James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Nov 24, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

James's College Days, part seven

Valet parked Nat's car. As we walked into the lobby, Nat said, "Wait here. Let me check in and then follow me into the elevator." I nodded. I watched as Nat gave his credit card to the clerk.

As Nat turned toward the elevators, he glanced at me and smiled. I felt a wave of excitement pulse through my body. This all seemed so furtive, as if we were having some kind of affair. Then it occurred to me that we were and I felt a bit saddened. As we stepped into the elevator I looked at him and all I could think about was how much I wanted him.

We rode the elevator not saying a word, but smiling at each other. Nat glanced down at my crotch and noticed my hard-on pushing up against the pant leg of my loose-fitting jeans. I smiled. Nat stepped in front of me and reached back and pressed his hand into my crotch as the elevator made its way to our floor. I pushed back. He squeezed my dick. I laughed.

We found our room, unlocked the door and stepped in. I smiled when I saw that we had a king size bed. My face blushed and my heart pounded. I thought about us sleeping together wrapped around each other. Nat said, "Gives us plenty of room to play around," and smiled, as he took off his jacket. I put my backpack on the floor and took off my jacket. I watched as Nat undressed. I pulled off my shoes and socks, my shirt and tee-shirt and stepped out of my pants. I turned to Nat and said, "Let me," as Nat began pulling off his shirt. "It's my turn to undress you."

Nat smiled. I pulled off his sweater and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and let them fall to the floor. I ran my hands over his chest. His nipples responded to my touch. I leaned down and began licking his chest. I could taste our cum. We took hold of each other's dick and began rubbing. I looked into Nat's eyes. I cocked my head and brought my lips to rest on his. He opened his mouth and met my tongue with his. We sighed loudly as we began heatedly kissing and touching each other. Nat put his hand behind my head and held me tightly as he bit and sucked on my tongue.

I pulled back from Nat and stared into his eyes. I smiled and then knelt down. I took hold of his cock and again glanced up at him. He put his hands on top of my head and gently moved me toward his dick. The blended scent of his musk and our cum from our previous play filled my nostrils. My body responded instantly. My dick hardened. I opened my mouth and took him deep into my throat. Nat moaned. Now, I could taste our cum. It made my hungry for him.

Slowly thrusting into my mouth, he said, "Your mouth feels amazing, Jimmy." I began playing with his balls, pulling on them and moving them around in their sac. He moaned and kept thrusting. I ran my fingers up and down the inside of his thighs. He bent at the knees as he moaned. My body was on fire. Nat's cock was rock hard. His nipples were erect. I could tell he was getting ready to cum.

I felt Nat's cock swell hard in my mouth. I began sucking harder and thrusting my head into his groin, taking as much of his dick as I could.

Nat began shaking all over. It was getting hard for him to stand in place. "Oh, fuck, Jimmy," he grunted. "AHHHHH," he groaned as he hit his climax. "Suck me," he moaned, holding onto my head. I grabbed him by the hips trying to stay on his cock as he began to lose his footing. "Oh fuck, oh fuck," he grunted, as his cum erupted from his dick. I was moaning loudly as I took his load and swallowed.

Nat collapsed on the bed. I stood and then lay down beside him. We looked at each other and then Nat began to laugh. I smiled. Nat said, "Dude, you are so good at that. You've got to be loving it. I swear, no one has ever given me head like you do. I'm going to become addicted to this."

I felt that sick feeling in my stomach as I smiled. "I just want to do the best I can. I know you give me such good head that I want to be the best I can."

"Well, dude, you can't get any better or you'll blow the top off of my head," he said and laughed. Nat glanced at my dick lying across my hip. He shook his head and said, "I wish I had your dick."

I moved closer to Nat and said, "Well, for the next twenty-four hours, it's yours," and smiled. He took it in his hand and squeezed. "Fuck, Jimmy, it's hard like a fuckin' steel rod.

"It is kind of awesome, isn't it," I said and laughed.

