Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Nov 1, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Something I didn't mention last time. It seems our boy, Lance, has quite a colorful history, huh? You always have to look out for the shy, quiet ones!

The video for TIPY is visually wonderful to match a great song. Anyone catch the guy's introduction for TRL? It was a hoot. Justin acting like a madman and Lance got the spotlight, you go!

Again thanks to everyone who sent mail. I really appreciate any and all input/compliments, etc.

Ok, I haven't done it for awhile so I'll recommend some stories. This list isn't a complete one... I'd need a whole 'nother posting for that!

Check these out: Model Romance (Justin) Nick and the Altos (um... Nick lol) Just Together - in celebrity section (Justin/Lance/Michael Pitt) Hold the Pickle (Joey and Drew from 98) Intimate Stranger (Justin/JC) Give Me Just One Night (Jeff from 98) Sentimental Journey (both bands)

And soooo many others : )

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

The Dreams That You Dared To Dream - Chapter Five

Jamie was in the middle of a pleasant dream. It was very erotic and he and Justin were doing some extremely arousing things with each other. He started to wake, slowly noticing a warmth enveloping his penis making it grow harder. The feeling of a tongue swirling around it caused him to throb in pleasure. Moaning, he moved his hips involuntarily as he reached down to feel curly hair under his fingers. Coming more awake he looked to see Justin bobbing up and down on him.

"Oh, JuJu..." he groaned as he shivered and came in Justin's mouth.

Justin moved and lay next to him. "Morning, sweet pea."

"Now -that's- the way to wake up in the morning." Jamie pulled Justin closer and kissed him. Their tongues immediately sought out the other's and Jamie tasted himself.

"What time is it?" Jamie squinted but couldn't focus on the clock.

"Around 8:00. So what do you want to do this morning?" Justin asked with a smile.

"Make love."

Justin grinned at the simple request and kissed Jamie deeply as he moved on top of him. They spent the rest of the morning in bed taking turns pleasing each other until they stopped from exhaustion and hunger.

After showering, they ate lunch on the beach and settled down to do some final tanning. It didn't take long before they were at it again, this time using their hands. Giggling together, they came down from their orgasms.

"This place must be an aphrodisiac or something," Jamie said between kisses. "Plus it doesn't hurt to have a sexy studmuffin for a boyfriend."

Justin blushed. "I feel the same way about you. Let's go wash off and cool down."

They got up and waded into the water. Jamie floated around in Justin's arms, as they shared more kisses. After awhile they went back to the blanket and lay in the sun some more, connected by their interlocked hands. When they felt they had enough they gathered up everything and went to take a quick shower to get rid of the sand, salt and sun block. Both of them spent the next hour straightening up the cabana and packing. They kissed often, sighing with the knowledge that the real world would be once again intruding on their lives.

"Let's get our bags to the lodge then say goodbye to this place, ok?" Justin suggested. Jamie nodded sadly. "Don't worry, sweet pea, we'll come back again someday." He caressed Jamie's face with the palm of his hand, his thumb tracing Jamie's cheek. "Someday."

They left their bags and sneakers on the lodge porch and headed to the dock. From there they started walking around the island through the surf and headed in the opposite direction of their cabana, planning on hitting it last before dinner.

Walking slowly they held hands as they let the waves hit their bare legs. Jamie almost suggested taking their shorts off but realized they weren't on their own private stretch of beach. He sighed and looked out over the water and leaned on Justin who wrapped his arm around him.

As they rounded a bend they passed by Joey and Kelly's cabana but didn't see them so they kept on moving, quickly coming to the straight section of beach where they had jet skied. Passing by the small area where they had the party they saw Chris and Dani snuggling on their deck on one of the lounge chairs.

They waved as they passed, smiling. "She is so good for him," Justin remarked.

Jamie nodded. "A truly wonderful girl."

Before long they came around a bend to see Lance sitting in the shade reading. He had his foot up and a pitcher of lemonade beside him.

