Jamie and Norman

By Gayspeedoguy

Published on Jun 13, 2011


*Hi Guys, This is the second on my Jamie and Norman series. In this story Jamie has anal sex for the first time. I hope you enjoy the story, as always I would love your feedback at gayspeedoguy@gmail.com. *

When I was 15 my mother left me to stay with her friend Helen and Helens son Norman for a week while she went up to Cairns from our home town of Innisfail in far north Queensland Australia. My mother had to go away because my grandfather was sick and she needed to help my grandmother cope with things. Helen was nice and did everything she could to make me feel welcome. Norman was also doing his part, in all time I had known Norman, I had never suspected that he was gay or that he would want anything to happen with him and I. The other thing I didn't know about Norman was that the boy was sporting a nice bit of teen boy meat in his shorts. Norman was 15 like me but unlike me people at School didn't like him very much. For want of a better word he was a loser. He was covered in pimples and didn't dress well, OK he had my hand me downs but by the time I was done with them there wasn't a lot of wear left in them so they looked tattered.

When Norman and I first fooled around together, 2 days ago now, I was surprised to see that he had a good body and that he was happy to show it off to me. In all the time I had known Norman I had gone out of my may to spend as little time with him as possible but in the last couple of days I had found myself wanting to be around him all the time. The morning after we fooled around I blew off swim practice to go to the library with him and sit and read magazines. I read about Marika and how well the album sales were going and about how Kylie Minogue was bringing out another album. I remember reading the stories but could not tell you a thing it said. I sat there looking at Norman and staring at the crotch of his shorts. That morning while he was in the shower I went to his wardrobe and got some clothes out for him to wear for the day. I chose a pair of black footy shorts and a short white t-shirt thinking that the shorts would show off his nice cock and arse and the shirt wouldn't cover the nice bulge I was crafting out for all to see. I also pulled a pair of speedos out of my bag for him just because I knew it would turn me on if I knew he had them on. I changed into a similar outfit of dark blue footys and a lime green t-shirt, I also had a pair of speedos on not that it was un-usual for me to trade jocks for speedos.

By the time Norman came out of the shower I was in the kitchen having breakfast with Helen. Helen wasn't feeling well this morning so she only made some toast and a cup of coffee for herself. I sat at the table while she told me about stuff that had happened last night at work and I sat there thinking about what had happened at the house last night! Helen said she didn't think she would be going to work tonight but would go to bed again soon and see how she felt later in the day. I really hoped she would feel up to going to work as I didn't think anything would happen with Norman if she was home. After a few minutes Norman came out of his bedroom in the outfit I had laid out for him, he looked good, not as good as me, but good enough to eat! Helen didn't say anything right away, she just looked at him, after a few minutes she said "You look good Norman, I haven't seen this outfit before." Norman smiled at her and said "Yeah, Jamie found it in the wardrobe for me." She looked a little puzzled but went back to her coffee.

The three of us sat there in the kitchen talking while Norman and I finished our toast and it was time to go and get the bus. Helen gave Norman enough money for him and I to get the bus into town and to grab a little lunch while we were in town and we headed out the door. I had some money of my own that Mum had given me but I thought it was best to use his money and keep mine for later in the week in case I needed it. I followed Norman down the front stairs to the bus stop outside his house. To the left of the bus stop was a payphone and I watched as I sat at the bus stop as Norman went to the phone box and checked to see if there was any change in the coin return. As I watched him I thought to myself "what a scavenger!" but I found my eye float down to his arse in my old footy shorts, Damn this boy had a great bum, while I was sucking him off the night before I had my hands all over his bum and could still feel how smooth it was.

When the bus came Norman paid for us both and we took a seat at the back of the bus, there was only us and the driver riding but that was not unusual for that time of day in Innisfail, the town only had 17,000 people living in it in those days so the chances of everyone wanting to get a bus at the same time was unlikely. The problem was this was that the bus company had cut back the number of runs every day and now this bus route went all over this side of town before dropping us off a few blocks from the Library. Sitting there at the back of the bus with Norman I again couldn't take my eyes off the bulge in his shorts. I was very glad to have chosen his wardrobe for the day. Norman was sitting there at the back of the bus on the right hand side, he had one knee up on the seat and the other off the edge, this meant that his legs were open and his shorts showed a nice bulge. I sat there looking at him for a while before he noticed, I was so intent looking at his bulge that the only way I knew he had caught me was that he reached down and grabbed his cock. I looked up at him and me was smiling, I followed his eyes and realised he was looking at my bulge too. Mine was a bit bigger than his this morning only because I was sporting a big erection on my footy shorts.

