Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Nov 16, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Well, I haven't gotten that much mail from the last chapter. Maybe everyone's busy... hmm. I know it was a little weak but I needed to introduce some characters finally and also set up some plot things that I'll need. So here's the latest.

Saw the guys on Regis on Friday. How cute can they be! Man, JC is so dorky, but adorable. I was disappointed when they cut This I Promise You short, Regis just needs to not talk as much. LOL Now I'm looking forward to their Christmas special on FOX... woo hoo.. maybe JC will sing Ave Maria.

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

The Dreams That You Dared To Dream - Chapter Seven

Life settled into a familiar daily routine for Jamie and Justin. Usually they'd wake early so they could enjoy a leisurely breakfast or just a quick bite if they were feeling particularly frisky. It was the only meal that they ate at home during the week. Then they'd head to the compound for a morning workout. Jamie would join most mornings figuring it would do him some good. Then the guys went off to vocal practice while he worked with the band.

They'd all meet again for lunch, most times grabbing some food and finding spots in the grass on the back lawn to enjoy the weather that was starting to turn hot and muggy. If there was time, Justin and Jamie would find an out of the way spot around the small pond and enjoy some private moments before Justin had to head to dance rehearsal.

In the afternoons, Jamie helped Lance and Johnny with paperwork and trivial details of the tour that threatened to bury them. It was frustrating work at times, but Jamie was learning a lot about how this side of the music business worked.

The guys would spend the entire afternoon learning choreography. Dinner was usually nice and much more formal than lunch. The compound's cook insisted on a sit down meal for 'her' boys so that they could keep up their strength. After dinner they reviewed the choreography and tried to put it together with the music.

Getting home around 9:00, they'd either hit the hot tub or take a hot bath together. Jamie would knead Justin's overworked muscles as they relaxed with some wine and a snack. Then they'd slide into bed, make love if Justin wasn't too sore and fall asleep in each other's arms.

The only change to that daily schedule was a later start on Saturday morning and the day to themselves on Sunday.

Jamie slumped tiredly down on a chair in the lounge. Rubbing his temples he looked at the stack of papers in his lap. 'How -does- Lance do this by himself,' he wondered. 'I'm exhausted and I'm not even in dance rehearsals like they are.'

Jamie had sat in on one of those rehearsals. He hurt just watching them. The choreographer, Wade, was young but from the look of the moves and they way he worked the guys, the show should be very exciting.

He smiled thinking about life this last two weeks. They were always tired, always working and Jamie was happier than he could imagine. Both he and Justin talked the night before imagining what life could be like: going to work, coming home and spending evenings together like any other couple. The words engagement or marriage weren't mentioned but they both knew that's what they were talking about.

Not everything had been smooth sailing. They had one disagreement, their very first argument, shortly after the visit from his family. Justin was concerned about Jamie's sporadic nightmares. The feelings of being stalked were left behind in New York, thankfully, but his dreams were another matter and they got more and more vivid and terrifying.

Justin's concern stemmed mostly from Jamie's medication. Jamie hated taking it because it left him a little disassociated from everything, especially in the mornings, so he skipped sometimes. Justin knew this and one evening finally called him on it.

As Jamie's mother had predicted, Jamie fought with all his will accusing Justin of snooping and trying to control him. Things got heated as Justin tried reasoning with Jamie as Jamie got more and more defensive. Things just about came to a head when Justin started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jamie asked with a suspicious look on his face.

"Your mother said you'd be like this."

All the heat drained out of Jamie and he hugged Justin tightly. "Sorry, I've been acting like an ass. I'll take my medicine."

"You know I'm only concerned about you and want the best for you."

Fingers brushing the side of his head and stroking his cheek brought him into the present and he sighed happily. "You know, Chris, if Justin catches us like this you'll be in for a beat down," he joked.

Justin laughed from behind him and kissed his neck. He waited until Jamie put the stack of papers down beside the chair before plopping on his lap.

"Hey you." Justin leaned in and kissed Jamie on the lips.

"Ewww, your all sweaty and smelly."

"I thought you liked me this way," Justin said suggestively.

Jamie thought for a minute. "Oh ya, that's right." He pulled Justin back to him and kissed him again.

"That ain't right, that just ain't right," Joey laughed as the rest of the guys took seats around them.

Justin leaned his head on Jamie's shoulder. Jamie slipped off Justin's bandana and played with his damp curls. "So what's up? Wade let you go for the afternoon?" he asked hopefully.

