James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Dec 7, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

I made a mistake at the end of the last part. What I wrote was: Part nine of James's College days will start with Kevin. James and Kevin will meet soon after James graduates from ND. So, as I did with James, I want to develop a history for Eric. I have a sense of who he is and his story, but like with James, I'm not sure how I'll get from one place to another

You'll notice that I talk about Kevin and then Eric. Forget the Eric. The history I want to develop is for Kevin. So, here we go. Let me know what you think and how you are feeling about Kevin. I want him to be different from James and in the throws of a different crisis.

James's College Days, part nine

Kevin's Story, part one.

It was the summer of '97. I was unhappy about being made to go on some stupid cruise with my parents. Typically, I could `work them' and get my way, but this time they were being stubborn. It was a European capitals cruise that cancer researchers could take and write off of their income taxes. Well, that is, except for my ticket. I made every effort at getting out of spending three weeks with my parents.

"I can stay with Uncle Bill?" I argued.

"Kevin, they're going out of town and you're not staying at home alone. Besides, we want you to come with us. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you," my dad insisted. "There will come a time when you are going to ask to go to Europe on your own and this will give you a feel for what it is like."

"But Dad, I have football summer camp. I'll miss the first week."

"You'll only miss five days. And I called. They said you could show up late," he said, calmly.

I had just turned sixteen and would be entering my junior year in high school. "Dad, I'm trying to make first string."

"I talked to your coach. He said that missing five days isn't going to hurt your chances. To tell you the truth, he sounded like you were a shoe-in." My dad, the medical researcher, always has all this bases covered before he takes any kind of action. I knew I was going to lose this fight.

"I'm not staying in the cabin with you and mom. I need my own space and I want my own cabin," I said, glaring at him.

He laughed, and said, "What makes you think that I want to share a cabin with you. This is a vacation for your mother and me as well."

The thought of what might be going on in their cabin grossed me out.

We flew from Los Angeles to London and spent two days in London sightseeing. I promised myself that I was not going to enjoy this. Two fuckin' weeks on a fuckin' ship with my parents was going to be the vacation from hell, I promised myself.

Other people, who were going to be on our cruise, were showing up at the hotel. I kept my eyes open for kids my age who were also being dragged along. At least, then, I could have company in my misery. I tried to be as distant and ornery as possible, but my parents just ignored me and enjoyed themselves. When it was time to join the ship, everyone was gathered in the hotel lobby and loaded onto three buses. The first two buses were filled and took off. My parents and I boarded the third bus along with about fifteen other people. As the bus pulled out, I relaxed, put my pack on the empty seat next to me and listened to the tour leader.

"We are going to make a stop," he said, "at another hotel to pick up some other guests." I sighed. "We have a 100 kilometer ride to the ship after that. It's an enjoyable ride through beautiful countryside."

Yeah, yeah, I thought, let's just get going.

We pulled up in front of a hotel. There were two buses there loading passengers. People boarded and began walking down the aisle of our bus. I watched as the bus filled, hoping that I would have the seat next to me empty.

Two young girls, they looked to be about nine and eleven years old, walked down the aisle, looking for a seat. Behind them were two adults who must have been their parents. I watched as they passed me. The bus was nearly full. Behind them was a boy about my age. As I glanced at him, he glanced at me. I felt this odd feeling move through my body. It was a combination of excitement and anxiety. I watched as he looked around the bus and then again at me. He stood by my row of seats. I looked up at him, he said, "May I," as he pointed to my pack. I nodded, as I removed my pack and put it on my lap. We smiled at each other.

He turned around and said something to his parents. He spoke French. I quickly glanced at him again. His hair was straight and dark brown. It was combed back and behind his ears. It had a slight wave to it. He was a little taller than me and thin. He had on a pair of jeans, as I did, and a pair of Adidas. He was wearing a tight knit shirt.

He turned to face forward. I looked away. The bus started its 100 mile trek to the ship.

"Excuse me," he said, putting out his hand, "my name is Renee."

I looked at him, and smiled, "Hi, I'm Kevin," I said, shaking his hand.

He smiled and nodded. His eyes were a beautiful soft blue. His smile was generous, revealing straight white teeth. "You are American," he said.

"Yes, I am," I said. "And you are French." He smiled and then seemed to blush. We let go of each other's hand. I, too, blushed, but did not know why.