As we rode the bus into town we sat there looking at each other's bulges and started to tease one and other. Norman started by lifting the leg of his shorts so I could see that he was wearing the speedos I had gotten out of my bag for him, I returned the favour to show that I was wearing a pair of red speedos, when he saw this his eyes lit up and there was a growing in his shorts. I looked out the window of the bus to see where we were and found we still had about 10 minutes until we hit town. I knew the driver couldn't see us from the front of the bus so I did it, I took my cock out the leg of my shorts and slowly wanked. I thought Norman was going to leap across the back seat of the bus and suck me off but instead he reached into his own shorts and pulled his out to have a toss as well. It didn't take long, a matter of 2 to 3 minutes for us to cum. I managed to shoot my load as far as the back of the chair in front of me but Normans cum oozed out the head and down the shaft of his throbbing cock. We both sat there for the rest of the bus ride with our cocks hanging out the leg of our shorts looking at each other. Neither of us had anything to clean up on so we didn't have a way to clean off the cum on our cocks or the cum on my leg or Normans shorts.

As the bus pulled up Norman and I put our teen cocks away and walked to the front of the bus. I was sure the driver would be able to smell the cum on us but he didn't say a work, just pulled the bus over and let us out. Where the bus stopped in Innisfail is a park called ANZAC park and right at the bus stop was a toilet block, I told Norman I was going in there to clean up a little and he followed me in. I went to the paper towel dispenser on the wall and took out a few sheets and went into a cubical. I wiped down my leg and took my dick out, it was soft now so I pulled the foreskin back and wiped the head of my cock. Other than that I was clean and ready for a day in town with Norman. I heard the sound of paper towel on fabric and heard him saying "Oh fuck me, it isn't coming out". I found him saying that the cum wasn't coming out very funny and laughed a bit as I left the stall and went to wait for him outside. I was only there a few seconds when he came out of the toilets and walked over to me. He stood about half a meter from me and whispered, can you see it on my shorts. I sat there looking at it was happy to report that it looked to me as though he had cleaned it all off. We walked from the bus stop through the Coles car park and went the back way to the shire hall. He walked in front of me as we climbed the steep hill beside the shire hall to get to the Library giving me an awesome view of his arse, it was at that moment that I knew I wanted to fuck his tight bum.

When we got to the library we sat in the `young adult' section reading magazines for a few hours and headed out to find some lunch. We went to a nice little café that was owned by the parents of one of the guys in the swim team and feasted on hot chips and gravy, the staple diet of teen aged boys in Innisfail in those days. By the time we finished it was time to head home and we climbed back on the bus for the ride home. We took the same seat at the back and I was happy to see that my cum was still on the back of the seat in front, it had dried by now but I was turned on to see it there. Nothing happened on the bus ride home nor did anything happen that night as Helen was home and as she had slept for most of the day she was up all night not giving us a chance to be alone and have any fun.

That night I went for a shower and played with my cock thinking about the events of the day, thinking about Norman and I playing with our hard dicks on the bus and the way his cock looked as we climbed the hill beside the shire hall was all I could take and I dropped my load in the shower and watched as it washed away down the drain. With that taken care of I washed off and got out of the shower. I stood there in the backroom towelling myself off when I got hard again thinking of Norman in the next room laying on his bed more than likely thinking of me naked in the shower playing with himself. By the time I left the bathroom wearing only the towel I was hard as a rock again. I walked into his bedroom and left the light off. The window was open and the streetlight outside gave everything in the room a strange orange glow, I could see Norman on the bed under a sheet and a tent growing from his crotch. I was right, he had been playing with his dick, I bet he was thinking about me in the shower. The thought of this turned me on and I dropped the towel and lay down on the mattress on the floor. Norman got up on one elbow looking down at me in the orange light coming in from outside and said "Do you want to come up here man?"

I didn't bother with a response and jumped up and joined him in the bed. He leaned over me and kissed me on the lips, I could feel his rock hard cock poking me in the hip and reached down and grabbed it. As my hand grasped his hard teen cock Norman pursed his lips and stopped kissing me, He sat up beside me and took a hold of my pulsating cock. Norman and I spent the next ten minutes like that pulling each other's cocks until he blew his load and it dribbled down his cock and onto my hand. The feel of his hot cum on my hand was enough for me and I blew my load onto my stomach. Norman got up and reach under the bed for a towel and wiped the cum off my belly and cock before looking after cleaning himself up. He put the towel back in its spot and got back in the bed with me, he rolled onto its side, I took this as an invitation and moved up behind him and put my arm around him. He moaned when I did this and I felt my cock growing again, as it did it pushed into his butt cheek. I knew Helen would wake us up so I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep like this so I got out of the bed, but on my boxer shorts and climbed onto the mattress on the floor.

