Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Nov 9, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Isn't writing funny. I found I wrote myself into a corner at the end of the last chapter. Cliffhangers are great but they tend to constrict where you can go next. You really need to clear them up and resolve them before moving on. That's fine, but I wanted a little more freedom at this point, plus I wasn't all that pleased with that particular one anyway.

I thought of a better way of ending the chapter after I had posted it, so it appears as the opening of this chapter. Then we move on. I'm going to start stepping away from the day to day chronicle of their lives. I only will do that when it's important to be told.

As always thanks to everyone who's written me about the story. Any and all encouragement is certainly welcomed. Suggestions and criticisms are as well. If you have an idea for a plot line, scene or whatever, feel free to suggest it. I often use suggestions and work them in somehow where I feel they fit, although they don't always look like the original.

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

The Dreams That You Dared To Dream - Chapter Six

Just as Jamie was about to greet Justin he felt a pair of arms grab his shoulders and pull him back. His nerves, already shot from earlier, snapped completely. "Aaahhh. Get off me! Leave me alone!" he screamed stopping all conversation in the room. Justin rushed to Jamie, who took two steps and fainted in Justin's arms.

Justin carefully brought Jamie to the floor and held him. He looked up his eyes blazing. "Joseph Fatone, do you think you could stop and think once and awhile!"

Joey stood in shock stammering. "Curly, I'm sorry. I had no idea he'd react that way."

"Jamie, honey, it's ok." Justin cradled Jamie gently, getting scared. Jamie's eyes were squeezed shut as he trembled in Justin's arms. Justin started crying as he rocked them both.

Dan knelt next to Justin and took them both in his arms. "Justin, he'll be alright." He lightly flicked a finger on Jamie's ear in an easy and familiar way. "Come on, Sonny, snap out of it."

Jamie stiffened in Justin's arms. "Justin?" he asked weakly.

"Right here, sweet pea."

Jamie relaxed at Justin's voice. "What happened?"

"Joey thought he'd be smart and ended up scaring you."

"I guess I was jumpier than I thought." Dan quickly told them all about Jamie's trip to the market and his feeling of being followed.

Justin got a set, determined look on his face. "I swear, if Carson fucks with Jamie I'll hurt him."

Chris got a thoughtful look on his face and pulled out his cell phone. "Excuse me a second. I'm gonna check on some things." Dialing, he went into the hall.

"What's he doing?" JC asked confused.

Lance smiled. "If I know Chris, he's checking with his source at MTV to get some new dirt on Mr. TRL just in case."

After a few minutes Chris returned with a broad smile. "If anyone has any trouble with Carson, just let me know. He's been a very bad boy."

Jamie closed the oven door and thought that he was the happiest he'd ever been in his life. His career was on solid ground, he had a loving boyfriend, and very supportive friends and family. There wasn't anything more he could ask for. 'Well, except for a picket fence around the house and 2.5 kids,' he laughed to himself.

He sobered a little at the thought that brought up the related topic of marriage. Except mentioning it briefly on Valentine's Day during dinner, neither he nor Justin had talked about it since. Jamie toyed with the ring on his finger, the promise ring Justin had given him that night. 'Someday,' he sighed to himself. He thought back on the last month as he continued making dinner.

The vacation had been wonderful. A brief peaceful time for themselves that they would both cherish for a long time to come. The memory kept him going during the following weeks surrounding the release of No Strings Attached. Jamie wasn't quite prepared for the circus the guys were thrown into. They were pulled in thousands of directions and their days and nights were filled with appearances, signings, interviews and promotions. They all seemed to thrive in the atmosphere. It just wore Jamie down.

The success of the album scared all of them and Johnny's prediction was true to his word. It was breaking all records and they couldn't keep track of which platinum it was, Jamie thought about 5 right now, as it changed almost daily.

Jamie finally caught the one side of Justin he'd not been really fully exposed to yet: the professional Justin, the Justin of NSync. He wasn't all that different from the Justin he loved, just slightly more polished. The serious, contemplative side was pushed away for a time while in the spotlight. He appeared as the fun loving teenager, the sex symbol that millions adored.

