Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Sep 14, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Here's Chapter 23.

The guys did great at the Latin Grammys. They looked so good in somewhat normal clothes! A note to NSync... you can never go wrong with black leather! LOL Plus TIPY sounds great in Spanish! I can't wait to see the video next week.

A thanks to everyone that has given me a kind word about the story, and especially to Nino for helping me think through the beginning of this chapter. Hang in there buddy!

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Jamie's Romance - Chapter Twenty-Three

Justin paced the sidewalk, helplessly looking up and down the street as JC caught up to him. "Justin, do you know where he went?"

Justin shook his head, turned suddenly then flung himself into his best friend's arms. "Josh, what do I do if we can't find him? What if something happens to him?"

"Nothing's going to happen to him, Just. He'll be ok, we'll find him."

"Why does my mom hate me so much, Josh?" Justin lost the strength in his legs and sat heavily on the lawn. JC glanced toward the house and then at Joey, Chris and Dani.

"She doesn't hate you, Curly," Chris spoke up. "She was trying to do what she thought was best and did a stupid thing. She knows that."

"You're not just saying that to make me feel better are you?"

"No, J, Chris is telling the truth. She sent us out here to help you and even admitted she made a mistake," Joey put in.

Dani knelt beside Justin and ran a hand through his hair. "So, let's get moving, handsome, and find that cute boyfriend of yours, ok?"

Justin smiled at her and rose to his feet, helping her up at the same time. He immediately took charge. "Ok, you guys go in separate cars. He couldn't have gotten far. There's only two ways to Lance's from here, really, so cover those. I'm going to the park. Jamie saw it on our ride over and commented on it, so I'll try that."

"Sounds good, Just. We all have cell phones so if you find him call," JC advised. "Come on, Joe, you're with me."

Chris grabbed Dani's hand and they went to Chris' car and took off with JC right behind him. Justin slowly walked to his roadster and slumped against the steering wheel. 'Lord, I've prayed to you before but never have I wanted a prayer answered so bad. You've blessed me so much in this life and I can't believe that you'd start punishing me now. Please let Jamie be alright. That's all I ask,' he prayed silently.

He started the car and headed to the park. Leaving his car in the lot he headed first to the kiddie rides and even from the distance recognized the familiar profile sitting on the bottom of the slide.

Sighing with relief he pulled out his cell phone and dialed JC. "Hey, it's me. He's here in the park. We'll be all set, so call Chris and tell him not to worry. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye." Justin didn't even let JC get a word in before he hung up, all his attention was to his boyfriend as he approached him.

Jamie sat on the end of the slide deep in thought. Not having a jacket, he was thankful the night was warm. He was trying very hard to hate Lynn Harliss, but was failing. 'If she had thought of us as sick and perverted, or even if she thought I was trying to take Justin for his money I could hate her,' he thought sadly. But all she was doing was trying to protect Justin and although he thought she could have handled it better, he couldn't fault her for that.

He fought within himself about the idea of his relationship with Justin. As much as Lynn's words rang true with him he couldn't just dismiss his feelings. He knew his love for Justin would drive him to do whatever his heart desired and he loved him too much to just forget and move on. Lynn's words, however, were still on his mind.

"So now what?" he asked aloud to no one in particular.

"How about you come home with me and forget this night ever happened," Justin answered, startling him.

Jamie looked up at Justin with a haggard look. "You know that's not realistic, Justin."

Justin sighed and nodded sadly. "I know." He moved over and sat behind Jamie pulling him into his arms.

"I'm sorry I just ran away like that. Not very smart considering I have no idea where I am."

"That's ok, I'm glad I found you. I guess my mom was pretty hard on you."

Jamie nodded "She's pretty insistent. She led me right into my insecurities and blindsided me with them."

"I know we were gonna talk tomorrow, but I think now's the time, huh?"

Jamie took in a deep breath. "Some of what you're mom said has been what's on my mind about us. Justin, I know I hurt you pretty bad in December. I feel bad about that."

"Listen, we've gone over that. We both know why you did that and I don't fault or blame you at all. You were protecting yourself in the only way you knew how. You were scared and not thinking right."

"You can say that again. I'm just so very sorry."

Justin pressed his cheek against the side of Jamie's head. "It's ok, sweet pea, besides, you must've been off the deep end to break up with a world famous, strikingly handsome, sexy Pop star."