"My English is okay," but sometimes I can't say what I want to.

I smiled at him, and said, "Well, I don't speak any French, so I guess we'll do the best we can." I sat back wondering if I had just made a friend.

He smiled and nodded. "Is one of your parents a cancer doctor?"

"Yeah, my dad is a doctor and he does research, too; at UCLA. What about your parents?"

"My dad, he works at the Pasteur Institute. Maybe they know each other."

We talked most of the way to the ship. When we arrived at the terminal we each went our own way. I noticed him glancing back toward me. He broke from the line he was in and walked toward me. He said, "Can we meet later and hang in together."

"Hang out," I said, "Yeah, that would be fun." I felt my body warm.

He looked at the ship and then pointed toward the bow and the upper deck. Glancing at his watch, he said, "Maybe in one hour," as he joined his parents in line. I nodded.

My mother asked, "New friend?" I shrugged. We made our way to our cabins. My parents had a big luxury cabin with a balcony. I had a smaller inside cabin on the same deck as theirs. I actually liked it. I thought I'd have bunk beds or something like that, but my bed was two twin beds put together. I looked at my watch. It was thirty minutes until we were to meet. I began to unpack. I kept checking my watch.

I walked to my parent's cabin and told them I was going to meet Renee and watch the ship leave dock. My dad looked at his watch and said, "Okay. Have fun, but let's meet here at 6pm so we can go to dinner together." I nodded and left. I found a steward and had him direct me to the upper deck.

Renee was waiting. He smiled and waved when he first saw me. I felt excited to see him.

I met my parents in their cabin at 6pm. We walked to the dinning room. It was open seating for the first night. When we walked in, I noticed Renee sitting at a table with his parents and sisters. My dad noticed them also. He immediately walked to their table and asked if we could join them. I felt embarrassed. Renee's father stood and introduced everyone to my parents. My father introduced us to them. Immediately, my dad and Renee's dad started talking about what they were doing in their laboratories. They had actually heard of each other and had read scientific papers that they each had published. Renee and I smiled at each other and settled into to dinner and what was going to be an eventful cruise.

Our first two days would be at sea and then we would be visiting Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, and then St. Petersburg, Russia. I was most excited about that. We would be spending two days there. Then we were going to Tallinn, Warsaw, Berlin, Amsterdam and then to Paris. The cruise would then go back to London, but my parents decided that we would leave the cruise in Paris and spend three days there. As it turned out, Renee's parents, since they lived in Paris, would be leaving the cruise in Paris also.

That first night, Renee and I stayed up most of the night. We ran wild all over the ship. We went to the disco and watched people act like they knew how to dance. We laughed. There weren't any girls out age. We went to the game room and played video games. We went and checked out the movie, then back to the game room. We decided we were hungry so we went to the buffet which was open twenty-four/seven and had burgers and fries. It was at about 5 am, when we went back to our cabins. We decided to meet again at noon for lunch. The next day was much like the first day and night at sea.

The third day our ship docked in Copenhagen at 6am. Our tour began at nine. Our parents had to drag us onto the bus. Within minutes, sitting side by side, we were both asleep. However, by that evening Renee and I were on a bus heading to Tivoli Gardens. We had to be back by mid-night. Stockholm, Oslo, and Helsinki were all a blur.

It was on our two day sail to St. Petersburg when Renee told me that he was going crazy with his sisters.

"Why?" I asked. "They seem okay."

"Kevin," he said. He always seemed to use my name. "You don't have to share your cabin with them."

I looked at him. "Yeah, I guess that would suck."

"They wake me up early every day. When they use the shower they make me leave the room, but when I use the shower they won't leave."

"Wow," I said, shaking my head.

"I have to dress with them sitting there. The look at me naked and they laugh." I chuckled. "It's not funny. I haven't wanked in a week and I feel sick."

"Wanked?" I repeated, trying to imagine what he meant. "You mean you haven't taken a shit in a week?" He looked at me. I said, "Dude, you can use my bathroom."

"No, wank. What do you call that," he said, moving his had over his lap as if he was masturbating.

I laughed and turned red. "Oh," I whispered, "jerk off, beat off. You haven't jerked off in a week? Fuck! I've never gone a whole week without jerking off. What did you call it?"

"Wanking. The English call it wanking. You Americans call if different?"

