Jamies Intense Sexual Adventures

Published on May 9, 2017


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As has been usual for some time now I have used the editing services of G. Venereal. George has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story. By barry97_97@yahoo.com

Copyright*** Edmund Barry Davies known as (AKA) Teddy Bare I hope to hear from readers with suggestions.

Please read Prologue and Chapters 1 2 to keep up with this chapter. The beginning of this chapter will not make sense unless you read the Prologue, Chapter 1 and especially Chapter 2. Thank you.

Jamie's Intense Sexual Adventure's

Chapter 3

"You got to be joking. You like getting fucked up the ass. Wow." Cody said. "I don't know about the two of you but I'd be willing to through you a fuck Jamie."

"Why not, we won't have to wine and dine him, just throw him a good hard fuck. You do like getting fucked hard don't you Jamie?" Ted said brushing his dark hair from his forehead. I'd bet you'll like my thick ten inch cock rammed up your ass."

"You want to believe I'd love you ramming your ten inch thick cock rammed up my ass. I've heard roomers that experiments have been going on to make you guys hornier with huger cocks and plenty of spunk. Is is true? I'd say the three of you had some kind of experimental drugs." I looked at the guys big throbbing cock. I looked over at the hot blond smiling. "What about you Jeff. Care to ram that big thick cock where the sun don't shine?" I asked.

"I don't know how the news leaked out but it's true. All the athletic players were fed experimental drugs to help us with sports. Build up our muscular bodies, the only draw back. Well draw back until now was our extra big thick cocks and being horny all the time. I know the guys will be making good use of you. The three of us have smaller cocks than the others and as you can see aren't that small. Right guys?" Jeff asked. "You want to believe I want to fuck your ass. Even after just dumping a load my balls are full again."

"Let's stop talking and head to my room guys. My ass is starving for your big cocks. I loved sucking the three of you off and can't wait till the three of you fuck my ass." I grunted

"Jamie's right what are we standing around for. No one is around so we can just pull our jeans and T-shirts on. NO need to put on our undershorts, socks and shoes." Cody, said doing his jeans up.

"Yes lets get going." Jeff and Cody added picking up their sneakers, socks and T-shirts.

I led the way inside and to my room. "My room is at the end of the hall guys." I said.

"Okay." Jeff whispered following close behind me with Cody and Ted following behind him. We reached my room and went inside.

As soon as we were inside I threw my T-shirt on the bed and my runners on the floor. I pulled my jeans down to the floor stepping out of them. "I'm ready any time you guys are ready. Which one of you going to fuck my ass first. Remember I can still blow someone else the same time. I'm sure who ever I blow will build up another load to ram in my hungry ass."

"Never thought that far ahead. How about you write down a number between one and twenty the first two closest get your ass and mouth. How does that sound to the rest of you?" Jeff asked.

"Sounds fine to me Jeff." I said grabbing a piece of paper and writing down the number 7. Seven was my favorite number. "Okay you go first Jeff." I said.

"I choose eight." Jeff said.

"Ten." Cody said.

"I feel lucky I choose seven." Ted said.

"Seven is the number, your first Ted followed by Jeff and Cody. I'll gladly blow you Jeff. That is if it's all right with you that is Jeff. I'd love to wrap my lips around your big cock while Ted fucks me." I said smiling licking my lips, eager to have Jeff's big cock in my mouth.

"Of coarse it's fine with me." Jeff said pulling off his T-shirt and kicking off his runners. He undid his jeans standing directly in front of me as he undid his jeans letting them drop to his knees. He sat down in the chair behind him.

"I'm ready to feed that fag my big throbbing cock in his hot ass." Ted said smiling. He also tossed off his T-shirt on the floor undoing his jeans pushing them to his knees. His big throbbing cock bouncing out slapping his wash board stomach. "You're going to be one hot fuck Jamie. I love that hot bubble butt." Ted leaned over and slapped my bare butt cheek before I sat down to take off my runners and socks and pull my jeans off my feet.

I leaned over taking a lick of Ted's low hanging balls. "Mmmmmmmm Ted, they are packed full of cum. I can't wait for you to ram your big cock in my ass and fill me up with your hot cum." I said continuing to lick his cum filled balls.

"Slow down Jamie boy. I don't want to loose my load quite yet. I want to deliver you a nice big load in your ass. Get to work on Jeff's low hanging balls Jamie as soon as you get on your hands and knees so I get to fuck your hot ass. I want to stretch your ass nice and big for Cody's big cock. I just saw it and man it's huge. Glad I'm the one throwing fucks and not receiving after looking at Cody's at least foot long beer can thick cock. Is it a foot long Cody?" Ted asked.

