James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Nov 17, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

James's College Days, part six

I tossed and turned all night. When I woke I realized I missed breakfast. I decided to take a shower, dress, pack for my overnight with Nat and get something for lunch. I carried my cell phone with me everywhere I went. I was not sure when Nat would arrive.

While sitting in the commons, Nat called. I answered, "Hey, Nat," my heart pounded in my chest.

"Hi, Jimmy. I just got off the highway. How do I get to you?"

I stood, bused my try as I gave Nat directions. I walked outside the commons and said, "I'll meet you in the parking lot."

"Sounds great," Nat said.

I ran up to my room, grabbed what I packed, looked around the room making sure I had all that I needed. I put on my navy blue North Face parker. I knew I looked good with my light grey stocking cap. It makes my face look more angular and my smile more pronounced. I glanced into the mirror and smiled. My eyes were looking more grey than blue today. That is not unusual on cold winter days, especially when I am wearing dark blue and grey. I locked the door to my room and headed out. I leaned against a parked car and waited.

I felt an exhilaration I had not known before. I felt flush. Every nerve ending on my body was in a state of excitation. My breathing was shallow. I could not stop thinking about my crotch. My penis was in a constant semi-state of erection and my testicles were mildly aching. I had this fantasy of Nat arriving naked and in a state of arousal.

I noticed a black SUV turn the corner. My body warmed all over and I could not help but smile. It was Nat. I waved. Nat smiled and waved back as he pulled into the parking lot. Nat parked, turned off the ignition, stepped out of his car and opened his arms to me. We hugged.

Nat said, "Fuck, Jimmy, you look great." I smiled. His eyes went right to my smile.

I answered, "You, too. It's great to see you." Nat's blue eyes were gleaming. I could not stop looking at Nat's smiling full lips. He was wearing jeans and a navy blue turtleneck sweater.

Nat said, "Is that your stuff," pointing to my backpack. I nodded. Nat picked it up, walked toward the back of the car and tossed it in. We both climbed into the car and buckled up. Nat said, "Fuck, I wasn't sure we'd ever get to do this, but when the meeting came up I just had to see if we could pull it off."

"I know," I said. "I was surprised when I received your email. I'm glad it worked out."

Nat started to pull out of the parking lot when he looked at me and said, "Dude, I am so fuckin' boned, I feel like I'm going to cum in my jeans."

I laughed, and said, "I do that to a lot of people." We both laughed. I could not believe how comfortable I felt flirting with him. I said, "I'm boned, too." We stared at each other smiling.

Nat reached over and pushed his hand into my crotch. He easily found my erection which was held against my left leg by my boxer briefs. I was rock hard. I grabbed his hand and squeezed his fingers tighter around my cock. He said, "Can we play in your room before we head out?"

I smiled, nodded, and said, "Fuck yeah. No one is around."

Nat turned his car around and parked. We exited the car, walked back to the dorms, rode the elevator and walked quickly to my room. Neither of us said a word. Both of us were in a heightened state of excitement. I unlocked the door. We stepped inside. I closed and locked the door. When I turned around, Nat had already begun to undress. We took off our coats and threw them onto Gordon's bed. I smiled and kicked off my shoes. Nat pulled his sweater and tee-shirt together. I forgot how hot his body was. I could not stop looking at his naked chest. I felt flush all over. Nat kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks. It was like I was moving in slow motion. I pulled off my socks as I watched Nat undress. Nat unbuttoned and pulled off his pants and boxers in one quick move. I smiled, looking at his erection pointing upward. I began to unbutton my shirt. I wanted to just drop on both knees and start sucking him.