"Hey guys, taking a walk?"

"We decided to walk all the way around to see the whole thing," Justin said.

"How's your foot, Lance?"

"Much better now, Jamie, thanks. It's only a little stiff with no pain. I'm still babying it before we start back in tomorrow."

They all fell silent with the reminder that tonight they'd be in New York.

"Well, we'll see you at dinner." Justin forced a smile as they both kissed Lance on his cheeks, causing him to blush.

Continuing their walk, they arrived on their beach and stopped to stare out over the water. Jamie turned to Justin and smiled at him. "I love you."

"I love you back." Justin grinned at Jamie and bent for a kiss. Jamie moaned and locked his hands behind his neck as he let Justin's tongue push it's way into his mouth. They stood for a long while enjoying the freedom to kiss each other out in the open without worrying if anyone saw them.

Justin sighed as they pulled apart. "Listen, there's something I want to say. The next four months are gonna be hell for all of us. I want you to know that no matter what happens with schedules and free time that I love you. I won't ever stop loving you. If I start acting like a jerk because of the stress, I expect you to kick me in the ass. If you feel like I'm neglecting you then tell Lance and Josh to kick me in the ass." Justin stopped, looking down at Jamie's grin and realized how funny what he said sounded. "I guess what I'm trying to say is if you have feelings, good bad or whatever, I want you to talk to me about them."

"Deal, and the same goes for you too."

Justin nodded. "We should be heading for dinner." Jamie agreed sadly. He grabbed Justin's hand and they went into the cabana for a last minute check. Standing in the bedroom, Jamie let a tear fall silently down his cheek.

"Will we ever be able to catch the magic of this place again?"

Justin turned him so he had to look into his eyes. "Every minute I spend with you does. It doesn't matter where we are as long as you are in my arms." They hugged and held each other.

They left the cabana and locked the door. Justin stopped them as they started down the path and bent to pick an orchid, handing it to Jamie.

"I will save this forever and when we're old and gray it will remind us of this week."

Justin smiled and took his hand as they continued to the lodge.

Everyone was fairly quiet as they sank into their own private thoughts. Lance set another place at the table and insisted that Nino join them for the meal reasoning it was the least they could do for a week of wonderful food. Jamie purposefully sat next to JC to show him that he wouldn't hold a grudge. He took his hand during grace and squeezed it. After the 'amen' JC turned to Jamie with tears in his eyes and they hugged as everyone smiled at them.

As they ate Nino suggested a way to break the melancholy. "Why don't we go around the table and each say what you will remember most about this week."

Dani started. "I'll remember a relaxed time, having my man all to myself."

"Not having a schedule and enjoying the downtime with Dani," Chris laughed.

Lance thought for a second. "Getting to know some people better," he said smiling at Justin and Jamie, "while learning to really appreciate someone I love."

JC leaned over and kissed Lance. "I leave with a sunburn," everybody giggled as he paused to get serious. "But I also take with me a deeper understanding of my friendships and my feelings." Lance stroked his fingers through JC's hair as they hugged.

Jamie had his head down before he answered. "As the newest member of the family, I just want to thank everyone. I've gone through a really tough time and I appreciate all the support I've gotten from all of you. I take with me all your love, a full heart and a conviction that I will be with you for the rest of my life," he said the last directly to Justin.

Justin looked at Jamie lovingly. "I leave loving you more than ever. I also take a greater love for all of you," he said looking around the table.

"Well, I now have some of the best friends I've ever had, and know that a relationship with international pop stars -can- work," Kelly said with smile.

Joey pecked Kelly on the cheek. "I'm taking home the memory of some wonderful times with my friends and brothers."

Nino looked around the table. "See, now you are all smiling like the day you came here." They all looked at each other and realized that the boy was right. The gloom was dispelled and the memories of a great vacation stood in its place.