Nat looked up at me and smiled, and said, "I don't get what's with the girls you date. If I was a fuckin' girl, I'd be on your dick like butter on corn." We both laughed. Nat said, "Like crispy on chicken." Again we laughed.

I began stroking my dick. Nat sat up on the bed. "Can I watch you jerk off?" I looked at him and smiled and then nodded. "I've never seen you cum. It's kind of hot to see a guy squirt, and you squirt a lot."

"Sure, if you'll help me," I said.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Play with my balls." Nat sat cross-legged on the bed beside me and began running his finger over my balls as I jerk off. I lay there masturbating, looking at him as he staring at my dick. Fuck, I thought, he is so fuckin' hot. I wanted to ask him to kiss me, but I was too afraid. I reached over and touched his leg. He looked up at me and smiled and then moved closer to me so that I could reach his semi-hard cock.

He opened his legs wide and smiled. He said, "I fuckin' love sex, in case you haven't figured that out. I miss those Saturday afternoons when we'd tag team the girls and have sex all afternoon." He shook his head as he watched me jerking and said, "Sometimes when we'd leave my balls would hurt from cumming so many times."

"How many times did you come," I asked smiling.

He smiled at me and said, "The most I did was seven times."

I smiled. He said, "Don't even tell me you came more than that." I laughed. "Fuck, you came more than seven times in a day from jerking off?" I smiled and nodded. "You and your buddy made a bet?" I nodded again as I kept stroking. He squeezed my balls hard. I laughed. "And you won, right?" I nodded.

I kept stroking my dick. He was getting hard again. "I love watching shit like this. Actually, I like watching any kind of sex." He leaned forward and ran his tongue over my balls. I sighed. "Don't cum," he said, as he kept his face buried in my crotch. "I really want to see you squirt." I nodded and kept stroking. With my free hand I reached between Nat's legs and began to fondle his cock. He moved again, giving me better access. He moved and began licking the head of my cock as I slowly stroked my dick.

"Oh fuck, that feels awesome. Keep doing that," I sighed.

Nat moved so that his crotch was at my face and lay on his hip as he licked my cock and played with my balls. I moved and took his semi-hard cock into my mouth. "Oh yeah, suck my dick," he said. We lay there licking and sucking as I got close to orgasm. Nat asked, "Are you close."

I answered, "Getting there."

Nat moved and knelt down beside me. We looked at each other and smiled, as I kept stroking. Nat asked, "You ever cum on your face?"

I nodded, smiled and said, "I can get a couple of shots on my face."

He smiled at me. He took hold of my legs and pushed my hips up into the air and pulling my legs over my head. I looked through my legs at him and laughed. "Fuck," I said, "there's no way to miss like this," and smiled.

Nat chuckled and nodded. "You ever squirt into your mouth and swallow your own cum?" Of course, I had, but I was afraid to admit it. I shook my head. "You up for it?" he asked

I shrugged and said, "I guess so. Will you do it?"

"Sure, if you swallow your cum, I'll swallow mine. I've tried to do it before, but I always chicken out. If you do it, I will," Nat said and smiled. "You've got this power over me, dude. I'm like so into doing stuff."

I started stroking hard as I pulled my knees down to my head. Nat lay down beside me and watched. I pulled in tighter and then licked the tip of his cock. "No way," Nat said. "Can you suck your own dick?"

I smiled and then tightened up further. The head of my dick disappeared into my mouth. I turned and looked at Nat and said, "I can't make myself cum this way unless I jerk off."

"Fuck that looks awesome. Go ahead. Do it. Oh my god, I can't fuckin' believe this. Fuck, I want your dick so bad. If I could suck my own dick, I'd never get out of bed."

I laughed and licked my dick head. I began rocking back and forth so that my dick moved over my lips. I sucked myself for a while and then began masturbating vigorously. Nat began stroking his dick as he watched me. I ran my tongue over my dick head as I pumped at my cock. I began breathing hard. I moaned, "I'm going to cum."

Nat's eyes were wide open watching with great anticipation as he stroked wildly at his dick. I moaned loudly, holding my dick an inch over my open mouth. I opened my mouth wide with my tongue ready for my load.

