James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Dec 1, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

James's College Days, part eight

Nat left a wake up call for 7am. His appointment with his lawyers was at 9am. I heard him on the phone ordering breakfast. He glanced at me as he ordered a cheese omelet with bacon and coffee. I nodded. He ordered another for me.

"We don't have a lot of time," he said, as he pushed his erection into my side. "I should shower before breakfast. I'll have to leave by 8:30, but I should be back here by 10:30. We don't have to check-out until 1pm, so we'll have time to mess around before we check-out."

I nodded. He again pushed his erection into my side. He smiled. "I'll take care of you when I get back." I smiled, turned and scooted down and gave him head. After he came, he got up, stood by the bed and stretched. His dick was still hard. His body was beautiful.

By the time breakfast arrived, Nat showered and dressed. I also dressed, saving my shower until after Nat left.

Nat arrived back at the room at 11:10 am. He talked about the trust he set up for his son and any future children he might have, as he undressed. I had showered and was lying in bed naked watching television. Nat climbed in and got on top of me and began kissing me.

"I had a hard-on walking all the way back here, thinking about you blowing me again." We began kissing. I got hard, but it felt different. I wanted to get off, and wanted to get him off, but I was not feeling the fire coursing through my body as I had yesterday.

Nat went down on me and sucked me hard. Once again, it was an incredible orgasm. I returned the favor. We dressed, hugged, kissed, and left the room. Nat dropped me off at the bus station. I bought a book and settled into my seat for the ride back to South Bend.

As I rode the elevator up to my floor, I decided that I both enjoyed my two day tryst and regretted it. Again, my anxieties and Catholic guilt were kicking in.

Stepping into my room, I felt a sick feeling in my stomach, as it became obvious to me that Gordy had returned. I glanced around the room. My bedding looked different than I had left it. As I turned to close the door, Gordy stepped in.

"Where have you been?" he asked.

Anxiety surged through my body. I felt my face blush. "Chicago," I answered. As soon as I answered I knew I made a mistake.

Gordy's face tightened. "Chicago," he said surprised. "Who did you go with?" He stepped into the room, but kept staring at me. Then he glanced at my bed.

I felt sick. "Ah, I went alone. I took a bus and went alone. I've never really spent time there and no one was here, so I jumped on a bus and spent the night there."

He glanced at the bed again. "You went alone," he said, quizzically.

"Yeah; why?"

"Where did you stay?"

"Just some hotel near the bus station. Why all the questions?"

"Just curious," he answered.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"Yesterday, at about three or four," he answered. I felt my stomach roiling as I started pulling dirty clothes out of my backpack. Nat and I had been all over each other until 3 pm. yesterday. "I guess I should have told you that I was coming up here. We could have gone to Chicago together."

I turned and looked at him and said, "Yeah, that would have been fun."

"My brother was in Chicago, yesterday and today."

"Really. Wow, we could have met up with him." He glanced at me. "I mean if you wanted to."

Gordy and I spent the day together. We went to the bookstore and bought our books, so as to beat the rush. We decided to take a run before dinner. That was the first time we had run. We drove into town and had pizza for dinner and then went to a movie. I found that I was enjoying Gordy more than usual. Maybe it was the fact that his friends were not around, or perhaps because Mark was not back yet. Whatever it was, we seemed to be easier with each other and talking more than usual.

That night we both climbed into bed and talked about Carol and Barbara getting back. Gordy climbed out of bed to turn off the light. He had a hard-on. He sat down on my bed and asked, "Are you horny?"

"I jerked off this morning, but I'm up nutting," I answered and laughed.

"You're always seem up for nutting," he said and put his hand under my blanket. He took hold of my dick. It was getting hard. He lifted my blanket and began stroking my dick. I reached over and took hold of his and began stroking. "I wish I had your dick," he said.

"You do have it."

He laughed and said, "No, I wish I had a dick like yours."

"Why? It's just a dick."

He laughed. "It's not just a dick. It's a huge dick. I'd flash it at my brother and show him `who is the man'." He moved and then began licking the head of my dick.

He sucked and licked my dick and balls. He ran his hands over my chest and stomach. He glanced up at me and said, "It was fun running with you." I nodded. "If, when Mark isn't around, you want someone to run with, maybe we can."

"Yeah, sure. That would be cool."

