Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Jul 15, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Here's Chapter 12.

Not much to say today. Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks to anyone who's written!

This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of `N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

From Chapter 11:

"Justin's almost ready, Jamie." Jamie nodded growing a little nervous. JC sensed this and tried to lighten the mood a little. "He's fussing with his hair."

They all laughed and Jamie felt better. It sounded to him like Justin was just as nervous as he was. It was just as Jamie had that thought that Justin came into the room and Jamie's heart stopped. My God, he's so handsome,' he thought to himself, then added guiltily, and hot!'

Justin was thinking the same thing as they both just looked at each other without saying a word.

The others just waited to see who would move first.

Jamie's Romance - Chapter Twelve

JC finally nudged Justin a little from behind to get him moving.

"Um... ah, Jamie... ah... you look great!" Justin said suddenly becoming bashful.

Everyone moved away to give them a little privacy.

"Thanks, Justin, you do too." Jamie smiled at Justin who looked up and gave a small smile back.

Justin reached out and took Jamie's hand in his. "You ready to leave?" he asked.

Jamie had to suppress a giggle because to him Justin looked as nervous as he felt. Butterflies were performing a circus in his stomach as he answered, "You bet."

"Bye guys!" Justin called across the room. A chorus of good-bye's mixed with some good-natured off-color advice followed them to the door. They cut the voices off as they shut the door firmly laughing quietly together. Lonnie met them in the hall.

"Hey, Lon, you ready?"

"All set, Justin," he replied as he rang for the elevator which quickly arrived. Justin and Jamie went through the doors and Lonnie followed. Jamie looked at Justin silently asking the question.

"Oh, Jamie, you've met Lonnie, right?"

"Yes, we met when Dan and I first got here."

"Great. Lonnie, whenever Jamie is around I'd appreciate it if you'd look out for him too."

"Sure thing," Lonnie answered with a grin.

Justin turned to Jamie. "Lonnie is part of our security team and is usually assigned to me. He's a part of the family, really. He usually goes around with us when we're not at home to make sure everything's ok."

"Ah," Jamie said clearly uneasy. It was then he noticed that the elevator was going up and not down. "Um, Justin, where're we going?"

Justin smirked at Jamie. "Well, I have a surprise. You'll see."

Jamie grinned, his thoughts swirling around how mysterious Justin was being. It was obvious he was up to something. Finally the elevator arrived at the 30th floor and Lonnie stepped out ahead of them. They followed him down a short hallway and stopped at a frosted glass door.

"I'll be down on the floor with the others, Justin. Page me when you're ready or if there's any trouble," Lonnie said. Justin nodded to Lonnie and he headed back to the elevator.

Justin reached over and opened the door and Jamie looked into the hotel atrium. It was set up café style and there were two other couples quietly eating dinner among the plants.

"Wow, Justin, this is great," Jamie remarked as they entered the atrium.

"Isn't it? The top couple of floors of the hotel are penthouses. There are some permanent residents and they use this as a sorta common and dining room."

"Should we be here?"

Justin giggled at Jamie. "Well, `special' guests of the hotel can use it as well." Justin grinned. "Sometimes the celebrity part of my life does have some benefits."

Jamie laughed quietly at Justin as a hotel employee approached them. "Good evening Mr. Timberlake. The table we've set for you and your guest is this way."

Jamie and Justin followed getting a few disinterested looks from the other people there. A trio of sax, piano and drums were in a corner softly playing light music. Jamie looked over to see if he recognized any of them but didn't. The sax player nodded to him as he passed and Jamie smiled back. Quickly they were shown to a more private corner of the greenhouse-like room.

"So what's for dinner?" Jamie asked curiously as they sat opposite each other at the small table.

"Well, the usual appetizers and then Coq au Vin. I hope you don't mind, but I had to give them the order this morning."

"No, that sounds great. You're a man of many surprises, Mr. Timberlake."

Justin blushed. "All for you Mr. Campbell. Most of the thanks go to Lonnie. We used this room to celebrate JC's birthday last summer. I'd almost forgotten about it."

Their appetizers arrived and they dug in. The conversation jumped from topic to topic but mostly centered on Justin asking question after question about Jamie. Some of the things he knew from their talks in the fall but he probed for as much information as Jamie would give. They laughed as they shared stories about growing up.