"Yeah, Jimmy, do it."

I jerked hard. My first shot of cum was huge and thick. It fell across my lips and tongue. I licked my lips and swallowed trying to open my mouth before my next shot. I came on my nose and mouth, and then into my open mouth. I kept my mouth open taking the rest of my load and then I swallowed. I glanced at Nat. He was staring with his mouth hanging open as he stroked hard on his dick. I looked at my dick. There was a long string of cum hanging from it. I moved my dick toward my mouth, moaned and then licked my dick head clean. "Oh fuck, Jimmy, that is so hot." I pushed my dick over my lips and nose cleaning up my cum and then licked my dick head again.

Nat lay there amazed. "Fuck, I've never seen anything like that. That was fuckin' hot," he said jerking hard. I uncurled my body, smiled and stretched. Nat lay back and kept jerking. I reached over and began running my finger over his balls. I moved and licked Nat's dick head, as he had done to me. He began to moan and groan and shake all over. He tried to roll his legs over his head but feel back. "Help me," he said.

I pulled Nat's legs over his head as he kept jerking. He rolled into a ball. I lay down beside him and watched. "Do it. It's not as bad as you think." He had his mouth opened wide with his dick just inches above. He moaned loudly. A shot of thick cum squirted out of his dick and shot directly into his mouth. He swallowed as his next shot of cum hit him on the face. He opened his mouth and dropped the rest of his load onto his tongue. I watched as he closed his mouth and swallowed.

He slowly unrolled and lay flat. He laughed as he glanced at me. I leaned over him and wiped a thick glob of cum off his face with my finger and put it into my mouth, sucking my finger and making a smacking sound. "Yummm, finger lickin' good," I said. We both laughed.

Nat said, "Fuck, Jimmy, I can't fuckin believe I did that. Damn, I've rolled up like that maybe twenty times and thought about doing that, but each time I've tried to cum in my mouth I've always chicken out and just cum on my face."

"Yeah, me, too. I've gotten it in my mouth, but then I've always spit it out," I said lying.

Nat laughed, and said, "I've come one more time than you."

I smiled and said, "Not for long," and laughed.

I felt like I wanted to lean over Nat and kiss him, but I did not. Nat said to me, "How about we take a shower and then I'll buy you dinner?" I nodded.

We stepped into the shower and began to soap each other up. This all felt so different from Gordy. Nat ran his hands over my chest and stomach as I did the same to him. He began rubbing his soapy hands over my hardening dick. He laughed and said, "It's not tired yet."

I said, "I'm just getting started. I've been saving myself since I received your email, so I'm still squirting cum I made a couple of days ago," and laughed. Nat laughed also.

Nat held my rock hard dick in his hands as he slowly stroked me. "Damn, do you realize that I have both my hands on your dick and there's another handful of dick."

I laughed and said, "I don't get what's so fascinating about a big dick. You have a big dick. So, what's the big deal?"

Nat shook his head as he gripped my dick with both his hands. "Put your hand against mine. I want to see if you cover it up." I wrapped my fingers around what was left of my exposed dick, and my cock head disappeared. "Damn, three handfuls." He put his hands around his dick. When he wrapped his two hands around his dick, about a half inch remained exposed. "Fuck, you've got a handful more than me."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, well, yours has gotten a lot more use than mine." He looked at me, "I mean, other than jacking off."

"How many girls have you fucked?" he asked.

I felt that sick feeling. "Ahh, three," I said lying.

"That one that your friend found for you. How many times did you hook up with her?" he asked.

"Ahh, twice; no three times."

"Cool. Who else," he asked as he stroked my dick.

"Eric had another girl that wanted to do both of us. We got together one afternoon and fucked her. It's really hot watching and kind of hot to be fucking and knowing someone is watching."

He smiled and said, "Fuck, it would be hot if you and I could find a girl to fuck. Don't you think?"

I nodded, as he kept stroking my dick. I wondered if having him there watching me would get me hard so that I could fuck a girl. But, what if I couldn't, I wondered.

"You ever kiss a guy before," he asked.

