Jamies Intense Sexual Adventures

Published on Jul 27, 2016


Jamie's Intense Sexual Adventures Prologue

Remember to contribute what you can to Nifty so they can afford to give you the stories you all enjoy reading. I am always ready to accept kinky ideas so please send your ideas to barry97_97@yahoo.com I can't promise to use all your ideas if they do not pass Nifty restrictions but I'll do my best.

The special weekend was fast arriving and Jamie was growing more excited by the day. Jamie's best friend Hank and sexual partner, had told him about the birthday weekend, he'd planned for him. The only thing Hank wouldn't go into detail what the weekend entailed. Jamie was only told he'd enjoy the weekend, Hank planned for him.

Hank had been fucking Jamie for a couple of months after his eighteenth birthday. It wasn't long after Hank first fucked Jamie, he wanted Hank fucking him, as much as possible. Their relationship had started in the college washroom. Jamie had always been curious about guys dicks and what he might do, but had no idea what to do.

Jamie worked out in the gym and was on the swimming team, so he was in good shape and appreciated, muscular, well built, young men, the most, especially with bulging baskets. Not to mention his best friend, Hank.

My life had virtually changed one day in the school washroom. I had gone in to take a piss, unfortunately only one urinal was available between two, hard bodied, young guys. I looked at the wall as usual, doing my best to focus on pissing and not checking out the guys on each side of me. I didn't know either of the guys personally, I only saw them around school. I didn't even know their names.

One of the guys zipped up leaving only me and the muscular guy to my left. My piss was slowing down to a trickle when I heard the guy beside me grunting as if trying to make sure his bladder was empty. For some reason, I looked down beside me, without thinking. To my surprise the guy stepped back, letting me see his thick cock. I felt my face heating up, finding myself unable to turn away from the sight of his, big, thick, hard cock. I was startled when the guy cleared his voice. I looked up into his deep blue eyes, tanned face and sun bleached, blond hair. "Having yourself a good look, buddy?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I managed to choke, knowing I had been caught looking at his thick, long, hard cock.

"You know what I mean. I can tell a cock hound a mile away, especially the way you're having a good look at my cock. Don't worry buddy, my cock doesn't care if it's female, or male lips, wrapped around it. Follow me to the last stall. Hurry, before anyone comes in."

The guy zipped up his fly, heading down the row of stalls, to the end. I stood staring at him, wondering if I should trust him, having never been approached by the guy before. Maybe the guy intended beating me up. But he looked so damn hot I knew I had to follow and find out what he wanted.

I felt myself walking toward the last stall, as if it was a magnet, pulling me toward it. I looked around when I got to the stall, the door opened and without thinking, I walked in closing the door behind me.

"Sit down. You must know what to do, by now?" The good looking man in his late teens, early twenties asked me.

"I've never done anything like this before." I said, my mouth feeling dry, staring at the bulge in his jeans. For a split seond I wondered, what the heck was I doing in the washroom stall, with a guy I had just met. Was I crazy? I asked myself.

"I can tell by the smile on your face you like what you see." The hot looking guy said, massaging the growing bulge in his jeans. He undid the top button, tugging down the zipper, his bulging white boxers now coming into view.

I couldn't draw my eyes away from the huge bulge in his white boxers, but I didn't know what to say, or do!

"You do like what you see, don't you?" He asked, pushing his boxers down, until his thick, long, hard, cock and balls, popped out. "By the way, my name's Hank. What's yours?"

My mouth was still dry as I tried to move my mouth, not knowing what to say or do. "What do you want me to say or do?" I asked managing to lick my lips. "My name is Jamie."

I heard someone entering the washroom. "Lift your feet off the floor so no one will catch on that there are two guys in the stall." Hank whispered. "You don't need to say anything, just suck my seven and a half inch cock."

I gulped, feeling my face heating up, staring at his seven and a half inch, thick cock. "I've never even touched another guys cock before." I said, enjoying the view in front of me and without thinking I reached out and wrapped my hand around his thick cock.