"No such luck," JC moaned as he leaned against Lance. "That boy is trying to kill us all."

"It's Thursday, do you know where you're sadist is?" Chris quipped then yelped at a leg cramp.

They all sat sucking down water and talking about what to do on Saturday night, the only night that they didn't have to worry about wake-up calls the morning after. Clubbing was a popular suggestion but even Chris was doubtful he'd still be alive to go. Lance suggested movie night which was moved to Sunday. Ideas were pretty thin, no one had much energy to think of anything.

"Are there any concerts in town we could go to?" Jamie suggested.

Joey's eyebrows raised. "Not a bad thought. I'll check the paper later."

Jamie suddenly let out a violent sneeze that dumped Justin to the floor at his feet. It was followed by several more. Justin laughed and sat back down snuggling up to him.

"Um, Justin, I don't think you should get so close if he's coming down with something. We don't need colds right now."

"Don't worry, Josh, it's only allergies," Jamie replied.

JC nodded as Justin peered at Jamie with concern. "Did you take your medicine this morning?"

"Yes, mother," he replied irritably.

"Please, hun, I'm only concerned about you."

Jamie sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. It's starting to get bad and it makes me grumpy. I'll have to go on my summer dose while I'm down here."

They settled into a comfortable silence. Jamie and Justin shared quiet kisses in the chair as they cuddled together.

"Don't you two get enough?" Wade asked suddenly standing beside them.

"How can I resist him, he's so cute," Justin giggled.

Wade rolled his eyes. "How do you guys stand it?"

"Stand what?" Chris asked innocently.

"Ya, what do you mean?" Joey added.

Lance and JC were silent, they had their eyes closed leaning against each other.

Wade put his hands on his hips dramatically. "Oh, never mind. Five minutes, and not a second longer," he called as he left the room.

"He's such a little queen," Jamie whispered loudly to the others who nodded in agreement.

"Ya know, I figured it out. He's a demon child, like Damien," Lance joked aloud. Everyone laughed.

"I heard that!" Wade yelled from down the hall.

"Oh shit," Lance muttered. "It's gonna be push ups for me."

It started exactly like the past two Fridays, or any of the other weekdays for that matter. Warm sunlight flooded the bedroom as the alarm clock went off at 7:00 am. Jamie woke and reached over to shut it off. Cuddling back up to Justin he started kissing his jaw and neck.

"Mmmmm, time to get up so soon?"

"Well, time to be awake but nobody said anything about getting up."

Justin smiled as he pulled Jamie on top of him. "I like the way you think." Justin held Jamie's head as they kissed.

Jamie could feel Justin's growing erection pressed against his stomach and ground his hips causing Justin to moan. Not breaking the connection of their lips, they rolled so Justin was on top. Grinding together, they moaned to each other. Their kiss sent their hearts racing as their tongues deeply explored. Breaking for some air, they panted as they stared into each other's eyes.

It made Jamie's heart race to see the look of love, need and desire in Justin's eyes. They rolled again and Jamie sat on Justin's waist. He could feel the heat of Justin's erection pulsing against the small of his back. Smirking at his lover he reached around with both hands. With one he stroked Justin slowly and the other fingered his balls. His hands were immediately coated with precum. Jamie always marveled at the amount that Justin put out.

Justin groaned at the sensation. "Ah, sweet pea, you set me on fire."

Jamie giggled. "That's very cheesy, love, but sooo cute." He bent down to kiss Justin again feeling the jolt when their lips met.

Justin felt it too. "I love it when that happens."

Jamie smiled down at him as he sat up again. "Same here, JuJu." Using Justin's abundant precum as lubricant, Jamie lifted up and started sitting down, letting Justin slowly enter him. He winced slightly as the wide head pushed past his opening.

"You ok, sweet pea?"

"Fine," Jamie gasped as he sank all the way down. He sat still for a minute to get used to Justin inside him, needing a minute to get accustomed to the size. He knew that the feeling of fullness would soon drive him into orbit.

He looked down at Justin who had his eyes closed and mouth open in pleasure. Leaning down, Jamie kissed him to get his attention. Justin smiled up at Jamie and they both moved together without saying a word. Jamie rose up and down slightly as Justin gently pumped with his hips.

They both moaned. The initial pain of Justin's entry becoming a pleasurable heat within Jamie. Justin's length rubbed against his prostate sending sparks through him. He leaned all the way down as they kissed, trying to devour each other.