"No, never. What about you?"

"No. I didn't think I'd ever want to, but I was just so turned on," he said and shrugged. "It's kind of gay, but it was really fuckin' hot." He looked at me and said, "I thought it would turn me off big time, but instead it got me even harder."

"It doesn't have to be gay. I mean, we like fucking girls so that makes us not gay."

He chuckled and said, "Yeah, the guys in Brokeback Mountain liked fucking girls, too." He ran his fingers over my balls as he jerked me and pressed his body against mine. "But, they liked fucking each other, so I guess that makes then gay."

"Yeah," I said. My dick was hard but it was hard to cum when we were talking about being gay.

"I'd never let a guy stick his dick in my ass," he said and smiled. "I've fucked girls up the ass, so I'd sure fuck a guy if he was hot."

He slipped his fingers under my balls and toward my asshole. I tightened. "I'd fuck someone in the ass, too. But I'd never let anyone fuck me either." My stomach twisted tight, remembering the vegetables I used to explore my asshole and knowing that I'd fantasized about being fucked many times.

He smiled at me and began kissing me. I leaned against the shower wall as he stroked my dick and kissed me. My dick head swelled in his hand. My balls tightened into my body as he ran his fingers over them. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth. His hard dick pressed against my leg. I wrapped my arms around him as we kissed.

I moaned loudly. My legs began to shake. I held on to him as I began to cum. "Oh yeah, shot your load on me," he whispered, as we kissed. "Let it go."

I moaned and groaned and thrust upward as my cum erupted onto his chest. "Fuck, Nat," I grunted, as he kept stroking me. He looked at me, the cum on his chest and then smiled and then kissed me again.

"Let's go to dinner. It's on me," he said as he rinsed off. I nodded.

We went to Morton's Steak House for dinner. It was wonderful. We ordered a large garden salad with blue cheese dressing to share and a huge top sirloin streak for two. I felt like I was on a date. I could not stop staring at his deep blue eyes as I imagined his hard dick tucked away in his slacks.

We talked about Nat growing up in a small town and me growing up in Los Angeles. I was surprised to hear how easy he said it was to find people to have sex. He said that there was little else to do on weekends. He talked a lot about his sexual exploits. I asked him about his football friend.

"He and I used to tag team girls on Saturdays; he and I and three other guys that would be with us once in a while. The girls wouldn't want more than four guys," he said and laughed. "Once there were three girls and we had five of us, but usually we could only get two girls."

"Sounds hot," I said, thinking about all those guys naked and hard. "When would you guys give each other head?"

He smiled, "Saturday fucking only happened maybe once a month or so, sometimes more." He shrugged. Most of the time I had a girlfriend and so did he, but you know how that goes. So, he and I would take care of each other."

"So, how often did you guys take care of each other?" I asked.

He breathe in deeply and shrugged. "Probably once a week for about three years. Fuck, that sounds like a lot, but we were fuckin' horny and if you're not being taken care of by your girlfriend, you go to your buddy." He laughed and said, "That's what buddies are for."

"Yeah, I agree. Me and Eric used to jerk off with each other two or three times a week."

"Did you guys jerk each other off?"

"Oh yeah. Probably once a week."

"Maybe, when you see him again, you two can start blowing each other."

I smiled and asked, "So, how come your buddy doesn't want to blow you anymore?"

"He said that his wife gives good head and he thinks it would be too gay. I don't know. Maybe it is, but I don't care. I know I'm not gay, I just like messing with hot dudes. That doesn't mean that I'm gay."

"Yeah, that's the way I feel," I said.

"So, you and my brother blowing each other?" I froze in my seat trying not to show any kind of reaction. He smiled. "I knew he'd be hitting on you. He's gay."

"Why do you say that? I really think he's interested in his girlfriend," I nervously added. "I think it's like you and me. He just wants to get off and have some fun," I said.

"I can tell when someone is gay. He's gay. I was the one who talked my friend into hooking up with him. I wanted to see if he'd go for it and he did."

I shrugged and said, "But your friend isn't gay. Why does that make Gordy gay?"