To Jamie it seemed like only a few minutes had passed as they finished dinner but a glance at his watch told him it had been almost 2 hours. He looked out into the atrium to see that they were the only ones left with a waiter and the musicians. The waiter took their dishes and brought the dessert.

"I'll be leaving now, Mr. Timberlake. If you need anything call down on the phone by the door."

"I think we're fine. Thanks for everything," Justin smiled. The waiter nodded and left through a service door.

"Justin, this has been so wonderful."

Justin smiled at Jamie. "Well, I wanted to do something a little more special than a regular restaurant plus this way we get a little more privacy." Justin looked at Jamie closely clearly wanting to say something more.

Jamie caught the awkward silence. "Justin, go ahead, say what you need to say. I promise I won't be offended or anything."

Justin nodded and cleared his throat. "Well, I wanted this to be special for a lot of reasons. First because it's our first real date." He smiled at Jamie. "Also because I still feel like I need to make up for the things that happened this fall."

"No, Justin, there's nothing to make up for, believe me. I should be making it up to you."

Justin reached over and took Jamie's hand on the table. He looked at Jamie, caressing him with his eyes. "Well, I'm warning you that I might overcompensate a little. If I get out of hand and make you uncomfortable then you should tell me but other than that you'll just have to get used to it."

Jamie looked at Justin a little shocked at his words then chuckled noticing Justin's broad grin. Justin sighed with relief.

"Well, I wanted to give this to you for graduation...." He let the thought trail off hoping he wasn't bringing up a sore spot with Jamie but continued when he saw Jamie just smile at him then squeeze his hand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. "It's not much, really, but I wanted to give you something special." He slid the box over to Jamie on the table.

"Oh, Justin, you shouldn't have."

"Yes, I did," Justin chuckled.

Jamie released Justin's hand and opened the box. He grinned widely as he pulled out the silver chain with a silver guitar charm dangling from it. "Would you put it on?"

Justin nodded and went over to Jamie and put the chain around his neck. He took the charm in his hand and turned it over to show Jamie the engraving. Jamie eyes filled with tears when he read: 'to J from J with admiration'.

"I do mean admiration on many levels. Aside from everything you've been through lately, you've also done something that I hope to someday. Once all this craziness dies down I want to go to college too. Do you like it?"

Jamie said nothing but grabbed each of Justin's hands and pulled him down for a kiss. Their lips met as they gently caressed and tasted each other. Justin was the first to take the kiss to the next level by carefully running his tongue along Jamie's upper lip. Jamie moaned softly and did the same to Justin.

All to soon Justin moved away with a sigh. He pulled on Jamie's hands to get him to stand. "May I have this dance, sir?" he asked formally with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Why I'd be honored," Jamie replied just as formally.

Justin pulled Jamie into his arms as Jamie put his hands on Justin's waist. They danced, slowly swaying to the music while staring deeply into each other's eyes. They kept dancing for song after song. Eventually Jamie laid his head on Justin's shoulder, his face pressed into Justin's neck.

Justin smiled as he leaned his head against Jamie's. He caught the sax player's eye and gave him a silent signal. As the next song started Justin began singing softly into Jamie's ear.

"Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree

And I feel like I'm clinging to a cloud, I can't understand,

I get misty just holding your hand."

Jamie snuggled into Justin a little tighter enjoying the sound of Justin singing to him. The vibrations of Justin's voice on his chest giving him comfort.

"Walk my way, and a thousand violins begin to play,

Or it might be the sound of your hello, that music I hear,

I get misty the moment you're near.

You can say that you're leading me on,

But it's just what I want you to do.

Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost,

That's why I'm following you.

On my own, would I wander through this wonderland alone,

Never knowing my right foot from my left, my hat from my glove,

I'm too misty and too much in love."

Jamie moved to look Justin in the eye as the song ended, tears streaming down his face. Justin reached up and wiped the tears from Jamie's cheek with his fingers.

"I love you too, Justin," he said simply.

Justin leaned in to kiss Jamie again. It was soft but passionate. They both lost themselves as their tongues freely explored back and forth.

