Jamies Intense Sexual Adventures

Published on Jan 10, 2017


Jamie's Intense Sexual Adventures - Chapter 2

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As has been usual for some time now I have used the editing services of G. Venereal. George has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story. By barry97_97@yahoo.com

Copyright*** Edmund Barry Davies known as (AKA) Teddy Bare I hope to hear from readers with suggestions.

Please read Prologue and Chapters 1 & 2 to keep up with this chapter.

Now: Jamie's Intense Sexual Adventure's - Chapter 2

Nice to meet you Ted. "What are your two hot looking friends names?" I asked looking first at Ted the hot dark haired, six-four or five great shaped stud.

We were standing just off the University grounds in a wooded area. I had gone for a walk after I'd sucked off my new neighbor Black and then he had fucked me.

"Sorry the blond is Jeff and the other guy with dark is my best buddy Cody. We're on the school basketball team. I'm the shortest of the three of us. I'm only six-four. Jeff's with blond hair and he is six-five and Cody with the dark hair is six-six. "What are you doing out here in the woods?" Ted asked.

I settled in and decided to take a walk around the University and found myself here. What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"To tell you the truth we just got back from the other side of the city. We had been trying to get laid by some of the hot chicks from the women's University but struck out." Jeff said looking extremely disappointed.

"Yeah their school guard was out on parole, a real dyke if there ever was one. She's built like a foot ball linebacker. So we took off back to the University. This is the short cut back to our University." Cody said. "I'm fucking horny not getting any action tonight."

"Oh really." I said my ears perking up hearing Cody mentioning how horny he was. I figured Ted and Jeff were probably as horny as Cody.

"Do you guys like to be sucked off?" I asked hoping they'd say yes.

"I sure do." Jeff answered.

"Me too." Ted said.

"Me three as well. Why are you asking? Do you know some chick around here offering to blow us?" Cody asked.

"No I don't know any chicks that would offer to blow you Cody." I answered and taking a chance Cody, Jeff and Ted wouldn't beat the shit out of me. Hoping they would be so horny they'd let me blow them. "I'm offering my cock sucking lips though."

"Sounds great. I hope you're better at sucking cock than my last girlfriend." Cody said. "She was lousy. The most she'd take in her mouth was my cock head and then she'd spit it out."

"He's got to be better than my last girlfriend, she refused to give me a blow job and what's your name, offered to blow us." Ted said.

"Oh! Sorry for not introducing my self. My name is Jamie." I haven't had any complaints since coming to the University. Do you three want to come to my room in the dorm?" I asked.

"I have a better idea. What about blowing us here in the park. No ones going to be coming out here and it's nice and warm." Ted said pulling off his T-shirt tossing it on the ground.

"Sounds like a great idea to me. It's kind of kinky in fact. What about Cody and Jeff. You guys into letting me blow you out here?" I asked.

"You bet I am." Jeff answered pulling his T-shirt off revealing his tanned muscular chest.

"So am I okay with you blowing us out here." Cody pulled his T-shirt off revealing his tanned dark hairy chest. "Should we take everything off?" Cody asked.

"Of course we should. Let's get down and dirty. Jamie's going to lend us a hand. Aren't you Jamie?" Ted asked standing in front of me but I knew it wasn't really a question. It came out more of a statement than a question.

"I sure will." I said reaching up, undoing Ted's shorts, tugging them down his muscular legs to his feet. He leaned on my shoulder pulling his feet out one foot at a time from his shorts. I then reached up and tugged his boxers down to his feet. His large cock swung up slapping his wash board stomach.

"Shouldn't Jamie be nude as well?" Jeff asked. "This is supposed to be kinky. It's not fair that we're all nude and Jamie still has his clothes on."

"Jeff's right Jamie as soon as you help Jeff and Cody undress you're to take your clothes off as well." Ted said. "Get over here Jeff so Jamie can help with your shorts and boxers. No need to take your runners and socks off." Ted said standing in front of me nude except for his runners and white socks. For some reason he looked even hotter just wearing runners and socks than he would have looked without them.

"Okay." Jeff said taking Ted's place in front of me. I reached up undoing his shorts, pulling them to his feet. He leaned on my shoulder lifting one foot to allow me to take off his shorts. Then he raised the other foot to take off the rest of his shorts. I tugged his boxers down to his feet. He lifted first one then the other allowing me to take them off his feet. He stepped back and Cody took his place.

"It's now my turn." Cody said looking down at me, with his sweaty chest and stomach gleaming from the moon light. I wanted to see Cody as nude as Ted and Jeff. I reached up undoing his shorts tugging them to his feet. He stepped out of them one foot at a time. Next it was time for his well packed jock-strap. I reached up taking each side of his jock strap and tugging it down to his runners. He leaned on my shoulder allowing me to take them off him. "Okay Jamie the three of us are nude, now it's your turn."