"I can't argue that," Jamie laughed. "So how did you know about me and Joey?" he kidded.

Justin laughed and tickled Jamie. They settled down and sat silently for a moment listening the night around them.

"Do you want to talk about what my mother said to you?"

Jamie sighed and nodded. "I think we have to. Justin, don't be mad at her. In her strange and misguided way she was only trying to protect you. I don't hold that against her and neither should you."

"No, Jamie, she was out of line. She had no right to say the things she did to you. If she felt that way she should've told me and not ambushed you, that wasn't fair."

Jamie sat for a moment. "In a way your mother was right, though. Our relationship -is- dangerous to your career and it could be disastrous to 'NSync."

"I know, it pains me that I can't tell everyone that I'm in love and who I'm in love with. I can't kiss or hold you anytime or anywhere I want to, but to be honest, not many gay men can do that in public either. They run the same risk of ridicule, harassment and the prospect of losing their jobs. I don't think we're that different from most of the gay community except that I have a more high profile job."

"Ya, but if they slip and get caught holding hands in a restaurant they'll get a few hostile stares and maybe asked to leave. For us, the feeding frenzy in the media would be enormous."

Justin agreed. "That's true, but the fact still remains that this is a risk I'm willing to take and Johnny and the guys are behind us 100%."

"Justin, I don't think I could live with myself if it happened, knowing I helped cause it."

"Jamie, let's not kid ourselves here. We all know that 'NSync has a limited shelf life. We have another 2, maybe 3, years at best before this runs it's course. We're all prepared for that, we knew going in that it couldn't last forever. But I'm willing to put some faith in our fans. Sure we'd lose some, but we'd gain others as well."

Jamie turned his head and looked deeply into Justin's eyes. His heart leaped in his chest. 'God, I love him so much,' he thought.

"Lance, Josh and I talked a bit about this last week. We are preparing ourselves. All three of us are actually looking forward to being gay role models. Think of the good we can do for gay teens and young adults, and I know we won't be alone. We know Rosie will back us up and so will others."

"You've given this alot of thought, haven't you?"

Justin nodded. "Ok, so let's forget about my mom for right now. What's on your mind other than what she said?"

Jamie shivered in Justin's arms. 'Will this end it now?' he asked himself. "Justin, do you love me?"

Justin was a little surprised by the question. "Yes, of course. You know that."

Jamie nodded. "Yes, I do. Ok, then are you in love with me?"

Justin was now confused. "Yes, I just told you that I love you, more than anything."

"No, Justin, it sounds the same, but there's a small difference."

"I don't understand."

Jamie tried to find the words so Justin would understand what he was trying to get at. "Let me put it this way. You can love vanilla ice-cream, but you're not 'in love' with it. I know you love Josh, but are you in love with him?"

Understanding dawned on Justin's face. "I see," he said softly.

"I need to ask this, Justin, because I've been asking myself the same question almost daily. Are you in love with -me-, or are you in love with the idea of being in love."

Justin stood suddenly and knelt in front of Jamie taking both his hands in his. Tears were in his eyes as he spoke. "I can't believe you would question this, but let me answer you once and for all. Jamie, you are my life, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I truly think I would die without you. I'm realistic enough to know that there are no guarantees, look at what happened to my mother and father. But I want to try. I know deep down inside that you are the one for me. I can be there for you and help you through this pain you still have."

Tears poured down Justin's cheeks as he looked up at Jamie. "So let me ask you. Are you in love with me?" Jamie looked back sadly but didn't say anything right away. Justin hadn't really answered the question himself.

Justin was crushed by Jamie's silence and sobbed bitterly as he dropped his head into Jamie's lap. "Oh God, no." Jamie put a hand on Justin's head and ran it through his curls and let Justin continue. "I just wanted you and me to spend the rest of our lives together, grow old and maybe have a family. I need you, Jamie. All I've ever wanted was someone to love and love me back. Someone who was there for me and support me, and lately, someone outside of all this madness to bring some calm into this crazy life I've gotten myself into. I just wanted someone I could come home to and hold me. Someone to tell me it's all going to be ok and that I'm a good person and that they loved me. Is that so much to ask for?"

Jamie's mind swirled then snapped to full clarity. Justin was baring his soul to him and telling him everything he needed and wanted to hear. Jamie started to cry with the knowledge that this was the real thing. Justin was the one he could trust fully and completely.

