James to the Rescue

By William Large

Published on Sep 23, 2018


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I am grateful to Nifty for posting my story and also David who hosts all my stories at Screeve.org Please head over to the website to read my other tales. I would love to hear your stories of sex and masturbation at school, so please email me.

James to the Rescue

James had been avoiding me ever since that strange science lesson that had me fuck him up the arse. I tried to catch his eye and sometimes I did, but he always managed to scurry away, so he would have to look at me or talk to me. He seemed alright after I had fucked him, and I know I was teased for a short time but to stop it all I had to do was suggest that I fuck them, so they knew what it felt like. But I had no idea how James was taking it or if he was being teased. Being quiet and shy I thought he may be teased but I certainly never heard.

In science, James always sat as far away from me as he could. This lesson was no different.

I had become tired of trying to make an effort with James and so just ignored him. I would try and say hello when we left.

Today I was just staring into space, my eyes facing the whiteboard but not focused and the sound of Mr Bale droning on was muffled in my ears.

The blurred black lines on the board began to swirl, my eyes drifted trying to follow the patterns it was creating.

Suddenly the lines collapsed and merged into one spot in the centre of the board, like literally being swallowed by a black hole.

The black spot throbbed, getting larger with each pulse.

Then it exploded!

Black lines radiated from the centre and began to orbit the dot. They congealed and began to take on a form.

Soon, a pin-sharp line drawing of James' face was staring at me. It began to speak.

"I want you!" The voice sounded like James.

"I want you!" It repeated.

A loud slap shocked me back to my senses as Mr Bale slapped his rather large ruler onto my desk.

"I want you to pay attention, Mr Large!" He was stern and annoyed.

I had not listened to a word he had said all lesson and his quick-fire questions to me proved it.

"You will not get away with sleeping or daydreaming through my class. I want to see you tomorrow morning before registration. And I expect you to know all the answers to my questions."

"Yes, Sir," I said sheepishly.

He walked away from me.

"I'll need help, Sir."

He turned and glared. "Not from me, you won't. I expect you will have to persuade one of this lot," he waved his arm in front of the class, "to give up their valuable spare time and help you."

"Not a chance!" I heard a voice behind me.

"Nor me!" This was quickly becoming a chorus of my fellow classmates refusing to help me.

"Bastards," I muttered under my breath so Mr Bale couldn't hear.

I turned to look at Pete.

"Sorry, mate. My folks insist that we visit my aunt this evening." He looked apologetic.

"Shit!" This time Mr Bale heard.

"Just for that, Mr Large, I will double the questions."

I looked around the room, and if people weren't laughing, they were looking directly at me and shaking their head.

My eyes settled on James. He was looking at his desk so he wouldn't make eye contact with anybody. I kept looking at him.

His head lilted slightly and met my gaze. "Please." I mouthed.

I swear I saw him nod before staring at his desk again.

It was good enough for me.

For the rest of the lesson, I was very attentive and listening to every word Mr Bale said. It was half the lesson but at least half a lesson I wouldn't have to learn.

When the bell went, I jumped to my feet and went straight over to James.

"I'll meet you at the school gate at the end of the day?" It was halfway between a question and a statement.

"Ok." James' replied and walked off to his next lesson alone.

I felt so relieved. I was now looking forward to being tutored by James tonight.

James was already waiting for me when I got to the school gate. He looked over to see me approaching him, but he didn't return my beaming smile. I was so glad to see him.

"Hiya, James. You ready?"

"Yep." He replied, and we started walking to his house.

I suggested his house as I didn't want my brothers or mother disturbing us. They knew it was James I did the science class with and I didn't want them to make him, or me, uncomfortable.

I tried to get him to talk as we walked, but small talk just wasn't cutting it. I had to try something stronger.

"I really enjoyed fucking you the other week."

James stopped and stared at me.

"Can I do it again?" I asked.

"Is that all you want from me? My fucking arse?"