"Yeah, I guess, but it's the same thing no matter what you call it," I answered, and laughed. "Fuck, a whole week," I said, staring at him. "Well, you can use my room, if you want. You can beat off there."

"Really, can we beat now?"

I looked at him with both surprise and excitement. "Together?"

"Yeah, do you beat with your friends?"

I laughed. "AH, well, I have with a good friend, once," I said, lying. I felt butterflies in my stomach as my dick began getting hard. We started walking toward my cabin. I had always known that I was attracted to guys, but I never really thought I would do anything about it. Instead, I was dating girls and had lost my virginity months earlier.

I was an attractive teen. I had dark brown hair and big brown eyes with long lashes. I had high cheek bones and full lips. My nose fit my face. I had been playing sports since first grade, but really got into football during middle school. I was working hard to be my high school's first string quarterback, so I had spent this last year working out with weights. My shoulders were strong, as were my arms. My chest was small but defined. I had the beginnings of a six-pack that I loved showing off. I was smooth all over except for a small patch of hair over my penis which when erect was almost seven inches long and almost six inches in girth. I was measuring it monthly. It had become my best friend and jerking off was my favorite hobby.

I had been attracted to guys most my life, and I could tell that there were guys who were attracted to me. Or, maybe, they thought I was attractive and liked to look at my naked body when I showered at school. However, I had never had the opportunity to do anything about it. Or, at least, I did not know of any opportunity.

As I opened the door to my cabin, I felt lightheaded. Renee seemed so at ease with what we were about to do. Then I wondered if I miss understood. Maybe, he was going to go into my bathroom, close the door and jerk off while I sat on my bed. Then it would be my turn. I felt let-down, as I thought that must be the case.

Renee followed me into the cabin. He said, "Wow, you have such a big bed," as he kicked off his shoes. I closed the door and locked it. He sat down and pulled off his socks. I sat down on a chair and slowly untied my tennis shoes. "My sisters sleep in the beds, and they have a cot in the room for me."

"You sleep on a cot?" He nodded as he stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt. "Wow, that's got to suck," I said. I pulled off my socks and stood and slowly unbuttoned my shirt. He took off his shirt and laid it across a chair. His chest was smooth. He was thin, but he had definition. He watched me take off my shirt. He, without being self conscious, stared at my chest.

"You have nice breasts."

I laughed. "We don't call them breast on guys." He smiled and shrugged. "Thank you. We say chest."

"You have muscles in your stomach, too." I smiled. We both stood face to face looking and waiting. He unbuckled his belt. I felt flush. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. I began to do the same, slowly. I think I still thought, at any moment, he was going to turn around and walk into my bathroom. He took off his pants, turned around and laid them on the chair. When he turned back toward me, his erection created a large buldge in his white tight fitting cotton briefs. I took off my pants.

He glanced at his bulge and said, "It's been too long."

I said, "I'm horny, too," pressing my hand against my hard dick which was held in place by my black Calvin Klein cotton boxer briefs. He glanced at my crotch and nodded. Then, without hesitation, he pulled off his underwear and threw them onto the chair. He turned toward me pulling on his ball sac. I had seen guys with erections in porno videos, but I had never seen a guy hard in real life. I felt my dick harden to the point of almost being painful.

I took a deep breath and stared at his dick. It was a little shorter than mine, but looked thicker. Half of the head of his dick was covered with his foreskin. I pulled off my underwear. My dick sprung up. He watched. He smiled and said, as he moved closer to me, "You American's cut your skin," while staring at my cock. He moved his hips forward to show me his cock, and said, "See it. We don't cut the skin." I stared at his dick. I wanted to touch it. He, too, only had a small patch of hair above his dick. His balls, like mine, were smooth.

I said, "Some of my friends have their foreskin, but most Americans are circumcised."

My dick was throbbing. So was his. I watched as his erection seemed to pulsate. I notice a bead of pre-cum gathering on his piss slit. He turned toward the bed and said, "Which side do you want." I pointed to the side I slept on. We both lay on the bed beside each other. He began stroking his dick. "Kevin, I'm going to make cum quick. I'm so horny, as you say. Maybe, we can do it again in a few minutes."

I chuckled. "Well, I just jerked off last night, but I guess I can go again."

I watched as he stroked his dick. He was watching me. While stroking his dick he ran his fingers over his balls. They looked to be slightly smaller than mine. "Kevin, do you want to watch me cum?" he asked. I noticed his balls pulling up toward his body.