I lay back and enjoyed what he was doing. I held his head as I got close to cumming. I thrust into his mouth and let my load fill his mouth. He moaned as he swallowed.

I glanced at him and said, "You're getting pretty good at that," and laughed.

"Yeah, I guess. You're a good teacher." We both laughed.

We moved around in my bed. I began sucking his dick. I was determined that he would not cum quickly. I sucked him slowly, gently. He moaned and began thrusting. I stopped sucking him and than licked the shaft of his dick and his balls. He sighed. I went back to gently sucking his dick. Again, he began to thrust, but I put my weight on him and held him still. He moaned as I got him close. Again, I moved off his dick and to his balls. He was breathing loudly. I went back to licking the shaft of his dick and then took him into my mouth. He moaned and groaned as he began tensing all over. I let him cum, and as he did, I sucked hard swallowing each shot that erupted from his dick.

As soon as he as finished cumming, he began to move to get up. Again, I leaned into him, holding him in place. He took the hint and lay down. I could feel the tension in his body. I tried to find something to say. "So, you want to run again, tomorrow?"

He breathe deeply and said, "Yeah, that would be cool."

"What else do you like to do?" He looked at me. "Working out."

He nodded. "I like to lift weights."

"Have you ever played racquetball?" I asked.

"I've never played," he said.

"Well, do you want to learn? It's fun, and it's a great workout."

He smiled and said, "Yeah, sure. Where can I get a racquet?"

"They sell them at the bookstore. We can get one for you tomorrow. We have to sigh up for a court. Usually, you have to sign up three or four days ahead, but I bet the courts are free now."

"Cool. Yeah, let's do that."

We lay there and talked for a while. He seemed to relax and once again became animated. We talked for about a half hour when we decided to call it a night. I decided that I liked Gordy a lot more. Maybe, I had been treating him the way he had been treated by the people in his family. I thought about Mark and how I had focused my attention on him and kept my distance from Gordy, because Mark did not like him. I lay in bed listening to Gordy sleep.

During the next three months, Gordy and I became much better friends. I still worked out with Mark and spent time with him, and Gordy spent time with his friends. However, Gordy and I played racquetball at least twice a week and spent much more time together. It felt like he and I were becoming much better friends.

Barbara and I decided to call it quits. She said she wanted to start seeing other people. I decided that no crush was going to happen. I think she was becoming frustrated with my lack of sexual advances. I was becoming depressed about, once again, my lack of sexual excitement. I think I would have done anything to change that. My goal was to live my life like Nat.

Over the next three months, I heard from Nat several times. He talked about wanting to get together, but he never found the time to get away. Spring break was approaching. Mark had plans to go to Florida with his girlfriend. He asked me to come along. I told him that I thought I would feel uncomfortable. Gordy said he was going to join friends in Nevada where he would spend time on a houseboat on Lake Mead and then head home for a few days. I was hoping he would ask me to come along, but he did not. I decided to stay at school and get some work done.

Nat emailed me and asked what I would be doing over spring break. When he found out I would be alone, he promised to find the time to visit. I felt conflicted about seeing him. Sex with him was always very hot, but I worried about having sex with him and with Gordy.

Nat emailed me that he was going to drive up to visit, but that he would not be able to spend the night. He arrived on a Thursday before noon. All doubts about spending time with him disappeared as soon as I saw him. That firry electric feeling washed over my body as he took me in his arms. He was hot and ready for action. In minutes, we were naked and all over each other. He told me that he had not had any kind of sex, other than with his hand, for almost a month. I smiled as I went down on him.

As always, he moaned and groaned with pleasure as he filled my mouth with his spunk. I swallowed his huge load. I forgot how much he came as compared to Gordy. We lay in each other's arms. His dick never went soft. We kissed and then he made his way down to my dick. He licked and sucked and then began sucking on my balls.

Again, I heard him spit and then rub his saliva around my asshole. Then I heard him spit again. He moved on top of me, picking up my legs.

I looked at him, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to fuck you," he said, pushing his dick against my tightened butt hole.

I said, "No. I really don't want to be fucked." I pressed to lower my legs.

He held my legs up and said, "Yes, you do."

I felt that sick feeling in my stomach. I twisted my legs, breaking free and then pulled away from him. "I'm not into getting fucked."

"That doesn't matter," he said and laughed. I felt angry, but just stared at him. He had this evil look on his face, as he said, "Gordy told me that you're a virgin. You lied to me."