At night, Jamie got his Justin back. He would collapse in Jamie's arms and snuggle next to him in bed, silently begging to be comforted. It seemed a day full of confidence and 'being on' drained something inside of him and he needed Jamie to hold him and make him feel as if everything was fine and normal again. Jamie realized this was just what Justin was talking about that night in January in the park. It seemed they both had become each other's anchor.

Checking the stove one more time, Jamie shook his head. 'What a crazy life,' he thought to himself. Dinner would be ready on time so he went around the house making sure everything was in order. He sighed in satisfaction to be home here in Orlando. He looked at the set of raku bowls he and Dani had picked out in Japan, that now sat on the mantle. That was another interesting trip. The guys weren't left alot of free time for sightseeing but he and Dani had tried to fit as much in as they could.

Jamie nervously straightened the cushions on the couch then went upstairs to check the bathrooms one more time. 'Why am I anxious?' he thought to himself. 'Because,' he answered, 'this is the first time you're family will visit you in your new home and meet Justin.'

He shook his head at the thought. Dan was already in town. Having business that week in Miami, he had arrived yesterday and had stayed with them last night formally christening the guest room. His mother, grandmother and Phil had arrived this afternoon and Dan would bring them over from their hotel soon. They had spent the last couple of days near Tampa picking out a condo for his grandmother. The first few rehearsals kept Jamie from joining them on their house hunting.

He hoped that Dan took care with the car, another surprise from Justin. When he arrived three days ago Justin picked him up at the airport with a brand new forest green Rav4, a present for him. Jamie scolded Justin for the extravagance, but Justin reasoned that he needed his own car, right as usual.

Justin wanted Jamie to feel free to do what he needed to without having to rely on Justin so much. Jamie smiled to himself. If only the world truly knew how considerate and caring Justin was and about his quiet sensitivity to others, the teen heart-throb image would be shattered. It was bound to someday anyway. Justin often talked these last weeks about coming out. He hated the hiding they had to do.

Jamie changed and was coming down the short flight of stairs when Justin ran into the house. "Sorry I'm late, sweet pea, but the meeting went overtime." He kissed Jamie and ran up to change.

"It's fine, JuJu. You have about a half hour before they get here."

"Ok, I'll be right down," Justin yelled from their bedroom.

Jamie fidgeted on the couch as he waited. Justin joined him and pulled him into his arms. Seeking out his lips they sat together enjoying the moment of privacy.

"You're nervous, aren't you?" Justin asked as the separated.

"Ya, I just want everything to go ok."

Justin giggled. "You should see my mom, she's a nervous wreck." Lynn would be joining them for dinner and was hosting a cookout the next day.

"Aren't you nervous?" Jamie asked.

"A little. Hey, I -am- meeting your family for the first time."

"They already love you, there's no reason to be nervous."

The doorbell rang suddenly and Justin jumped off of the couch. "A -little- nervous, huh?" Jamie snickered at him. He noticed the strained look on Justin's face, got up and grabbed his hand. "Let's get the door together, ok?"

Jamie opened the door as Justin stiffened next to him and they saw Lynn Harliss on the steps. "Oh, mom, it's only you, thank God." Justin let out a held breath.

Lynn smirked at her son. "Good to see you too," she said dryly while winking to Jamie. She shoved a dessert dish into Justin's hands and kissed both their cheeks as they went to the living room.

"I'm sorry, mom. I didn't mean it that way..."

"It's ok, Justin. I know you're nervous. I was when I met your father's family for the first time, too."

Justin smiled at his mother, she always had the ability to make him feel better. "So what's in here," he asked trying to peek past the foil.

"Your favorite, peach cobbler, your grandmother's recipe."

Justin beamed as he went to put the pan in the kitchen.

"You're not nervous too, are you?" she asked Jamie.

"Well, it is our first dinner party," Jamie nodded to her.