Hank pulled off his T-shirt revealing his tanned muscular stomach, chest and arms. "It's simple, do what comes natural, I could tell you were a fag when I saw you at the urinals. Lean over and lick my low hanging balls first." Hank said smiling. "I know you'll turn out to be a natural cock sucker."

Without a second thought I leaned forward sticking my tongue out touching his low hanging balls with my tongue. His cock was pressed against his muscular stomach leaking pre-cum like it was going out of style. Once I had touched my tongue to Hank's low hanging balls I felt that I was going to be hooked on pleasing Hank. I reached up with my hand holding his ball sack in my hand licking his big balls in the sack.

"That's the way. For a virgin ball licker, your getting the hang of it fast." Hank moaned as I continually licked his balls until they were soaking wet. "That's good now take one of my balls in your mouth and swish it around."

I had forgotten about the guy I heard entering the washroom earlier when I suddenly heard water running. The guy had finished pissing and was now washing his hands. The water stopped. I heard the washroom door open and shut so obviously the guy had left the washroom leaving Hank and I alone again in the washroom. I put my feet on the floor making myself more comfortable while still leaning forward with one of his big balls in my mouth. Without Hank saying anything I let his ball slip out my mouth before taking his other ball in my mouth and also swishing that one around.

I heard the washroom door open once more and someone else walking inside. I felt strangely turned on swishing Hank's balls in my mouth while some guy was taking a piss not far from Hank and I. I let Hank's ball out the same time I heard the guy washing his hands obviously finished peeing. I looked up at Hank, before once again looking at his thick seven and a half inch cock.

"Go ahead and lick my cock." Hank moaned just as I heard the washroom door open and close, the guy who had just washed his hands had left the washroom leaving Hank and I again alone.

I looked up at Hank before leaning forward pressing my tongue against his thick cock running it up the underside of his cock until I reached his cock head. I took my hand and pulled his cock toward me staring at the purple coloured, mushroom shaped cock head. "Now what?" I asked.

"Take it in your mouth, do I have to tell you everything." Hank said looking down with a scowling look on his handsome, rugged face.

"Okay, I'll try." I answered unsure what I was going to be doing. I felt weird, yet excited, looking at Hank's big seven inch cock and now I was getting ready to take it in my mouth. I leaned forward with my hand wrapped around his cock, my fingers not quite wrapped around his thick cock. I opened my mouth as wide as possible finally wrapping my lips around his cock head. He pushed his hips forward his cock head entered my mouth.

"Watch the teeth. My orders were to wrap my lips around my teeth. That's probably the trick so my teeth don't scrape his cock. I gave it a try to see what happens." Hank pulled his cock out of my mouth now allowing me to wrap my lips around my teeth. I once more took his cock head in my mouth.

"That's real good." Hank sighed with his cock head in my mouth.

I heard the washroom door open and a couple of guys talking. "Man I want to get in that new girls panties. What a fucking tease."

"You're telling me. Damn I was feeding her expensive drinks at the bar last night while she played me. I thought for sure I was going to get laid. I asked her to my place for a drink thinking, man I'm going to be giving the bitch a good fuck. I was all worked up when she said. "I have an early morning appointment so I can't come to your place for a drink. But I'll take a rain check."

"Don't count on the rain check. I've heard from other guys shes laid that one of them as well after plying her with an expensive dinner and drinks. What the bitch needs is a good hard fuck to stop her game playing." The guy talking to the other guy sounded really pissed off.

I had lifted my feet off the floor leaning over, with Hank's cock in my mouth. I felt his hands taking my head between his hands shoving more of his thick cock in my mouth. I tried to pull back his cock causing me to cough and choke.

"Are you alright in there buddy." One of the guys yelled. "Too much drinking last night I bet and having trouble keeping it down this morning."

"I bet you're right Chaz. It wouldn't be my first time tossing after the night before. Need any help buddy?" The other guy asked.

