Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Aug 10, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Here's Chapter 16.

I want to thank everyone for their input on the Britney poll. I got some good suggestions and you'll see what was decided when she makes an appearance, probably in a few chapters.

Someone requested more Chris and Joey. I guess I have been neglecting them a little so I'll try to inclue them some more from now on.

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes, compliments and even constructive criticism on the story. I really appreciate the mails... keep them coming. Remember to write the authors of the stories you read if only to say hi, it's always a good motivator to know that someone is reading.

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of `N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Jamie's Romance - Chapter Sixteen

It was still dark when Justin woke even though he could tell it was morning. Jamie was still fast asleep, his back pressed up against Justin's chest. Justin slowly moved from the bed trying not to disturb him. He really needed to go to the bathroom. His eyes half closed, he stumbled to the bathroom door and met Lance.

"Hey, Curly, what are you doing up?"

Justin just mumbled at Lance. "Need bathroom," he replied still half asleep. "How `bout you?"

"Same reason, sleep well, Just."

Justin simply nodded as he closed the door. Lance went and got back into bed with JC.

"What took you so long? I was getting lonely and cold," JC kidded him.

Lance snuggled down against JC. "Ran into Justin going in as I was coming out."

"Is everything ok with them?"

"Oh, I suspect it is."

"What makes you sure?"

"Just the fact that Justin came out of Jamie's room naked is all."

"But Justin doesn't sleep naked, even at home."

Lance giggled. "I know you're half asleep, Josh, but even you should be able to figure that out."

JC's eyes widened. "Oh, I get it. Just call me thick, huh?"

Lance smirked at him. "I would agree with that. Thick... and warm and...."

JC blushed as he put his hand on Lance's mouth. "Ok, enough of that," he chuckled. "We have a few more hours, wanna play or sleep?" he asked seductively.

It was Lance's turn to blush. "I really want to play, but I'm dog tired, can I take a rain check?"

"For you, anything." JC kissed Lance on the forehead and held him close as they both fell asleep.

Jamie found himself in a familiar large dark room standing in the center of a dim light. He groaned to himself even though he knew it was a dream. He almost panicked, he hadn't had this dream in a long while. He concentrated on trying to break free like Leslie had taught him but he found he couldn't. Taking a deep breath, he fought to control himself when he heard the footsteps.

The footsteps stopped and Jamie felt the presence all around him. 'I'm not scared of you!' he shouted out defiantly. At the sound of his voice the chuckling started. Jamie twitched in his sleep, fighting the urge to run, as the dream overtook him. He knew that if this continued he wouldn't be able to stop it. He frantically tried to think of something to break free. The chuckling grew louder threatening to tear him apart.

Finally Jamie thought of the one thing that could save him, the one thing he trusted above all others: Justin. The name alone floating across his mind started lowering the volume and menace around him. Jamie pictured Justin's face and the chuckling halted abruptly. He imagined the feel of Justin's arms around him and the room started changing as he slipped into more pleasant dreams.

Justin noticed Jamie moving a little in his sleep as he started slipping back into bed. "Justin," Jamie murmured without waking. He cradled Jamie in his arms and he slowly quieted. Jamie turned in his sleep snuggling up to Justin as he settled down. Justin pondered a moment about Jamie's dream before falling back asleep himself.

The smell of coffee slowly brought Jamie awake, bringing back memories of growing up, a pleasant fantasy for him. The gentle rise and fall of his head on Justin's chest reminded him of where he was and who he was with. It made him smile. This is much better, he thought to himself. `Much, much better.' He moved his head to Justin's shoulder trying not to wake him up. He didn't need to worry, Justin's breathing remained deep and uninterrupted. It was warm in the room and they had kicked most of the covers off them and Jamie noticed that they were both naked. He remembered the night before with a blush and a quickening of his heart.

He took this quiet time to get an up close and personal look at Justin in full light. His skin was amazingly soft as he ran his hand across Justin's shoulders and chest The full pecs were firm to his touch. He fingered Justin's nipples bringing them instantly erect. To Jamie they were beautiful, full and standing out proud. He continued down to his impressive abs, tracing around and through them. His fingers twirled the soft hair the grew in a line down from Justin's belly button. Justin's pubes were tightly curled and brown. His growing cock lay against his thigh pointing toward Jamie. Justin shifted a bit and groaned and Jamie paused leaving his hand on Justin's lower stomach.