I nervously chuckled, and said, "Yeah, sure."

"Okay," he said, and began stroking harder. I sat up beside him and watched. He glanced at me and smiled. He grunted loudly, his hips arched upward as his head lifted off the pillow. He seemed to be aiming at his face. I had to stop jerking, I was about to cum. Taking a deep breath, I caught the musk scent of his crotch. It made me lean toward him. He moaned loudly as, suddenly, a huge shot of thick white cum shot out of his dick and hit the headboard of the bed behind him. The second shot hit him on his right cheek. The next shot went right into his mouth. I was amazed and excited. I watched him swallowing as the next four shots of cum landed on his chest. He was moaning and groaning and pulling and tugging on his dick. He let go of his dick and relaxed on the bed. He reached for the cum on his cheek and moved to his mouth. He looked at me and laughed. I felt dizzy.

"Wow, Kevin, I had to do that so bad." He looked behind him at the cum splattered on the headboard. He scooped it up with his finger and then let it hang from his finger over his chest. It was a long string of white cum. I thought about scooping it up and tasting it but I did not. He let it fall to his chest. He got up, grabbed a towel and wiped his chest clean.

I was absolutely amazed and turned on. I worried that I might cum without jerking. I had thought about eating my own cum, and a couple of times I had tasted it, but I had never shot it directly into my mouth. "That was pretty impressive, Renee," I said and lay down.

He sat down on the bed beside me. His dick was still hard and pointing upward. "It's your time. This is fun," he said and smiled.

I began to stroke my dick as he sat and watched. I decided that I was going to try to squirt into my mouth. I've launched loads of cum feet into the air before, but I didn't know if I could be that good of an aim. He watched as I stroked. My dick was rock hard. I watched him watching. He would glance up at me and smile, reach for his dick and run his fingers over it and look back at my dick.

"I can rub you balls for you, if you want," he said, looking up at me. I could hardly believe the ease with which he asked. He looked at me, smiled and nodded. I nodded back. He began running his fingers over my balls. I felt my eyes roll back into my head and a chill ran through my body. I stroked, he kept running his fingers over my balls.

I heard myself moaning loudly, something I hardly ever did. "I'm going to cum," I announced. He kept touching my balls. I arched my hips upward and lifted my head off the pillow and opened my mouth. I saw him smiling at me, as I saw my cum shoot out of my dick. The first shot hit me on the forehead. The second shot, much thicker, hit me on my upper lip and tongue. I licked my lip and swallowed as the third shot hit me on my chin. The rest squirted out onto my chest. The warm saltiness of my spunk linger on my tongue.

"Kevin, you have nice cum," he said, and smiled as he scanned my chest.

I laughed and said, "Yeah, you have nice cum, too." He nodded and smiled. "Do you usually eat your cum?" I asked.

He smiled and said, "Yeah, sometimes. I like to see if I can aim it to my mouth. It's funny. Do you like to aim it?"

"I've never done that before. But it looked like fun, so I tried it," I said. I looked at a thick white drop of cum on my finger. I looked at Renee and smiled. I wiped my finger over my tongue, showing it to him. He smiled. I moved it around in my mouth, feeling its thick gooeyness and then swallowed.

Renee ran his fingers over my chest. A thick glob of cum clung to his finger. I began to open my mouth, expecting him to move it toward my tongue. Instead, he sucked his finger clean, swallowed, and said, "Tastes like mine," and smiled. He picked up the towel he used and wiped my chest clean. He wiped my dick, leaned toward me and cleaned the cum out of my hair and off my forehead. "We can do this again?"

"You mean now?" I asked.

"Yeah, and everyday and maybe before we go to sleep?"

I laughed and said, "Yeah, sure. I love to wank." He smiled. I asked," You want to do it again, now?"

He nodded and smiled. He lay down. His dick was still hard. He began stroking his dick. I sat up beside him, crossed my legs over each other and watched him. He kept looking at me and smiling as he stroked. I leaned forward and slowly moved my hand toward his crotch to rub his balls. He noticed my hand and stopped jerking his dick and let it lay on his stomach. I began running my fingers over his balls. He smiled at me and still did not take hold of his dick. My mouth went dry as I realized he was waiting for me to take hold of his dick. I swallowed hard. I ran my finger up the underside of the shaft of his dick. It jumped. I looked up at him and smiled. I ran my fingers up and down the shaft again, but this time I let my finger touch the half exposed head of his dick. Again, it jumped.

