James............or Sir ?

Published on Jun 16, 2004



I met this guy on the net. It was my 1st foret into an S&M chat room. He interested me. I don't know what it was, other than he seemed so sure of himself and had this ability to both listen and take command at the same time. I had not felt so scared, yet safe, but so incredibly horny for a long long time.

His name was James...........or Sir...........his title seemed to blur the more we spoke. He became a friend, but also someone who could take charge of me with a change in tone, a click of his fingers, or a single written word. My job involves managing others, so why he had this effect on me, I still don't know, but he did.

James lived happily with his boyfriend, making do with his urges to control others on-line. A cyber master; or so I thought. He would never want to see me for real. Probably never thought I'd come, even if he decided that his urges to dominate someone were so strong to put a little infidelity to the back of his mind; or so I thought.

Then it happened. My legs shook. As we chatted on-line, he just told me to meet him. Now. Come and meet him at a hotel I was to book and pay for now.

I had one hour. Did he mean it? Could this be real? Would he really show? Would I show? Would he look at me for real, not just over a cam, laugh and leave?

So many questions. I had one hour to make up my mind. To obay or not to obay. I had never done anything like this before. Not been with a guy for over 10 years, never been fucked, not been dominated. If he came, what would he do to me? did it matter? would it be safe?

My heart was racing, my mind spinning. But I was drawn. All I could see was his smile in my head. His cute nipples that used to peek out from under his robe on the web cam. That belly button piercing. That cock. Oh yes...........that cock!

I had no choice. I picked up the phone & booked the room. I showered quickly, threw on jeans and a T-shirt, then jumped in the car & drove. Would he be there? Could I go through with it? As I tussled with these questions, I found myself pulling into the hotel carpark. How did I get here? I don't remeber the short journey at all.

Then the nerves hit. I couldn't get out the car. Could I? I was about to drive away, when I saw him. James looked at me & gave me one of those cute smiles. I was drawn. Got out. Followed. We chatted like old mates - that was not what I expected. All nice and friendly, though the bag James carried, looked full. I wondered what was in it. We checked in ok, got a drink. This is cool I thought. I got a new mate.

Then from nowhere, he leaned forward to me and just said quietly "now". James looked at me. Hard. He stood, I followed, without question. How did he know? How did he know I could not resist? As the questions whirled again, I found myself in the room. The hotel bedroom. With James. How did I get here?

We were in the centre of the room. One word. "Kneel". I did it. Knelt in front of him. I looked up. Should I have a safe word? James just said "trust me". I did. He rested his hand on my head. I felt electricity course through me; my heart thumping. James moved behind me, then from behind, pulled up my T-shirt - took it off. "Arms behind your back". I did it. He cuffed my wrists - didn't see where they came from.

Moving back in front. He was standing over me. My head in line with his crotch. He stood there and I thought I was supposed to do something, so rubbed my cheek over where I thought his cock was. James stepped away. "Did I tell you to do that?". No Sir I replied. I called him Sir! Why? It just seemed right.

My punishment..........pegs. On my nipples - two on each one. I let out a groan. I could see James was getting hard. He knew he controlled me now. I was told to stand - not easy with hands behind my back, but I did it. Feeling self conscious that I had no top on. James stood in front of me, told me to suck his thumb. Told me to imagine it was his cock. I did it - sucked it in, swirled it round. His other hand was undoing my belt, dropping my jeans. I got sucking his thumb as he explored my mouth with it.

I was hard now. My CK's tenting. My legs shaking. James withdrew his thumb. Flicked the pegs on my tits & before I knew it my CK's were off. I was naked. He was dressed. Oh my god - what am I doing? I felt humiliated, but I wanted to cum - right there - right then, then go home. But I knew it was not going to be that easy.

James walked around me, checking me out. Told me I must train more - tone up. I nodded. Yes Sir. Why did I say that? Behind me. " Bend over". I did. He pulled my cheeks apart - oh my god -no one had ever done that to me before. I could feel him looking. Just looking. Back round the front. "Stand". I did. His hand slid up my cock. That made me jump. There was a cord in James' hand. He tied it round my balls; not cock and balls - just balls. Tight. He tied it real tight. Then a peg over my foreskin at the end.

I knew what that meant - all my precum would collect - makes a right mess. Made me more horny at the thought. I felt so venerable, so humiliated being bound naked in front of this horny guy, who was still fully dressed.

