Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Sep 27, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Here's Chapter 25.

A big thanks to everyone who sent me an email. The support I get is really great and sometimes very touching.

25 chapters, WOW! Can't believe how quickly it racked up. With this chapter you'll see why I wanted to finish Jamie's stay in Orlando in the last one. Now I can move the story up to Valentine's Day... one of my favorite holidays. It's another long one, so enjoy...

WARNING: There's a big chance of major cheese in this chapter! Tee hee, don't say I didn't warn you...

Some more stories to recommend (different from last time): JC Dreams - a great JC story that doesn't have him dating

another celebrity, pretty rare :) Love Thru Chat - nice story that is being updated again Next Window Please - very nice Lance and JC story..... Bad Boy B-Rok - it's again continuing, I really like these characters Deceiving Secrets - nice Backstreet story Any Path - BSB story that changes to a NSync story, warning: very

dark, poor Nick and Justin

...and of course many more!

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Jamie's Romance - Chapter Twenty-Five

Jamie woke from a restful sleep to a ringing phone. It was almost 8 am on Valentine's Day. He reached over and grabbed the receiver, it was Justin, just as he expected/

"Happy Valentine's Day, sweet pea! Would you be -my- Valentine?"

"Hmm... let me think about that." He paused while Justin laughed. "Of course I would. Happy Valentine's Day to you too, JuJu."

"Listen, I don't have much time. Lance is already pulling on my sleeve to go. I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Looking forward to it, sweetie. Love you much."

"Love you too. The guys send their love, Bye!"


Jamie hung up the phone. Sighing, he got out of bed and put on his robe. He remembered Justin's words from last week: 'I only wish I could be there, with you in my arms to wake you up with a kiss on Valentine's Day.'

I'll see him soon, he reassured himself on his way to the kitchen. The door buzzer went off as he started the coffee. The downstairs door wasn't unlocked yet so he buzzed up a delivery man from a florist. 'Ya, right,' Jamie thought smugly. 'I see right through this one.' Grinning in expectation he opened the door as he heard footsteps in the hall. His smile slipped slightly when he saw a real deliveryman just about to knock on the door.

"Jamie Campbell?" Jamie nodded. "Sign here, please." He handed Jamie a clipboard and then exchanged it for a small flower box. Jamie gave him a tip. "Have a good day, sir."

"Thanks, you too." Jamie watched as he disappeared down the stairs. He looked out the door a few moments more as if expecting something or someone. Sighing he closed the door then went to the kitchen to get some coffee. 'I seem to be sighing alot today,' he thought to himself.

He sat at the table to open the box. Inside was a single perfect red rose that had a small card attached. He read the card and started weeping. Dan found him staring at the card, tears in his eyes, a few minutes later.

"Hey, Sonny. What gives?"

Jamie simply handed Dan the card while he smelled and admired the rose.

He read it aloud. "Can this be true? Tell me can this be real? How can I put into words what I feel? Love you, JuJu." He handed it back to his brother. "That's from that song that Ma likes so much isn't it?"

Jamie nodded. "Ya."

"How sweet. He's a good man, bro." Dan squeezed Jamie's shoulder. "I've gotta run. I'm heading out of town this afternoon and I won't see you until Friday. Are you gonna be ok?"

Jamie nodded. "They'll be in town tomorrow night, I'll be fine. You go and have fun." They hugged and Dan was off.

Jamie ate some breakfast and showered. At 9:00, he was just sitting down with his guitar to warm up a little when there was a knock at the door. Checking the peephole he saw it was the same deliveryman.

"So we meet again, Ted," Jamie joked with him as he checked the name sewn onto his jacket. They did the exchange and Jamie opened the box to find another rose again with a card. This time it said: "My life was complete, I thought I was whole. Why do I feel like I'm losing control? Love you, JuJu."

Jamie giggled with a big smile on his face. 'How romantic and cheesy can he be?' he thought. He decided that he liked it -very- much. The whole morning went the same way.

At 10:00, Jamie gave Ted some coffee in a travel cup suspecting he'd see him again. The card on this rose had: "I never thought that love could feel like this, then you changed my world with just one kiss. Love you, JuJu."

At 11:00 Ted returned the cup with a sincere thanks. The card on this delivery was no surprise to Jamie: "How can it be, that right here with me, there's an angel? It's a miracle! Love you, JuJu."