Nat pushed my hands away and said, "Let me." I dropped my arms beside myself. I swear I would have done anything he asked to me to do. Nat pulled my shirt off and then pulled my tee-shirt over my head. I felt a chill run through my body. My nipples became hard. There was something very different happening to me. I had never felt like this before. My body was aching to be touched. Nat ran his fingers over my stomach. I sighed. I became aware of the sound of my breathing. It was quick and shallow. I moved my hands and caressed his nipples with my fingers. Nat sighed, as he ran his hands over my chest and whispered into my ear, "Your pecs., shoulders and arms, fuck, and your abs, dude, you are solid." He dropped his hand to my basket. He pushed hard. I sighed, as I again took his hand and tightened his grip on my crotch. Nat squeezed my rock hard cock, and said, "And this, fuck, dude, you are a total package. You are the hottest guy I've ever know." He looked at me and laughed and said, "Other than me, of course."

I smiled, wrapped my hand around his cock and said, "You're fuckin' hot."

Nat unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. They fell to my feet. He put his fingers in the elastic of my briefs and slowly pushed them down. As he did, my cock sprung up. "Damn!" Nat sighed, as he knelt down in front of me, pushing my briefs to the floor. I stepped out of my pants and underwear.

Nat stood. We pressed into each other. We stood cheek to cheek, grinding our erections into each other's crotches. I could hear Nat shallow breathing, as I am sure he could hear me. Nat turned his face toward me, running his tongue along my ear.

"Ahhh," I moaned. Except in my fantasies, I had never been passionately kissed by a man before. I desperately wanted to feel his lips on mine. But, I was scared. I felt my body beginning to shake in anticipation. Slowly, I moved my face toward his. We glanced into each other's eyes for an instant and then our lips met. I could feel myself trembling. He opened his mouth and ran his tongue over my lips. I thought I was going to cum. It was the most intense and gentle and wonderful feeling I had ever experienced. I sighed as I opened my mouth ever so slightly. I was too afraid to kiss him the way I wanted. I thought I could suck his tongue out of his mouth.

He slowly slipped his tongue over my lips and into his mouth. Oh fuck, I thought, as our tongues met. We both moaned. I felt my legs weakening, chills running through my body and my face burning. He kept squeezing my cock, and I squeezed his. I was fevered and on the verge of orgasm.

Nat moved us to my bed. We lay down with him on top of me without breaking our embrace. He lay between my legs as we kissed and pressed our groins into each other.

"Oh fuck," I moaned, "You've got to stop or I'm going to cum," I said, panting. "I don't usually cum so quick, but"

"I'm close, too," he whispered, as he gently bit down on my lower lip.

We both began pushing harder into each other as we continued kissing deeply.

"Oh fuck, Jimmy," Nat grunted as he began rhythmically thrusting into my groin. "Oh fuck!"

I felt the warmth of his load streaming across my stomach, as he bit down into my neck and continued thrusting. The sticky wetness of his climax and the friction of his body moving over my cock brought me closer to orgasm. I began moaning loudly.

Realizing that I was about to cum, Nat rolled me over so that now I was on top of him. I began thrusting vigorously, rubbing my cock hard against his now cum wet crotch. He held me tightly and bit down on my neck. I held him tightly as I thrust against him. "Oh fuck, Jimmy, you are a lot fuckin' stronger than you look." I lightened my grip. "No, don't. Hang on tight. It's hot." I held him and pushed myself hard against him. "Yeah, do it, big boy. Fuck like a man," he whispered, as I thrust against his stomach. I was grunting loudly as my orgasm neared. Nat held on to me and moaned, "Fuck like a wild man." I held on. "Yeah, like that, fuck like that," Nat said, holding onto my ass. Then he raised his left hand and brought it down hard on my ass and said, "Fuck like a wild man."

"Oh fuck," I groaned as I thrust into him harder. "Fuck!" I yelled, pushing hard into him as I felt my cum erupting out of his cock. "Oh fuck." I bit down on his shoulder. I thrust again. My body was trembling all over. I thought the top of my head was going to blow off.