I leant forward and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"No. I want to be friends. I like you. I liked being with you that day. I think you'd be a good friend. And I could do with some who might understand what I'm going through."

"What's that?"

"In time, my friend. In time." I put my arm over his shoulder and carried on walking, taking James with me. "First let's get to know each other. I want to know why you are the only constant in my mind since I got here."

"What are you on about?" James looked very confused.

"Let's just talk, any old crap, boring crap, crap I should already know."

"Um... alright."

The walk to his house was very interesting. We talked a lot, he seemed confused that I was asking questions that I should know the answers to, but he went with it.

It turns out that although we have been at school together from a very young age, we met at reception class, we have never really been friends. We would mix in different circles and our paths never really crossed. So far this matched my real life, James is the only constant, apart from my parents. Everyone else was a new face. Even my fucking brothers that appeared out of nowhere.

He knew a little about me, Pete was my best friend. We'd been inseparable since he moved into the area and I was nominated by the teacher to be his guide around the new school. We were both seven or eight, but since then we were always seen together. And got into trouble together.

I liked cycling. Also, true. And when not with Pete I would be out cycling somewhere, usually alone but sometimes with the local cycling club. Almost true. I had joined the local cycling club but gave up after only going a few times. Then I seem to remember James had joined. I asked him if he was also a member in this life, but he said that he was too shy to join as he didn't know anyone there except me and we had never talked before. I felt bad that although we were in the same classes, mostly, and had been in the same classes since primary school, he didn't feel comfortable around me. I hoped I wasn't mean to him or teased him.

I also had a crush on a girl called Megan, apparently, but after she'd watched me fuck James she thought I was gay, or so he'd heard. Funny, she saw me fuck Vicky as well but doesn't think I'm straight. But fuck a guy, and you're labelled forever. I didn't care, I enjoyed it. Besides she was a new face as well. I'd better get James to point her out to me as I'm supposed to fancy her.

This really was a new life.

We went straight up to James' bedroom when we got to his house. No one else was home. I sat on his bed and beckoned him to sit next to me.

"I'm sorry I've ignored you all this time."

"It's alright. We've just never really connected." James shrugged.

"I've not been nasty to you. Have I? Or bullied you?"

"No, nothing like that. We've just never really hung out together."

"I'm not a bully, am I?"

"I don't think so. You do tease people, but it sounds like it's all in fun. But I don't think you're a bully."

"Good." I put my arm around him. "When do people start coming home in your house."

"We've got a good hour. My brother is away at uni, and my mum gets back around five-ish."

"So, tell me the truth. What did you really think of that lesson? Was I too rough with you?"

James let my question hang in the air a while. "It was ok, I enjoyed it... once I got into it, that is. I've never really done anything like that..."

I sensed a `but' and he was building up the courage to tell me.

"...But I would have liked to have tried some of the other things."

"With Vicky?"

Again, I waited while he got the courage to say.

"With you."

My cock went hard almost instantaneously, and I grabbed my crotch to push it down, so it didn't hurt so much.

"You want me to fuck you again?"

"No." He sounded definite. "That hurt, and it was embarrassing, especially in front of the whole class. Perhaps I might like to try again, but not yet. But what I wanted to try is..."

I waited while he paused and gulped down a breath.

"...fucking you."

"Shit!" I couldn't help it; my cock was in spasm, and it hurt. "Fuck!" I almost shouted as I lost control and my cock exploded in my trousers.

I fell back and leant my head against the wall his single bed was pressed up against.

"Fuck." I breathed. "See what you made me do."

James looked at the bulge in my black trousers, but my cum hadn't seeped through yet.

"You made me cream my pants just with you saying you wanted to fuck me."

"Sorry." James looked away.

"Don't be." I stood up and kicked off my shoes. I quickly un-clasped my trousers and pushed them to my knees. James looked back at me and saw the damp, translucent bulge in my tight white briefs.