Noon came and no knock at the door and Jamie grew curious. 'Only four flowers? That's odd.' It was 12:20 when it came.

"I thought you weren't coming." They both laughed.

"Sorry, there was an accident a few blocks over and traffic is very slow."

Jamie smiled and nodded. "Hey, what happens if nobody's here?" He asked as they again exchanged the box for the signature.

Ted checked the pages near the back of the clipboard. "The instructions say to leave it without a signature."

Jamie nodded. "Ok, so that you know, I won't be here from 1:00 on."

He nodded and smiled. "No problem. Take care."

Jamie opened the latest box. He tried to remember the words before reading the card and almost scored 100%. "Your love is like a river, peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep. Love you, JuJu."

Jamie smiled through happy tears and went to get ready for his meeting at the studio.

Jamie arrived at Battery Studios and was directed upstairs to a familiar studio. He quickly went to studio 24 and entered. It was empty except for a tall stool, so he walked over and sat down. After about 15 minutes a studio intern came in.

"Jamie Campbell?" he asked. Jamie smiled and nodded.

"My name's Jack." They shook hands. "I've been asked to tell you that the meeting has been delayed a few minutes for some reason and to see if you'd mind waiting here for a little bit. The studio is really sorry."

"Jack, that's fine, its no problem really," Jamie assured him.

"Great, thanks for understanding. Do you need anything, water or something?"

"I'm all set, thanks anyway."

Jack nodded, moved to leave then stopped. "Oh, I almost forgot. I was asked to give you this note."

Jamie took the paper, it was folded once and had his name on it. "Thanks, Jack." Jack waved and was gone.

Jamie opened the note to read it.


Please sit here and relax for a minute. I love you.


Jamie smiled. Even if they couldn't be together, Justin was still thinking of him and, it seemed, going all out. After a couple of minutes he heard the unmistakable click of the playback machine and Justin's voice came through the monitors along with some music. "Jamie, please close your eyes and enjoy."

Jamie obeyed with a big smile on his face. 'He recorded something for me,' he thought happily.

A guitar was playing lead as the slow tune continued. Suddenly he felt a soft pair of lips kissing him. His eyes snapped open to see Justin's beaming face. He handed Jamie a single red rose before stepping back to join the others who smiled and waved. Tears filled Jamie's eyes at seeing them all again on such a special day.

Jamie looked at the card he knew would be attached to the flower's stem and guessed correctly it's message written neatly in Justin's flowing script: "When I look into your eyes I know that it's true: God must have spent a little more time on you! All my love and devotion, Justin."

The intro finished and Justin started singing directly to Jamie.

"When the visions around you

Bring tears to your eyes

And all that surrounds you

Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength

I'll give you hope

Keeping your faith when it's gone

The one you should call

Was standing here all along"

The entire group joined on the chorus. Justin went to stand behind Jamie and wrapped his arms around him lovingly. Jamie was finding it hard to breathe. Justin's singing had filled his heart as he drank in the beautiful and deeply thoughtful words.

"And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right where you belong"

Justin finished the chorus...

"Until the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you"

JC smiled and nodded to Jamie before taking Lance's hands in his. He turned them both so that they were facing each other. Lance raised one eyebrow then glanced briefly at Justin to see him grinning broadly. JC then sang to his love. Justin sang softly along with JC in Jamie's ear.

"I've loved you forever

In lifetimes before

And I promise you never

Will you hurt anymore"

JC, still holding tightly onto Lance's hands, brought them to his chest.

"I give you my word

I give you my heart

This is a battle we've won

And with this vow

Forever has now begun"

Lance began to cry openly as they started the chorus again. He pulled JC to him and wrapped his arms around his waist as they sang to each other. Jamie leaned against Justin smiling through his tears. Joey and Chris beamed as they looked on at both couples.

"Just close your eyes

Each loving day

And know this feeling won't go away

JC finished the chorus, tears streaming down his face.

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you"

Justin pulled Jamie to his feet and held him close. Jamie put his head on Justin's shoulder as they danced slowly when the bridge started.

"Over and over I fall

When I hear you call

Without you in my life, baby

I just wouldn't be living at all"

The chorus returned with the key change. Jamie was sobbing and trembling in Justin's arms. Justin soothed him as he sang.