"I'm fine Pete. So you've struck out with Brenda as well." Hank yelled. "See you in class later. I have a bit of a cough that's all."

"Okay Hank. See you in class." Pete shouted as I heard footsteps and water running.

"See you later Hank." I heard Chaz. "Hope you're recovered by soccer practice."

"Don't worry I'll be fine." Hank answered with his cock still in my mouth, hearing the washroom door open and close.

"Man that was close. They don't know I enjoy guys going down on me better than girls. Girls can't deep throat worth a damn." Hank grunted pushing his cock further in my mouth causing me to choke.

"Try relaxing your throat and you'll get the hang of it. It took my ex a while to get into sucking cock properly. Too bad he got transferred this semester." Hank pulled his cock out my mouth allowing me to take a deep breath. "How you feeling now?" He asked.

"I don't know what to say Hank. It's as if all these years a dream has come true to suck cock." I answered leaning forward taking Hank's big cock head in my mouth again and doing my best to take more of his cock in my mouth. I managed to feel Hank's cock head pressing against the back of my throat before I started coughing ang gagging. Once more Hank allowed me to pull back this time until only just his cock head was in my mouth.

"Try breathing through your nose this time." Hank suggested.

I tried to breathe through my nose and was pleasantly surprised I didn't have any trouble breathing through my nose even with Hank's cock deep in my mouth. "Okay get ready for me to push more cock in your mouth."

I took a deep breath through my nose letting it out before Hank gripping my head pushed his cock in my mouth and finally reaching the beginning of my throat. Some how I managed not to cough as he shoved with his cock head entering my throat causing me to cough and choke. "You're doing better Jamie. My ex wasn't as good as you his first time. You're a natural cock sucker." Hank whispered not moving his cock out of my throat, my coughing settling down and I finally stopped choking. I felt proud I had Hank's big cock in my throat. I could feel my eyes watering and tears running down my cheeks. "Way to go, you did it. I knew you'd be a natural cock sucker."

I felt proud Hank giving me compliments on my cock sucking skills.

Hank let go of my head allowing me to withdraw from his cock allowing me to take a deep breath and letting it out. I felt his hands gripping my head again forcing me to swallow his entire cock until his balls smacked my chin. "Yup your a real natural at swallowing cock Jamie." Hank grunted.

I heard the washroom door open and a couple of guys talking as they walked in. "Fuck did you see the way Mary Jane gave the new guy the once over, just because his dad's a doctor. He looks like a wimp. That shows you what having money will do for you. I'd love to beat the shit out of the fucker." I heard one of the team football players, Alex saying.

"No kidding." Mark answered continuing to walk in the washroom.

"You have nothing to complain about, you get all the babes since your the team captain. I get your sloppy seconds if I'm lucky." I heard Alex saying to Mark, my mouth was stuffed full of Hank's cock head and I took a deep breath just to get ready to swallow his entire cock.

Hank had taken a good grip of each side of my head and rammed his cock in my mouth and throat the same time I heard Mark answering Alex. "I bet some of those bitches are great cock suckers. I wish I could get one of those stuck up bitches to suck my cock. I bet that new guy, Jefferson, gets the bitches to suck his cock. The last time I was with Sandra she refused to even kiss my cock. Fucking cock tease!"

"I would have thought she'd be a great cock sucker the way she hangs around you." Alex said.

"Don't fool yourself Alex." Mark said raising his voice as if he knew we were in the far cubical. "What I tell the others and what I'm telling you are two different things. Don't let on to the other soccer players that I can't get the bitch to suck my cock. Of course my ten inch thick cock is bigger than the average guys dick. You haven't got anything to complain about packed between your legs. Don't think I'm a fag or anything like that. I just like to check out the competition. You're pretty hung even soft. What is it hard Alex?" Mark asked.

"I'm proud to say nine and a half inches is rock hard and with a pretty big cock head if I do say so myself. Lets hurry I'm about finished pissing. First bell is going to go off any minute." Alex said.