They said goodbye to Nino at the airport, promising him tickets and all access passes to the shows at Ft. Lauderdale. Shaking hands with him, they each gave him their personal thanks. Lance whispered in JC's ear and sent him up to Nino. JC gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"For a fan and a great guy," he said simply before boarding the jet.

Nino stood shocked with a big smile on his face. Noticing Lance smiling at him, he winked and mouthed 'thank you' to him. Lance nodded with a wave and got on the plane and pulled the door shut.

"Everybody strap in," the pilot announced over the intercom. "We have clearance to take off right away."

They settled and before they knew it they were airborne and leaving Key West behind. The co-pilot came out to make sure everything was alright.

"The weather between here and LaGuardia is almost perfect. There's a small thunderstorm over Maryland that we'll skirt, so that puts us into New York at about midnight. We'll be traveling at 10,000 feet. If there's anything you need, then please ask." He turned to head back to the cockpit but stopped to pull a very large package out of a bin. "Oh, I almost forgot, this is from Jive and Mr. Wright. It's everything you'll need for the next couple of weeks."

Lance accepted the package and thanked him. "So, you want to open this now, or wait?"

"Do it now, then we can sleep the rest of the trip," Joey suggested. They went into the meeting room and sat around the table. Finding their seats, Jamie sat in Justin's lap so that a free chair went to one of the girls.

"You two behave," Chris admonished with a big grin.

"Yes, Papa Smurf," they answered together making everyone laugh.

Lance pulled out a video cassette and threw it into the player on the wall and pushed the start button.

After a minute Johnny's smiling face appeared. "Well, I hope you all had a good vacation. If I know Lance, you're over Miami now while you listen to me ramble on." He laughed before continuing. "Lance, in the packet you'll find schedule copies for the next two weeks for everyone. Go ahead and pass them out and make sure Jamie and the girls get them too."

Lance passed out the paperwork. "Not that any of you other than Lance and -maybe- Justin will even look at the schedules after tonight, at least I tried. And stop denying it Joseph, you know you'll be asking Lance tomorrow where you're going and when.

Joey smiled as Chris poked him good-naturedly.

"The cell phone, ID and company credit card are for Jamie." Lance slid them across the table to him.

"Jamie, I'm gonna ask you to start you're job with us a little earlier than we thought. Melinda has some family emergency and can't meet the guys until Tuesday, so I'll need you to stick by them for the next couple of days. I'm sure you won't mind that too much as I figured you would be anyway. We'll handle most of the work from Orlando, all we need you to do is be there with them and help Lance make sure everyone gets where they belong when they're needed. The card is yours to use for anything you need, within reason. No shopping trips to Tiffany's, but if you're out doing stuff for us, feel free for meals and whatever pops up."

"Hey, Jamie, how about lunch on Sunday?" Dani kidded making everyone laugh.

"Now, that said, y'all have a good time this weekend on MTV and on Rosie on Monday, you have Sunday off. Mel and I will see you on Tuesday. Justin, your mom said she'd catch up with you Monday sometime. She was trying to get up for the Rosie show but wasn't sure she could make it."

"Well, that's all I got. You guys rest well over the weekend. Early sales figures are looking good and it'll be a mad house starting Tuesday. Pre-orders are stronger than anyone has seen before, I have a feeling this one will hit big. Take care, over and out." He smiled and waved as he faded off the screen.

"And this tape will self-destruct in five seconds," Chris said making everyone smile.

They all split up reading over the schedules and talking. Lance stayed in the meeting room with Jamie and Justin looking over the paperwork. JC sat nearby dozing.

"It's a fairly standard contract for the company. You'll be an employee of WEG assigned permanently to us. You're official title is 'PR Assistant for New York Appearances and Personal Assistant to 'NSync.' Fancy huh?"

"Wait a minute," Jamie said reading. "It says permanent retainer! That means this is now my job for as long as I want it?"