"And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right where you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Just close your eyes

Each loving day

And know this feeling won't go away

Every word I say is true

This I promise you"

Justin finished off the song his voice cracking with emotion.

"Every word I say is true

This I promise you

Oh I promise you"

The song slowly faded and everyone was silent. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. Jamie lifted his head from Justin's shoulder, kissed him and took a breath to speak. Justin smiled and put a finger on his lips and whispered into his ear. "Hold on, sweet pea, there's one more thing. Just watch."

JC looked to Justin a little uncertainly. Justin smiled and waved his hand at him to get on with it. JC nodded and turned back to Lance who had a curious expression on his face. JC got down on one knee and Lance's eyebrows raised up in surprise.

"James, you are the world to me. The last five months have been the happiest of my life and I don't ever want it to end." JC reached into his pocket and pulled something out in his closed hand. "James Lance Bass, will you marry me?" he asked as he presented Lance with a beautiful silver ring inset with a sparkling green emerald.

Lance's mouth was hanging open, his eyes wide and blinking. Chris' giggling brought him around and he pulled JC to his feet.

"Josh, you prove over and ov..." Lance broke down and started sobbing. JC caressed his cheek with his fingertips. Lance cleared his throat and started over, more in control.

"Joshua, you prove to me every day why I love you and yes, Joshua Scott Chasez, I give my heart to you forever."

Everybody sighed loudly in the room as JC slipped the ring on Lance's finger and gave Lance a similar ring with a bright blue tourmaline to put on him. When the rings were exchanged JC pulled Lance into a tight embrace.

Jamie and Justin were gazing at each other, tears running down their faces. Joey and Chris had their arms around each other's shoulders smiling broadly.

"Oh Justin, this was the most wonderful surprise ever," Jamie said softly.

"And it isn't over yet, babe," Justin whispered. "Happy Valentine's Day, Jamie." Jamie melted into Justin's arms and they kissed passionately.

As it turned out, Johnny helped conspire with Justin and the studio. Jamie's meeting was really scheduled for the next day before his studio time so the happy group went out for an extended lunch. Chris had arranged for a private room at a nearby restaurant to celebrate letting them all relax and get some privacy. They joked, ate, drank and enjoyed each other's company.

Jamie couldn't take his gaze off Justin the entire time. His eyes were watery and tears came easily. Having Justin and the others sing to him had touched him profoundly, and JC's proposal to Lance just increased the emotional impact. His feelings were off the board.

Lance, sitting next to Jamie, was in the same state. When the ring on his finger would sparkle and catch his eye, he'd look down at it and start crying. JC would then lean over, wipe the tears away with his fingers and kiss his cheeks. Lance would calm down for awhile until the cycle repeated.

Joey and Chris kept the party going with a little help from Justin and Jamie. It wasn't uncomfortable, just awkward at times. Joey kept chuckling to himself while Chris smiled, their happiness for their friends more than evident.

JC stood and excused himself to use the restroom and Justin joined him. Kissing their respective boyfriends they headed off. Jamie and Lance took one look at each other and ended up crying in each other's arms.

"Are you alright, Lance?" Jamie asked.

Lance nodded. "I'm fine. I'm just so happy and I think I'm still in shock."

"I'm so happy for you." They separated and made an effort to involve themselves more with Joey and Chris who were just smiling at them.

In the restroom Justin and JC were just finishing and standing together at the sink. Justin leaned against the wall to look at JC's reflection in the mirror.

"I'm so proud of you, Josh. You actually asked him," Justin said with a wondering smile to his best friend.

JC smiled back at him in the mirror then reached for a paper towel to dry his hands. "So you think I did the right thing?"

Justin nodded enthusiastically. "Of course I do. You two are so perfect together."

"Yes we are, Just." JC turned from the mirror with tear in his eyes. "I love him so much, it scares me."

Justin pulled him into his arms. "And he loves you just as much." JC pulled away from the hug and wiped his eyes with some tissue.

"Josh, do you remember when we were younger during the club when we'd talk about falling in love?" JC smiled at the memory and nodded to Justin. "We wondered what it would feel like to have a special someone."

"You said someone, Justin, I said girl if I remember right. Boy was I never more wrong," JC chuckled.