"Actually it's a shad over thirteen inches but as big around as a beer can. That's for sure and it's rock hard right now. So get busy and fuck him Ted. Look at the way Jamie is eyeing your big cock Ted and your nine and a half thick cock Jeff. WE all are packing nice cocks aren't we guys." Cody said pulling off his jeans from his bare feet and standing beside Jeff.

"Sorry I'm so small compared to the rest of my friends." Jeff said smiling looking at me now on my hands and knees between Jeff's muscular legs.

"Are you kidding. You have over nine inches of thick cock. I can't wait to swallow it." I said looking up at Jeff before fisting his cock. I leaned over taking the huge mushroom shaped cock head in my mouth. It filled my mouth completely and was pleased to feel his big hands gripping my head. He pushed more of his thick cock in my mouth until reaching the beginning of my throat.

"You sure are talented. No doubt about that." Jeff moaned shoving more of his cock in my mouth entering my throat.

"Wait till you try his ass Jeff." Ted said behind me smacking my ass cheek nice and hard. "It's nice and tight."

I wanted to shout behind me but of coarse my mouth was stuffed with Jeff's delicious cock. "Shut up and ram that big cock in my hungry ass Ted. It was the largest cock I'd enjoyed in my ass so far and I sure wasn't complaining. I shoved my ass back indicating the best way I could for Jeff to ram his cock deep in my hungry ass.

"He sure knows what he wants. I can tell the way he's shoving his ass back. I bet he's going to love your thirteen inch cock Cody. We should take him to your uncles farm Cody. Love to watch his big dogs fuck him. Would you like that slut?" Jeff asked. "Blink twice if yes."

I looked up into Jeff's handsome face and deep brown eyes and blinked twice in a row. Wow to think Jeff had an uncle with a ranch with big dogs. Wonder if he had any other large animals I wondered. "Maybe on a long weekend you could come with us to my Uncle Sid's Ranch." Jeff grunted. Or we could go up Friday after school and come back Sunday evening. Wouldn't that be nice?" Jeff asked shoving his cock down my throat as I did my best to blink another couple of times. I'd never been fucked by an animal but it sure did sound hot.

"Now that's something I'd like to watch. One of your Uncle Sid's big German Shepherds fucking Jamie. I bet that would be so fucking hot." Ted grunted shoving his big cock all the way in my eager ass. He rammed it deep his big balls smacking my cum filled balls. I was in complete lust swallowing Jeff's big cock as well as Ted ramming his big cock in my ass the same time. Now I had something else to look forward to.

"Fuck all this talk of Jeff's Uncle Sid's dogs fucking Jamie has gotten me so fucking hot. Hurry up Ted and give it to him. I have to shove my thirteen inch beer can thick cock in his hungry ass Ted." Cody grunted still standing beside Jeff as Jeff fucked my throat harder and harder.

"Fuck I'm close already. It's been a hell of a long time since I emptied my load. Never thought the next time would be down some fucking fag's throat. Wow this is fucking hot." Jeff moaned picking up speed plowing my mouth with his big cock. I kept my mouth wide open so he could fuck my throat good and hard. I enjoyed the way his cum filled balls slapped my chin.

"You're not the only one close." Ted grunted behind me as he slammed his big cock in my ass even harder. His big balls slapped my balls the same time and suddenly I couldn't hold back any longer. Cum thrust through my cock and all over my floor. At the same time Ted rammed deep in my ass. His cock thickened as he shouted. "I'm cumming." He pulled his cock out of my ass huffing and puffing. "Wow that was great."

"I'm cumming." Jeff shouted his cock growing thicker in my throat and beginning to vibrate. He pulled his cock out of my throat filling my mouth with his delicious load. "That was great."

"Thank you Jeff." I said catching my breath. Fresh cum drooled from my sweat covered face where he had shot his final couple of loads.

"Now get ready for some hot fucking. I want to watch your face when I fuck you homo." Cody said. "Get on your bed, spread your legs wide open and let me in there."

I remembered my load I emptied on the floor and licked it up before jumping on my bed. I laid on my back spreading my long tanned legs nice and wide. Cody was between them in seconds flat. His king size thick cock flaring as I looked down. He reached up taking a hold of my legs and had me place them over his broad shoulders. I looked at his muscular chest, stomach and arms as he aimed his thirteen plus cock orange size, mushroom shaped cock head at my sphincter muscle. I remembered to push my ass out as if taking a shit knowing I'd enjoy the entrance of that massive cock head a lot more this way.