James led me to the bed - pulling on the various pegs. I had to follow - taking a sharp intake of breath. My nipples were going numb. I told him. James just smiled. He put a pillow in the middle of the mattress. For some reason, I thought I would be put on my back, put he maneuvered me on my front, ass raised by the pillow, the pegs on my tits pressed into the duvet, my cock forced back over the pillow - accessible from behind.

My ankles were secured, wide apart. I kept asking James what he was going to do. "Shhhhhh", was all he said. SLAP...................agggggggggghhhhhhhhhh, James had slapped my ass - pretty hard. I yelped. He did it again. I had not been spanked before - not even as a kid. It stung. Badly. James told me there would be 10 & I had to count them. I did it. Why do I do what he says?

My ass was red. Burning. Tears in my eyes. Then James did something I was not expecting. He licked my butt. Licked it - up & down. This was new. Ohhhhhhhhhhh wow - so new. I could feel precum leaking into my pegged foreskin. Then a finger entered me. I gasped. Only I have ever done that before. James was lubing me; finger fucking me. It felt so good. As I buried my head in the bed, he suprised me again - I felt a butt plug pushing in. Noooooooo - please. But he pushed. It popped in - it hurt, but felt good.

I so wanted to cum - so wanted him to wank me. So wanted his cock. But he was still dressed. I felt James untie my ankles, undid the cuffs. I could go now - he couldn't stop me, but when he told me to flip over, I just did it - landing on my red ass, making me yelp.

"Spread-eagle". I complied. He tied. I started again to wonder why, but then thought 'who cares - I like this'. James played with the pegs on my tits - pulling them off - rubbing them - reapplying them - fuck that hurts. More pegs were applied - all over - god this was going to hurt. Then another cord round my balls - the other end tied to a vase. James let it go over the end of the bed - it tugged hard on my balls - bulling them. I yelped. James smiled. He swung the vase. I yelled. James smiled.

Pegs were removed and applied. I wanted to cry. Then he kissed me - where did that come from? His tongue entered my mouth - I responded - wanted to feel him. As he stood - I saw a small plastic rod in his hand. My eyes bulged - please no James - not that, please. "Trust me". He took my cock in his hand, wanked my gently until I was iron hard. Then he removed that peg on the end of my foreskin - wow - what a lot of juice. James rolled the rod in it - I had created my own lube. He inserted it into my piss slit. I was scared - telling him to stop - but I couldn't make him. In it went.

It felt so strange, my cock felt so hard. Only then did I get to see his body. James stripped in front of me - telling me what he was going to do to me. Naked & hard at last. Fuck he is hot! James got on the bed - straddled my face - his cock & balls resting on my throat. I had not sucked a guy for over 10 years, but so wanted this. But his hands moved back - working the pegs, turning the rod, pulling my balls up and letting them fall with the weight of the vase. I was in agony, but he wanted to watch my face. Got him harder.

He inched closer - told me to lean up - to lick the end of his cock. I did it. No longer wondering why.............................

Nectar. Thats what his precum tasted like on my tongue. Despite the pain my body was in from the bonds, pegs and rod inside my cock, I wanted to please him. Please the guy stradling my body. Please James.

He moved forward, letting me take his cock deeper. I worked it, used my tongue, slid it up & down his shaft, tickled his own piss slit - giving him pleasure in the place he was cauing me discomfort. Still it seemed right. James coaxed me on, making me take him deeper, smiling on the occasions I gagged, before withdrawing, only to push in again. All the time reaching back and working those pegs, making me moan as I sucked.

I could tell that having me like this turned him on. Why I am not sure. Just because he was in control? Because it fulfilled his fantasy, his dark side, because he liked me? Only he knew and it wasn't my place to question.

With my mind in a whirl, I realised his cock was out of my mouth and he had moved up. Telling me to wash his balls. I took each one in, not feeling him inching further up. I found myself licking that special place that only guys know about, between balls and ass. But he didn't stop. Surely he was not going to expect me to................

Oh my god, he was. I couldn't. Not lick his ass. Surely he couldn't expect that. Fool. Of course he did. James knew he was in control. His hole know directly above my mouth. I kept it shut. Fool - how long before he made me; why didn't I just comply. It was only a matter of time.

All I could do was smell him. That manly smell. I could see no more than his hole above my face. I didn't see as his hands slaped my belly, twist & pull at the rod deep in my cock. Of course I screamed - screamed as his hole winked at me and he lowered it down on my face. I could not breath. I had to. Yes - had to extend my tongue, touching the puckered skin. I felt the electricity surge through him. It was what James wanted, so I went to work. Overcoming my reluctance, again my aching tongue went to work.