The following morning Helen came in and woke us up to get up for breakfast and the smell of bacon and eggs filled the house, I knew this must have meant that she was feeling better and knew I she would be going to work that night meaning that Norman and I would be home alone tonight. It was at that moment that I decided that I was going to fuck Norman that night. I didn't know how I was going to make it happen but I knew I would. When we got up Norman was still naked and I got the my first look at him completely naked. The zits on his face were on his back as well, there was a big mother of a zit in the middle of his back that I didn't know about, I looked at it feeling the old feeling of repulsion wave over me but when I looked down at his arse again I forgot how gross the pimple on his back was and started to bar up again. Norman must have known I was looking at his back as he went and grabbed a shirt as quick as he could and put it on. He looked over at me sheepishly but when he noticed the hard wood I was sporting me grinned and got down and kissed it. He looked back up at me and told me we had better go for breakfast before his Mum came looking for us.

He dressed in another pair of my old footy shorts but with a pair of his own plain dyed target brand undies. He looked good and turned to look at himself in the mirror, I guessed he liked what I saw as he reached down and adjusted himself and left the room, I selected a pair of white footy shorts today with no jocks and no t-shirt. Not wearing a shirt was not out of the ordinary for me in those days so I knew Helen wouldn't think much of it and I was hoping it would drive Norman nuts seeing me just about naked all day. My plan was to let my dick fall out the leg of my shorts a few times during the day when only he would see, driving him nuts with teenaged passion until he begged me to fuck him when his mum went to work that night.

After breakfast Helen said she had a friend from up the road coming to visit and that we should just go down stairs and play pool or darts or something, she said that her friend was having some man trouble and that the talk was likely to be boring so we might have more fun down stairs, I was happy with this as it would have us alone for the morning and I could start with operation plunge into Normans arse. We spent the morning playing pool and I made sure that every shot showed off either my cock or my arse. I would sit on the stool with my legs way too wide apart so he would be able to see my cock hanging down over my balls when the nylon material of my footy shorts fell open. Norman didn't miss much, I would catch him looking at my cock or my arse all morning and noticed me was sporting a nice sized boner. Just as we finished our second game of pool Helen came down stairs with a plate of ham roles so we took a break and sat at the table together to eat. Once his Mum out back upstairs he said "Wow man, your cock looks awesome today, I can't wait for Mum to go to work." I smiled at him and said "Me either man, I want to try something new." Norman didn't say anything but just looked at me with a weird look on his face.

He seemed to forget about what I had said after a while and we got back to the business of playing pool before moving on to darts. Watching him as he stood there playing his game I couldn't take my eyes off his bum, he noticed me looking at it and smiled at me. He came over and whispered on my ear "you want to fuck me don't you?" Just hearing him say that had me hard within seconds. Wow this boy was sexual. At that age I had sucked a few guys off and a few guys had sucked me off but that was as far as it had gone. I didn't know how to fuck a guy, I mean to say I knew what went where but I didn't know how to make it happen. Norman was still looking at me smiling waiting for an answer, I nodded at him and his smile got bigger. We went back to our game, he found as many ways as he could to bend over in front of me to show off that hot teen arse of his. I have to say I had planned on teasing him all day and had been doing a good job of it but the little shit had turned the tables on me!

After a few more hours of playing darts and pool we got sick of it and went up stairs to play video game. I didn't like video games myself but needed something to take my mind off what was going to happen later that night, by now Helens friend had left and the three of us sat playing until Helen had to go and make dinner. That night she made spaghetti and we all sat down to eat, I was still just wearing my shorts and could feel Norman staring at me. All he would see was my chest but I swore he was going to stare the nipples right off my body. Just before seven Helens taxi arrived and she excused herself and climbed down the stairs. I helped Norman clear the table and I started washing up. Neither of us said anything, after a while Norman came up behind me and reached around and grabbed my cock through my shorts. "You have been very naughty today Jamie" he said "You have been teasing me with this all day" I kept washing up, "If your good Norman" I said "You can play with it after we wash up." He kept a hold of it for a little while longer while it grew in his hand and said "Do you still want to fuck me with it man" he was whispering right in my ear now, I could feel his breath on my ear. "Yeah I do" I told him.

We finished washing up and went into the lounge room, Helen had left the door open so Norman went over and closed it. I took a seat on the couch and Norman sat next to me. I was sporting a big hard on that was tenting my shorts and looking at the bulge in Normans shorts he was hard as a rock as well. Neither of us made the first move for a while we just sat there watching the TV. I don't think either of us would be able to tell you what we watched that night but we sat there like good boys pretending we weren't nervous about what we were thinking of doing. I noticed Norman was looking at the bulge in my shorts and had an odd look on his face when I asked him if something was wrong he said "I am wondering if it will hurt when you fuck me, you cock is huge." We sat there for a while longer until he said "How do we do it?" I had no idea. I had seen a gay porn at some guys house a few months before and thought the way they did it seemed to work so I said he should take his shorts and jocks off and kneel down on the floor on his hands and knees.