"Yeah, bit me. Yeah, keep cummin. Yeah, just like that. Fuck, you are hot," Nat whispered. I felt rivers of warm spunk gushing between our chests and stomachs. "Yeah, cum all over me." Nat held me as my body involuntarily tensed and relax after I stopped cumming. I was no longer cumming but I was still climaxing, or my body was still responding as if I was. I held him tightly. I felt like I was not yet in control of my body's movements. I lay on top of him realizing I had never cum so hard or had such an intense orgasm.

We lay together holding each other without saying a word. Nat just kept running his fingers over my back. I did not want to move. Then I thought of Gordon and how he always retreated to his bed after he came. I began to feel anxious. Was I into it too much? Did Nat want to retreat? He did not seem to want to have me move off of him. I began wondering why I did not want him to let go. Now I was really feeling anxious.

"It's okay with me," Nat said, "but you should know we both made a huge mess and it is dripping down my sides onto your sheets."

I turned my head and looked at Nat, and said, "I've got a clean set we can put on the bed before we leave." He smiled and nodded and held me tightly again. I rested my head on his shoulder. I suddenly became aware of the smell of our cum and then the movement of Nat's dick between us. I had never lost my erection.

I looked at Nat, smiled and said, with hope, "You're not done, are you?"

Nat smiled and said, "No, not even close to being done." He reached between us and grabbed my erection and said, "Neither are you." I smiled, pulling myself off of him and glanced down at his chest and stomach. It was shinny and sticky. I glanced at my stomach. It was the same. We smiled at each other. Both our erections were wet with cum.

As I lay down beside Nat, he turned around so that we were now in a 69 position. I watched as he began licking my stomach, balls and dick. I, in turn, did the same. The warm musky smell and the saltiness of our merged cum sent a shutter through my body. I wrapped my fingers around Nat's erection. It was bone hard. In one move, I opened my mouth and took him deep into my throat. Nat moaned with my cock in his mouth, and gently thrust deeper into my mouth. Soon we were both hungrily licking and sucking at each other's erection. I had never felt so excited, free, turned on, comfortable, and happy about being sexual as I did at that moment. I excitedly relaxed and just let happen whatever was going to happen. I was not worried that I was into it too much or what anyone would think.

Without plan, we both were on the edge of orgasm at the same time. I felt Nat's cock head become rigid in my mouth as I felt my own orgasm nearing. We both moaned and began steadily thrusting into each other's mouth.

I sucked harder, wanting to feel his flood of cum fill my mouth. Nat ran his tongue wildly around the head of my cock. My legs began to shake and stiffen at the same time. Nat's legs began to tense and we both moaned loudly as we each began to cum.

Nat swallowed each shot of cum as he sucked as hard as he could on my cock. I kept my head still as Nat thrust into my mouth. Both of us moaned, thrashed around, fought to take all of each other's cum, and then swallowed. Neither of us abandoned the other's still hard cock after we were each finished cumming.

The room was filled with the sound of quick deep breathing, the musk of our orgasms and the warmth of our bodies. We gently sucked on and licked each other's now flaccid dicks. Nat sighed. He sat up and looked at me. "My god, Jimmy that was fuckin' incredible." I smiled. "I'm serious. From the time we walked into this room, I've never been that turned on."

"Me neither," I said, looking up into his eyes.

He looked at me and shook his head. "Damn, that's pretty fuckin' scary," he said and laughed. "Let's head to Chicago and check in to the hotel for round two." I nodded. We both moved from the bed.

I felt my stomach churning. I kept repeating in my head what Nat said, jokingly. `That's pretty fuckin' scary'. "We can shower," I said.

"Nah, let's just go," Nat said, touching his sticky stomach. "So, we smell of cum." Nat wiped himself dry with this underwear. I nodded and smiled. Nat said, "I was boned all the way here," as he began to dress. He laughed and said, "I'll probably be boned all the way to Chicago." He pulled on his jeans without underwear and then proceeded to dress.

I began to dress. I, too, wiped myself dry with my briefs and tossed them into my laundry bag. I pulled on my jeans without underwear. "I've been pretty horny thinking about us getting together." Again, a wave of anxiety washed over me. All my fears returned along with the guilt.