This position left more room for Justin's hips. He moved his feet to get some leverage and started gently thrusting. Jamie moaned into Justin's mouth and sucked on his tongue. Justin reached between them and started stroking Jamie's hard cock, paying close attention to the spot just behind the head.

Justin's thrusts started getting quicker and more forceful as he approached orgasm. He let go of Jamie's cock and held tightly onto his hips. Jamie stroked himself as he sucked on Justin's shoulder. Within minutes Justin was washed away in the tide of his climax. He thrust deeply into Jamie and came while grunting loudly.

Jamie felt the warmth spread inside of him. Justin kept thrusting as his cock started to soften. Jamie's orgasm built and he cried out as he spurted on Justin's chest. In his daze he rubbed his cum into Justin bringing a smile to the man under him.

"Well, they do say it's good for your skin," Jamie defended himself with a smirk. He moved up so that Justin pulled out of him then collapsed into his arms.

"Thanks, sweet pea, that was wonderful."

Jamie kissed Justin. "I can't think of a better way to start the day than making love with you."

They cuddled together until the second alarm went off. Jamie always set the second alarm for an hour after the first, just in case they decided to ignore it, or to remind them they needed to get moving if they got distracted, like this morning.

"Well, shower time. Coming?" Jamie asked extending his hand to Justin.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

The morning continued with no surprises. It was a hot rainy day, so they ate lunch in the dining room watching the water drip down the windows.

"Hey, Jamie. I could use your help this afternoon," Wade asked.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I need someone to take notes for me on what they see during some of the routines. Think you can be objective?"

"Wouldn't mind at all."

They started right after lunch and Jamie sat in the corner and watched the guys with a critical eye as he wrote his comments. Except for some memory lapses, which he noted, the guys were pretty tight. There were some combinations that Jamie thought didn't work visually so he noted them as well. After about an hour his cell phone rang.

"Hello?" He paused then motioned to Wade that he would take the call out in the hall. "It's my brother, I'll be right back." Wade nodded with a smile.

Jamie left the room as the guys kept on going through Space Cowboy. They all stumbled to a stop when they heard a cry in the hallway.


Justin immediately sprinted to the door and was the first there. If not for their concern, the traffic jam would've been almost comical. Justin was the first out and saw Jamie on his knees, his head in his hands. He ran to him and pulled him into his arms. Jamie was hysterical and not making much sense as he clutched at Justin. Lance picked up the cell phone that Jamie had dropped. He could hear someone calling out over it as he brought it to his ear.

"Hello, this is Lance, who's this?"

"Thank God. Lance, it's Phil. Is Jamie ok?"

"Not really, Justin's trying to calm him. What's going on?" Lance noticed that it sounded like Phil was crying as well.

"Lance, Nana died last night in her sleep. Jamie needs to get home as fast as he can."

Lance's face fell, he ignored the pleas of the others to tell them what was wrong. "Oh Phil, I'm so sorry. I'll make sure he gets on the next plane. I'll call you and let you know the details."

Lance hung up the phone. He looked sadly at the questioning faces around him. Johnny and a couple of others had joined them. He couldn't believe it. The energetic woman he'd met just two weeks ago was gone. A tear ran down his cheek. JC noticed and took him in his arms.

"James, what's wrong?" JC asked in concern.

"Jamie's Nana passed away last night."

Everybody stood in shocked silence for a moment. Hearing the words from someone else's mouth set Jamie to crying again into Justin's shoulder. "Why? Why? I just talked to her the other day," he wailed.

"Johnny, could you get Jamie the earliest flight to Bangor, Maine." Johnny whipped out his cell at Justin's request. "And one for me too."

"No, Justin," Jamie said in a hoarse voice. "Time's running out and you need to be here."

Justin shook his head. "That doesn't matter, I need to be with you."

Jamie smiled at Justin through his tears. "I'll be ok, I'll have my family around me. You have a responsibility to the guys."

"Got a flight leaving in 45 minutes but there's only one seat left," Johnny called out. "That's just enough time for you to go get some things at home and make it to the airport, I'll take you."

"I guess that settles it then," Jamie sighed.

Justin clearly wasn't happy about it, but could do nothing about it.

Jamie stood with Justin's help and smiled at the concerned faces around him. "Well, don't you have a rehearsal?" Everyone smiled at him but didn't move.

"Tell your family we're very sorry and our prayers are with you," Chris murmured as he hugged Jamie. They all took turns and soon Jamie and Johnny headed out the building. Justin went with them as far as the driveway.