"I guess even back then I knew, but was just not admitting it to myself," Justin said thoughtfully.

"Are you happy, Just? I know it hurts you that Lance and I get to be together all the time and you have to be separated."

"No, I'm fine. Jamie said it the best: if sometimes being apart is the price for having each other in our lives then we're willing to pay it. And we know that it's not always gonna be this way."

"I'm just glad to see you finally happy."

"Same here, buddy. You know, it's funny how sometimes things make sense all of a sudden."

"How so?"

"I never really understood the lyric until now. 'You changed my world with just one kiss.' It means something more to me now, it's not just a nice sentiment anymore."

JC nodded, smiling. "The mystery of love." JC cleared his throat. "Just, can I ask you something?"

"Anything, anytime, you know that, Josh."

"When we do get married, would you be my best man?"

Tears sprang from Justin's eyes as he hugged JC almost strangling him. "Of course I will." Justin bounced up and down with JC in his arms.

"Um, Justin, you're making me seasick," JC joked as Justin let go of him. The two friends gazed at each other happily.

"So any marriage plans for you and Jamie?"

"We haven't talked about it and it's still too early but I think if he was ready I'd ask him tomorrow." Justin smiled.

JC put one arm around Justin's shoulders as they left the restroom. "When you're both ready you'll know it."

A few hours later the party started breaking up. Everyone made a grab for the check but Joey was the quickest. "Hey, with me pretty much being the single one in this group, I get to pay as my Valentine's gift to all of you," he said stilling the other's protests.

Lance, who had been silent most of the time, found his voice. "So what's everyone's plans for the evening? Josh and I are going to do dinner and a show."

"And don't forget that carriage ride," JC added. Lance nodded, giving him a warm smile for remembering.

"Chris and I are picking up Kelly at the airport then we'll meet Dani for dinner." Joey added.

"Hey, Joe, you and Kelly getting serious? You've seen her several times now." Justin asked.

Joey shrugged. "We'll see. We're both comfortable with just dating right now."

Jamie looked to Justin waiting to hear what he had up his sleeve.

"We're going to dinner and some dancing," Justin said without any elaboration. Jamie smiled knowing it was going to be special.

Night closed around Manhattan as lovers of all ages and descriptions went on their way to celebrate the one day set aside just for them. Four couples among the thousands enjoyed the holiday with the rest. After resting in the afternoon the men of NSync and their loved ones took to the town to celebrate in their own ways.

Chris and Dani, with Joey and Kelly found an out of the way Italian restaurant and quickly lost count of the number of course and wine bottles. Kelly and especially Dani were moved to tears by the story of JC's surprise proposal to Lance.

"So, Chris," Kelly started to kid him, "when are you gonna ask Dani?"

Chris blushed and Dani smiled at him. "I think that's something we'll have to discuss," Chris replied kissing Dani on the cheek. They stared at each other for a long minute then smiled and kissed again.

After dinner they hit a club or two and danced into the wee hours of the morning before happily returning to the hotel.

Lance and Josh started with an elegant dinner at Tavern on the Green then attended a performance of The Fantastiks. Once the show was over they took a cab to Central Park. While Lance was petting the horses, JC hired one of the covered carriages that had a heater. They boarded and off it went. The heater at least kept their feet warm so JC took the blanket and wrapped them both up holding Lance tightly in his arms. Lance had gotten his emotions under some sort of control and lay his head happily on JC's shoulder.

"Josh, I love you so much."

"Same here, James." He leaned down and kissed Lance's cheek then left his forehead resting against Lance's temple. "I know this is quick, but have you thought about when you'd like to get married."

Lance faced JC, tears once again in his eyes. "I did a little, this afternoon. Things are gonna be crazy this next 10 months or so." JC nodded knowing the proposed schedule for the summer and fall. "So I was thinking maybe around Christmas since it's easier for us to take some time then. What about you?"

JC smiled. "That sounds great." He thought for a minute. "I was thinking that it would be perfect exactly a year from now, on Valentine's Day."

Lance smiled. "I agree, that sounds very romantic."

They leaned together and their lips met and their passion blossomed. JC reached down under the blanket and unzipped Lance's pants.

"Josh, we can't do this here," he said breathlessly between kisses. JC quieted him by pulling Lance's tongue into his mouth. Skillfully, he reached in and pulled the hardening member through the fly of Lance's boxers and squeezed gently.