As he readied himself to leave the room, Nat reminded me, "The sheets."

"Leave them," I said. "I'll be back before Gordy arrives." I looked at the wet sheets and immediately had the fantasy of coming back, lying face down, smelling his spunk and masturbating. I covered the sheets with my blanket. Again, I shook my head regretting my thoughts.

It was about an hour and a half drive to Chicago. Nat said he was hungry, so we stopped for burgers before we got on the highway. We talked about what it was like for us growing up. Nat talked about Gordon and how, since he was the youngest, seemed to get lost in the crowd. Nat repeated the story about how he got Gordon laid for the first time `tagging' on a Saturday afternoon.

"I swear," he said, laughing, "none of us believed that he came. He jumped on her and fucked for all of about thirty seconds and then stood up. He had to show us his condom to prove he came. Even the girl didn't know he came." Nat laughed. "Fuck, I remember the first time I fucked a girl. I was fourteen. I put on a condom and started humping like a wild jack rabbit. Man, I was whooping and hollering. When I came, I thought the top of my head was going to explode." When he said that, my body filled with anxiety. I felt flush all over. He continued, " I didn't even pull out of her when I started fucking her again. I never lost my hard-on." More anxiety. "With the same condom on, I was fucking her a second time. She made me stop to put a new one on. She said it might break. Fuck, I fucked her four times that night."

Nat glanced at me. "Fuck, dude, I'm getting bonded. Are you?" He asked. I nodded. "How old were you when you first got laid?" he asked me.

I felt my stomach roiling. Anxiety kept pulsing through my body. Could I say I was a virgin, I wondered. "I was sixteen," I said.

"Really, so how did it happen? Tell me."

My mind raced. "Well, none of my girlfriends would let me fuck them."

"Why? Were you into the good girls?"

"No, it wasn't that, so much," I explained, feeling my stomach churning. "It was my dick." He looked at me. "They'd look at it hard and say, `no way'."

"Oh fuck," Nat said and laughed. "That's fuckin' funny."

"Yeah, my friend Eric kept saying that we were going to have to get Condi laid."

Nat glanced over at me and asked, "Who the fuck is Condi?"

I smiled, trying to find time to think of a good losing-my-virginity story. "Well, when he'd sleep over, we'd get naked and lay on my bed side by side. We'd talk about girls and watch our dicks get hard. We couldn't tough ourselves until our dicks were pointing straight up at us. His would be lying there and then it would just get hard and be pointing at him."

"How big is he?"

"Like yours, 7 inches. But mine would start to swell up and then move from hanging between my legs, to moving up along my leg. Then it would sit there, across my hip, and get bigger and then it would slowly move, it would be like pulsing as it moved up, until it was pointing up at me. He'd always laugh as he watched me get hard. One day he said it reminded him of a snake coming to life and then he called it an anaconda. He named my dick, `Anna Conda' and then gave it the name Condi."

"That funny. Like Condelessa Rice," Nat said, laughing. "So, what happened when you got laid for the first time?"

"A friend of Eric's said she'd love to climb on my dick. We picked her up and drove up into the hills near where I live. Eric said he should fuck her first to loosen her up," I explained, laughing. "Eric would fuck any chance he could. When he was done I put on a condom. She decided she wanted to start out with her on top of me. So, I lay down in the back of the car and she climbed on. Fuck that was one incredible fuck."

"Was Eric there?"

"Yeah, he was hanging over the front seat watching."

"Fuck, I love watching. I'm ready to fuck again, by the time the guy is finished," Nat said.

I nodded and said, "Yeah, that's the way we are. When I was done, Eric was ready to go again. When he was done, I went again. This time I was on top."

"How many times did you do her?"

"Only twice. We wanted to do more, but she said she was sore. I was ready to go again, so I had to jerk off." I was laying it on thick, but I figured that made it more believable.