James' moans were growing, I knew I was pleasing him, which spurred me on. Then it stopped - he stood up. His hard cock coming into view, dripping onto me. James got off the bed. It was only then I realised how much I hurt & ached. But my cock was still hard, wet. I wanted to cum. Needed to cum. James please let me cum, please, I whined. He smiled, his hand moved to glide up & down my cock. Yes. Yes, he was wanking me. This is it. I was begging. I knew he'd let me cum.

It was slow, felt weird with that rod still inside heightening sensations. My toes were curling, my body writhing under his touch. Then, when my eyes were shut, I felt his tongue. Down there. On my cock. Licking me. Sir - oh yes Sir. I was shaking, on the edge. He knew it. James knew it...............& he stopped. Stopped all stimulation.

My eyes bulged open. He couldn't do this to me. Oh god no. He hat to finish me off. I begged, whimpered, cried, thrashed around trying to get free. But it was no good. I could not come. James got off on this. Really got off on it. I had never seen such a look of pleasure on another persons face. And when I calmed down, he started again. Working my cock, bringing me close. I tried to hide the signs - the ones all guys have when they are about to cum, but he could see through me. He stopped again.................and again.

My balls had never, ever hurt so much. I was desperate. Sweating. Hurting. I could not take much more. As I came close to cumming for the 5the time, he stopped - left the room. Went into the bathroom & closed the door.

What the fuck. No. Fuck. Come back, I called out. Please. It seemed too long, but eventually the door opened. "Time to take your Cherry". It was all he said. Walking towards me, cock still hard. This was the bit I feared most. I had never been fucked. My hands still tied above me, but he untied my ankles, raising them onto his shoulders.

I had forgotten the plug in me - but knew it when he pulled at it. Hard. In one quick, hard tug, it came out. I howled. James smiled. There was a condom on his cock - when had that got there?, but he lined up. I felt him pushing against me. I wanted him, but despite being plugged, I was tight. He ruffled my hair - seeing the panic in my face. James told me to relax, to push a little. I could almost here the pop as he entered me.

Is this what its like I thought. I was captivated watching the concentration on his face as he pushed in. Me watching him, watching me. I thought it would hurt, but it didn't. Not really. Not in comparison to everything else. James took it easy on me going in. Knowing I was a virgin. But then my fucking began. Surely he could not last long, not with all the winding up. Little did I know I was dealing with someone confident in his own abilities. Able to last. Able to fuck.

And fuck he did. I felt myself enjoying it. My cock had drooped a bit. I had not realised, but his hand snaked down and took my cock. His touch was enough. I was hard. Oh no - not again. He wanked me as he fucked me. I loved the look in his eyes. I tried to use my ass muscles to please him. To work James' cock.

It seemed like forever, but I knew he was getting close. James' face was reddening, his pace quickening. He flicked at the pegs still on my tits and chest. He removed one. I groaned in pain, making my ass clench. He liked that, so he took off others. Slowly. All the time getting closer. Fuck I was in agony, but his cute face above me kept me going.

Then I knew it was time. Despite the condom, I could feel him erupt. I certainly heard him as he let out a long guttural moan. I could feel James pumping cum, filling up that thin bit of rubber. How I wished it was not there. As he slowed, rubbing my hairy legs, he again took my cock and wanked me - slowly. I could feel his cock twitching inside me. James brought me to the edge. The rod in my cock making me feel really odd - could I cum with it in?

I would soon find out.

I came. Blasted. Cum forcing up past the rod, making it more intense. The most powerful orgasm of my life. All over my belly. Yes. It was over. Wow. We looked at each other. James lent down & kissed me.................

But it was not over. When James stopped kissing me & withdrew his cock from inside me, I thought he'd untie me & we'd leave. I had expected the discomfort as he withdrew the rod in my cock, but not him scooping my cum up and making me eat it as he straddled me. Wow - I did it, but also looked at the condom still on his softening cock. He saw my look and took it off.

He swung it in front of my face then just said "open your mouth". I did. Why? - fuck! My mouth opened - he turned the condom over and poured it in my mouth. I was tasting his cum after all. Leaning down and kissing me, but only to get a taste - most he made me swallow. His & my cum. Wow - I felt like such a slut.

Only then did he release me. Untied me. James let me go. Sir became James my mate again, as we showered together. Cleaned up. As we left, he leaned in & whispered to me "I went easy on you today - next time will be harder".

Next time.................oh god, but was this real, or just a fantasy?

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