James Francos Mark

By BS Archer

Published on Apr 3, 2012


This story is complete fiction. I have no clue of anyone elses sexuality except my own. If you are underage or this kind of material is illegal in your area.. click the little x in the upper right hand corner.

James Francos Mark Chap 4

My phone beeped. I pulled it out of my pocket noticing a text message. It read "Don't forget to call me when you get home. I want to make sure you're safe. I miss you already." Smiling I texted back "I miss you too. I will call you as soon as I walk in them door." The flight seemed like it took forever to get to St Louis.

We finally landed, I picked up my bags and headed to my car. As I drove out of the parking garage I received a text message that read "Cannot wait to hear everything tomorrow at lunch. See you at noon." It should be hilarious to hear what Christy has to say tomorrow. She has had a thing for James since I have known her. I stopped at jack n the box for a couple of tacos and a sandwich and continued the two and a half hour drive home. As I drove up the the house I could hear the dogs barking. I opened the car door as mom opened the house door letting the dogs out. They all greeted me with excitement. I opened the trunk pulling out my suitcases. I wheeled them in the house and took them into my room. Mom and I sat down and talked a little bit about the trip and what I did. I told her briefly about the guy I met. I didn't tell her that it was James since she wouldn't have a clue who he was. I excused myself and placed the call to James.

"You finally made it huh?"

"Yep, I just got here. I brought my suitcases in and then called you. How has your day been so far?"

"Not bad... kinda lonely though. I haven't done anything since you left except come home and feel sorry for myself."

"James get up and go do something. Call a couple of your friends and go hang out. I hate to hear you like this."

"I will. I just wanted to be able to talk to you when you got home. So what are you doing the rest of the night?"

"I'm going to unpack, wash some clothes and then go to bed early. What about you?" I asked.


"James? Tell me you're not going to sit home and be depressed."

"Okay Okay.. I wont. I will call Tommy and go out for dinner or something."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that. So..."


"I really want to touch you right now." I said sexily. "I would love to run my hands up and down your ass as you kiss me. As I feel your hard on grow between us."

"Oh my god.. you suck.." He said acting angry. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Yep I sure do.. and from what you told me.. I'm pretty damn good at it too."

"You sure the hell are. Okay... ummmm... I better go so that I can go.. umm take a cold shower?"

Laughing I said "Cold shower my ass. Have fun jerking off studly."

"You still suck!!"

"Yep I sure do." I said laughing. "Okay you go have some fun tonight, I'm going to get some stuff done here. Call me later if you want, otherwise I will talk to you soon."

"Hey Mark?"

"Yes Studly?"

"Have a good night and get some rest. I will call you or text you later."

"Sounds good James. Talk to you soon." With that we hung up and I started unpacking. I washed a couple of loads of laundry, jumped in the shower and went straight to bed.

I woke the next morning to my phone blinking indicating that I had a message. I picked the phone up and dialed voice mail. I heard you have one message in a computerized voice. I pushed one for play and listened. What I heard was absolutely hilarious. It was James, he did go out and sounded a little... Okay a lot drunk. Half of the time I couldn't understand what he was saying except. "I want you... me.. talk." I felt really bad that I hadn't heard the phone last night. I could have at least talked him through it until he passed out. I dialed his cell phone. It rang a few times until I heard. "Heeelllo?"

"Hello... who's this?" I asked.

"Who is this?" He asked back a little snippy.

"This is Mark. Is James available?"

"Hes still passed out, he got pretty wasted last night."

"Who am I talking to?" I asked.

"Oh...Sorry, this is Tommy. I stayed over last night because he drank so much."

"I appreciate that. He left me a message at 2:45, I just wanted to call and make sure that he was okay."

"Ohhhhh... So it was you he kept trying to call. He wouldn't tell me who he was trying to get a hold of.. he just kept saying.. 'I need to hear him'. You know he talked about you all night. It was Mark this... Mark that... Mark would like this... I was ready to kill him after a few hours."

"Wow." I said laughing but also a little nervous about what he was saying to me.

"Mark listen, I know its none of my business and I should probably stay out of whatever is happening with you two... but, you need to know that he really likes you.. I have never seen him like that. I've known him for about seven years and have been there through some of his relationships some good and some not so good. I can truly say that I have never seen him like this. I don't know what you did to him.. but keep it up."