The doorbell rang again as Justin rejoined them. He stood next to his mother while Jamie went to the door. He looked back to see Justin biting his lower lip, his universal sign of nerves. Jamie smiled at him and it was returned, brightening Justin's face.

Jamie opened the door to be grabbed by his younger brother. "Sonny!" he cried as they hugged.

"Miss me, Philly?"

"It's been since Christmas, of course I missed you."

Dan pushed past Phil to greet Justin and Lynn, having met her the night before. Jamie separated from Phil and hugged his mother and grandmother warmly. He ushered everyone inside and made the introductions. Justin grasped Jamie's hand, his palm slightly damp. Jamie squeezed back in reassurance.

"Lynn, Justin, you know my brother Dan. This is my younger brother Phil, my mom Patricia Campbell and my grandmother, Grace Coakley. This is Justin's mom, Lynn Harliss, and my boyfriend Justin Timberlake."

Jamie's mother warmly hugged Justin. "It's so good to meet you finally face to face. We've talked on the phone so much I feel as if I know you already."

"Same here, Ma'am."

"Please, call me Pat, or maybe Ma would be appropriate."

Lynn laughed. "I've been trying the same with Jamie with limited success." The two women greeted each other with a hug and took a couple of steps away and started talking.

Jamie led Justin to his grandmother, who stood evaluating Justin from head to toe. "Ya know, Jameson, he's a tall one but kinda skinny," she said in a thick New England accent. Jamie smiled at her comment. "But I must admit, he's a lookah." She motioned Justin to give her a hug.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Coakley."

She grimaced at him and slapped him on the shoulder playfully. "Now let's get one thing straight. Everyone in this family calls me Nana, even m'daughter."

Justin smiled. "Yes, Nana."

"That's bettah, now could you show an old woman where the bathroom is? These bones need a little comfort." Justin dutifully escorted her through the kitchen. They reached the laundry room and Justin showed her the door to the half bath.

"Here you go, Nana."

"Nice home you have hee-ah. You're a nice boy, good mannahs," she said approvingly. "I don't need the outhouse," she chuckled, "only wanted to get a moment alone with ya."

Justin looked confused. "Um, sure. Can I get you anything?"

She shook her head with a smile. "You treat him good?" she asked as she sat in a chair next to the washer.

"The best I can. I would do anything for him. I love your grandson very much."

"Well, I can see that he loves you just by the expression on his face. I'll tell ya somethin', Justin. I love my grandsons more than anything. They are the one joy I've got in my old age. Jamie's the apple of my eye. I'll deny ever sayin' it, so keep yer mouth shut."

"Lips are sealed, Nana," Justin answered with a smile.

"I guess it's not fair to have a favorite, but I can't help it. Jamie reminds me most of my late husband out of the three. I've never had to worry about Danforth, he's always been the responsible one and Phillip, well, let's just he's always been able to fend for himself pretty much. Jamie's always been the sensitive one, the one that needed protecting. I guess nobody foresaw that it would still be true at his age." She sighed sadly.

"It broke my heart when it happened, Nana. I still feel a little guilty that I could've stopped it. Even though I didn't realize it, I was already in love with him."

"Now, now, there. Don't be blamin' yerself. It's God's will, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. I have a feeling that's what got you two togethah. He works in mysterious ways."

"He sure does, Nana."

"Well, before we get back to th'others one last word. I like you, Justin. Dan told me all about you and if -he- approves then I know you're alright. Just mark me, if you hurt my grandson you're gonna have one old Mainah mad as a pole cat at ya."

"No worry there. I don't intend to."

"Good. Welcome to the family, young man."

"Thanks, Nana." They hugged briefly before rejoining the others in the living room.

Dan agreed to give everyone the grand tour while Jamie, Justin and Lynn finished getting dinner ready and on the table.

Conversation at the table was light and good natured. Phil caught Jamie up about all the things happening at school and in their hometown. Lynn, Pat and Grace talked amongst themselves about various topics getting to know each other. Dan and Justin talked about the album and the upcoming tour.