Lance nodded with a smile. "This is something Johnny and I cooked up so that if anyone questions you being with us then we have a fall back story."

Justin started to protest but Lance stopped him.

"Justin, I know what you're going to say. Johnny, Mel and I talked a long time about this. If you really want to we'll say he is a close friend to you and us. Johnny is completely ok with that. But the problem is what do we say when someone notices he's around all the time or when he's suddenly playing in the band? We needed something that would cover Jamie being with us constantly." Lance thought for a minute, "Jamie, I didn't mean that the way it came out."

Jamie shook his hands in dismissal. "I understand where you're coming from Lance. No offense taken."

"Good. Justin?"

Justin nodded having trouble trying to dispute Lance's logic. "Ok, I can see your point. What do you think, sweet pea?"

"If it means we can be together and you and the guys are protected from the sharks then that's more than fine." He continued reading as Justin looked over his schedule. "Oh, this -has- to be a typo. Lance, they can't pay me that much."

Justin looked over his shoulder and grinned. "You're worth every penny," he said as he kissed Jamie's neck.

Lance laughed. "Consider it hazard pay for having to be around tall, curly and gruesome all the time." Jamie laughed with him as Justin put on a hurt face and pouted.

"Oh but he's such a cute gruesome," Jamie said kissing away Justin's pout and putting a smile there instead.

Everyone sat back in the more comfortable seats in the front section. The paperwork was finally put away and Justin showed Jamie all the features of the cell phone and helped him program in extra speed dial numbers that weren't in there yet. When finished, they noticed that everyone else was either asleep or listening to music with headphones.

"Hey, sweet pea, you ever hear of the mile high club?" Justin asked with a smirk.

Jamie thought for a minute before it dawned on him what Justin was suggesting. He reached down into his backpack that held his shower bag and grabbed a small bottle of lube and put it in his pocket. With a seductive smile he pulled Justin to his feet and they headed off to the back bathroom.

"Where are you two heading in such a hurry?" Lance asked as they passed him.

"We're going to check out the bathroom," Justin replied innocently.

"I don't want to know," Lance said with a chuckle. He went back to his book while he absently ran his fingers through JC's hair. JC had placed his head in Lance's lap and was sleeping peacefully.

Locking the door behind them, they kissed long and deep, rapidly shedding their clothes in the small space. Justin looked to Jamie, silently asking what he'd like to do.

Jamie bent to retrieve the lube then stood and returned Justin's gaze. He leaned in and licked from the center of Justin's chest to his throat making him gasp. Jamie circled around his neck and up to kiss and lick Justin's ear. "Fuck me, Justin," he whispered softly to him.

Justin shivered at the words in excitement. Jamie jumped up to sit on the sink ledge and pulled Justin to him. Their mouths met as their hands stroked and caressed each other in all the places that were guaranteed to arouse and excite them.

Justin spread Jamie's legs as Jamie lubed up Justin's hard dick. Justin groaned as Jamie stroked him and leaned in for a kiss. Jamie guided Justin until he was pressed against his hole and wrapped his legs around Justin's waist. Sticking his tongue deep into Justin's mouth he pulled Justin slowly into him.

When Justin was finally fully inside they both moaned into each other's mouths. "You drive me so wild, sweet pea," he whispered as he started thrusting in and out of a very willing Jamie.

Jamie felt his pulse race at the feeling of Justin's body on him. He reached up and grabbed Justin's neck and held on. Justin started a fast intense rhythm that had them both panting. A warmth spread through Jamie with the feeling of Justin sliding in and out of him.

"Yes baby, oh... Justin..." Jamie tightened his ass muscles as much as he could to bring pleasure to Justin who groaned at the feeling. His thrusts became less rhythmic as his breathing became hoarser.

"I'm gonna... gonna cum, Jamie.." he panted, his eyes glazed over in lust.

