Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Aug 3, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Here's Chapter 15.

First: Nominations are up for the Nifty awards. Please do go and nominate your favorite stories. Then when voting starts... do that too! : )

Second: In the last chapter I gave you a small peak at a slightly more vulnerable Justin. It's something that I'll be exploring more of in the story. He can't always be the strong one here...

Third: I have a request for you, the readers. Britney Spears has been a very influential character in most of the N Sync stories and she'll be making an appearance in this one as well - pretty soon. So I would like to ask what kind of Britney' you want in the story: supportive/friendly, neutral, or antagonistic/disruptive. And also if she would have either a very minor or more prominent part in Justin and Jamie's lives. Please email me and let me know. : )

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of `N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Jamie's Romance - Chapter Fifteen

The steps to the kitchen were the hardest that Justin had ever found himself taking. He knew he had overreacted and behaved badly. Peering around the corner into the kitchen he saw Jamie in JC's arms. He looked back uncertainly at Lance who smiled and made a shooing motion with his hands at Justin from the bathroom door. Justin swallowed and took a step into the kitchen.

JC looked up and smiled. "Jamie," he said softly.

"Yes, Josh?"

JC lifted Jamie a little and turned him so he could see Justin standing there. They looked at each other in silence before they spoke right on top of each other.

"Jamie, I'm so sorry." "Justin, please forgive me."

They blinked at each other as tears flowed. Jamie jumped out of his chair and ran into Justin's arms with such force that he almost knocked Justin backwards. Justin held him and rubbed the back of his head comforting him.

"Please, don't hate me. Please Justin, promise me you'll never leave me," Jamie sobbed.

Justin was a little shocked at the emotion and force in Jamie's words. "Jamie, there's no way I could ever hate you. I love you too much. I'm sorry I ran to the bathroom, it was kinda childish and really lame." He held Jamie tightly trying to form the right words. "Jamie, I promise that I will never..." Justin started before Jamie stopped him.

"No, Justin, that isn't fair. I have no right to ask you that. I know that there are times we won't be together."

"No, let me finish." Jamie started to protest but Justin shushed him gently. "I am yours and you are mine and nothing, not jobs or miles can change that. I will always be there for you whether I'm standing next to you or talking to you from across the country. I may have to be physically away from you, but I will always be with you." Justin tapped Jamie's chest above his heart. "I know a part of you will always be with me."

Jamie cried harder at Justin's words. He marveled at the sincerity, honesty and love that he felt. JC was just staring at Justin in admiration, tears running down his face. Lance stood in the doorway nodding in approval.

"James, I guess our little Justin has grown up."

"Yes he has, Joshua, yes he has."

JC then cleared his throat. "Um, I... ah... I guess I should apologize, Justin. I was a little hard on you and I was way out of line."

Justin smiled at his best friend and nodded. "It's alright, JC. We're cool."

JC smiled back.

It had been long day for the guys and a very draining evening. Lance left a message on Chris' voice mail and joined JC in Dan's bedroom.

"Do you think they'll be ok?" JC asked nervously sitting on the end of the bed.

Lance put his phone on the night table and started emptying his pockets as he answered. "I think they'll be fine for now. JC, tomorrow I'm going to call Greg and have him meet us in Ohio."

JC quickly shifted his gaze to Lance. Lance just nodded to him as he said: "He's helped us all so much, I think we need a some advice here."

"I suppose. It was pretty scary for a minute there."

Lance sat next to JC and pulled him into his arms. "I was never more scared in my life. Well, except for the time we got caught in that mob in Germany." JC shuddered at the memory. "Josh, it worked out this time. We did the right thing for Jamie but next time we might not be so lucky. I just want the five of us to be able to help him the best we can."

"You're right as always, babe."

"Josh, why did you get so angry tonight with Justin? That's not like you."

JC sighed as he took Lance's hands in his. "I have no idea. I guess I've grown more attached to Jamie than I thought plus I was scared shitless and that's all I could think of to do."