"Fuck, dude, that's hot. I swear every guy should have a friend like that. That's the guy you jerk off with?" Nat asked.

"Yeah, since we were thirteen."

"But you guys never sucked each other?" Nat asked.

"No. You're the first," I answered.

Nat smiled. "Me and my buddy used to suck each other off. We started jerking off when we were thirteen and then when we were fifteen we were both on the high school football team and we made a bet. If only one of us made first string he'd get a blow job from the other. If we both made first string, then we'd blow each other. If we both didn't make first string then no one got a blow job." Nat smiled. "I made first string and he didn't."

James laughed. "Did you ever blow him?"

"Yeah. After he blew me, I told him if he blew me again, I'd blow him." James smiled. "We don't do it anymore. We're both married and he's just not into it, anymore."

"I guess you are still into it," I laughed. Nat nodded and smiled. "Lucky me," I said smiling. "So, if it's okay to ask, how did you come to be married?"

Nat looked at me and shrugged. "I met her my senior year. Actually, I knew her, but we never went out. She was one of the good girls. We started dating and then went to the prom. By the summer, we were fucking. I was starting community college in September. I wasn't so hot on the whole relationship thing, but she was. A couple of times the condom broke and I told her that she had to get on the pill or she'd get pregnant." I looked at him and nodded.

"Anyway, again the condom broke. I was thinking that was it for me. I was ready to move on, but I knew she was going to really get hurt. Most of the girls I fucked before her were girls I knew that were not into thinking about getting married. They just wanted to party. She was different."

I asked, "Were you going to end it with her?"

"Yeah, I think I probably would have, but she said she had an appointment to get the pill and then they told her she was pregnant."

We looked at each other. "She told her parents before she told me. They didn't even know she was screwing, if you can believe that. We go to the same church and her parents know my parents. They called my parents and told them and they told me."

I said, "Fuck!"

"Yeah. So, my dad told me that I had to seriously think about marrying her or he'd think very poorly of me and I'd be on my own."


"They'd throw me out for good. He said they'd be disgraced."

"Damn. I mean this is the twenty-first century," I said.

"Yeah, well, this is also Bible country. Anyway, I proposed. She said, yes. A month later we were married. I dropped out of college. I went to work for my dad's company and here I am."

I asked, "What exactly does he do?"

"Gordy hasn't told you?"

"He said your dad is into farm equipment."

Nat nodded, "He owns one of the largest farm equipment dealerships in the Midwest. You know, like trackers, reapers, things like that. He makes a small fortune."

"Yeah, I kind of guessed he did well, by the house you live in."

"So, I'm working my way up. I'm meeting with some lawyers in Chicago about setting up a trust for my son and making up a will and all that." I nodded.

We rode for a while without speaking. Nat said, "It's not that I don't love her. I mean, I do. She's a good mother and stuff and I guess wife in a way, but in the last two months, I've had more sex with you than I've had with her." He glanced at James. "And here is the scary part." I glanced at him. "It's the best sex I've had since before I married her."

Again, I felt my stomach churn as my face went flush. I was sure Nat could tell that I was blushing. "Yeah, it's the best sex I've had in a while, too."

Nat said, "Sometimes I think, most guys would rather have a great blow job than fuck."

"Yeah, maybe," I said.

"What's scary is that I'm guessing that most guys don't get into giving a blow job." He glanced at me. I stared straight ahead.

"I know I'm not gay," Nat said. I felt dizzy. "I've always thought I was straight and figured it was no big thing to have to give head to get it. But now," Nat hesitated, "I fuckin' thinking that I'm probably bisexual. Not that I've just become bi, but that before I just couldn't even think that I might be."

I felt frozen in my seat. I swallowed hard.

"Am I freaking you out?"

I glanced at him, and said, "No, no, not at all." Again, there was silence. I glanced at Nat again. "I guess it's scary to think that I might be bisexual, too," I admitted.