"No one told you Jeff's Uncle's dogs are super horny and been to the lab to make them extra horny and big making sure those bitches are knocked up with puppies. Their dicks are bigger than any dogs I'd ever seen before. But so were the pussies they fucked. I bet they give you a darn good fuck. I'm sure your uncle will be glad to see Jamie. He won't have to jack them off. You told me how he hates doing that. Plus it will be a real show stopper to watch all those stud dogs fuck Jamie." Cody said. His cock was lined up with my ass hole. He leaned over me his face inches from my face his brown eyes starring into my eyes. "I need this in the worse way. Hope you can take me, unlike the girls I attempted fucking. Never got so much as my dick head in their pussies. So they could barely even jack me off with their tinny hands."

"Mmmmmmmmmm. It will be my pleasure stud." I said looking directly into Cody's stern face as he looked back at me.

Cody's throbbing cock head spread my sphincter muscle like it had never been spread before. The pain radiated my entire body but I knew the pleasure soon would follow so I gritted my teeth together determined to enjoy the first entrance of Cody's massive, orange size cock head that had grown even bigger the harder his cock had grown. It was now inside my anus moving further inside me. The pain and pleasure filling every part of my body as more of his cock filled me. "Oh yes, yes so tight. So fucking hot. I'm going to be tapping this fine ass a lot. Do you like my dick in your ass boy?" He asked.

"Yes stud, a thousand times yes. Fuck me with that tree trunk stud. Fuck me good and hard. OH yes that feels great. It's the greatest." I grunted the more cock sliding inside my ass. Soon his balls slapped under my butt as his cock filled me completely. He pulled his cock out only to ram it deep inside me. That look of complete domination never left his face as he continued fucking me. "Fuck me stud, oh yes fuck me."

"Hay keep the fucking noise down in there." My neighbor beat against the wall behind my bed. "What ever you're doing in there keep it down."

"Sorry. Oh sorry." I moaned. "Can't help it. Working on something. It won't take long before I'm finished."

I was soon covered in Cody's sweat as he continued fucking me harder and deeper. "Fuck him. Fuck him good and hard." Jeff whispered as Cody continued fucking me. "This is way too fucking hot to miss."

"Yes isn't his ass the best." Ted said standing on the other side of the bed. He looked down at me smiling. "I got to have a repeat of that ass some time soon. Fuck Cody you know how to take that ass. No wonder no girl can take you even jacking off that fucking canon must be a full time job. I got to contact my Uncle Sid about coming out this weekend. My uncle will gladly fuck your throat and ass as well if I know my horny uncle. He has a different broad over ever time I see him. I bet none can take care of him like you will Jamie. I've only seen him changing and limp his cock is way bigger than mine soft. His cock will have to be the size of Cody's if not bigger. I bet you'll love it. I know you'll love his dogs."

"Yes Cody fuck me. Fuck me, fuck me." I moaned trying to keep my voice down so my neighbors wouldn't hear me.

"Don't worry I will keep ramming this in your ass. I really need this." Cody snarled starring me in my eyes as he continued ramming his tree size cock in my welcoming ass. "OH yes, yes, this is the best. I'm going to be tapping it all the time now that I've discovered the best ass in town, county, state probably country."

"Oh yes, fuck him Cody. Fuck the fag really good. Hurry we got to get back to your rooms but we'll have him the entire weekend. "Jeff grunted behind me.

"Fuck I'm cumming big time." Cody shouted filling my ass to over flowing. Cum virtually flew out my ass when Cody pulled his stiff cock out of my well fucked ass. "That was hot."

Suddenly there was a load knock on the door. "Are you guys finished in there yet. What's going on in there anyway. You guys having some kind of wrestling or boxing match in there." Someone called.

"Just a minute." Jeff said pulling on his jeans and t-shirt along with Cody and Ted.

Cody answered the door. Six big black guys were standing at the door with angry looks on their faces. "We have things to do in our room so keep the fucking noise down in here." The six-six black muscular man in his early twenties shouted.

I couldn't believe how hot the six black muscular guys were standing side by side entering my room. None were less than six six wearing nothing but jogging shorts. All their muscular bodies covered in sweat. "We're trying to work out in my room." The shortest of the six black muscular men said. Who had to be at least six-six.

"Sorry about that." Cody said. "But if it's a work out your looking for I'm sure Jamie would love to help the six of you out.... End of Chapter 3...

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