"Yes, do it..." Jamie gasped then moaned when he felt Justin get harder inside him and thrust more deeply. This was the sensation he loved most of all, the feeling of being completely full, so full it was almost painful.

"Oh God, I love you," Justin said loudly as he pulsed deep inside Jamie, grunting with each shot. Jamie licked the sweat from Justin's forehead as he shuddered with his orgasm. He pulled out after he was completely spent and went to his knees. Justin took a deep breath and took Jamie's hard cock into his mouth and throat in one gulp.

"Ugghhh..." Jamie groaned as Justin took a finger and pushed it deeply up into his now stretched hole to rub the hard lump of his prostate. Justin sucked on Jamie while running his tongue over the sensitive area under the head while he constantly rubbed his finger inside sending jolts of pleasure through his body. It didn't take long before Jamie shuddered and came in Justin's mouth, gasping for air with each shot.

Justin released him from his mouth as he softened and withdrew his finger.

"Holy shit," Jamie said softly. "That was so intense. Where'd you learn to do that?"

Justin had a shit-eating grin on his face. "I've done some reading," he said proudly.

Jamie pulled him up and locked him into a kiss. "You keep on reading, my love."

They cleaned up as best they could and dressed. "We're now proud members of the club, sweet pea."

Jamie smiled at Justin. Hand in hand they went back to their seats. As Jamie passed Lance he looked down to see him smiling at them knowingly. Jamie easily passed the lube to Lance and whispered 'mile high club' softly in his ear before sitting down next to Justin and leaning on his shoulder.

"Josh," Lance said shaking JC's shoulder not wasting a second.

"Um... ya..." he said waking up slightly.

"I need to use the bathroom."

"Oh, sorry..." JC sat up so Lance could get up.

"Don't you want to come with me?" Lance showed JC the lube and whispered into his ear.

JC grinned and they quickly made their way to the back of the plane.

Justin and Jamie grinned to each other before dozing in their seats, using each other as pillows.

Saturday morning saw them all entering a back door of the MTV studios trying to avoid the already large crowd gathering in Times Square. The show was to be live and they anticipated record crowds. The guys warmed up vocally while they sat in make-up. Jamie was glad that Dave Holmes was the host of the show, not wanting to have to deal with Carson. Jamie had no idea what he should be doing specifically but acted like he knew what was going on. He went and checked on the band when they arrived and greeted Kevin warmly.

"K-Toonz, how the hell are ya? And congratulations."

"Jamie," Kevin said warmly as he shook his hand, "good to see ya. Thanks. I'm glad you accepted our offer. It makes me feel so much better knowing that you'll be there." Jamie blushed and then he was introduced to the rest of the band who welcomed him gladly.

"Well, I gotta get back to the guys. I'm sorta acting as Mel for the next couple of days. I'll see you guys in a little bit." The band all waved as they did their sound checks and warmed up.

The show went flawlessly and everyone had a great time. Dave embarrassed the guys constantly with old photos and footage which had Jamie and the audience of 'super fans' laughing along with them. The show ended and they signed autographs and greeted everyone in the studio as the band played. Finally they were done and could relax.

"Now what?" Justin asked tiredly.

Jamie checked his clipboard in an official manner. "A quick snack, then a costume change. You'll be taping a dedication show for your Spring Break special."

Without thinking they all looked to Lance who just nodded with a smirk. "Y'all would know that if you'd read your own schedules."

They said goodbye to the band and went down to their dressing room. Justin pulled Jamie to him the minute the door was closed. "I've wanted to do this all morning," he said before kissing him.

Jamie pulled away breathless and put his head on Justin's chest, snuggling in, enjoying just a moment of peace.

Jamie let himself into the apartment taking in the familiar furnishings. 'This was my home too,' he thought to himself. 'But it seems more like just a place to sleep now.' Although the rules stipulated that the apartment was off limits, that was meant mostly for the guys. He -did- live here after all and he needed to grab some warmer clothes from his closet.