When dinner was over Jamie's mother ask Justin to show her the yard. Dan and Phil went to the family room to play some pool. As they all left Jamie rolled his eyes and his grandmother laughed at him as she settled on the couch in the living room. "Ya didn't think she wouldn't, did ya?"

"No, and I know you didn't need to use the bathroom earlier either, Nana." They chuckled together then laughed when they noticed Lynn's confused expression.

"Well, you see, Lynn," Jamie explained, "whenever one of us gets serious with someone they have to go through this family obstacle course. Justin had it easy with Dan 'cause they got to know each other gradually. And he's passed Nana's test it seemed," he looked over at her and she nodded. "Now it's mom's turn."

Lynn's smile suddenly became serious. "Jamie, again I want to apologize for what I said during our talk that night. I've never been so wrong in my life."

"Lynn, please, forget about it. You care about Justin and I understand where you were coming from. Besides, don't think for a minute my mother will let him off easy. She's the tough one and will try to push all his buttons. I hope he just keeps his temper."

"No," his grandmother disagreed, "she wants to see that. She wants to see what he's made of."

Justin led Pat from the porch down to the pool and hot tub outlining their plans for the area. "Eventually we're gonna build a sorta pool house down here. Really just a small changing room with a shower and put in a half basketball court beside it."

Pat nodded as he gave the brief tour. They kept walking slowly around the perimeter of the yard. "Justin, you are such a nice boy and I want to thank you for all you've done for Jamie. Lord knows he's had a tough few months."

Justin smiled at the compliment. "Thanks Pat. Jamie has nothing but great things to say about you as well. I'm here for him and we've worked through alot of stuff."

"So where do you go from here?"

"We're committed to making this work. Right now, though, we're living from day to day, at least until the tour is over."

Pat nodded. "I can understand that. Jamie doesn't give his heart so easily, are you in for the long haul?"

"I am, for sure. I honestly want to be with him for the rest of my life."

"And what about your career? Are you willing to make sacrifices for him?"

"Of course, but he won't let me mostly." He saw her questioning glance. "I wanted to limit the tour this year but Jamie wouldn't hear of it. I keep trying to cut down appearances and he just gets mad at me." Justin chuckled at the memory of how Jamie exploded when he begged out of a signing at a local record store in Orlando just to spend the night home with him. He related the story about how Jamie drove him there and made him join the other guys almost dragging him in by his ear.

"That's my son," she laughed. "I'm going to be honest with you, Justin. I have some serious concerns about Jamie's mental health. I've talked with Dr. Ward and although he's come a long way he still is having the attacks and nightmares, not to mention the paranoia."

"Believe me, Pat, I'm concerned too. Lately I've had the sneaking suspicion he hasn't been taking his medicine. Every time I mention it he gets a little defensive. I can tell when he's skipped it because the next night he has bad dreams."

"Well you need to be a bit more firm. He needs that even though he doesn't show it. Just be warned that he'll kick and scream the whole way but it's for his own good."

Jamie nodded as he showed her some more things around the house.

"So, Justin, do you see yourself getting married?"

Justin was surprised at the question. "Well, we haven't talked about it, but I've thought about it almost constantly the last couple of weeks. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to ask him sometime soon. I'm just waiting for when it feels right. But there's one thing I need to do first."

Pat smiled at Justin. "If it's what I think it is, then you have my permission. You southerners, always so formal. Just a word of warning though. Jamie takes commitment very seriously, he always has. Do not do this unless -you- are absolutely 100 percent sure yourself."

Justin beamed at her. "Oh, I assure you, I'm sure. I almost asked him when we were on vacation last month but I didn't know if he was ready."

Pat hugged Justin and held him close. "He's ready. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you, the way he follows your every movement, listens to everything you say." She paused looking at the setting sun. "You're a good man, Justin. Just make my boy happy, that's all I ask."

"That's what I live for," Justin replied honestly.