"Why?" Nat said, glancing at me. Silence, again. "I mean, you're not married."

"It makes things confusing. It's easier if guys grossed me out and only girls turned me on."

"Yeah, but it's obviously not like that." Again, a long silence. "You can have it both ways, and if you find a guy and things work out, then you can be with him, if you find a girl then you can be with her."

I looked at Nat, and said, nervously, "I don't think I could ever BE with a guy, like as a boyfriend or partner. I mean, I could be with a guy like you are being with me. You know, you're married and messing around. Do you think if you weren't married and you found a guy to BE with, you'd go home and say, `dad this is my boyfriend'?"

Nat sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Fuck, if I was going to get thrown out for not marrying my wife, I guess I'd get thrown out for having a boyfriend."

I said, "It just seems like you've got it made. You're married and you can mess around."

Nat looked at me. "I guess it seems that way to you, but it's not like I can just jump in the shower with a guy and start blowing him," Nat said and smiled. I laughed. "I wish my buddy was still into it. I told him after we were both married that we could be blow-job buddies."

"What did he say?"

"He said, `what the fuck, dude. Are you turning gay?" I again had that sick feeling in my stomach. He said, "I mean, I don't think I'm gay. I like fucking woman. But hot guys like you get me going, too. So, maybe I'm bi," Nat said and shrugged. "I mean, fuck, it sounds like I've had a lot of guys. I haven't, really."

"Yeah, you can't help it if hot guys like me turn you on," I said and laughed. Nat laughed, too. I said, "I think it would be cool to be married and have a guy like you to mess around with."

Nat smiled. "That would be funny. You're Gordy's roommate and you and I become blow job buddies. Not that that's the only reason we'd be friends. You're a cool guy. I'd be friends with you anyway. But it would be cool. You'd be married. I'd be married. And we could meet up. No one would ever suspect anything." I nodded. He added, "I could never be with a gay guy."

"Why's that?"

Nat looked at me and sighed. "If people found out that I was friends with a gay guy they might wonder what was up. Besides, I don't want some guy falling in love with me," he added and laughed. I nodded. "I guess I could let some gay guy suck me off. I mean, if he was hot. But I don't think I'd be turned on by a gay guy."

"Unless he was hot," I said and nodded.

Nat smiled, "Some of those gay guys are fuckin' hot, too."

I said, "I guess."

"Do you think my brother is gay?"

I looked at Nat with surprise. "Why would you think that?"

"I think I always thought he was. Has he sucked your dick yet?"

I swallowed hard. "No. He's got a girlfriend. He is always talking about fucking her."

"Has he?" Nat asked.

"Well, no, but he's trying. Besides, you said he was fucking in high school. You were there. You saw him."

"Fuck, a lot of gay guys fuck girls and then decided they'd rather be with a guy. I don't know, I've always thought he might be. It was just the way he'd act around me."

"What do you mean?"

"In our bathroom. He'd always cover himself up when I'd come in. I'd walk in naked to pee and take a shower and he'd get weird. He'd kind of try to glance down at my dick and make like he wasn't and he'd cover himself up. If he was in the shower and I'd get in, he'd get right out. I mean, fuck what was he so uptight about. If he wants to check out my dick, check it out. Don't make like you're not."

James sighed and wondered about whether to say anything or not. He shrugged. "Well, you saw him when he fucked that girl with you."

"No, actually, I didn't. He never took off his jockey shorts. I mean we were all naked, walking around with our hard dicks in the air, and he's got on underwear. While I'm fucking her, he puts on a condom and then he pulls up his underwear. I get off and I'm standing there with my dick waving in the air with this condom full of cum hanging off my dick and he lies down on top of her with his underwear on. He pulled down his jockeys and then starts fucking her with his underwear around his legs. I couldn't believe him. Then he stops and pulls up his underwear before he even stands up. Me and my friends are like, what's with this guy' and dude you didn't even cum'. He reaches into his jockeys and pulls out the condom and shows us. I was so fuckin' embarrassed that he is my brother."