"That feels good to me. Do you like feeling it for me?"

I smiled. I had never heard anyone be so blunt. I wondered if it was the difference in language or culture, or was it just Renee. "Yes, I like feeling it for you."

"Would you like me to feel yours for you?"

I laughed. "Ah, would you like to feel it?"

He said, "Very much. I've never touched one that was so pretty," and laughed.

I laughed, as I took hold of his dick and gently stroked it. The skin on his dick felt soft and smooth and looser on the shaft than mine. I wrapped my fingers around his cock and noticed the hardness of my erection. He reached for my dick. I moved so he could reach it. I asked, "Can I pull the skin back?"

He said, "Yes," and laughed. I began stroking him, exposing the head of his dick. It was pink and wet from his previous orgasm. He said, "It feels good when you do that." I smiled and nodded. He said, "Your dick is strong."

I looked at him, smiled and asked, "Strong? What do you mean?"

He squeezed it and then pulled it down from my stomach. He said, "Very strong." I smiled and nodded. He added, "I like to touch it. It makes me excited."

"I like to touch yours, too. It makes my dick strong," and laughed.

We lay beside each other, my feet toward his head and his toward mine, with my hand slowly stroking his dick, he slowly stroking mine. I had this wild idea. I felt myself warm all over. My face blushed. I felt really anxious as I said, "Renee."

"Yes, Kevin," he said looking at me.

"What would you think about sharing my cabin with me for the rest of the trip?"

He looked surprised, and said, "You really want to?"

"Well, how about this. You don't have to move all your stuff in here, but we can tell your parents that your sisters can have their cabin and that you'll sleep in here with me. You can get the clothes you need and get your toilet stuff and stay in here with me."

"Oh, that would be fun," he said excitedly, "and we can wank off each morning and at night before we go to sleep and in the afternoon if we are horny."

I continued jerking him off as he did me. I was enjoying the feel of his dick. He got close first. I sat up. I asked, "Do you want me to make you cum, or do you want to do it?"

He sighed, "No, I want you to do it." I began stroking him faster.

"Tell me if I'm not doing it right," I said.

He moaned and arched his hips upward. A shot of cum exploded from his dick, flying straight up into the air. I kept jerking him as I felt his cum land on my shoulder. More of his cum fell onto my arm. His body tensed, shook, and twisted as he climaxed. I finally got the aim right and the rest of his load fell onto his chest and dribbled out and onto my hand. He stopped squirming and relaxed. He looked at me, and said, "You were doing it right," and smiled, "Is that my cum on you?"

"Yeah. My aim wasn't very good," I said and laughed. I looked at his cum sitting on my arm. I looked at him, smiled and then licked my arm clean., moved his cum around over my tongue and swallowed. I wanted more. He watched as I licked my fingers. I said, "Yours tastes like mine." We smiled at each other. I grabbed the towel and wiped the cum off my shoulder, my arm and my hand. I, then, wiped his chest and cleaned his dick.

He sat up and said, "It's cool that we are going to sleep together in your cabin. We can sleep late." I smiled and nodded. He took hold of my dick and started stroking it. I lay down and relaxed. "Your dick is nice," he said and smiled.

"Your dick is nice, too," I said. He nodded.

I lay there and watched him. I decided he was beautiful. His face was both soft and strong. His eyes gleamed when he smiled, and he smiled often. His hair kept falling in front of his face. With one hand he continued stroking my dick. With the other he pushed his hair back over his ears. His body was smooth and thin, his waist small. I never felt like this before. I wondered what it would be like to kiss him.

"I'm getting close," I moaned. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm doing this right," he said, stroking my dick faster, tightening his grip.

I grabbed the sheets as I moaned loudly. I dug my heels into the mattress and arched my back. My legs tensed and my body began shaking all over. I grunted as I saw my cum squirt into the air. He kept jerking me as shots of cum exploded from my dick. He kept jerking my dick after I stopped cumming. I began to laugh trying to pull his hand away. My dick had become extremely sensitive.

He laughed and said, "You're dick is still strong." I noticed that he had my cum on his arm and his leg. I threw him the towel.