"Wow Tommy... I really don't know what to say. He has this thing for me... for some reason.. I'm thinking the boy needs therapy."

"Shock therapy maybe." He said chuckling and then added "Sincerely Mark Just keep doing what your doing. Whatever it is he loves every minute of it."

"I appreciate that. When sleeping beauty finally rises.. would you have him call me please"

"Will do. I'm sure hes not going to be feeling to great when he does finally get up. I will tell him you called and have him call his prince charming."

"Thanks Tommy. Take care." I said and ended the call. I proceeded to jump in the shower and get cleaned up to meet Christy for Lunch. We Met at El Jimador's at the lake. I pulled up to see Christy standing outside waiting for me. I walked up and gave her a huge hug. She smiled and said. "Lets go inside and get seated so you can tell me all about New York.. and the guy you met."

"Not much to tell." I responded as we were ushered to a booth in the back of the restaurant.

"Don't stat lying now.. you better Start talking bitch.!! I wanna know everything."

Laughing I replied "We met on the plane back to New York. We became fast friends and ended up spending most of the time in New York together."

"Who kissed Whom first?" she asked not pulling any punches.

"Umm... crap I don't know. I think he kissed me."

"How is he in bed?" she asking smiling at me.

"He snores and drools." I answered avoiding the question.

"Does he give good head?" she asked with a smart ass smile on her face.

"Nope." I answered honestly.

"What the fuck do you mean Nope?"

"Awesome! is the word I would use." I said smiling back.

"You bitch... I cannot believe you and James F. God I hate you!!"

"Don't even lie, you love me and you know it. You're just being a jealous Heifer."

She leaned over, hugged me and said "I'm really happy for you. Its about time something good is happening for you. Is he hung?"

"I will not answer that Christy."

"Cant blame a girl for trying." she said laughing.

We sat and talked about the trip. I showed her pictures of Austria, Switzerland and some of Germany. We talked until my phone started ringing. I pulled It off of the table and looked at the caller ID and smiled. It was James. I pushed the button "Hello?"

"Hey Mark." He said sounding like shit.

"You don't sound very good James. You feeling okay?" I said trying not to laugh.

"I feel like shit. I haven't felt this bad in a long long time."

"That's what you get for drinking so much."

"MOM... is that you." He said finally laughing.

"You're lucky I'm not there with you.. your ass would be up and out running right now."

"If you were here I wouldn't have went out."

Laughing I said "Don't try and make me feel guilty. It doesn't work on me."

"Sorry... I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty. I was hoping you would feel sorry for me and come back to NYC." He said with laughter in his voice.

"I cannot do that right now James. Once I have more time off saved up I will come to you... Wherever that shall be. Well... that is if you still want me to come see you by that time."

"I don't see that changing anytime soon Mark."

"Okay well I have to go. I'm making Christy sit here and listen to us. Plus I have to Pee really bad from all the Pop that I've drank."

"Put Christy on and go ahead and go take a leak and come back and we will say good bye properly." I handed Christy the phone saying "He wants to talk to you. I have to go pee. I will be right back."

I heard "Hello?" as I walked away. I went in and did my business, washed my hands and headed back to the table. As I walked up I noticed Christy laughing at whatever James was saying. I sat down and smiled over at her. To the phone she said "Yep.. hes a great guy." I rolled my eyes saying "Okay we both have to get out of here.. so give me the phone back so James can go sober up."

"Sorry James, but I'm being told I have to give the phone back to Mark." Silence..... "Okay you too." Silence.... "Yes it was great talking with you also. Okay I will. Okay bye." She handed the phone back to me as she added. "Are you happy now bitch!"

I shook my head up and down with a smile on my face. She threw a tortilla chip at me.

"Hello" I said to James.

"Hey Sexy."

With a smile on my face I said "Hey Yourself. So what are your plans for the rest of the Day Mr Franco?"

"Not a damn thing... I'm going to get something to eat to try and soak up some of the alcohol and watch some TV or a movie. What are your plans?"

"I'm going to head to the grocery store and then go on home. I have to get ready for work tomorrow. Noting more than that though. Why don't we hang up for now and I will say goodbye to Christy and call you later today."

"Sounds good. That will give me a chance to go take a shower and wash off all of this smoke."

"Wish I was there to help." I said laughing.

"Hell, I wish you were too."

"Okay talk to you later. I hope you feel better."

"Thanks. Talk to you in a little while."