The trio took it as their cue to leave. Smiling to themselves they quietly left the room. "Nice kids," one of them commented. "They make a cute couple." The other two nodded in agreement.

Quite a few minutes later Justin and Jamie separated from their kiss. Jamie's eyes were still closed and he had a large smile on his face. Justin licked his lips still tasting Jamie on his tongue. Jamie slowly opened his eyes looking at Justin intently.

"Justin, last fall we told everyone we were dating and that felt uncomfortable to me." Justin's look turned to one of concern and worry. Jamie noticed and comforted him while trying to make his meaning more clear. "It doesn't feel that way now. Actually I think I want our relationship to be more."

"Do you mean...?" Justin started to ask not able to find the words to finish.

Jamie nodded. "Yes, Justin, would you be my boyfriend and let me be yours?"

"A committed relationship, just the two of us?" Justin tried to clarify.

Jamie nodded again keeping silent, praying to himself. He wasn't at all prepared for Justin's reaction. Justin lifted Jamie in his arms and twirled him around and around until they were both dizzy, laughing crazily. "Now that's what I wanted to hear!"

"Good." Jamie said softly, smiling at Justin's enthusiasm.

"But a couple of things first, though," Justin added becoming serious for a second.

"And what would those things be?" Jamie asked curiously.

"Well, first, I want you to feel like you can say anything to me, at any time."

Jamie smiled and nodded.

"Ok, plus I don't want you holding anything back from me. If you have any doubts, fears, worries, whatever, you come to me and we can talk them out, ok?"


"And last, at any time if you feel not ready or uncomfortable about anything you tell me. No worrying about hurting my feelings."

Jamie blushed. "I will try Justin, I promise as long as you promise me the same."

Justin beamed at Jamie as he nodded. He brushed his fingers through Jamie's hair. "I love you so much."

Jamie started crying again at Justin's words.

"What's wrong babe?"

"I'm just..." He choked and couldn't finish. Justin held him closely still caressing his hair.

"It's ok, Jamie, I understand. I feel the same way too."

They smiled holding each other for a long minute not speaking but communicating their feelings with their eyes and hands.

A knock at the door brought them back to reality. They looked to see JC's head peering around the door.

"Hey you two, the guys sent me up to get you. The show starts in ten minutes." JC came fully into the room and took a few steps toward them.

"Oh, thanks JC, we lost track of time," Justin admitted.

JC smiled as Jamie blushed. "So, you have a good dinner?"

Jamie nodded. "It was wonderful." He looked up into Justin's eyes. "Go ahead, tell him," he urged softly, "I know you do." He smiled at Justin.

Justin kissed Jamie on the forehead gently before looking to JC. "I guess you're the first to know, we are now officially a couple."

JC's grin looked like it would split his face apart it was so wide. He closed the distance and grabbed Justin in a bear hug the left Justin gasping for air. "I'm so happy for both of you," he yelled.

He released Justin who just stood chuckling and went to Jamie. He pulled him into a strong, but more gentle, hug. "Welcome to the family, Jamie. I'm so glad you and Justin found each other," he said sincerely as he kissed Jamie's cheek.

Jamie blushed at the welcome, love and acceptance JC was showing him. "Thanks JC, that means a lot to me."

"Well, we better get going or we're gonna miss the show!" JC pulled Jamie along with him grabbing Justin on the way and ushered them to the elevator.

The got back to the suite just before the show started. Justin excused himself to use the bathroom as Dan came up to Jamie.

"So, Sonny, how was your evening?" he asked softly.

"Oh, Dan. Justin is so... so... oh, I don't know... wonderful. Sounds cheesy doesn't it?" he laughed.

Dan nodded. "It does, but as long as it's true that's what matters."

Jamie showed Dan his necklace. "He told me he was proud of me."

"He isn't the only one, little brother," Dan said giving him a quick hug. "Come on, let's go get some seats." Dan and Jamie picked seats on one of the couches next to Joey.

Justin came into the room and looked for a place to sit. Chris was lying on the floor and JC and Lance were snuggled into a love seat. He quickly chose to sit on the floor between Jamie's legs. He wrapped his arms around Jamie's calves and laid his head against one knee. Jamie smiled and put one hand on the side of Justin's head and absently played with the curls.