"What were you saying?" JC asked mischievously.

Lance only shook his head, stifling a moan. JC smiled and ducked down under the blanket. Lance threw his head back against the seat, his eyes glazing over.

"Oh, Joshua," he groaned softly.

Justin and Jamie went to Jamie's apartment to rest and take a nap before their evening, the food and drinks from lunch making them sleepy.

"I missed you sweet pea," Justin said as they cuddled into each other's arms on the bed.

"Same here, JuJu."

"You have a good week?"

Jamie knew the reason for the question and chose to answer it truthfully. "Pretty good. Only one panic attack on Friday when I thought I was being followed from the subway."

Justin pulled Jamie against his chest while rubbing his back. "Oh sweetie, you ok?"

"Fine, it was only my imagination." Jamie lay his head on Justin's bare chest, his hand absently playing with the line of hair on Justin's stomach. "It gave me a nightmare too, but I wasn't surprised by that." Jamie smiled and blushed a bit thinking of what now got him out of his nightmares. All he had to do is picture Justin naked and walking to him with his arms open and he immediately snapped out of the terror.

The urge to do more than cuddle was strong for both of them as they settled and relaxed against each other. Jamie thought it might have been a bad idea to strip down to just their boxer briefs but wasn't about to leave the bed now. Quickly they both dozed off.

Three hours later Jamie was in a limo sitting in Justin's lap as they pulled into an underground garage.

"Where are we?"

"Never you mind. It's a surprise." The limo stopped and the door opened. "Ok, you're gonna have to trust me here, close your eyes."

Jamie closed them with a smile and Justin helped him out of the limo and over to an elevator. They got on and Jamie felt the car rapidly ascend.

"Can I open my eyes?"

"Not yet." Justin kissed Jamie's temple. "Soon."

After a few minutes the doors dinged and Justin told Jamie to open his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Jamie walked out into a picture from the glamour pages. He knew exactly where he was: the Windows of the World restaurant on top of the World Trade Center.

Glancing at Justin with surprise he took the restaurant in. Elegant wasn't enough to describe the decor, it didn't go far enough. Jamie stood in awe while Justin went to the Maitre D' and they were soon shown to a private room in the corner of the restaurant.

Jamie took in the smallish dining room. There was one large window that looked up Manhattan toward Central Park. The view was breathtaking. Candles were lit around the room and the table was set with what looked like fine china.

Jamie went over to Justin and hugged him strongly. "Oh, Justin, this is so wonderful."

"Anything for you." Justin leaned down and kissed Jamie tenderly.

They each took a glass of wine and walked to the window. Holding hands they looked out over the city, the lights twinkling below.

Jamie turned to Justin and watched him looking out the window. Justin started to turn his head but Jamie stopped him. "No, let me look at you a bit." Justin smiled but shifted his head slightly anyway so he could see Jamie better. The look in Jamie's eyes unnerved him a bit while melting his heart. Jamie had a look of such intense love that Justin had trouble standing under it. Justin pulled Jamie closer to him and wrapped his free arm around Jamie's waist.

"What are you thinking, sweet pea?"

Tears formed in Jamie's eyes as he snuggled into Justin's embrace. "Not thinking, feeling. I feel like curling up in a ball and crying because I'm so happy one second then running screaming down the street yelling out my love for you the next. I think I'm going crazy."

"Then we both must be ready for Bellevue," Justin chuckled. There was a knock at the door and they separated as it opened. A waiter came in and set some rolls and appetizers on the table before bowing and letting himself out.

"Shall we?" Justin asked with a gracious air.

Jamie giggled at him as they sat. While they picked at the food they discussed their past week. Justin gave Jamie an update on the house which pleased Jamie greatly. Justin had moved in on Saturday before heading off to Atlanta for their MTV Superbowl appearance. Lynn had helped him get settled which Jamie was glad to hear. She was still working everything out, but it seemed she was going to be fine.

"I can't wait 'till you see it. The garden tub and hot tub should be put in this week while I'm gone, but the place looks great."

"I can't wait," Jamie said truthfully. Their own house just for the two of them, the thought made him extremely happy.