"Call me when you get there, sweet pea, ok?"

"I will. I love you."

"Love you back." They kissed then Jamie got in the car. Justin stood there until they were gone from sight. With a heavy heart he headed back to the dance studio. He noticed everyone still standing in the hall.

Lance was just getting off his cell phone. "Wade, you have no objection to having tomorrow's rehearsal in the morning?"

"Not at all and if you get this last number down enough tonight we can cancel it altogether."

"What gives?" Justin asked.

"The five of us have a 2 pm flight to Bangor tomorrow. We'll be there early evening."

"Thank you, Lance." Justin finally broke down and cried, letting his own tears go that he'd been holding inside. He fell against JC who hugged him tightly then motioned for the others to join them.

They fell into a group hug, Joey dragging Wade with them. They pressed close together, sandwiching Justin in the middle.

"Lord," Lance prayed, "please see the soul of Nana to her reward and give us the strength to support our friend during this time of sadness. Amen."


Jamie's thoughts were scattered. The past 24 hours were a whirlwind of grabbed clothes, flights and car rides. He was at the funeral parlor at the wake for his grandmother with the entire family and many close friends present.

The afternoon viewing was difficult for everyone. Nobody said much at dinner and now for the evening they were all in numb shock. Jamie dreaded the short remembrance service they were having soon. This would be even more difficult than the funeral mass tomorrow afternoon.

He ached inside for Justin and wanted to talk to him but couldn't bring himself to dial the number. He didn't trust that he'd hold himself together. He had called when his flight arrived in Bangor but got his voice mail. He chuckled to himself, Justin was notorious for either leaving the cell off or letting the battery run completely out. A call to the house this morning just got the answering machine and the phone at the compound was eternally busy.

Jamie sighed sadly. "Missing him, aren't ya?" Dan asked from his side.

"Big time."

"He'd be here if he could, you know that."

Jamie smiled. "I know. He'd be here right now but there was only one seat left on the flight."

"Bum luck that is." Dan paused for a minute. "Ma wanted me to find out if you're up to this."

"I'm gonna have to be."

Everyone settled down into the seats at the priest from Nana's church began. His mother got up and gave a teary-eyed eulogy then several others got up to tell stories and remember the warm, kind woman they all loved. It was all buzzing in Jamie's ears and he felt a hundred miles away.

Dan nudged him to let him know it was his turn. He went to the corner and got his twelve string. Clearing his throat he started. "Nana bought me this guitar when I was in Junior High and it's been with me ever since. I will miss her terribly. This was one of her favorite hymns."

Jamie sat on a stool the funeral director brought out to him and began to play. After a full chorus on just his guitar he added the words, his usually strong baritone small and stressed.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost, but now am found,

Was blind, but now I see. "

Jamie's voice faltered in a choked sob and failed him totally as he wept. His playing halted as he fought to remain in control. Suddenly a voice continued from the back of the room gaining in strength as it came closer. It was pure and to Jamie's ears beautiful beyond words.

"'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,

And grace my fears relieved;

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed."

Justin made it to the front and stood by Jamie's side and put a hand around his shoulder. Jamie started playing again as Justin continued to sing.

"Through many dangers, toils and snares,

I have already come;

'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,

And grace will lead me home.

And when we've been there ten thousand years,

Bright shining as the sun,

We'll have no less days to sing God's praise

Than when we first begun"

They repeated the first verse. Jamie pulled some strength from Justin's presence and sang with him once again adding some harmony.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost, but now am found,

Was blind, but now I see. "

When they finished everyone was dabbing their eyes. Jamie let the guitar fall to his side and Dan grabbed it quickly from him. He looked Justin deeply in the eyes and fell into his arms sobbing as they cried together. Justin led Jamie to the seats and held him as the ceremony concluded.

The appearance of 'NSync caused a small commotion among the younger cousins. Dan made all of them swear on a bible that they'd keep it to themselves with a promise of meeting the guys in person and autographed CDs.

Justin's head was crowded with names of cousins, aunts and uncles who wanted to meet Jamie's new boyfriend, most of them not even knowing who he really was. The other guys stood off to the side receiving occasional curious glances but for the most part they weren't bothered.

Throughout, Jamie was pretty much shut down but remained standing with Justin, his head on his shoulder. Justin held him tenderly bringing a smile to many of the relatives. He talked casually with Jamie's family as they slowly left.