This little bit of knowledge put me in the lead role and Norman did what I told him, I stood in front of him looking at him in the light of the TV, I was glad he hadn't taken his shirt off as I didn't think I would be able to fuck him if I could see the pimple on his back! Norman was on the floor with his bum poking up in the air, I took hold of my cock and kneeled on the floor behind him. I reached out and rubbed my hand over his bum, when I fingers touched his teen hole it opened up a little and I could feel the warmth from within. Tried to stick my finger in his hole but it wouldn't go in, I remembered the man in the porno film licking his finger before he slipped it in so I licked my own finger and tried again, this time my finger slipped in up to the first knuckle. Feeling the heat from within his body was such a turn on and I wanted more. I tried to put my finger in more but it was too tight.

I took my finger out and spat on my hand before rubbing my spit on my cock and putting the head of my cock at his virgin boy hole. Norman didn't say anything but just stayed there on all fours. I put my hands on his hips and tried to push my 6 inch cock into his waiting hole but it wouldn't go. Norman winced so I stopped "It won't fit" he said, I thought he was going to tell me to stop but instead he tried to push back on by cock, it was no good, the door to his teen boy hole was locked. We kept trying to push my cock into his hole for about 10 minutes before we gave up. We laid on the floor together silently. I was thinking if a little bit of spit let my finger slid in maybe I just needed something to help my cock slide in. I told Norman what I was thinking and he went into the kitchen and came back with a tub of margarine. The thought of putting margarine on my cock was weird but I was so horny I would have done anything to get in his arse so I grabbed a handful and spread it over my cock. Norman watched for a minute and got back into position. My hands were now so slippery that I wasn't able to keep a hold of his hips now but was glad that the head of my cock slid into his hold easily. "FUCK" Norman said "STOP!" I just help it there, the urge to plunge my cock into him and start pumping was almost impossible to resist but I held it there, "are you ok dude" I said. "Yeah, it just hurt that's all, I'm ok, try going in a bit more" I pushed my cock another couple of inches in when the muscle in his arse slammed onto my cock and it wouldn't move. Norman was breathing through his gritted teeth but didn't say anything. The feeling on my cock was amazing, I could feel the warmth of his body on my cock and any little move I made let me feel his body slide over my cock. By now there was only about an inch of my cock left outside his body so when his muscle loosened up again I gave it one last push.

Once it was all in I could feel his arse cheek on my tummy and started to slowing bring it out. Norman was still breathing through gritted teeth but was starting to breathe more easily. I pulled it out slowly until only the head of my cock was in him and then pushed it in again. I kept going slowly feeling the muscles in his bum loosen more with each slow thrust until Norman was breathing more normally again. "Does it feel good Jamie" he asked "Yeah baby, it feels awesome" I replied. I started to fuck him a little faster then, enjoying the feeling of his insides rubbing on my cock, I looked down at him wishing I could kiss him while I was fucking him but knew there was no way doing it in this position. I noticed that Norman was supporting his weight on only one hand and his knees as he was now pulling himself off with his other hand. I speed up my pace again and Norman speed up his pace on his cock as well. After a new minutes of this I felt the most intense orgasm I had felt up to that point in my life. He must have felt me cum inside him as at the same time as I came his sped up his wanking and the muscle in his arse slammed around my cock again stopping me from pulling it out.

By the time the muscle loosened up again my cock was soft and was very sensitive to touch so pulling it out of his arse felt weird. Once my cock was out of him he rolled over and lay on his back, I went down and kissed him on the mouth. I didn't know what to say to him so I said thank you, He didn't say anything but just kissed me back. We got up off the floor seeing the mess we left on the floor boards and went for a shower together. I felt very close to Norman after that and we made out in the shower for ages, once we got out of the shower we walked naked to his bedroom we spent the next hour laying on the bed kissing and tugging on each other's dicks. We both came about twice more before we had to get up and clean up the mess in the lounge room.

To this day I will never forget the look on Normans face when he got up and speed margarine on his toast the following day seeing the marks my fingers had hade in the tub gave him a devilish look on his face. Although I would not recommend margarine as lube it was a long time before I could put some on toast with getting an instant hard on. Norman and I fooled around together on and off for many years after that but never talked about dating. The last I heard he was married and had a couple of kids.

*Well guys, I hope you enjoyed this story! Let me know your thoughts on my email -- gayspeedoguy@gmail.com *

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