He stood up and said, "I think we should shower or we can smell of cum." I nodded and stood up. Both our dicks were bright read and handing nice and long.

The shower was extremely small. It was actually nothing more than a shower head in the bathroom with a drain in the floor and a curtain that pulled around. I said, "You go first."

He stepped into the bathroom, turned on the shower, but did not pull the curtain. I sat on my bed and watched him shower. He glanced at me and smiled. I couldn't believe I was watching him without any hesitation and he seemed to be enjoying it. If I had ever watched someone in the shower in my high school gym like I was watching Renee, I would have gotten my ass kicked. I thought it must be different in France.

When he stepped out from under the stream of water, he said, "Your time." I smiled stepping into the small bathroom. He stepped past me. Our bodies rubbed against each other. His chest pressed into mine, his dick brushed my leg, as we passed through the small doorway. I stepped under the water and began soaping myself. He stood outside the bathroom door, drying himself and said, "I feel less horny, now. I think I was going to explode my balls if I didn't wank soon." I smiled. He put his towel down, sat down and watched me showering. "You have a very strong butt, too."

I said, "You mean muscular?" as I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel.

"Yes, and strong."

"You mean hard," I said smiling, as I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Yes, hard. I mean hard," he said, as he stood up. He walked toward me and reached for my butt. I was going to pull away, but I didn't. He grabbed my ass cheek and squeezed. "See, it's hard." I laughed and nodded. "Touch mine. It's not strong, I mean hard."

He turned around. I took hold of his butt cheek and squeezed. "It's nice and hard," I said.

He smiled. "I get it from playing football," he said. He looked at me, and added, "What you call soccer." I nodded. We dressed and left the cabin. He said, "Can we tell our parents that we are sleeping together."

I laughed. "I don't think you should say we are sleeping together."

"Why not?"

"Well, in America if you say you are sleeping with someone that means you are having sex with them." He looked at me. "You know, fucking."

"Oh, yeah, we should not tell them. So, what do I say?"

"We'll tell them that you are going to sleep in my cabin. That we are going to share my cabin."

"Okay, we are going to sleep in your cabin."

I smiled and said, "I'll tell my parents that you're going to sleep in my cabin and you tell your parents what you want, but don't tell them that we wanked together."

He laughed.

We found our parents playing cards in the library. We told them that Renee was going to sleep in my cabin, so that he didn't have to sleep on a cot. His dad seemed to think it was imposing on me. I told him that I wanted Renee to share my room. So we could sleep late in the morning. They all laughed and nodded. Renee said that we did not want to have dinner with them in the dinning room, and that we wanted to eat at the buffet when we were hungry. They all nodded and smiled.

My dad said, "Look you two, tomorrow we are docking in St. Petersburg at 6 am. They say it is something to see."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, we sail down the Neva River as far as we can. Then the captain turns the ship around in the middle of the river, and the length of this ship is almost the same as the width of the river. I've heard that it is really something to see." He looked at us. We looked at each other.

Renee's father said, "Why don't you boys go to the cabin early for one night and get some sleep. We'll call your cabin at 5:00 so that you can get ready to join us, to see this."

Renee looked at me and said, "Yeah, we should go to the cabin early," and smiled. I smiled and nodded.

We left them. I checked my watch. As we walked to the game room, we planned what time we would have dinner so that we could return to the cabin early to first wank and then go to sleep. Entering the video room, it occurred to me that I wanted to do more than jerk off with Renee. I had tasted his cum and wondered what his dick would taste like. My dick hardened. I blushed as it occurred to me that, perhaps, Renee wanted to do more also.

Well, that's an introduction to Kevin. I hope you are enjoying him and can see his psychology as different from James's. Hopefully, as we move along, you'll get a better feel for him. I enjoy your emails and your constructive criticism. I know some of you want a lot more sex and a lot less struggle. There will be more sex and hopefully, more exciting sex, but the struggle is important to me. It is what makes them interesting to me.

I made a lot of changes to this introduction of Kevin and read it twice, but I'm afraid I've left many typos unchanged. I'm sorry, but I'm beginning to read right past my errors. I could wait three or four days and come back to it and probably find many more, but I've been posting every Thursday, and I wanted to keep the pattern. It is sort of a self imposed deadline. I work better under pressure. I will try to do better next time.

You can email me at Storyman1019@aol.com Thank you for reading along, Tom

Next: Chapter 10

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