Lance nodded and smiled at JC. "I love you very much, you know."

JC looked into Lance's sparkling green eyes and soundly kissed him. "God, I love you more than anything. I'm really tired tonight, will you just hold me?"

"As long as you hold me too." Lance smiled as JC nodded. They quickly got undressed and into bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

Jamie and Justin were in the living room on the couch. Jamie was sitting in Justin's lap, resting his head on Justin's shoulder while Justin protectively had his arms wrapped around Jamie's waist.

"Justin, what you said before... did you really mean it?"

"I won't ever lie to you, Jamie. I meant every word."

"I know I've asked before, but why me?"

Justin sighed, thinking. "The answer is the same. What's not for me to love? You're handsome, smart, funny..."

"You're such a smooth talker," Jamie kidded Justin.

"They don't call me Mr. Smooth for nothin'," Justin laughed before turning a little more serious. "Jamie, I'm really sorry I acted the way I did."

"Don't beat yourself up about it, Just."

"Well, I just wanted you to understand. When you started shaking I thought back to that time when you had to go to the hospital. It really scared me. I don't like to see you hurting, it breaks my heart."

Jamie snuggled into Justin a little closer. "You always say just the right thing to make me feel better."

"I try, Jamie, I only want to be the best boyfriend I can."

Jamie hesitated before asking the question that had been on his mind for awhile. "Justin, please don't get upset with this but I need to ask. I'm not just a sympathy case for you, am I?" Jamie cringed a little, waiting for Justin's reaction.

Justin inhaled sharply. Jamie felt him tense up under him and quickly moved to sit on the couch beside him. Justin looked at Jamie, his eyes glinting. Jamie could tell he was struggling to control himself.

Finally he spoke. "I can't believe you would think that." He took a breath and calmed himself a little. "Let me answer by asking you a question. Are you in love with me because I'm famous?"

Jamie's eyes widened, his face looked stricken as if he had been slapped. "No, Justin. I don't care if you're famous or rich or not, I love -you-. I love Justin Timberlake, the person, the musician, not the first `N' of 'N Sync." Jamie looked down at his hands. "I guess I see your point."

Justin nodded. "Then you have the answer to your question." Justin pulled Jamie into his arms. "I love you Jamie. I think I started having feelings for you before you even told me you were gay."

Jamie blinked at Justin in surprise. "Really? When?"

Justin smiled at the memory. "That day we met when we were going over music in the office. You were trying to treat me like just anybody coming to sing with the band. You've always treated me like a real person, not as this celebrity figure, and that has always meant so much to me."

Jamie smiled feeling the rest of his doubts slowly fading away. "How much do you love me?"

Justin smirked at Jamie as he pushed him down on the couch and lay on top of him. "Hmm... let me think about how to answer that," Justin replied playfully. He leaned down and pressed his lips against Jamie's for a brief kiss. "No, a little more than that," he giggled. Jamie laughed and lightly slapped Justin's arm. Justin kissed Jamie again, forcefully and passionately. Both their lips and tongues showing the love they felt. It only seemed like seconds but it was almost an hour later when they stopped.

"I've never felt this way from a kiss before," Justin panted.

Jamie nodded to him feeling the same. They smiled at each other for a long minute before kissing again. Both of them could feel the excitement of their bodies between them. They gently moved against each other to prolong and heighten the feelings. Justin gasped as he felt Jamie's hands on his ass pulling him down more firmly.

"Jamie, we'd better stop. I don't know if I can stand much more." Justin's eyes were getting a glazed expression.

"Justin, let's go to bed. I don't know how far I'm gonna be able to go, but I want to try."

Justin smiled then blushed and rolled off Jamie, sitting up. "Um, Jamie..." he stuttered. "I... um... you should know, I've never done anything like that before," he admitted shyly.

Jamie blinked at Justin. "You mean...?"