I felt sick. I sat up in bed. "What do you mean?"

"Barbara told him that you never even tried to mess with her. She said that you never seemed interested in her sexually. You told her that you were a virgin and that you were saving yourself for marriage. She told Gordy that you never even had her jerk you off."

My face was flush. I was both scared and angry. I thought I was going to cry. "That's bullshit," I said, knowing that it was not. He sat back on his legs and smiled. "Why would he tell you something like that?"

"I asked him why he didn't take you to Nevada. He told me that there was going to be a lot of booze and sex and that you were not into fucking. I told him that I thought that was bullshit and he told me what Barbara told him."

I felt sick; scared.

He patted the bed and smiled. "Dude, you're gay. You're a virgin, you date a girl and never try anything. When you're with me you're sex crazed. You can't get enough of my dick and I'd bet anything that you're sucking my brother," he said, stroking his dick and smiling. Again, he patted the bed. "You know you want to get fucked."

"I think you'd better leave," I said.

"I think you'd better let me fuck you," he said.

I pulled my pants on. "I want you to leave," I repeated.

He sat on the bed and smiled and kept stroking his dick. "If you don't get your ass back here in bed and let me fuck you until I've had enough of your ass, I'll call my brother and tell him that you are gay and that we've been messing around."

I wanted to smash him in the face. "Get out," I said. I was shaking all over. I was furious and scared. Again, I thought I might cry.

"Well," he said, standing up. "It's your ass either way. Either I fuck you," he said waving hid hard dick at me, "or I fuck you over."

I stood there, picked up his clothes and threw them at him. "Tell your brother what you want, but get out."

He dressed. He looked pissed. When he was fully dressed he walked toward the door and opened it. He looked at me and said, "One more chance." I just stared at him. He opened his cell phone, pushed a button and said, "Gordy, this is Nat. Call me as soon as you get this message," and closed the door behind him.

Quickly, my anger disappeared and my anxiety took over. I felt sick all over. I thought about calling Gordy to try to explain, but what if Nat was bullshitting. I sat on my bed as my body responded with a cold sweat. I began to physically shake all over. I tried to reassure myself that Nat would never tell Gordy that he had been having sex with a guy. Nat was so insistent that he never know about us. There was no way he'd just call him up and tell him. No way, I told myself, as I curled up into a ball. I cried.

I wanted to call Eric, my best friend in L.A., but I could not tell him that I had been sucking dick. Fuck, I cried out, who can I talk to? I had to talk to someone before Gordy came back. I began pacing around the room. He would never call Gordy. I kept telling myself, he would never call Gordy. I kept running the conversation Nat and I had through my mind. He made me promise I would not tell Gordy. There was no way Gordy could know.

Each time I calmed myself another wave of anxiety washed over my body. I paced, I crawled up into a ball on my bed. I paced some more and then lay back on my bed. I had to talk to Eric.

I called Eric and told him that I had just broken up with my girlfriend and that I was a mess and had to talk to him. I cried on the phone. I told him that I hated being at Notre Dame. He said that I should transfer. It was too late in the year to apply. I'd have to miss at least a semester, maybe a year. We talked for about an hour. It helped. He promised me that he loved me and would always be my friend. He said that if I did not feel better soon, he was flying to South Bend and taking me home. He said he would kick out one of his roommates and I could live with him.

I began to relax.

Sunday morning came too quickly. I had not slept but a couple of hours the night before. I went to breakfast and drank cups of coffee. I thought about calling Gordy to find out when he would be returning to school. Maybe I could get a sense of how he was and if Nat had talked to him. I began to sweat again. I decided it was the coffee.

I sat in my room trying to read, but I was not able to concentrate. When my door opened, I must have jumped five feet into the air. Gordy threw his luggage into the room and closed the door. He said, "Hi," but did not look at me. I felt sick.

"How was Nevada?" I asked.

"Good," he said. "I finally got laid." He looked at me and said, "You should try it some time."

I felt sick. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said. "What did you do over break?"

"Just hung around," I said.

He glared at me. He walked toward the door and said, "Jason and I are getting something to eat." I nodded and smiled and stood up. "I'll catch you later," he said, walking out the door.

I felt flush all over. Something was very different. He knew.

Mark showed up later that day. He dropped off his bags and asked me to go to dinner with him. I went. He talked about his Florida vacation. He looked great; tanned. He seemed happy.

