Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Jul 20, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Here's Chapter 13.

Thirteen, considered an unlucky number. If I were superstitious, I'd make this chapter real short and move on. : )

I have no comments right now, but will definitely have something for the next chapter. Maybe, maybe not! : )

This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of `N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Jamie's Romance - Chapter Thirteen

Jamie woke the next morning feeling the best he had in weeks. He had slept through the entire night without one nightmare or bad dream. It was barely 9 and he marveled at how awake he was as he headed to the kitchen for breakfast. He was happily munching on toast listening to the radio when the phone rang.

"Hey, Jamie!" Justin's friendly voice sang out to him.

"Hey you, you're up early."

"I know, we have an interview in a few minutes and JC wouldn't let me sleep."

Jamie giggled at him. "You poor thing. So what's up with you guys today?"

Justin's voice suddenly got quiet. "After this interview we go right to a signing for the single. Then eat lunch while we drive to MTV to tape some promos for things at 2. Then we have a third signing before a live radio interview. We're done after that and should be free around 7 with any luck."

"Geez, Just, that schedule's a killer. How can you stand it?"

"Well, I had Lance move some stuff around so that I could spend more time with you the next few days. I'm pretty much free after today until we leave."

A lump formed in Jamie's throat as Justin mentioned leaving. He knew deep down they couldn't stay in New York indefinitely but was trying not to think about it. "When do you leave?" he finally asked.

"Friday morning," Justin answered, his voice tinged with sadness.

"Justin, it will be ok. When are you back in town?"

"Hold on, sweetie." There was some muffled talking, some if it sounded a little harsh to Jamie. Things quieted down as Justin got back on the phone. "Ok, I'm back."

"Justin, is everything ok?"

"Oh, it's fine."

"You're a terrible liar. What happened?"

"I got a little mad at Lance but we're good now."

"Please Justin, don't get all crazy because of this. Lance is only doing his job."

"I know," Justin sighed. "We aren't scheduled to be back here until the middle of February for some recording and a pre-production meeting at NBC for Saturday Night Live."

Jamie's heart sank. "Three weeks, huh?"

"Ya, babe. Are you gonna be alright with that?"

"I'm gonna have to be," he said sadly. "Can I speak to Lance?"

"Um, sure."

Lance took the phone and his deep voice came across to Jamie. "Hey Jamie, what's up? We'll have to cut this short, we're almost there."

"Hi Lance. Don't let Justin bother you too much."

"Oh, I don't," Lance laughed. "I'm used to him."

"Lance, I want to do something to surprise Justin for his birthday. Will you call me later when you are alone and have a minute to talk?"

"Sure Jamie, no problem, here's Justin." Lance laughed as Justin grabbed his phone back.

"What was that about?" Justin asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I just told Lance to keep your toes in line," Jamie laughed.

Justin humphed with indignation. "We'll see about that. Jamie we're pulling up, I gotta go. I'll call you when we get back in the limo, ok?"

"Ok, Just. I miss you."

"I miss you too, talk to you later."

Jamie hung up the phone and sighed. I can do this, I can do this,' he kept repeating to himself as he closed his eyes. Having Justin as a boyfriend for just a few days at a time is better than not having him at all.' He tried to convince himself and only partially succeeded. `I can do this....'

Justin put his phone in his pocket and pouted as he got out of the limo.

JC put his arm around him. "Cheer up, J, the day will go fast and you'll see him soon."

"Oh, I know, JC. I'm just worried about what happens on Friday."

JC squeezed Justin's shoulder sympathetically. "I think things will work out alright, Justin. I really do."

`I hope your right,' Justin thought to himself as he nodded sadly at JC.

It was only 10 minutes later when the phone rang.

"Hey, Jamie, it's Lance, I don't have much time. What's on your mind?"

"That was quick, where's Justin?"

"He's in a different make-up room so I thought I'd chance it."

"Ok, great. Lance, Justin's birthday is this Monday. Where are you guys gonna be?"

Lance thought for a moment before answering. "Somewhere in Ohio, Columbus, I think. We'll have a small party for him wherever we are."

Jamie thought for a minute. "Are you gonna have a regular party for him sometime?"

Lance caught on to what Jamie was thinking. "Yes, the Saturday after in Orlando, Lynn is throwing a party for him. I know what you're thinking and I like it. We have Saturday through Monday off so it works out perfectly. He won't be expecting it and will be so happy if you're there. We get into town late on Friday, so it would be good if you flew in early Saturday, ok?"

"Sounds perfect, Lance. Thanks a lot, I really appreciate this."

"No prob, Jamie. I want to help if I can. Leave the details to me and I'll let you know when they get settled." There was a pause and then Lance started sounding very official. "So when you get the contract I need you to look it over and call me to discuss it, alright?"