I said, "You can't ever say anything about this."


"You swear?"


"Well, he told me that you were always better at stuff than him and that girls were always all over you and that you were fucking everyone." Nat glanced at me. I sighed. "I've seen him naked and well he's smaller than you. And what makes it worse is that he's hairier than you down there so it gets lost. And he told me that when you are hard you are a lot bigger than him."

Nat looked at me and said, "A lot bigger? I mean, I'm just average. Fuck, he told me how big you are so you must know how big he is."

"You're probably more than average. He thought he was about five inches, but he's more like six. But, maybe them he was five and you're seven inches. So, he probably thought that again you were better."

Nat looked at me and said, "So, that's no reason to be weird."

"We'll he just sees you as better and always getting a lot of attention and besides if he really does cum in thirty seconds and you're fucking like a rabbit he's probably feeling bad about that, too."

"I guess, but he always acted like that." We sat in silence. Nat smiled. "I guess I am pretty awesome. It must have been hard for him to fill my shoes," and laughed. "And to fill my jock."

I laughed. "You're bad."

"Damn, he's got to be feeling like shit with your ten inches."

"Nine," I said smiling. "Does my dick make you feel inferior?"

Nat laughed. "A little, but no one, even someone with ten inches can cum as many times as I can. So, I know I have you there."

I laughed. "Now that sounds like a challenge. And I don't typically lose these kinds of challenges. Believe me, any time Eric made these kinds of bets he went down in flames."

"What was your pay off?"

"A hand job," I admitted.

"He always lost?"

"For stuff like that, but he'd always win if we bet on athletic stuff," I admitted.

"No way, dude, you're pretty fuckin' athletic," he said touching my chest.

"Yeah, but he played high school football and he was pretty good."

He said, "I was our star quarter back. What position did he play?"

"Running back. He was fuckin' fast. I used to tell him that he ran so fast because he was a chicken shit and afraid to get caught by all those big guys."

Nat laughed. "Yeah, well, there is no way you're going to beat me on this." I just laughed and laughed hard.

Nat laughed. "You're on, big boy."

I said, "Bring on your best."

Nat laughed and said, "Fuck, you are too easy."

I looked at him quizzically, and then smiled and said, "I like being easy." We both nodded and laughed as we noticed the sign ahead that read, `Chicago 18 miles'. We looked at each other again and smiled. I said, "I'm all man, dude. I'm not even close to running on empty." Nat laughed. "You didn't really think you had to make this a challenge to spend the night messing around, did you?"

Nat laughed. He started speaking but then started laughing again. "You're as much of a dog as I am, aren't you?"

I laughed and said, "I don't know. Sucking dick is new to me, but cumming isn't and I love to cum." We smiled at each other. "Besides, I'm eighteen and I'm at my sexual peak." I looked at him. He was smiling. "How old are you?"

Nat looked at me and said, "Twenty."

I nodded and said, "Past your peak," and laughed.

He laughed and said, "Fuck, now I think I'm being challenged." I shrugged. He smiled. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach. I had this desire to kiss him. My dick started getting hard.

Neither of us said a word for a while. Nat reached over and ran his fingers over my crotch. I moved his fingers to my hard-on. He squeezed it hard. He took my hand and pressed it into his crotch. He was hard.

The sign read, "Chicago 10 miles."

I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and moved his dick so that I could play with the head of his erection. He sat and smiled. I sat back, unzipped my jeans and pulled my dick upward. He moved his hand and began running his fingers over the head and shaft of my dick. I pulled my jeans further down and held my dick away from my body. He glanced over at it and said, "Fuck, that thing is a fuckin' anaconda," and laughed.

"And it spits a lot and far, so you'd better beware."

We both laughed as I tried to get Condi back into its cage.

By the time we got to the downtown Hilton Hotel, we were both ready to go.

You can email me at Storyman1019@aol.com

Next: Chapter 7

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