He looked up at Justin to see the deep blue eyes looking back at him with a smile. "This is definitely the best way to wake up yet," he said with a yawn.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Hey, if you do it that way every morning, a guy would be stupid to complain." He sniffed the air. "Smells like Lance is making his coffee, maybe we should think about getting up?"

Jamie sighed as he nodded. He made to get up but didn't make it too far before Justin rolled and pinned Jamie underneath him.

Justin smiled. "Or maybe we could just stay here for a little while."

Jamie smiled back and pulled Justin's head down to his. Their lips met, slowly gliding over each other, tasting and caressing. Their tongues eventually made their way to meet in between, probing and exploring. Their bodies were moving against each other as the kiss grew more and more passionate. They broke the kiss breathing heavily.

"I love you so much," Justin said into Jamie's ear before kissing and licking it.

"I love you too, Justin," Jamie groaned at Justin's attention to his ear.

It was Justin's turn to groan as Jamie pushed up grinding their hips together more forcefully. They were both hard and rubbing against each other. Justin panted as he sped up, his hips moving rhythmically. He buried his head into Jamie's shoulder licking and kissing the skin and muscle bringing a long soft moan from his lover. Jamie was completely lost in the moment. Justin had found the one spot guaranteed to turn him into pile of jello.

Jamie smiled in his passion, determined that he'd find the same spot on Justin. He started by licking Justin's ear and neck. Justin moaned in pleasure but it wasn't -the- spot. He rubbed his hands slowly down Justin's back to his ass. Jamie felt the flexing of the muscles there as he kneaded and massaged, his fingertips brushing along the crack. Justin drew a deep breath and kept his rhythm going. Jamie kept exploring, the concentration holding off his orgasm as he helped bring Justin closer.

Jamie rubbed his hands through Justin's curls loving the feel of his body: the silky hair of his legs, the insistent hard cock, his strong arms wrapped around him, the hard muscled chest, the pointed nipples poking into him, his lips on his neck...

Jamie smiled, he thought he knew. `Worth a try at least,' he thought. He brought his hands down to Justin's shoulders and around to the side of his chest. He slid them between their chests and found Justin's nipples easily. With his fingertips, he gently rubbed and pulled. The effect was immediate, Justin's hips moved with more urgency as he groaned loudly into Jamie's neck.

"Oh, God," Justin moaned, "that feels ... ahh..." He returned to Jamie's neck a little more forcefully bringing Jamie closer. Jamie got rougher with Justin's nipples pulling and lightly pinching them.

"Ah.... I... oh, Jamie," he panted. "I'm so close."

"Cum for me, baby," Jamie whispered into Justin's ear. Justin shuddered violently as he came. He groaned, latching onto Jamie's neck with his teeth . This brought Jamie over the edge as well. He gasped for air as he came just a few seconds behind Justin, moaning loudly.

JC reached to knock on the bedroom door. A loud moan stopped his hand in midair. He blinked, then smiled to himself as he went back to the kitchen.

"They awake?" Lance asked over his coffee.

"They'll be out soon, I think," JC answered blushing slightly.

Lance arched an eyebrow at him and opened his mouth as if to ask something then shook his head smiling. "I don't need to know," he giggled.

After a little while Justin came into the kitchen. "Morning," he said cheerfully as he got a bowl and spoon and searched for some cereal.

Lance and JC responded but didn't say anything more. Justin sat at the table and started eating. Eventually he looked up at their smiling faces. "What are you two smiling at?"

"Oh, just a friend," Lance said.

"Ya, one who's got a certain look about him this morning," JC kidded.

"Ya, I only took a quick shower to rinse off. I need to get back to the hotel and do it right. The hair must look horrible," he said rubbing his hand through his curls as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Oh, no, you look fine. So where's Jamie?" Lance asked.

"He's in the shower now."

"So, did you and Jamie have fun this morning?" JC asked casually.

Lance nearly choked on his coffee, but Justin didn't notice, he was in his own personal daydream.

"Oh, it was great, the way he touches me... He's so wonderful, I've never felt this way....." Justin gushed before he stopped dead realizing what he was saying. He blushed a bright red and looked to JC and Lance. They were both grinning at him.

"So, I'm wonderful, huh?" Jamie laughed as he came into the kitchen. "Well, I think you're wonderful too, babe." He kissed Justin on the forehead as he went by to get some juice. Justin smiled at Jamie's praise.

"So what's up for today, Lance?" Jamie asked sitting next to Justin completely ignoring the previous conversation.