I pulled my T-shirt up over my stomach and chest and finally over my head before tossing it on the ground. I undid my shorts shoving them to my feet. I sat down on a close by log taking off my shorts. I was now totally nude not having put any boxers on. "Who do I blow first?" I asked.

"That will be me." Ted said, obviously the one in charge of the three hot muscular young men all in their early twenties.

"Go for it Ted and get the fag to work your cock. Tell us if he's any good at sucking cock." Jeff said.

"Don't worry I will." Ted answered the moment I was kneeling in front of Ted. I leaned forward licking his balls.

"Never mind that. Just blow me." Ted said looking down at me and smiling an evil smile.

"Sure thing." I said taking a hold of his cock from his wash-board stomach until I pressed it against my lips. I opened my mouth leaning forward so my neck aligned with my mouth. I took his large cock head in my mouth shoving my body forward swallowing half his cock. Ted shoved his muscular hips forward the same time causing his cock to hit the back of my throat. His big low hanging balls smacked on my chin.

"Wow the fag swallowed your entire cock Ted. It looks wild. Fuck his face Ted." Jeff said.

"That's exactly what I intend to do Jeff." Ted answered taking a hold of my head pulling his cock out of my mouth before slamming it deep in my throat. He rocked back and forth not saying anything as he fucked my mouth and throat.

"Shit fuck his throat." Cody said sounding excited. "I can't wait until it's my turn, after you of course Jeff." It was quite obvious Ted was the ring leader followed by Jeff and then Cody.

Every time Ted shoved his cock down my throat he tossed his head back, his dark brown hair soaked with sweat. He continued fucking my mouth and throat faster and faster. Damn this is a first. I never fucked a mouth before. This is wild guys. You're all going to enjoy this." Ted shouted gripping my head with his hands as he thrust his hips forward ramming his cock down my throat. He definitely was getting the hang of fucking my throat.

"Way to go Ted." Jeff shouted with his blue eyes gleaming brightly. "I can't wait until it's my turn. Can you Cody?" Jeff asked tossing his head back his blond bangs flipping to one side of his masculine face.

My cock was rock hard as I let my head be maneuvered by Ted as he fucked my mouth and throat deeper and faster. He fucked my mouth like there was no tomorrow and I enjoyed every second. I enjoyed every time his cock lodged in my throat. He'd leave it there a few seconds before pulling it back out.

"Way to go Ted." Cody shouted as he clapped his hands and cheering watching Ted fuck my mouth and throat. "Darn I can see the outline of your cock in his neck."

"Wow fuck his throat Ted." Jeff shouted as Ted gripped my head ramming his big cock in my mouth and down my throat over and over again. He began speeding up sweat dripping from his hot nude muscular body as he quickened his pace fucking my throat.

"That's what I'm doing Jeff. I'm getting fucking close already. Fuck, yes, fuck, so fucking close." Ted moaned the harder and faster he fucked my throat.

"Damn you're close already Ted." Cody shouted. "Sounds good I only have to wait for you then Jeff before I take ownership of the fag's hot throat."

"Yes, hurry the fuck up Ted and shoot your load so I get my turn at fucking the fag's throat." Jeff watched Ted fucking my throat.

Ted rammed his cock down my throat one last time with his cock growing thicker and longer. "Fuck, fuck yes, oh fuck yes." His cock began vibrating in my throat. He pulled his cock out of my throat flooding my mouth with his tasty load. He pulled his cock out of my mouth shooting at least three big throbbing loads across my face. "Okay get over here Jeff and take your turn." Ted said at long last.

Jeff walked up to me as soon as Ted wiped my face so I could see. Jeff took a hold of my head between his hands while I opened my mouth and pulled his big thick cock from his washboard stomach. "I'm looking forward to this." Jeff grunted.

I didn't say anything with my mouth wide open as Jeff shoved his hips forward with his large cock head entering my mouth. He held my head thrusting his hips forward as more of his cock entered my mouth. "This feels good already and I haven't even started fucking your throat yet." Jeff moaned.

"Fuck his throat Jeff." Cody said standing on the other side of Jeff as he thrust his cock down my throat pulling out and thrusting back down my throat.

"I am, I am." Jeff shouted as he continued ramming his cock in and out of my throat slowly, nice and slow. He thrust his cock deep in my throat not moving once his cock was in my throat for a few seconds. Then he pulled it out keeping his cock head in my mouth. Over and over he fucked my throat slowly as I enjoyed the taste of his cock with his balls slapping on my chin.

"Wow this is so hot." Cody said getting down so he could watch my throat. "Look at the way Jeff's cock makes Jamie's neck expand and taking on the shape of Jeff's cock Ted."