Jamie giggled. "He just walked into the room, didn't he?"

"Yes, that's correct," Lance replied.

"Ok, I'll let you go, or maybe I'll keep talking to see how good you really are?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. We can -discuss- that later." The meaning behind the way Lance emphasized `discuss' was not lost on Jamie.

"Only kidding, I'll talk to you later, buddy."

"That's right, we'll talk later, bye." Lance switched off the phone and headed to the interview with Justin.

Jamie chuckled as he put the phone back on the cradle. His talk with Lance made him feel better. `Maybe this -can- work out. He doesn't always have to come to me. I just have to be creative and not give up,' he convinced himself.

An hour later Jamie was sitting on the couch practicing when the phone rang again. He almost didn't hear it he was so preoccupied with what he was doing.

"Jello," he said into the phone.

"Yes, I'd like a large pie with pepperoni, please."

"Sorry, wrong number," Jamie answered and hung up. A second later it rang again.

"What, you don't like pizza?" Justin asked, the pout very evident in his voice.

"Oh, Justin! I'm so sorry. My mind was somewhere else because I was practicing and I didn't recognize your voice."

Justin laughed. "That's ok, don't worry about it. Guess what?"

"What?" Jamie asked back amused.

"The record signing was cancelled this morning. A water main break or something, the store is flooded. Isn't that great!?"

"But Justin, the store is probably ruined," Jamie said trying to stay serious. He held in a laugh knowing that Justin hadn't thought about the store and was just excited to have a little extra time off.

"Oh, ya," he said suddenly aware of how he sounded. "I guess it's not that great then. But the best part is that we're free until we have to be at MTV at 2."

"That's good Justin," Jamie sighed.

"Hey cheer up! You like pepperoni right?"

"Ya, of course. What's that got to do with anything?"

"Well, we'll be there as soon as we get the pies. You're place is closer to MTV than the hotel so it works out great!"

Jamie perked up. "You're coming here?! Yay!!!!" he nearly shouted over the phone

Justin laughed. "Try to cheer up, ok?"

Jamie laughed along with him. "See you soon, cute thing."

"You bet, handsome."

Jamie quickly tidied up the apartment and before he knew it the door buzzer went off. I'll have to get Justin a key,' he thought to himself as he buzzed them in. As we waited by the door he thought over his last thought and he smiled. I'll have to discuss it with Dan first, of course, but why not.'

Joey entered first carrying an armload of pizza boxes smiling at Jamie and bumped him playfully with his shoulder.

"Geez, how much pizza do you guys think we need?"

"Hey, we're hungry," Chris said entered right behind Joey and giving Jamie a hug.

Lance and JC were next with a big double hug. Justin waited patiently with a big smile on his face for his turn. Jamie closed the door as Justin pulled him into a tight hug.

"Mmmm," Jamie said. "That feels so good."

Justin smiled at Jamie. He looked around to see that the guys had scattered through the apartment, exploring before lunch. "It does, but this feels better." He leaned down and kissed Jamie sweetly and gently.

Jamie melted in Justin's arms. All his doubts, cares and worries faded to nothing. This is what he wanted and needed. Jamie started lovingly sucking Justin's lower lip, which made Justin moan with pleasure. Justin responded by caressing Jamie's lips with his tongue.

The sound of someone clearing their throat brought them to a stop. Justin pulled his head back a little and turned to see Joey and Chris standing in front of them with amused smirks. Jamie nudged Justin to look over by the hallway. JC had Lance pushed against the wall and they were deep in their own kiss.

Joey turned to look and groaned. "Geez, guys, I'm starving, can't this wait?!"

They all laughed at Joey and sat in the living room spreading the pizza around. Jamie couldn't believe how much they ate but thought that with the hectic schedules they had it wasn't surprising.

Soon most of the pizza was gone and everybody settled in to relax talking over and around each other. Jamie laughed to himself. There must have been 5 conversations going on at once.

"What's so amusing, babe?" Justin asked him.

"Oh, with all the talk it reminds me of my family when we get together," Jamie chuckled.

Justin smiled and looked him in the eye. "This is now your family too."

Jamie teared up with Justin's sentiment. "Thank you, Justin. That means the world to me." He put his head on Justin's shoulder as Justin rubbed his back.

Eventually the talking died down. They looked over to see Joey snuggled into a recliner quickly falling asleep. Chris was on the floor and wasn't doing any better. Lance and JC were on the couch, JC leaning back against Lance who held him in his arms. Lance was talking quietly in JC's ear. JC looked like he was about to fall asleep as well.

Jamie motioned for Justin to follow him. Lance smiled at them as they passed. Jamie reached down quickly and squeezed Lance's shoulder affectionately and whispered something in his ear. Lance chuckled and whispered a thank you.