Justin looked up at Jamie again, his eyes red and swollen. "I hoped that you'd be that person for me. I need you, Jamie. Please answer my question."

Jamie cupped his hands on Justin's cheeks and wiped his tears away with his thumbs. "Justin, I love you more than anything I've ever loved, even my own family. You make me feel loved, needed and whole. I am so in love with you I can't imagine not feeling this way."

Justin sighed through his tears and hugged Jamie to him. "I'm the happiest guy in the world right now. Jamie, whatever happens in our lives I will always be there for you, for us. I promise that I will never leave you and you'll never be alone."

New tears rolled down Justin's cheeks as Jamie leaned forward and kissed him. "And I promise you the same thing, my love."

Justin pushed him back to lay on the slide and crawled on top of him and put his head on Jamie's chest. "Please hold me," he asked. Jamie gladly wrapped his arms around Justin's back. They both finally felt at peace and content.

Some time later they arrived back at Lance's house. Jamie suggested a walk in the back yard to enjoy the night air some more and they headed to the back door. The house phone rang as they crossed the kitchen. Justin noticed that it was JC's cell from the caller id and hit the speaker button.

"Hey Josh, got you on speaker.."

"Justin... Jamie... how are you two doing?"

"Everything is fine, Josh. Actually better than fine," Jamie answered smiling at Justin.

JC sighed with relief. "That's great to hear."

"Where are you, buddy?" Justin asked.

"Back at the compound. I had some mixing I wanted to get done so I could spend time with Lance when he gets back. Joey's hanging out here with me so I'm not alone. He's hunting up some food in the kitchen. I'll say hi for you."

"Did you call Diane?" Justin asked hesitantly.

"I just got off the phone with her a minute ago."

"So how's it going for them?"

"It's all good, Justin. Lance laid a big bomb on them about him and us and Diane had a hard time dealing with it, Jim even tougher. They said alot of things they regret and Lance got angry and it all went to hell pretty fast. Thanks for Stacey. Lance had told her on Saturday and she's been acting as peacekeeper."

Both Justin and Jamie sighed with relief. "Well at least it's not as bad as we thought."

"Right, it's gonna be ok. They are both really sorry for the way they acted and are worried sick about him. They have no idea where he is. Stacey thinks he's on his way back here." JC started crying a little over the phone.

"He's ok, Josh. He'll be back tomorrow sometime if that's what he's doing," Jamie consoled him. "Remember what I told you this afternoon, ok?"

"Yes, Jamie, thanks. Diane was incredible. Both she and Jim both told me that they loved me and couldn't be happier that I was the one he fell in love with. She said to tell Lance when we saw him that he will always be their son, they loved him no matter what and that they want him to call."

"We'll tell him Josh when he gets here. I guess we'll see you tomorrow after lunch then?"

"You bet, Curly. You guys have a good night."

"We will, bye Josh. We both love you very much," Jamie said.

"I feel the same way, bye," he said before hanging up.

Justin threw his arm around Jamie's shoulder and Jamie snuggled in. "So how about that walk?"

They went out onto the lawn and walked down to the pond enjoying the quiet solitude. Listening to the crickets they didn't feel any need to speak, being comfortable just being together. Eventually they found themselves at the hot tub.

"How about a soak?" Jamie suggested.

"Sounds good, let me run up and get some trunks."

Jamie smiled at Justin and shook his head. "I don't think we need those, do we?"

Smiling, they stripped off their clothes and sank into the hot tub naked. Jamie sat in Justin's lap and put his head on his shoulder. They sat in silence for a long while letting the heat and water jets relax their tense muscles.

"Been a hell of a day, huh, sweet pea?"

Jamie sighed. "What else will be thrown at us, Justin?"

Justin rubbed Jamie's back as he hugged him tightly. "I don't know, nobody said life would be easy. But I do know one thing."

"What's that?" Jamie asked moving his head off Justin's shoulder to look him in the eyes.

"I know that we'll do it together. I promised you that I'd be with you forever and I meant it. I keep my promises."

Jamie smiled broadly and leaned in to kiss the man he loved more than anything. Justin closed his eyes anticipating the feeling of Jamie's lips on his. When their lips touched they both felt the shock of energy that told each of them that this was right and meant to be. Soon the kiss became heated and Justin's tongue came out to caress Jamie's lips. Jamie grabbed it and sucked it into his mouth making Justin moan with pleasure. Their tongues dueled back and forth as they moaned into each other's mouths.