He looked through the apartment and found nothing amiss. There was a note from Dan on the machine telling him he'd be home sometime late afternoon. Jamie laughed seeing that it was now 6:00 and there was no sign of him. He noticed he was short some bathroom stuff like soap and shampoo, so he headed down the street to the market after leaving a note.

Jamie took his time picking up his things. He hesitated at the cereal aisle and grabbed a box of Capt'n Crunch, one of Justin's favorites. Before leaving, he stopped by the drug section and picked up some more lube as Lance had kept their bottle by mistake. Checking to make sure he got everything he needed he went to wait in line.

A familiar voice broke into happier thoughts. "Hey, I see you around everywhere, and I'm sorry I don't remember your name."

Jamie turned to find himself face to face with Carson Daly.

There was a knock on Justin's bedroom door. "Hey, Justin, can I talk to you for a minute?" JC asked.

"Sure, Josh, what's on your mind?"

JC crossed the room and sat in a chair facing Justin who was sitting on the bed. "I just wanted to make sure everything was ok with us since what happened the other day. We haven't really had a chance to talk alone."

"Josh, yes of course we're ok. It weirded me out at first, but I can understand that you have these feelings. To be honest, I've had some feelings for you too. It's only natural considering how long we've known each other and how close we've been."

"You have feelings for me too?" JC asked with a smile.

Justin grew slightly uneasy with the look on his face. "Listen, I meant every word of what I said the other day. There -is- a place in my heart for you, and there always will be, but I can't ever love you that way. I am totally in love with Jamie and I know this is the real thing. And beside it would almost be like being with a member of my family.

JC nodded his head. "Ya, you're right of course. I do love you, but I think of you as my little brother. I guess being with you -would- be like being with Tyler."

Justin smiled at him. "Josh, you have a wonderful man who is truly in love with you. Why would you want more?"

"I don't know. I love him so much, but I'm always so scared. Scared he'll leave me or I won't live up to his expectations or that some morning he'll wake up and not love me anymore." JC put his head down in his hands.

"So this is the real reason for all this, huh?" JC nodded, tears forming in his eyes. "Have you sat and talked to Lance about this?"

"No, I just can't bring myself to."

"He's the only one who can help you with this, Josh. I think you'd be surprised by him. He takes his commitment to you very seriously."

"That's just it, a commitment. Are we together because he feels obligated because of my proposal?"

Justin shook his head. "Don't let your insecurities cloud your thinking. That's not the way Lance works, you know that. Lance is a true romantic and wouldn't have accepted if he didn't really mean it."

JC nodded. "Again, you're right. When did you grow up to be so smart?"

"I had a good teacher," Justin responded softly placing a hand on JC's shoulder. "You think about what I said. I'm here whenever you need to talk, but Lance is the one you should really be talking to." Justin smiled at JC. "And calm down, buddy. You're not supposed to get cold feet until just before the wedding, it's way too early.

They stood together and hugged. "Advice taken. How about some dinner? I'm starved."

"Let me call and see how much longer Jamie will be." Justin pulled out his cell phone and shivered.

"Justin, what's wrong?" JC asked in concern.

"Dunno, just got a funny feeling like something's not right." He dialed the apartment number first and it rang twice before Dan answered.

"Hey Dan, it's Justin. Is Jamie still there?"

"Hi back at ya. He was here, but left a message that he was going to the market to pick up a few things. Justin, you ok? You sound weird."

"I'm fine, just tired. Why don't you come with him to meet us for dinner?"

"Sure, I'll have him call you when he gets back. It should be any minute now."

"Ok, bye, Dan." Justin hung up the phone and tried Jamie's cell but got the inactive message that pushed him into the voice mail. He hung up without leaving a message.

"Everything ok?"

"It seems so. Dan's there waiting for him, he went to the market." Justin tapped his phone on his chin. The feeling was fading but he -knew- he felt it.