Jamie and Justin settled into bed, the night finally over. Jamie's mother and grandmother were safely back at their hotel. Dan was asleep and the last they checked, snoring, in the guest bedroom. Phil had insisted on staying with them, not wanting to miss out on any time with either of his brothers. He was sleeping comfortably on one of the sofa beds down in the game room.

"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Jamie asked as they cuddled together.

Justin shook his head. "You've got a great family, sweet pea. Nana is a hoot."

"She sure is. So did she and my mom grill you hard when they got you alone?"

"You knew about that?"

"Justin, I know them both too well. It's a family ritual."

Justin laughed. "It was fine."

"Good. I can tell Nana likes you. My mom adores you, and Phil is just star struck, although Nick Carter is still his favorite. He was heartbroken when they made those comments about you guys. I guess he hoped you would introduce him to them."

Justin made as if having a heart attack and clutched his chest. "Oh no, I don't think I can take it!"

They giggled and held each other close. "I love you very much, Justin Timberlake."

"I love you too, Jameson Campbell."

Their lips met and they kissed sensuously. Both their hearts starting to beat faster as their breathing deepened. Justin pulled away from the kiss leaving Jamie with his eyes closed and licking his lips.

"Sweet pea, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"How do you feel about getting married. I know we've hardly talked about it but meeting your family made me start thinking."

"Be honest, you've been thinking about it more than just today." Jamie smiled at Justin.

"Ok, ya, I've been thinking about it," Justin blushed.

"Justin, me too. I guess we should talk about it more seriously."

Justin smiled. "Good, but not now. I have other things on my mind."

Jamie giggled as Justin started kissing his neck. "I like the way you think."

Justin reached down and grabbed Jamie, finding him already hard. "Doesn't take you long, huh?" he kidded.

"What can I say? You do that to me."

Justin guided Jamie's hand to him. "You do the same for me."

They stroked each other as their lips met. Immediately their tongues came out to search for the others as they moaned together. Their hands continued to stroke each other, their grips strong and sure. Justin broke the kiss to catch his breath and Jamie leaned in to suck on his collar bone leaving a small red mark.

"Oh baby," Justin groaned. After one deep kiss, he moved around on the bed so that they were head to crotch. Jamie smiled at what Justin wanted. Their mouths easily found each other in the dark as they started sucking. Wanting to last as long as possible they set a slow, comfortable rhythm with their mouths as their hands caressed each other.

Prolonging the pleasure as much as they could, they slowed down when one of them would get a little too excited. The pressure grew and with an unspoken agreement they went for it. Jamie's hips started to involuntarily thrust as he approached his orgasm first. Justin loved how Jamie got so caught up and let him thrust in and out of his mouth and throat. With a cry around Justin's dick he thrust deeply and came with strong spurts. Justin pulled off a little so he could taste it, swallowing often.

Justin continued to suck on Jamie as he softened. He moaned with pleasure as Jamie started sucking harder on him pushing him closer to his own release. The pressure started building and spiked up when he felt Jamie finger his asshole. The feeling pushed him over the edge and he shuddered as he shot into Jamie who ate it all.

Justin moved back around in the bed and felt Jamie's arms wrap around, holding him. They stayed silent while their breathing returned to normal.

"You are beautiful," Jamie whispered in Justin's ear.

"Then that makes two of us," Justin replied softly.

"I wish tomorrow would last forever." They both fell quiet. The next day marked the end of a relatively peaceful time and the day after, Monday, meant the start of heavy duty rehearsing for the tour.

"I know, sweet pea. Me too," Justin said finally breaking the silence.

"We're together, that's all that matters to me," Jamie yawned.

Justin turned in Jamie's arms and kissed him. They snuggled together and Justin lay his head on Jamie's chest. Jamie held him tightly as they both slipped into sleep.

Everything was quiet around the house as it's occupants slept. The silent peace was mocking them, knowing that their lives were constantly in the middle of a virtual storm which from this point onward would only get worse.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 32: Dreams That You Dared to Dream 7

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