"We're meeting Joey and Chris at the hotel in about a half hour for breakfast. Justin, Josh and I have a photo shoot for Teen People. Then we'll all be on TRL at MTV."

"Another full day," Jamie sighed.

Justin put his hand on Jamie's leg to comfort him. "Well, you can come to TRL with us. I'd love to have you sitting in the audience watching us. We're free after that, right Scoop?"

Lance nodded. "And all we have tomorrow is a radio interview in the morning at 10."

Jamie nodded smiling at Justin. "How could I refuse you anything? You're too cute."

Justin beamed then continued eating his cereal.

"Jamie, I hope we're not keeping you from anything you need to do?" Lance asked. "We want to spend as much time as possible with you but we don't want you abandoning your life."

"No problem, there's nothing really. Yesterday I rescheduled some students to this weekend and I have a studio gig tomorrow morning the same time you're in your interview."

"Wow, I can't ever remember schedules ever working out like this. Lance what station are we interviewing at?"

Lance thought for a second. "The one down near the Battery Studios, Josh. I can't remember the call letters of the top of my head."

"Well, it seems it's fate or something because the Battery Studios is where I'm working tomorrow." Jamie smiled at Justin who had finished his cereal and was staring lovingly at Jamie.

"Well it's settled then. Sorry, Jamie, looks like you're stuck with us for the rest of our stay," Lance smirked.

Jamie was still looking deep into Justin's eyes. "I couldn't think of anything I'd rather do."

Within the hour they were all sitting in the hotel suite eating breakfast. JC, Lance and Justin had all showered and changed. Light conversation was floating in the room but Justin mostly paid attention to Jamie. The other guys thought this was cute but gave them the space with a minimum of good natured kidding.

At one point Justin excused himself to call his mother and Jamie started talking with Joey about his memories of New York. They started trading stories of their brothers when Justin came back. He sat next to Jamie and kissed him on the neck making him shiver. Joey leaned over to Chris whispering and giggling. Chris looked more closely at Jamie and started laughing as well.

"What, do I have booger on me or something?" he laughed becoming a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, no, nothing like that. It looks like someone got a little freaky last night," Chris laughed pointing at Jamie's neck.

They all looked and saw the vivid hickie on Jamie's neck. Justin's face was beet red as he threw a pillow at Chris. Jamie went to the mirror and got a good look at it. He knew he had one but it was pretty faint when he looked at it in the bathroom at home. His shower must have intensified the color. He tilted his head and smiled before sitting back next to Justin.

"I'm sorry...." Justin began but was cut off by Jamie's lips on his.

Jamie broke the kiss smiling. "You don't ever have to apologize for anything like that, Justin, ever." Justin smiled back rubbing his fingers over Jamie's cheek.

Jamie glanced over to Chris. "And I'll have you know, he gave me this, this morning."

Everyone laughed and it was Chris' turn to blush. "I stand corrected."

Justin whispered to Jamie. "I hope you don't mind the kidding. I actually expected it to be much worse."

Jamie smiled and whispered back. "You forget I have an older brother too, I'm used to it."

"Good," Justin replied. "Actually it makes me happy, it means they've really accepted you. We've all had friends around us before, but because Chris went there means he's accepted you as one of us. Something he doesn't do with just anybody."

"I would never have thought of Chris as the father. I thought that was Lance's job?"

Justin smiled. "It's not quite so easy as the media paints. Lance is the organized one and too often that translates into the father figure." He paused choosing his words. "I guess you could say he's more the mother than the father. That's Chris' role alone and he takes it very seriously. Sure he likes to have fun and break loose but he still looks out for us, particularly me and Lance."

Joey broke into their conversation trying to bring everyone together to talk. "So what are we gonna do today before TRL?"

Lance checked his watch. "Josh, Justin and I need to go soon for the photo shoot. The rest of you are free until you need to be at MTV before 2:30." He gave Joey and Chris a stern look.

Joey smiled at Lance. "Hey, we're not the ones that are always late. You have Josh with you."

"Hey!" Josh yelled as everyone laughed.

"Jamie, why don't you hang with us, we'll go shopping or something then head to MTV," Chris invited.

"Sure Chris, I'd like that." Justin smiled at Jamie's replied.

"Ok, that's settled then, I guess we`re done for now. Guys, the limo leaves in 15 minutes." Lance went and got more eggs from the cart.