"I don't want to stain my trousers, I've got to wear them all week, and my mum will kill me if I come home with spunk stains all over them. She says she sees enough of it when washing my underpants."

I peeled down my briefs and hooked the waistband under my balls. I was going soft, but my flesh gleamed with my moist cum.

"Do you have a damp flannel so I can clean up. Or just some tissues."

James went to the bathroom and came back with a towel.

"I've wet it a little. I got it from the dirty linen."

I frowned at him.

"It's mine, I used it this morning and mum told me to put it in the wash. I can't use a clean one, she'll ask questions."

"She doesn't like the sight of spunk either then?"

"I have to be careful and clean up after myself. Dad says women don't understand why a growing boy needs to do so much. He says that she shouldn't have to wash my clothes if they're covered in `semen stains' as he calls them."

"Your parents sound so uptight. It's a wonder they ever had children if they are so afraid of sex."

"They're not." James refuted. "They are at it like fucking rabbits. Dad came into my room late at night to check I'm asleep. If he thinks that I am, then I can hear them at it through the wall. My mum can be fucking loud when he gives her an orgasm."

"What fucking hypocrites. They can bang each other's brains out, but you can't even have a crafty wank."

I rubbed my dick and balls clean with the damp towel then threw the towel on the floor. I didn't make any attempt to cover myself again.

"Do you get hard when you hear them at it? Do you pull your pud as your dad is thrusting inside your mum?" I teased.

"Err, gross man!" James blushed.

"Your face tells me you do."

"Ok, but I don't think about them. I think it's someone else."

"Ooh, ooh! Who!" I jumped up slightly with excitement and noticed James watch my cock and balls flap around.

"Not telling." James sounded like a petulant toddler, so I left it alone.

"So, you want to try fucking me..." I changed the subject. "You know I've never been fucked," I told James as I pulled my school tie from my neck.

As I started to unbutton my shirt I told him to help me.

I expected him to help me with my shirt, but instead, James pulled down my trousers to my ankles and lifted my feet in turn so that I stepped out of them.

I noticed he seemed cautious or was it anxious when looking at my tight cum soiled white briefs and my dangling cock and balls. He was careful not to touch my skin as he pulled them down.

I was now naked in front of James.

James looked so fucking cute standing in front of me still in his uniform.

Despite only cumming a few minutes earlier, my cock started to fluff up.

I took hold of James' hand and placed it on my crotch. He cupped his hand and felt me as I grew even harder.

"They're all sticky," James complained.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. They tasted sweet like he had just eaten some chocolate.

I reached down and fondled his growing bulge in his trousers.

He gasped at my touch, and I took the opportunity to push my tongue into his mouth.

He recoiled with the shock and broke our connection.

Instead of trying to kiss him again, I reached for his tie; it was time that he was naked too.

James let go of my crotch and obediently stood still as I undressed him. I savoured the big reveal when I inched down his briefs. I could see he was hard and had to stretch the waistband to almost breaking point to get it over his cock and let it slap against his belly.

Up close it looked beautiful.

James' cock was hard and moist, and it pointed to the ceiling. Underneath his root, I could see his smooth balls dancing in their sac. I reached out and felt them move in my hand.

A small pearl emerged from the exposed tip of his cock and ran down the underside; James was so hard his foreskin had retracted completely. I didn't want to touch his cock as it looked ready to blow.

"I think you'd better get me ready," I told James and leapt onto his bed resting on my hands and knees, exposing my arse to him.

"Be careful. I've never done this before." I warned him.

James stuttered. "Ok. W... what do I do?"

"Have you got any lube, hand cream or anything?"

James must have run to the bathroom as he was back in seconds with a tub of cream.

"Use your fingers first to open me. Start with one and then two and hopefully three."

I felt his cool lube on his finger against my hole. It twitched and closed tighter. James pushed against it, and I relaxed. Slowly it slid inside.