"Oh, hi, Carson. Name's Jamie." Jamie shook hands with Carson who let his grip linger just a little too long for comfort.

"So, I heard you play last weekend. You're very good."

"Gee, thanks. I think you do a good job on your show, too." Jamie was certainly uncomfortable and tried to not let it show.

"Well, thanks. You're looking pretty tanned for this time of year in New York, vacation?"

"Ya, a week in the sun. It was great, I really recommend it."

"So, you're a friend of -the guys- huh?" The way he stressed the words left no question about which guys Carson meant.

Jamie thought for a quick second about how to answer him. "Yes, they're a nice bunch."

"You work for them or something?" Carson was obviously prying while appearing to be making casual conversation. Jamie treaded carefully.

Jamie nodded. "Among other things that I do, I work part time for the PR department of WEG."

Finally it was Jamie's turn to check out and he started putting his things on the counter.

"It was nice bumping into you. Hopefully we'll meet again," Carson said pleasantly.

'Not if I see you first.' "Sure, same here Carson," he replied aloud.

Jamie quickly left the market and started heading home. The sun had just set and twilight covered the streets. As he passed an antique store he stopped to admire a rocking chair in the window. Peering to see if there was anything else he'd be interested in he felt someone watching him. He looked up and down the street, but except for the usual people going about their business he could see nobody suspicious.

Getting a funny feeling he started again for home. 'It's just my imagination,' he repeated to himself, over and over. 'Just like with the subway over a month ago.' Jamie was now just a block from home and the feeling of being followed grew stronger with each step. He would occasionally look over his shoulder but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

As he reached his building the sense of a threat overwhelmed him and he frantically fought to get his key out of his pocket and open the door. Almost wailing in panic he finally slammed the key in and turned it. Rushing into the foyer he shut the door behind him, clutching his keys in a death grip.

From the shadow of the mailboxes he peered out the window. A lone figure, bundled against the late winter chill, walked past the steps, hesitated a second to adjust his collar then continued on. Jamie breathed a sigh of relief then made his way upstairs.

He found Dan waiting for him. "Hey, big bro." Jamie made his way to his bedroom to finish packing.

"Hey, Sonny, call Justin, he just called looking for you. He sounded funny."


"Hey you sound funny too." Dan walked into Jamie's room and took a good look at him. "You're whiter than my T-Shirt. What's going on?"

Jamie sighed deeply. "I just had another feeling that I was being followed. I'm fine, it was only my imagination. I guess meeting Carson Daly in the market rattled me."

"That guy from MTV?" Jamie nodded. "You sure, you're ok?"

"Fine, you goober. Leave me alone," he smiled at Dan.

"Well anyway, call your boy, he's waiting. He asked me to come to dinner too, you ok with that?"

"Oh, of course. I should've thought of that."

"I'll call a taxi, you finish up here."

They got in the taxi when it arrived. Jamie couldn't shake the feelings he had earlier and peered around the street. Dan noticed his unease and held his hand as they left the village. Jamie relaxed at the contact and smiled at Dan.

Before they knew it they were leaving the elevator on the guy's floor. Dan was first out and was waylayed by two large imposing figures.

"Hey, Lonnie, he's with me. You remember my brother Dan?"

"Nice to see you again, Lonnie." Dan held his hand out for a shake and winced at Lonnie's grip.

"And that other mountain over there is Randy." Randy grinned at them both and shook Dan's hand too.

"They are gathering in Chris' room, Jamie."

"Ok, thanks Lon."

Dan led the way as they made their way down the hall. They reached Chris' room and walked into the open door. Just as Jamie was about to greet Justin he felt a pair of arms grab his shoulders and pull him back. His nerves, already shot from earlier, snapped completely.

"Aaahhh. Get off me! Leave me alone!" he screamed stopping all conversation in the room. Justin rushed to Jamie, who took two steps and fainted in Justin's arms.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 31: Dreams That You Dared to Dream 6

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