He said, "He let my buddy fuck him." Again, I froze. "He said Gordy howled at first, but then was really into it."

"Damn, how did he get Gordy to say yes to that?" I asked.

"He told him that if he didn't let him fuck him, he'd tell me that Gordy was blowing him," he said and laughed. "I knew Gordy would say yes. If I was Gordy I would have said, `go ahead and tell him'. But I knew Gordy would be into it. He just needed an excuse to say okay," Nat said proud of himself.

All of a sudden, I did not like Nat. Fuck, I thought, why would you do that to your own brother? "Well, I still don't think he's gay. All we've done is jerk off together and jerked each other off. I really don't think we'll blow each other. He just doesn't seem to be into it."

"He'll blow you before long. I could tell when he was talking about your ten inch dick that his mouth was watering." He smiled at me and added, "And I bet he jumps on that dick of yours and rides it like a bucking bronco, or a fucking bronco," and laughed.

I shrugged and said, "I'm really not interested in sex with him, anyway."

"I can see why. He's not what I'd say is, `hot'."

We finished dinner with chocolate cake.

On the way back to the room, Nat talked about how horny he was again. I was feeling depressed. I suddenly wanted to be back in my dorm alone. When we got back to the room, Nat undressed quickly and lay on the bed. I watched him stroking his dick as I undressed. I felt energy pulse through my groin. My face warmed and my dick began to harden.

I lay down beside him. He looked at me and then rolled over on top of me. He began kissing me deeply. Whatever hesitation I had about returning to the room disappeared. I wanted him badly. Our tongues pushed past each other's darting in and out of each other's mouth. He sucked my lips and then bit down gently. I sighed. My dick was so hard it felt painful. He pressed his erection into my crotch. I moaned. He lay between my legs and bit down on neck. I groaned.

We kissed and touched wildly. He kept pushing into me and moaning. He pushed my legs apart with his knees and then pulled my legs around him as he continued pressing into me. We were both breathing heavily.

He moved down on me and began biting my chest, my nipples and my stomach. I pushed my dick into his neck and sighed, "Suck me." He began licking my dick, running his tongue down the shaft and over my balls. He sucked my balls into his mouth. Again, I moaned as I held his head. I heard him spit and wondered what he had done. Then I felt his wet finger on my ass crack. He moved his finger over my ass hole and then applied pressure. I tightened. He began sucking my dick as he kept pushing against my hole. The more I relaxed and enjoyed him sucking my dick, the more he pushed his finger into my ass.

Again, his head went down to my balls and again I heard him spit. I waited for his finger but didn't feel it. He moved up on my dick again and then began licking my chest as he lifted my legs with his arms. He looked at me and began pressing his groin into my ass. I stared into his eyes.

He said, "Let me fuck you, please. I won't hurt you. I've done this before. I know how to do it so it won't hurt," as he pressed harder. I tightened up quickly. "Please," he said.

"No. I really don't want to do this." I did, but I was too scared. After what he said about his brother, I knew I could not admit to wanting him inside of me. I became so nervous I was losing my erection. "I really don't want to do this."

"It won't be bad. I promise."

"Let me fuck you first," I said. "If you're okay with it and it doesn't hurt you, then I might try it."

He said, "No way, you're huge."

I said, "Anyway, we don't have condoms, and I'm not even going to think of getting fucked without a condom."

He lay down on top of me. I could not tell if he was angry or what was going on, but he just lay there. I felt his dick pushing into my stomach. He was still hard.

"You're right," he said. "I just can't help it sometimes. I get so fuckin' horny I just want to fuck."

I sighed and said, "Yeah, I know, me, too. It's just so great to hump something or someone."

"Yeah, that's the only bad thing about a blow job is that you can't just let loose and fuck like crazy," he agreed.

"We could do like we did at school," I suggested. "You can hump me between my legs," I suggested. "It was pretty intense last time." He looked at me. "I thought it was fuckin' hot."