He said, "You look terrible. Are you okay? What did you do?"

I almost started crying. I said, "Just hung around. I should have gone with you. I've just been kind of depressed." He seemed genuinely concerned. He apologized for talking about his wonderful vacation. I told him I was happy that he had a good time.

As we returned to the dorms, I told him that Gordy was acting really weird. He was instantly angry. "There is something I really don't like about him. He seems so squirrely, like such a passive aggressive fuck."

The week was coming to an end. Gordy still was keeping his distance and he no longer crawled into my bed. Thursday afternoon, I returned to my room from my Biology lab. I noticed a sheet of paper on my desk. It was a contract for dorm rooms for next year. It asked if I would be living in the dorms and if so, did I have someone I wanted to room with.

I met Mark for dinner. He was going to meet his girlfriend in Chicago that weekend. He told me he tore up his dorm contract.

When Gordy returned to the room after dinner, I, with great hesitation, asked him if he wanted to be roommates again next year. I felt a warm sweat cover my body. He sat down and stared at me. He looked angry.

"I'm rooming with Jason, Don and Carl. We're getting an apartment."

I felt hot all over; embarrassed, sad, angry. I nodded.

"You should have told me you're gay."

I felt sick. I said, "I'm not gay."

"Yeah, right. You're fuckin' with my brother and with me and you aren't even interested in Barbara. You're saving yourself. What bullshit."

"I'm not gay," I insisted. I was about to cry.

"Are you lying to me, or to yourself?" He stared at me. "You are such a fuckin' liar."

"Your brother climbed into the shower with me and started munching on my dick. I didn't start anything with him. He emailed me and drove here to take me to Chicago for a day and night of cock sucking. I didn't email him."

"I knew you guys hooked up and went to Chicago. I knew it. You liar. You said you went alone."

"Yeah, well you started shit with me, too. I did not start anything with you. You started everything."

"Yeah, well maybe he did and maybe I did, but it was just sex. Just to get off. You fuckin love it."

"I don't love it anymore than you do. You're just as gay as I am," I insisted.

"Dude, you suck my dick when you're not horny."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I suck your dick when I'm all horned up and needing sex. I suck you off and then you suck me off after you've cum. I'd never suck your dick after I cum. It grosses me out just to think about it after I cum, but you're all over my dick and loving it," he said, angrily.

"Well, maybe you're satisfied after a quick and quiet orgasm. Or as your brother says, double Q. Maybe, it takes me a lot more than one shot to satisfy me. Your fuckin brother sucks dick after he cums."

He laughed and said, "My brother is as fuckin' gay as you are. He's fuckin married and running around sucking dick. You're both liars."

He got up and left the room.

I sat in my room. My heart was pounding in my chest. I did not know what to do. I wanted to talk to someone but I could not. I knew Gordy wouldn't talk to anyone about this. How could he tell people that I was sucking his and his brother's dick without telling them that they were sucking mine? But, I could not tell anyone either.

There was a knock on my door. It was Mark. He stepped into the room and looked around. "Where's the asshole," he asked. I began to cry. He stared at me. I tried to pull it together, but I lost it. "What the fuck is going on?" he asked.

I kept shaking my head and staring down at the floor. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the room. He looked in his room and his roommate was there. He grabbed his coat and then went into my room and grabbed mine. We walked down the steps and went outside and began walking around.

"What the fuck is going on?" Mark asked. I just kept shaking my head. "If you don't tell me what's going on, I'm going upstairs and kick his ass and then he's going to tell me."

"You're going to hate me," I said. "It's all fucked up."

"Are we friends?" he asked. I nodded. "Don't I talk to you?" I nodded. "So, what's up?" I just kept shaking my head. "Has something happened between you two?"

I looked at him and sighed.

"Can I ask you something very personal?" Mark asked kindly. I looked at him and nodded. "Are you gay?"

I felt sick. Anxiety washed over me. "Why would you ask that? Do I seem gay?"

"Well, no, but you don't seem straight either."

"What does that mean?"

"My older brother is gay. He's like one of the best people I know. He's my best friend and has always been the coolest brother. He kind of reminds me of you, or you remind me of him." We walked and he talked about his brother. "My parents don't know. My dad would never accept him as gay. He'd be out of the family. He's not going to tell them until after he graduates so that they won't stop paying for his education." I listened. "I liked you from the first day I met you. A lot of times when I take to someone like that, they're people who think a certain way. I don't know exactly what it is but they are either gay or cool with gay people. Or, sometimes when I really really don't like someone, they are guys who do that `macho gay bashing' sit and sometimes, like your roommate, they are also gay."