Justin blushed deeper this time. "Well, we are supposed to be honest with each other. I know you've had boyfriends before so know more about this stuff." Justin shrugged feeling a little out of his league. "I've never really had sex with anyone before."

Jamie sat up and took Justin's hand. "Well, that's not all true, Just. R-R-Roc... um... Rocky was really my first boyfriend. I did have a friend in High School, nothing major, mostly just playing around. So I'm not as experienced as you think. What did you mean by `never really'?"

Justin appeared a little more at ease. "Well, just after the Mouse Club ended and before Chris called I had a friend and we'd fool around too. Just touching each other but that's all."

Jamie probed a little further. "And what about Britney?"

Justin winced at the question and Jamie felt bad for asking it. "We're just friends, honestly, Jamie. We did nothing more than kiss while we went out but we're real close now, as friends."

Jamie smiled thinking of all the tabloid coverage the two got putting them together. "I suppose I should be flattered that I won out over Britney Spears," Jamie laughed while Justin smirked.

Justin caressed Jamie's hand with his fingers. "So, now what?" he asked nervously looking at Jamie for help.

"Well, it looks like we both have some learning to do."

Justin looked at him questioningly. "How so?"

"Well, you need to learn what it's all about."


Jamie hesitated. "And I need to learn how to trust again," he answered softly.

"You don't trust me?"

"Oh, Justin, I do trust you, in here." Jamie pointed to his heart. "But convincing this is the tough part," he added pointing to his head.

Justin nodded with a smile. "I understand, just be gentle with me," he joked quietly.

Jamie giggled. "Same for you, he-man."

They stood and Jamie pulled Justin by the hand to his bedroom. He let go at his door and went to put a CD on. Justin grabbed his backpack and went to the bathroom. Jamie joined him before long and they brushed their teeth together. When they finished Justin followed Jamie into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Standing with his hands in his pockets, he clearly looked like he didn't really know what to do next.

Jamie sighed and smiled at Justin. "Hey you, what are you thinking about right now."

Justin blushed. "Well... I'm scared I'll do the wrong thing. But I'm also having all kinds of -bad- thoughts about you." Justin emphasized the word bad with a smirk.

It was Jamie's turn to blush. "Oh, bad thoughts huh? Why don't you come over here and show me?"

Justin walked over to Jamie, still obviously nervous. "Um... "

"Justin, just relax." Jamie put his hands on Justin's waist. "Tell you what, you do what you want to me and then I'll do the same to you. If either of us starts to feel ncomfortable then we tell each other. Ok?" Justin nodded smiling. "What do you want to do, right this second?"

"I want to kiss you."

Jamie smiled at him. "You never have to ask." Justin smiled as he leaned down for the kiss. Their lips met and they both moaned at the feeling. Justin gently caressed Jamie's cheeks with his fingertips then let his hands trail down Jamie's shoulders to the front of his chest. "Mmmm," Jamie moaned as he rubbed Justin's waist. Justin then got a little bolder and started undoing the buttons of Jamie's shirt. He pulled it off Jamie's shoulders and let if fall. Jamie broke the kiss for a second to pull Justin's sweater over his head.

"God you look sexy in a tank top," Jamie panted. "But I'd rather see you without it." Justin smiled and let Jamie pull his wife-beater over his head as well. They gazed at each other for a second before continuing to kiss. Jamie explored Justin's lower back as Justin's confidence grew. He kneaded Jamie's shoulders then his chest moving down to his stomach. With his hands shaking a little he looked down and started undoing Jamie's belt and pants. Jamie put his head on Justin's shoulder and kissed the side of his neck.

Justin shivered at the touch. "You're not making this easy to do," he giggled as he finally unbuttoned Jamie's jeans and got the zipper down. Jamie reached down and easily undid Justin's jeans not breaking his contact with Justin's neck. Jamie kissed up Justin's neck to his ear. He tongued around Justin's earring as Justin groaned in pleasure. "Let's get our pants and shoes off and lie down," he whispered in Justin's ear.