Justin stood and pulled Jamie with him from the room. "We'll be back in a minute, guys."

Jamie followed Justin into his bedroom. Justin closed the door and pulled Jamie to him. "I know this is gonna sound stupid, but I'm gonna miss you."

Jamie smiled. "That's so sweet, Just."

"You know, Jamie, I've never felt this way before," Justin said as he sat on the bed pulling Jamie into his lap. "It's as if I'm gonna burst or something, I'm so happy."

Jamie leaned down and kissed Justin holding his face with his hands. "Believe me, I feel the same way."

Justin leaned into Jamie again pushing their lips together. They sat kissing and snuggling until Lance called Justin away for the limo.

Within the hour Jamie, Joey and Chris were at the Manhattan Mall. It was early in a weekday so it was fairly empty. They went from store to store talking idly as they went. They didn't buy much but had a great time window shopping. Eventually they stopped for some lunch at the food court.

"Jamie, it's really cool to hang out with you. I'm glad we're getting to know you better." Joey nodded in agreement with Chris over his sandwich.

"Same here, guys. I feel bad that I've been monopolizing Justin these last two days."

Joey laughed and clapped Jamie on the back. "Really? We're pissed at Justin for not letting us spend time with you!" They all laughed.

"Guys, I have a favor to ask." Joey and Chris motioned for him to continue. "Lance and I are planning a little surprise for Justin's birthday. I'm gonna fly out for his party in Orlando. You can't let him know and please help Lance if you can. I'm sure he's told Josh by now."

Joey and Chris grinned. "Oh, Justin loves surprises and I know he'll like this one!" Chris exclaimed happily.

Joey agreed. "We'll do what we can. I know he'll be a little down being away from you."

Jamie smiled. "Thanks guys."

"Either of you want anything else? I'm gonna go get some more fries." They shook their heads and Joey walked over to the McDonald's.

"Chris, quick while he's gone. Remember that Superman jacket we saw?" Chris nodded at Jamie. "Would you run over there and get it for me to give to Joey for -his- birthday on Friday?"

Chris smiled as Jamie slipped him some cash. "You bet. Be right back." Chris ran off as Joey returned with more food.

"Where's he going?"

"Oh, he remembered something so he went quick to pick it up." Joey nodded as he dug into his hamburger.

"Hey, I thought you were getting fries?"

Joey grinned at Jamie around a mouthful of fries. "I just couldn't resist. They smelled so good."

Jamie shook his head at Joey as he laughed. "You must have a hollow leg." Joey nodded enthusiastically.

Chris ran up a few minutes later. "Guys, I think we'd better get out of here. There's a large school tour group coming this way and besides it's almost 2 anyway."

Joey grew a little pale but grabbed his food anyway. They left by the nearest exit and hailed a cab. Jamie looked to Chris asking a silent question. Chris grinned and winked as he patted one of the bags in his hands.

Chris' cell phone went off as they got in the cab. "Hey Lance. =pause= No, just getting in the cab now. =pause= We might even beat you there. =pause= Ok, hold on." Chris passed the phone to Jamie with a smile.

"Hey Lance."

"Hey cuteness, I want to kiss you right now."

"But Lance, what would Justin say?"

"Hey, that's who this is!" Justin squawked into the phone.

Jamie laughed. "I know, sweetie, just pulling your leg."

"Well you can pull that anytime."

Jamie blushed. "Ok, loverboy. See you soon." Jamie giggled as he handed the phone back to Chris.

The MTV studios were a whirlwind of activity. Jamie stayed as much out of the way as possible in the waiting/makeup room. The guys were all getting a quick touch up for the cameras as Carson Daly entered the room to say hi and they all chatted for a minute. Jamie thought he caught Carson giving him a look here and there and wondered what was up with him. Soon he was taken to sit near the back of the audience with a good view up to the stage.

He sat through the beginning of the show trying to block out the screams of the girls sitting around him. Finally the guys came out and the audience went wild. Jamie found himself clapping and hooting along with them. After helping Carson announce a couple of the videos he asked a few questions. The typical TRL format. The questions were the usual and Jamie looked forward to the end of the segment so they could get out of there.

Carson had asked a question to Josh and was following up when Jamie caught Justin's eye. Justin was smiling as they shared a moment across the room all the girls between them thinking that Justin was smiling at them.

Carson's next question caught Justin completely by surprise. "So, Justin, anyone special in your life lately?"

Justin blinked and looked at Carson in mild shock.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 17

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