He smiled at me and said, "How about this. I'll hump you for a while but then I'll get over your mouth and fuck your mouth." I looked at him seriously. "I won't shove my dick down your throat. I'll hold back and just cum in your mouth." I guess I still did not look convinced. "You can do it to me first," he said.

I smiled at him and said, "You can go first. I'll fuck your mouth when you're done."

He smiled and started grinding his groin into mind as he held me tightly. "Fuck, you feel good," he sighed, as he humped me harder and faster. He was breathing hard.

I held him, running my hands up and down his back. "Yeah, hump my balls," I whispered. "Hump me hard."

He sighed, and said, "Slap my ass." I ran my hand over his butt but did not slap it. "Come on," he said, as he pushed hard into me. "Slap my fuckin' ass and slap it hard." I lifted my right hand and slapped his butt cheek. He sighed and said, "Come on, harder than that." I took in a deep breath, lifted my right arm again, and brought my right hand down on the cheek of his ass hard. The sound of the slap filled the room. He groaned loudly and continued thrusting. "Again, harder."

I brought my arm up and my hand down, again slapping his ass hard. He lifted his head and grunted and thrust. Again, I slapped his ass. He kept thrusting, looking into my eyes. He nodded. I slapped him again. He grunted again, but kept thrusting. We were wet with sweat and pre-cum. His hard dick pushed across my smooth balls and then between our pubic hair. I knew how intense it was feeling. I slapped him again. He began kissing me as he thrust harder. I moaned and held him tightly as he pressed hard into me.

"I'm getting close," he whispered. He moved over me and I scooted down so that his dick was over my face. I opened my mouth and took hold of his dick. He pushed himself deep into my mouth, but not into my throat. He began making short quick thrusts and moaning. I glanced up at him. He was watching his dick slide over my lips. I relaxed and decided to trust him. I could feel his cock head getting rigid. I reach up and moved my fingers over his balls.

He began thrusting faster. His body began shaking all over as he let out a groan that seemed to come from deep inside of him. He made one quick move, deep into my mouth, and then pulled back as his dick began erupting. Again, he began making short quick movements as he cock unloaded into my mouth. I swallowed.

When he was finished cumming he pulled his dick from my mouth and lay down beside me. I scooted up beside him. "Oh fuck, Jimmy. That was fuckin' intense," he said staring up at the ceiling. "Fuckin' intense."

I looked down at his dick. It was still hard and pulsating on his stomach. His entire body was still twitching. "Oh fuck, Jimmy," he sighed. "Oh fuck."

I smiled, "Are you okay?"

He turned his head and looked at me and laughed. "You're fuckin' ruining me. What the fuck is going on," he said and laughed. "I've smacked some bitch ass while I'm humping pussy, but fuck, no one has ever"

"You said to do it," I said.

"Yeah, I know. Fuck, I was thinking I wanted to slap your ass and then thought no, he can slap mine. Fuck, it was fuckin' hot." He smiled at me, and then laughed again. "You gotta try it. I not fuckin' kidding. You've got to let me slap your ass."

I smiled and nodded. He motioned me to get on top of him. I did. We began kissing. Before long I was getting my ass slapped and slapped hard. Soon after I was looking down at him as the head of my dick thrust in and out of his mouth. He stared up at me as he played with my balls.

I lay down beside him after I came. I, too, had to have time to recover from my orgasm. He was right it was intense. Although, it was taking longer to cum after each orgasm, each climax seemed more intense.

We played again before we lay beside each other to go to sleep. He cuddled up against me, threw his right leg over my hip and his arm over my chest. I had my arm around his shoulders. He said, "This is kind of gay, isn't it."

I said, "Everything we are doing is kind of gay, but we're not gay, so who cares," as I moved closer to him.

"Yeah, that's true. A lot of gay guys have sex with girls and it doesn't make them straight. So, this doesn't mean we're gay. It just means we are too very hot dudes who love sex a lot." He looked up at me and said, "Right?"

"Right," I said.

"You'd better not be gay, dude. That would be scary fuckin' shit," he said and cuddled closer.

I lay there feeling scared and then sad. In minutes he was asleep. I lay awake for hours.

Next: Chapter 8

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