They reluctantly separated to sit on the edge of the bed to take off their shoes. They grinned at each other as they both slid their pants down. Justin leaned over Jamie and started kissing his neck and shoulder as he pulled him up with him on the bed. They kissed and held each other shifting positions often, first one then the other on top then side by side.

Justin rolled on top of Jamie kissing across his cheek to his neck and throat. He kissed and licked Jamie's neck making him groan with pleasure. Justin sighed as Jamie reached around and pulled him down more firmly. They both could feel their erections rubbing against each other through their boxer briefs.

Justin's breathing was getting heavy and he moved with more urgency. "Jamie, this feels incredible," he panted.

Jamie smiled up at Justin. "Justy, can I see it?"

Justin nodded and sat up on Jamie's waist. Jamie reached over and carefully pulled the front of Justin's briefs out and over his hard on. Jamie's eyes widened at the throbbing member, it was perfectly proportioned just like Justin. It was long and straight, steely hard with just a little thickness. A drop of precum clung to the large coral colored head. Jamie took it gently in his fingers and Justin shivered.

Justin grabbed Jamie's wrist. "Oh, don't, I'm gonna cum if you do." His breathing had become very heavy. Jamie nodded and let go still admiring it as it throbbed hovering over his own. Justin reached down and took his briefs off then reached for the waistband of Jamie's looking up at him for permission. Jamie nodded with a smile.

Justin admired Jamie like Jamie had admired him. Although not quite as long as his it was definitely thicker and Justin thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He took in the sight of Jamie completely naked. A lump formed in his throat as he took Jamie's hands in his. "Jamie, you are so beautiful."

Justin lay down beside Jamie so they could face each other and kissed him deeply. He reached down and started rubbing Jamie's cock making Jamie groan into the kiss.

"Jamie, please can we do this to each other? I can't wait anymore."

"For you, anything, Justin." Jamie reached down to stroke Justin with his hand.

Their kissing grew more frantic as they both got closer to orgasm. Jamie rolled a little on his back as he felt himself getting close. "Oh, Justin, I'm so close," he panted.

"Me too..." Justin groaned as he pushed forward with his hips a little with pleasure. Jamie leaned over and started licking Justin's ear. It pushed him over the edge as he let out a little squeal and started cumming. His first shot landed across Jamie's stomach, the rest shooting over both of them. Jamie joined Justin when he felt Justin's dick pulse and his cum land on his stomach. His cum joined Justin's all over them both.

When their spasms had calmed they just clung to each other giving each other short loving kisses catching their breath. They held each other close not wanting to let go and looked at each other in a comfortable silence.

"I never imagined it could feel like that," Justin said softly.

Jamie smiled at Justin. "It always feels better with the one you love."

They held each other in silence again. The CD was still playing on the stereo, Ella Fitzgerald's voice carrying over to them.

"I love you for sentimental reasons

I hope you do believe me

I've given you my heart

I love you and you alone were meant for me

Please give your loving heart to me

And say we'll never part

I think of you every morning

Dream of you every night

Darling, I'm never lonely

Whenever you're in sight.

I love you for sentimental reasons

I hope you do believe me

I'm giving you my heart."

The song continued as Ella softly scatted to small combo playing with her. Justin noticed some tears in Jamie's eyes. "Jamie, are you ok?"

Jamie nodded. "I've never been better," he said as tears continued form.

"Then why are you crying?" Justin asked kissing him gently on the cheek.

"The song sums up what I'm thinking too well, because you make me so happy. I never thought I could feel like this again, thank you, Justin."

Now it was Justin's turn as tears fell down his cheeks. Jamie kissed them away. "Jamie, I love you so much. I've never felt this way about anybody before."

"Then we feel the same." Jamie hugged Justin closer. They stayed that way and eventually drifted off to sleep finally both more content than they have ever been.


Notes: I Love You For Sentimental Reasons: Deek Watson/William Best - 1945

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 16

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