We said goodbye and I sat the phone on the table and looked over at Christy. "So?"

"Hes a really nice guy Mark. I have to say he is totally into you. I warned him that if he hurt you I would track him down and cut his nuts off." I laughed at her. This is who Christy is... shes very protective with me. "Do you know what he said to me?"

Smiling I said "No.. What did he say?"

"That he would never hurt you or intentionally hurt you. He then told me that he was falling hard for you.. and that he wasn't sure how the distance thing was going to work, but he would figure something out."

"That sounds like him. I do understand how he feels though... if I could drop everything and run to NYC or LA I probably would."

"AWWWW My little boy is growing up.!!"

"Shut the hell up.. I'm older than you." I said laughing. Christy and I said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways. I headed to the store and picked up everything that I needed. I then made the hour long drive home singing to the radio thinking about James.

The weeks flew by as I tried to get back in the swing of things at work. I missed James. We talked at least once a day if not more. It just wasn't the same. I wanted to feel his lips against mine as well as his hard body pressed tight against me. Christy noticed that I was starting to get depressed. I tried to hide it from James but somehow he knew that I was down. My phone rang.. I picked it up saying "Good evening sexy!."

"Hey Studly.. how are you doing?"

"I'm okay... just a little bit down."

"I'm sorry baby.. is there anything I can do?"

"Did you just call me baby?"

"Yeah.. sorry."

"Don't be sorry.. Its sweet. It just shocked me. Hey.. can I call you back in a few minutes. I need to take care of something really quick."

"It was never quick with you Mark. Of course you can call me back. I'll talk to you in a few minutes."

laughing I said "Shut up.. and yes, I will call you back in a few." We hung up and I logged online looking at what it would cost to fly to NYC for the weekend. I need to be close to James. I needed to feel him next to me and kiss him and have him kiss me. I booked the flight leaving Friday afternoon at 3. it cost me quite a bit of money but at this point I could have cared less.

I called James back.. when he answered I said "Hey Studly."

"Hey baby... did you get your thing taken care of?" He asked.

"I did.. I ummm... well ... I'm flying into NYC on Friday afternoon. Can I stay with you... or do I need to find a hotel?"

"Are you serious?" James asked getting excited.

"Deadly serious James. Can I stay with you?"

"That's a stupid question Mark. I wouldn't let you stay anywhere else but with me."

"I cannot wait. I have missed you so much." I said

"I've missed you too. How long are you staying?"

"I fly back Sunday afternoon at four."

"That is so awesome Mark. Is there anything you want to do while you're here?"

"I want to not leave your bed except for food and to use the bathroom."

"I wont argue with that babe. I guess we could order food for delivery." he said laughing.

"James seriously.. I don't care what we do, just as long as I'm with you."

"Okay I will plan something for Saturday. Friday we will leave open since we have a lot of ummmm... Catching up to do."

"I totally agree studly. I cannot wait to have wild, passionate, hot, man on man sex with you."

"Exactly what I was thinking." I could hear the smile on his lips.

"I'm going to leave it up to you to get a supply of condoms and lube."

"Awww seriously?" He asked "I was hoping you would take care of it."

"Why me. I brought the last ones." I asked.

"Well... this is going to sound bad, but maybe I shouldn't be seen going out and buying a shit load of lube and condoms."

I was laughing really hard at the thought when I said "Send your assistant. I'm sure you have one since you are a big...."

He cut me off saying "yeah yeah.. a big movie star, director and writer. Isn't that what you were going to say?"

laughing even harder I said "No.... that's not what I was going to say.. I WAS.. going to say... Your a big BOY... I'm sure you will be fine."

"You need to stop lying. You know that's what you were going to say."

"Okay fine." I said laughing. "That is what I was going to say. BUT.. You're still going to get the supplies this time."

Huffily he said "Fine. I will buy the supplies."

"Thanks studly I appreciate it. Okay Mr Franco I have to get ready for bed, I have to be up early for work, some of us have regular jobs."

"Sweet dreams baby. I will talk to you tomorrow."

"Night Mr Franco." I said smiling to myself. We hung up and I went straight to bed. I was excited that I would be seeing James in a few days time. Before I knew it it was Friday and I was sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to be called. I was nervous, excited and yet a little apprehensive. I couldn't wait to see James and spend as much time with him as possible, but I was also worried about how I was going to feel when I had to leave again. The plane ride went by very quickly. As we taxied to the terminal I had to control my excitement and take deep breathes to calm myself down. I didn't have any luggage to collect so I took my carry on and walked out of the secure area and out the front doors to catch a taxi. I felt someone walk up next to me and say "Where are you going?"