Joey nudged Dan playfully and they both chuckled. JC was whispering into Lance's ear when Chris' shout startled them all. "Here it is! It's starting!"

JC laughed as he threw a pillow at Chris. Everyone laughed and quickly settled down to watch the show. It was a treat for Dan and Jamie because they got to witness the running commentary by the guys throughout, mostly during the commercials. It gave them an insight on how they worked together.

Every so often Justin would squeeze Jamie's leg or foot but mostly he sat rubbing his shins. Jamie got tired of Justin's curls and moved to lovingly caressing his ear, which made Justin almost purr in pleasure.

All too soon the show ended and they all congratulated themselves on a great piece of work. Dan and Jamie were full of compliments.

Eventually Lance couldn't keep the news that JC shared with him to himself. "Justin, Jamie, do you have something you'd like to share with us?" He arched one of his eyebrows smiling.

Jamie leaned down and kissed the top of Justin's head. "Go ahead, sweetie."

Justin grinned. "Well, we've decided that we'll be seeing each other exclusively."

Dan and Joey high-fived each other as Chris sat up not quite getting what Justin meant.

"Huh? What does that mean."

JC threw another pillow at Chris. "That means, wonderboy, that they're a couple, boyfriends."

"Oh cool," Chris said with a smile. "But why didn't he say that in the first place?"

"He did you goober," Joey laughed as he too threw a pillow at Chris.

Soon they were all pelting Chris with the pillows laughing hysterically while Chris not very successfully dodged.

Eventually they stopped still laughing and starting talking. They talked into the night. The guys of `N Sync included Jamie and Dan as if they'd known them for years. Dan delighted in telling all his most embarrassing stories about Jamie as Jamie blushed.

Joey finally stood and stretched. "I guess I'll hit the sack, it's getting late.

Everyone agreed and got moving. Dan looked over to Jamie and whispered in his ear. "You staying or coming with me?"

Jamie blushed a deep red. Justin heard Dan's questions and giggled has he hugged Jamie from behind. "You can stay if you want, Jamie. You can too Dan, there's plenty of room."

Jamie turned in Justin's arms so they faced each other and touched his cheek with his palm. "What do you think I am," he said to Justin with a wink. "Somebody you can wine and dine and get into bed?" They both held in their laughter while the others went completely still and silent.

"Gotcha!" Justin and Jamie yelled together, laughing at the shocked expressions on everybody's faces. They all relaxed and started laughing along with them.

"You know, payback can be a bitch," Chris warned.

"Bring it on. As a team we're invincible," boasted Justin hugging Jamie to himself.

Soon Justin, Jamie and Dan were left alone with Lance.

"Well, I need to go home, I'm working tomorrow," Dan said and made his way to the door.

"Wait, Danno, I'm coming with you," Jamie called.

Justin looked to Jamie his head tilted in a question.

"Justin, I really do want to stay here with you, but I'd also like to keep this going slow and steady, ok?"

Justin grinned and nodded. "I understand."

"Good," Jamie grinned. "Now show me to the elevator, sexy. Night Lance."

"Night guys," Lance replied as he went into the bathroom.

Dan was waiting at the elevator talking quietly with Lonnie when Justin and Jamie joined them.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Justin asked. "Maybe we can see a movie or show or something."

"Sure, I'd like that, Justin. Call me when you get free from your promo things, ok?"

Justin nodded. He looked longingly at Jamie and leaned down for a kiss. Jamie met him halfway. The lips slid across each other, gently caressing in a loving way. The kiss started to become more passionate just as the elevator bell dinged and the doors opened.

Lonnie held the door open and Dan entered the elevator as they ended the kiss and separated.

"Thanks for a great night, Justin."

"There's more where that came from," Justin replied with a wide grin.

"Goodnight, I love you, Justin."

"And I love you too. Talk to you tomorrow, ok?"

Jamie nodded as he got on the elevator with his brother. Justin waved as the door closed.

They both went to sleep that night reliving every moment of the evening, both dreaming pleasant sweet dreams.


Notes: Misty - Johnny Burke/Erroll Garner: 1955

Johnny Mathis made this song famous although I really don't care much for his singing.

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 13

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