Finally they were free to go. Pat came up to the small group and greeted each with a hug and kiss on the cheek. She suddenly had an apologetic look on her face. "Oh, I don't know how to say this but the house is stock full with out of town relatives. We don't have anyplace to put you guys."

Lance smiled at her. "That's ok, Pat. We booked rooms at the airport when we arrived. We didn't want to impose."

Pat sighed with relief. "That makes me feel better, but don't you ever think that visiting is an imposition," she smiled at him. "You Southerners are proud of your hospitality, but you learned it from us Yankees."

They all smiled. "You tell 'em, Pat," Joey agreed bringing out his New York accent.

"Justin, I'm sure Jamie told you about our house rules."

Justin nodded looking down. "My mother has the same one."

Jamie suddenly spoke up, the first time since the ceremony ended. "I'm staying with him at the hotel, I don't want to be alone."

Pat put her hand on her son's face. "Well, I was going to say that I think we can forget about the rules for now. I'd really like both you and Justin with us at home tonight."

Justin woke with the early morning sun in his eyes. He looked out the window to see a bright sunny day. His eyes felt heavy, it had been a rough night for Jamie and neither of them had gotten much sleep. Justin looked down at the face pressed onto his chest. 'He's so beautiful,' Justin thought. Without any thought he started stroking his fingers through Jamie's hair. Jamie sighed in his sleep and squeezed himself tighter against Justin with a small smile on his face.

Justin thought about their last few weeks together and smiled. It had cemented something inside him. Jamie was his whole world and he wanted it to be permanent. He thought of the word: married. Justin definitely wanted to marry Jamie. He knew that the didn't really need to, they were committed to each other fully, but Justin wanted that expression of their spiritual bond.

It bothered him that they had to hide behind closed doors. Justin wanted nothing more than to be able to hold Jamie's hand in public, take him to award shows and other functions as his partner and not worry about others seeing them. The 'closet' lately seemed to press in and suffocate him.

A light knock on the door startled Justin out of his thoughts. "Sonny? Justin? You up?"

"I am, Phil," Justin called quietly.

Phil stuck his head in the door and looked over at the bed. Seeing that both Justin and Jamie weren't naked he came in all the way and quietly shut the door.

"You're up early."

"I have a paper route and just got back," Phil answered. "How's he doing?"

"As good as can be expected. How are you holding up?"

Phil shrugged. "Ok, I guess." Phil moved and sat in the desk chair near Justin's side of the bed. "Justin, I need to apologize to you."

Justin looked at Phil puzzled. "What for?"

"I guess I said some pretty harsh things about you last fall to Sonny. I almost feel responsible for what happened at the beginning of December."

Justin let out a deep breath. "Phil, Jamie and I have worked through all that and we've moved past it. You should too. Jamie made his decision on what he felt was right for him and I don't fault him for that and I won't you either."

Phil sighed thankfully. "Thanks. I just needed to get that off my chest. I really like you, Justin. I'm glad you and Jamie got together."

Justin reached out and took his hand. "You don't know how happy that makes me feel, Philly."

"So now that we're sorta related, you think you can do anything to get me introduced to Nick Carter?" Phil's disarming smile dazzled Justin for a second. 'The boy is certainly good looking,' he thought guiltily.

"Well, the two bands aren't exactly on speaking terms right now plus I don't even know if he goes that way. We haven't talked much in the last year but I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, Justin. Ya can't blame a guy for trying."

Very soon after they were both up, showered and dressed and Jamie was pulling Justin out the door. There were several hours before lunch and Jamie needed to walk. They slowly made their way through the quiet neighborhoods as Jamie led Justin downtown. They didn't talk, Jamie seemed to want to be silent and Justin respected that need. Justin knew when Jamie was ready he'd talk and he'd be there for him.

Downtown Bangor wasn't overly large but Justin could appreciate it's charm. Buildings of many different architectural styles stood side by side, it was almost the picture perfect New England Town. They slowly walked the length of Main Street window shopping.

Jamie stopped outside a cafe looking in the window sadly. "This was one of Nana's favorite places. It's fairly new, it used to be a bank."

Justin took Jamie's arm and led him in. "I could use some caffeine, how 'bout you?" Jamie nodded. He found a table while Justin got some coffee and muffins. They sat near the window looking out at the light Sunday traffic.

There were a few people around but Justin didn't care. He reached over and held Jamie's hand. The smile on Jamie's face made the risk worth it.

"I love you, Jamie," Justin said quietly.

A tear traveled down Jamie's cheek as his lower lip quivered. "I love you too."