I flushed with excitement at the sexy voice and replied "I'm waiting for a cab sir."

"You must be in a big hurry then." he said moving closer to me.

"I am." I inched away saying "Sir.. you're invading my personal space. If you wouldn't mind taking a few steps back. You're a little to close for my comfort."

He moved in closer and whispered. "I will be a lot closer than this in a few hours."

I whispered back "Sir.. I am not that easy. Just because you are a big time...." At this point he interrupted me saying "Porn star? Isn't that what you were going to say.. that I'm some big time well know porn star?"

"Ummm.. sure. You just go ahead and kept telling yourself that. I will let you live in your fantasy world a little bit longer." I turned and gave him a rib crushing hug and added. "Its so good to see you James. Do you have more guys to pick up or are you ready to go?"

"No more today. A few more fly in tomorrow. So we have time."

"That's good to know." I said smiling at him. We caught the first cab making our way into Manhattan. We reached James's condo walked inside and as he closed the door I was all over him. I pushed him back against the door as my lips found his. I was soon pushing my full body against his while we made out. After a few minutes of making out I heard someone behind me clear there throat. Shock and completely startled I quickly moved away from James. "Ummm... sorry about that." I said completely at a loss for words. I could hear James trying not to laugh behind me. I turned and gave him a dirty look. He walked up next to me and put his arm around my waist and said "Mark... I want you to meet my mom Betsy. Mom this is Mark. The guy that I've told you so much about."

She walked up to me as I held out my hand for her to shake. She grabbed onto my hand and pulled me into a hug saying "I've heard so much about you that I feel like were already good friends." As she released me I said "Its so nice to meet you Mrs Franco. I'm so sorry about... ummm... earlier.." I said embarrassed.

"Its okay Mark. Don't you worry about it. I made dinner for all of us. I hope you like beef roast with vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy."

"it smells great, I'm sure it will be delicious."

"Why don't you two go get freshened up while I finish with the meal."

James walked me down the hall and into his bedroom. As he shut the door I said "Oh my god James.. I just made a complete fool of myself. Why didn't you tell me she was here?"

"I was going to introduce you when we got here. I didn't think you were going to rape me as soon as we got through the door." he said laughing.

A light bulb went off in my head so I asked "Is she staying here with you?"

"Yes, shes staying in the guest room. Why?"

I dropped my head into my hands and said "Why don't you call the nearest hotel and I will stay there. I'm not staying here with you when your mom is in the next room."

"Bullshit Mark.. You're not going to a fucking hotel. Mom knows all about me and you. I've told her everything. She knows I'm gay and that you and I have started seeing each other and shes okay with it."

"James I feel like I'm interfering in your relationship with her. This is your time to spend with your mom and I've just jumped in the middle of it. I wish you would have told me she was here. I wouldn't have flown in."

I looked into his eyes and I could see hurt and anger. "Don't you ever say that to me again Mark. You need to understand that I want you with me at any point and time. I don't care who's staying here or in LA. Mom's been here for almost two weeks. Plus, we've discussed you flying in today and the fact that your staying here with me. I don't want you to ever forget how I feel about you."

I stood up and hugged him to me. "What did she mean by cleaned up? Do I stink and need a shower?"

Smiling he said "You're something else baby." He kissed me on the lips, took my hand and drug me into the bathroom. I washed my face and then dried my hands as James walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck and whispered "I'm really glad that you're here." He turned me around saying "I was ready to fly to Missouri and have my way with you."

"Sounds interesting. Why didn't you?"

"You beat me to it. I was ready to pack a bag and track you down in Misery." I was smiling from ear to ear when we heard. "Boys... dinners ready." James took my hand and led me into the dinning room. We sat down ate and ate and ate more. It was so good. I missed these kinds of meals. "Betsy, that was delicious. Its probably the best meal I have had in a long time."

"Well thank you Mark. I haven't cooked like this in ages."

"I agree with Mark.. this was a truly amazing meal mom."

I looked over at James and asked "What did you make for dessert?" He looked panicked. "Don't tell me that you made your mom do all the work today and you didn't do anything?"