I had Hank's cock deep in my throat with his balls now pressed against my bottom lip. He withdrew his cock only giving me a few seconds to take a deep breath before plowing his cock in my mouth and down my throat. "Fuck I'm close." He whispered. "I bet you'd love to gobble down their black cocks Jamie."

Of course I couldn't answer Hank but hated admitting, even to myself, I'd like the challenge of swallowing Alex's or even Marks' huge black cocks. I knew it would even be a real effort just to swallow their cocks.

I heard the water running so I couldn't make out what Alex and Mark were saying. The water stopped running with Hank withdrawing his cock and plunging it down my throat once more. "I'm cumming." He moaned just as I heard the washroom door open and close.

I felt Hank's cock thicken if that was possible beginning to vibrate in my throat. He tugged his cock out of my throat and filled my mouth with his hot salty, sweet thick cum. It was a lot better tasting than I would have guessed and without thinking I gulped it all down. I felt joyful as my first mouth full of cum slithered down my throat.

"You did a great job for your first time. Would you like to be my regular cock sucker, Jamie?" Hank asked looking down at me with cum dripping from his softening cock just as first bell went off which signaled the beginning of the school day.

"You bet I would." I answered licking my lips before cleaning the couple of drops of cum from his cock.

"Meet up with me after school and I'll give you a real thrill." Hank said pulling his T-shirt on before tugging his boxers and jeans up, before we left the cubical.

"What kind of thrill are you talking about?" I asked.

"You'll find out, meet me by my locker after last class. You're lucky I don't have football practice after school today and I can give you the thrill of a life time." Hank answered heading for the sink and washing his hands. I stood beside him washing my hands hoping he'd give me a hint at what he had in mind after school but he wouldn't give me even a tiny hint.

"Just a teeny tiny hint." I pleaded.

"Nope. You'll find out soon enough." Hank answered drying his hands not willing to even give me a hint. I followed him out the washroom turning left while he turned right to our separate home rooms.

It was nerve racking to say the least going from class to class all day. I saw Hank sitting with his football pals at lunch so I didn't have a chance to talk to him. I thought the afternoon would never finish excited and worried at the same time thinking what kind of a thrilling thing Hank had planned for me after school.

At long last it was the end of the school day. I went to my locker and put my books inside. I had done all my homework in a study hall class so didn't have any homework. As soon as I closed and locked my locker I headed to where Hank had told me his locker was. He was shoving his books in his locker talking to one of his pals when I approached. I stood to one side until the guy he was talking to walked away before I approached him. "Hi. Are we still on?" I asked.

"You mean the thrill I promised you. Of course we're on. Follow me." Hank said shutting and locking his locker turning and leading me down the hall to the gymnasium. "Thank goodness for us nothing's going on in the gym today. Let's go inside."

Hank held the gym door open for me as we walked inside. I followed him to the far side of the gym where it was hidden from the rest of the gym. "Good. This will do fine. Get undressed." Hank said sitting on the floor untying his runners and pulling them off along with his socks.

"What did you say?" I asked surprised what Hank had requested of me.

"You heard me, take off all your fucking clothes." Hank answered sounding really irritated pulling his T-shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor. "Hurry the fuck up we haven't got all day."

I sat on the floor beside Hank undoing my runners taking them off along with my socks not taking my eyes off Hank wondering what he was up to but not ready to question him. He sounded like he was in a bad mood and I didn't want to piss him off any more than he was. I pulled my T-shirt over my head tossing it on the floor. When I looked up Hank was standing up undoing his jeans and pushing them along with his boxers to his knees before sitting down. His cock was rock hard and I figured he must want me to suck his cock again, but why did he want us both nude just to suck his cock?

I stood up not taking my eyes off his thick seven and a half inch cock undoing my jeans pushing them down my legs along with my undershorts to my knees before sitting down. I looked over at Hank who had pulled his jeans and boxers completely off and was sitting along side me completely nude. I pulled my jeans and shorts off. "Now what?" I asked.

