saw the scene in front of him. "Oh crap," he moaned.

"I think there's something maybe you two need to tell us?" Roy said getting a little angered.

Josh hung his head. Justin and Jamie saw this as their cue to exit to give the family it's privacy. They closed the door behind them and sighed with relief.

"Well that's shitty. Did you feel as uncomfortable as I did?"

Justin nodded. "I know Josh wanted to tell them but not that way. He really wasn't ready."

"I know," Jamie agreed. "Yesterday Lance was telling me that he wanted to do it today but didn't know if he'd have the courage. You seemed to have no problem."

"I was actually ready to pee my pants. If I had to stop and think about it I probably would have."

They saw Eric, JC's bodyguard nearby and asked him to guard the door. The last thing they needed was Chris or Joey to go barging in on them.

Dinner was quiet. JC and Lance had gone out with JC's family to eat. Jamie, Justin, Chris and Joey picked at their food in silence wondering what was happening.

"So nobody got to talk to anyone before they left?" Joey asked.

"Nope," Justin answered. "Eric was the only one around and he went with them after leaving word with Lonnie."

"How do you think they'll take it?" Chris was fussing with his sandwich trying to keep the tomato from falling out.

"Well, they took me and Justin pretty well, other than that we'll just have to wait and see." Jamie reached for some chips.

"Hey, any left for one of us poor working stiffs?" Mel joked as she walked into the room.

"Of course. Pull up a chair," Joey suggested.

"Any word from JC?" Justin asked after swallowing a mouthful of pickle.

"Yup, he just called to tell me they'd be back in about 20 minutes. Good thing too, the 'meet and greet' is in 30."

"He say anything else?"

Mel looked at them. "No, what's going down?"

"JC's parents found out about us and them," Jamie filled her in.

Mel blinked. "No shit? Never a dull moment, huh?"

"You got that right, let's just hope it works out for the best." Chris got up. "Well, I need to take Busta for a walk. Be right back."

The silence returned as they waited.

JC and Lance returned just in time to head into the 'meet and greet' so nobody had a chance to ask any questions before they were surrounded by a group of very enthusiastic girls, a few scattered guys and their chaperones.

As the session wound down and the delighted fans were ushered out JC asked everyone to stay for a bit. When they were again alone he filled them in. "You're all probably wondering how things went with my parents?"

"That's an understatement," Joey said eagerly.

Jamie looked over at Lance and saw he was near tears. He went over and put his hands on his shoulders and rubbed them.

"Well, they didn't disown me."

"So they're ok?" Justin asked.

JC sighed. "I wouldn't go that far. They're very upset and don't want to believe it. They are both still very devout Catholics, so I think once they can work around that they'll be ok."

Lance broke down completely. "I'm sorry Josh, it's all my fault." He sagged against the table and put his head on his arms. "You weren't ready and now everything is messed up."

Jamie rubbed the back of his neck. "No, Lance, that has nothing to do with how they took the news. It's not your fault."

JC reached over and took one of Lance's hands. "It's nobody's fault, Lancey. I needed to tell them anyway."

"What did they have to say about me and Jamie?" Justin asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Not much. My mother said she wasn't really surprised."

Justin's jaw dropped in shock. "Hey, that's not right." He looked to Jamie slightly panicked. "Is it that noticeable?"

"No, love, you're very butch," Jamie joked producing some giggles.

"Ya," Chris said, getting into the conversation. "Besides, Lance is the gay one, everyone knows that."

They all laughed at that. Lance smiled and threw his pen at Chris.

"So are the five of us good?" Justin asked.

"No, Curly," Joey answered.


"No, the question is: Are the six of us good?" Joey said with a smirk. Jamie beamed at him for the inclusion.

"Yes we are," Lance said clasping JC's hand tighter.

After a very long day Jamie and Justin settled into bed at the hotel. Justin was half dead and Jamie wasn't far behind. Laying his head on Justin's chest, he took in the scent of the soap from his shower.

His mind returned to the dream and what it meant: he was still scared of Rocky. He knew only time would fix it and he had plenty of that. Justin's idea to spend the month they'd be apart in Orlando was a good one and he would do all he could to make it happen. It would be good for him.

Justin stirred a little. "You asleep yet, sweet pea?"

"No, not yet." Jamie doubted he would get much sleep tonight.

"I'm so tired, I don't know if I can hold out until you do."

Jamie shifted and pulled Justin into his arms so that their positions were reversed. "That's ok, JuJu. You need your rest, go to sleep."

Justin cuddled up to Jamie and settled down. Jamie ran his fingers through the thick curls, humming quietly. He listened until Justin's breathing was slow and even. He thought deep into the night before exhaustion finally won out and he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 35: Dreams That You Dared to Dream 10

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