"James I agree with you.. Yep I think I'm going to like Mark a lot." She said laughing.

We cleared the table putting all the food away. James washed the dishes as I dried. Once we had everything put away we joined Betsy in the living room. "So Boys whats on the agenda for tonight?"

James got up from the couch and started walking over to the closet. As he opened the door he said "I think its time for karaoke. Everyone game?"

"Guy's I'm sorry but I cannot carry a note. Actually I'm tone deaf." I said trying to get out of it. There was no way in hell that I was going to sing in front of them.

"Neither can we." James said laughing. Betsy was the first one to venture into a slow romantic song. She sounded great. I leaned over to James "I swear to god If you can sing just as good as her I will kill you in your sleep tonight!" laughing at me he got up and took his turn. He sang 'Since U been gone' by Kelly Clarkson. I sat through the whole performance smiling at him. He had a nice voice. Some of the ranges were a little too high for his voice. I know, I know... I should just appreciate the song choice which I did.

It was now my turn. I walked up to James, took the microphone and said "I am so going to kill you." He smiled and then laughed and walked away saying "Pick a song sexy." I looked through the book stalling for time actually hoping that maybe this would end before I had to sing. I chose a song that I knew from Leann Rimes. The music started and I sang: I dare you

God only knows how I've needed a friend

Who can see through the boldness and pride

Someone strong enough I can put my faith in

Someone willing to let me inside

So be a man and be my man

I dare you to need me

Like nobody else

I dare you to feel me

Like you've never felt

I dare you to want to want

To wanna be good to me

Baby you've got your reasons

Dangling from kite strings

But you can open your hands, let them fly

Oh I know you wont always say and do the right things

Oh but some things are worth a try

So if you can, be my man

I don't remember finishing the rest of the song. I have no idea if I even did. I opened my eyes and looked from James to Betsy and then back to James. James was wiping a tear away as he stood up and walked over and pulled me into a fierce hug saying "Where the hell did that come from?"

"I told you I'm tone deaf. It was that bad huh?" I said burying my head in James' chest.

Betsy got up and walked over to us "Mark.. that was absolutely beautiful. You will never convince me that you don't have a great voice after that. You were amazing."

"Baby that was truly awesome. I've never heard the song before.. but damn.... you killed it."

I had no desire to sing another song and I told them so. I sat on the couch and listened to them sing a few more songs. I woke up as James was kissing my face. "Baby wake up, its time for bed. Moms already went to bed." I got up off of the couch and followed him into his room. He shut the door behind us as I stripped naked and crawled into bed. I laid down on my back waiting for James to join me in his usual position. He crawled in and laid his head on my shoulder snuggling as close to me as possible. "I'm sorry I fell asleep. I guess I didn't realize I was that tired."

"You have no reason to be sorry... You looked really cute sleeping there. Well.. until you started snoring that is."

"I do not snore?" I said defending myself.

"Ummm hmmmm just like I don't snore or drool."

"Okay maybe I do.." I responded trying not to laugh.

"Can I ask you a question baby?"

"You can ask me anything.. You know that."

"The song... tell me about what it meant or means to you?"

"I guess what I like about it is... Well... the person that's singing it is challenging the person they care about to love them unconditionally. To do everything within in there power to just be good to them."

"Do you trust me Mark?"

"Of course I do.. why do you ask that?" I was a little taken back at where this was going.

He lifted his head off of my shoulder, looked into my eyes and said "I dare you!"

"Dare me to what?" I asked confused. Maybe I was still a little tired from work and the plane ride.

"I dare you to need me, Like nobody else, I dare you to feel me, Like you've never felt,

I dare you to want to want, To wanna be good to me' To love me."

"What makes you think I don't love you James? I'm laying in your bed a few thousand miles from home. I would think that that would be a big enough clue"

He kissed me and laid his head back down on my shoulder and asked "Say it.. please."

With no hesitation I said "I love you James."

"I love you too baby." Within moments James was asleep. I kissed the top of his head and feel asleep in a totally different reality. Love.

Okay guys here is chap 4. I hope you liked it. It was a hard chapter to write for some reason. I guess i can say that im not sure where to go with the story and this chapter will be the deciding chapter of where i will go with the story. Or if anyone wants me to continue on.

I really do hope you are enjoying the story and would appreciate any feedback.. suggestions.. or comments. Email is jamesfrancosmark@gmail.com

Thanks Brent

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