"Now I take your virginity. Get on your hands and knees and push your bubble butt out toward me." Hank said raising his voice holding a tube of something in his hand.

"You're kidding me. You have to be kidding. I'm a guy. How can you take my virginity?" I asked bewildered only guessing he meant he was going to shove his cock in my ass. But that couldn't be true.

"Stop being so fucking stupid Jamie. You know I mean fuck your pussy ass." Hank answered looking down at me. "Don't worry you'll love getting fucked."

"I'm not so sure about this." I said but instead of arguing I did as Hank had ordered getting on my hands and knees.

"Nothing to worry about Jamie. You'll soon be a full fledged fag once I ram my cock in your hot virgin bubble butt." He said standing behind me. He tugged my ass cheeks apart before massaging my sphincter muscle with something.

I felt one of his fingers pushing inside my sphincter muscle. "Ouch." I shouted. "Damn that hurts."

"Quiet down. We don't want anyone hearing us. If it hurts bite your fucking lip." Hank whispered shoving more of his finger in my ass. It didn't hurt as badly as when he first shoved his finger in my ass. I felt him sliding a second and third finger just inside my sphincter muscle. He twisted them around before pulling them out. "Hold your breath and bite down, this will really hurt."

I took a deep breath bitting down on my bottom lip at the same time. I felt something huge pressing against my sphincter muscle as he took a hold of my hips gripping them in his big hands. "Get ready."

I knew what was going to happen and closed my eyes. I felt his cock pushing spreading my sphincter muscle wider than it had ever been spread before. The pain radiated throughout my entire body as he shoved more and more of his thick seven and a half inch cock inside me. It felt like I was being split in two as his cock was forced further and further inside me. At long last I felt his big balls smack against my balls. "I'm in." He whispered in my ear but not moving.

He didn't move for over a minute before pulling his cock out of my ass until I only felt his cock head still inside me. He waited a couple of seconds before pushing his cock inside me for the second time. It didn't hurt as much as the first time but it still gave me a lot of pain. "Oh yes this ass is tight." He groaned. "How's it now feel inside you Jamie?"

I hated to admit it but something deep inside me was feeling a tang of pleasure along with the pain. "Not too bad." I answered.

"Good. I really needed this. I've been looking forward to fucking you all afternoon." Hank moaned pulling his cock out of my ass before pushing back inside me faster this time. He pulled out shoving it back inside me over and over. My ass feeling better and better each time he shoved his cock in my ass. It was as if my ass was soon gobbling his big cock like it was a meal.

"Wow, I never thought getting fucked would feel so good." I moaned. "This is great."

"I knew you'd get the hang of it." Hank grunted now plowing his cock in and out of my ass. I felt my cock growing hard under me and my balls drawing up pressing against my cock. I knew if Hank kept fucking me I'd soon be unloading my own load without even touching my cock.

Hank gripped my hips in his large hands as he started ramming his thick cock deeper and harder in my ass when suddenly I heard the locker door open. "You had a good idea Joe working out in the gym to ease our tension. Fuck, Lacy knows how to get a guy all horned up only to tell me she has to go home instead of fucking around with me at my place. I even had the house to myself as my parents are going out for supper."

"I know what you mean Steve." Joe shouted sounding angry. "I was all set to give Janis a good hard fuck or at least get a blow job. Not that I really expected either one. So far all she's done is jack me off. I'd love to know what a blow job feels like."

"Shit I thought Janis blew you all the time Joe. Don't she go for your big black cock. She's always bragging how she has you wrapped you around her baby finger." Steve said sounding surprised.

"The problem is she does have me wrapped around her baby finger. I keep hoping if I treat her right I'll get more than a hand job one of these days. What about you and Lacy. You two are pretty tight." Joe asked.

"The same goes with me Joe. I keep hoping if I treat her right she'll blow me one of these days.

I felt Hank gripping my hips pulling his cock out my ass before ramming deep inside me. "Fuck yes this is hot." Hank suddenly shouted. "Sorry about that." He whispered in my ear.