I said, "So, maybe I'm just someone who is cool with gay people."

He kept staring at me and then asked, "Have you two been messing around?" I froze. "Oh fuck. Didn't you think that was going to backfire on you?" I just kept shaking my head. "What happened?"

We were in front of the student union. There were benches in front of us. I walked over to one and sat down. He said, "Wait here. I'll be right back." He returned with two large coffees. He sat down beside me and said, "Okay, what happened?"

I told him the story; everything, as best as I could remember. I told him that even thought I had not fucked a girl, I still did not think I was gay. He did not argue with me.

"I don't want to have a boyfriend. I want to get married and have kids," I said, staring at my coffee.

"So, maybe you can marry a guy and adopt," he suggested.

I shook my head. "I don't want that. I really want a wife."

"Why don't you see if you can transfer to NYU?" I looked at him. "Come on. We can be roommates. We'd be great roommates. You can get to know my brother and his partner. They are great guys and they'd love you." I shook my head. "Why not?"

"Why would you want to be my roommate after what I told you?"

He stared at me. "That's your shit Jimmy." I looked at him. He always called me James. "And I can kick your ass." I looked away. "Did anything I say get in? I thought you might be gay. I mean I didn't think about it a lot. I always talk about you to my girlfriend and she wanted to fix you up with a friend of hers." I looked at him. "A girlfriend of hers, but I told her than I thought you might be more interested in guys." He hesitated. "Actually, I told her that I thought maybe you were interested in me."

"Fuck," I said, shaking my head.

"Jimmy, it doesn't bother me. I mean, it's kind flattering, but it doesn't bother me. Whenever I go to NY to meet with my girlfriend I stay with my brother and his partner. They're both students at NYU. My dad thinks they are roommates. Anthony, he's the boyfriend, is always teasing me and saying I have a hot ass and that he and I and my brother should do a three way."

"Doesn't that bother you?"

Mark laughed. "No. First off, he doesn't mean it. Secondly, he's very attractive, like you, and well, I don't know. I like that people think I'm attractive."

"It's too late to transfer," I said.

We sat silently for a while. "What are you going to do?"

"About what?"

"Gordy? A roommate for next year?"

"He won't tell anyone. He can't. I guess we'll just finish the semester. And, I guess, I'll just let them assign me someone again."

"Fuck, Jimmy, I don't want to lose you as a friend. I wish you'd think about transferring to NYU. You'd love New York, and we'd make great roommates. Other than my brother, you're my best male friend."

"I wish you weren't leaving," I said and got all choked up.

We stood up and began walking away. Mark grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I stiffened as our bodies touched. He held me tightly until I relaxed. We walked back to the dorms and went to our rooms. Gordy didn't come back to the room until later that night. When he did, he climbed into bed in his boxers. That was a first.

The next two months were horrible. Gordy hardly spoke to me at all. He spent little time in the room. Mark and I hung out when he was at school, but when he was away, I sat in my room alone. I was happy when finals were over. Gordy finished finals before I did. He moved out without saying a word. I do not know why I cried the day he left, but I did. Mark left the next day. We promised to stay in touch. I felt miserable until Eric arrived. He drove to South Bend. He helped me pack my stuff up and moved out of the dorms. As I closed the door I looked at the name plate. James Moretti, Gordon Resser; the guy whose name is the same frontward and backward, I thought.

Eric and I took our time driving back to L.A. It was great to see him, again.

(This is all I'm going to do with James. The novel I've begun starts with James graduating from Notre Dame. It briefly covers what happens over the next three years. How he comes to deal with being gay. But the focus of the novel is James after graduation. I've decided to include parts of the above in a flashback.

Part nine of James's College days will start with Kevin. James and Kevin will meet soon after James graduates from ND. So, as I did with James, I want to develop a history for Eric. I have a sense of who he is and his story, but like with James, I'm not sure how I'll get from one place to another.

I hope you'll take the time to read along and let me know what you think.)

You can email me at Storyman1019@aol.com. I'm concerned that no one is reading this. If that's so, I might just bring it to an end. It really does help hearing how people are feeling about the story and the characters.

Next: Chapter 9

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