The waiter soon brought soup and salad for the next course which they ate quickly. Music started playing throughout the restaurant and Jamie was pleased to hear it was some light instrumental jazz from a live group in the main dining room. Justin glanced over at him with a smile.

"Would you like to dance?" Jamie nodded enthusiastically. Completely comfortable in each other's arms, they moved slowly to the beat of the music staring deeply in each other's eyes. After several songs the live band took a break and piped in music started. The first song was a slow ballad on the top 40. Jamie and Justin continued to dance, holding each other closely as they listened to the words.

"All I am, all I'll be

Everything in this world

All that I'll ever need

Is in your eyes, shining at me

When you smile I can feel

All my passions unfolding."

"Oh, I love this song," Jamie murmured into Justin's neck.

"Your hand brushes mine

And a thousand sensations seduce me 'cause I

I do cherish you

For the rest of my life

You don't have to think twice

I will love you still

From the depths of my soul

It's beyond my control

I've waited so long to say this to you

If you're asking do I love you this much

I do."

Justin lifted Jamie's head from his shoulder with a hand on his cheek. "I love you" he whispered. Jamie answered by kissing him as passionately as he could. They melted into each others arms, locked into the kiss for the rest of the song.

"In my world, before you

I lived outside my emotions

Didn't know where I was going

'Til that day, I found you

How you opened my life

To a new paradise

In a world torn by change

Still with all of my heart 'til my dying day

I do cherish you

For the rest of my life

You don't have to think twice

I will love you still

From the depths of my soul

It's beyond my control

I've waited so long to say this to you

If you're asking do I love you this much

I do."

The song ended and they were still kissing. They pulled apart and reluctantly sat for the main course. Again with perfect timing there was knock on the door before the waiter came in with their meals and cleared the used dishes.

"Will there be anything else until dessert, sirs?"

"No thank you," Justin replied, "everything has been great. Give us some time before serving dessert. We'll ring you for it."

"Very good, sir." The waiter bowed and left them again.

They ate while talking and sharing more of themselves. Instead of childhood stories they concentrated on their hopes and dreams of the future.

Jamie wanted to have a successful studio career and maybe become a teacher of Jazz Studies and American Music at a college. Justin asked him if he ever thought of becoming a performing artist. Jamie had but only by being with a band like the Setzer Orchestra, he didn't set his sights higher than that.

Justin had so many choices to follow when 'NSync eventually ran it's course that he really didn't know which way he would go. A solo career seemed a certain success but he didn't know if he wanted to continue with that same type of life. He loved acting but didn't know if he would prefer television or movies. Performing and singing were strong preferences so Jamie suggested maybe Broadway, thinking Justin would be perfect on stage. Justin also had a strong desire to go to college, maybe film school.

In any of the possible ways they dreamt their lives would play out, both of them included the other. Neither of them could think of any kind of future without being together.

They finished the meal and sat in a comfortable silence looking deeply into each other's eyes.

"What do you think about Josh and Lance's getting married?" Justin asked breaking the quiet.

"I think it's wonderful and so romantic. They make a great couple and look cute together."

"I agree, they love each other very much. Josh asked me to be his best man."

Jamie beamed at Justin. "That's great! Have they thought of a date?"

Justin shook his head. "Not yet."

Jamie cleared his throat. "Justin, do you ever see us getting married?"

Justin looked at Jamie with a start. He didn't think Jamie was anywhere near ready for that step, he didn't even know if he was. "I do, sweet pea, and when we're both ready we'll know it."

Jamie beamed at Justin. 'That was the perfect answer, of course,' he thought to himself but his mind was in turmoil. 'Why did I ask that anyway, it's much too early to be thinking of that.'

Justin sensed a little unease in Jamie. He reached over to stroke Jamie's cheek with his fingers. "Babe, you can ask me anything at anytime, you know that. I guess it's time I do this." Justin reached into his pocket and brought out a small box.

Jamie's eyes grew wide in panic. "Justin...." he began.

Justin caught the current flowing from Jamie. "Please, Jamie, it's not -that-." Jamie relaxed slightly. Justin opened the box and brought out a fine silver ring. "This is a promise ring. I promise you that my heart is yours and everything I have we will share together. This is also a promise that when we are both ready we will be engaged and get married. It's a promise that I intend to spend the rest of my life with you."

They both had tears in their eyes when Justin slid the ring onto Jamie's finger. Jamie reached into his pocket and pulled out a box of his own.