Justin had a grip on Jamie's shoulders with one hand while the other lightly stroked his thigh beneath the water. Jamie groaned loudly as Justin moved his hand slowly up his thigh to lightly cup and rub his balls. Jamie loosened his grip on Justin's neck and caressed Justin's full pecs. He felt Justin's hardened nipples pressing against his palms and rubbed them in a circle. Justin broke the kiss and cried out in pleasure.

"Baby," he panted, "you know what that does to me."

Jamie smiled smugly and returned his tongue to Justin's mouth. He felt it almost being sucked out of his head as he lightly played with Justin's nipples with his fingertips. Justin's hand moved to lightly grasp Jamie's growing cock. He felt Jamie tense as he gently stroked up and down his length. He kept stroking and Jamie relaxed, growing harder in his hand.

The only thing on the minds of the two boys was each other's pleasure. They lost themselves until the timer on the tub shut the jets off. Jamie could feel Justin's erection pulsing between his thigh and Justin's stomach.

"Guess time's up, babe," Jamie said pretending to be sad.

"It may be here, but I'm far from finished," Justin said seductively. He grabbed Jamie around the back and under his legs and stood with Jamie in his arms.

"My strong boyfriend," Jamie cooed. Justin kissed him on the nose and carried him across the lawn and to the back door. Jamie helped by opening the door and Justin shouldered it shut before heading up the stairs to the bedroom. He lay down on the bed Jamie still in his arms. Jamie shifted and lay fully on top of Justin, their erections rubbed against each other.

They rolled on the bed so that Justin was on top of Jamie. He started kissing and licking down Jamie's body. Jamie sighed happily as Justin licked at the patch of hair in the center of his chest then nibbled at each of his nipples. Continuing down he licked at Jamie's navel and he grasped his hard dick. Stroking lightly he watched as a drop of precum started sliding down over the head.

Justin smiled and lapped it up savoring the taste of his boyfriend. He took the head into his mouth sucking it for more. He rubbed his tongue around the ridge and was reward with another larger squirt. Letting the head out of his mouth he licked down the shaft to Jamie's balls and sucked each of them making Jamie squirm. After they were coated with his saliva he returned to his cock and started taking the length into his mouth and throat as Jamie hissed in pleasure.

Justin bobbed up and down Jamie's length, his throat easily getting used to the thickness. He stopped when he felt Jamie tense and his cock grow steely hard.

"Oh, Justin, I'm so close," Jamie panted.

"I know, but I don't want it to end just yet."

Jamie pulled Justin up to him and kissed him. He licked his own precum from Justin's lips and tongue and rolled them over so he was on top.

He kissed his way down Justin's muscular chest his tongue reaching for one distended nipple. Justin sucked in air as Jamie took it into his mouth. Biting gently he rubbed his tongue around the nub making Justin shake and cry out. Jamie repeated with the other nipple leaving Justin limp and panting. He kissed his way down Justin's abs past his navel. Closing a hand around the base of Justin's cock, he watching it throb. Precum ran from the large, swollen head covering it, the shaft and his hand. Smiling up at Justin he noticed his glazed expression, his eyes rolling up into his head. Grinning he lapped at the large cock in his hand cleaning it. He took the head in his mouth and started sucking fiercely bringing a groan from Justin. Bobbing up and down slowly he gradually took more and more of him into his mouth and throat.

Justin started tensing. He ran his hands over Jamie's shoulders and through his hair. Jamie sensed that Justin was close and started going for it. Suddenly he felt himself being pulled away and back up to Justin's face. Justin shoved his tongue in Jamie's mouth, kissing him passionately.

"Oh, sweet pea, that was great, you almost made me cum."

Jamie grinned. "I know, that's what I was going for. Why'd you stop me?"

A serious expression crossed Justin's face. "Jamie, please make love to me. I need to feel you in me. I want you to be my first. Jamie, please fuck me."

Jamie's eyes widened at the request and he kissed Justin forcefully. "Baby, are you sure?"

Justin nodded. "Yes, now. I want you to take my virginity."

Jamie smiled and pecked Justin on the lips. "Let me get the lube from my kit." He jumped off the bed and quickly went into the bathroom, grabbed the lube from his shower case and crawled on top of the bed, sitting between Justin's legs.