"I see, I see." Ted crouched down looking at my throat as Jeff continued fucking my throat picking up speed fucking my throat faster and deeper. "Wow look at his neck balloon out when Jeff rams his cock down Jamie's throat. "It's amazing. Keep fucking his throat Jeff. I have to say it's impressive the way your cock makes his neck expand the way it does. Ram your cock down his throat Jeff." Ted yelled.

"Fuck, oh fuck yes, fuck this is great. Fuck, fuck, fuck." Jeff continued moaning and groaning while he fucks my throat picking up speed really working my throat with his big cock. I have a feeling Jeff's getting close by the way he's huffing and puffing. His big hands slip down my soaking wet hair. Jeff rams his big cock down my throat pulling out and ramming deep down my throat. We're both soaking wet and I can barely see for the sweat dripping off from my dark hair.

"You must be getting close by now Jeff." Cody shouts. "I need to fuck his throat Jeff."

"I'm just about there Cody." Jeff grunts as he continues to fuck my throat faster and harder. He rammed his cock down my throat. It grows bigger and longer in my throat. His balls are hard pressed tightly against my bottom lip. I'm almost there."

"Good, it's about time." Cody yells. It sounds like he is getting desperate to fuck my throat.

"I'm cumming. Cumming. Shit cumming." Jeff shouted as his cock vibrates in my throat. He pulled out of my throat and shoots a nice mouth full of his delicious load. He does his best to grip my sweaty hair as he pulls out of my mouth spurting load after load across my sweat covered face. "Wow that was nice. He's all yours Cody."

I can't see anything for the sweat and cum covering my face and eyes. I take my arm and wipe my face if nothing more than to breathe with Jeff's cum gushing out of my nose. I manage to wipe my eyes, nose and mouth so I can see and breathe. "I'm ready for you Cody." I said looking at the largest of the three cocks. It's got to be at least nine and a half if not ten inches long and as big around as my wrist.

"That's good because I'm really horny Jamie." Cody said walking up to me and looking down and smiling. "I really need this. Open your mouth nice and wide."

I don't need to be asked twice opening my mouth as wide as possible. Cody shoved his cock in my mouth and down my throat. He pumps his cock in my throat a few times and his cock grows thicker and longer while vibrating in my throat. "Darn I came already. It's not fair I had to go last. Let me work up another load guys so I can really enjoy his throat just like you two already did." Cody pleaded.

"Go right ahead. You deserve it for going last and all." Ted shouts. "Don't you agree Jeff."

"Yes, by all means Cody take your time and enjoy the fag's throat. I can see Jamie isn't objecting. Have a good fuck Cody." Jeff said.

"I sure will, thanks guys." Cody shoved his cock back in my open mouth and back down my throat. He didn't pull out as fast as the first time. A few seconds go by before he pulled out of my throat. He didn't move for a few seconds with his mushroom shaped cock head in my mouth. Then he shoved his cock back down my throat.

"That's the way enjoy his throat Cody. Fuck his mouth and throat with your ten inch cock. Work that thick cock down his throat Cody." Jeff shouted.

"Yes, enjoy his throat Cody." Jeff said standing on the other side of Cody crunched down to look at my neck. "Wow look at his neck this time ballooning out will you Ted."

"I can see it." Ted said bending down staring at my neck as Cody holds my sweaty face. The sweat from his dark short hair dripping on my sweaty face. He rammed his cock down my throat pulling out before ramming back down my throat again. He kept fucking my throat faster and faster after a good half hour of working his cock in my throat.

"I'm getting close again guys. Are you ready Jamie for my second load?" Cody asked. I'm positive he wasn't looking for an answer since he was fucking my throat non-stop good and hard.

Cody gripped my sweaty hair as best as he could as he used his muscular hips to pump his cock down my throat faster and faster. I swore his cock even went deeper in my throat as he continued fucking my throat. At long last he drove his cock fully down my throat. His wrist size cock expanded in my throat and was vibrating. I knew he was shooting a nice big load. He pulled his cock out of my throat and shot another load within my mouth and quite a lot of it was spurting out of my nose. He pulled his cock back out of my mouth shooting another couple of loads all over my sweaty face. He stepped back trying to balance himself as he huffed and puffed. "Wow that was great. I have to do that again some time.

"What time is it?" Ted asked. "It must be getting late, but then we get to sleep in tomorrow. None of us have early classes tomorrow."

"It's just a little past nine." Jeff answered.

"That's the time I have also." Cody said.

"Any of you studs want a piece of ass? You're welcome to come to my room if you do." I said licking my lips. "My ass could also do with some nice hard throbbing cock. That is IF any of you studs are in the mood... End of Chapter 2...

I am open for suggestions please send them to barry97_97@yahoo.com

Copyright*** Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Next: Chapter 4

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