They finished and headed back home. Instead of going inside, Jamie led Justin into the backyard. They walked around it holding hands before Jamie took Justin behind the garage. Pulling them together, Jamie pushed Justin against the back of the garage and pressed his lips against Justin's, kissing him forcefully. Justin responded as the kiss became intensely passionate.

They pulled apart, both breathing heavy. Jamie lay his head on Justin's shoulder as they held each other. Justin ran his fingers through Jamie's hair.

"It means so much to have you here, JuJu. It's made everything so much more bearable."

"That's my job, love."

"Phil, where's Jamie and Justin? I saw them walking up the street but they disappeared."

Phil had just come in from the garage and hung up his coat. "They're behind the garage. I heard them talking."

Pat raised an eyebrow then got a twinkle in her eye. "Dan, would you go get them. They need to go pick up the others for lunch."

Dan smiled and headed out the door. Quietly he rounded the corner of the garage to see them together. Dan's expression softened when he saw the tenderness between the two. Justin raised his gaze and saw Dan standing there. Dan put a finger to his lips, silently asking Justin to play along.

"Oh my God! Sonny, what the hell are you doing?" Dan yelled startling Jamie so badly he almost climbed up Justin.

"Nothing, Dan, -not- -a- -thing-, he said pointedly, a blush spreading across his face.

"Ya, I'm kinda glad I didn't find you both with your pants around your ankles." Jamie's blush intensified at the memory.

Justin laughed. "So it was all true?"

"Oh ya, I was sooo embarrassed."

Dan chuckled. "You should've seen the look on their faces. They were both so horrified. Jeremy thought I was gonna beat him up good by the look on his face."

Jamie smiled and shook his head. "I guess it worked out for the best anyway."

"I think so. Um, Ma wanted me to remind you that it's time to go get the guys for lunch. Here's the keys to the minivan."

"Thanks, Dan." Dan gave them a Boy Scout salute and went back into the house.

They entered the church well before the ceremony. Jamie looked around and saw the organist, Kevin, walking down the center aisle.

"Jamie!" Kevin called out. They greeted each other with a warm hug. "How have you been?"

"Not bad, Kevin, yourself?"

"No complaints here. Jamie, I'm so sorry about Nana."

Jamie smiled at him sadly. "Thanks. Kevin, this is my boyfriend, Justin."

They shook hands firmly in greeting. Kevin looked at the others with them. "Oh, wow. So what Phil told me is true?"

Jamie nodded with a small laugh. "Ya, these goofballs here are famous, I guess."

"Hey, I resemble that!" Chris chuckled.

"Welcome to St. John's." Everyone introduced themselves and looked around.

"Hey, look at that organ," JC commented looking up into the choir loft at the large pipe organ.

"Isn't it a beaut," Kevin said proudly. "It's 140 years old and sounds beautiful."

"Can't wait. Hey, can I ask you something?" JC and Kevin moved off discussing something.

Before they knew it they were all seated as the Mass began. Justin sat next to Jamie with his family in the front. The guys chose to sit further back to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Justin had never really sat through a Catholic Mass before, let alone one for a funeral. Being deeply spiritual himself, he could appreciate the ceremony on a religious level.

True to Kevin's word the organ was gorgeous as it echoed throughout the church. Mid-way through the Mass Jamie heard him start Bach's Prelude #1. Unexpectedly, a voice sang out with Gounod's Ave Maria. They recognized it instantly, JC's pure tenor carrying out over the organ.

"Ave Marie, gratia plena

Dominus tecum

Benedicta tu

In mundi neribus


Jamie looked back at the guys who smiled at him knowingly while the song flowed over them. Both he and Justin looked up into the loft. JC was standing at the rail facing out over the church his eyes closed and arms spread as he sang. They watched as he poured out his soul in the music, this was JC doing what he truly loved.

Tears were flowing by the time he finished. The rest of the Mass went less painfully for Jamie, thanks to JC's show of support. They left the church as Kevin played Amazing Grace for the recessional. Fresh tears started among the family and Justin was there at Jamie's side to comfort him.


Notes: Amazing Grace - traditional Ave Maria - Gounod/Bach

There's many recordings of the Ave Maria and two different

versions are the most popular: Schubert and Gounod. I had

the Gounod in my head when I wrote the scene. He wrote it

on top of Bach's already existing Prelude. It's the Schubert

that you hear near the end of the first Fantasia.

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 33: Dreams That You Dared to Dream 8

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