Jamie squirted some lube onto his fingers while Justin spread and raised his legs. He noticed Justin was a little tense so he tried to ease him a little. "If someone had told me a year ago that I'd be doing this with one of the hottest Pop stars on the planet, I would've thought they were crazy."

Justin smiled broadly and relaxed a little as Jamie brought a finger to his hole. Pushing gently, it slipped in easily.

Justin exhaled a little. "That feels good."

Jamie smiled and pulled it out then added another. There was a little resistance and Justin sighed with pleasure as Jamie worked them in and out spreading the lube. Jamie noticed that Justin's hardon had wilted a little. The head was sitting on his stomach in a small puddle of precum. He worked a third finger into Justin as he started lapping at the head of Justin's dick. It surged back to full hardness almost immediately and throbbed strongly against Jamie's lips.

"Any pain?" Jamie asked as he worked his three fingers in and out of Justin.

"None, please, do it now." Justin was panting, a lustful expression crossing his face.

Jamie withdrew his fingers and lubed himself up then tossed the tube on the night table. Looking into Justin's eyes he pressed his head against the hole. "Ready?" Justin nodded his eyes closed. With a gentle shove he felt his head pass through the muscles of Justin's sphincter. Justin gasped and held Jamie's hips keeping him still.

"Oh God! That feels incredible."

"Any pain?"

"Just a little at first, but it's gone now." Justin pulled on Jamie's hips. Jamie's cock slowly sank into him until they were pressed firmly together. "Ok, now baby, make love to me."

Jamie pulled out a little then pushed back in slowly. He did it a second time and Justin convulsed. His cock spewed in an intense orgasm as he cried out Jamie's name. The first shot hit him on his mouth and chin and each successive shot hit lower and lower until he was covered. Jamie leaned over and licked Justin's seed from his chin and lips. They kissed sharing the taste.

"I think I just died, babe," Justin joked when he caught his breath.

"That was intense. You should've felt it from this end, you almost brought me with you." Jamie continued to kiss Justin as he continued to move slowly in and out of him. Jamie wanted to make sure that Justin's first time was completely pleasurable. After awhile he felt Justin's cock rubbing against his stomach, regaining his erection. Jamie picked up the pace a little and Justin sighed beneath him.

Jamie was in heaven. Justin felt so good under him. He strained to keep the relaxed pace to slowly bring them to orgasm. As he felt himself coming closer to orgasm, he increased his speed and force of his thrusts. Justin wrapped his arms around Jamie's shoulders and legs around his waist pulling them closer together. They kissed deeply as Jamie worked them both toward climax.

"That's it, Jamie. Fuck me," Justin groaned. Jamie forcefully thrust again and again into Justin bringing himself right to the edge. Reaching down he stroked Justin's cock.

"Oh baby, I'm almost there."

"Me too, Jamie."

They both cried out loudly as they came together. Justin again covered himself, the pulsing of his orgasm around Jamie's cock making Jamie shoot harder than he ever had before. They collapsed against each other breathing heavily.

"I love you, sweet pea," Justin said his eyes already closing.

"Love you too, JuJu."

They stayed in each other's arms dozing into a heavy sleep. Just before his eyes closed, Jamie noticed that they had been making love for over an hour. He grinned as he fell asleep listening to Justin's heartbeat.

Something woke Jamie from a pleasant dream. He tried to figure out what it was as he blinked his eyes clear. Looking at the clock he saw it was only 5am. He was laying on Justin, his head tucked on his chest, their arms were wrapped around each other.

Leaning up on his elbows he grimaced when his stomach sort of stuck to Justin's when he pulled off him. He smirked remembering just how much pleasure Justin experienced last night that caused the stickiness. Jamie moved Justin's arms from around him and carefully got off the bed. Justin turned on his side whining a little but didn't wake. He snuggled up to a pillow and resumed his soft snoring. Jamie brushed the curls from his forehead and kissed it. Justin sighed and smiled in his sleep.

Jamie then heard the shutting of a car door from the driveway and realized what woke him. He walked over to the window and noticed a strange car with Mississippi plates in the driveway, the trunk open. Knowing immediately who it was he grabbed some boxers and a t-shirt from a drawer and pulled them on as he ran out of the room and down the stairs.

He met Lance as he came into the house and threw his arms around him nearly bringing both of them to the floor.

"Well, glad to see someone's happy to see me," Lance laughed with no real emotion behind it. He dropped his bags and returned Jamie's hug while sobbing into his shoulder.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 24

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