"Whats going on back there?" Joe shouted from the other side of the gym.

"Nothing Joe just getting ready for a work out." Hank yelled his cock deep in my ass.

"You got a hot bitch back there?" Steve asked sounding like he was close by. If you do you should share with us Hank."

"Like I told Joe just changing to have a work out." Hank said pulling his cock out until only his cock head was in my ass.

"We better stop before they come around and see what your doing Hank." I whispered doing my best to yank myself forward and get Hank's cock head out of my ass.

"Holy fuck you got to see this Joe." Steve yelled walking from around the locker now standing in front of me. "Shit does the fag suck cock Hank?"

"Pull your black cock out Steve and find out." Hank answered slamming his cock deep inside my ass.

"Hurry up Joe, Hank's banging a fag back here." Steve shouted.

Before I could say anything. Joe had ran over and stood beside Steve. "Wow does he suck cock?" Joe asked. "Man I could use a blow job. Get started Steve while I head over to take a piss."

"Shit Joe why bother going all the way to the washroom when the fags here." Hank grunted pulling his cock out of my ass before plowing inside me again.

I couldn't help moaning with lust feeling Hank ramming his big cock in my ass. "Oh yes." I moaned.

"Did you hear that Joe?" Steve asked. "The fag just said he'd drink your piss."

"No I didn't." I did my best to shout. "I wasn't saying yes about drinking piss."

"Too fucking bad." Joe undid his jeans and pulling his half erect black cock and balls out walking up until his cock was less than an inch from my mouth. "Open up cock sucker." Joe smirked slapping my cheek with his cock. I really need my cock sucked and I have to take a wicked piss."

My mouth was wide open ready to shout NO Way when Hank rammed his cock deep inside my ass causing me to be shoved forward and to my horror swallow Joe's huge cock head. No sooner than Joe's cock was in my mouth than I tasted his salty urine flooding my mouth. I had no choice but to swallow gulp after gulp wondering if Joe would ever stop pissing.

"Hurry up Joe. I have to take a piss as well." Steve shouted standing beside Joe his jeans undone and big thick half erect cock hanging out.

"This is the best." Joe yelled his piss slowing down the same time Hank had pulled his cock out of my ass with only his cock head remaining inside me. "Your turn to piss Steve, but when your finished pissing I get the first blow job."

"Fine with me." Steve stepped in front of me the minute Joe pulled his cock out of my mouth and stepped to one side. I finished swallowing Joe's mouth full of warm piss the same time Steve pressed his slightly erect cock to my lips. "Are you ready?" Steve asked.

"Yes." I grunted the same time Hank pulled his cock out of my ass. "I hope your piss is half as delicious as Joe's"

"I don't know about that." Steve said pushing his cock in my mouth and started pissing filling my mouth to over flowing. I swallowed the mouth full of piss only to have it filled over and over again. I tasted his delicious salty piss as it flowed over my tongue and down my throat.

"Drink his piss." Hank said gripping my hips and ramming his cock in my hungry ass. "Damn I didn't think this was going to get this hot." He pulled his cock out of my ass until only his cock head remained inside me.

"That was great." Steve said his piss slowing down and stopping. He pulled his cock out with my tongue catching the last few drops. "Get over here and get your blow job Joe."

"You bet I will." Joe answered walking up to me once Steve stepped to one side. "Open your mouth fag."

I opened my mouth wide wrapping my lips around his cock. Just as I was about to take Joe's cock head in my mouth Hank shoved his cock in my ass causing me to be shoved forward and swallowing Joe's entire cock. I was taken back for a second as Joe's big cock slid down my throat, but I quickly recovered enjoying Joe's huge cock rammed deep down my throat. I wanted to ask him how big his cock was but lucky for me Joe was a bragger. "Enjoy my nine inch cock fag."

I wanted to shout. "I am, I am but of course I couldn't answer him because his cock was lodged down my throat.