Jamie took Justin's hand and they quietly headed down the hall to his bedroom. Justin closed the door as Jamie went over to set the alarm clock.

"What time do you need to leave?"

"We told Lonnie to pick us up at 1:30," Justin answered sitting on Jamie's bed. Jamie set the alarm for 1:15 then joined him.

"What did you whisper to Lance?" Justin asked casually as he took off his sweater.

"Jealous already?" Justin shook his head no and smiled. Jamie chuckled at him. "You're so cute when you do that. I told him that if he and JC wanted some privacy that they could use Dan's bedroom, he won't mind, besides he's out of town tonight."

Justin laughed and moved up on the bed pulling Jamie with him. Jamie sighed deeply as he relaxed in Justin's arms, Justin's head on his shoulder.

"Jamie, do you mind if we don't go out tonight and just stay here instead?"

"No, I don't mind, you gonna be beat, huh?" Justin just nodded and snuggled closer into Jamie. Jamie sighed as he heard and felt Justin's breathing become heavy and regular. Jamie wasn't sleepy so he was content to lie with Justin and think.

He was sure that he wanted to be in a relationship with Justin, it felt right to him. He tried to deny it a month ago - his emotions were too raw for him to deal with then. He still worried if they could give each other what they both needed. Only time would answer that question and he had promised Justin he would try. And he did want to try. He didn't doubt Justin's feelings for him, Justin had proven that by coming back, but he did question his own.

It worried him that he would never know if and when he would crack and he didn't want Justin to be caught in the middle. Dr. Ward warned him that there would be times that the pain would peek through again and it would take a very long time for it to be completely gone. Anything could cause it, a word or a touch, anything. Jamie hated the possibility of losing control.

His thoughts turned to those of intimacy, another area he and Dr. Ward were working on. He felt very comfortable in Justin's arms, always had. And Justin's kisses made his legs go rubbery. His fear was what his reaction would be when they tried to go further and he knew that eventually both of them would want more sexually. This is the part that scared him most. It had taken him a month before he could even masturbate without triggering a panic attack. He had talked to the doctor about that too, it was one of the most embarrassing things ever but they had discussed it and she had advised him on exercises to make the pain bearable and able to be dealt with.

He was glad he had another appointment next week. He knew that he would be talking to her about taking this relationship further, he knew that's where it was going. Maybe she had exercises for both of them to do together. That thought brought a smile to his face and a blush to his cheeks. He made a mental note to call her later in the afternoon.

His daily sessions in November turned to weekly in December. Dr. Ward was very confident in his progress and he felt like he was doing better with help from Zack and his family. She tried to refer him to someone in New York but he wouldn't hear of it. They decided on twice a month and Jamie would catch a train to Boston and make a day of it, visiting with Zack and relaxing a bit.

He came out of his inner thoughts and looked down at Justin as he slept. `He looks so peaceful, not a care in the world,' Jamie thought as he reached over and played with Justin's curls. Justin sighed in his sleep and snuggled closer to Jamie.

Jamie took this time to look at Justin closely as he slept in his jeans and tank top. Although thin for his height he was certainly in good shape. Jamie traced the muscles of Justin's shoulder with his fingers and continued feeling down his arm. The combination of his soft skin and firm muscles fascinated Jamie. He played with the silky hair on Justin's forearms before travelling back up his arm again to the shoulder.

Justin was moving a little in his sleep, his body reacting to Jamie's exploration. Jamie smiled to himself as he traced lines between the freckles on Justin's shoulder with one fingertip. He leaned down and gently kissed Justin on the shoulder.

"Mmmm, that's a great way to wake up," Justin said softly.

"You like that, huh?"

"Very much," Justin sighed as turned on his side and snuggled in to Jamie's shoulder.

"Might as well stay up, sweets, it's almost time to get up." Jamie didn't speak a moment to soon as the alarm went off.

Justin groaned as he sat up. "Well, it was good while it lasted." He leaned over and kissed Jamie. It was a short loving kiss that lasted briefly but conveyed a lot of meaning.

"I'll go get the others while you get yourself together." Jamie left the room as Justin walked to the mirror to fix his hair.

Everyone else was pretty much awake and just resting and before long Lance's cell phone rang letting them know their ride was back.

"I'll call you when we get done, Jamie, ok?" Justin asked at the door.

"I'm counting on it." Justin smiled and kissed Jamie on the forehead.

"I don't trust myself for more if we want to be on time," Justin said to Jamie's puzzled look.

Jamie giggled and shooed Justin out the door. "See you later, Romeo."

Jamie sighed as he closed the door and went to do some more practicing.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 14

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