"Fuck, that feels good." I moaned.

James was inside up to his knuckle. I told him to wiggle it and then fuck me with it. He went slow but rubbed my prostate each time.

"Fuck, that lesson taught you good. You're catching the spot each time."

I sensed James smile with pride and without any coaching pulled his finger out and continued to stretch me further with two fingers. The pain from the stretching disappeared the moment he hit the spot. I didn't even bother to speak, I don't think I could. I just moaned and groaned each time James entered me.

James knew it was time for three when I started to wiggle my arse, trying to get more of him inside me.

Now three was painful, but I didn't let him know that. I just told myself that it would subside soon, but it took several minutes before those three fingers truly felt at home inside me.

I was now resting on my elbows, my head tucked underneath so I could see my cock pointing at me. It was leaking profusely. Each time James hit my sweet spot it jerked and another stream of pre-cum oozed out. It was making a mess of his bed sheets.

James pulled out and gave me some respite. I could feel my hole gaping wide, a cool breeze deep inside me.

"Yes." I groaned as I felt James' thick blunt knob against me.

A gentle push and it slipped in easily.

"Oh fuck, that feels fucking great."

James kept pushing until his pubes tickled my arse cheeks.

I felt full like I needed to evacuate my bowels, and I pressed down on the invading cock.

James pulled back, and I could have cried. I wanted him back. And soon he filled me again. His knob hit my spot, and I groaned and spurted more pre-cum.

"Shit! Just fuck me, James. I need it. I need you."

James started to fuck me, slowly at first but soon picking up the pace. I grunted on each thrust as my cock spewed more pre-cum out. If I could have touched myself, I would have exploded. As it was, I didn't know how long I would last.

"Harder! Faster!" I cried. I needed to come, the pleasure was torture, I wanted it to end.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

James pummelled my arse as I writhed on his cock. He grabbed my hips to stop me moving so much so he could fuck me faster.

It worked. My cock exploded and showered my face with cum. My cock pulsed so hard I felt like my knob would split.

I opened my cum covered eyes to see my cock pulsing and dripping cum with every thrust.

"I'm going to cum!" James called out.

"Cum in me!" I cried.

James thrust in hard and collapsed on my back. I could feel his cock pulse and throb inside me. My legs gave way, and I fell flat against his bed, James still on top of me, his cock still throbbing inside me.

I groaned due to his weight on me, but I loved feeling him cum.

"Stay in me," I mumbled into the pillow, rubbing the cum from my face. "Stay in me."

James lay on top of me, his heavy breathing lifting him up and down against my back.

His cock softened, and I could feel it slipping from my hole.

I was empty.

James slid from my back and lay on his side beside me.

I turned to face him. "That was fucking the best."

I pecked him on the lips again. He still tasted sweet.

Once we had rested and caught our breath, it was James who suggested he start tutoring me on the earlier lesson. It was I who suggested we do it naked. It would be more fun.

James had an excellent tutoring technique; each time I answered a question correctly, he would give my cock a few strokes. I had a throbbing hard-on throughout the entire hour he went through the lesson.

James even went through the second half of the lesson, which I already knew, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I enjoyed his hand on my cock too much.

As James asked his last question, he stroked my cock constantly. I was now close, and he knew it. My knob had leaked over his hand, and we could hear squelching noises as he stroked my shaft.

I paused before answering the question; allowing James to stroke a few more times.

My balls suddenly ached, my cock throbbed, and as my knob spewed another load of cum, I answered.


If anyone is interested, the question was `what is the name of the cell division that happens in the male testes to produce spermatozoa?'

By the way; the next morning I aced Mr Bale's questions. I just hope he didn't notice my massive hard-on and I was glad I didn't cum in my pants as I answered his last question.

"Meiosis," I said with a huge grin.

What happens next for me? Email me your suggestions and keep an eye on Nifty.

Next: Chapter 2

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