"Well, since we're giving presents...." he said with a gleam in his eye and handed Justin the box. Justin opened it and looked inside puzzled.

"It's a charm but it's cut in two?"

Jamie pulled out the two pieces, one had a fine chain attached. "It's a Mitzvah coin." Jamie put the two pieces together, they fit like pieces of a puzzle. "Read what it says," he prompted Justin.

"May the Lord watch between you and me while we are absent one from another," Justin read. "That's from the bible isn't it?"

Jamie nodded. "Genesis, it says which chapter and verse on the back. We each wear a part of the coin to remind us when we are apart and lonely."

"Jamie it's wonderful, I'll never take it off."

Jamie went over and put the chain around Justin's neck and tucked it under his shirt. He reached under his collar and removed his chain that had the guitar charm Justin had given him and added his part of the coin. Justin got up to refasten it and tuck it under his shirt while kissing his neck. Jamie laughed and pulled Justin into his lap and kissed him.

"Justin, it's getting late, can we have dessert and get out of here?" he said suggestively.

Justin jumped up and pushed the buzzer. Dessert was delicious but neither boy tasted much of it.

They were laughed and holding hands when they left the elevator, meeting Lonnie in the hall. Justin stepped up to him and gave him a big hug.

"Lonnie, my man. Good night?"

"All quiet until now, Justin. I take it you two had fun?"

Jamie nodded with a wide smile. Lonnie let go of Justin and reached over and gave Jamie a firm hug surprising them both. "I haven't said much and it isn't my place, but I think you two are great together."

Justin hugged Lonnie again. "Thanks big guy, I really appreciate that."

Lonnie smiled and waved as they went into Justin's room and shut and locked the door.

Jamie grinned at Justin and undid his own tie. Justin stopped Jamie's hands and led him to the bed. They lay down next to each other not breaking eye contact. Justin started softly kissing Jamie as he slowly unbuttoned each button of his shirt. Jamie moaned lightly as Justin slowly rubbed his lips against his neck. Using the tip of his tongue he licked his way over and down, stopping to nibble on Jamie's ear. Going back to his neck he sucked forcefully starting a large round hickey.

Justin trailed kisses down his chest. He went to each nipple and teased them before sucking them forcefully causing Jamie to gasp. Justin kept going . As he kissed and licked his way down Jamie's stomach he also caressed it with his fingertips causing him to shiver at the touch. Undoing, Jamie's pants, Justin took them and the boxers off.

Smiling up at his lover, Justin noticed that Jamie had thrown his head back in pleasure. Taking a deep breath he took Jamie fully into his mouth and throat. Jamie bucked at the sudden sensation moaning Justin's name loudly. Justin bobbed up and down Jamie's length rhythmically, bringing Jamie closer and closer.

When Jamie thought he couldn't take anymore without cumming he sat up and pulled Justin into a deep kiss. Not breaking the connection of their lips, Jamie pushed Justin down on the bed, pinning him beneath him. As they kissed, Jamie could feel Justin's erection in his pants, fully aroused, causing him to smile.

Jamie copied Justin in every way. As he unbuttoned Justin's shirt he kissed the exposed skin. Once the shirt was off he licked and nibbled around Justin's chest spending most of his time with his nipples. Getting each one rock hard with his tongue, he then nibbled and lightly bit them until Justin was panting heavily and shivering with pleasure.

While his mouth was busy there, his hands were occupied undoing Justin's pants and taking them and his boxer briefs off. Once he was completely naked he kissed his way down his stomach, stopping to lick at his navel. Jamie held Justin's hard on with one hand and rubbed his stomach with the other. Justin was steely hard and the head was coated with precum. Jamie lapped with his tongue cleaning it then took the head in his mouth to suck out more.

Justin's head was thrashing back and forth. "Oh... oh.... oh.... Jamie....." he gasped out. Jamie knew he was close so kissed the cock head once last time before laying on top of Justin again. They kissed passionately. Jamie's tongue traced Justin's lips then pushed it's way into his mouth. Eventually Jamie broke the kiss and rubbed his nose against Justin's. He moved over and nibbled on Justin's earlobe.

"I love you, JuJu," he whispered gently. He looked up at Justin and found he was crying.

"I love you too, sweet pea."