I guess Joe was really horny the way he took control gripping my head between his large hands ramming his cock in and out of my throat faster and faster. "Fuck I've gone forever not shooting my load." Joe groaned with sweat dripping from his face and hair all over my face and hair.

"Shit you've got to try this ass sometime Joe if you think his throat is hot. Which it is." Hank grunted ramming his cock up my eager ass once more.

"I can't hold back any longer." Joe shouted tugging his cock out of my throat before ramming it back deep down my throat. "I'm cumming." I felt his cock growing thicker and vibrating in my throat before he tugged it out filling my mouth with another load before pulling it of my mouth. "Oh yes!" Another big load shooting out across my face.

As soon as Joe stepped to one side, Steve was standing in front of me. Without waiting for Steve's instructions I opened my mouth wrapping my mouth around his cock head. I took a deep breath through my nose before letting it out. Steve gripped my head between his hands. "Get ready for my nine inch cock slut." He grunted shoving his cock down my throat the same time Hank was ramming his cock in my welcoming ass.

Steve was soon dripping with sweat as he plowed his cock deep down my throat only to pull it out and slam it down my throat over and over only giving me a chance to take deep breaths in and out. "I'm cumming." He shouted after only about five minutes. I felt his cock growing bigger and vibrating in my throat before pulling out filling my mouth with his delicious load. "That was great." Tugging his cock out of my mouth shooting another load all over my face.

"We got to get going Steve." Joe suddenly said standing behind Steve tugging his jeans on pushing his spent cock inside his jeans before doing them up. "We're supposed to meet up with the team to go over strategies for the next game."

"Fuck, almost forgot." Steve answered starting to get dressed.

Meanwhile Hank fucked my ass harder and harder a good fifteen to twenty minutes with his balls slapping my balls each time. "I'm cumming." I could feel Hanks cock deep in my ass growing thicker. I felt my cock suddenly erupting spurting all over the floor the same time I felt Hanks cock vibrating in my ass. "Wow yes! I fucked the cum right out of you Jamie. You're officially my homo fag now." He moaned pulling his cock out of me. He stood up walking in front of me. "Lick up your cum, don't leave the floor cover with your fucking cum."

"See you Hank." Steve said sitting down doing his runners up. He stood up heading for the door followed by Joe. "Next time I want to tap that ass."

"Thanks for the hot blow job kid. I want to tap that ass next time as well." Joe said walking through the locker door the door closing behind him.

I licked the cum off the floor before kneeling and then finally standing up. Hank was pulling his boxers and jeans on when I turned around. We finished dressing. "That was great fag. But your not finished." He said his limp cock hanging out the top of his jeans. You haven't drank my piss yet."

"Oh yes, I forgot! I said getting down on my feet leaning forward taking Hank's soft cock in my mouth waiting for him to begin pissing. I didn't have to wait long before Hank started pissing filling my mouth over and over again before slowing to a trickle and pulling his cock out of my mouth. I pushed my tongue out licking the last few drops of piss about to drop on the floor. "That was good."

"Glad you enjoyed it because I have great plans for you." He said slapping my ass. "I wonder if Joe and Steve will keep your great cock-sucking skills to themselves or spread it around the gym?" Hank asked looking at me his eyes sparkling.

"Do you think they'll tell any of the guys about today?" I asked getting dressed and turned looking at Hank. "What do you mean you have plans for me?" asked.

"You'll see." Hank said smiling. "For now meet me in the washroom first thing before class tomorrow morning." He said turning and walking toward the gym door, opening it and walking outside.

I looked around the gym before heading out heading for home a totally different guy than how I had arrived at school. Who, especially myself would have thought I'd be swallowing three guys loads, and piss, not to mention getting my ass plowed. And I really enjoyed it all.

Hence forth I started my life that would lead to a lot more kinky, erotic, exciting, unbelievable sex. For the real action and unusually kinky slutty sex, watch for more of. "Jamie's Intense Sexual Adventures." The next time I meet up with Hank he would he take my sex life to new heights?

Any kinky but consensual ideas please send to barry97_97@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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