They kissed again. "Justin, please make love to me." There was no hesitation in his voice, just solid determination.

"Oh, babe, are you sure?" Justin asked wanting to be sure. Jamie simply nodded.

They rolled so that Justin was on top. He reached down to the bag on the floor and got some lube. "If you feel uncomfortable or any pain you tell me."

"I will."

Justin squeezed a little lube out onto his fingers and rubbed it onto Jamie, sliding one up into him. Jamie gasped in pleasure at the intrusion of Justin's long finger. Justin glanced up at him and Jamie nodded for more. Justin continued to loosen and lube Jamie adding a second then a third finger.

When he felt Jamie was ready, he withdrew his fingers and then lubed up himself. Jamie wrapped his legs around Justin's waist as Justin leaned forward pressing his head against Jamie's opening. Jamie immediately tensed.

"Jamie, we don't have to do this."

Tears came to Jamie's eyes. "But I want to," he growled in frustration. "Justin, please I want to so bad."

Justin leaned down and gave him a quick kiss. "Look into my eyes, Jamie." Jamie did, his tears stopping. "Do you trust me?" Jamie nodded. "I would never hurt you or take anything from you without you wanting it. I love you, Jamie. Keep looking at me."

Justin had used this once before and it worked wonderfully to take Jamie's mind away from itself and he hoped it worked this time as well. Gently he added some pressure and his head slowly penetrated the ring of muscles. When it seemed to Justin like he wasn't going to make it past he suddenly slipped in. Jamie moaned loudly as his eyes tightened in momentary pain. Justin gasped at the sensation.

Jamie's mind rebelled as conflicting emotions fought with each other. Only the look of love and compassion in Justin's eyes locked on his kept him calm as he felt another door within himself get opened and swept away.

Their eyes never lost contact. Justin waited for Jamie to nod for him to continue then slowly pushed all the way in. Jamie felt a little discomfort, Justin was further in than he had ever experienced before. Justin positioned himself on his elbows and knees, his hands wrapped under Jamie's shoulders.

"Oh, yes, baby. Hold me while you make love to me." Leaning down Justin kissed Jamie deeply while slowly rocking in and out. Jamie wrapped his arms around Justin's neck keeping him close.

Justin kept this slow, passionate pace, without speeding up, driving them both wild. When he felt one of them getting close he would stop and kiss Jamie around the face and neck making him giggle. They both lost track of time and kept it going, slowly building to release then backing off more times than they could remember.

Their groans grew in intensity as the feeling between them did. Each time Justin backed off they started their passion from a slightly higher level. Eventually they both knew that they couldn't hold on any longer.

Justin increased is pace slightly to drive them both over the edge, spurring on their climaxes. He buried his head in Jamie's neck latching onto the sensitive skin with his lips and teeth as he began to shoot. Jamie was one second behind him and screamed Justin's name as he coated both their stomachs and chests.

They lay there panting into each other's neck as they came down off the high of their orgasms. When Justin softened enough so his cock plopped out of Jamie, he shifted them both and lay on his side pulling Jamie into his arms. He noticed that Jamie was crying.

"What's wrong, sweet pea? Are you ok?"

Jamie turned to face Justin and smiled. "Nothing's wrong and everything's right. Thanks for being here for me and being my first."

Justin looked at him, a little confused. "But I thought..." he started before Jamie interrupted him with a kiss.

"Justin, I have had sex before and I feel bad that you couldn't be my first that way. But you are the first one that has ever -made love- to me."

Justin got weepy with the sentiment. "And I plan on us making love to each other for many more years."

"God, I feel tired." Jamie said yawning.

Chuckling, Justin looked over at the clock. "You'll never believe this but we've been.. well, you know... for almost 3 hours."

"You're kidding?!" Jamie sat up a little and groaned at the time. "And we have to be up early too."

With one final kiss Justin pulled the covers over them. "Happy Valentine's Day, sweet pea, I love you."

"I love you, too, JuJu. Thanks for making it special."

They put their heads together and fell into a deep sleep wrapped in each other's arms.


Notes: God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You -

Carl Sturken/Evan Rogers This I Promise You - Richard Marx: 1999 I Do (Cherish You) - Keith Stegel/Dan Hill: 1997

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 26: Dreams That You Dared to Dream 1

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